Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague
These MSS discussed, with facsimile examples, in Richard Todd,
Huygens's autograph draft of his translation into Dutch, with deleted heading
Facsimile in Todd, p. 162, Plate 1.
First published in
Huygens's autograph draft of his translation into Dutch, made from a (now lost) MS text of Donne's poem. 14 August 1630.
Facsimile example in Todd, p. 167, Plate 2.
First published as
Copy, in English, in an unidentified hand, accompanied by a translation into Dutch.
August 1630.First published as an independent couplet in William Camden,
This couplet, which was subject to different versions over the years, is in fact lines 5-6 of a twelve-line poem beginning
Huygens's autograph draft of his translation into Dutch of lines 11-34, made from a (now lost) MS text of Donne's poem. 20 August 1630.
First published, as
Huygens's autograph draft of his translation into Dutch, made from a (now lost) MS text of Donne's poem. 20 August 1630.
Facsimile examples in Todd, pp. 174-5, Plates 3 and 4.
First published in