Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid, Spain

MS 3908

MS of a Spanish translation, possibly by Don Juan de Bustamente. Early 17th century.

Edited by Dwight O. Chambers as Deffensa de Poesia: A Spanish Version (n.p., 1968), and by Benito Brancaforte as Deffensa de la Poesia: A 17th Century Anonymous Spanish translation of Philip Sidney's Defence of Poesie (Chapel Hill, 1977).

SiP 176.2: Sir Philip Sidney, A Defence of Poetry

Edited by Dwight O. Chambers as Deffensa de Poesia: A Spanish Version (n.p., 1968), and by Benito Brancaforte as Deffensa de la Poesia: A 17th Century Anonymous Spanish translation of Philip Sidney's Defence of Poesie (Chapel Hill, 1977).

First published in London, 1595. Feuillerat, III, 1-46.

MSS 13525-6

MS of a Spanish translation, made by D. Santiago Saez. 1786-7.
BcF 54.918: Francis Bacon, The Advancement of Learning

First published, as The Twoo Bookes of Francis Bacon. Of the proficience and aduancement of Learning, diuine and humane, in London, 1605. Spedding, III, 253-491. Edited by Michael Kiernan, The Oxford Francis Bacon, Vol. IV (Oxford, 2000).