Jesuit House of Studies, Milltown Park, Dublin

[no shelfmark]

Copy, 55 octavo leaves, in modern binding. End of 16th-early 17th century.

This MS is probably the 110-page octavo MS of the shorte Rule in blue morocco, joints, gilt edges, by Clarke sold at Sotheby's, 19 December 1853 (J.H.S. Pigott of Borckley Hall, Somerset, sale, 6th day), lot 2087, to Kerslake. Kerslake's sale catalogue [February 1860], item 450. Puttick & Simpson's, 10 July 1861 (part of Dering of Surrenden, Kent, sale), lot 749, to Jones. A 19th-century pencil note by Judge O' Brien presenting the MS to the House and saying it was Bought from Manchester.

This MS collated in Brown, Two Letters.

SoR 318: Robert Southwell, S.J., Catholic Saint, A Short Rule of Good Life

This MS collated in Brown, Two Letters.

First published [in London? 1596-7?]. Brown, Two Letters, pp. 21-73.