Professor Sir John Baker, Cambridge

[Parliamentary tracts MS]

A folio volume of antiquarian tracts on Parliament, in two or more cursive predominantly secretary hands, 71 pages, disbound. Early 17th century.

Inscribed names of frizell Griffin, Arnold Thomas of lane baglan, and Robert Toughe. Sotheby's, 28 October 1980, lot 780.

[no page numbers]
CmW 88.4: William Camden, Of the Antiquity of Parliaments in England ('')


A tract beginning That there were such like assemblies as parliaments now are, before the Romans arrival here.... First published in Sir John Doddridge et al., The Several Opinions of Sundry Learned Antiquaries...touching...the High Court of Parliament in England (London, 1658). Hearne (1771), I, 303-6.