Harvard University, fMS Eng 966.4

fMS Eng 966.4

A folio volume of 119 poems by Donne, plus some prose works by him, in a single neat secretary hand, each poem usually ending with a trefoil or triangular group of trefoils, 536 pages, in modern calf elaborately gilt. c.1623-30s.

Like Cambridge University Library, MS Add. 5778 (DnJ Δ 4) and University of Nottingham, Pw V 37 (DnJ Δ 57), this volume was extensively used as a notebook by Dr William Balam (1651-1726), of Ely, Cambridgeshire. Sotheby's 10-12 June 1914, lot 1095. Then owned until 1932 by Percy J. Dobell (1871-1956), bookseller. Formerly MS Nor 4506.

Recorded in IELM as the Dobell MS: DnJ Δ 16. Discussed, with a facsimile of f. 194r (see DnJ 2104) by Mabel Potter in A Seventeenth-Century Literary Critic of John Donne: The Dobell Manuscript Re-examined, HLB, 22 (1975), 63-89, and in A Letter of Tom Browne, N&Q, ? (October 1973), 393. A facsimile of the last page (see DnJ 4011) is in Potter & Simpson, X, 428-30. The extensive MS and typescript papers on this MS by George Reuben Potter and Mabel H. Potter, donated by George R. Potter in 1962, are Harvard, MS Eng 966.4.1.

pp. 3-16
DnJ 4003: John Donne, Sermon preached at Lincoln's Inn [spring or summer, 1618], on Psalms 38.9 ('')


Edited from this MS in Potter & Simpson.

First published in the 1921 facsimile of the Dowden Sermons MS (see DnJ 4002). Potter & Simpson, II, No. 6, pp. 144-63.

pp. 111-28
DnJ 4011: John Donne, A Sermon of Valediction at my going into Germany, at Lincoln's Inn, April 18, 1619, on Ecclesiastics 12.1 ('')

Copy of an early version, beginning We may consider two great vertues..., subscribed Preachd at Lincolnes Inne before his departure with my L. of Doncaster. 1619.

This MS collated in Potter & Simpson. A facsimile of f. 64v is in Potter & Simpson, X, 429.

First published in XXVI Sermons (London, 1661), No. 19. Potter & Simpson, II, No. 11, pp. 235-49.

p. 135
DnJ 4125: John Donne, Letter(s) ('')

Copy of a letter by Donne, to Susan Vere, Countess of Montgomery, [1619].

The original letter (now lost) apparently enclosed a copy of Donne's Sermon of Valediction preached at Lincoln's Inn on 18 April 1619 (not Donne's sermon on Matthew 21.44 as was thought by Potter & Simpson). The letter was published in Letters to Severall Persons of Honour (London, 1651).

pp. 137-56
DnJ 4007: John Donne, Sermon preached February 21 [1618/19], on Matthew 21.44 ('')


This MS collated in Potter & Simpson.

First published in Six Sermons (Cambridge, 1634). Fifty Sermons (London, 1649), No. 35. Potter & Simpson, II, No. 8, pp. 180-96.

pp. 159-62
DnJ 767: John Donne, La Corona ('Deigne at my hands this crown of prayer and praise')

Copy of the sequence of seven sonnets, headed The Crowne.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 318-21. Gardner, Divine Poems, pp. 1-5. Shawcross, No. 160.

p. 163
DnJ 3146: John Donne, Thou hast made me, And shall thy worke decay?

Copy, untitled, numbered 1, after a general heading Devine meditations.

Edited from this MS in Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), p. 5. Collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 322 (as Holy Sonnets. I). Gardner, Divine Poems, pp. 12-13. Shawcross, No. 174. Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), pp. 5, 11, 103 (in three sequences).

p. 163
DnJ 220: John Donne, As due by many titles I resigne

Copy, untitled, numbered 2.

Edited from this MS in Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), p. 5. Collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. I, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 322 (as Holy Sonnets. I). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 6. Shawcross, No. 162. Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), pp. 5, 11, 21, 103 (in four sequences).

p. 164
DnJ 2390: John Donne, O might those sighes and teares return againe

Copy, untitled, numbered 3.

Edited from this MS in Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), p. 6. Collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. III, in Poems (1635). Grierson, I, 323 (as Holy Sonnets. III). Gardner, Divine Poems, pp. 13-14. Shawcross, No. 176. Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), pp. 6, 12, 104 (in three sequences).

p. 164
DnJ 1297: John Donne, Father, part of his double interest

Copy, untitled, numbered 4.

Edited from this MS in Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), p. 6. Collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. XII, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 329 (as Holy Sonnets. XVI). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 12. Shawcross, No. 173. Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), pp. 6, 12, 26, 110 (in four sequences).

p. 165
DnJ 2482: John Donne, Oh, my blacke Soule! now thou art summoned

Copy, untitled, numbered 5.

Edited from this MS in Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), p. 7. Collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. II, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 323 (as Holy Sonnets. IV). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 7. Shawcross, No. 163. Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), pp. 7, 21, 104 (in three sequences).

p. 165
DnJ 3140: John Donne, This is my playes last scene, here heavens appoint

Copy, untitled, numbered 6.

Edited from this MS in Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), p. 7. Collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. III, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 324 (as Holy Sonnets. VI). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 7. Shawcross, No. 164. Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), pp. 7, 22, 105 (in three sequences).

p. 166
DnJ 1600: John Donne, I am a little world made cunningly

Copy, untitled, numbered 7.

Edited from this MS in Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), p. 8. Collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. V, in Poems (1635). Grierson, I, 324 (as Holy Sonnets. V). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 13. Shawcross, No. 175. Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), pp. 8, 14, 105 (in three sequences).

p. 166
DnJ 235: John Donne, At the round earths imagin'd corners, blow

Copy, untitled, numbered 8.

Edited from this MS in Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), p. 8. Collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. IV, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 325 (as Holy Sonnets. VII). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 8. Shawcross, No. 165. Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), pp. 8, 14, 22, 106 (in four sequences).

p. 167
DnJ 1621: John Donne, If poysonous mineralls, and if that tree

Copy, untitled, numbered 9.

Edited from this MS in Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), p. 9. Collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. V, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 326 (as Holy Sonnets. IX). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 8. Shawcross, No. 166. Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), pp. 9, 15, 23, 107 (in four sequences).

p. 167
DnJ 1606: John Donne, If faithfull soules be alike glorifi'd

Copy, untitled, numbered 10.

Edited from this MS in Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), p. 9. Collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. VIII, in Poems (1635). Grierson, I, 325 (as Holy Sonnets. VIII). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 14. Shawcross, No. 177.

p. 168
DnJ 885: John Donne, Death be not proud, though some have called thee

Copy, untitled, numbered 11.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. VI, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 326 (as Holy Sonnets. X). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 9. Shawcross, No. 167. Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), pp. 10, 16, 23, 107 (in four sequences).

p. 168
DnJ 3940: John Donne, Wilt thou love God, as he thee! then digest

Copy, untitled, numbered 12.

Edited from this MS in Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), p. 10. Collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. XI, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 329 (as Holy Sonnets. XV). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 11. Shawcross, No. 172.

pp. 169-78
DnJ 1932: John Donne, The Litanie ('Father of Heaven, and him, by whom')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 338-48. Gardner, Divine Poems, pp. 16-26. Shawcross, No. 184.

pp. 179-80
DnJ 1419: John Donne, Goodfriday, 1613. Riding Westward ('Let mans Soule be a spheare, and then, in this')

Copy, headed A Meditation vpon Good ffriday. 1613.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 336-7. Gardner, Divine Poems, pp. 30-1. Shawcross, No. 185.

pp. 181-2
DnJ 136: John Donne, The Annuntiation and Passion ('Tamely, fraile body, 'abstaine to day. to day')

Copy, headed Vpon the Annunciation and passion following vpon one day. 1608.

This MS collated in Gardener and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 334-6. Gardner, Divine Poems, pp. 29-30 (as Upon the Annunciation and Passion falling upon one day. 1608). Shawcross, No. 183.

pp. 183-4
DnJ 785: John Donne, The Crosse ('Since Christ embrac'd the Crosse it selfe, dare I')

Copy, headed Of the Crosse.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 331-3. Gardner, Divine Poems, pp. 26-8. Shawcross, No. 181.

p. 185
DnJ 1555: John Donne, A Hymne to Christ, at the Authors last going into Germany ('In what torne ship soever I embarke')

Copy, headed At his departure with my L: of Doncaster. 1619.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 352-3. Gardner, Divine Poems, pp. 48-9. Shawcross, No. 190.

pp. 186-7
DnJ 3369: John Donne, To Mr. Tilman after he had taken orders ('Thou, whose diviner soule hath caus'd thee now')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1635). Grierson, I, 351-2. Gardner, Divine Poems, pp. 32-3. Shawcross, No. 189.

p. 188
DnJ 1574: John Donne, A Hymne to God the Father ('Wilt thou forgive that sinne where I begunne')

Copy, headed To Christ.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 369 (and variant text p. 370). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 51. Shawcross, No. 193. Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), pp. 10, 16, 26, 110 (in four sequences).

pp. 195-218
DnJ 4072: John Donne, Paradoxes and Problems ('')

Copy of 10 Paradoxes and 19 Problems.

This MS discussed by Evelyn Simpson in RES, 10 (1934), 289-93.

Eleven Paradoxes and ten Problems first published in Juvenilia: or Certaine Paradoxes and Problemes (London, 1633). Twelve Paradoxes and seventeen Problems published in Paradoxes, Problems, Essayes (London, 1652). Two more Problems published in 1899 and 1927 (see DnJ 4073, DnJ 4089). Twelve Paradoxes and eighteen Problems reprinted in Paradoxes and Problemes by John Donne (London, 1923). Twelve Paradoxes (Nos XI and XII relegated to Dubia) and nineteen Problems (No. XI by Edward Herbert) edited in Peters.

p. 219
DnJ 4059: John Donne, The Character of a Scott at the First Sight ('')

Copy, headed The description of a Scott at first sight.

This MS recorded in Evelyn Simpson, More Manuscripts of Donne's Paradoxes and Problems, RES, 10 (1934), 288-300 (pp. 289-90).

First published in Paradoxes, Problems, Essayes (London, 1652). Hayward, pp. 414-15. Peters, pp. 59-62 (among Dubia). The authorship discussed in Dennis Flynn, Three Unnoticed Companion Essays to Donne's An Essay of Valour, BNYPL, 73 (1969), 424-39.

pp. 219-21
DnJ 4091: John Donne, The True Character of a Dunce ('')

Copy, headed A dunce.

This MS recorded in Evelyn Simpson, More Manuscripts of Donne's Paradoxes and Problems, RES, 10 (1934), 288-300 (pp. 289-90).

First published in Sir Thomas Overbury, A Wife, 11th impression (London, 1622). Paradoxes, Problems, Essayes (London, 1652). Hayward, pp. 415-17. Peters, pp. 59-62 (among Dubia). The authorship discussed in Dennis Flynn, Three Unnoticed Companion Essays to Donne's An Essay of Valour, BNYPL, 73 (1969), 424-39.

pp. 231-4
DnJ 2733: John Donne, Satyre I ('Away thou fondling motley humorist')

Copy, headed Satyra Prima.

This MS collated in Shawcross. Recorded in Milgate.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 145-9. Milgate, Satires, pp. 3-6. Shawcross, No. 1.

pp. 235-7
DnJ 2858: John Donne, Satyre V ('Thou shalt not laugh in this leafe, Muse, nor they')

Copy, headed Satyra secunda.

This MS collated in Shawcross. Recorded in Milgate.

First published (in full) in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 168-71. Milgate, Satires, pp. 22-5. Shawcross, No. 5.

pp. 243-5, 250-4
DnJ 2825: John Donne, Satyre IV ('Well. I may now receive, and die. My sinne')

Copy, headed Satyra quarta.

This MS collated in Shawcross. Recorded in Milgate.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 158-68. Milgate, Satires, pp. 14-22. Shawcross, No. 4.

pp. 255-8
DnJ 2763: John Donne, Satyre II ('Sir. though (I thank God for it) I do hate')

Copy, headed Satyra quinta.

This MS collated in Shawcross. Recorded in Milgate.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 149-54. Milgate, Satires, pp. 7-10. Shawcross, No. 2.

pp. 259-62
DnJ 2795: John Donne, Satyre III ('Kinde pitty chokes my spleene. brave scorn forbids')

Copy, headed Satyra Sexta.

This MS collated in Shawcross. Recorded in Milgate.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 154-8. Milgate, Satires, pp. 10-14. Shawcross, No. 3.

pp. 271-7
DnJ 2417: John Donne, Obsequies to the Lord Harrington, brother to the Lady Lucy, Countesse of Bedford ('Faire soule, which wast, not onely, as all soules bee')


This MS collated in Shawcross and in Milgate.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 271-9. Shawcross, No. 153. Milgate, Epithalamions, pp. 66-74. Variorum, 6 (1995), pp. 177-82.

pp. 280-2
DnJ 1008: John Donne, Elegie on Mris Boulstred ('Death I recant, and say, unsaid by mee')


This MS collated in Shawcross and in Milgate.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 282-4. Shawcross, No. 150. Milgate, Epithalamions, p. 59-61. Variorum, 6 (1995), pp. 129-30.

pp. 283-4
DnJ 1064: John Donne, Elegie on the Lady Marckham ('Man is the World, and death th' Ocean')

Copy, headed A funerall Elegy on the Death of ye Lady Markham.

This MS collated in Shawcross and in Milgate.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 279-81. Shawcross, No. 149. Milgate, Epithalamions, pp. 55-9. Variorum, 6 (1995), pp. 112-13.

pp. 285-6
DnJ 255: John Donne, The Autumnall ('No Spring, nor Summer Beauty hath such grace')

Copy, headed Elegy Autumnall.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Elegie. The Autumnall, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 92-4 (as Elegie IX). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 27-8. Shawcross, No. 50. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 277-8.

pp. 287-8
DnJ 2499: John Donne, On his Mistris ('By our first strange and fatall interview')

Copy, headed Elegy on his Mrs desire to be disguised, and to goe like a Page with him.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1635). Grierson, I, 111-13 (as Elegie XVI). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 23-4. Shawcross, No. 18. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 246-7.

pp. 289-90
DnJ 687: John Donne, The Comparison ('As the sweet sweat of Roses in a Still')

Copy, headed Elegy.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Elegie, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 90-2 (as Elegie VIII). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 5-6. Shawcross, No. 9. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 51-2.

pp. 291-2
DnJ 3168: John Donne, To his Mistris Going to Bed ('Come, Madam, come, all rest my powers defie')

Copy, headed Elegy.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (London, 1669). Grierson, I, 119-21 (as Elegie XIX. Going to Bed). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 14-16. Shawcross, No. 15. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 163-4.

The various texts of this poem discussed in Randall McLeod, Obliterature: Reading a Censored Text of Donne's To his mistress going to bed, EMS, 12: Scribes and Transmission in English Manuscripts 1400-1700 (2005), 83-138.

pp. 293-4
DnJ 45: John Donne, The Anagram ('Marry, and love thy Flavia, for, shee')

Copy, headed Elegy.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published as Elegie II in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 80-2 (as Elegie II). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 21-2. Shawcross, No. 17. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 217-18.

pp. 295-7
DnJ 2551: John Donne, The Perfume ('Once, and but once found in thy company')

Copy, headed Elegy.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Elegie IV, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 84-6 (as Elegie IV). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 7-9. Shawcross, No. 10. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 72-3.

pp. 297-8
DnJ 621: John Donne, Change ('Although thy hand and faith, and good workes too')

Copy, headed Elegy.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Elegie III, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 82-3 (as Elegie III). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 19-20. Shawcross, No. 16. Variorum, 2 (2000), p. 198.

pp. 299-300
DnJ 2198: John Donne, Loves Warre ('Till I have peace with thee, warr other men')

Copy, headed Elegy.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in F.G. Waldron, A Collection of Miscellaneous Poetry (London, 1802), pp. 1-2. Grierson, I, 122-3 (as Elegie XX). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 13-14. Shawcross, No. 14. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 142-3.

pp. 301-2
DnJ 2445: John Donne, Oh, let mee not serve so, as those men serve

Copy, headed Elegy.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Elegie VII, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 87-9 (as Elegie VI). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 10-11. Shawcross, No. 12. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 110-11.

p. 303
DnJ 2332: John Donne, Natures lay Ideot, I taught thee to love

Copy, headed Elegy.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Elegie VIII, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 89-90 (as Elegie VII). Gardner, Elegies, p. 12. Shawcross, No. 13. Variorum, 2 (2000), p. 127.

pp. 304-6
DnJ 1222: John Donne, The Expostulation ('To make the doubt cleare, that no woman's true')

Copy, headed Elegy.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Elegie, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 108-10 (as Elegie XV). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 94-6 (among her Dubia). Shawcross, No. 22. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 369-70.

pp. 307-10
DnJ 1168: John Donne, An Epithalamion, Or mariage Song on the Lady Elizabeth, and Count Palatine being married on St. Valentines day ('Haile Bishop Valentine, whose day this is')

Copy, headed Vpon the marriage of the Prince Palatine and the Lady Elizabeth on St Valentines day.

This MS collated in Shawcross and in Milgate.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 127-31. Shawcross, No. 107. Milgate, Epithalamions, pp. 6-10. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 108-10.

pp. 310A-317
DnJ 983: John Donne, Ecclogue. 1613. December 26 ('Unseasonable man, statue of ice')

Copy, headed Eclogue, with the 11-poem Epithalamion, lacking lines 226-35.

This MS collated in Shawcross and in Milgate.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 131-44. Shawcross, No. 108. Milgate, Epithalamions, pp. 10-19 (as Epithalamion at the Marriage of the Earl of Somerset). Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 133-9.

pp. 318-21
DnJ 1150: John Donne, Epithalamion made at Lincolnes Inne ('The Sun-beames in the East are spred')

Copy, headed Epithalamiu on a Citizen.

This MS collated in Shawcross and in Milgate.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 141-4. Shawcross, No. 106. Milgate, Epithalamions, pp. 3-6. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 87-9.

pp. 325-8
DnJ 369: John Donne, The Bracelet ('Not that in colour it was like thy haire')

Copy, headed Armilla To a Lady whose chaine was lost.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Eleg. XII. The Bracelet, in Poems (1635). Grierson, I, 96-100 (as Elegie XI). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 1-4. Shawcross, No. 8. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 5-7.

pp. 329-31
DnJ 3511: John Donne, To the Countesse of Bedford ('Honour is so sublime perfection')


This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 218-20. Milgate, Satires, pp. 100-2. Shawcross, No. 136.

p. 331
DnJ 1129: John Donne, Epitaph on Himselfe. To the Countesse of Bedford ('That I might make your Cabinet my tombe')

Copy, headed To the Countesse of Bedford.

This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (London, 1635). Grierson, I, 291-2. Milgate, Satires, p. 103. Shawcross, No. 147.

pp. 332-4
DnJ 3552: John Donne, To the Countesse of Bedford ('You have refin'd mee, and to worthyest things')


This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 191-3. Milgate, Satires, pp. 91-4. Shawcross, No. 137.

pp. 335-6
DnJ 3526: John Donne, To the Countesse of Bedford ('Reason is our Soules left hand, Faith her right')


This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 189-90. Milgate, Satires, pp. 90-1. Shawcross, No. 134.

pp. 337-9
DnJ 1868: John Donne, A Letter to the Lady Carey, and Mrs Essex Riche, From Amyens ('Here where by All All Saints invoked are')

Copy, headed To the Lady Carey.

This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 221-3. Milgate, Satires, pp. 105-7. Shawcross, No. 142.

p. 340
DnJ 3456: John Donne, To Sr Henry Wootton ('Here's no more newes then vertue, I may as well')


This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 187-8. Milgate, Satires, pp. 73-4. Shawcross, No. 111.

pp. 341-3
DnJ 3485: John Donne, To Sr Henry Wotton ('Sir, more then kisses, letters mingle Soules')


This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 180-2. Milgate, Satires, pp. 71-3. Shawcross, No. 112.

pp. 343-5
DnJ 3432: John Donne, To Sr Henry Goodyere ('Who makes the Past, a patterne for next yeare')


This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 183-4. Milgate, Satires, pp. 78-9. Shawcross, No. 130.

pp. 345-7
DnJ 3058: John Donne, The Storme ('Thou which art I, ('tis nothing to be soe)')

Copy, headed The storme To Mr Brooke from the Iland voyage with the Earle of Essex.

This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published (in full) in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 175-7. Milgate, Satires, pp. 55-7. Shawcross, No. 109.

pp. 348-9
DnJ 545: John Donne, The Calme ('Our storme is past, and that storms tyrannous rage')


This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 178-80. Milgate, Satires, pp. 57-9. Shawcross, No. 110.

pp. 350-1
DnJ 3284: John Donne, To Mr Rowland Woodward ('Like one who'in her third widdowhood doth professe')

Copy, headed To Rowland Woodward.

This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 185-6. Milgate, Satires, pp. 69-70. Shawcross, No. 113.

p. 352
DnJ 3315: John Donne, To Mr T.W. ('All haile sweet Poët, more full of more strong fire')

Copy, headed A lre. incog.

This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 203-5. Milgate, Satires, pp. 59-60. Shawcross, No. 114.

pp. 353-4
DnJ 3401: John Donne, To Sr Edward Herbert, at Julyers ('Man is a lumpe, where all beasts kneaded bee')

Copy, headed To Sr Edward Herbert.

This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 193-5. Milgate, Satires, pp. 80-1. Shawcross, No. 140.

p. 355
DnJ 3341: John Donne, To Mr T.W. ('At once, from hence, my lines and I depart')

Copy, headed A lre, incog:-.

This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 206-7. Milgate, Satires, p. 62. Shawcross, No. 117.

p. 357
DnJ 1679: John Donne, Jealosie ('Fond woman, which would'st have thy husband die')

Copy, headed Elegy.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Elegie I, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 79-80 (as Elegie I). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 9-10. Shawcross, No. 11.

pp. 365-7
DnJ 3124: John Donne, A Tale of a Citizen and his Wife ('I sing no harme good sooth to any wight')

Copy, headed A tale.

This MS collated in Gardner.

First published, as Eleg. XVI, in Poems (1635). Grierson, I, 105-8 (as Elegie XIV). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 101-3 (among her Dubia). Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 437-8, among Dubia. Not in Shawcross.

p. 367
DnJ 3953: John Donne, Witchcraft by a picture ('I fixe mine eye on thine, and there')

Copy, headed Picture.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 45-6. Gardner, Elegies, p. 37. Shawcross, No. 26.

p. 368
DnJ 3653: John Donne, Twicknam garden ('Blasted with sighs, and surrounded with teares')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 28-9. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 83-4. Shawcross, No. 51.

pp. 369-71
DnJ 3776: John Donne, A Valediction: of my name, in the window ('My name engrav'd herein')

Copy, headed A Valediction of his name, in the window.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 25-8. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 64-6. Shawcross, No. 49.

pp. 372-4
DnJ 3806: John Donne, A Valediction: of the booke ('I'll tell thee now (deare Love) what thou shalt doe')


This MS collated in Grierson, in Gardner, and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 29-32. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 67-9. Shawcross, No. 52.

pp. 374-5
DnJ 3725: John Donne, A Valediction: forbidding mourning ('As virtuous men passe mildly away')

Copy, headed Vpon the parting fro his Mistresse.

This MS collated in Grierson and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 49-51. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 62-4. Shawcross, No. 31.

p. 376
DnJ 1194: John Donne, The Expiration ('So, so, breake off this last lamenting kisse')

Copy, headed Valedictio.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, in a musical setting, in Alfonso Ferrabosco, Ayres (London, 1609). Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 68. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 36-7. Shawcross, No. 75.

pp. 377-9
DnJ 1255: John Donne, The Extasie ('Where, like a pillow on a bed')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 51-3. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 59-61. Shawcross, No. 62.

p. 380
DnJ 926: John Donne, The Dreame ('Deare love, for nothing lesse then thee')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 37-8. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 79-80. Shawcross, No. 57.

p. 381
DnJ 179: John Donne, The Apparition ('When by thy scorne, O murdresse, I am dead')

Copy, headed An Apparition.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 47-8. Gardner, Elegies, p. 43. Shawcross, No. 28.

pp. 382-3
DnJ 3899: John Donne, The Will ('Before I sigh my last gaspe, let me breath')

Copy, headed Testamentum.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 56-8. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 54-5. Shawcross, No. 66.

p. 384
DnJ 1396: John Donne, The Funerall ('Who ever comes to shroud me, do not harme')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 58-9. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 90-1. Shawcross, No. 67.

p. 385
DnJ 1798: John Donne, A Lecture upon the Shadow ('Stand still, and I will read to thee')

Copy, headed Shaddowe.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Song, in Poems (1635). Grierson, I, 71-2. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 78-9. Shawcross, No. 30.

p. 386
DnJ 2000: John Donne, Loves Deitie ('I long to talke with some old lovers ghost')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 54. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 47-8. Shawcross, No. 64.

p. 387-8
DnJ 2037: John Donne, Loves diet ('To what a combersome unwieldinesse')

Copy, headed Amoris Dieta:.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 55-6. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 45-6. Shawcross, No. 65.

p. 389
DnJ 2104: John Donne, Loves growth ('I scarce beleeve my love to be so pure')

Copy, headed Springe. Loves Growth.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross. Facsimile in Mabel Potter, A Seventeenth-Century Literary Critic of John Donne: The Dobell Manuscript Re-examined, HLB, 22 (1975), 63-69 (facing p. 65).

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 33-4. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 76-7. Shawcross, No. 54.

pp. 390-1
DnJ 346: John Donne, The Blossoms ('Little think'st thou, poore flower')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 59-60. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 87-8. Shawcross, No. 68.

p. 392
DnJ 2612: John Donne, The Primrose ('Upon this Primrose hill')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 61-2. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 88-9. Shawcross, No. 69.

p. 393
DnJ 2689: John Donne, The Relique ('When my grave is broke up againe')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 62-3. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 89-90. Shawcross, No. 70.

p. 394
DnJ 858: John Donne, The Dampe ('When I am dead, and Doctors know not why')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 63-4. Gardner, Elegies, p. 49. Shawcross, No. 71.

p. 395
DnJ 15: John Donne, Aire and Angels ('Twice or thrice had I loved thee')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 22. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 75-6. Shawcross, No. 45.

pp. 396-7
DnJ 584: John Donne, The Canonization ('For Godsake hold your tongue, and let me love')

Copy, headed Canonizatio.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 14-15. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 73-5. Shawcross, No. 39.

p. 398
DnJ 1961: John Donne, Loves Alchymie ('Some that have deeper digg'd loves Myne then I')

Copy, headed Mummy. Loves Alchymy.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 39-40. Gardner, Elegies, p. 81. Shawcross, No. 59.

p. 399
DnJ 1355: John Donne, The Flea ('Marke but this flea, and marke in this')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 40-1. Gardner, Elegies, p. 53. Shawcross, No. 60.

p. 400
DnJ 820: John Donne, The Curse ('Who ever guesses, thinks, or dreames he knowes')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 41-2. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 40-1. Shawcross, No. 61.

p. 401
DnJ 1318: John Donne, A Feaver ('Oh doe not die, for I shall hate')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 21. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 61-2. Shawcross, No. 44.

p. 402
DnJ 3836: John Donne, A Valediction: of weeping ('Let me powre forth')

Copy, headed A Valediction of teares.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 38-9. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 69-70. Shawcross, No. 58.

p. 403
DnJ 3696: John Donne, The undertaking ('I have done one braver thing')


This MS collated in Grierson and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 10. Gardner, Elegies, p. 57. Shawcross, No. 63.

p. 404
DnJ 661: John Donne, Communitie ('Good wee must love, and must hate ill')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 32-3. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 33-4. Shawcross, No. 53.

pp. 405-6
DnJ 2081: John Donne, Loves exchange ('Love, any devill else but you')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 34-5. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 46-7. Shawcross, No. 55.

p. 407
DnJ 2912: John Donne, Song ('Goe, and catche a falling starre')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross. Facsimile example in Mark Bland, A Guide to Early Printed Books and Manuscripts (Chichester, 2010), p. 45.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 8-9. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 29-30. Shawcross, No. 33.

p. 408
DnJ 429: John Donne, Breake of day (''Tis true, 'tis day. what though it be?')

Copy, headed Sonnett.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in William Corkine, Second Book of Ayres (London, 1612), sig. B1v. Grierson, I, 23. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 35-6. Shawcross, No. 46.

p. 409
DnJ 1447: John Donne, The good-morrow ('I wonder by my troth, what thou, and I')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 7-8. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 70-1. Shawcross, No. 32.

p. 410
DnJ 3101: John Donne, The Sunne Rising ('Busie old foole, unruly Sunne')

Copy, headed Ad Solem. A songe.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 11-12. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 72-3. Shawcross, No. 36.

p. 411
DnJ 3618: John Donne, The triple Foole ('I am two fooles, I know')


This MS collated in Grierson, in Gardner, and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 16. Gardner, Elegies, p. 52. Shawcross, No. 40.

p. 412
DnJ 742: John Donne, Confined Love ('Some man unworthy to be possessor')

Copy, headed A songe. Confined Love.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 36. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 34-5. Shawcross, No. 56.

pp. 413-14
DnJ 2996: John Donne, Song ('Sweetest love, I do not goe')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 18-19. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 31-2. Shawcross, No. 42.

p. 414
DnJ 720: John Donne, The Computation ('For the first twenty yeares, since yesterday')

Copy, the heading in a different ink and here beginning For my first twenty yeares since yesterday.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 69. Gardner, Elegies, p. 36. Shawcross, No. 76.

p. 415
DnJ 3983: John Donne, Womans constancy ('Now thou hast lov'd me one whole day')

Copy, the heading in a different ink.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 9. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 42-3. Shawcross, No. 34.

p. 416
DnJ 1640: John Donne, The Indifferent ('I can love both faire and browne')

Copy, headed in a different ink Songe. The Indifferent.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 12-13. Gardner, Divine Poems, pp. 41-2. Shawcross, No. 37.

p. 417
DnJ 2168: John Donne, Loves Usury ('For every houre that thou wilt spare mee now')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 13-14. Gardner, Elegies, p. 44. Shawcross, No. 38.

p. 418
DnJ 487: John Donne, The broken heart ('He is starke mad, who ever sayes')

Copy, headed Songe (The broaken Heart added in different ink).

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

Lines 1-16 first published in A Helpe to Memory and Discourse (London, 1630), pp. 45-6. Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 48-9. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 51-2. Shawcross, No. 29.

p. 419
DnJ 1831: John Donne, The Legacie ('When I dyed last, and, Deare, I dye')

Copy, headed Songe (The Legacy added in different ink).

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 20. Gardner, Elegies, p. 50. Shawcross, No. 43.

p. 420
DnJ 957: John Donne, The Dreame ('Image of her whom I love')

Copy, the heading in different ink.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Elegie, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 95 (as Elegie X). Gardner, Elegies, p. 58. Shawcross, No. 35.

p. 421
DnJ 2235: John Donne, Lovers infinitenesse ('If yet I have not all thy love')

Copy, headed in different ink Loves Infiniteness.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 17-18. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 77-8. Shawcross, No. 41.

p. 422
DnJ 2631: John Donne, The Prohibition ('Take heed of loving mee')

Copy of stanzas 1-2, the heading in different ink.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 67-8. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 39-40. Shawcross, No. 47.

p. 423
DnJ 112: John Donne, The Anniversarie ('All Kings, and all their favorites')

Copy, the heading in different ink.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 24-5. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 71-2. Shawcross, No. 48.

p. 424
HrE 84: Edward, Lord Herbert of Cherbury, Ode: Of our Sense of Sinne ('Vengeance will sit above our faults. but till')

Copy, untitled.

First published in John Donne, Poems (London, 1635). The Poems of John Donne, ed. Herbert J.C. Grierson (Oxford, 1912), I, 350. Moore Smith, pp. 119-20.

p. 425
HoJ 27: John Hoskyns, Absence ('Absence heare my protestation')

Copy, untitled.

First published in Francis Davison, A Poetical Rapsody (London, 1602). The Poems of John Donne, ed. Herbert J.C. Grierson, 2 vols (Oxford, 1912), pp. 428-9. Osborn, No. XXIV (pp. 192-3).

p. 428
DnJ 2286: John Donne, The Message ('Send home my long strayd eyes to mee')

Copy, headed Songe.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 43. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 30-1. Shawcross, No. 25.

pp. 429-30
DnJ 3379: John Donne, To Mrs M.H. ('Mad paper stay, and grudge not here to burne')

Copy, untitled.

This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 216-18. Milgate, Satires, pp. 88-90. Shawcross, No. 133.

p. 435
DnJ 152: John Donne, Antiquary ('If in his Studie he hath so much care')

Copy, untitled, under a general heading Epigrams.

This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 77. Milgate, Satires, p. 52. Shawcross, No. 93. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 5 (untitled and beginning If, in his study, Hamon hath such care), 8 (as Antiquary), and 11.

p. 435
DnJ 2879: John Donne, A selfe accuser ('Your mistris, that you follow whores, still taxeth you')

Copy, untitled.

This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 76. Milgate, Satires, p. 52. Shawcross, No. 89. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 8 and 10.

p. 435
DnJ 891: John Donne, Disinherited ('Thy father all from thee, by his last Will')

Copy, untitled.

This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 77. Milgate, Satires, p. 52. Shawcross, No. 94. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 5 (untitled), 8 and 11.

p. 435
DnJ 2589: John Donne, Phryne ('Thy flattering picture, Phryne, is like thee')

Copy, untitled.

This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 77. Milgate, Satires, p. 53. Shawcross, No. 97. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 5, 8 and 11.

p. 435
DnJ 2400: John Donne, An obscure writer ('Philo, with twelve yeares study, hath beene griev'd')

Copy, untitled.

This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 77. Milgate, Satires, p. 53. Shawcross, No. 98. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 6 (untitled), 9 and 11.

p. 435
DnJ 1719: John Donne, Klockius ('Klockius so deeply hath sworne, ne'r more to come')

Copy, untitled.

This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 77. Milgate, Satires, p. 54. Shawcross, No. 99. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 6, 9 and 11.

p. 435
DnJ 2672: John Donne, Ralphius ('Compassion in the world againe is bred')

Copy, untitled.

This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 78. Milgate, Satires, p. 54. Shawcross, No. 100. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 6, 9 and 11.

p. 435
DnJ 1734: John Donne, A lame begger ('I am unable, yonder begger cries')

Copy, untitled and here beginning I cannot goe, nor sitt, nor stand, the beggar cryes.

This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Thomas Deloney, Strange Histories (London, 1607), sig. E6. Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 76. Milgate, Satires, p. 51. Shawcross, No. 88. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 7 (as Zoppo) and 10.

p. 436
DnJ 1275: John Donne, Fall of a wall ('Vnder an undermin'd, and shot-bruis'd wall')

Copy, untitled.

This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 76. Milgate, Satires, p. 51. Shawcross, No. 87. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 6 (untitled), 7 (as Caso d'vn muro), and 10 (as Fall of a Wall).

p. 436
DnJ 1908: John Donne, The Lier ('Thou in the fields walkst out thy supping howers')

Copy, untitled.

This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Sir John Simeon, Unpublished Poems of Donne, Miscellanies of the Philobiblon Society, 3 (London, 1856-7), No. 3, p. 31. Grierson, I, 78. Milgate, Satires, p. 53. Shawcross, No. 95. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 5 (untitled) and 8.

p. 436
DnJ 2263: John Donne, Mercurius Gallo-Belgicus ('Like Esops fellow-slaves, O Mercury')


This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 78. Milgate, Satires, p. 53. Shawcross, No. 96. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 5, 8 and 11.

p. 436
DnJ 1885: John Donne, A licentious person ('Thy sinnes and haires may no man equall call')

Copy, untitled.

Edited from this MS in Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), p. 10. Collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Henry Fitzgeffrey, Satyres and Satyricall Epigram's (London, 1617). Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 77. Milgate, Satires, p. 52. Shawcross, No. 90. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 8 and 11.