A K Bell Library, Perth


MS transcript of the first printed edition (Aberdeen, 1662) of John Forbes, Cantus, Songs and Fancies. c.1662.

In the Atholl Collection of Music, assembled by Lady Dorothea Stewart-Murray (1866-1937), daughter of John Stewart-Murray (1840-1917), seventh Duke of Atholl. Formerly in the Sandeman Library, Perth.

No. i
SuH 23: Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, If care do cause men cry, why do not I complaine?

Copy, in a musical setting.

First published in Songes and Sonettes (London, 1557). Padelford, No. 28, pp. 80-2. Jones, pp. 14-16.

No. xiii
NaT 16: Thomas Nashe, Verses from Astrophel and Stella ('If flouds of teares could clense my follies past')

Copy of a three-stanza version, in a musical setting by John Dowland.

First published in Poems and Sonets of sundrie other Noble men and Gentlemen appended to Sir Philip Sidney, Astrophel and Stella (London, 1591). McKerrow, III, 396 (in poems of doubtful authorship). Doughtie, Lyrics from English Airs, pp. 104-5.

No. xvii
CmT 234: Thomas Campion, What if a day, or a month, or a yeare

Copy, in a musical setting.

Possibly first published as a late 16th-century broadside. Philotus (Edinburgh, 1603). Richard Alison, An Howres Recreation in Musicke (London, 1606). Davis, p. 473. The different versions and attributions discussed in A.E.H. Swaen, The Authorship of What if a Day, and its Various Versions, MP, 4 (1906-7), 397-422, and in David Greer, What if a Day — An Examination of the Words and Music, M&L, 43 (1962), 304-19.

No. xxxi
CmT 137: Thomas Campion, Though your strangenesse frets my hart

Copy, in a musical setting.

First published in Robert Jones, A Musical Dreame (London, 1609). Campion, Two Bookes of Ayres (London, [c.1612-13]), Book II, No. xvi. Davis, pp. 106-7. Doughtie, pp. 319-20.

No. xliii
SoR 147: Robert Southwell, S.J., Catholic Saint, Marie Magdalens complaint at Christs death ('Sith my life from life is parted')

Copy of line 25 et seq., in a musical setting, untitled and here beginning With my Love, my life was nested.

First published in Saint Peters Complaint, 1st edition (London, 1595). Brown, pp. 45-6.

No. liii
CmT 27: Thomas Campion, Faine would I wed a faire yong man that day and night could please me

Copy, in a musical setting.

First published in The Third and Fourth Booke of Ayres (London, [c.1617]), Book IV, No. xxiv. Davis, p. 193.

No. liv
WoH 125: Sir Henry Wotton, On his Mistress, the Queen of Bohemia ('You meaner beauties of the night')

Copy, in a musical setting, here beginning You minor beauties of the night.

First published (in a musical setting) in Michael East, Sixt Set of Bookes (London, 1624). Reliquiae Wottonianae (London, 1651), p. 518. Hannah (1845), pp. 12-15. Some texts of this poem discussed in J.B. Leishman, You Meaner Beauties of the Night A Study in Transmission and Transmogrification, The Library, 4th Ser. 26 (1945-6), 99-121. Some musical versions edited in English Songs 1625-1660, ed. Ian Spink, Musica Britannica XXXIII (London, 1971), Nos. 66, 122.

[no item number]
WaE 607: Edmund Waller, To Phyllis ('Phyllis! why should we delay')

Copy, in a musical setting, among the appended Italian songs.

First published, as The cunning Curtezan, in Wits Recreations (London, 1645). Workes (1645). Thorn-Drury, I, 84.

[no item number]
HeR 248: Robert Herrick, To the Virgins, to make much of Time ('Gather ye Rose-budd while ye may')

Copy, in a musical setting, among the appended Italian songs.

First published in The Academy of Complements (London, 1646). Hesperides (London, 1648). Martin, p. 84. Patrick, pp. 117-18. Musical setting by William Lawes published in John Playford, Select Musicall Ayres, and Dialogues (London, 1652).

[no item number]
CnC 117: Charles Cotton, Song. Set by Mr. Coleman ('Bring back my Comfort, and return')

Copy, in a musical setting by Edward Coleman, among the appended Italian songs.

First published in Poems (1689), pp. 370-1. Beresford, pp. 127-8.