Wadham College, Oxford
MS 25
Once owned by John, Baron Somers (1651-1716), Lord Chancellor, and by his brother-in-law Sir Joseph Jekyll (1662-1738), lawyer and politician (whose library was sold in 1759).
This MS described in Ringler, pp. 548-9.
This MS described in Ringler, pp. 548-9.
Psalms 1-43 translated by Sidney. Psalms 44-150 translated by his sister, the Countess of Pembroke. First published complete in London, 1823, ed. S.W. Singer. Psalms 1-43, without the Countess of Pembroke's revisions, edited in Ringler, pp. 265-337. Psalms 1-150 in her revised form edited in
MS 26
A treatise beginning A Commonwealth is a certain sovereign government of many families...
. First published, attributed to Sir Walter Ralegh in John Milton's preface To the Reader
, as
Widely circulated in MSS as T.B.
, for whom Thomas Bedingfield (early 1540s?-1613), translator of Machiavelli, is suggested in Ernest A. Strathmann,
MS 27
Once owned by John, Baron Somers (1651-1716), Lord Chancellor; by his brother-in-law Sir Joseph Jekyll (1662-1738), lawyer and politician; and in 1738 by Richard Warner.
First published in George Cavendish,
[unspecified shelfmark]
Discussed in Gordon McMullan,
Marked up as a promptbook, with cuts and stage directions and with a cast-list in two hands.
c.1670.Marked up copiously as a promptbook, in an italic hand, with cuts and stage directions and with a cast list.
First published in
Marked up possibly as a promptbook, with cuts and stage directions.
First published in