Paul Elmen,
Elizabeth H. Hageman,
Elizabeth H. Hageman and Andrea Sununu, Matchless Orinda
Catherine Cole Mambretti, Fugitive Papers
: A New Orinda Poem and Problems in Her Canon
Catherine Cole Mambretti,
Philip Webster Souers,
Patrick H.B. Thomas,
Patrick Thomas, Orinda
)Writers of Wales
, University of Wales Press, 1988).
Katherine Philips (Orinda
Apart from her status as an early
woman writer, Katherine Philips (née Fowler) — Orinda
, as she poetically called herself, the matchless Orinda
and Queen of Poets
as contemporary eulogists called her — will probably remain of chief interest as a cultural phenomenon on account of the society of friendship she established, a society supported essentially by the select distribution of her poems in manuscript form. Katherine Philips is also among the rarer poets of her age to have left a substantial body of works in her own hand. Although known since 1905, the Tutin Manuscript in the National Library of Wales — Philips's autograph collection of over fifty-five of her poems made in the late 1650s (Lucasia
) were recorded in 1977 by Ronald Lockley, and more extensively discussed by Claudia Limbert in 1986 (*
In addition, examples of Philips's handwriting can now be found in a manuscript copy of her play
Nothing is known of the fate of Orinda's other private papers — which included, according to John Aubrey, a table-booke
in which she copied verses in innes, or mottos in windowes
; nor of the fate of those excellent discourses she writ on several subjects
mentioned by the editor of the 1667 edition of her familiar letters
, written, according to her editor, in her very fair hand, and perfect Orthography
Of her no doubt prolific outpouring of letters to her friends, the texts of some 56 letters by her are known at present, all but seven written to her great friend and confidant Sir Charles Cottrell (or Cotterell
, as the name was often spelled by others), Orinda's Poliarchus
. What may well have been the principal correspondence of her life, written at the height of her accomplishments, is reflected in the collection
Four further letters supposedly by Orinda, to the Honourable Berenice
(almost certainly the Earl of Ancram's daughter, Lady Elizabeth Ker), written between 25 June [1658?] and probably no later than 1659 (although the last was allegedly written but a Month before Orinda died
[i.e. c.May 1664]), were published, almost certainly also in edited versions, in Tom Brown's compilation
Otherwise, two further original autograph letters by Orinda, to Dorothy Temple (née Osborn) and Sir Edward Dering (her Silvander
) have come to light (*Parthenia
Six of Sir Edward Dering's own letters to Katherine Philips, dating from 5 September 1662 to February 1663[/4], are copied in Dering's autograph letterbook (Part I, Nos 1, 3, 4, 11, 12, and 28) now preserved at the University of Cincinnati (DA 447f. D4 A3 R.B. (It is Phillipps MS 14392)). This manuscript, which is cited in Thomas (passim), contains the only known trace of the other side of any part of Orinda's prolific correspondence. In several other of the ninety-six letters written in this letterbook Dering refers to Orinda as if familiar to his correspondents — most notably in a letter of 2 July 1664 (No. 37), to Lady Roscommon (Amestris
), eloquently lamenting the effect upon him of Orinda's death. Another to Lady Roscommon on 26 September 1664 (No. 41), mentions his preservation of her letters to Orinda (and it looks as if Lady Roscommon had asked him to destroy them). Yet another, to Lady Dungannon (Lucasia
), dated 7 February 1664[/5] (No. 47), pays a great tribute to Orinda's noble societie
(see further below).
Orinda's autograph remains are significantly supplemented by a few contemporary manuscript collections of her poems, as well as by some separate copies of single poems, transcribed largely (though not exclusively) within her immediate circle or else in the fashionable and courtly monde which impinged upon it. One such copy — of her very last poem, July [rather than June] 10. 1664
: those fugitive Papers that have escap'd my hands
, most of the originals of which she claims to have lost and which, she says, she would long since have liked to recover or else to have made a sacrifice of them all
, since they were written only for my own amusement in a retir'd life
For convenient reference, the principal surviving manuscript collections of Katherine Philips's literary works (which are described more fully in the entries in
Tutin MS
: *PsK Δ 1). Includes 55 poems by Philips.
Rosania MS
: PsK Δ 2). Includes 96 poems by Philips and her two plays.
Cardiff MS
: PsK Δ 3). Includes 14 poems by Philips.
Dering MS
: PsK Δ 4). Includes 74 poems by Philips.
Clarke MS
: PsK Δ 5). Includes 73 poems by Philips.
Rawlinson MS
: PsK Δ 6). Includes 21 poems by Philips.
Rawlinson MS II
: PsK Δ 7). Includes 15 poems by Philips.
Dunton MS
: PsK Δ 8). Includes 11 poems by Philips.
Folger MS
: PsK Δ 9). Includes 122 poems by Philips and her two plays.
Trevor MS
: PsK Δ 10). Includes 18 poems by Philips.
In view of these sources, an editorial consideration for Orinda's collected poems is the order in which they should be arranged. It is generally accepted that the arrangement of her poems in the 1667 edition is essentially that made by her posthumous and anonymous editor. The propriety of this ordering has been questioned and an interesting rearrangement, which would enhance certain groupings and stress less stereotyped aspects of Philips's work, proposed by Ellen Moody (in
The exact nature of Katherine Philips's society of friends
(apparently symbolized by two intermixed burning hearts) — as well as the period in which it flourished (it is questionably assumed by the editors of died out
by 1661) — are subjects of continuing interpretation and conjecture. Still using their literary soubriquets, Sir Edward Dering nostalgically recalled some months after her death (in his letter to Lucasia
on 7 February 1664[/5]) that Orinda conceived the most generous designe, that in my opinion ever entred into any breast, which was to unite all those of her acquaintance, which she found worthy, or desired to make so … into one societie, and by the bands of friendship to make an alliance more firme then what nature, our countrey or equall education can produce …
(Dering's letterbook, at the University of Cincinnati, Part I, letter No. 47, quoted in Thomas, I, 11). Lucy Brashear, on the other hand, has argued (in Matchless Orinda
was a disparate group of people Philips cultivated to a large extent as a sympathetic audience and as a means of gaining literary recognition, her professed horror of publication only a face-saving strategy. Elizabeth Hageman (1987, pp. 571-2) has likewise wondered whether the society
was much more than a loose network of polite friends in view of the fact that, in his letter cited, Dering was in effect explaining the matter to Lucasia
as if she did not know what the society
was already (though his account might, of course, be construed as a formal recapitulation and tribute rather than explanation). The sense of isolation, almost desperation, which occasionally manifests itself in Orinda's letters to Cottrell — when she felt exiled from the great world at large — at once explains why literary communication was so important to her, but also, perhaps, why much of her society
may have been a matter of her own imagination. It is, in any case, questionable how exclusive the society
was, and a later caricature by Mrs Manley indicates that Philips rendered herself susceptible to ridicule by her willingness to send out large numbers of copies of her poems to all and sundry (see Thomas, I, 30). If the dramas, tensions and relationships implicit in the poems themselves are taken at face value, Philips's society
would appear, for the most part, to have been analogous to a Royal Court, complete with changing favourites and renegades, with Orinda herself presiding firmly at the centre as the ruling sovereign.
Even the precise identity of the members of her society
is not entirely clear. She commonly bestowed upon them pseudonyms or soubriquets taken from plays and romances. From references in poems and letters, at least some of them can be identified; others can be guessed at, while pseudonyms of yet other definite members of her circle remain unrecorded. For evidence of those identifications currently recognized, see discussions in Souers, passim; in Mambretti's 1979 dissertation, pp. v-viii; in Thomas, passim; in Patrick Thomas, The Matchless Orinda's
Missing Sister: Mrs. C.P.Mrs. C.P.
, and Polexr
The Unison of Well-Tun'd Hearts
: Katherine Philips' Friendships with Male Writers
A list of those pseudonyms used by Philips may be listed for convenient reference:
Amaranta = ?
Amestris = Frances Courtenay (née Boyle), Lady Roscommon (d.1673).
Antenor = James Philips (d.1674), Katherine Philips's husband [formerly identified as the elderly man who lived from 1594 to 1675, but this now seems unlikely].
Ardelia = ?
Argalus = ?
Artaban = ? [someone leaving Dublin for England c.October 1662].
Berenice = probably Lady Elizabeth Ker.
Calanthe = Lucasia = Anne Owen (née Lewis), afterwards Lady Dungannon (1633-92), second wife of Memnon
Cassandra = Cecily Philips (Mrs John Lloyd), Katherine Philips's sister-in-law.
Celimena = Lady Elizabeth Boyle, afterwards Lady Thanet (1636/7-1725).
Charistus = John Owen (1633-55), first husband of Lucasia
Cimena = Mary Carne.
Cratander = Sir John Berkenhead (1617-89).
Juliana = ?
Lucasia = Calanthe = Anne Owen (née Lewis), afterwards Lady Dungannon (1633-92), second wife of Memnon
Memnon = Colonel Marcus Trevor (1618-70), Baron Trevor of Rose Trevor and first Viscount Dungannon, second husband of Lucasia
Musidorus = ? James Tyrrell (1642-1718).
Orinda = Katherine Philips.
Palamon = Jeremy Taylor.
Palæmon or Palemon = Francis Finch (d.1660), of the Inner Temple.
Parthenia = ? just possibly Mary Harvey, Lady Dering (1629-1704), but also applied at one time to a Lady Fletcher.
Pastora = ?
Philaster = Colonel John Jeffries (d.1688) [not to be confused with J.J.
, J. Jones, Orinda's libeller].
Philoclea = Mallet Stedman (née Margaret Owen), later wife of Hector Philips, Katherine Philips's brother-in-law.
Polexander = ? just possibly Sir William Temple (1628-99).
Poliarchus = Sir Charles Cottrell (1615-1702).
Polycrite = Mary Butler (1646-1710), Lady Cavendish.
Regina = Regina Collyer, wife of John Collyer, merchant, servant and cozen
of Orinda's father.
Rosania = Mary Aubrey (1631-1700), wife of William Montagu.
Silvander = Sir Edward Dering, second Baronet (1625-84).
Thyrsis = possibly a soubriquet commonly applied to the composer Henry Lawes (1596-1662).
Valeria = Lady Anne Boyle, later Lady Hinchingbrooke, sister of Celimena
Other members of Orinda's inner circle would certainly have included such friends as Anne Barlow. Moreover, her literary circle of correspondents, if not society
, appears to have extended to figures such as Abraham Cowley, Wentworth Dillon, Earl of Roscommon, Roger Boyle, Earl of Orrery, John Davies of Kidwelly, Thomas Flatman, Dorothy Temple (née Osborne), the mysterious Philo-Philippa
, Sir Peter Pett, Dr Wedderburn, and even perhaps Henry Vaughan, Edmund Waller, John Dryden and Jeremy Taylor.
For all its lacunæ, hers is, nevertheless, one of the best documented centres of manuscript circulation in the seventeenth century. It was a literary community of sorts whose measure of cohesion depended upon such activity. Various of Philips's poems and letters infer the specialness of the very act of writing and sending copies of those poems to members of their coterie, and, on occasions, they lament the consequences of papers
falling into the wrong hands. Particular scribes are sometimes specified (such as that so slow a Transcriber
, who, before 11 December 1662, delivered a manuscript of two acts of the rest of the Play being written in his hand
), and their circle is even occasionally reminiscent of that of Henry King earlier in being a centre for the distribution of manuscript texts by others. She reports on 12 April 1662, for instance, having lost a Book
in which she had copied two songs Cottrell gave her, and on 20 August 1662 mentions sending Cottrell some Translations from Virgil by Mr. Cowley
(? his copy'd
by Philaster
Ostensibly, at any rate, Philips's poems were written for limited and controlled circulation and not intended for publication. I never writ any line in my life with an intention to have it printed
, she claimed. Her anonymous editor in 1667 supported her stance at face value, stressing how averse she was to be in print
(fugitive Papers
which had escaped to wider circulation (for some infernal Spirits or other have catch'd those Rags of Paper, and what the careless blotted Writing kept them from understanding, they have supply'd by Conjecture, till they have at length put them into the Shape wherein you saw them, or else I know not which way 'tis possible for them to have been collected, and so abominably printed as I hear they are …
). Although Cottrell and his friends did indeed manage to suppress the 1664 edition (see Thomas, I, 19-20) — not, however, before many of the books were privatley sold
corrupt — as full of falseness … very ridiculous and extravagant
It is interesting here to note also Philips's reference in a letter of 15 April 1663 to another earlier unauthorized printing of one poem, when she speculates that without supervision her play will be as false printed as was my Copy of Verses to the Queen
The canon of Philips's surviving works was largely established by the posthumous 1667 edition of her literary executor
, responsible for this edition, was Sir Charles Cottrell (see, for instance, Souers, pp. 174-5, where Cottrell is taken to task for failing
his friend by letting corrupt readings go through unchanged). While Cottrell may conceivably have had a hand in it, there is no evidence of his participation apart from the inclusion in the Preface of one of Orinda's letters to him (as noted above) and what might perhaps be construed as Philips's hint to Cottrell, on 29 January 1663/4, that a true Copy
of her poems was needed to replace the 1664 piracy. (See also Thomas, II, 193, 208-10 for arguments against the likelihood of Cottrell's editorship.) Indeed the only other concrete indication we have of who might have undertaken such an edition lies in the address to Rosania
(Mary Aubrey) in the Rosania Manuscript, where Polexander
tries to persuade her that an Edition, now, would gratify her admirers
(the textually variant and perhaps edited
Rosania Manuscript itself, however, was not the basis for the 1667 edition). Whoever the eventual editor in 1667 was, he or she allegedly tried to make this Collection as full and as perfect as might be
. Nevertheless, the editor admitted that there might well be other poems by Orinda which had escaped (though some of her Pieces may perhaps be lost, and others in hands that have not produc'd them; yet none that upon good grounds could be known to be hers, are left out
In 1951 Elmen added to the canon, from the apparently unique text in the autograph Tutin Manuscript, her A marryd state
poem from some other text, it is equally possible that the shorter poem was itself an adaptation of the anonymous longer poem and may even have had an independent circulation, and — in a manner hardly unusual in this period — was simply copied out by the youthful Katherine Philips for her own purposes without her actually being the author. These texts are discussed, and edited, in Claudia A. Limbert and John H. O'Neill,
Again, in 1977 the anthology Orinda
in an apparently unique contemporary copy now in the Huntington (sentiment and mood
and poor quality
, leads Thomas and Greer cautiously to relegate this poem to the category of Doubtful Poems
(I, 254-6, 319). It might be added that poems were not readily ascribed to Orinda in contemporary sources without good reason. On the other hand, from comments in her poem in the persona of Orinda
. The sentiments of the doubtful
poem, advocating open friendship between Rosania and Lucasia, bear interesting comparison with those extolling the perfections
of that illustrious paire
found in Dering's letter of 3 January 1662[/3] (University of Cincinnati, DA 447f. D4 A3 R.B., Part I, letter No. 4).
In 1977 also Mambretti added to the canon a characteristic public
poem, Mrs Philips
(sandwiched, moreover, between two other poems on the same occasion certainly by her) in a miscellany once owned by John Locke, a literary figure not himself known to have been a member of Philips's circle but who was certainly acquainted with persons who were (such as his friend James Tyrrell). At the same time Mambretti printed (as she thought, for the first time) a Lady
. The apparently unique surviving exemplum of this publication (printed by the King's Printer John Crooke for Samuel Dancer) — one not until recently known to Philips's editors — is in the Folger (C6681.5). The miscellany also includes Philips's a Miscellaneous Collection of Poems, printed here; among which, to fill up the Number of his Sheets, and as a Foil to the others, the Printer has thought fit, tho' without my Consent or Privity, to publish two or three Poems of mine, that had been stolen from me
, and she sent an exemplum of it to Cottrell (
In his unpublished dissertation in 1982 (and subsequently in his edition of 1990) Thomas was able to add to the canon three early poems by Philips which he discovered in the Cardiff Manuscript: namely,
Two poems ascribed to Domina Phillips agro Pembrokiae
occur on a single folio leaf in a composite volume of chiefly printed ballads once owned by Sir Charles Firth (1857-1936), a collection now in the Doubtful Poems
(I, 256-7, poems 132-3), they were rejected by Mambretti in 1977 (pp. 450-1) on stylistic grounds. Mambretti's assumptions, at least in regard to the first of these two poems, were questioned, in an elaborate exposition of editorial theorising, by Gerald M. MacLean in Domina Phillips agro Pembrokiae
might possibly be read as Mistress Philips of Pembrokeshire
(although Orinda actually lived in the more northern county of Cardiganshire), but is much more likely to mean Lady Phillips
, in which case the ascription would better fit Orinda's stepsister-in-law, Katherine, Lady Philipps: i.e. Katherine (or Catharine) Darcy (1640/1-1713), second wife of Sir Erasmus Philipps, Bt. (c.1623-97), of Picton, Pembrokeshire. It was she who, incidentally, was the K Philippes
who wrote to Mrs Evelyn on 17 August 1700, a letter endorsed From my lady Philips
, one which William Upcott later evidently believed to be by Orinda (K Philips
, both addressed to her husband and endorsed from the Lady Cath: Philipps
, are to be found among her family muniments in the National Library of Wales (Picton Castle 1491 and 1597). It is this Lady Philipps whom Lucy Brashear discusses in The Matchless Orinda's
Missing Sister: Mrs. C.P.dear Sister Mrs. C.P.
) on whose marriage Orinda wrote an epithalamium (Cassandra
can be identified as Orinda's sister-in-law Cecily (or Cicely) Philips, who married John Lloyd of Kilrhewy on 31 October 1653. (See also on this subject C.A. Limbert, Mrs. C.P.
, and Polexr:
One other poem possibly by Philips is now added to the canon, with all the usual caveats. A translation beginning ye fam'd Orinda
in one manuscript (
Of the two plays written — or rather translated — by Orinda, one, By some Accident or other my Scene of Pompey fell into his Hands
(There are
, she writes, tho' much against my Will, more Copies of it abroad than I could have imagin'd; but the Dutchess of Ormond would not be refus'd one, and she and Philaster have permitted several Persons to take copies from theirs
(I am not a little troubled that Artaban has yet brought you but two Acts; for at this rate when is it likely to be presented to the Dutchess? … Had I suspected that he would have been so slow a Transcriber, I would have sent you an intire Copy from hence, well enough scribbled over for you to correct; and then you might have gotten it fairly written for her Highness
(For in spight of all I could do to prevent it, so many Copies are already abroad, that the particular Respect intended to the Dutchess, will be lost by a little Delay
left for England. This manuscript was itself marred and disqualified from serving that purpose because her scribe neglected to employ ink containing sufficient soot, so that the writing had, probably from the start, a rather faded look. Since Artaban
is the only person known to have produced a complete copy of the play under Philips's own supervision (see well enough scribbled over
In addition, manuscript copies of Roscommon's Prologue (… to incurage Mr ogelby, & his comedyans I am this verie day Giueing a play to the kings whole Companie, the Prolouge & Epylouge shall come to you by the Next …
). These manuscripts are now among the State Papers for Ireland in the National Archives, Kew (SP 63/313/382-383 and [the letter] 295). It is not known what happened to the copy of the complete play which Cottrell finally managed to present to the Duchess of York by 10 January 1662/3 (
The text of Philips's other play, her unfinished
An account of this court performance, with facsimiles of the cast lists, prologues and epilogues noted above, is given in Peter Beal's chapter The virtuous Mrs Philips
and that whore Castlemaine
: Orinda and her Apotheosis, 1664-1668'
Apart from those items already mentioned, the literary remains of Philips's principal friends offer few materials directly relating to her. The library of Sir Charles Cottrell (Poliarchus
) was dispersed at auction by Edmund Curll on 8 January 1710/11 (an exemplum of the catalogue, Cowley and Mrs. Phllips's Poems … 1669
). The small handful of manuscripts offered in this sale included Manuscripts in Quarto
) and Manuscripts in Octavo
); but no details of contents are given. A substantial correspondence by Cottrell, as well as other members of his family, is present among the papers of Sir William Trumbull (1639-1716), which were offered at Sotheby's on 14 December 1989 (lot 63) and are now in the
The library and papers of Philips's noble Silvander
, Sir Edward Dering, were principally sold by auction at Puttick & Simpson's on 8 June 1858. Both they and such papers as remained in the hands of various scattered branches of the Dering family following the sale of Surrenden-Dering in 1928 are now widely dispersed. Notable repositories of Dering manuscripts include the Centre for Kentish Studies, Maidstone (various purchases and deposits); the British Library; the Parliamentary Archives; the Folger Shakespeare Library; the Huntington Library; Massachusetts Historical Society, and (at least until recently) the private collection of Philip H. Blake. Two of Dering's journals of the 1670s were sold at Sotheby's on 21 July 1992, lots 208-9, to Maggs. A few of Dering's journals have been edited in 1664: June 22: Wednesday: my very deare friend Mrs Katharine Phillips a woman of excelling worth & Vertues & of a prodigious wit, fruitfull in many incomparable poems, departed this life, to the uniuersall losse of this nation, at London of the small pox
Souers records (p. 91) a note by John Pavin Phillips of Haverfordwest (Matchless Orinda
and her Descendants
Poems on, or relating to, Orinda by other writers, as well as possible imitations of her work, including a number of unpublished items, abound in both printed and manuscript sources, and bear clear witness to her reputation both before, and for years after, her death. Examples (not given entries here) range from laudatory tributes (by Cowley, for instance) to vitriolic attacks on her (such as John Taylor's truculent satire printed in Beal,
Another substantial undertaking would be to trace and record all extant exempla of seventeenth-century editions of Orinda's
John Aubrey's autograph brief life
of Katherine Philips is in the