The Marquess of Bute

4° Vol. Petitions to James I, &c, No. 9


Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 204.

DrW 117.25: William Drummond of Hawthornden, For the Kinge

Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 204.

Often headed in MSS The [Five] Senses, a parody of Patrico's blessing of the King's senses in Jonson's Gypsies Metamorphosed (JnB 654-70). A MS copy owned by Drummond: see The Library of Drummond of Hawthornden, ed. Robert H. Macdonald (Edinburgh, 1971), No. 1357. Kastner printed the poem among his Poems of Doubtful Authenticity (II, 296-9), but its sentiments are alien to those of Drummond: see C.F. Main, Ben Jonson and an Unknown Poet on the King's Senses, MLN, 74 (1959), 389-93, and MacDonald, SSL, 7 (1969), 118. Discussed also in Allan H. Gilbert, Jonson and Drummond or Gil on the King's Senses, MLN, 62 (January 1947), 35-7. Sometimes also ascribed to James Johnson.

D 18

A small folio volume of state tracts and papers, in one or more probably professional hands. c.1620s-30s.

Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, pp. 203-4.

[unspecified item]
BcF 601: Francis Bacon, Letter(s) ('')

Copy of letter(s) by Bacon.

item 18
HoH 13: Henry Howard, Earl of Northampton, Abatements nowe in beinge: or to be verie shortlie vppon the Marryage of the Lady Elizabeth to the Counte Pallatyne of the Rhine, Anno 1613: and otherwise ffor the kings Bennifitt ('')


A tract beginning By the bestowing of my La Eliz. grace and after hir grace shall be settled …. Unpublished?

item 21
RaW 902: Sir Walter Ralegh, Letter(s) ('')

Copies of letters by Ralegh, to Winwood, to James I (2), to Ralegh's wife; to Sir Robert Carr; and to Francis Bacon.

item 24 (ff. 52r-v)
LyJ 25: John Lyly, A petitionary letter to Queen Elizabeth ('')


Beginning Most Gratious and dread Soveraigne: I dare not pester yor Highnes wth many wordes.... Written probably in 1598. Bond, I, 64-5. Feuillerat, pp. 556-7.

item 24 (ff. 52v-3r)
LyJ 47: John Lyly, A second petitionary letter to Queen Elizabeth ('')


Recorded in Bond.

Beginning Most gratious and dread Soveraigne: Tyme cannott worke my peticons, nor my peticons the tyme.... Written probably in 1601. Bond, I, 70-1. Feuillerat, pp. 561-2.

item 25 (f. 53r et seq.)
SiP 180.8: Sir Philip Sidney, A Letter of Advice to Robert Sidney ('')


A letter beginning My most deere Brother. You have thought unkindness in me, I have not written oftner unto you.... First published in Profitable Instructions. Describing what speciall Obseruations are to be taken by Trauellers in all Nations, States and Countries (London, 1633), pp. 74-103. Feuillerat (as Correspondence No. XXXVIII), III, 124-7.

item 26
GrF 17: Fulke Greville, Letter to Grevill Varney on his Travels ('')

Copy, headed Sir ffulke Greville to a couzin of his residing in ffrance.

This MS described in Farmer, pp. 140-1.

An epistolary essay beginning My good Cousin, according to the request of your letter, dated the 19. of October, at Orleance..., dated from Hackney, 20 November 1609. First published in Certaine Learned and Elegant Workes (London, 1633). Grosart, IV, 301-6. This essay perhaps originally written by Thomas Bodley and possibly also used by Francis Bacon and/or the Earl of Essex. Also perhaps sent by Greville to John Harris rather than Greville Varney: see Norman K. Farmer, Jr, Fulke Greville's Letter to a Cousin in France and the Problem of Authorship in Cases of Formula Writing, RQ, 22 (1969), 140-7.

item 27
BcF 726: Francis Bacon, An explanation what manner of persons those should be, that are to execute the power or Ordinance of the King's Prerogative ('')


An essay beginning That absolute prerogative according to the king's pleasure revealed by his laws.... Spedding, VI, 597-600 (discussed pp. 592-4). Probably by Thomas Egerton, Lord Ellesmere.

items 35 & 36
BcF 464: Francis Bacon, Bacon's Humble Submissions and Supplications ('')

Copies of a submission by Bacon and his supplication on 22 April 1621.

The Humble Submissions and Supplications Bacon sent to the House of Lords, on 19 March 1620/1 (beginning I humbly pray your Lordships all to make a favourable and true construction of my absence...); 22 April 1621 (beginning It may please your Lordships, I shall humbly crave at your Lordships' hands a benign interpretation...); and 30 April 1621 (beginning Upon advised consideration of the charge, descending into mine own conscience...), written at the time of his indictment for corruption. Spedding, XIV, 215-16, 242-5, 252-62.