Trinity College, Dublin, numbers 1 through 199

MS 118

Copy, in three small secretary hands, with a few annotations in another hand, untitled but for a quotation from Abak. 1. 4, iii + 22 quarto leaves, imperfect, in 19th-century calf. Late 16th-early 17th century.

Formerly A. 5. 6.

This MS collated in Keble (see I, liii). Edited in Folger edition, Volume V, pp. ??, with a facsimiles of ff. 1r-2r, and 21r on pp. 86, 107-8, and 163.

HkR 3: Richard Hooker, A Learned Discourse of Justification, Works, and How the Foundation of Faith is Overthrown

This MS collated in Keble (see I, liii). Edited in Folger edition, Volume V, pp. ??, with a facsimiles of ff. 1r-2r, and 21r on pp. 86, 107-8, and 163.

First published in Oxford, 1612. Keble, III, 483-547. Folger edition, Volume V, pp. 105-69.

MS 119

A quarto composite volume of ecclesiastical tracts, in several hands, including printed material, 70 leaves, in later vellum boards.

Old pressmark A. 5. 22.

ff. 1r-18r
HkR 36: Richard Hooker, Hooker's Answer to Walter Travers's Supplication to the Council ('')

Copy, in two or more secretary hands, untitled.


This MS collated in Keble (see I, liii) and in Folger edition, Volume 5, with facsimiles of ff. 1r, 4v-5r, 9v-10r on pp. 214, 233-4, 243-4.

First published, with Travers's Supplication, in Oxford, 1612. Keble, III, 570-96. Folger edition, Volume V, pp. 225-57.

ff. 20r-70v
HkR 55: Richard Hooker, Thomas Cartwright, A Christian Letter of certaine English Protestants [Middelburg, 1599] ('')

A transcript of Hooker's annotations in HkR 53.

Early 17th century.

This MS collated in Heber (see I, xviii-xxv).

MS 120

Copy, in a neat secretary hand, with corrections and additions in the hand of Archbishop Ussher, untitled, 167 quarto leaves, in old speckled leather (rebacked). Early 17th century.

Old pressmark C. 3. 11.

Edited from this MS in Keble (see I, xiv-xlvi), in Houk, and in Folger edition, Volume III, with facsimiles of ff. 1r, 21v-2r on pp. 313-14

HkR 14: Richard Hooker, Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity, Book VIII

Edited from this MS in Keble (see I, xiv-xlvi), in Houk, and in Folger edition, Volume III, with facsimiles of ff. 1r, 21v-2r on pp. 313-14

First published in an incomplete form (with Book VI) in London, 1648. Some additions published in Nicholas Bernard, Clavi Trabales (London, 1661), and in John Gauden's complete edition of the Polity (London, 1662). Keble, III, 326-455 (and pp. 456-60 for a passage found in MSS but not in the first edition, possibly part of a Sermon on Civil Disobedience). Edited by Raymond Aaron Houk, Hooker's Ecclesiastical Polity Book VIII (New York, 1931). Folger edition, Volume III, pp. 315-448.

MS 121

A tall folio composite volume of ecclesiastical writings chiefly by Hooker, in several hands, 91 leaves, in old vellum boards.

Owned by James Ussher (1581-1656), Archbishop of Armagh, scholar. Old pressmark B. 1. 13.

ff. 1r-32r
HkR 12: Richard Hooker, Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity, Book VI ('')

Copy in the italic hand of a scribe who worked for Archbishop Usser and who also wrote HkR 1, HkR 2 and HkR 6, with corrections or emendations in Ussher's hand.

This MS collated in Keble (see I, xxxiv). Facsimile pages in Folger edition, Volume III, pp. xxxviii and lxxx.

First published (with Book VIII) in London, 1648. Keble, III, 1-107. Folger edition, Volume III, pp. 1-103.

ff. 33r-42v
*HkR 6: Richard Hooker, A Learned Sermon of the Nature of Pride ('')

Autograph draft of the first portion as published in 1612.


Edited from this MS in Folger Edition, Vol V, with a facsimile of f. 42v, 34r, 35r, 36r and 41v on pp. 301, 316, 323, 330, and 359. Described also in Laetitia Yeandle and P. G. Stanwood, An Autograph Manuscript by Richard Hooker, Manuscripta, 18 (1974), 38-41.

First portion published in Oxford, 1612. Additional portion first published in Keble (1836). Keble (1888), III, 597-642. Folger edition, Volume V, pp. 309-61.

ff. 43r-50r
HkR 6.5: Richard Hooker, A Learned Sermon of the Nature of Pride ('')

A fair copy of the portion othe work not published in 1612, in the italic hand of a scribe who worked for Archbishop Ussher and who also wrote HkR 1, HkR 2 and HkR 12.


Edited from this MS in Keble and in Folger edition, Vol. V, with a facsimile of f. 43r on p. 298.

First portion published in Oxford, 1612. Additional portion first published in Keble (1836). Keble (1888), III, 597-642. Folger edition, Volume V, pp. 309-61.

ff. 52r-67v
HkR 2: Richard Hooker, Fragments of an Answer to the Letter of certain English Protestants ('')

Copy of untitled fragments of a treatise on Grace, the Sacraments and Predestination partly or wholly intended as a reply to the Christian Letter published 1599 (see HkR 53), in the italic hand of a scribe who worked for Archbishop Ussher and who also wrote HkR 1, HkR 6 and HkR 12.

Edited from this MS in Keble and in Folger edition, Volume IV, pp. 99-167, with facsimile examples on pp. 100, 114, 122, and 164. Facsimiles of ff. 55r and 57r in DLB, vol. 132, Sixteenth-Century British Non-Dramatic Writers. First Series, ed. David A. Richardson (Detroit, 1993), pp. 202-3.

First published in Keble (1836). Keble (1888), II, 537-97.

ff. 84r-91v
BcF 73: Francis Bacon, An Advertisement touching the Controversies of the Church of England ('')

Copy, in a formal secretary hand.

Early 17th century.

A tract beginning It is but ignorance if any man find it strange that the state of religion (especially in the days of peace) should be exercised.... First published as A Wise and Moderate Discourse concerning Church-Affaires ([London], 1641). Spedding, VIII, 74-95.

MS 160

A folio verse miscellany, in several secretary hands, 186 leaves, some stained and frayed, now bound in two volumes in modern quarter-vellum cloth boards.

Including 85 poems that have been attributed to Wyatt, the great majority of poems untitled and unascribed, with (ff. 59r, 60r) a table of contents. The compiler, who adds headings and corrections, is John Mantell (1516?-41), a colleague of Wyatt on diplomatic missions.


Owned c.1545-6 by Sir George Blage (1512-51). Probably used by John Harington of Stepney. Old pressmark D. 2. 7.

Cited by editors as the Blage MS. First described by Kenneth Muir (An Unrecorded Wyatt Manuscript, TLS (20 May 1960), p. 328), and a selection of the poems printed by him in Sir Thomas Wyatt and his circle: Unpublished Poems (Liverpool, 1961). The compiler identified as Mantell in Helen Baron, The Blage Manuscript: The Original Compiler Identified, EMS, 1 (1989), 85-119, with facsimile examples, including an autograph letter by Mantell in the National Archives, Kew.

f. 62r
WyT 20: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Alas! dere herte, what happe had I


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, p. 126.

f. 63r
WyT 33: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Alone musyng


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, p. 127.

f. 64r
WyT 14: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Absence, alas


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 127-8.

f. 65r
WyT 22: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Alas, fortune, what alith the


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 128-9.

f. 66r
WyT 6: Sir Thomas Wyatt, A! my harte, A! what aleth the!


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, p. 129.

f. 67r
WyT 40: Sir Thomas Wyatt, At last withdraw youre crueltye


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 129-30.

f. 68r
WyT 43: Sir Thomas Wyatt, At moost myschief


This MS collated (and lines 42-8 edited) in Muir & Thomson and in Harrier.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 36-7.

f. 69r
WyT 32: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Alle ye that knowe of care and heuynes


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, p. 131.

f. 70r
WyT 16: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Accusyd thoo I be without desert


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson. Facsimile in Baron, p. 92.

First published in Songes and Sonettes (London, 1557). Muir & Thomson, p. 132.

f. 71r
WyT 19: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Agaynste the Rock I clyme both hy and hard


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, p. 132.

f. 72r
WyT 1: Sir Thomas Wyatt, A face that shuld content me wonders well


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

First published in Songes and Sonettes (London, 1557). Muir & Thomson, pp. 132-3.

f. 73r
WyT 95: Sir Thomas Wyatt, fful well yt maye be sene

Copy, here beginning As from theys hilles that a spryng doth fall.

This MS collated in Muir & Thomson and in Harrier.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 207-8.

f. 74r
WyT 29: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Alas the greiff, and dedly wofull smert


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson and in Harrier.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 3-4.

f. 75r
WyT 25: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Alas! my Dere, the word thow spakest


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 133-4.

f. 76r
WyT 55: Sir Thomas Wyatt, By belstred wordes I am borne in hand


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, p. 134.

f. 77r
WyT 48: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Beyng as noone ys I doo complayne


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 134-5.

f. 80r
WyT 61: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Complaynyng, alas, withour redres


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 135-6.

f. 81r
WyT 58: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Comeforthe at hand, pluck vp thy harte!


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, p. 136.

f. 83r
WyT 72: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Durese of paynes and grevus Smarte


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

First published in The Court of Venus [c.1538]. Muir & Thomson, p. 137.

f. 84r
WyT 67: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Do way, do way, ye lytyll wyly prat!


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, p. 138.

f. 85r
WyT 66: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Desyre to Sorow doth me constrayne


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 138-9.

f. 86r
WyT 62: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Defamed gyltynes by sylens vnkept


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, p. 139.

f. 87r
WyT 71: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Dryven to Desire I dyd this Dede

Copy (31 lines).

Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Lines 1-7 first published in Songes and Sonettes (London, 1575). Muir & Thomson, pp. 139-40.

f. 88r
WyT 69: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Dryuyn to Desyre, a drad also to Dare


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 140-1.

f. 89r
WyT 68: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Dobell, dyuerse, soleyn and straunge


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, p. 141.

f. 90r
WyT 73: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Dydo am I, the fownder first of Cartage


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, p. 141.

f. 92r
WyT 75: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Dysdayne not, madam, on hym to louke


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, p. 142.

f. 96r
WyT 102: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Had I wiste that now I wott


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, p. 142.

f. 97r
WyT 115: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Horrybell of hew, hidyus to behold


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, p. 143.

f. 98r
WyT 157: Sir Thomas Wyatt, It may be good, like it who list


This MS collated in Muir & Thomson and in Harrier.

First published in Songes and Sonettes (London, 1557). Muir & Thomson, p. 17-18.

f. 99r
WyT 103: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Happe happith ofte vnloked for


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, p. 144.

f. 100r
WyT 107: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Hate whome ye lyste, I care not


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, p. 145.

f. 104r-v
WyT 421: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Your lokes so often cast


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

First published in Songes and Sonettes (London, 1557). Muir & Thomson, pp. 145-6.

f. 105r
WyT 82: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Evyn when you lust ye may refrayne

Copy, headed The answere.

Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 146-7.

f. 106r
WyT 125: Sir Thomas Wyatt, I am redy and euer wyll be

Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 147-8.

f. 107r
WyT 122: Sir Thomas Wyatt, I am as I am and so wil I be

Copy of lines 9-40, here beginning I doo not rejoyse nor yet complayne.

Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson (and see WyT 121).

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 148-50.

f. 108r-v
WyT 136: Sir Thomas Wyatt, I muste go walke the woodes so wyld


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson, with a facsimile facing p. 196.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 150-2.

f. 109r
WyT 145: Sir Thomas Wyatt, If chaunce assynd

Copy of lines 1-4.

This MS recorded in Harrier.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 50-1.

f. 110r
WyT 413: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Yf I myght hau at myne owne wyll


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 152-3.

f. 111r
WyT 141: Sir Thomas Wyatt, I wyll allthow I may not

Copy of lines 1-8, 13-24.

Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson (and see WyT 142).

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 153-4.

f. 112r
WyT 133: Sir Thomas Wyatt, I knowe not where my heuy syghys to hyd


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 154-5.

f. 113r-v
WyT 130: Sir Thomas Wyatt, I have benne a lover


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 155-7.

f. 114r-v
WyT 155: Sir Thomas Wyatt, In mornyng wyse syns daylye I Increas


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 157-9.

ff. 117r-18v
WyT 169: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Lo what it is to love!

Copy, partly in Mantell's hand.

This MS collated in Muir & Thomson and in Harrier. Facsimile of f. 118r in Baron, p. 97.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 66-9.

f. 119r-v
WyT 170: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Longer to troo ye

Copy of stanzas 1-5.

Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson (and see WyT 171).

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 159-60.

f. 120r-v
WyT 175: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Love hathe agayne


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 161-2.

f. 122r
WyT 179: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Lyke as the Swanne towardis her dethe


This MS collated in Muir & Thomson and in Harrier.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 52-3.

f. 123r
WyT 181: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Lyue thowe gladly, yff so thowe may


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 162-3.

f. 125r-v
WyT 204: Sir Thomas Wyatt, My lute, awake! perfourme the last


This MS collated in Muir & Thomson and in Harrier.

First published in The Court of Venus, [c.1538]. Songes and Sonettes (London, 1557). Muir & Thomson, pp. 48-50.

f. 126r
WyT 188: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Mornyng my hart dothe sore opres


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, p. 163.

f. 127r
WyT 182: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Madame, I you requyere


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 163-4.

f. 127r
WyT 420: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Your ffolyshe fayned hast

Copy, headed The Aunswere.

Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in 16th century. Muir & Thomson, p. 164.

f. 128r
WyT 184: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Madame, withouten many wordes

Copy, here beginning Mestres what nedis many wordis.

This MS collated in Muir & Thomson and in Harrier. The text followed by a 12-line Aunswer in the same hand (see WyT 183).

First published in Songes and Sonettes (London, 1557). Muir & Thomson, p. 25.

f. 129r
WyT 212: Sir Thomas Wyatt, MyghtI as well within my songe belaye


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 164-5.

f. 129v
WyT 223: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Nature, that gave the bee so feet a grace


This MS collated in Muir & Thomson and in Harrier.

First published in Songes and Sonettes (London, 1557). Muir & Thomson, p. 51.

f. 130r
WyT 209: Sir Thomas Wyatt, My swet, alas, fforget me not


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 165-6.

f. 137r
WyT 232: Sir Thomas Wyatt, O what vndeseruyd creweltye


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 166-7.

f. 138r
WyT 238: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Ons in your grace I knowe I was


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 167-8.

f. 139r-v
WyT 228: Sir Thomas Wyatt, O crewell hart, wher ys thy ffaythe?


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 168-9.

f. 145r-v
WyT 255: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Perdy I sayd hytt nott


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

First published in Songes and Sonettes (London, 1557). Muir & Thomson, pp. 170-1.

f. 146r
WyT 244: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Patience, though I have not

Copy, with the third stanza placed first and here beginning Patiens off all my blame.

This MS collated in Muir & Thomson and in Harrier.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, p. 29. The text discussed in Joost Daalder, Wyatt's Patience Poems, Neophilologische Mitteilungen, 91 (1990), 75-85.

f. 147r
WyT 249: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Patiens for my devise

Copy, immediately following on from Patiens off all my blame (see WyT 244).

This MS collated in Muir & Thomson and in Harrier.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 29-30. The text discussed in Joost Daalder, Wyatt's Patience Poems, Neophilologische Mitteilungen, 91 (1990), 75-85.

f. 148r
WyT 240: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Pas fourthe, my wountyd cries


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

First published in Songes and Sonettes (London, 1557). Muir & Thomson, pp. 171-2.

f. 150r
WyT 262: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Quondam was I in my Ladys gras


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 172-3.

f. 151r
WyT 92: Sir Thomas Wyatt, ffortune what ayleth the


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

First published in The Court of Venus, [c.1538]. Muir & Thomson, pp. 173-4.

f. 155r
WyT 267: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Sche that shuld most, percevythe lest


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, p. 174.

f. 156r
WyT 300: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Syns ye delite to knowe

Copy of lines 1-6, 15-35.

This MS collated in Muir & Thomson and in Harrier.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 54-5.

f. 157r
WyT 285: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Spytt off the spytt whiche they in vayne


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 174-5.

f. 158r
WyT 294: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Syethe yt ys so that I am thus refusyd


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 175-6.

f. 159r
WyT 292: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Suffryng in sorrowe in hope to Attayne


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 176-7.

f. 160r-v
WyT 301: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Sythe I my selffe dysplease the


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 177-8.

f. 167r
WyT 345: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Thou slepest ffast. and I with wofull hart


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson. Facsimile in Baron, p. 92.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, p. 179. Attributed to Wyatt in Annabel M. Endicott, A Note on Wyatt and Serafino D'Aquilano, RN, 17 (1964), 301-3.

f. 168r
WyT 342: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Tho some do grodge to se me joye


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 179-80.

f. 169r
WyT 341: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Tho of the sort ther be that ffayne


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 180-1.

f. 170r
WyT 360: Sir Thomas Wyatt, To wette your yee withoutyn teare


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, p. 181.

f. 171r
WyT 349: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Though this thy port and I thy seruaunt true


This MS collated in Muir & Thomson and in Harrier.

Not published in the the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, p. 59.

f. 172r
WyT 355: Sir Thomas Wyatt, To my myshap alas I fynd


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

First published in Songes and Sonettes (London, 1557). Muir & Thomson, pp. 181-3. Attributed to Sir Francis Bryan in A. Stuart Daley, The Uncertain Author of Poem 225, Tottel's Miscellany, SP, 47 (1950), 485-93.

f. 173r-v
WyT 317: Sir Thomas Wyatt, The knott that furst my hart dyd strayn


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 183-4.

f. 174r
WyT 334: Sir Thomas Wyatt, There was never ffile half so well filed


This MS collated in Muir & Thomson and in Harrier.

First published in Songes and Sonettes (London, 1557). Muir & Thomson, p. 14.

f. 175r-v
WyT 306: Sir Thomas Wyatt, That tyme that myrthe dyed stere my shypp


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in the 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 184-5.

f. 178r-v
SuH 62: Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, Such waywarde wais hath love, that moste parte in discorde

Copy, in the hand of John Harington of Stepney (1520?-82), subscribed H. S..

Edited from this MS in Kenneth Muir, Surrey Poems in the Blage Manuscript, N&Q, 205 (October 1960), 368-70.

First published in Songes and Sonettes (London, 1557). Padelford, No. 22, pp. 73-4. Jones, pp. 8-10.

f. 181r
WyT 407: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Wythe seruyng styll


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 185-6.

f. 182r
WyT 391: Sir Thomas Wyatt, What wolde ye mor of me, your slav, Requyere


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 186-7.

f. 183r
WyT 399: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Who lyst his welthe and eas Retayne


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in 16th century. Muir & Thomson, pp. 187-8.

f. 184r
WyT 371: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Venus, in sport, to please therwith her dere


Edited from this MS in Muir & Thomson.

Not published in 16th century. Muir & Thomson, p. 188.

f. 185r
WyT 402: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Who so list to hounte I know where is an hynde


This MS collated in Muir & Thomson and in Harrier.

Not published in 16th century. Muir & Thomson, p. 5.

MS 180

A folio composite volume of miscellaneous tracts, in several hands, 374 leaves, corners gnawed by rodents, in contemporary calf (rebacked).

Scribbling (f. 321v) including the name Bridgett Hale. Old pressmark B. 2. 12.

ff. 284r-321r
CvG 43: George Cavendish, The Life of Cardinal Wolsey ('')

Copy, in a neat secretary hand, untitled, slightly incomplete.

Late 16th century.

Sylvester, No. 21.

First published in George Cavendish, The Life of Cardinal Wolsey and Metrical Visions, ed. Samuel W. Singer, 2 vols (Chiswick, 1825). The Life and Death of Cardinal Wolsey by George Cavendish, ed. Richard S. Sylvester, EETS, orig. ser. 243 (London, New York and Toronto, 1959).