The Library Company of Philadelphia

*Am 1736 Old Accession No. AqE83 0 44

Copy, headed verses I made the Last nyght I Liued and subscribed Walter Rawleygh, on a small slip of paper pasted down on page ccxxxii in a printed exemplum of William Oldys, The Life of Sir Walter Ralegh (London, 1736). Early-mid-17th century.

Owned by the Historical Society of Philadelphia.

RaW 74.5: Sir Walter Ralegh,

First published in Richard Brathwayte, Remains after Death (London, 1618). Latham, p. 72 (as These verses following were made by Sir Walter Rauleigh the night before he dyed and left att the Gate howse). Rudick, Nos 35A, 35B, and part of 55 (three versions, pp. 80, 133).

This poem is ascribed to Ralegh in most MS copies and is often appended to copies of his speech on the scaffold (see RaW 739-822).

Log 498.F.

A printed exemplum with Sandys's autograph motto and signature on the title-page. Early-mid 17th century.

Recorded in Davis, pp. 454-5; in Wolf, p. 279; and in Rogers, p. 370.

*SaG 57: George Sandys, Platina, Bartholomaeus. Historia…de vitis Pontificum Romanorum (Cologne, 1574)

Recorded in Davis, pp. 454-5; in Wolf, p. 279; and in Rogers, p. 370.

Sev Bayl Log 665.D.1

A printed exemplum with Vaughan's autograph signature (Vaughan) on sig. A2r. c.1678.

First recorded, with two facsimile examples, in Edwin Wolf 2nd, Some Books of Early English Provenance in the Library Company of Philadelphia, BC, 9 (1960), 275-84.

*VaH 12: Henry Vaughan the Silurist, Bayle, François. Tractatus de apoplexia, bound with his Dissertationes physicae, Problemata physica et medica and Dissertationes medicae, tres (The Hague, 1678)

First recorded, with two facsimile examples, in Edwin Wolf 2nd, Some Books of Early English Provenance in the Library Company of Philadelphia, BC, 9 (1960), 275-84.

Sev Font Log 783.D

A printed exemplum with Vaughan's autograph inscription on the title-page (Henr: Vaughan Siluris. 1654 Salus mea ex Agno) and his copious autograph notes on four pages of flyleaves. c.1654.

Facsimile of title-page and adjoining autograph notes in Edwin Wolf 2nd, Some Books of Early English Provenance in the Library Company of Philadelphia, The Book Collector, 9 (1960), after p. 280.

*VaH 13: Henry Vaughan the Silurist, Fonteyn, Nicolaas. Commentarius in Sebastianum Austrium…de puerorum morbis (Amsterdam, 1642)

Facsimile of title-page and adjoining autograph notes in Edwin Wolf 2nd, Some Books of Early English Provenance in the Library Company of Philadelphia, The Book Collector, 9 (1960), after p. 280.

Sev Font Log 793.D

A printed exemplum with Vaughan's autograph motto on the title-page (salus mea ex Agno. H:V:S:). Mid-late 17th century.
*VaH 14: Henry Vaughan the Silurist, Fonteyn, Nicolaas. Responsium & Curationum medicinalium (Amsterdam, 1639)

Sev Grup Log 542.D.1

A printed exemplum with Vaughan's autograph signature (Vaughan) on the title-page, a page of notes on an end-paper apparently in another hand. c.1673.
*VaH 15: Henry Vaughan the Silurist, Grube, Hermann. De arcanis medicorum (Copenhagen, 1673)

Sev Hipp Log 877.D

A printed exemplum with Vaughan's autograph signature (Vaughan) on the title-page and his copious autograph notes on twelve pages of flyleaves and end-papers. Mid-17th century.
*VaH 16: Henry Vaughan the Silurist, Hippocrates. Aphorismi (Marburg, 1650)

Sev Hoec Log 710.0

A printed exemplum with Vaughan's autograph signature (Vaughan) on the title-page. c.1674.
*VaH 17: Henry Vaughan the Silurist, Hoechstetter, Johann Philip. Rararum observationum medicinalium decades sex (Frankfurt & Leipzig, 1674)

Sev Hoef Log 544.Q

A printed exemplum with Vaughan's autograph signature (Vaughan) on the title-page and his autograph note Vaughan — 76 pretium viijs. on the flyleaf. c.1675.
*VaH 18: Henry Vaughan the Silurist, Hoefer, Wolfgang. Hercules medicus, sive locorum communium liber (Nuremberg, 1675)

Sev Lemn Log 9288.D

A printed exemplum, with Sandys's autograph motto and signature on the title-page and his arms on the binding. Early-mid-17th century.

Recorded in Davis, p. 454, with illustrations of the binding and title-page after p. 450; in Wolf, p. 279; and in Rogers, p. 369. Illustrations of the title-page and binding also in Quarter of a Millennium: The Library Company of Philadelphia 1731-1981, ed. Edwin Wolf 2nd and Marie Elena Korey (Philadelphia, 1981), p. 165.

*SaG 54: George Sandys, Lemnius, Levinus. De miraculis occultis naturae (Frankfurt, 1611)

Recorded in Davis, p. 454, with illustrations of the binding and title-page after p. 450; in Wolf, p. 279; and in Rogers, p. 369. Illustrations of the title-page and binding also in Quarter of a Millennium: The Library Company of Philadelphia 1731-1981, ed. Edwin Wolf 2nd and Marie Elena Korey (Philadelphia, 1981), p. 165.

Sev Loti Log 482.Q

A printed exemplum with Vaughan's autograph inscription on the flyleaf, in his formal hand, (Liber Hen: Vaughanj. J.P. Lotichius edidit Libellum Francofurti de Gumi ut vocant Gotta laxativo Año 1626 quem Pharmacop. Spagyr. adnexu habeo. Mid-late 17th century.

Facsimile of the inscription in IELM, II.ii (1993), Facsimile XIXb, after p. xxi.

*VaH 19: Henry Vaughan the Silurist, Lotich, Johann Peter. Consiliorum et observationum medicinalium (Stockholm, 1644)

Facsimile of the inscription in IELM, II.ii (1993), Facsimile XIXb, after p. xxi.

Sev Paul Log 277.Q

A printed exemplum with Vaughan's autograph inscription (Vaughan.82) on the title-page. c.1678.
*VaH 20: Henry Vaughan the Silurist, Paulli, Simon. Parekbasis, seu digressio: de…causa febrium (Strassbourg, 1678)

Sev Paul Log 468.Q.1

A printed exemplum with Vaughan's autograph inscriptions (Vaughan.82 and Vaughan—82 pretium 12s.) on the half-title and title-page respectively and with his autograph marginal annotations throughout the text supplying the English names of plants mentioned. c.1668.

Facsimiles of p. 65 with Vaughan's marginal annotations in Edwin Wolf 2nd, Some Books of Early English Provenance in the Library Company of Philadelphia, The Book Collector, 9 (1960), facing p. 281, and of pp. 266-7 in Quarter of a Millennium: The Library Company of Philadelphia 1731-1981, ed. Edwin Wolf 2nd and Marie Elena Korey (Philadelphia, 1981), p. 75.

*VaH 21: Henry Vaughan the Silurist, Paulli, Simon. Quadripartitum botanicum (Strassbourg, 1667-8)

Facsimiles of p. 65 with Vaughan's marginal annotations in Edwin Wolf 2nd, Some Books of Early English Provenance in the Library Company of Philadelphia, The Book Collector, 9 (1960), facing p. 281, and of pp. 266-7 in Quarter of a Millennium: The Library Company of Philadelphia 1731-1981, ed. Edwin Wolf 2nd and Marie Elena Korey (Philadelphia, 1981), p. 75.

Sev Pecq Log 573.Q

A printed exemplum with the inscription by the poet's brother Thomas Vaughan Deo Duce: Comite Natura. 1652° on the flyleaf and a long autograph marginal note about fever and dropsy by Henry Vaughan on p. 107 signed H:V:S:. Mid-late 17th century.
*VaH 22: Henry Vaughan the Silurist, Pecquet, Jean. Experimenta nova anatomica (Paris, 1651)

Sev Peye Log 386.D.1

A printed exemplum with Vaughan's autograph inscription (Vaughan. 1682) on the verso of the title-page and several other autograph notes on a flyleaf and in pages of the printed text. c.1682.
*VaH 23: Henry Vaughan the Silurist, Peyer, Johann Conrad. Parerga anatomica et medica (Amsterdam, 1682)

Sev Sini Log 357.Q

A printed exemplum with Vaughan's autograph inscription (Vaughan-76) on the title-page and his autograph index on an end-paper. Late 17th century.
*VaH 24: Henry Vaughan the Silurist, Sinibald, Johann Benedict. Geneanthropeiæ sive de hominis generatione (Frankfurt, 1669)

Sev Verz Log 98.D

A printed exemplum with Vaughan's autograph signature (Vaughan) on the title-page. c.1677.
*VaH 25: Henry Vaughan the Silurist, Verzascha, Bernard. Observationum medicarum centuria (Basle, 1677)

*STC 21725

Copy, with (after p. 55 of first section) dedicatory verses To the Queene of Bohemia (beginning Crownes are the sport of Fortune; but the Throne) and To his Grace [William Laud, Archbishop] of Canterbury (beginning Great Primate, you who at his Altar stand), in a professional hand, on 23 folio pages bound-up in a printed exemplum of A Paraphrase upon the Divine Poems (London, 1638).

Presented by the author to the Earl of Arundel (Arundel's inscription on the title-page Ex Dono Authoris).


Owned, in 1732 by one David Hall.

This MS discussed in Davis, loc. cit., pp. 333-4 et seq. To the Queene of Bohemia first published in at least one exemplum [Folger, STC 21725b [Harmsworth] of A Paraphrase upon the Divine Poems (London, 1638): see Richard Beale Davis, George Sandys and Two Uncollected Poems, HLQ, 12 (1948-9), 105-11. To the Queene of Bohemia Edited from this MS — as also, for the first time, To his Grace of Canterbury — in Richard Beale Davis, Two New Manuscript Items for a George Sandys Bibliography, PBSA, 37 (1943), 215-22 (pp. 220-11).

SaG 30: George Sandys, A Paraphrase upon the Song of Solomon

This MS discussed in Davis, loc. cit., pp. 333-4 et seq. To the Queene of Bohemia first published in at least one exemplum [Folger, STC 21725b [Harmsworth] of A Paraphrase upon the Divine Poems (London, 1638): see Richard Beale Davis, George Sandys and Two Uncollected Poems, HLQ, 12 (1948-9), 105-11. To the Queene of Bohemia Edited from this MS — as also, for the first time, To his Grace of Canterbury — in Richard Beale Davis, Two New Manuscript Items for a George Sandys Bibliography, PBSA, 37 (1943), 215-22 (pp. 220-11).

First published in London, 1641. Hooper, II, 335-56. Dedicatory verses To the Queen first published in A Paraphrase upon the Divine Poems (London, 1676). Hooper, II, 338.