Steven W. May,
Robert Devereux, second Earl of Essex, courtier, soldier and politician, was one of the most prominant public figures of his time. His personality, ambition, relationship with Queen Elizabeth, military successes and failures, and finally his ill-conceived rebellion, arraignment and execution at the age of thirty-five have been subjects of fascination from his own lifetime to the present.
Besides his reputation, however, Essex's most tangible legacy is the large amount of writing he left behind. This includes verse, a court entertainment, a draft military discourse, and innumerable letters. The canon of his literary
output bears, however, the usual uncertainty of his period, in that no collection of his writings was ever made in his lifetime, nor any then published, and therefore identification of them is dependant on not always reliable contemporary or near-contemporary attributions, largely in manuscript copies that achieved some measure of circulation. This situation is further complicated not only by spurious attributions made after his death, but also by the fact that Essex assembled a notable secretariat, comprising distinguished or promising scholars including Francis Bacon, Henry Wotton, Thomas Smith, Edward Reynoldes, Henry Cuffe, and William Temple. While there is no doubt about Essex's own literary competence and eloquence (amply demonstrated in many of his autograph letters), it is also clear that his secretariat played a significant part in at least some of his writings, including the 1595 entertainment for the Queen, for parts of which Bacon's own drafts survive (
For present purposes, the canon of Essex's verse accepted for the entries below is based on that proposed by Steven May. This includes by far the most popular and most widely circulated of Essex's
Entries for prose writings by, or attributed to, Essex include not only the three Letters to Rutland, which have been traditionally attributed to Bacon (
Excluded from the entries below is the vast amount of correspondence and other paperwork produced by, or associated with Essex, in the course of his public life, including his occasional speeches in Parliament and his duties as Earl Marshal of England, documentation now widely dispersed in repositories around the world, not least in the National Archives, Kew, British Library, and archives of the Marquess of Salisbury at Hatfield House.
Of these documents, undoubtedly the most remarkable are the letters he wrote to Queen Elizabeth herself, often passionate, petulant and outspoken as they are, but eloquently expressed throughout virtually in terms of the rituals of courtly love. A series of forty-three of his original letters to the Queen, all written in his distinctive cursive italic hand between 1590 and probably just before his death in 1600/1, are now in the Your Majesties Most Humble Faythfullest and Most Affectionate Seruant
: The Earl of Essex Constructs Himself and his Queen in the Hulton Letters