University of Dundee

Brechin Diocesan Library, BrMS/Vol. 5

A volume, chiefly in Drummond's hand, with a few notes by his son William, entitled Memorialls, comprising genealogical notes relating to the Drummonds of Carnock and a diary recording family births, deaths, marriages, accidents and illnesses between 1606 and 1647, with additions by William the son for the period 1649-1700; 87 pages (plus 301 blanks). Chiefly mid-17th century.

This MS discussed in MacDonald, Library of Drummond, pp. 11-12. The initial Memorialls edited in MacDonald (1976), pp. 193-5.

*DrW 354: William Drummond of Hawthornden, Memorialls

This MS discussed in MacDonald, Library of Drummond, pp. 11-12. The initial Memorialls edited in MacDonald (1976), pp. 193-5.

Brechin Diocesan Library, Br Q822.34

Autograph annotations, a number of which repeat information given in Drummond's Conversations with Jonson (DrW 303-4). c.1616.

Recorded in MacDonald, Library of Drummond, No. 850, with a facsimile of p. 782 on p. 36. The annotations discussed in J.R. Barker, A Pendant to Drummond of Hawthornden's Conversations, RES, NS 16 (1965), 284-8.

*DrW 351: William Drummond of Hawthornden, Jonson, Ben. Workes (London, 1616)

Recorded in MacDonald, Library of Drummond, No. 850, with a facsimile of p. 782 on p. 36. The annotations discussed in J.R. Barker, A Pendant to Drummond of Hawthornden's Conversations, RES, NS 16 (1965), 284-8.