Hampshire Record Office
A loose paper wrapper is later inscribed Verses writ in old Mr James Harris's hand
: i.e. James Harris (1605-79), of Salisbury, lawyer.
Among papers of the Harris (Malmesbury) family.
Copy, headed doloris nullus
Copy, headed
First published, as R
; in Poems attributed to Donne in MSS
; and in
Copy of the first 24 lines, headed
Attributed to Hoskyns by John Aubrey. Cited, but unprinted, as No. III of Doubtful Verses
in Osborn, p. 300. Early Stuart Libels website.
44M69/C712 (long strip of vellum)
Concerning financial matters partly relating to George Puttenham and his wife and mentioning his own search of a nomber of papers and bookes confusedly scattered in dyvers places
concerning his debts, mentioning also in a postscript the violent and outrageous manner in which the Sheriff of Hampshire has entered the manor of Herriard and dispossessed all the tenants to deliver the estate to the Paulets; subscribed with a note signed by Paulet's wife Katherine.
goodes and howsehold stufeat his lodgings in the Whitefriars
nere flete strete in London to be delyured in extent to John Pawlet esquier and Thomas Ashe gentleman, including carpets, hangings, plate, furniture, etc., among them
iij greate chestes,
ij greate boxes of wood for writinges with little lockes on them, and
viij quiers of paper, on three folio pages, 16 May 1578. 1578.
A declaraco[n] of the waste made in and vppo[n] the houses and growndes at heriarde by George Puttenhm Esquire, on a broadsheet, undated.
Before the lls [i.e. Lords], [1578?]. 1578.
Geo. Putenham), for an indenture dated 20 December 1559 received from Richard Paulet and also referring to a release of 27 July 1565, on an oblong octavo page, 18 October 1580. 1580.
Quoted, with a facsimile, in Willis, p. 460.
Quoted, with a facsimile, in Willis, p. 460.
Goodes or wrytynges wthin the white ffryers, on an oblong slip, 8 May 1578. 1578.
Geo. Putenham), relating to a
wrytingreceived from Sir Richard Paulet concerning an annuity of £240 granted to Puttenham by Paulet on behalf of Lady Windsor on 4 June 1565, the receipt witnessed by the scrivener John Browne before the notary John Hunte, on a single page, 4 November 1580. 1580.
Comprising: a list of debts, 12 October 1574, and money owed to him, to 14 January 1576 (f. 1v); lists of manors belonging to his wife (f. 2v) and sold by Lord Edward Windsor, wer the Queen hath nothinge in them
(f. 3r); accounts of annual household expenses, including wages of his men and women servants (f. 4r), of his rents, 25 March 1575 (f. 4v), money spent in behalf of Mr Woodes during the tyme of his trowble
, 1 August 1575 (f. 5v), expenses abowte the keapinge and cawses
of his wife Lady Windsor in 1574-75 (f. 6r), and other miscellaneous expenses, June 1575 (f. 6v); notes about the current state of his lawsuits in various courts, with reference to my bookes therof
, the bookes that must be copied owt
, and related writinges…in a box with Sr Jhon Throckmorton
, 1575 (ff. 8r-9v); The inventary of all my bookes and library
, comprising some 84 items in Latin, Italian, French and English, 10 [or 18?] November 1576 (f. 16v); expenses paid to my farmor Will
for making copies and legal work (ff. 18v-19v); a list of witnesses to the payment of money and acquitances of Sir Francis Fleming, including servants of George and Richard Puttenham (f. 22v); Remembrances of deades and writinges concerninge herrierde title
(ff. 23v-24r); a list of items, largely household stuff, given by Lady Windsor to Katherine Paulet and Mary Ayshe (ff. 24v-25r); An inventory of my pewter at London 1576
(f. 25v); and an inventory of clothing and jewellery, c. 1575; on 27 leaves (including a few blanks), folio, together with three loosely inserted notes of different size: namely: (1) an autograph receipt signed twice by George Puttenham for bookes & writinges
given to him by Richard Paulet, including se
and legal documents, and also one letter of Queen Maryes
, 26 August 1582; and (2 and 3) autograph lists of the contents of a chest, travelling expenses, Thinges browght from Herrierd to Vpton the xijth of october 1575
, debts, 10 May 1576, and clothing.
Among the papers of the Jervoise family, of Herriard Park.
Facsimile pages in Willis, pp. 420-2.
Facsimile pages in Willis, pp. 420-2.
Geo. putenham) to Sir Richard Paulet, requesting him to find for him in his
boxes of evydencethat he had in the Whitefriars and
in the yron bounde chestean indenture between Puttenham and Kellham Throckmorton relating to Herriard (
for I must needs vse all the writinges which are contayned in a schedule inclosed), on one folio page, 11 May 1586. 1586.
writinge[s]left by Paulet's father which Puttenham requested and which he will send him via his
coosen waller, on an oblong octavo page, 23 May 1586. 1586.
longe, and chargable Sutes in Lawewith George Puttenham to his own
great hinderance and almost vtter vndoinge, mentioning Puttenham's suit to the Queen for the return of £1,000 paid by him into the Exchequer (
And to that purpose had yor honors & others the lle[s] of the cownsells order for a booke to be drawne for yt & passte her hignes signet, yet he was crossed therin (I thinck thoroughe gode[s] p[ro]vydence for his lewdnes) by Mr Sackford, so as he receyved yt not) and requesting this repayment be bestowed upon him instead, on a folio page, 3 December 1593. 1593.
greate vyolens, dispossessing tenants and delivering lands to Sir Richard Paulet, on four folio pages, 18 March 1578/9. 1579.
one paper note…touchinge certen wrytinge[s] that was to be delyurd vnto Willm Woode[s], on a small strip of paper, 22 October 1580. 1580.
44M69/F2/14/1 [Bundle 1
A note of the first takinge of [Puttenham's] house in the Whitefriars
, a copy of various depositions in the case, on three folio pages, February 1578/9.
Draft of Lady Windsor's responses to George Puttenham's allegations, on four folio pages.
c.1578-9.Allegations exhibited 10 May 1577 and the response of Lady Windsor, on one folio page, Easter 1579.
1579.Copy of a royal injunction on Puttenham for Paulet's debts, in Latin, on an oblong folio page, January 1572/3.
1573.Articles to be administered to Henry Burr, deputy to the Under-Sheriff of Middlesex, on behalf of Lady Windsor, concerning George Puttenham's imprisonment, on two folio pages, 24 June 1578.
1578.Quoted in Willis, pp. 451-2.
Briefe: notes declaringe sundrye devises and p[er]swasions vsed by mr Puttenhm to the Ladye Windsor his wiefe; and others, as meanes to accomplyshe his foule and ravenous practyse of disseason in the Manor of heriard to the…spoile of John Poulett
, on a broadsheet.
A letter to Sir Nicholas Bacon by commissioners reporting on the supplication of Lady Windsor to Secretary Walsingham against George Puttenham who laborethe to be discharged of his xcomunycation (for not payment of the sayd somme of xliiijli)
, on a pair of conjugate folio leaves, 30 April 1578.
Quoted in Willis, p. 453 (as to Lord Bughley (?)
The cause of complaynte Wronge[s] and Iniuries sustayned by the Lad Elizabeth Windesor By George Puttenham her husband by the space of these xv yeres last past
, about Puttenham's lewd dealinge[s], accusing him of adultery with Izarde Cawley
, her servant and gentlewoman, whom he tried to marry off the better to geave Colloure to his incontinente Dealinge[s] wth her
the very thought of which had almost coste the sayd La[dy] her lieffe
, his harrassment of another waitinge gentlewoman…of tender yeres called Mary Champneys
, as well as one Jane Woodes (he assaulted the said maiden in moste wicked maner and therewth also shewed her what thraldome and miserye she should sustayne and therefore the next way was to assente vnto him in his Carnall Desires…after that he brote her wth child and Carried her to Antwrappe in fflanders…where she was Deliured of child…and lefte her in there in grete misery
), his getting a house cook with child which he fathered…vpon one of his Servinge men
, his getting one Elenor chambre maide
with child who was then Conveid to one Nicholas Newbollte Clarke his howse
where she was subsequently kepte and deliured of Child
, and his taking wth greate Violence one Elizabeth Johnsone and in Moste Detestable and brutiyshe maner
using her for three yeres last paste
, as well as having most wickedlie assailled the wyfe
of one of her neighbours, on one broadsheet, undated.
Quoted in Willis, pp. 414-15.
Two petitions by Puttenham to Queen Elizabeth and the Privy Council, in a minuscule calligraphic hand, one requesting the Queen to confirm the recommendation of the Council for a booke to be made in that case requisite, and fitt to passe your Royal Signe: thereunto presented by Mr Secretary Walsingham
, on two oblong folio pages, endorsed a petycon to the Queen Elizabeth from mr Puttenham a very odd one
, undated.
Articles of agreement between Lady Windsor, George Puttenham and Sir John Throckmorton, written and signed in her hand, on a folio page, c.July 1579.
c.1579.The Lady windsors answere to the vntrue Allegacons of George Puttenhm to the Lo Archebysshopp of Cant and the Lorde of London
, including her claims about in what meane estate she tooke him
which should have caused a man of honest and good disposyc[i]pon to haue had a great deale more care and regard for the maintenance of her happy dayes
, about his cruell and vnmanly handlinge of her thourough Stripes. pynches. and suche lyke
, the beastlyke demeanures
of so incestyous and vnsatyable a man wth diurse lewd women
, and other offences by him so that She thinkethe also herselfe bound to abandone the company of so evill & vytious a p[er]son least she should be partaker of his iust punyshm[en]t for the same
, on six folio pages.
Quoted in Willis, pp. 442-5.
Lady Windsor's petition agianst George Puttenham and Sir John Throckmorton, concerning the sinister dealinge[s] of them therin
with respect to lands at Herriard, docketed with a note about the delivery from Sir Francis Walsingham of relevant documents concerning Herriard, on a broadsheet, 3 July 1579.
Articles exhibited by George Puttenham to the Archbishop of Canterbury and ecclesiastical commissioners, concerning the malice
of Lady Windsor and her children, including allegations that she cohabited with her late husband's most mortall enemies
and sought to defraud him, on four pages of two pairs of conjugate folio leaves.
Quoted in Willis, pp. 439-41.
A note in Latin on the Puttenham-Windsor case, on two folio pages, 14 March 1575/6.
1576.Quoted (in English translation) in Willis, p. 413.
A declaracion of the true value of all soche Rente[s] Anuyties and Lande[s] as were graunted by George Puttenham Esquier vnto Sr John Throckmorton knight…xvij ffebruarie &c 1578
, on both sides of a broadsheet.
Notes on lands that George Puttenham had by Lady Windsor, on a broadsheet.
c.1670s.Quoted in Willis, pp. 452-3.
Answers of Lady Windsor to George Puttenham's false Allegac[i]ons…laide against her to the Lorde[s] of the Counsell
, including her recollection of the earlier occasion when wth a weapon called a bastynadoe
he beatte the said p[er]sons in very contemptuous maner and brake one of their heds very sore
and other outrage
by him, her trusting that the Lords will not blame her for separating her self from the company of soe evell a man, and better late then never, havinge so longe forborne to vtter the vnspeakeable myseryes
she had endured wth modestye
which womanhed did forbid
her to disclose; appealing to the Lords not over lightlie
to give credit to his gloryous and paynted speache whose custome is all supreme authorities and ordynarye & civill governement as a mockarye to vse
, who in greate glorye and boaste of his owne witt and invenc[i]on
defied the summons to appear before the Lords, and where she and her children did thincke to haue Cloyed him wth the aucthoritie of the higher powers he was then sicke sicke sicke
, on three folio pages, undated.
Quoted in Willis, pp. 445-7.
44M69/F2/14/1 [bundle 1 bis
The answer of M. Paulet to George Puttenham concerning the Riott in the White friars
, on four broadsheet pages.
George Puttenham's replication to the severall Answeres
of Lord Thomas Paulet, Katherine Paulet, Richard Paulet, Francis More, Thomas Welche, William Dodd, John Halle, Thomas Ayshe and John Wooldrige, on seven broadsheet pages, 17 May 1579.
Quoted in Willis, pp. 447-8.
Notes touching fraudulent deedes of guifte
, on one quarto page; a two-column list of obiections of Sr J. Throckmorton
and Answere of [John] Poulett
, endorsed, possibly by Puttenham, Pawlete[s] demandes
, on two folio pages.
Quoted in Willis, pp. 428-9.
A brief note of costs for places wasted & damage[s]
and an account of the damages, on a slip of paper and one folio page.
A scribbled note (? by John Paulet) about their losing [? Puttenham's] Artycles
because they woer of so lytle purpose that we nevr tooke care to prserve them
, endorsed Artycles of Message betwene Powlet & Puttenha[m] vpon the special labor of Putte[n]h[am] by mr Owen
, on two folio pages, Easter Term 1578.
An obligation between John Paulet and George Puttenham, signed by Paulet, on a membrane of vellum, 15 February 1576/7.
1577.Certeyn sentences collected: concerninge maryadge
, endorsed (? by Sir Richard Paulet), with a memorandum about where he had laid his own books, including: On the left hand of the chest beyinge opening I lawyd and Packt all the bookes I had of Mr Puttenham, wch reached halfe way the chest…next mr Puttenhams bookes aforesaid I layde all my Lattyne bookes, greeke…and suche like
, on two folio pages, 18 December 1596.
A draft list of interrogatories, about whether an unnamed witness knows George Puttenham and can throw light on wrytinge[s]
concerning Herriard, on a small folio page.
A list of points relating to Throckmorton etc., endorsed Brief of poulette[s] petycon to my lorde Threaseror
, on a quarto leaf.
A briefe of mr George Puttenhms practyses against Richard Poulet wherin he the said Richard requirethe redresse
, on a broadsheet page.
Copy of a Privy Council order concerning the Puttenham versus Lady Windsor dispute, on a folio page, June 1576.
1576.A note of my lorde W[indso]rs & lord Tresorers lre to my La. Throckmrton
concerning her late husband's lease with George Puttenham and title to Heriard, on two folio pages, after 22 May 1580.
All the demaunde[s] that Mr Pauwlett can make (as I suppose)
and [?Puttenham's] answer, in a cursive secretary hand, on three folio pages.
Quoted, with facsimiles, in Willis, pp. 423-6.
A note on a hearing in the Star Chamber, on one page with an endorsement, 16 November 1576.
1576.44M69/F2/14/1 [bundle 2
A statement in Latin about the Puttenham-Windsor case, on two folio pages.
c.1578.A copy of mr putenam Apeale
, in Latin, on two folio pages.
Copy, in court hand, in Latin, of the final concord between Lady Windsor and Jane Kydwelly about land at Herriard and elsewhere, on two folio pages.
c.1578-9?.A bill of complaint of Lady Windsor against George Puttenham, enumerating her troubles with him for fifteen years (…not havinge the feare of god before his eyes [he] most wikydlie hather eur since lyved most incontene[n]t geving him self our to whoredome and other ungodly lief…not only wasted and consumed all [her] landee[s] and goode[s], But also in the same tyme moche [misabused?] her wth c[o]r[po]rell stripes beatinge[s] and other vnseamely acte[s] and demeanoures
wasting her revenues in the mainteynaunce of most vnhonest women and Nursinge of his Base borne children by him begotten of them
), on three broadsheets.
Quoted in Willis, pp. 434-6.
Lady Windsor's allegations against George Puttenham exhibited before the ecclesiastical commissioners, to get a divorce, on two broadsheets.
c.1578.Details of Puttenham's revenues by Lady Windsor, on one broadsheet.
c.1578.Depositions by seventeen persons in answer to Lady Windsor's allegations about George Puttenham's adultery with various women, the children they bore him, and the physical violence he had inflicted upon herncluding various testimonies that Puttenham was reputed in the country to lead a very evill and dissolute lyfe
, a verye vngodlye life
, living incontinently
, wth dyvers women a longe tyme
, and to keep a young woman secretly
, being a hansome comelye younge woman
; that he kept at his own charge Elizabeth Johnson (who, by one account, named herselfe Besse Malon
) at a house in Upton Grey and that he was seen to visit her secretlye
at various times for half an hour or more at a time in a chamber with the door kept shut; Elizabeth Johnson's own testimony confirming that, after having her brought to a house in Paddington, Puttenham wth much adoe had his pleasure carnallye wth her
and then kept her at his charge in various houses over a period until his wife Lady Windsor and others found her at Upton Grey and brought her to Herriard Manor; others, including widwives, reporting that a wenche
named Eleanor and Katherine Kirby both had children by Puttenham, who paid for their nursing, and that Eleanor was now Nicholas Newbold, the parson of Bradley's, wife; Thomazine Harte also testifying that Puttenham and his man James Kirby had made repeated attempts, with greate offers of rewarde[s]
, to allure her Daughter to consente…to satisfye his fylthye lustes of concupisence and fornicac[i]on
, offers which she vtterlye abhorred
, which led to much discorde and displeasure
; with further reports that Puttenham had often tymes beaten and struken the saide Ladye Eliz his wiefe and behaued him selfe very Rigorrouslye by punchinge and throwinge her downe by violence
, on one occasion, in his rage and furye
, throwing his wife downe like to burste her backe & Rybbes
, in Latin and English, in a folio booklet of 22 pages.
Quoted in Willis, pp. 415-18.
A certificate of John Kingsmill, in Latin, concerning an ecclesiastical grant of absolution made to Puttenham and others in connection with the incident when they fought in Herriard churchyard on 9 May 1576, on a small membrane of vellum.
An autograph draft letter by Lady Windsor to yor worshipps
about Puttenham's false sugestions
(he hath such power to abuse you…he derideth you all, to yor owne faces
) and his cruelties to her (tendringe to the immynent danger of my life The manr whereof at large I am Ashamed for womanhed…to dilate vnto you
). Written on the back of an address leaf addressed by Katherine Paulet to her husband John Paulet, on a pair of conjugate folio leaves.
Quoted in Willis, pp. 441-2.
Lady Windsor's answers to George Puttenham's articles, passionately accusing him (so wicked a man voyd of all conscyence
who maried the Landes and the liuinge and not the woman
) of vildlie
treating her more like a kytchin slaue then like a wyfe
(Latelie ye haue most wickedlie attempted…to spoile me of my life wch beyng so I way ye ar no man for me to keepe any socyetie wth
), threatening to reveal such matters as his sclawnderouse tounge hath Ranged
as he will spedelie Repent
, contemptuously dismissing his various allegations (you feare yor owne shadow
), swearing you shall not still play the p[a]rte of Oliuer omrant as hetherto yor glorious hed p[er]swadeth you still that you daunce in a net so as no bodie may espye yor devises
, and declaring that he has consumed and spoiled almost all
and that what she herself has carried away scarse amonteth to a payre of hose to my legge[s]
, on three folio pages.
Quoted in Willis, pp. 438-9.
Extract from a quitclaim, in court hand, by William, Elizabeth and John Paulet to Ralph and John Knight, on two broadsheet pages.
c.1578.Assignment by Robert Wursham (or Wonersham) to William, Lord Windsor, of lands in Weston Corbet and elsewhere, on one membrane of vellum, 23 September 1555.
1555.A draft letter by Lady Windsor, on the back of an unrelated letter, to Dr Lewis and the Commissioners of the Court of Delegates concerning her lawsuit, on four folio pages.
c.1576-8.Extract, in court hand, from a rent roll for Lord Windsor's property at Bentworth, on both sides of a broadsheet.
1557.A later inventory of Lord Windsor's goods, on two quarto pages.
19th century.44M69/F2/14/1 [bundle 3
The Coppye of the Inventory of the plate goode[s] and catalle[s] of the right honerable will[ia]m lorde wyndesor, on a roll of 24 broadsheets.
44M69/F2/14/1 [bundle 4
44M69/F2/14/2 [folder 2
your lordshipconcerning the Lady Windsor versus Puttenham dispute, on eight broadsheets, 3 February 1577/8. 1578.
44M69/F2/14/2 [folder 3
44M69/F2/14/2, [unnumbered item in bundle 1
Geo. putenham), presumably to the Paulet family, requesting them to
yelde me myne owne wth quyetnesand let the bearer Mr Owen have
the Inventory you haue take of my goode[s] or a copie therof, on a small slip of paper. c.1578.
44M69/F2/14/2, [unnumbered item]
Geo. putenham), to his wife Lady Windsor, concerning a debt of £200 and admonishing her not to make
frivolous demands. c.1576-7?.
Quoted, with a facsimile, in Willis, pp. 426-8.
Quoted, with a facsimile, in Willis, pp. 426-8.
44M69/F2/14/2, [unnumbered item]
Geo. putenham), relating to an indenture of 30 November 1562 received from Sir Richard Paulet concerning legacies and obligations between Puttenham and Edward Lord Windsor, on one folio page, 5 June 1581. 1581.
44M69/F2/14/2, [unnumbered item]
Writinge[s] to be deyuerd by Ric pawlet, on a folio page, 11 May 1586. 1586.
44M69/F2/14/2, [unnumbered item in Bundle 1
Geo. putenham), for various
parcells of writingesfrom Sir Richard Paulet via John Waller, on one folio page, 26 May 1586. 1586.
44M69/F2/14/2, [unnumbered item]
Quoted in Willis, pp. 461-2.
Quoted in Willis, pp. 461-2.
Concerning George Puttenham's alleged attempt to gain possession of land.
22 October 1583.44M69/F2/14/18 [unnumbered item]
slanderousbill of complaint against him by John Lee and others, on three folio pages, 28 March 1614.
Mentioning the great suite[s] in law
he and his father had with George Puttenham who married Sir Richard's grandmother and would have defeated him of his land, yf yt had not ben holpen in the highe court of Starchamber
, by which means he was left muche indebted at his fathers deathe Chardged wth divers Legacies
, [c.March-April 1614]; one of eight items concerning complaints against Sir Richard's magistracy in 1606-14.
in rioutous manner wth Iron Barrsentered Puttenham's house at Whitefriars, arrested him and removed certain goods, and Paulet's answer (of 18 November 1611) referring to George Puttenham as his grandmother's
most…lewde husband, seven items, seven pages in all, folio and octavo. 1610-13.
Quoted in Willis, pp. 453-4 (as to Thomas Ashe (?)
Quoted in Willis, pp. 453-4 (as to Thomas Ashe (?)
intangledher grandfather
in bondes…in ye Lady Winsors time. c.1630s.
Copy of a letter by Ralegh to his wife (1603), on a pair of conjugate folio leaves, endosed with a twenty-line poem beginning
Among the papers of the Jervoise family, of Herriard Park.
A tract addressed to James I and beginning It belongeth not to me to judge whether the king of Spain hath done wrong to the Netherlands...
. First published in
Among the papers of the Jervoise family, of Herriard Park.
A speech beginning I will use no preface, as they do who prepare men to something to which they would persuade them …
First published in two variant editions, as He may have prepared and circulated the speech in manuscript to impress contemporaries
Among the papers of the Jervoise family, of Herriard Park, and probably owned by Sir Thomas Jervoise (1588-1654).
58 Epigrammes first published in Middleborugh
[i.e. London?], [1595-6?]. Krueger, pp. 127-51. Fourteen additional Epigrammes printed from MSS in Krueger, pp. 153-9.
Among the papers of the Jervoise family, of Herriard Park, and probably owned by Sir Thomas Jervoise (1588-1654).
Edited from this MS in Charles Murray Willis,
Edited from this MS in Charles Murray Willis,
Sir Toby Belch's song.
Cap. xviij How the prince sought to entreat the stae of nobillitee in generall; then
Cap xix° how the prince in allowinge the state of the nobilletee his premyn ences shoold haue regard that it become not ouer insolent; and
Cap xx how respect shoold be had that the state of nobillitee shoold not be impovrished p thother estates, ending
…since this only excesse is on of the suckers that of all other drawth most bludd owte of this misticall bodye., on ten folio pages, with stubs of excised leaves beforehand, in vellum.
Seyssel's book is listed in two notebooks (browght from mystres ffranklins howse
(Willis, p. 394).
Among the papers of the Jervoise family, of Herriard.
Identified as a translation from Seyssel by Eric Lindquist.
Identified as a translation from Seyssel by Eric Lindquist.
A political monarchist discourse by Claude de Seyssel (d.1520), Bishop of Marseilles and Archbishop of Turin, written c.1515 and first published, as
A catalogue of the booke[s] yt I browght from mystres ffranklins howse(listing over 40 books in French, Latin, Italian and English, and
wryten booke[s] of myn owne dyvers), 88 leaves, in a vellum wrapper taken from an older document in Hebrew.
Not in Puttenham's hand, but possibly compiled by members of the Paulet family.
Late 16th century.This volume is discussed, as if by Puttenham, in Willis, pp. 387-96.
This volume is discussed, as if by Puttenham, in Willis, pp. 387-96.
44M69/[unnumbered; old number D1/6/71]
44M69/[unnumbered; old number D1/6/72]
A detailed and systematic listing [? by Paulet] of some 100 deeds, bills, leases, bonds, acquitances, agreements, releases, certificates, wills, statutes, rentals and other documents, alphabetically arranged in groups, on ff. [1r-5v]; followed (on ff. [6r-8r]) by A note of suche wrytinge[s] and Evidence[s] as have been delivrede to Sr John Throckmorton mr Puttenhn and theire servante[s] since the takeinge of the white ffryards
Quoted in Willis, p. 457.
Quoted in Willis, p. 457.
44M69/[unnumbered; old number D1/6/73]
Quoted in Willis, pp. 413-14.
Quoted in Willis, pp. 413-14.
44M69/[unnumbered; old number D1/6/A21]
In Willis, pp. 459, 461.
In Willis, pp. 459, 461.
A detailed list (on ff. [2v-12v]) of some 370 numbered documents or groups of documents, in addition to a quantity of unnumbered items (more in the same red cheste
, etc.), followed (on ff. [12v-14r]) by a list of 112 Bookes
(English, French, Latin and Italian), including items at the end such as Two pap booke[s] in pchmt one wryten in Rym dyalog
, one lytle book in velim Contayning a dialog wrytten in Romane hand
, One othr lyttle booke of Certeyne meeters Wryten in honr of her mate[s] name in pchemt bound wth greene leaves
, A pap booke bownde in pchmt entitled a book of Accompte[s] betwene me & my ffarmers of heryard at or lady daye 1574
, and a nomber of papers some Rimes. Riddles and othr Ragged loose papers
44M69 [unnumbered]
Quoted with a facsimile, in Willis, pp. 396-9.
Quoted with a facsimile, in Willis, pp. 396-9.
44M69 [unnumbered]
Geo. putenham), for the return by Richard Paulet of ten specified books of Puttenham, on a single page, 22 October 1580. 1580.
Quoted in Willis, with a facsimile, pp. 457-9.
Quoted in Willis, with a facsimile, pp. 457-9.
44M69 [unnumbered]
Quoted in Willis, p. 459.
Quoted in Willis, p. 459.
44M69 [unnumbered]
Quoted in Willis, p. 459.
Quoted in Willis, p. 459.