PR1241 L6 vol 158 no 5 Longe Coll
Contemporary MS additions to the
dramatis personae page and other occasional MS corrections and emendations, in an exemplum of the quarto printed edition of 1637, bound with other plays in old calf gilt.
Possibly made in preparation for an intended second edition.
Mid-17th century.
Bookplate of Francis Longe, of Spixworth Park, Norfolk.
These emendations selectively collated in Huebert and discussed, pp. 43-4.
ShJ 183:
James Shirley,
The Lady of Pleasure
These emendations selectively collated in Huebert and discussed, pp. 43-4.
First published in London, 1637. Gifford & Dyce, IV, 1-100. Edited by Ronald Huebert (Manchester, 1986).
PR2704.D8 1623 English Print
Some 33 substantive MS corrections or emendations, in a near-contemporary italic hand, in an exemplum of the printed quarto edition of 1623, in modern red half-morocco.
Mid-17th century.
This item collated in Edwards & Gibson.
MsP 19:
Philip Massinger,
The Duke of Milan
This item collated in Edwards & Gibson.
First published in London, 1623. Edwards & Gibson, I, 213-300.
PZ3. W946 English Print
Exemplum of The Countesse of Mountgomeries Urania (London, 1621) with a three-line MS verse conclusion to the work, following the final incomplete printed sentence And
, added in pencil in an unidentified hand.
Early-mid-17th century.
The MS conclusion edited in Renée Pigeon, Manuscript Notations in an Unrecorded Copy of Lady Mary Wroth's The Countess of Mountgomeries Urania (1621), N&Q, 236 (March 1991), 81-2.
WrM 9:
Lady Mary Wroth,
The First Part of the Countess of Montgomery's Urania
The MS conclusion edited in Renée Pigeon, Manuscript Notations in an Unrecorded Copy of Lady Mary Wroth's The Countess of Mountgomeries Urania (1621), N&Q, 236 (March 1991), 81-2.
First published as The Countesse of Mountgomeries Urania (London, 1621). Edited by Josephine A. Roberts, as The First Part of the Countesse of Montgomeries Urania (Binghamton, NY, 1995). Poems alone edited in Roberts, Poems, and in Pritchard, pp. 127-99.