Smith College

MS 91

A folio miscellany of verse and prose, in English and Latin, including academic orations, in one or more largely italic hands, written partly in oblong format and from both ends, unfoliated, 154 leaves, in dark brown morocco. c.1651-61.

Inscribed (f. [1r rev.]) Gulielmus Cartwright ejus liber praetium -- 0 -- 9 / 1651 and . J. Baddam.

A microfilm of this volume is in the British Library, RP 7250.

f. [1r-v]
RnT 424.2: Thomas Randolph, Aristippus, or The Jovial Philosopher ('')

Copy of the catch sung by Simplicius in praise of Aristippus, headed A Sonnet and beginning Aristipus is better in every letter.

First published in London, 1630. Hazlitt, I, 1-34.

ff. [70r-108r]
BcF 54.933: Francis Bacon, The Advancement of Learning ('')

Extensive extracts, headed Notes out of Bacons advancemt as 'tis translated by G. Wals. August 11. 1661.

First published, as The Twoo Bookes of Francis Bacon. Of the proficience and aduancement of Learning, diuine and humane, in London, 1605. Spedding, III, 253-491. Edited by Michael Kiernan, The Oxford Francis Bacon, Vol. IV (Oxford, 2000).

[no shelfmark]

Exemplum of the printed edition of Poems (1664), in which, on p. 30, the row of asterisks after line 26 has been neatly filled by a reader as Thy Chains would be but like embracing Arms. Late 17th century.

Facsimile in Elizabeth H. Hageman, Making a Good Impression: Early Texts of Poems and Letters by Katherine Philips, the Matchless Orinda, South Central Review, 11 (Summer 1994), 39-65 (p. 56).

PsK 468.8: Katherine Philips, To the noble Palaemon on his incomparable discourse of Friendship

Facsimile in Elizabeth H. Hageman, Making a Good Impression: Early Texts of Poems and Letters by Katherine Philips, the Matchless Orinda, South Central Review, 11 (Summer 1994), 39-65 (p. 56).

First published in Poems (1664), pp. 29-31. Poems (1667), pp. 14-15. Saintsbury, pp. 515-16. Hageman (1987), pp. 586-7. Thomas, I, 83-4, poem 12.