Autograph ManuscriptsAlthough no attempt was ever made in the 17th century to collect his works for publication, the Devon-born Oxford poet William Strode was one of the most popular lyrical poets of his time. He has left behind at least one major autograph collection of his verse, in addition to other autograph manuscripts, and his contemporary reputation, both within Oxford circles and elsewhere, is attested by a large number of surviving contemporary copies of his poems.
His most important manuscript, the Corpus Manuscript, preserved at Corpus Christi College, Oxford (MS 325), is a notebook containing some 169 of his English, Latin and Greek poems in his own hand. Although this manuscript was known to Strode's first editor, Bertram Dobell, before 1907, it was not recognized as being autograph, and thus its significance established, until Margaret Crum described it in the Bodleian Library Record, 4 (1952-3), 324-35. The volume is, in fact, quite obviously a compilation in the hand of the poet responsible for almost all the verse it contains. The texts are partly fair copies, partly working drafts showing multiple layers of revision over a long period, the single hand therein (but for later annotations by William Fulman) varying from an informal mixed secretary to a stylish italic script. Besides the fact that many of the poems could be attributed to Strode from other sources, Crum could confirm the identity of the hand by comparison with Strode's autograph (italic) subscription on his ordination as priest in 1628 (*StW 1495).
Examination of the Corpus Manuscript could throw even more light on Strode manuscripts, for later in the seventeenth century the Oxford antiquary William Fulman annotated it with references to his other Copie
of Strode's poems, thus enabling one to form some impression of a second important original source which is otherwise unknown.
One other small collection of autograph poems by Strode is among the Portland Papers at the University of Nottingham (Pw V 397). This too is a manuscript that was known to scholars for decades before it was identified as autograph. Far from being simply a contemporary copy, the manuscript is a set of eight of Strode's most mature lyrical poems, written out in his formal italic hand, complete with elaborately curled descenders, possibly for presentation to someone. The texts may be regarded as intermediate in the evolution of the respective poems: that is to say, they are close (but with peculiar changes) to those in the Corpus Manuscript before the insertion in that manuscript of substantial later revisions (compare, for instance, the facsimiles now available of An Opposite to Melancholy, *StW 641-2).
Letters and DocumentsYet other examples of Strode's handwriting may be found in miscellaneous records relating to his academic career at Oxford. Besides the subscription in 1628 already noted, over 160 signatures or inscriptions by Strode, entered between 1619 and 1642, can be found in subscription registers, sub-dean's books, and disbursements books in Oxford University Archives and, especially, at his college Christ Church (*StW 1486-1499). It is quite likely that a study of all academic registers of this period would reveal even more inscriptions by Strode. Besides all else, the appearance of Strode's signatures among numerous entries by Richard Corbett, Henry King, William Cartwright, Thomas Goffe, George Morley, Jasper Mayne, Robert Burton and other poets and writers bears vivid witness to the active literary community that flourished at this college in this period.
An extant formal letter by Strode — the only original letter by him currently recorded (*StW 1485) — and an autograph licence for the publication of Donne's sermons (*StW 1501) both relate to his epistolary duties as Public Orator at the University of Oxford from 1629 onwards. In addition, transcripts by Thomas Smith (1638-1710) of sixteen Letters of Dr. Strode written in the Name and by ye Order of ye University of Oxford
are preserved in the Bodleian (StW 1484).
Manuscript CopiesStrode's reputation as a poet has depended upon manuscript sources. Except for a very few occasional verses printed in University miscellanies in his lifetime, and but for a relatively few poems which appear (usually in corrupt versions) in slightly later printed miscellanies, Strode's poetical works were not published in his own century, no definitive edition yet exists, and a large number of his poems (including most of the Latin and Greek verse) remain unpublished to this day. He was, nevertheless, among the most popular poets of the 1620s-1640s, for his poems enjoyed a flourishing circulation in manuscript. This extended from his immediate Christ Church circle to the miscellanies and song books compiled by innumerable other University and Inns of Court men and educated readers in general. In one special instance, at least 88 surviving manuscript texts of the Song I saw faire Cloris walke alone (StW 747-834.5) — apparently written on the subject of Richard Corbett's wife, Alice — support the probability that this was the single most popular English lyric of the 17th century. It is also clear that it was the early versions of Strode's poems that circulated in this manner, at least some of them perhaps copied directly from the Corpus Manuscript before he returned to that manuscript to make his later revisions. Granted the rare bonus of having the poet's own autograph notebook to use as base text, the task that would be incumbent on any modern editor of Strode of tracing the textual history of his poems through an immense number of widely dispersed manuscript copies would still be considerable.
Among those contemporary manuscript copies of particular poems that clearly derive from Strode's immediate circle may be noted the text of his Latin gratulatory poem on William Laud, Chancellor of the University of Oxford, which is quoted in a letter of 27 April 1630 by Richard Corbett, who says of the verses sure the man had a good meaning that made them…as yet they haue past no hands but mine owne, and ar not in the memory scarss in the Conscience of the Author
(*CoR 780 and StW 1432). Strode was, in fact, Corbett's chaplain while Corbett was Bishop of Oxford. The miscellany of Daniel Leare (British Library, Add. MS 30982), who has been identified by Mary Hobbs as a distant cousin of Strode, is clearly of special importance for a similar reason. It is highly likely that Leare's texts of Strode's poems were copied, at least in part, directly from the Corpus Manuscript as it was about 1633 when Leare himself was temporarily at Christ Church. Further copies proliferated outside Christ Church, and it is interesting to note, among the many surviving transcripts of particular poems, examples made by such contemporary poets and writers as Edward, Lord Herbert of Cherbury (StW 467 and StW 588, besides the doubtful StW 662); Thomas Traherne (StW 778); and Sir Kenelm Digby (StW 1411), as well as those in miscellanies of Robert Codrington (Bodleian, MS Eng. poet. f. 27); George Morley (Westminster Abbey, MS 41); and John Oldham (StW 810).
Principal Manuscript CollectionsFor convenient reference, not only the major autograph collections but also those other manuscripts containing generally ten or more poems by Strode (described more fully in the entries in CELM) are here briefly listed, with the delta numbers originally supplied in IELM:
Corpus Christi College, Oxford, MS 325. (Corpus MS
: *StW Δ 1). Includes 101 English poems, 66 Latin poems and 2 Greek poems by Strode in his own hand.
Untraced, Strodes other Copie
. (*StW Δ 2). Includes upwards of 111 poems by Strode presumably in his hand.
University of Nottingham, Pw V 397. (Portland MS
: *StW Δ 3). Includes eight poems by Strode in his own hand.
Aberdeen University Library, MS 29. (Elizabeth Lane MS
: StW Δ 4). Includes 59 poems by Strode and 2 of doubtful authorship.
Bodleian, MS Eng. poet. c. 50. (Daniell MS
: StW Δ 5). Includes 18 poems by Strode and two of doubtful authorship.
Bodleian, MS Eng. poet. e. 97. (English Poetry MS
: StW Δ 6). Includes 32 poems by Strode and four of doubtful authorship.
Bodleian, MS Eng. poet. f. 27. (Codrington MS
: StW Δ 7). Includes 13 poems by Strode and one of doubtful authorship.
British Library, Add. MS 19268. (John Philips MS
: StW Δ 8). Includes 16 poems by Strode and one of doubtful authorship.
British Library, Add. MS 22118. (Thorpe MS
: StW Δ 9). Includes 15 poems by Strode.
British Library, Add. MS 30982. (Leare MS
: StW Δ 10). Includes 84 poems by Strode (eight of them copied twice) and several poems of doubtful authorship.
British Library, Add. MS 33998. (Chute MS
: StW Δ 11). Includes 11 poems by Strode and two of doubtful authorship.
British Library, Harley MS 6931. (Harley MS
: StW Δ 12). Includes 29 poems by Strode and one of doubtful authorship.
British Library, Sloane MS 1446. (Baskerville MS
: StW Δ 13). Includes 24 poems by Strode and one of doubtful authorship.
British Library, Sloane MS 1792. (Killigrew MS
: StW Δ 14). Includes 36 poems by Strode and three of doubtful authorship.
Cambridge University Library, MS Add. 8470. (Hyde MS
: StW Δ 15). Includes 21 poems by Strode and one poem of doubtful authorship.
Corpus Christi College, Oxford, MS 328. (Fulman MS
: StW Δ 16). Includes 28 poems by Strode (one copied twice) and two of doubtful authorship.
Folger, MS V.a.97. (Thorpe-Halliwell MS
: StW Δ 17). Includes 30 poems by Strode and one of doubtful authorship.
Folger, MS V.a.170. (Dobell MS I
: StW Δ 18). Includes 57 poems by Strode (one copied twice) and four poems of doubtful authorship.
Folger, MS V.a.245. (Dobell MS II
: StW Δ 19). Includes 40 poems by Strode and two poems of doubtful authorship.
Folger, MS V.a.262. (Cotton MS
: StW Δ 20). Includes 14 poems by Strode (one copied twice).
Harvard, MS Eng 686. (Wood MS
: StW Δ 21). Includes 23 poems by Strode (two of them copied twice) and one poem of doubtful authorship.
Pierpont Morgan Library, MA 1057. (Holgate MS
: StW Δ 22). Includes 15 poems by Strode.
Rosenbach Museum & Library, MS 239/22. (Rosenbach MS I
: StW Δ 23). Includes 13 poems by Strode and three of doubtful authorship.
Rosenbach Museum & Library, MS 239/27. (Rosenbach MS II
: StW Δ 24). Includes 25 poems by Strode and two of doubtful authorship.
Rosenbach Museum & Library, MS 243/4. (Winchilsea MS
: StW Δ 25). Includes 12 poems by Strode and two of doubtful authorship.
Bangor University, MS 422. (Griffith MS
: StW Δ 26). Includes 11 poems by Strode (one copied twice) and two poems of doubtful authorship.
Westminster Abbey, MS 41. (Morley MS
: StW Δ 27). Includes 12 poems by Strode and one of doubtful authorship.
The Family Album, [no shelfmark]. (Wolf MS
: StW Δ 28). Includes 19 poems by Strode and two of doubtful authorship.
Yale, Osborn MS b 200. (Osborn MS I
: StW Δ 29). Includes 25 poems by Strode and one of doubtful authorship.
Yale, Osborn MS b 205. (Osborn MS II
: StW Δ 30). Includes 45 poems by Strode and three of doubtful authorship.
Bodleian, Juel-Jensen E 7 [item 5] (Sparrow MS
: StW Δ 31). Includes 24 poems by Strode.
An untraced seventeenth-century duodecimo miscellany allegedly containing poems by Strode (as well as by R. Corbett, W.L., Ben Johnson, J. Terrent … R.H., T. Cary, R. Gomersal, G.M.
and others) was found in 1840 behind the panel of a room in Ross market-house
. It was afterwards owned by the Rev. T.M. Webb of Hardwick Vicarage, Herefordshire, and is recorded in HMC, 7th Report, Part I (1879), Appendix, p. 691.
Another unidentified compilation is an old manuscript volume
from which Eu. Hood
[i.e. Joseph Haslewood (1769-1833)] edited six poems by Strode (together with one of doubtful authorship) in the Gentleman's Magazine, 93.ii (July 1823), 7-8: namely, the Song (I saw fair Cloris walke alone), On a freinds absence, the Sonnet (My Love and I for kisses played), Loves Ætna. song, the Song (Keepe on your maske, yea hide your Eye), Song of Death and the Resurrection and the dubious A Lover to his Mistress (Ile tell you how the Rose did first grow redde). All these poems appear in Daniel Leare's manuscript noted above (StW Δ 10), but the texts and headings here do not conform exactly to those printed by Haslewood.
The CanonThe first serious attempt to define Strode's poetical canon and to produce a comprehensive edition was made in 1907 by the bookseller Bertram Dobell (1842-1914). An important pioneering work, but one marred by the random eclecticism of his approach and an inadequate textual methodology, Dobell's edition of Strode remains the only one hitherto published and generally available. A major advance on that edition was made in 1965 with the completion of Margaret Forey's unpublished Oxford B.Litt. thesis on Strode. This edition was properly based on the Corpus Manuscript and included collation of a fair number of other manuscript copies, together with discussions of important aspects of the transmission of Strode's texts from Christ Church outwards. Even though unpublished, Forey is consequently used as the basis for the canon accepted for present purposes, and reference is given in the entries to any editorial use made in Forey of any manuscripts recorded here. On pages 185-221 of her thesis, Forey assigns to Strode a number of poems ascribed to him in non-autograph manuscripts, and these too are incorporated in CELM except for the poem A refusall of a Learned wife (p. 208), which can confidently be assigned to Sir John Harington (see HrJ 273-289.5). Similarly, entries are given in CELM (StW 1386-1467) to Strode's Latin and Greek poems, which Forey lists by their first lines on pp. 346-52 without transcribing the texts, as also to a number of poems of doubtful authorship (StW 1252-1385) listed in Forey on pp. 339-40.
There are, indeed, numerous poems doubtfully, or quite spuriously, ascribed to Strode. There are probably various reasons for misattribution, besides scribes' faulty guesswork, such as confusion with similar poems by Strode (The Cornish Countrey mans songe was probably reminiscent of his Devonshire Song, for instance) and the association of certain poems with others actually by Strode in collections largely but not exclusively devoted to him.
For possible useful reference, those other doubtful or spurious poems which are for the most part included or cited in Dobell, but specifically rejected by Forey (pp. 341-5), may be listed according to first lines, as follows:
Am I once more blest with a grace so high (On his Mistresse Eye). Cited in Dobell, p. 123.
Behold those faire eyes, in whose sight (Upon a Picture): Dobell, p. 133. By Sir Henry Blount.
Care-charmer Sleep, the easer of all woes. Cited in Dobell, p. 123. See Beaumont and Fletcher, B&F 176-88.
Come, let us howle some heavy note (Death-song). Dobell, p. 134. By John Webster: see WeJ 6-10.
Dawson the Butler's dead (On John Dawson, Butler of C.C.). Dobell, p. 110. By Richard Corbett: see CoR 472-98.
Draw not too neare (Obsequies). Dobell, pp. 124-6. See the Earl of Pembroke, PeW 272-282.
Faire Chloris, standing by the Fire (On Chloris standing by the Fire). Dobell, p. 42. By Thomas Philipott.
Fie, Schollers, fie, have you such thirsty souls (On Mr. Sambourne, sometime Sherife of Oxford-shire). Dobell, pp. 118-19. By Ben Stone.
Fly nimble paper, light upon those hands (To his Paper). Dobell, p. 135. Anonymous in Folger, MS V.a.245, f. 65v. Probably related to a version beginning Fly paper kiss those hands, which is ascribed to W. S.
in Cambridge University Library, MS Add. 8470, f. 14r-v, and either to J[ohn] D[onne] or anonymous in various other manuscripts.
Goe happy paper and forever rest (To the Same). Dobell, p. 136.
Hence, hence, all you vaine delights (Melancholly). Dobell, p. 14. See Beaumont and Fletcher, B&F 112-53.
Here lyes his Parents hopes and fears (An Epitaph upon Doctor Prideaux's Son). Dobell, p. 247. Probably by Brian Duppa, and also ascribed (in Rosenbach Museum & Library, MS 239/23, p. 184) to George Morley.
If that from glove you take the letter G (A Pair of Gloves). Dobell, p. 46. By Richard Barnfield.
If there be haply any man that dares (On a white blemish in his Mistresse Eye). Cited in Dobell, p. 123. By Abraham Holland.
Inequall nature, that dost load, not pair (Upon the Same Lord Stafford). Cited in Dobell, p. 123. By Richard Godfrey.
Love is a game at tables where the dye (Love compared to a Game of Tables). Dobell, p. 119. By Sir Robert Ayton.
Mourne, mourne, yee lovers: Flowers dying (A Sonnet). Dobell, p. 123.
Read (faire maid) and know the heat (Verses sent to a Lady, which she sending back unread, were returned with this Inscription). Cited in Dobell, p. 123. Possibly by George Morley.
The most insulting tyrants can but be (Upon Heavens best Image, his faire and vertuous Mistresse, M.S.). Dobell, pp. 126-8.
The Sheriffe of Oxford late is grown so wise (Upon the Sheriffs Beere). Dobell, p. 118. Probably part of Fie, Schollers, fie above.
What is our life? a play of passion (On the Life of Man). Dobell, p. 55. By Sir Walter Ralegh: see RaW 224-293.8.
What magick art (On Alma's Voyce). Dobell, pp. 132-3.
Whether, sweet Mistresse, I should most (Upon a Gentlewoman's Entertainment of Him). Dobell, pp. 131-2. By Abraham Wright.
You that prophane our windows with a tongue (In defence of the decent Ornaments of Christ-Church, Oxon, occasioned by a Banbury brother, who called them Idolatries). Cited in Dobell, p. 123. Also doubtfully attributed to John Cleveland and to R: W:
To this list may be added a number of other poems that are doubtfully ascribed to Strode in manuscripts and other sources but which are not mentioned in Forey:
Can Christendom's great champion sink away. A well-known epitaph, the subject of which is variously given as James I or Gustavus Adolphus. Ascriptions in manuscript copies include W'm Strowd
, Dr Goad
, Sir Thomas North
, and [Walton] Poole
. See PoW 78-100.
Gaze not on swans in whose soft breast (On his Mistresse). Assigned to Strode, for some unspecified reason, by Alexander Grosart in Englische Studien, 26 (1899), 1-19 (p. 17). Dobell, pp. 128-9. It is variously ascribed to Henry Noel, in Henry Lawes, Ayres and Dialogues (1653), Part I, p. 15, and in Bodleian, MS Rawl. poet. 147, p. 93; to Dr [Richard] Love, in Bodleian, MS Eng. poet. d. 152, f. 107v, and in Bodleian, MS Lat. misc. c. 19, p. 422; to Mr Crooke
, in British Library, Egerton MS 2725, f. 123v; and to Mr [Abraham] Cowley
, in British Library, Add. MS 28839, f. 80v. It appears anonymously in a number of other sources, including Bodleian, MS Don. c. 57, f. 81r, and MS Rawl. poet. 116, f. 37v; in British Library, Add. MS 30382, ff. 41v-2v; Add. MS 47112, ff. 11v-12r; Add. MS 53723, f. 135r; Harley MSS 3511, f. 75r-v, and 6917, f. 105r-v; in Cambridge University Library, MS Dd. 6. 43, f. 30r; in Duke University, MS 12-14-71, p. 84; in Folger, MS V.a.124, f. 3r; Folger, MS V.a.169, Part II, f. 43v; Folger, MS V.a.220, Part 2, p. 37; and Folger, MS V.a.232, p. 37; in the Plume Library, Maldon, MS 30; and in Worcester College, Oxford, MS 216, ff. [8v-9r].
Godsbodikins e' hill worke noe more (The Cornish Countrey mans songe To the tune of such a Rogue &c). Ascribed to Will: Strode
in Huntington, HM 16522, pp. 124-7.
Goe and count her better houres (A Watch sent home to Mrs. Eliz: King, wrapt in theis verses). Dobell, p. 38. This appears to have been attributed to Strode through little more than a scribal misreading of W.L.
as W.S.
The poem occurs in at least 38 manuscript miscellanies, often ascribed to W.L.
, W:Lan
; or Wil. La.
, and on one occasion to Mr Will: Lewis
[i.e. William Lewis (1577-1667), Provost of Oriel College, Oxford]. It may be by William Lanier or, just possibly, the composer William Lawes (1602-45).
Humble partners of like grife (Notes out of a book sent to the Ladie Bayning vpon the death of her Lord June: 11: 1638). Ascribed to W: Strode,. D. D:
by Francis Russell, MP (1593-1641), fourth Earl of Bedford, in Duke of Bedford, Woburn Abbey, HMC MS No. 25, pp. 1-2 (rev.).
Let none repine if once a yeare. An epitaph ascribed to W: Strode
in Leeds Archives, WYL156/237, f. 92v, and in Rosenbach Museum & Library, MS 239/23, p. 184.
Poor silly fool! thou striv'st in vain to know. Ascribed to Willyam Stroude
in the Winchilsea MS (StW Δ 25, p. 122), but usually ascribed to William Browne: see BrW 234-237.
Spight, have thy Bane, I Will not, by my Will (Ad invidiam). A couplet quoted and ascribed to W: Str:
in a quarto manuscript tract on divorce among the Finch-Hatton papers in the Northamptonshire Record Office (FH 319).
What though your face with pockholes spangled be (On a gentlewoman that had the smale pox). A misprint in Margaret Crum's First-Line Index (1969) incorrectly records this poem (W762) as being present in the Corpus MS (f. 82v). The poem appears anonymously in various other sources — including the Baskerville MS (StW Δ 13, f. 74v), Hyde MS (StW Δ 15, f. 18v), Rosenbach MS II (StW Δ 24, p. 189), and Leeds Archives (WYL156/237, f. 48r-v). Apart from possible confusion with On a Gentlewoman who escapd the marks of the Pox (StW 410-431.5), there seems to be no reason to associate it with Strode.
When cold winters withered brow. A song ascribed to Wm Strode
in St John's College, Cambridge, MS S. 32 (James 423), ff. 1r-2r. It appears anonymously in the Elizabeth Lane MS
(StW Δ 4, pp. 96-7), headed The hunting of ye hayre, and in Bodleian, MS Rawl. poet. 246, f. 10r, and is ascribed to E. Bass
in Bodleian, MS Ashmole 38, p. 119.
ProseBesides being an eminent poet
, Strode was, according to Anthony Wood, a pithy and sententious preacher
and an exquisite orator
(Athenae Oxonienses, ed. Philip Bliss, 4 vols (London, 1813-20), III, 151). As Public Orator of the University of Oxford from 1629 until his death in 1645, Strode delivered numerous orations and sermons, both in Latin and English. Only four such academic works seem to have been published: namely, (i) an admonition to the clergy preached on a visitation to Lynn, Norfolk, 24 June 1633 (London, 1660) [Wing S5986]; (ii) a gratulatory replication
to the King's speech before the University of Oxford, 2 November 1642 (Oxford, 1642) [Wing C2778]; (iii) a sermon concerning Death and the Resurrection, preached at St Mary's, Oxford, 28 April 1644 (Oxford, 1644) [Wing S5984]; and (iv) a sermon concerning Swearing, preached before the King at Christ Church, 12 May 1644 (Oxford, 1644) [Wing S5985]. Wood mentions (III, 152) a Speech made to Qu. Mary at Oxon at her Return out of Holland. Oxon. 1643. qu.
(this title is repeated in Dobell, p. lvi), but this is something of a mystery (and is not mentioned in Wing).
Wing also lists under Strode's name (S5987-5987B) a speech in parliament, 3 January 1642/3. This is, however, by the poet's distant kinsman and namesake, the politician William Strode (1599?-1645), who died in the same year as he and whose will is in the National Archives, Kew (PROB 10/651, proved 10 September 1645).
No manuscripts of any of these printed sermons and orations are known, but three other, apparently unpublished, works of this kind by Strode are preserved in contemporary manuscript copies and are given entries in CELM (StW 1468-76).
In addition, Dobell (p. lvi) — following Andrew Clark in his edition of The Life and Times of Anthony Wood, vol. I (Oxford Historical Society 19, 1891), p. 116 — mentions a manuscript in the Bodleian (MS Wood E. 4, p. [197]), wherein Anthony Wood (1632-95) cites Severall speeches
by Strode (including StW 1469-1474), some of which, he says, are in a MS collection of speeches & Letters [made by Richard Saunders of Oriel] in Franc. Barryes hand Rector of Kingsey neare Thame
. The fate of Strode's own manuscripts was also reported by Wood (III, 152): Orations, Speeches, Epistles, Sermons, &c - They were left behind him fairly written in several volumes; which coming into the hands of Dr. Rich. Gardiner [1591-1670] canon of Ch[rist] Ch[urch]. came after, or before his death, into those of Rich. Davies of Oxon bookseller
. It is worth observing that in his will (in the Oxford University Archives, cited in Forey, p. lxxv) Gardiner left to the parson of Credinhill (or Crednill) his Controversy tracts with Dr Strodes sermon notes not bound in bookes
, the Rector of Credinhill in 1670 being the poet Thomas Traherne.
MiscellaneousNotes on Strode by William Oldys (1696-1761) are written in his exemplum of Gerard Langbaine, An Account of the English Dramatick Poets (Oxford, 1691), now in the British Library (C.28.g.1, pp. 493-4). Oldys reports, inter alia, I have seen several of his Poems in an old Folio MS Collection of Mr. Coxsters [i.e. Thomas Coxeter (1689-1747)]; which never were in Print
. Notes on Strode by the Rev. Joseph Hunter (1783-1861) in his Chorus Vatum Anglicanorum (Volume III) are also in the British Library (Add. MS 24489, ff. 55v-6r). A volume of proof-sheets of Dobell's edition of 1907 with extensive annotations by both Dobell himself and George Thorn-Drury, KC (1860-1931) is in the Bodleian (MS Thorn-Drury e. 7).
Peter Beal