John Florio

Verse and Prose

Giardino di recreatione

First published in Second Fruits (London, 1591).

*FloJ 1

Autograph MS of the complete work, with a title-page.

In: Autograph MS of John Florio's Giardino di recreatione, including related poems in Italian and Latin by Florio and others in different hands, one (f. 12v) in the hand of the playwright Matthew Gwinne (1558-1627), and (ff. 6r-10r) Florio's dedication to Sir Edward Dyer dated 12 November 1582, 145 octavo leaves, in modern half blue morocco. 1582.

Once owned by Katherine Philips, the Matchless Orinda (see PsK 589.5) from whom the MS passed to her sister-in-law M. Philips, who presented it to Phineas Fowke (1639-1710), physician. Inscribed (f. 3r) Ex dono Gul: Oldys / Isaac Hard: i.e. given by William Oldys (1696-1761), Norroy King of Arms, antiquary, to Sir Isaac Heard (1730-1822), Clarenceux King of Arms (and with his bookplate). Then owned by Benjamin Heywood Bright (1830-84), merchant and author. Sotheby's, 18 June 1844 (Bright sale), lot 98. Inscribed (ff. 1r-2r) by the Rev. Joseph Hunter (1783-1861), antiquary, on 13 September 1858.

This MS recorded in Yates.

James I, Basilicon Doron


*FloJ 2
Autograph translation into Italian of the 1603 edition of King James's treatise, without the preface, on 68 quarto leaves, bound with an independent Italian tract (Royal MS 14 A. IV).

Possibly a MS presented to James I.


This MS recorded in Yates, pp. 248, 345.

Florios Second frutes

First published in London, 1591.

FloJ 3
Copy of 59 proverbs taken from Chapter VI, in a secretary hand, headed Wise Politique Italian Admonicons & Counsells, on a single folded vellum leaf. c.1595.

Sotheby's, 29 October 1975, lot 148. Quaritch's sale catalogue No. 938 (1974), item 35.

Montaigne's Essays

First published in London, 1603.

FloJ 3.5

Extracts from Lib 1. Cap. i.2.2.

In: A folio commonplace book of extracts, formally written in at least three secretary and italic hands, 70 leaves (including blanks), in modern vellum. Early 17th century.
FloJ 3.7


In: A quarto commonplace book of extracts, with a tipped-in insert, written from both ends, 171 leaves, in contemporary calf with green ties.

Compiled by William Drake, MP (1606-69), of Shardeloes, near Amersham, Buckinghamshire.

c.Mid-late 1630s.

Later in the library of Charles Kay Ogden (1889-1957), psychologist, linguist, and book collector.

Drake's commonplace books discussed in Stuart Clark, Wisdom Literature of the Seventeenth Century: A Guide to the Contents of the Bacon-Tottel Commonplace Books, Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society, 6, Part 5 (1976), 291-305; 7, Part 1 (1977), 46-73, and in Kevin Sharpe, Reading Revolutions (New Haven & London, 2000).

FloJ 3.8


In: Miscellany. 17th century.
To the right Honorable Sr. Thomas Egerton, knight Lord keeper of the greate seale of England
('Cato in yeares learn't Greeke, for Romanes weare')

By Matthew Gwinne. Lines 1-10 edited in James Wardrop, The Script of Humanism (Oxford, 1963), p. 49.

See FloJ 1.

A worlde of Wordes

First published in London, 1598.

FloJ 4
A series of extracts relating to astronomical and astrological terms, in a mixed hand, twelve duodecimo leaves, unbound. Mid-17th century.

Acquired in 1922.

Books Inscribed by Florio

Florio, John. A Worlde of Wordes (London, 1598)
*FloJ 5
Florio's presentation exemplum, inscribed in his hand with a sonnet subscribed Il Candido: i.e. his friend Matthew Gwinne (1558-1627), physician and playwright, To the right Honorable Sr. Thomas Egerton, knight Lord keeper of the greate seale of England (beginning Cato in yeares learn't Greeke, for Romanes weare). c.1598.

Sotheby's, 19 March 1951 (Bridgewater Library sale), lot 135, to Rosenbach, with a facsimile of the complete poem in the sale catalogue. Sotheby's, 8 November 1965, lot 122, also with a facsimile in the sale catalogue. Zeitlin and Ver Brugge, Los Angeles, sale catalogue No. 246 (Autumn, 1978).

Discussed in correspondence by Bent Juel-Jensen and John Kerr in TLS, 23 December 1965, p. 1204, and 20 January 1966, p. 43.

Florios Second Frutes (London, 1591)
*FloJ 6
Florio's presentation exemplum, inscribed by him to Sir Thomas Egerton. c.1590s.

Sotheby's, 19 March 1951 (Bridgewater Library sale), lot 134, to Pickering, with a facsimile of the inscription in the sale catalogue.


*FloJ 7

Autograph letter signed by Florio, probably to Sir Robert Cotton, 11 March 1600[/1].

In: A folio composite volume of letters, chiefly to Robert Cotton, in various hands.

Edited in Yates, pp. 218-19. Facsimile example in Greg, English Literary Autographs, plate LXXVIII(d).

*FloJ 8
Autograph letter signed by Florio, to Sir Francis Windebank, 9 December 1619. 1619.

Edited in Yates, pp. 293-4.

*FloJ 9
An autograph letter signed by Florio, to Lord Cranfield, received 11 November 1621. 1621.

Formerly Cranfield Papers 2323.

Edited in Yates, pp. 296-7.

*FloJ 10
Autograph letter signed by Florio, to Lord Cranfield, 1623. 1623.

Formerly Cranfield Papers 985.

Edited in Yates, pp. 299-300.