University of Basle, Switzerland

A V 7 and A V 8

A travel journal compiled by Thomas Platter, 1595-1600, bound in two folio volumes.
Vol. 2, f. 740r
ElQ 46: Queen Elizabeth I, Written on a Window Frame at Woodstock ('O Fortune, thy wresting, wavering state')

Copy, followed (f. 740r-v) by a German translation. 1599.

Edited from this MS in Thomas Platters des Jüngeren Englandfahrt im Jahre 1599, ed. Hans Hecht (Leipzig, 1929), pp. 121-2; in Clare Williams, Thomas Platter's Travels in England, 1599 (London, 1937), pp. 220-1; in Thomas Platter, Beschreibung der Reisen durch Frankreich, Spanien, England und die Niederlande 1595-1600, ed. Rut Keiser, 2 vols (Basel, 1968), II, 859; and in Queen Elizabeth I, Selected Works.

First published, in a garbled version, in Paul Hentzner, Itinerarivm Germaniae, Galliae; Angliae; Italiae (Nuremberg, 1612), pp. 144-5. Bradner, p. 3, as Written on a Wall at Woodstock. Collected Works, Poem 1, pp. 45-6. Selected Works, Poem 1, pp. 2-3.

A IX 71a

Christopher Carlile's own complete quarto MS of his work, dated (f. 3r) Non. Iul. 1560. Emdae 1560.
f. 2r-v
BaJ 25: John Bale, [Preface to Christopher Carlile's Duo libri] ('')

Copy, in the hand of Christopher Carlile, of a prefatory epistle by Bale, addressed to Johann Operinus, prefixed to Carlile's Duo libri, quorum alter fiduciam maiorum, et nostram eandem tradit: alter Christum nec animo, nec corpore inferos penetrasse; beginning pontificiorum errores innumerabiles sunt…


A N V 80

Erasmus's autograph annotations, which may have been partly suggested to him by More, in a printed exemplum of Luciani Erasmo interprete dialogi &c. (quarto, Paris, 1514).

Used as the copy-text for Luciani cynicus &c. (Basle, 1517).


Yale, Vol. 3, Part I (1974), with facsimiles of these annotations facing pp. 1x, 1xii.

MrT 37: Sir Thomas More, Translations of Lucian

Yale, Vol. 3, Part I (1974), with facsimiles of these annotations facing pp. 1x, 1xii.

More's translations of Lucian first published in Paris, 1506. Yale, Vol. 3, Part I.


Autograph volume of collections; 42 quarto leaves.

Fols [1r-8v] (paginated 1-16) comprising extracts from the Historia Britonum of Nennius (or Gildas), headed Incipiunt excerptiones de libro Gildae sapientis, quem composuit de primis habitatoribus Britanniae, quae nunc Anglia dicitur, et de excidio eius and beginning A principio mundi usque ad diluvium sunt anni 2242…; ff. 17r-50v (but ff. 18, 24, 38-41, 48-50 blank) comprising extracts from lives of saints, &c.

*BaJ 8: John Bale, Collectiones
