Bibliothèque Royale, Brussels, Belgium

MS II. 4. 109 (Fétis 3095)

A MS songbook.

Once owned by one Thomas Myriell.

Early 17th century.
pp. 8-9
GrF 4.5: Fulke Greville, Caelica, Sonnet lii ('Away with these self-louing lads')

Copy, in a four-part musical setting by John Dowland.

This MS is collated in Doughtie, p. 469.

This sonnet first published in John Dowland, First Booke of Songes or Ayres (London, 1597). Bullough, I, 104. Wilkes, II, 114-15.

pp. 16-17
PlG 11.5: George Peele, A Sonet ('His Golden lockes, Time hath to Silver turn'd')

Copy, in a four-part musical setting by John Dowland.

First published as an appendix to Polyhymnia (London, 1590). Edited by D.H. Horne in Prouty, I, 244. The sonnet probably written by Sir Henry Lee: see Horne, pp. 169-70, and Thomas Clayton, Sir Henry Lee's Farewel to the Court: The Texts and Authorship of His Golden Locks Time Hath to Silver Turned, ELR, 4 (1974), 268-75.

pp. 24-5
NaT 10: Thomas Nashe, Verses from Astrophel and Stella ('If flouds of teares could clense my follies past')

Copy, in a four-part musical setting by John Dowland.

This setting first published in John Dowland, The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres (London, 1600). This MS collated in Doughtie, pp. 480-2.

First published in Poems and Sonets of sundrie other Noble men and Gentlemen appended to Sir Philip Sidney, Astrophel and Stella (London, 1591). McKerrow, III, 396 (in poems of doubtful authorship). Doughtie, Lyrics from English Airs, pp. 104-5.

pp. 110-11
RaW 124.5: Sir Walter Ralegh, A Farewell to false Love ('Farewell false loue, the oracle of lies')

Copy, in a five-part musical setting by William Byrd.

First published, in a musical setting, in William Byrd, Psalmes, Sonets & songs (London, 1588). Latham, pp. 7-8. Rudick, Nos 10A (complementing Sir Thomas Heneage's verses beginning Most welcome love, thow mortall foe to lies) and 10B, pp. 11-13.

The poem based principally on a poem by Philippe Desportes: see Jonathan Gibson, French and Italian Sources for Ralegh's Farewell False Love, RES, NS 50 (May 1999), 155-65, which also cites related MSS.

pp. 138-9
DaS 13: Samuel Daniel, Delia. An Ode ('Now each creature ioyes the other')

Copy of the first stanza, in a four-part musical setting by John Farmer.

This MS collated in Doughtie, p. 572.

Grosart, I, 259-60. Sprague, p. 36. Doughtie, Lyrics from English Airs, pp. 310-11. This setting published in John Farmer, First Set of English Madrigals (London, 1599).

fonds générals, inventaire n°. 5618, catalogue n°. 2262

Copy, allegedly transcribed from Southwell's autograph MS (ex libello eius propria scripto), dated 1607, feb. 11o, 73 leaves, in old vellum. 1607/8.

Edited from this MS in de Buck. Recorded in McDonald, p. 14.

SoR 331: Robert Southwell, S.J., Catholic Saint, Exercitia et Devotiones

Edited from this MS in de Buck. Recorded in McDonald, p. 14.

First published in Spiritual Exercises and Devotions of Blessed Robert Southwell, S.J., ed. J.M. de Buck, S.J. (London, 1931).

MS 15676-7

A MS volume containing works by the humanist Jerome Busleyden (c.1470-1517). Early-mid-16th century.
p. 62
MrT 13.8: Sir Thomas More, Epigrammata. 279. Thomæ Mori Tetrasthicon ('Seu numeris astricta probas, seu libera uerba')

Copy, in a neat italic hand, on a flyleaf.

Edited from this MS in Yale, Volume 3, Part II, p. 68, with a facsimile of the MS after p. 263.

Yale, Volume 3, Part II, pp. 302-3, with English translation.