University of Glasgow
MS Euing R.d.58-61
I. P..
Leaves excised from these volumes are in the
A flyleaf in the Cantus Secundus part book inscribed Decemb. 30. 1674. Note that I Thomas Clifford bought this sett of Musick Books of Mr Richard Price's widow Mrs Dorothy Price for --7s--6d
Copies, in a musical setting by Henry Lawes, here beginning
First published in Thomas Carew,
Copies of the dirge, in a musical setting by Edward Coleman.
Gifford & Dyce, VI, 396-7. Armstrong, p. 54. Musical setting by Edward Coleman published in John Playford,
Copies, in a musical setting by Mr Blackwell
First published in Walter Porter,
Copies, in a musical setting by John Wilson.
Bowers, III, 545. This setting first published in John Wilson,
Copies, in a musical setting by John Wilson.
This MS recorded in Spink, p. 196.
First published as N. Breton
; Grosart, I (t), p. 7.
Copies, in a musical setting by William Lawes, untitled.
First published in
Copies, in a musical setting by Mr Caeser
[i.e. William Caesar (fl.1615-67)].
First published in
Copies, in a musical setting by Capt: Silas Taylor
First published in
Musical setting by Silas Taylor published in
Copies, in a musical setting by William Lawes.
First published in
Copies, in Campion's musical setting.
First published in
Copies, in a musical setting by Benjamin Rogers.
This MS recorded in Spink, p. 197.
First published as N. Breton
; Grosart, I (t), p. 7.
Copies, in a musical setting by Nicholas Lanier.
First published in Alfonso Ferrabosco,
Copies, in a musical setting by Nicholas Lanier.
This setting first published in John Playford,
First published in
Copy, in a musical setting by Henry Lawes.
First published in
MS Hunter 82
An unpublished translation of a suppositious work, supposed (but unlikely) to be Charles V's instructions to his son Philip II, which was circulated in MS in 16th-century Europe and published in Spanish in Sandoval's Life of Charles V (1634). An Italian translation in MS was presented to James VI by Giacomo Castelvetro between 1591 and 1595 and is now in the National Library of Scotland (MS Adv. 23. I. 6): see
Howard's translation, dedicated to Queen Elizabeth, was allegedly written when he had been more than twelve years out of the Queen's favour [? in the early 1590s]. The Dedication begins If the faithful Cananite of whom we read in the holy writ …
; the main text begins I have resolved (most dear son) to come now to the point …
, and ends … to proceed in such a course as prayers may second your purposes. Sanctae Trinitati, &c.
MS Hunter 399
A formal copy, in a professional secretary hand, with elaborately ornamented initials, entitled
First published in London, 1553. Yale, Vol. 12.
A Latin meditation on the meaning of perjury, written while in the Tower (April 1534-July 1535), and relating to
MS Hunter 506
Copy of
A tract addressed to James I and beginning It belongeth not to me to judge whether the king of Spain hath done wrong to the Netherlands...
. First published in
Copy of five speeches by Bacon, on becoming Lord Chancellor (7 May 1617), to Sir John Denham, to Sergeant Hutton, to Sir William Jones (19 May 1617), and in the Star Chamber (Trinity 1617).
Copy, with Additional rules in 6, 13r-6, 15r.
First published as No decree shall be reversed, altered, or explained, being once under the Great Seale...
. Spedding, VII, 755-74 (mentioning, on p. 757, having seen some MSS and editions
of this work but without specifying them or his copy-text).
Copy of Bacon's submissions on 19 March 1620/1 and 22 April 1621.
The Humble Submissions and Supplications Bacon sent to the House of Lords, on 19 March 1620/1 (beginning I humbly pray your Lordships all to make a favourable and true construction of my absence...
); 22 April 1621 (beginning It may please your Lordships, I shall humbly crave at your Lordships' hands a benign interpretation...
); and 30 April 1621 (beginning Upon advised consideration of the charge, descending into mine own conscience...
), written at the time of his indictment for corruption. Spedding, XIV, 215-16, 242-5, 252-62.
Hunter K.8.18
W Ralegh, at the foot of the title-page. 1571.
Hunter V. 2. 19
Possibly a presentation MS to someone connected with the Royal Court.
Mid-16th century.This MS discussed in Ralph Hanna III,
This MS discussed in Ralph Hanna III,
First published in London, 1553. Yale, Vol. 12.
G.C. 21
Recorded in Franklin B. Zimmerman,
Recorded in Franklin B. Zimmerman,
A song attributed to Otway in early printed sources and possibly by him. First published, in a musical setting by Henry Purcell, in
R 8.7
Il vostro malignare non giova nulla Alexander Dicson. 1584.
Recorded in Sturlese and in Beal,
Recorded in Sturlese and in Beal,