The Duke of Sutherland


MS of a French translation, entirely in the hand of John Egerton (1622-86), second Earl of Bridgewater, Privy Councillor, on 175 quarto pages.

Written as a presentation copy to his father, the first Earl of Bridgewater (1579-1649), politician and lawyer, signed JBrackley, with preliminaries comprising (p.[1]) a title-page, Instructions du Cheualier Gvalter Raleigh à son Fils, & a la Posterité; (pp. [2-12]) a dedication; and (pp. [13-15]) a list of contents; the main text, in ten chapters, paginated 1-160.

A facsimile of this MS is in the Huntington, EL 34 A 6.

RaW 682.5: Sir Walter Ralegh, Instructions to his Son and to Posterity

A facsimile of this MS is in the Huntington, EL 34 A 6.

A treatise in ten chapters, beginning There is nothing more becoming any wise man than to make choice of friends.... First published in London, 1632. Works (1829), VIII, 557-70. Edited by Louis B. Wright in Advice to a Son (Ithaca, 1962), pp. 15-32.


A formal, probably presentation MS relating to the death of Frances, Countess of Bridgewater, on 11 March 1635/6, comprising (ff. [2r-29v]) the funeral sermon preached by John Carter on 2 April 1636, in a non-professional predominantly italic hand, and (ff. [31r-2r]) Townshend's elegy in another italic hand, 32 quarto leaves.


A complete facsimile of this MS is in the Huntington, EL 6883.

ff. [31r-2r]
ToA 17: Aurelian Townshend, A Funerall Elegie ('Dismisse thy private greife, and for a time')

Copy, beginning Dismisse this priuate greife, & for a Time, subscribed Aurelian Townsend.

Edited from the photocopy of this MS in Brown.

Brown, pp. 54-6.


Copy, in a neat professional hand, comprising pages 1-130 of a small folio volume also containing, in the same hand (pp. 130-50, headed Spoken), four prayers and contemplations made by her husband John Egerton (1623-86), second Earl of Bridgewater, Privy Councillor.

With a title-page, True Coppies of certaine loose Papers left by ye Right Honble: Elizabeth Countesse of Bridgewater Collected and Transcribed togeather here since her death, Anno Dnj. 1663., signed by the second Earl of Bridgewater, and with a five-page table of contents.


A complete facsimile of this MS is in the Huntington, EL 8376. Collated in Travitsky, Subordination.

C&E 191: Jane Cheyne and Elizabeth Egerton, Loose Papers and Meditations of Elizabeth Egerton, Countess of Bridgewater

A complete facsimile of this MS is in the Huntington, EL 8376. Collated in Travitsky, Subordination.

Edited in Travitsky, Subordination (1999), pp. 172-207 (collations pp. 208-40).


Copy, in a large professional rounded hand, comprising pages 1-267 of a volume also containing, in the same hand (pp. 268r-301), four prayers and contemplations made by her husband John Egerton (1623-86), second Earl of Bridgewater, Privy Councillor, who has signed the title-page and added a heading on p. 267.

With a title-page, True Coppies of certaine Loose Papers left by ye Right hoble: Elizabeth Countesse Of Bridgewater Collected and Transcribed together here since Her Death, Anno Dni. 1663, and a five-page table of contents.


A complete facsimile of this MS is in the Huntington, EL 8377. Edited from this MS in Travitsky, Subordination, pp. 172-207, with facsimile examples on pp. 160, 167, and 172.

C&E 192: Jane Cheyne and Elizabeth Egerton, Loose Papers and Meditations of Elizabeth Egerton, Countess of Bridgewater

A complete facsimile of this MS is in the Huntington, EL 8377. Edited from this MS in Travitsky, Subordination, pp. 172-207, with facsimile examples on pp. 160, 167, and 172.

Edited in Travitsky, Subordination (1999), pp. 172-207 (collations pp. 208-40).


MS, possibly autograph, very closely written in a single non-professional cursive hand, 710 small folio pages (including blanks).

With a general title-page in the hand of her husband John Egerton (1623-86), second Earl of Bridgewater, Privy Councillor, Meditations on the Seuerall Chapters of the Holy Bible, by the Right Honble: Elizabeth Countess of Bridgewater, who died the 14th: of June, in ye Yeare of Our Lord, 1663; with separate title-pages in the same hand at intervals and with the Earl's copious autograph textual emendations throughout.


A complete facsimile of this MS is in the Huntington, EL 8374. Facsimile examples of three pages in Travitsky, Subordination, pp. 141, 143 and 145.

*C&E 189: Jane Cheyne and Elizabeth Egerton, Loose Papers and Meditations of Elizabeth Egerton, Countess of Bridgewater

A complete facsimile of this MS is in the Huntington, EL 8374. Facsimile examples of three pages in Travitsky, Subordination, pp. 141, 143 and 145.

Edited in Travitsky, Subordination (1999), pp. 172-207 (collations pp. 208-40).


MS corrections, possibly by Townshend, on pp. 8, 16, and 17 in an exemplum of the printed quarto edition of 1631, presented by Townshend to John Egerton, first Earl of Bridgewater (his inscription J Bridgewater / ex dono Authoris [ ] Townsend [ ]). c.1631.

A photocopy of this volume is in the Huntington, RB 69679.

*ToA 89: Aurelian Townshend, Albions Triumph

A photocopy of this volume is in the Huntington, RB 69679.

First published in London, 1631.

[no shelfmark]

Autograph letter signed by Daniel, to Sir Thomas Egerton, [1601/2].

Probably once bound in a printed exemplum of Daniel's Works (London, 1601), presented to Egerton, a volume now in the Huntington (RB 60958).


A photocopy of the letter is in the Huntington (EL 139). First printed in Francis Henry Egerton, A Compilation of Various Authentick Evidences and Historical Authorities tending to illustrate the life and character of Thomas Egerton (privately printed, 1798), p. 57. Later printed in John Payne Collier, New Facts regarding the Life of Shakespeare (London, 1835). pp. 52-3, and subsequently suspected of being a forgery, but it is certainly genuine: see Cecil C. Seronsy, The Case for Daniel's Letter to Egerton Reopened, Huntington Library Quarterly, 29 (1965-6), 79-82, and also a note probably referring to this letter written by Edmond Malone (1741-1812) in his exemplum of Daniel's Works (1602) in the Bodleian (Malone 20).

*DaS 57: Samuel Daniel, Letter(s)

A photocopy of the letter is in the Huntington (EL 139). First printed in Francis Henry Egerton, A Compilation of Various Authentick Evidences and Historical Authorities tending to illustrate the life and character of Thomas Egerton (privately printed, 1798), p. 57. Later printed in John Payne Collier, New Facts regarding the Life of Shakespeare (London, 1835). pp. 52-3, and subsequently suspected of being a forgery, but it is certainly genuine: see Cecil C. Seronsy, The Case for Daniel's Letter to Egerton Reopened, Huntington Library Quarterly, 29 (1965-6), 79-82, and also a note probably referring to this letter written by Edmond Malone (1741-1812) in his exemplum of Daniel's Works (1602) in the Bodleian (Malone 20).