University of Birmingham, Barber Institute

MS 5002

A folio music book. End of 17th century.
pp. 4-7
CoA 114: Abraham Cowley, Ode. Acme and Septimus out of Catullus ('Whilst on Septimus panting Brest')

Copy, in a musical setting by John Blow, headed Acme and Septimus and here beginning As on Septimus panting breast.

First published, among Verses written on several occasions, in Works (London, 1668). Waller, I, 419-20. Sparrow, pp. 167-9.

Musical setting by John Blow published in The Theater of Music (London, 1685).

pp. 8-11
HeR 56: Robert Herrick, The Curse. A Song ('Goe perjur'd man. and if thou ere return')

Copy, in a musical setting by John Blow, headed Ritornello for 2 violins to a Bass.

First published in Hesperides (London, 1648). Martin, p. 49. Patrick, p. 69. Musical setting by John Blow published in John Playford, Choice Ayres and Songs (London, 1683).

pp. 12-13
PsK 539: Katherine Philips, Upon the engraving. K:P: on a Tree in the short walke at Barn=Elms ('Alass! how barbarous are we')

Copy, in a musical setting by Henry Purcell, headed A song.

This MS recorded in Franklin B. Zimmerman, Henry Purcell: An Analytical Catalogue (London & New York, 1963), No. 482.

First published, as Upon the graving of her Name upon a Tree in Barnelmes Walks, in Poems (1667), p. 137. Saintsbury, p. 583. Thomas, I, 208, poem 91. Musical setting by Henry Purcell published in The Works of Henry Purcell, XXII, ed. W. Barclay Squire and J.A. Fuller-Maitland (London, 1922), pp. 153-4.

pp. 14-23
CoA 58: Abraham Cowley, Davideis, Book III, Song ('Awake, awake my Lyre')

Copy, in a musical setting by John Blow.

Waller, I, 344. Sparrow, pp. 191-2.

Musical setting by Pietro Reggio published in Songs [London, 1680]. Setting by John Blow published in Choice Ayres and Songs. The Third Book (London, 1681).

pp. 44-54
CoA 45: Abraham Cowley, The Complaint ('In a deep Vision's intellectual scene')

Copy, in a musical setting by Henry Purcell.

First published in Poems, by Several Persons (Dublin, 1663). Verses, Lately Written upon several Occasions (London, 1663). Waller, I, 435-40. Sparrow, pp. 169-74.

pp. 64-6
TaJ 7: Jeremy Taylor, Job's Curse ('Let the Night perish curs'd by ye Morn')

Copy, in a musical setting by Purcell.

Recorded by Franklin B. Zimmerman in Henry Purcell: An Analytical Catalogue (London & New York, 1963), No. 191.

Published, as one of the Festival Hymns, in The Golden Grove (London, 1655). A musical setting by Henry Purcell published in Harmonia Sacra (London, 1688).

pp. 74-6
TaJ 9: Jeremy Taylor, A Penitential Hymn ('Great God and just')

Copy, in Purcell's musical setting.

Recorded by Franklin B. Zimmerman in Henry Purcell: An Analytical Catalogue (London & New York, 1963).

Published, as one of the Festival Hymns, in The Golden Grove (London, 1655).

pp. 153-7
SaG 7: George Sandys, A Paraphrase upon Job ('In Hus, a land which near the sun's uprise')

Copy of Chapter X, in a musical setting by Henry Purcell, headed An Anthem out of Job and beginning O I'm sick of life.

This MS recorded in Franklin B. Zimmerman, Henry Purcell: An Analytical Catalogue (London & New York, 1963), No. 140.

First published in A Paraphrase upon the Divine Poems (London, 1638). Hooper, I, 1-78.

pp. 186-8
DrJ 180: John Dryden, Song ('Go tell Amynta gentle Swain')

Copy, in a musical setting by Henry Purcell, headed Musick, Loves spokesman.

This MS recorded in Franklin B. Zimmerman, Henry Purcell 1659-1695: An Analytical Catalogue of his Music (London, 1963), No. 489 (MS No. 14).

First published in Sylvae (London, 1685). Kinsley, I, 441. California, III, 89-90. Hammond & Hopkins, II, 388. Musical setting by Robert King published in The Theater of Music (London, 1685), I, 30. Day, pp. 73-5. Musical setting by Henry Purcell published in Orpheus Britannicus, 3rd edition (London, 1721). Works of Henry Purcell, XXII (London, 1922), pp. 133-6.