Virginia Historical Society

Mss I T8525 a2

A guardbook of miscellaneious documents.

Volume II of a collection of Miscellanea Curiosa assembled by Dawson Turner (1775-1858), banker, botanist and antiquary.

ElQ 198: Queen Elizabeth I, Queen Elizabeth's Speech at the Close of the Parliamentary Session, March 15, 1576 ('')

Copy of Version I, in an italic hand, untitled, on two conjugate folio leaves, once folded as a letter or packet, endorsed A speache of her maty in the end of a plamt.

Early 17th century.

First published (from a lost MS) in Nugae Antiquae, ed. Henry Harington (London, 1804), I, 120-7.

Version I. Beginning Do I see God's most sacred, holy Word and text of holy Writ drawn to so divers senses.... Hartley, I, 471-3 (Text i). Collected Works, Speech 13, pp. 167-71. Selected Works, Speech 7, pp. 52-60.

Version II. Beginning My lords, Do I see the Scriptures, God's word, in so many ways interpreted.... Hartley, I, 473-5 (Text ii).

pp. [189-90]
RaW 176.8: Sir Walter Ralegh, The Lie ('Goe soule the bodies guest')

Copy, in an italic hand, headed Verses by Sir Walter Ralwigh Knt. from a [ ? ] of Sir Walters, & suppos'd to have been written the night before his execution.

Early 17th century.

First published in Francis Davison, A Poetical Rapsodie (London, 1611). Latham, pp. 45-7. Rudick, Nos 20A, 20B and 20C (three versions), with answers, pp. 30-45.

This poem is attributed to Richard Latworth (or Latewar) in Lefranc (1968), pp. 85-94, but see Stephen J. Greenblatt, Sir Walter Ralegh (New Haven & London, 1973), pp. 171-6. See also Karl Josef Höltgen, Richard Latewar Elizabethan Poet and Divine, Anglia, 89 (1971), 417-38 (p. 430). Latewar's answer to this poem is printed in Höltgen, pp. 435-8. Some texts are accompanied by other answers.