Berkeley Castle
Gen. Ser. Misc. Papers 3/9
First published in Francis Davison,
This poem is attributed to Richard Latworth (or Latewar) in Lefranc (1968), pp. 85-94, but see Stephen J. Greenblatt, answer
to this poem is printed in Höltgen, pp. 435-8. Some texts are accompanied by other answers.
Gen. Ser. Misc. Papers 30/72
Discussed, with facsimiles of pp. 1 and 49, in Steven W. May, God Knows What
Extracts by Stanford.
An unpublished answer to, and attack upon, John Knox's railing invective
against Mary Queen of Scots, It pricketh now fast upon the point of thirteen years (most excellent most gratious and most redoubted Soveraign …
; the main text, in three books, beginning It may seem strange to men of grounded knowledge …
, and ending … Sancta et individuae Trinitati sit omnis honor laus et gloria in secula seculorum. Amen.
Extracts by Stanford.
Facsimile of p. 49 in May, p. 78.
First published in London, 1604.
Extracts by Stanford.
First portion published in Oxford, 1612. Additional portion first published in Keble (1836). Keble (1888), III, 597-642. Folger edition, Volume V, pp. 309-61.
Gen. Ser. Misc. Papers 31/6.
Headed A verse of Sr Philip Sidney
May EV 4798.
May EV 4798.
First published in Francis Davison,
Gen. Misc. Papers 31R
Edited from this MS, and discussed, in Katherine Duncan-Jones's They say a made a good end
Ben Jonson's Epitaph on Thomas NasheNew
Poem on Nashe
Edited from this MS, and discussed, in Katherine Duncan-Jones's They say a made a good end
Ben Jonson's Epitaph on Thomas NasheNew
Poem on Nashe
First published in Katherine Duncan-Jones,
Select Books 85
First published in
Copy, here beginning
First published in
First published in
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in John Donne,
First published in
First published in
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
First published in
First published in
First published in
Copy, untitled.
First published in
Copy, untitled.
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, untitled.
First published in
Copy, untitled.
This poem deliberately omitted from indecorous
(i.e. erotic) elements. Grundy, p. 192.