Sir William Fraser,
Of the major work of Gavin Douglas, the
Two other poems which have been generally attributed to Douglas,
Douglas's own handwriting can be found in nine surviving letters by him, all written within the last few years of his life (*
One other notable item printed in Small (but not given an entry here) is a memorial
written in 1521, comprising a list of accusations against the Duke of Albany. A copy is in the British Library (Cotton MS Caligula B. III, ff. 311fr-13r). Although printed in Small, I, cvi, as being in Douglas's handwriting, the document is in a professional hand, is not ascribed to Douglas, and is only possibly of his authorship. A synopsis of the text appears in Calendars of State Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Vol. III, part 2 (1867), No. 1898.