Harvard Theatre Collection

bMS Thr 32

Two unbound conjugate quarto leaves. Late 17th century.
f. [1r-v]
DrJ 114: John Dryden, A Prologue spoken at the Opening of the New House, Mar. 26. 1674 ('A Plain Built House after so long a stay')

Copy, headed Prologue at the Opening of the Theater Royall, on the first of two unbound conjugate quarto leaves.

First published in Miscellany Poems (London, 1684). Kinsley, I, 378-9. California, I, 148-50. Hammond & Hopkins, I, 282-4.

f. [2r-v]
DrJ 14: John Dryden, Epilogue by the same Author ('Though what our Prologue said was sadly true')

Copy on the second of two unbound conjugate quarto leaves.

First published in Miscellany Poems (London, 1684). Kinsley, I, 379-80. California, I, 150-1. Hammond & Hopkins, I, 284-6.

bMS Thr 467

Autograph letter signed by Philips (Orinda), to Dorothy Temple (née Osborne), 22 January 1663/4. 1664.

Later owned (in 1911) by Julia Longe and (in 1931) by the Rev. John Charles Longe of Spixworth, Norfolk. Sotheby's, 3 August 1934, lot 1067, to Robinson. Robinson's sale catalogue of Rare Books and Manuscripts No. 53 (1935), item 80. Maggs's sale catalogue No. 646 (1937), item 525.

Edited in Martha, Lady Gifford: Her Life and Correspondence, ed. Julia G. Longe (London, 1911), pp. 38-42. Thomas, II, 137-42, Letters III. Facsimiles of the first page in Souers, after p. 220 and of the complete letter in Elizabeth H. Hageman, Making a Good Impression: Early Texts of Poems and Letters by Katherine Philips, the Matchless Orinda, South Central Review, 11 (Summer 1994), 39-65 (pp. 51-2).

*PsK 587: Katherine Philips, Letter(s)

Edited in Martha, Lady Gifford: Her Life and Correspondence, ed. Julia G. Longe (London, 1911), pp. 38-42. Thomas, II, 137-42, Letters III. Facsimiles of the first page in Souers, after p. 220 and of the complete letter in Elizabeth H. Hageman, Making a Good Impression: Early Texts of Poems and Letters by Katherine Philips, the Matchless Orinda, South Central Review, 11 (Summer 1994), 39-65 (pp. 51-2).

Doran I. 67

Autograph note signed, to ?Hoskins, from Nonsuch, 10 December 1655.
*KiW 35: Sir William Killigrew, Letter(s)

MS Thr 9

Copy, in a professional hand, with minor corrections and alterations in black ink in another hand, possibly Dryden's, headed The Fall of Angels & Man in Innocence An Opera, 50 quarto pages (plus two blank pages), slightly imperfect. c.1674-7.

Bertram Dobel's sale catalogue, August 1911, reprinted in Percy J. Dobell, John Dryden; Bibliographical Memoranda (London, 1922), pp. 15-16 Recorded also in W.J. Lawrence, Dryden's Abortive Opera, TLS (6 August 1931), p. 606, and in Macdonald, p. 115. Discussed in Marion H. Hamilton, The Manuscripts of Dryden's The State of Innocence and the Relation of the Harvard MS to the First Quarto, SB, 6 (1954), 237-46.

Facsimile of p. 40 in The Houghton Library 1942-1967: A Selection of Books and Manuscripts in Harvard Collections (Cambridge, Mass., 1967), p. 50.

*DrJ 287: John Dryden, The State of Innocence, and Fall of Man

Bertram Dobel's sale catalogue, August 1911, reprinted in Percy J. Dobell, John Dryden; Bibliographical Memoranda (London, 1922), pp. 15-16 Recorded also in W.J. Lawrence, Dryden's Abortive Opera, TLS (6 August 1931), p. 606, and in Macdonald, p. 115. Discussed in Marion H. Hamilton, The Manuscripts of Dryden's The State of Innocence and the Relation of the Harvard MS to the First Quarto, SB, 6 (1954), 237-46.

Facsimile of p. 40 in The Houghton Library 1942-1967: A Selection of Books and Manuscripts in Harvard Collections (Cambridge, Mass., 1967), p. 50.

First published in London, 1677. Scott-Saintsbury, V, 93-178. See Vinton A. Dearing, Textual Analysis of Dryden's State of Innocence, TEXT, 2 (1985), 12-23.

MS Thr 10

Autograph MS, 90 quarto pages (plus blanks and later notes), in contemporary blind-stamped calf.

With a title-page, inscribed Scripta Ao domin 1606; Argumentum; Dramatis Personae; Prologus and Epilogus; and cast list for the performance in 1617 at Christ Church, Oxford (including polypragmaticus Mr Goffe mr of Artes, student); the text subscribed Feb: 16to: 1617.


Bookplate of Jeremiah Milles, D.D., FSA (1714-84), Dean of Exeter, antiquary. His sale 10 April 1843, to W. Pickering, bookseller. Sold to the Rev. William Edward Buckley, of Middleton Cheney, 8 April 1846. Later in the library of William Augustus White (1843-1927), banker and book collector, of Brooklyn, New York.

Edited from this MS by editors. Discussed, with a facsimile example of f. 27r, in Connie McQuillen's edition of the play, p. 224, and in her Robert Burton's Philosophaster. Holograph Status of the Manuscripts, Manuscripta, 29 (1985), 148-53. Facsimile of f. 14r in IELM, I.i, Facsimile VI (p. 141). A facsimile of the complete MS is in the edition of the play by Marvin Spevack (Hildesheim, 1984).

Facsimiles of pp. 10-11 in The Houghton Library 1942-1967: A Selection of Books and Manuscripts in Harvard Collections (Cambridge, Mass., 1967), p. 167, and of f. 14r in IELM, I, i, Facsimile VI, p. 141.

*BuR 2: Robert Burton, Philosophaster

Edited from this MS by editors. Discussed, with a facsimile example of f. 27r, in Connie McQuillen's edition of the play, p. 224, and in her Robert Burton's Philosophaster. Holograph Status of the Manuscripts, Manuscripta, 29 (1985), 148-53. Facsimile of f. 14r in IELM, I.i, Facsimile VI (p. 141). A facsimile of the complete MS is in the edition of the play by Marvin Spevack (Hildesheim, 1984).

Facsimiles of pp. 10-11 in The Houghton Library 1942-1967: A Selection of Books and Manuscripts in Harvard Collections (Cambridge, Mass., 1967), p. 167, and of f. 14r in IELM, I, i, Facsimile VI, p. 141.

Probably written 1606; revised 1615; performed 16 February 1617/18 at Christ Church, Oxford. First published, edited by W.E. Buckley, Roxburghe Club (Hertford, 1862). Edited by Paul Jordan-Smith (Stanford, 1931). Edited and translated by Connie McQuillen (Binghamton, New York, 1993).

MS Thr 10.1

An octavo volume of actors' parts for four Latin and English academic plays, in different hands, ii + 68 leaves, in contemporary vellum.

Given to the library by Mr and Mrs John Fleming.

ff. [46r-54r]
BuR 4: Robert Burton, Philosophaster ('')

Copy of the actor's part for the role of Polypragmaticus, in the hand of Thomas Goffe (c.1591-1629) who played this role in the Christ Church production.


This MS discussed, with a facsimile of f. 48r, in David Carnegie, The Identification of the Hand of Thomas Goffe, Academic Dramatist and Actor, The Library, 5th Ser. 26 (1971), 161-5.

Facsimile of two pages in The Houghton Library 1942-1967: A Selection of Books and Manuscripts in Harvard Collections (Cambridge, Mass., 1967), p. 167. Facsimiles of the first page in Thomas Goffe, The Couragious Turke, ed. David Carnegie, Malone Society (Oxford, 1974), Plate III, and in DLB, vol. 58, Jacobean and Caroline Dramatists, ed. Fredson Bowers (Detroit, 1987), p. 121. Facsimile of f. 51 in McQuillen's edition of the play, p. 224.

Probably written 1606; revised 1615; performed 16 February 1617/18 at Christ Church, Oxford. First published, edited by W.E. Buckley, Roxburghe Club (Hertford, 1862). Edited by Paul Jordan-Smith (Stanford, 1931). Edited and translated by Connie McQuillen (Binghamton, New York, 1993).

ff. [55r-69r]
*GoT 8: Thomas Goffe, The Couragious Turke, or, Amurath the First ('')

Goffe's autograph actor's part for the role of Amurath in his play. [1618].

Facsimiles of the first page of this MS in the Malone Society edition, Plate IV, and in DLB, vol. 58, Jacobean and Caroline Dramatists, ed. Fredson Bowers (Detroit, 1987), p. 120; and of f. 57r in David Carnegie, The Identification of the Hand of Thomas Goffe, Academic Dramatist and Actor, The Library, 5th Ser. 26 (1971), 161-5 (Plate XII).

First published London, 1632. Ed. David Carnegie, Malone Society, 1968 (Oxford, 1974).

ff. [69r-70v]
*GoT 5: Thomas Goffe, A Songe vpon ye loss of an Actors voyce, beeing to play a cheife part in ye Vniversitie ('Voyce, emptie ayre, soone perisht sounde')

Copy, with several deletions and revisions probably in Goffe's hand, unascribed.



fMS Thr 7

Copy, in a professional rounded italic hand, with corrections, on 40 large folio leaves, in contemporary olive green morocco elaborately gilt.

With Killigrew's autograph title-page, Clarasilla / A tragic Commidey / The Seane Sicily / Juene 1639 / Thomas Killigrew.


Later owned by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (1689-1762), writer. Once in the library of Castle Howard, near York. Sold by Hodgson's in 1944. Acquired in 1947 from William H. Robinson.

This MS collated in Reich. Facsimile of the first page of text in The Houghton Library 1942-1967: A Selection of Books and Manuscripts in Harvard Collections (Cambridge, Mass., 1967), p. 169 (and of the front cover, on p. 168), and in DLB, vol. 58, Jacobean and Caroline Dramatists, ed. Fredson Bowers (Detroit, 1987), p. 127.

*KiT 5: Thomas Killigrew, Claracilla

This MS collated in Reich. Facsimile of the first page of text in The Houghton Library 1942-1967: A Selection of Books and Manuscripts in Harvard Collections (Cambridge, Mass., 1967), p. 169 (and of the front cover, on p. 168), and in DLB, vol. 58, Jacobean and Caroline Dramatists, ed. Fredson Bowers (Detroit, 1987), p. 127.

First published in The Prisoners and Claracilla: Two Tragæ-Comedies (London, 1641). Thomas Killigrew, Comedies and Tragedies (London, 1664), pp. 1-45 (second series). Edited as Claricilla by Thomas Killigrew: A Critical Edition, ed. William T. Reich (New York & London, 1980).

fMS Thr 11 and 11.1

Sir George Etherege's official letterbooks, two folio volumes, 394 pages (plus blanks), the first volume in quarter-vellum marbled boards, the second volume disbound.

Containing copies of letters by him, from Ratisbon, 30 November/10 December 1685 to 9/19 January 1688/9, together with his A Relation of the great Feast Kept at Ratisbonnethe 15th/25 July being St. James's day. 1688 on a separate sheaf, and his accounts, all in the hand of his secretary Hugo Hughes, with Etherege's occasional autograph corrections, a list of 29 letters written by him from Paris between 20 February 1688/9 and 28 September 1689 added in another hand.


The first volume (with letters until 26 February/8 March 1687/8) bearing the bookplate of Philip Southcote. William H. Robinson's sale catalogue No. 77 (1948), item 188, with reduced facsimiles of two pages.

The second volume (with letters from 1/11 March 1687/8 onwards) offered for sale in P. J. Dobell, The Manuscript Repository, No. 1 (May 1947).

Recorded in IELM, II.i (1987) as L 1. Selected letters printed from both volumes in Bracher. The second volume discussed in Sybil Rosenfeld, The Second Letterbook of Sir George Etherege, RES, NS 3 (1952), 19-27. Both volumes also discussed by Frederick Bracher in The Letterbooks of Sir George Etherege, HLB, 15 (1967), 238-45.

EtG 153: Sir George Etherege, Letterbook(s)

Recorded in IELM, II.i (1987) as L 1. Selected letters printed from both volumes in Bracher. The second volume discussed in Sybil Rosenfeld, The Second Letterbook of Sir George Etherege, RES, NS 3 (1952), 19-27. Both volumes also discussed by Frederick Bracher in The Letterbooks of Sir George Etherege, HLB, 15 (1967), 238-45.

fMS Thr 348, No. 24

Autograph list by Vanbrugh of tradesmen's bills, 10 March 1707/8. 1708.

Edited in Coke Papers, pp. 92-3 (No. 58). Register, No. 1968 (in part).

*VaJ 427: Sir John Vanbrugh, Document(s)

Edited in Coke Papers, pp. 92-3 (No. 58). Register, No. 1968 (in part).

fMS Thr 348, No. 57 (b)

Memorandum of A particular Account of ye Daily Charge of an Opera, partly in a professional hand, the last part in Vanbrugh's own hand, [c.8 March 1707/8]. 1708.

Edited in Coke Papers, pp. 88-9 (No. 56).

*VaJ 425: Sir John Vanbrugh, Document(s)

Edited in Coke Papers, pp. 88-9 (No. 56).

fMS Thr 348, No. 57 (c)

Memorandum of A particular Account of ye daily Receipts of ye Opera's begining ye 13° January 1707/8 and ending 6° March 1707/8 Inclusive, in a professional hand, with additions in other hands including Vanbrugh's, [c.8 March 1707/8]. 1708.

Edited in Coke Papers, pp. 90-1 (No. 57).

*VaJ 426: Sir John Vanbrugh, Document(s)

Edited in Coke Papers, pp. 90-1 (No. 57).

TS 934.5 (I. 226)

Receipt to Mr Grigsby, signed by Congreve, 13 September 1716. 1716.

Recorded in Hodges, Man, p. 99.

*CgW 121: William Congreve, Document(s)

Recorded in Hodges, Man, p. 99.

TS 942.10F

Autograph letter signed by Vanbrugh, to [Thomas Coke, Vice Chamberlain], [7 January 1707/8]. 1708.

Edited in Howard P. Vincent, Two Unpublished Letters of Vanbrugh, N&Q, 173 (21 August 1937), 128-9; in Whistler, p. 233 (Appendix I, No. 6); and in Coke Papers, pp. 50-1 (No. 29), Register, No. 1931.

*VaJ 62: Sir John Vanbrugh, Letter(s)

Edited in Howard P. Vincent, Two Unpublished Letters of Vanbrugh, N&Q, 173 (21 August 1937), 128-9; in Whistler, p. 233 (Appendix I, No. 6); and in Coke Papers, pp. 50-1 (No. 29), Register, No. 1931.

TS 953.10F (15)

Autograph letter signed by Vanbrugh, to [Henry Joynes], from Oxford, 22 November 1709. 1709.

Edited in Judith Milhous, Five New Letters by Sir John Vanbrugh, HLB, 27 (1979), 434-41 (p. 436).

*VaJ 106: Sir John Vanbrugh, Letter(s)

Edited in Judith Milhous, Five New Letters by Sir John Vanbrugh, HLB, 27 (1979), 434-41 (p. 436).

MS TS 992.31.7F, No. 40

Autograph letter or document signed by Thomas Killigrew, authorizing John Lawrence to receive £20 from the Exchequer, 23 April 1675. 1675.
*KiT 28: Thomas Killigrew, Letter(s)

MS TS 2409.200

Exemplum of the first edition with extensive MS annotations and markings in three hands, prepared for use as a promptbook by the King's Company, a small quarto in modern quarter-morocco cloth, slightly cropped by the binder. c.1673-4.

Sotheby's, 25 November 1974, lot 3172, with a facsimile of two annotated pages in the sale catalogue, p. 61.

Briefly discussed in Edward A. Langhans, More Restoration Manuscript Casts and Dates and a New Restoration Promptbook, TN, 32 (1978), 126-30 (pp. 128-9). Complete reduced facsimile in Langhans, Restoration Promptbooks (Carbondale & Edwardsville, 1981), pp. 197-231 (and discussed, pp. 35-8).

ShJ 186: James Shirley, The Maid's Revenge

Briefly discussed in Edward A. Langhans, More Restoration Manuscript Casts and Dates and a New Restoration Promptbook, TN, 32 (1978), 126-30 (pp. 128-9). Complete reduced facsimile in Langhans, Restoration Promptbooks (Carbondale & Edwardsville, 1981), pp. 197-231 (and discussed, pp. 35-8).

First published in London, 1639. Gifford & Dyce, I, 99-185.

pfTS 939.5.13 (I/II)

Authorization to Charles Lockyer for payment of South Sea dividends to Anne Congreve, signed by Congreve, and others, 26 February 1725/6. 1726.

Hodges, Letters, No. 94, with a facsimile.

*CgW 143: William Congreve, Document(s)

Hodges, Letters, No. 94, with a facsimile.

HTC-LC PR2524.L68 1629

An exemplum of the printed edition of 1629, with MS revisions, prepared as a prompt-book by Charles Macklin (1699-1797) for performances at Drury Lane on 28 April, 5 and 20 May 1748. 1748.

Discussed in Robert R. Findlay, Macklin's 1748 Adaptation of Ford's The Lover's Melancholy, RECTR, 8 (1969), 13-22.

FoJ 7.8: John Ford, The Lover's Melancholy

Discussed in Robert R. Findlay, Macklin's 1748 Adaptation of Ford's The Lover's Melancholy, RECTR, 8 (1969), 13-22.

First published in London, 1629. Dyce, I, 1-106. Bang, pp. 1-86.