William Alabaster
Lancelot Andrewes, Bishop of Chichester, Ely, and Winchester
Dorothy Arundell
Roger Ascham
Anne Askew
Mary Astell
Katherine Austen
Francis Bacon, Baron Verulam, Viscount St Albans
John Bale, Bishop of Ossory
Alexander Barclay
Jane Barker
Richard Barnfield
Ann Bathurst
Agnes Beaumont
Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher: Dramatic Works in the Beaumont and Fletcher Canon
Francis Beaumont
Sir John Beaumont
Aphra Behn
Frances Boothby
Anne Bradstreet
Nicholas Breton
Sir Thomas Browne
William Browne of Tavistock
John Bunyan
Robert Burton
Elizabeth Bury
Samuel Butler
Dorothy Calthorpe
William Camden
Thomas Campion
Thomas Carew
Mary, Lady Carey
William Cartwright
Elizabeth Cary, Viscountess Falkland
George Cavendish
Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle
Susannah Centlivre
John Chalkhill
George Chapman
Jane Cheyne and Elizabeth Egerton
Lady Mary Chudleigh
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon
John Cleveland
Lady Anne Clifford
William Congreve
Henry Constable
Richard Corbett, Bishop of Oxford and Norwich
Charles Cotton
Sir Robert Cotton
Abraham Cowley
Richard Crashaw
Samuel Daniel
Sir William Davenant
Sir John Davies
Thomas Dekker
Lady Elizabeth Delaval
Thomas Deloney
Sir John Denham
Alexander Dicsone
John Donne
Charles Sackville, Lord Buckhurst, Fourth Earl of Middlesex, Sixth Earl of Dorset
Gavin Douglas
Anne Dowriche
Michael Drayton
William Drummond of Hawthornden
John Dryden
William Dunbar
Sir Edward Dyer
John Earle, Bishop of Worcester and Salisbury
Sarah Egerton
Elizabeth I
Sir Thomas Elyot
Robert Devereux, second Earl of Essex
Sir George Etherege
John Evelyn
Mary Fage
Edward Fairfax
Ann, Lady Fanshawe
George Farquhar
Owen Felltham
Giles Fletcher the Younger
John Fletcher
Phineas Fletcher
John Florio
John Ford
John Foxe
Abraham Fraunce
Elizabeth Freke
Thomas Fuller
George Gascoigne
Grace, Lady Gethin
Charles Gildon
Thomas Goffe
Sir Arthur Gorges
John Grange
Robert Greene
Fulke Greville Lord Brooke
William Habington
George Savile, First Marquess of Halifax
Anne, Lady Halkett
Joseph Hall, Bishop of Exeter and Norwich
Sir John Harington
James Harrington
Gabriel Harvey
Stephen Hawes
Alice Hayes
Robert Henryson
Edward, Lord Herbert of Cherbury
George Herbert
Robert Herrick
John Heywood
Thomas Heywood
Thomas Hobbes
Margaret, Lady Hoby
Richard Hooker
John Hoskyns
Henry Howard, Earl of Northampton
Sir Francis Hubert
Anna Hume
Lucy Hutchinson
Esther Inglis
Elizabeth Isham
Joyce Jefferies
Rachel Jevon
Sarah Jinner
Elizabeth Jocelin
Ben Jonson
Anne Killigrew
Sir William Killigrew
Thomas Killigrew
Henry King, Bishop of Chichester
Thomas Kyd
Emilia Lanier
Nathaniel Lee
Dorothy Leigh
John Leland
Sir David Lindsay
Thomas Lodge
Mary Love
Richard Lovelace
John Lyly
Bathsua Makin
Sir Thomas Malory
Delarivier Manley
Christopher Marlowe
John Marston
Dorcas, Lady Martin
Andrew Marvell
Philip Massinger
Jasper Mayne
Elizabeth Melville, Lady Culross
Thomas Middleton
Grace, Lady Mildmay
John Milton
Mary Mollineux
Mary Monck
Henry More
Sir Thomas More
George Morley
Martha Moulsworth
Constantia Munda
Thomas Nashe
Sir Robert Naunton
Frances Neville, Lady Bergavenny
Roger Boyle, first Earl of Orrery
Thomas Otway
Sir Thomas Overbury
Edward de Vere, seventeenth Earl of Oxford
Mary Oxlie
Julia Palmer
George Peele
Mary Herbert, Countess of Pembroke
William Herbert, Earl of Pembroke
Samuel Pepys
Katherine Philips ()
Mary Pix
Walton Poole
Lady Hesther Pulter
George Puttenham
Sir Walter Ralegh
Thomas Randolph
Elizabeth Richardson (Ashburnham)
John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester
Katherine Ross
Sir Benjamin Rudyerd
Thomas Sackville, Earl of Dorset
George Sandys
Sir Charles Sedley
Thomas Shadwell
William Shakespeare
James Shirley
Robert Sidney
Sir Philip Sidney
John Skelton
Thomas Southerne
Anne, Lady Southwell
St Robert Southwell, S.J.
Ester Sowernam
Rachel Speght
Edmund Spenser
William Strode
Sir John Suckling
Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey
Anne Sutcliffe
Jeremy Taylor, Bishop of Down and Connor, and Dromore
Gertrude Thimelby
Alice Thornton
Chidiock Tichborne
William Tindale
Cyril Tourneur
Aurelian Townshend
Thomas Traherne
Anne, Lady Twysden
Nicholas Udall
Sir Thomas Urquhart
Sir John Vanbrugh
Henry Vaughan the Silurist
Marion Veitch
Anne Venn
Elizabeth Walker
Edmund Waller
Octavia Walsh
Izaak Walton
John Webster
Elizabeth Jane Weston
Anne Wharton
Anne Wheathill
Isabella Whitney
Elizabeth Wilkinson
Cassandra Willoughby, Duchess of Chandos
Thomas Wilson
George Wither
Sir Henry Wotton
Lady Mary Wroth
Sir Thomas Wyatt
William Wycherley