Georgetown University

[no shelfmark]

An octavo miscellany, in a single mixed hand, possibly compiled by a Jesuit. Late 17th century.
[unnumbered pages]
MaA 340: Andrew Marvell, The Second Advice to a Painter ('Nay, Painter, if thou dar'st design that fight')

Copy, on eight pages.

First published in Directions to a Painter…Of Sir Iohn Denham ([London], 1667). POAS, I, 34-53. Lord, pp. 117-30. Smith, pp. 332-43. Recorded in Osborne, pp. 28-32, as anonymous.

The case for Marvell's authorship supported in George deF. Lord, Two New Poems by Marvell?, BNYPL, 62 (1958), 551-70, but see also discussion by Lord and Ephim Fogel in Vol. 63 (1959), 223-36, 292-308, 355-66. Marvell's authorship supported in Annabel Patterson, The Second and Third Advices-to-the-Painter, PBSA, 71 (1977), 473-86. Discussed also in Margoliouth, I, 348-50, and in Chernaik, p. 211, where Marvell's authorship is considered doubtful. A case for Sir John Denham's authorship is made in Brendan O Hehir, Harmony from Discords: A Life of Sir John Denham (Berkeley & Los Angeles, 1968), pp. 212-28.

[unnumbered pages]
MaA 377: Andrew Marvell, The Third Advice to a Painter ('Sandwich in Spain now, and the Duke in love')

Copy, headed To ye Painter, on three pages.

First published in Directions to a Painter…Of Sir Iohn Denham ([London], 1667). POAS, I, 67-87. Lord, pp. 130-44. Smith, pp. 346-56. Recorded in Osborne, pp. 32-3, as anonymous.

[unnumbered pages]
RnT 592: Thomas Randolph, Extracts ('')

Extracts, headed Scraps out of Randolph, on 30 pages.

[unnumbered pages]
WaE 915: Edmund Waller, Extracts ('')

Extracts, headed Skraps out of Waller, on 23 pages.

[no shelfmark]

Part book of David Peebles's settings of the Psalms and Canticles, and other works. Compiled by Thomas Wode, Vicar of St Andrews. 1562-c.1592.
CmT 53.8: Thomas Campion, If any hath the heart to kill

(v) Quintus.


First published in The Third and Fourth Booke of Ayres (London, [c.1617]), Book IV, No. xxl. Vivian, pp. 185-6. Davis, p. 189.