A folio composite volume of state tracts and papers, partly relating to Thomas Fairfax (1612-71), Parliamentarian army officer, in various hands, including some printed material, 181 leaves, in modern morocco.
Formerly among papers of the Ingleby family, of Ripley Castle, Yorkshire. In the collection of Roger Charles Anderson, D Litt (1883-1976).
Recorded in HMC, 6th Report (1877), Appendix, p. 362.
ff. 1r-46v
FaE 7:
Edward Fairfax,
A Discourse of Witchcraft
Copy of the complete work, in a predominantly secretary hand, lacking a title-page but with a lengthy preliminary note about Edward Fairfax in an italic hand, concluding He is accounted a singular Scholler in all kind of Learning. He yet Lives / 1631
First published in Miscellanies of the Philobiblon Society, 5 (London, 1858-9), No. 3, ed. R. Monckton Milnes. Edited by William Grainge as Daemonologia (Harrogate, 1882; reprinted in London, 1971).
ff. 113r-20v
RaW 560:
Sir Walter Ralegh,
Apology for his Voyage to Guiana
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, imperfect, lacking the beginning and ending.
A tract beginning If the ill success of this enterprise of mine had been without example...
. First published in Judicious and Select Essays and Observations (London, 1650). Works (1829), VIII, 477-507. Edited by V.T. Harlow in Ralegh's Last Voyage (London, 1932), pp. 316-34.
A folio volume of maritime tracts and papers, in a single professional hand, 288 pages (including numerous blanks), in contemporary red morocco gilt.
Probably compiled by or for Josiah Burchett, Secretary to the Admiralty in 1694-1747.
Later owned by Henry Pelham-Clinton (1785-1851), fourth Duke of Newcastle under Lyne.
pp. 37-56
PpS 12:
Samuel Pepys,
The Pursers Employ Annatomized and both Advantages & disadvantages therein discovered and also A Proposall of comitting the Victualling accompt to the care and management of each Comander. Presented as a New yeares guift to Sr: William Coventry by Samuel Pepys Esqr in 1665
Copy, headed Mr Pepys his Letter and New Years gift to his Honour'd Friend Sr Willm: Coventry, dated from Greenwich, 1 January 1665
First published in Further Correspondence of Samuel Pepys 1662-1679, ed. J.R. Tanner (London, 1929), pp. 83-111.
A thick folio volume of Samuel Pepys's official correspondence, comprising some 940 letters and documents dated between July 1662 and April 1679, in the hands of several secretaries, 895 pages, in contemporary calf.
Late 17th century.
Owned and bound by Richard Griffin (1783-58), third Baron Braybrooke, politician and first editor of Pepys's Diary. Later Volume V of the Pepys Cockerell Collection
owned by Sir Sydney Carlyle Cockerell (1867-1962), museum director and book collector.
The contents of this MS largely edited in Further Correspondence, ed. Tanner (1929), and in Shorthand Letters, ed. Chappell (1933).
pp. 337-53
PpS 13:
Samuel Pepys,
The Pursers Employ Annatomized and both Advantages & disadvantages therein discovered and also A Proposall of comitting the Victualling accompt to the care and management of each Comander. Presented as a New yeares guift to Sr: William Coventry by Samuel Pepys Esqr in 1665
Copy, untitled, from Greenwich, 1 January 1665
Edited from this MS in Tanner (1929).
First published in Further Correspondence of Samuel Pepys 1662-1679, ed. J.R. Tanner (London, 1929), pp. 83-111.
A small folio volume of maritime tracts, in three professional secretary hands, 52 leaves, in contemporary calf gilt.
The cover bearing the family crest in gilt of Henry Percy (1564-1632), ninth Earl of Northumberland (the Wizard Earl
). Leconfield MS 34 formerly at Petworth House, Sussex.
Recorded in HMC, 6th Report (1877), Appendix, p. 304.
ff. [1r-3v]
RaW 710.91:
Sir Walter Ralegh,
Sir Walter Ralegh unto Prince Henry touching the Model of a Ship
Copy, headed Sr Walter Rawleigh his Leter to Prince Henry touching the Modell of a Shipp.
A letter to Prince Henry, written from the Tower, c.November 1607, beginning If the ship your highness intends to build be bigger than the Victory...
. First published in Judicious and Select Essays (London, 1650), pp. 8-15. Works (1829), VIII, 627-9. Youings, No. 194, pp. 301-4.
A small quarto volume comprising two works by Sir Arthur Gorges, formal copies in a professional secretary hand, 46 pages (plus some blanks), in contemporary vellum, with remains of green silk ties.
A presentation MS, probably to Henry Percy (1564-1632), ninth Earl of Northumberland (the Wizard Earl
). Inscribed inside the front cover Giuen by Sr Art: Gorge
Formerly Leconfield MS 48 at Petworth House, Sussex.
Recorded in HMC, 6th Report (1877), Appendix, p. 305.
pp. 1-34
GgA 142:
Sir Arthur Gorges,
Observations & Overtures for a Seafight
Copy, with a lengthy title.
This MS recorded in Sandison (1928), p. 671.
The fuller title: Observations & Overtures for a Seafight vppon our owne Coasts, and what kynd of order and disciplyne is fittest to be vsed...against the præparations of such Spanish shall at anie tyme come to invade vs. Unpublished.
pp. 35-46
RaW 706:
Sir Walter Ralegh,
Orders to be observed by the Commanders of the Fleet with Land Companies. 3 May 1617
Copy of Gorges's version, with lengthy title beginning The forme of orders and directions to bee giuen by an Admirall in conducting a Fleet through the Narrow seas....
This MS recorded in Sandison (1928), p. 672; in Helen E. Sandison, Ralegh's Orders once more, Mariners' Mirror, 20 (1934), 323-30 (p. 328); and in Sandison (1940), p. 244.
Orders, beginning First, because no action or enterprise can prosper (be it by sea or land) without the favour and assistance of Almighty God...
. First published in Newes of Sir Walter Rauleigh (London, 1618). Works (1829), VIII, 682-8. Edited by V.T. Harlow in Ralegh's Last Voyage (London, 1932), pp. 121-6.
A large folio guardbook of maritime documents, in various hands, 172 items, in modern black morocco gilt.
item 50
RaW 703:
Sir Walter Ralegh,
Orders to be observed by the Commanders of the Fleet with Land Companies. 3 May 1617
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, with a lengthy heading beginning Orders to be observed by the Comanders of the ffleet & land companies, vnder the charge & conducte of Sr. Walter Rawly..., as Given at Plimouth in Deuon, the third of May. 1617
, on two and a half folio leaves.
Orders, beginning First, because no action or enterprise can prosper (be it by sea or land) without the favour and assistance of Almighty God...
. First published in Newes of Sir Walter Rauleigh (London, 1618). Works (1829), VIII, 682-8. Edited by V.T. Harlow in Ralegh's Last Voyage (London, 1932), pp. 121-6.
item 50b
RaW 703.5:
Sir Walter Ralegh,
Orders to be observed by the Commanders of the Fleet with Land Companies. 3 May 1617
Copy, in a neat rounded hand, probably transcribed from RaW 703, on five folio pages.
Late 17th century.
Orders, beginning First, because no action or enterprise can prosper (be it by sea or land) without the favour and assistance of Almighty God...
. First published in Newes of Sir Walter Rauleigh (London, 1618). Works (1829), VIII, 682-8. Edited by V.T. Harlow in Ralegh's Last Voyage (London, 1932), pp. 121-6.
Copy, in a secretary hand, headed A songe made by her Matie and. sung before her at her cominge from white hall to Powles throughe fleetestre in Anno dni 1588 and, at the side, songe in December after the scatteringe of the Spanishe Navy, on one side of a folio leaf, numbered 160.
Formerly part of a composite volume of papers belonging to Sir Henry Spelman (1563/4-1641), historian and antiquary. Later owned by Hudson Gurney (1775-1864), of Keswick Hall, Norfolk, banker and antiquary. Sotheby's, 31 March 1936 (Gurney sale), lot 109, item 111.
Edited from this MS in Collected Works and in Selected Works.
ElQ 13:
Queen Elizabeth I,
Song on the Armada Victory, December 1588
Edited from this MS in Collected Works and in Selected Works.
Collected Works, Poem 14, pp. 410-11. Selected Works, Poem 9, pp. 22-3. Selected Works, Poem 1, pp. 2-3.