St Catharine's College

MS F. III. 16 (James 18)

A folio miscellany of Latin and English ecclesiastical writings, in several neat secretary and italic hands, one small neat italic hand predominating, ii + 151 leaves (including blanks), in quarter-calf boards. Mid-17th century.

Ex dono bookplate of Thomas Sherlock (1678-1761), Bishop of London, 1761.

ff. 10v-12r
BcF 54.944: Francis Bacon, The Advancement of Learning ('')

Extracts from Books 10 and 2, in a predominantly secretary hand, in double columns.

First published, as The Twoo Bookes of Francis Bacon. Of the proficience and aduancement of Learning, diuine and humane, in London, 1605. Spedding, III, 253-491. Edited by Michael Kiernan, The Oxford Francis Bacon, Vol. IV (Oxford, 2000).

f. 120v
PeW 281: William Herbert, third Earl of Pembroke, A Song ('Draw not too near')

Copy, in a neat secretary hand, headed An epitaph on Queene Elizabeth.

This MS recorded in Krueger. Edited in Montague Rhodes James, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Library of St Catharine's College, Cambridge (Cambridge, 1925), p. 27.

Poems (1660), pp. 116-17, superscribed P.. Listed in Krueger's Appendix I: Spurious Poems in the 1660 Edition as possibly by Strode. Authorship unknown.

ff. 126r-33v
BaJ 26.2: John Bale, Romanorum Episcoporum Successio ('')


Unpublished Latin work in seven libri.