Trinity College, Oxford


An original proofsheet (sigs 2b3r and 2c3r) for the English edition of 1640 (i.e. 1639: STC 1167).

Used as binder's endpapers in a printed exemplum of John Sharp, Cursus theologicus (Geneva, 1628).


Recorded in Jan Moore, p. 80.

BcF 54.945: Francis Bacon, The Advancement of Learning

Recorded in Jan Moore, p. 80.

First published, as The Twoo Bookes of Francis Bacon. Of the proficience and aduancement of Learning, diuine and humane, in London, 1605. Spedding, III, 253-491. Edited by Michael Kiernan, The Oxford Francis Bacon, Vol. IV (Oxford, 2000).