There are no known autograph manuscripts of any of Etherege's literary works; nor could any other surviving manuscripts of his works claim authority except, perhaps, for the racy verse epistles he sent to the Earl of Middleton in 1686 which are preserved, among other copies, in texts written by his secretary, Hugo Hughes (see
Etherege's letters form, as Bracher notes, the only considerable [extant] body of personal correspondence by a Restoration dramatist, courtier and wit
and provide a vivid and authentic self-portrait of a writer on the fringes of the Restoration court
. Indeed they provide, as Brett-Smith notes (I, xxxii-xxxiii), a more substantial source of biographical information than is available for any other poet or dramatist of the century
. The texts of over four hundred of his letters survive. All except one early dispatch, written from Turkey in 1670 (*
Besides the letters given entries below (1689
[but really earlier], printed in Buckingham, his Friend in London
, from Ratisbon, 23 August 1688, printed in
In addition, certain of Etherege's official
diplomatic letterbooks, or copies of them, are preserved (
When Etherege departed from Ratisbon early in 1689, he left a quantity of his books and papers to the Scottish Benedictine Monastery of St James in Ratisbon, the Abbot of which, Placid Fleming (1642-1720), he had befriended. Investigating in 1965 the fate of this deposit, Bracher was informed that some of Etherege's books were preserved but that his papers had long been destroyed (p. xx). The papers were evidently still in existence in 1795, when an extract from one of them (by Mr. Wigmore, Under Secretary of State
[actually Owen Wynne], about the death of Nell Gwynne) was printed in a valuable collection of documents, comprising a secret correspondence with the Stuarts for nearly a century, was accidentally burnt a very few years ago at Strahlfeldt, the country house of the Scottish Benedictines
. In a letter to Bishop James Kyle written by James McHattie from Regensburg, 18 March 1832, it is reported that the papers destroyed included all James VII [i.e. James II of England's] correspondence with Etheridge, his ambassador…and most of the correspondence of Abbot Fleming
(Bracher, p. xx).
These reports prove, in fact, to be untrue. A substantial cache of Etherege's papers was discovered in 1986 by Peter Beal to be still preserved at Regensburg, essentially where it was originally. What was once the Scottish Benedictine Monastery (Schottenkloster
) in Ratisbon has been since the 1860s a seminary (present address: Priesterseminar St. Wolfgang, Bismarckplatz 2, 8400 Regensburg). It is, incidentally, situated about 150 steps from where Etherege's house once stood (i.e. his second accommodation, after 10 May 1688, where he held his great feast to celebrate the birth of the Prince of Wales; also known as the Wilde House (Wildische Haus
) and now commercial premises at 3/4 Arnulfsplatz: see Bracher, pp. 11-12, 196, and Dorothy Foster in
The interest these papers must have for any study of Etherege's life as a diplomat hardly requires elaboration. Even if they do not comprise all the letters he received in Ratisbon (there is no sign, for instance, of any letter by Dryden), nevertheless the papers substantially fill out the two sides of his correspondence. With their news and comments on political, Court and social events, on various of Etherege's old friends, on his wife and on new publications by writers such as Dryden, they throw light on much of what he says in his own letters. Besides including actual reports he received on such notable events as the Siege of Buda and James II's declaration of religious toleration, as well as reactions to Etherege's celebrated three-day feast on the birth of the Prince of Wales in July 1688, the letters clarify the step-by-step process by which he learned of (and indeed warned against) the events leading to William of Orange's invasion and the expulsion of Etherege's master, James II. In view of the traditional acceptance of the unimportance of Etherege's diplomatic post, it is interesting to see how often his correspondents stress the special significance and urgency of his dispatches (You are got into a station, where there is more to be done, & more to bee seen then in all Europe besides
, Sir Gabriel Sylvius advised him on 11 January 1685/6 [Fasz. 2, No. 5]), and Wynne emphasized on 15 July 1688 that Etherege's letters were now Longd for ye most of any
(Fasz. 8, No. 4). While Etherege was complimented repeatedly on being a very pretty proficient
in letter-writing (Fasz. 1, No. 13) and on having so good a hand, & pen
(Fasz. 3, No. 7), it is of interest to note Wynne's strict instructions to him on precisely how his dispatches should be written (…I am bid to desire you to Continue to write your dispatches in folio with a large Margin, & yt you wd write in distinct & different paragraphs, as Variety of Matter offers, separating the News-part of your Letter from yt about buisnesse, relating to your Station, & adding your News, Extracts of Letters &c either by itselfe in the latter part of your Letters or rather in a folio paper apart, since it will be much easier for my Lord [Middleton] in reading Your Dispatches att the Committee to distinguish what is fitt to be layd before ye King, as Buisnesse yt may require any orders upon't, & what as News…
[25 November 1686: Fasz. 4, No. 16]).
It may be noted, besides, that of the fourteen letters received by Etherege and transcribed on ff. 173r-86v in Hughes's letterbook (the Lady in the Garret
and refers to his having seen tother day by chance a letter of [Etherege's] to Mr Driden
. The letter by Middleton is that of 7 December 1685 commenting, inter alia, on the continued success at Court of …he expected you should putt on yr socks…
). However, a second letter by Middleton which Hughes did not transcribe, and which has therefore not been published, was written on 5 March 1685/6 (Fasz. 2, No. 20). Among other things, Middleton emphasizes the King's request reported in his earlier letter: Since you made no answer to what ye King had commanded me to acquaint you with, I mean yr writting a play, I should not have troubled you with it, if his Maty had not again renewd his commands in that matter, so that I must tell you, he does seriously expect it from you
. Not even the command of King James, however, could kindle a flame of dramatic inspiration in the barren ashes of Etherege's life at Ratisbon. I have given over writing plays
, he declared on 27 February/8 March 1687/8, and he confessed to Lord Dorset on 25 July/4 August 1687 that he had lost for want of exerccise the use of fancy and imagination
. A few, largely bawdy, verses such as those he sent to Middleton remain the sum of Etherege's literary endeavours after he left the shores of England.
Some account of the printed books which Etherege also left with Abbot Fleming in 1689 has appeared in A. Wilson Verity's report in the The most constant and best entertainment
: Sir George Etherege's Reading in Ratisbon
As for Etherege's best known literary works, his plays are unknown today in manuscripts except for copies of certain of the songs, which had some measure of independent circulation. A single recorded Restoration prompt-book of his most famous play, Queens' Binder B
, illustrated on the cover and on p. 136 of Sotheby's sale catalogue. Of related interest too is a contemporary reaction to the first performance of the play recorded in an unpublished letter by one Peter Killigrew to his sister, 14 March 1675/6. Besides commenting that it had noe deep plott, but a great deal of witt
, Killigrew speculates on the persons meant by it
: i.e. the well-known public figures he thought were represented by Etherege's characters. This letter too appeared in the Brett-Smith sale at Sotheby's, 27 May 2004, lot 224 (with a facsimile example in the sale catalogue), and is now in the library of Robert S Pirie, New York.
Contrary to Etherege's plays, Etherege's poems were frequently copied and widely known, without the aid of any collection and often without the encouragement of an attribution
(Thorpe, p. vi). Two letters among Etherege's papers at Regensburg exemplify a case in point, where a poem sent for the amusement of a friend might be shown to other people, with the result that further copies might be made and circulated and the text eventually appear in manuscript collections of Poems on Affairs of State. On 5 March 1685/6, Middleton wrote: Yrs of Hunting whores etc: [see
(Fasz. 2, No. 20). Later, on 17 December 1686, Owen Wynne wrote to Etherege: I shewd your Letter to my Lord [Middleton], who best knew what you meant about Verses, & what ye are to doe in obedience to the Kings Command — How farre your Verses were Censured I know not; sure I am Mr Dryden & his Son (who Copied the father's answer to yow) were, for suffering Copyes of ym to steal abroad, with my Lord's name in the Title-page, & some say they were printed, tho I never saw ym but in a suffolk-gent[leman's] hand in Writing
(Fasz. 4, No. 19). Like so many of his contemporaries, Etherege played the Fool in verse and prose
(see Bracher, p. 103) largely for private amusement and would never have anticipated a published collection of his poems. Like his friend, the Earl of Dorset, he very probably cared not what became of them
In such circumstances, the canon is bound to be problematical. So far as it may be determined, some forty poems are attributed to Etherege with reasonable confidence in Thorpe and are represented in the entries below by various contemporary or later copies (of doubtful authorship
(Sr George Etherege
. Two of these are indeed included in the canon in Thorpe (
One or two early documents signed by Etherege in his younger days when he was an articled clerk at Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, are given entries below (*
An exemplum of the printed edition of