East Sussex Record Office

ASH 3501

An octavo volume, partly autograph, partly in two other hands, with copious autograph revisions throughout, headed A Rememberance for my foure Daughters. / Elizabeth. Frances. Anne. & Katherine, with an injunction to her eldest daughter Sweet Besse, (as you loue me) keep this, though you lost ye first. Eliza: Cramond 1635, and with Besse's inscription (on the front paste-down) Eliza Cornwalleies Boocke, financial receipts added on two pages later in the 18th century, 35 leaves (including 14 blanks), in contemporary limp vellum, with remains of silk ties.

Closely related to the first book of the printed edition of 1645, which is there dated 1625 but here August 1626.


Signature on a receipt by John Walsh in 1766. Possibly re-acquired by the Ashburnham family after 1853.

Extracts from this MS in Women's Writing in Stuart England, ed. Sylvia Brown (Stroud, 1999), pp. 257-8. Discussed, with facsimiles of the front pastedown and ff. 1r and 7v-8r, in Victoria E. Burke, Elizabeth Ashburnham Richardson's motherlie endeauors in Manuscript, EMS, 9 (2000), 98-113.

*RiE 5: Elizabeth Richardson (Ashburnham), A Ladies Legacie to her Daughters. In three Books

Extracts from this MS in Women's Writing in Stuart England, ed. Sylvia Brown (Stroud, 1999), pp. 257-8. Discussed, with facsimiles of the front pastedown and ff. 1r and 7v-8r, in Victoria E. Burke, Elizabeth Ashburnham Richardson's motherlie endeauors in Manuscript, EMS, 9 (2000), 98-113.

First published in London, 1645. Women's Writing in Stuart England, ed. Sylvia Brown (Stroud, 1999), pp. 157-247.

FRE 686

A notebook.

Probably compiled by Thomas Frewen (1630-1702) of Brickwall.

pp. 1-15, 61 et seq.
SiP 236: Sir Philip Sidney, Extracts ('')

Extracts from different works.

p. 23 et seq.
MsP 16: Philip Massinger, The Bondman ('')

Extracts, headed The bond ma by Massengeoure.

First published in London, 1624. Edwards & Gibson, I, 311-95.


A folio volume of state letters, speeches and verse, in a single neat italic hand. c.1620s.

Among the papers of the Fuller family of Brightling Park. Possibly once owned by Ambrose Trayton of Lewes, Esquire of the Body to James I and Charles I.

[unnumbered page]
HrJ 82: Sir John Harington, How England may be reformed ('Men say that England late is bankrout grown')

Copy, untitled, here beginning England, men say of late is banquerot growne, subscribed Sr Jo: Harrington.

Not published before the 19th century (?). Quoted at the end of the Tract on the Succession to the Crown (see HrJ 333-5). McClure No. 375, p. 301. Kilroy, Book I, No. 1, p. 186.

[unnumbered page]
RaW 117: Sir Walter Ralegh, The Excuse ('Calling to minde mine eie long went about')

Copy, untitled, ascribed to Sr Wa: Raleighe.

First published in The Phoenix Nest (London, 1593). Latham, p. 10. Rudick, Nos 9A and 9B (two versions, pp. 9-10).

[unnumbered pages]
DnJ 2430: John Donne, Obsequies to the Lord Harrington, brother to the Lady Lucy, Countesse of Bedford ('Faire soule, which wast, not onely, as all soules bee')

Copy, with dedicatory prose epistle to the Countess of Bedford, on four folio leaves.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 271-9. Shawcross, No. 153. Milgate, Epithalamions, pp. 66-74. Variorum, 6 (1995), pp. 177-82.

[unnumbered page]
TiC 29: Chidiock Tichborne, Tichborne's Lament ('My prime of youth is but a frost of cares')

Copy, untitled, subscribed Chidiock Tichborne.

First published in the single sheet Verses of Prayse and Joy Written Upon her Maiesties Preseruation Whereunto is annexed Tychbornes lamentation, written in the Towre with his owne hand, and an answer to the same (London, 1586). Hirsch, pp. 309-10. Also The Text of Tichborne's Lament Reconsidered, ELR, 17, No. 3 (Autumn 1987), between pp. 276 and 277. May EV 15464 (recording 37 MS texts). For the answer to this poem, see KyT 1-2.

[unnumbered page]
EsR 74: Robert Devereux, second Earl of Essex, A Poem made on the Earle of Essex (being in disgrace with Queene Eliz): by mr henry Cuffe his Secretary ('It was a time when sillie Bees could speake')

Copy, untitled, subscribed Henrie Cuffe.

First published, in a musical setting by John Dowland, in his The Third and Last Booke of Songs or Aires (London, 1603). May, Poems, No. IV, pp. 62-4. May, Courtier Poets, pp. 266-9. EV 12846.

pp. 7, 19-21, 39, 66-71, 73-4
RaW 920: Sir Walter Ralegh, Letter(s) ('')

Copies of several letters by Ralegh.

f. 36r
LyJ 29: John Lyly, A petitionary letter to Queen Elizabeth ('')


Beginning Most Gratious and dread Soveraigne: I dare not pester yor Highnes wth many wordes.... Written probably in 1598. Bond, I, 64-5. Feuillerat, pp. 556-7.

f. 36r
LyJ 51: John Lyly, A second petitionary letter to Queen Elizabeth ('')


Beginning Most gratious and dread Soveraigne: Tyme cannott worke my peticons, nor my peticons the tyme.... Written probably in 1601. Bond, I, 70-1. Feuillerat, pp. 561-2.

pp. 44-5
GrF 20: Fulke Greville, Letter to Grevill Varney on his Travels ('')

Copy, headed Sr Fulk Grevill to a Cosen of his residing in France wherein hee setteth downe what obseruacons hee thinkes fitt for him to make vse of in his Trauailes.

An epistolary essay beginning My good Cousin, according to the request of your letter, dated the 19. of October, at Orleance..., dated from Hackney, 20 November 1609. First published in Certaine Learned and Elegant Workes (London, 1633). Grosart, IV, 301-6. This essay perhaps originally written by Thomas Bodley and possibly also used by Francis Bacon and/or the Earl of Essex. Also perhaps sent by Greville to John Harris rather than Greville Varney: see Norman K. Farmer, Jr, Fulke Greville's Letter to a Cousin in France and the Problem of Authorship in Cases of Formula Writing, RQ, 22 (1969), 140-7.

pp. 46-8
SiP 180.91: Sir Philip Sidney, A Letter of Advice to Robert Sidney ('')

Copy, headed Sr Phillippe Sidney to his brother being beyond the Seas.

A letter beginning My most deere Brother. You have thought unkindness in me, I have not written oftner unto you.... First published in Profitable Instructions. Describing what speciall Obseruations are to be taken by Trauellers in all Nations, States and Countries (London, 1633), pp. 74-103. Feuillerat (as Correspondence No. XXXVIII), III, 124-7.

pp. 99-100
RaW 728.18: Sir Walter Ralegh, Ralegh's Arraignment(s) ('')


Accounts of the arraignments of Ralegh at Winchester Castle, 17 November 1603, and before the Privy Council on 22 October 1618. The arraignment of 1603 published in London, 1648. For documentary evidence about this arraignment, see Rosalind Davies, The Great Day of Mart: Returning to Texts at the Trial of Sir Walter Ralegh in 1603, Renaissance Forum, 4/1 (1999), 1-12.

pp. 101-4
RaW 775: Sir Walter Ralegh, Speech on the Scaffold (29 October 1618) ('')


Transcripts of Ralegh's speech have been printed in his Remains (London, 1657). Works (1829), I, 558-64, 691-6. VIII, 775-80, and elsewhere. Copies range from verbatim transcripts to summaries of the speech, they usually form part of an account of Ralegh's execution, they have various headings, and the texts differ considerably. For relevant discussions, see Anna Beer, Textual Politics: The Execution of Sir Walter Ralegh, Modern Philology, 94:1 (August 1996), 19-38, and Andrew Fleck, At the time of his death: Manuscript Instability and Walter Ralegh's Performance on the Scaffold, Journal of British Studies, 48:1 (January 2009), 4-28.