Virginia Historical Society
Mss I T8525 a2
Volume II of a collection of Miscellanea Curiosa
assembled by Dawson Turner (1775-1858), banker, botanist and antiquary.
Copy of Version I, in an italic hand, untitled, on two conjugate folio leaves, once folded as a letter or packet, endorsed
First published (from a lost MS) in
Version I. Beginning Do I see God's most sacred, holy Word and text of holy Writ drawn to so divers senses...
. Hartley, I, 471-3 (Text i).
Version II. Beginning My lords, Do I see the Scriptures, God's word, in so many ways interpreted...
. Hartley, I, 473-5 (Text ii).
Copy, in an italic hand, headed
First published in Francis Davison,
This poem is attributed to Richard Latworth (or Latewar) in Lefranc (1968), pp. 85-94, but see Stephen J. Greenblatt, answer
to this poem is printed in Höltgen, pp. 435-8. Some texts are accompanied by other answers.