Nottinghamshire Archives

DD/Hu 1

A quarto verse miscellany, in possibly several hands, written from both ends, paginated 1-205, then from the reverse end 206-58 (plus blanks to 271), in old reversed calf (rebacked). Mid-17th century.

Later owned by Lucy Hutchinson's nephew Julius Hutchinson (1678-1738).

This MS is described in the online Perdita Project.

The MS as a whole
*HuL 14: Lucy Hutchinson, Commonplace Book(s) ('')

Commonplace book, compiled principally by Lucy Hutchinson (née Apsley, 1620-81), whose name is inscribed on page 1 and whose cursive italic hand is responsible for pp. 5-110, 147-91, 206 rev., 207bis-235 rev., 251-258 rev.

pp. 5-135
DeJ 116: Sir John Denham, [Virgil's Aeneid. Books II to VI] ('While all intent with heedfull silence stand')

Copy of Denham's early translation, in two italic hands, principally Hutchinson's, the second on pp. 110-35, untitled, subscribed by Hutchinson Finis Denham / W Virgilis Æneis.

This MS discussed in the Rev. Francis E. Hutchinson, Sir John Denham's Translations of Virgil, TLS (7 July 1927), p. 472; in Banks, pp. 41-3; and in O Hehir, Harmony, pp. 12-13.

Unpublished. [Other versions by Denham of portions of Books II and IV published as the Destruction of Troy (London, 1656) and The Passion of Dido for Aeneas in Poems and Translations (London, 1668): see Banks, pp. 159-78, 181-9].

pp. 139-40
CwT 598.5: Thomas Carew, Psalme the first ('Happie the man that dothe not walke')

Copy, in a neat italic hand, headed The first Psalme.

First published in John Fry, Bibliographical Memoranda (Bristol, 1816). Dunlap. p. 135.

pp. 140-1
CwT 600.5: Thomas Carew, Psalme 2 ('Why rage the heathen, wherefore swell')

Copy, in a neat italic hand, headed Psalme the second.

First published in Hazlitt (1970), pp. 177-8. Dunlap. p. 136.

pp. 141-2
CwT 602.5: Thomas Carew, Psalme 51 ('Good god vnlock thy Magazines')

Copy, in a neat italic hand, headed The fiftie first Psalme.

First published in Hazlitt (1870), pp. 178-80. Dunlap. pp. 137-8.

pp. 142-3
CwT 608.5: Thomas Carew, Psalme 91 ('Make the greate God thy Fort, and dwell')

Copy, in a neat italic hand, headed The ninetieth Psalme.

First published in Hazlitt (1870), pp. 180-1. Dunlap. pp. 138-9.

p. 144
CwT 620.5: Thomas Carew, Psalme 113 ('Yee Children of the Lorde, that waite')

Copy, in a neat italic hand, headed Psalme the hundredth & thirteenth.

First published in Hazlitt (1870), p. 184. Dunlap. pp. 142-3.

pp. 209-30 rev.
WaE 404: Edmund Waller, The Passion of Dido for Aeneas ('Meanwhile the Queen fanning a secret fire')

Copy, untitled, subscribed Sidney Godolphin.

This MS recorded in Dighton, p. xli.

First published complete, by Humphrey Moseley, as The Passion of Dido for Aeneas, as it is incomparably exprest in the Fourth Book of Virgil, Translated by Edmund Waller and Sidney Godolphin Esqrs (London, 1658), where it is stated that the translation was done (all but a very little) by …Mr. Sidney Godolphin. Complete text in The Poems of Sidney Godolphin, ed. William Dighton (Oxford, 1931), pp. 31-55. Godolphin was responsible for the first 454 lines. Waller for the next 131 lines (455-585), beginning All this her weeping sister does repeat which might possibly be his revision of part of Godolphin's translation of the whole. while the last 113 lines (586-699, beginning Aurora now, leaving her watry bed) are unassigned but probably also Godolphin's. The portion definitely by Waller is reprinted separately in Waller's Poems (London, 1664), pp. 185-92, and reprinted in Thorn-Drury, II, 29-33.

pp. 231-5 rev.
CwT 310: Thomas Carew, Foure Songs by way of Chorus to a play, at an entertainment of the King and Queene, by my Lord Chamberlaine ('From whence was first this furie hurld')

Copy of the four songs, in two italic hands.

First published in Poems (1640). Dunlap, pp. 59-62.

pp. 236-7 rev.
WaE 555: Edmund Waller, To My Lady Morton, on New-Year's Day, 1650. At the Louvre in Paris ('Madam! new years may well expect to find')

Copy, in an italic hand, subscribed E: W:.

First published as a broadside (London, 1661). Poems (London, 1664). Thorn-Drury, II, 6-7.

pp. 244-5 rev.
JnB 556.5: Ben Jonson, Bartholomew Fair, III, v, 69 et seq. Song ('My masters and friends, and good people draw neere')

Copy of the song, in two mixed hands.

pp. 247-9 rev.
ClJ 63: John Cleveland, The Hue and Cry after Sir John Presbyter ('With Hair in Characters, and Lugs in text')

Copy, in an italic hand.

First published as a separate, 1649. Morris & Withington, pp. 45-7.

pp. 249-50 rev.
ClJ 9: John Cleveland, The Antiplatonick ('For shame, thou everlasting Woer')

Copy, in an italic hand.

First published in Poems, by J. C., With Additions (1651), the edition with yet more additions. Morris & Withington, pp. 54-6.

pp. 251-8 rev.
WaE 396: Edmund Waller, A Panegyric to my Lord Protector, of the present Greatness, and joint Interest of His Highness, and this Nation ('While with a strong and yet a gentle hand')

Copy, in an italic hand, as by E. Waller Esqr 1655.

First published London, 1655. The Second Part of Mr. Waller's Poems (London, 1690). in The Maid's Tragedy Altered (London, 1690). Thorn-Drury, II, 10-17.

DD/Hu 2

A fair copy of 24 elegies by Lucy Hutchinson, in a rounded italic hand, one poem added (pp. vi-vii) in the hand of her nephew Julius Hutchinson (transcribed out of my other Book), 49 quarto pages (some out of order), disbound. c.168-71.

Later owned by Julius Hutchinson (1678-1738).

Edited from this MS in Norbrook, ELR (1997), with a facsimile of MS pp. x-xi facing p. 288. Described in the online Perdita Project.

*HuL 2: Lucy Hutchinson, Elegies

Edited from this MS in Norbrook, ELR (1997), with a facsimile of MS pp. x-xi facing p. 288. Described in the online Perdita Project.

A series of 24 elegies, nearly all relating to the death of her husband Colonel Hutchinson, first published in full in David Norbrook, Lucy Hutchinson's Elegies and the Situation of the Republican Woman Writer, ELR, 27/3 (Autumn 1997), 468-521 (pp. 487-521).

DD/Hu 3

An autograph miscellany of religious prose and verse, closely written in Lucy Hutchinson's italic hand, from both ends, 278 octavo pages, in later calf. Mid-late 17th century.

Later probably owned by Lucy Hutchinson's nephew Julius Hutchinson (1678-1738).

*HuL 13: Lucy Hutchinson, Commonplace Book(s)

DD/Hu 4

Autograph MS, comprising her biography of Colonel Hutchinson on pp. 1-419, headed To my Children, followed (p. 421) by an address to the reader and then (pp. 423-79) by a series of biblical quotations and references, 479 quarto pages, in contemporary vellum. boards. c.1671.

Inscriptions possibly by Lucy Hutchinson's nephew Julius Hutchinson (1678-1738).

Edited from this MS, with a facsimile example facing p. 130, in Sutherland's edition. Facsimile, with transcription, of p. 55 in Reading Early Modern Women, ed. Helen Ostovich and Elizabeth Sauer (New York & London, 2004), pp. 284-5. The MS also described in the online Perdita Project.

*HuL 7: Lucy Hutchinson, Memoirs of the Life of Colonel Hutchinson

Edited from this MS, with a facsimile example facing p. 130, in Sutherland's edition. Facsimile, with transcription, of p. 55 in Reading Early Modern Women, ed. Helen Ostovich and Elizabeth Sauer (New York & London, 2004), pp. 284-5. The MS also described in the online Perdita Project.

First published, edited by Julius Hutchinson, London, 1806. Edited by James Sutherland (London, New York & Toronto, 1973). See also David Norbrook, But a Copie: Textual Authority and Gender in Editions of The Life of John Hutchinson, in New Ways of Looking at Old Texts, III, ed. W. Speed Hill (Tempe, AZ, 2004). pp. 109-30.


An account book of the Cartwright estates in Nottinghamshire, 161 leaves, in contemporary leather. c.1560-1715.
ff. 34v-6v
EsR 175: Robert Devereux, second Earl of Essex, First Letter of Advice to the Earl of Rutland ('')

Copy, headed The Erle of Essex advise to the Erle of rutlande in his travell.

Early 17th century.

The letter, dated from Greenwich, 4 January [1596], beginning My Lord, I hold it for a principle in the course of intelligence of state....

First published, as The Late E. of E. his aduice to the E. of R. in his trauels, in Profitable Instructions; Describing what speciall Obseruations are to be taken by Trauellers in all Nations, States and Countries (London, 1633), pp. 27-73. Francis Bacon, Resuscitatio (London, 1657), pp. 106-10. Spedding, IX, 6-15. W.B. Devereux, Lives and Letters of the Devereux, Earls of Essex (1853), I, No. xciii.

Essex's three letters to Rutland discussed by Paul E.J. Hammer in The Earl of Essex, Fulke Greville, and the Employment of Scholars, SP, 91/2 (Spring, 1994), 167-80, and in Letters of Travel Advice from the Earl of Essex to the Earl of Rutland: Some Comments, PQ, 74/3 (Summer 1995), 317-22. It is likely that the first letter was written substantially by Francis Bacon.