Thomas Killigrew

Dramatic Works

Bellamira her Dream, Parts I and II

First published in Thomas Killigrew, Comedies and Tragedies (London, 1664), pp. 465-576.

*KiT 1

Copious autograph cuts to the printed text, undated, with two notes by Killigrew about the cuts.

In: Thomas Killigrew's own folio exemplum of his Comedies and Tragedies (London, 1664) with his autograph annotations, in old calf.

Including, on flyleaf, Killigrew's autograph instructions to Miss Hancock for the copying out of plays and parts.


Discussed in W. Van Lennep, Thomas Killigrew prepares his plays for production, in Joseph Quincy Adams Memorial Studies, ed. James G. McManaway, Giles E. Dawson, and Edwin E. Willoughby (Washington, DC, 1948). Facsimile of the autograph instructions in W.W. Greg, English Literary Autographs 1550-1650, Part I (Oxford, 1925), No. XXV(b).

Cicilia and Clorinda, or, Love in arms, a tragi-comedy, Parts I and II

First published in Thomas Killigrew, Comedies and Tragedies (London, 1664), pp. 215-309.

*KiT 2

Killigrew's autograph note giving Miss Hancock instructions on the writing of the partes of Cissillia and Clorinda, dated 14 February 1666/7, the printed text otherwise untouched.

In: Thomas Killigrew's own folio exemplum of his Comedies and Tragedies (London, 1664) with his autograph annotations, in old calf.

Including, on flyleaf, Killigrew's autograph instructions to Miss Hancock for the copying out of plays and parts.


Discussed in W. Van Lennep, Thomas Killigrew prepares his plays for production, in Joseph Quincy Adams Memorial Studies, ed. James G. McManaway, Giles E. Dawson, and Edwin E. Willoughby (Washington, DC, 1948). Facsimile of the autograph instructions in W.W. Greg, English Literary Autographs 1550-1650, Part I (Oxford, 1925), No. XXV(b).

Facsimile of the autograph instructions in W.W. Greg, English Literary Autographs 1550-1650, Part I (Oxford, 1925), No. XXV(d).

*KiT 3
Copy of Part I, in a single professional hand, on 49 folio pages (plus a title-page and some blanks), in contemporary vellum boards.

Entitled The First Part of Cecilia and Clorinda Or Love in Armes A Tragæ comedy. The Scene Lumbardy Written by Thomas Killigrew In Turin Dedicated to the Lady Anne Villiers, Countesse of Morton.


Inscribed at the end Anna Maria Joynes. Later owned by George Thorn-Drury, KC (1860-1931), literary scholar and editor. Sotheby's, 22 February 1932 (Thorn-Drury sale), lot 2407 (erroneously described as autograph). Item 25 in an unidentified sale catalogue. Formerly Folger MS 4458.

*KiT 4

Copy of Part II, on 50 folio leaves (plus title-page and some blanks), entitled The second Part of Cecilia and Clorinda or Loue in Armes A Trage-Comedy Written in Florence By Thomas Killigrew Dedicated to the Lady Dorothy Sidney Countesse of Svnderland.

In: Manuscript of a play by T. Killigrew including a song by T. Carew, in a professional secretary hand, 51 folio leaves, in contemporary vellum boards. c.1650.

Later owned by George Thorn-Drury, KC (1860-1931), literary scholar and editor. Sotheby's, 22 February 1932 (Thorn-Drury sale), lot 2407 (erroneously described as autograph). Formerly Folger MS 4458.


First published in The Prisoners and Claracilla: Two Tragæ-Comedies (London, 1641). Thomas Killigrew, Comedies and Tragedies (London, 1664), pp. 1-45 (second series). Edited as Claricilla by Thomas Killigrew: A Critical Edition, ed. William T. Reich (New York & London, 1980).

*KiT 5
Copy, in a professional rounded italic hand, with corrections, on 40 large folio leaves, in contemporary olive green morocco elaborately gilt.

With Killigrew's autograph title-page, Clarasilla / A tragic Commidey / The Seane Sicily / Juene 1639 / Thomas Killigrew.


Later owned by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (1689-1762), writer. Once in the library of Castle Howard, near York. Sold by Hodgson's in 1944. Acquired in 1947 from William H. Robinson.

This MS collated in Reich. Facsimile of the first page of text in The Houghton Library 1942-1967: A Selection of Books and Manuscripts in Harvard Collections (Cambridge, Mass., 1967), p. 169 (and of the front cover, on p. 168), and in DLB, vol. 58, Jacobean and Caroline Dramatists, ed. Fredson Bowers (Detroit, 1987), p. 127.

*KiT 6

Autograph cuts to the printed text, with a note by Killigrew, undated.

In: Thomas Killigrew's own folio exemplum of his Comedies and Tragedies (London, 1664) with his autograph annotations, in old calf.

Including, on flyleaf, Killigrew's autograph instructions to Miss Hancock for the copying out of plays and parts.


Discussed in W. Van Lennep, Thomas Killigrew prepares his plays for production, in Joseph Quincy Adams Memorial Studies, ed. James G. McManaway, Giles E. Dawson, and Edwin E. Willoughby (Washington, DC, 1948). Facsimile of the autograph instructions in W.W. Greg, English Literary Autographs 1550-1650, Part I (Oxford, 1925), No. XXV(b).

The play edited from this text in Reich's edition.

The Parson's Wedding

First published in Thomas Killigrew, Comedies and Tragedies (London, 1664), pp. 69-154.

*KiT 7

Copious autograph cuts to the printed text, with Killigrew's notes on his cuts dated 2 May and 5 May 1664.

In: Thomas Killigrew's own folio exemplum of his Comedies and Tragedies (London, 1664) with his autograph annotations, in old calf.

Including, on flyleaf, Killigrew's autograph instructions to Miss Hancock for the copying out of plays and parts.


Discussed in W. Van Lennep, Thomas Killigrew prepares his plays for production, in Joseph Quincy Adams Memorial Studies, ed. James G. McManaway, Giles E. Dawson, and Edwin E. Willoughby (Washington, DC, 1948). Facsimile of the autograph instructions in W.W. Greg, English Literary Autographs 1550-1650, Part I (Oxford, 1925), No. XXV(b).

Facsimile of the autograph notes in W.W. Greg, English Literary Autographs 1550-1650, Part I (Oxford, 1925), No. XXV(c).

The Pilgrim

First published in Thomas Killigrew, Comedies and Tragedies (London, 1664), pp. 155-214.

*KiT 8

Copious autograph cuts to the printed text, dated 25 May 1668.

In: Thomas Killigrew's own folio exemplum of his Comedies and Tragedies (London, 1664) with his autograph annotations, in old calf.

Including, on flyleaf, Killigrew's autograph instructions to Miss Hancock for the copying out of plays and parts.


Discussed in W. Van Lennep, Thomas Killigrew prepares his plays for production, in Joseph Quincy Adams Memorial Studies, ed. James G. McManaway, Giles E. Dawson, and Edwin E. Willoughby (Washington, DC, 1948). Facsimile of the autograph instructions in W.W. Greg, English Literary Autographs 1550-1650, Part I (Oxford, 1925), No. XXV(b).

The Princesse, Act V. Song
('To Bacchus vow to Bacchus sing')

First published in Thomas Killigrew, Comedies and Tragedies (London, 1664), pp. 1-67.

KiT 9

Copy, untitled.

In: A folio formal verse miscellany, comprising c.406 poems, many of them song lyrics, in various neat hands, compiled probably over a period, 8 blank leaves (pp. [i-xvi]) + 10 unnumbered pages of poems (pp. [xvii-xxvi]) + 9 numbered pages (pp. 1-9) + ff. [9v]-151v + 12 leaves at the end blank but for a poem on the penultimate page (f. [11v]), in contemporary calf gilt.

Once erroneously associated with Thomas Killigrew (1612-83), whose hand does not appear in the volume.

Mid-17th century-c.1702.

Inscribed (f. [ir]) Sr Robert Killigrew / 1702. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), book and manuscript collector: Phillipps MS 9070. Sotheby's, 19 May 1897, lot 455.

Discussed, with a facsimile example, in Nancy Cutbirth, Thomas Killigrew's Commonplace Book?, Library Chronicle of the University of Texas at Austin, NS No. 13 (1980), 31-8.

The Prisoners, Act II. Song
('Fond Pursanus let not thy loue aspire')

First published in The Prisoners and Claracilla: Two Tragæ-Comedies (London, 1641). Thomas Killigrew, Comedies and Tragedies (London, 1664), pp. 48-80 (second series).

KiT 10

Copy, untitled.

In: A folio formal verse miscellany, comprising c.406 poems, many of them song lyrics, in various neat hands, compiled probably over a period, 8 blank leaves (pp. [i-xvi]) + 10 unnumbered pages of poems (pp. [xvii-xxvi]) + 9 numbered pages (pp. 1-9) + ff. [9v]-151v + 12 leaves at the end blank but for a poem on the penultimate page (f. [11v]), in contemporary calf gilt.

Once erroneously associated with Thomas Killigrew (1612-83), whose hand does not appear in the volume.

Mid-17th century-c.1702.

Inscribed (f. [ir]) Sr Robert Killigrew / 1702. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), book and manuscript collector: Phillipps MS 9070. Sotheby's, 19 May 1897, lot 455.

Discussed, with a facsimile example, in Nancy Cutbirth, Thomas Killigrew's Commonplace Book?, Library Chronicle of the University of Texas at Austin, NS No. 13 (1980), 31-8.

Thomaso, or the Wanderer, Parts I and II

First published in The Prisoners and Claracilla: Two Tragæ-Comedies (London, 1641). Thomas Killigrew, Comedies and Tragedies (London, 1664), pp. 311-464.

*KiT 11

Copious autograph cuts to the printed text, chiefly in Part II, with Killigrew's note dated November 1664 and his additions to the dramatis personæ.

In: Thomas Killigrew's own folio exemplum of his Comedies and Tragedies (London, 1664) with his autograph annotations, in old calf.

Including, on flyleaf, Killigrew's autograph instructions to Miss Hancock for the copying out of plays and parts.


Discussed in W. Van Lennep, Thomas Killigrew prepares his plays for production, in Joseph Quincy Adams Memorial Studies, ed. James G. McManaway, Giles E. Dawson, and Edwin E. Willoughby (Washington, DC, 1948). Facsimile of the autograph instructions in W.W. Greg, English Literary Autographs 1550-1650, Part I (Oxford, 1925), No. XXV(b).

Thomaso, or the Wanderer, Part I, Act V. Song
('Women women wine and health')
KiT 12

Copy, untitled.

In: A folio formal verse miscellany, comprising c.406 poems, many of them song lyrics, in various neat hands, compiled probably over a period, 8 blank leaves (pp. [i-xvi]) + 10 unnumbered pages of poems (pp. [xvii-xxvi]) + 9 numbered pages (pp. 1-9) + ff. [9v]-151v + 12 leaves at the end blank but for a poem on the penultimate page (f. [11v]), in contemporary calf gilt.

Once erroneously associated with Thomas Killigrew (1612-83), whose hand does not appear in the volume.

Mid-17th century-c.1702.

Inscribed (f. [ir]) Sr Robert Killigrew / 1702. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), book and manuscript collector: Phillipps MS 9070. Sotheby's, 19 May 1897, lot 455.

Discussed, with a facsimile example, in Nancy Cutbirth, Thomas Killigrew's Commonplace Book?, Library Chronicle of the University of Texas at Austin, NS No. 13 (1980), 31-8.


Letter about the possessed Nuns of Tours, from Orleans, 7 December 1635

Letter, to Lord Goring, beginning Being thus far from London.... Published in European Magazine, 43 (1803), 102-6. Edited in J. Lough and D. E. L. Crane, Thomas Killigrew and the Possessed Nuns of Loudun: The Text of a Letter of 1635, Durham University Journal, 78 (1986), 259-68.

KiT 13

Copy, in a professional secretary hand.

In: A folio composite volume of political letters and speeches (up to 1640), in various hands, 259 leaves (ff. 8-20 and 212-59 blank), in contemporary calf.

Assembled by the astrologer and antiquary Elias Ashmole (1617-92).

Edited from this MS in Lough and Crane.

KiT 14

Copy, in a rugged secretary hand, headed The coppie of a letter from Mr Thomas Killigrew to my lorde Goringe concerninge what he sawe at a monestarie in France where diuers nuns were posessed and the manner vsed in exorsisinge them, on three folio leaves, imperfect, lacking the ending.

In: A folio composite volume of state and miscellaneous papers, in various hands and paper sizes, 197 leaves, in 19th-century half-morocco.

Including some papers written or endorsed by Thomas Martin (1697-1771), of Palgrave, Suffolk, antiquary and collector, and by Sir John Fenn (1739-94), antiquary. Puttick & Simpson's, 16-18 July 1866 (Fenn sale).

This MS collated in Lough and Crane.

KiT 15

Copy, in a professional cursive hand, headed in another hand A Letter of Tho: Killigrew's in his Travels Dated att Orleans the 7th of December new stile 1635.

In: A folio composite volume of state tracts and letters, 233 leaves, in contemporary calf.

This MS collated in Lough and Crane.

KiT 17

Copy, in a professional cursive secretary hand, headed Mr Thomas Kilgrewes Letter of his Travayles Dated the seaventh of December newe stile 1635.

In: A folio composite volume of state tracts, in several professional hands, 273 leaves, in contemporary calf. c.1635-40.

Old pressmark E. 2. 7.

KiT 18

Copy, in the secretary hand of the Feathery Scribe, headed The Coppye Off a Letter written by Mr: Thomas Killegrewe, dated att Orleans, the, vijo: daye of december, newe stile, 1635.

In: A folio volume of state letters and tracts, in various professional hands, 390 leaves (plus numerous blanks), in old calf. c.1635-40.

Bequeathed by Sir Jerome Alexander (c.1600-70), Justice of the Irish Common Pleas. Old pressmark G. 4.12.

Briefly described in Peter Beal, In Praise of Scribes: Manuscripts and their Makers in Seventeenth-Century England (Oxford, 1998), pp. 223-4 (No. 19).

Beal, In Praise of Scribes, p. 224 (No. 19.8).

KiT 20

Christie's, 29 May 1986, lot 200.

KiT 21
Letter by Thomas Killigrew, to Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford, 7 June 1634. 1634.
KiT 22
A letter by Thomas Killigrew, to Basil Feilding, later second Earl of Denbigh, Ambassador to Venice, 17 January 1635/6. 1636.
*KiT 23
Autograph letter signed, to Sur Robart, on one quarto page, [1637]. 1637.
KiT 24
Copy of a letter in Italian from the Republic of Venice to the Resident of England, 8 February 1650, with Killigrew's reply.
*KiT 25
Autograph letter signed by Thomas Killigrew, from Venice, 4 March 1650 [probably 1649/50]. 1650.

American Art Association, Anderson Galleries, New York, 11-12 March 1936, with a facsimile of the last page in the sale catalogue, p. 125. Facsimile of the last page also in DLB, vol. 58, Jacobean and Caroline Dramatists, ed. Fredson Bowers (Detroit, 1987), p. 125.

KiT 26
Copy, in a stylish italic hand, of A Letter to a friend and Comrade in my Travells that chang'd his Religion, subscribed Thomas Killigrew, twenty leaves, on rectos only, from Maastricht, 11 February 1659 [probably 1658/9]. 1659.

Discussed and edited, with a facsimile example, in J. P. Vander Motten, The saucy zeal of a layman: The religious views of Thomas Killigrew (1612-1683), Lias, 29 (2002), 81-110.

*KiT 27
Autograph letter signed by Killigrew, to Samuel Pepys, 8 January 1667/8. 1668.

A photocopy of this MS is in the British Library, RP 8613.

*KiT 28
Autograph letter or document signed by Thomas Killigrew, authorizing John Lawrence to receive £20 from the Exchequer, 23 April 1675. 1675.


*KiT 28.5
A receipt for £600 from Francis Bacon of Gray's Inn signed by Thomas Killigrew and Sir John Denham, 9 October 1667. 1667.

Puttick & Simpson's, 3 June 1878, lot 93.

Recorded in The R.B. Adam Library (London & New York, 1929) vol. III, p. 81.

Books owned or inscribed by Killigrew

Bacon, Francis. Sylva Sylvarum (London, 1635)
KiT 29
Exemplum of the folio edition, inscribed Thomas Killigreu. June[?] 1636. in 19th-century half-calf.

Quaritch's sale catalogue of Early English Books [&c.] (Autumn 2008), item 1, with a facsimile of the inscription.

KiT 29.5
Killigrew's family bible. Early-mid 17th century.

Owned in December 1655 by Killigrew's son Charles.

Discussed in R.N. Worth, The Killigrew Bible, Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, ed. J.J. Howard (London, 1870), NS. I, 370-1.

Daniel, Samuel. The Civile Wars between the Two Houses of Lancaster and Yorke (London, 1609)
KiT 30
Thomas Killigrew's exemplum. Early-mid 17th century?

Autograph note by W.C. Hazlitt in his annotated exemplum of his A Roll of Honour (London, 1908), opposite p. 128, in the British Library, Cup.410.g.343, saying: T. K. possessed a copy of Daniel's Civil Wars, 1609, and wrote Killigrew on sigs. Q2.

Hall, Joseph. Works (London, 1647)
KiT 31
A printed exemplum, inscribed in pencil as Thomas Killigrew's Copy, but signed (on [sig. A6r]) only by his son Charles (Charles Killigrew his book). Mid-17th century.

Bookplates of the Rev. Arthur B. Evans, STP, headmaster of Massnet Bosworth School, and of H.R. Merewether. Donated to Francis Merewether by Evans's widow, 11 January 1855.

La Croix-du-Maine, Sieur de. premier volume de la Bibliothèque; qui est in Catalogue Général de toutes sortes d'Auteurs (Paris, 1584)
*KiT 32
Volume in old calf, broken...Thomas Killigrew's copy, with his autograph on the title, from the Sunderland library. Early-mid 17th century?

Cutting of an unidentified sale catalogue in W.C. Hazlitt's annotated exemplum of his A Roll of Honour (London, 1908), opposite p. 128, in the British Library, Cup.410.g.343.

Thucydides. Eight Bookes of the Peloponnesian Warres, interpreted out of the Greeke by Th. Hobbes (London, 1634)
KiT 33
An exemplum of the folio edition, in old morocco gilt...with the arms of Thomas Killigrew on sides, monogram on back, and autograph signature on title-page. c.1634.

Cutting of an unidentified sale catalogue in W.C. Hazlitt's annotated exemplum of his A Roll of Honour (London, 1908), opposite p. 128, in the British Library, Cup.410.g.343.