The Marquess of Bute
4° Vol. Petitions to James I, &c, No. 9
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 204.
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 204.
Often headed in MSS
D 18
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, pp. 203-4.
A tract beginning By the bestowing of my La Eliz. grace and after hir grace shall be settled …
. Unpublished?
Copies of letters by Ralegh, to Winwood, to James I (2), to Ralegh's wife; to Sir Robert Carr; and to Francis Bacon.
Beginning Most Gratious and dread Soveraigne: I dare not pester yor Highnes wth many wordes...
. Written probably in 1598. Bond, I, 64-5. Feuillerat, pp. 556-7.
Recorded in Bond.
Beginning Most gratious and dread Soveraigne: Tyme cannott worke my petic
. Written probably in 1601. Bond, I, 70-1. Feuillerat, pp. 561-2.
A letter beginning My most deere Brother. You have thought unkindness in me, I have not written oftner unto you...
. First published in
Copy, headed
This MS described in Farmer, pp. 140-1.
An epistolary essay beginning My good Cousin, according to the request of your letter, dated the 19. of October, at Orleance...
, dated from Hackney, 20 November 1609. First published in
An essay beginning That absolute prerogative according to the king's pleasure revealed by his laws...
. Spedding, VI, 597-600 (discussed pp. 592-4). Probably by Thomas Egerton, Lord Ellesmere.
Copies of a submission by Bacon and his supplication on 22 April 1621.
The Humble Submissions and Supplications Bacon sent to the House of Lords, on 19 March 1620/1 (beginning I humbly pray your Lordships all to make a favourable and true construction of my absence...
); 22 April 1621 (beginning It may please your Lordships, I shall humbly crave at your Lordships' hands a benign interpretation...
); and 30 April 1621 (beginning Upon advised consideration of the charge, descending into mine own conscience...
), written at the time of his indictment for corruption. Spedding, XIV, 215-16, 242-5, 252-62.