Sir George Etherege


Poems by Etherege

Ephelia to Bajazet
('How far are they deceived who hope in vain')

First published in Female Poems On several Occasions: Written by Ephelia (London, 1679). Thorpe, pp. 9-10. Harold Love's edition of Rochester (1999), pp. 94-5.

EtG 1
In: A quarto composite miscellany of poems on affairs of state, 137 pages (plus eight pages of later additions and eight blank pages), in modern cloth.

In a single hand, including sixteen poems by Rochester, pp. 139-46 occupied by charges of the Grand Jury added after 1714.


Recorded in IELM II.ii as the Gilpin MS: RoJ Δ 3.

This MS recorded in Vieth, Gyldenstolpe, p. 331.

EtG 2

Copy, headed Epelia (a Deserted Lover) to Bajaset, which may serve as a Caveat to Women. By Ld R[ochester].

In: A folio verse miscellany, entitled The Muse's Magazine, or Poeticall Miscelanies, in two parts, in a single hand, 189 leaves.

Including 27 poems by Cowley; eleven poems by Katherine Philips, evidently derived from printed sources; 10 poems by Rochester, as well as apocryphal items; twelve poems by Sedley, plus one of doubtful authorship; and 15 poems by Waller, evidently derived from printed sources.

A note on a flyleaf relating to the bookseller John Dunton (1659-1733): John Dunton His Book, for which Mr. Corbet at ye Addisons Head, accepted One Half Guinea in full Payment for it, as Witness my Hand, Hannah Rakley. A note on f. 1: Since I had transcrib'd this whole Book, I met with some state Poems of these later times, mostly since K. George's Accession to the Crown [1714] which I have here inserted, as a supplement to these state Poems which make a part of this Collection by themselves. Date at the end of the volume: 1718, and some notes on a flyleaf dated 1724.

Early 18th century.

The Mr. Corbet from whom Dunton purchased this MS was evidently the bookseller Thomas Corbett (fl. 1705-43), who ran his business at the Addison's Head, next to the Rose Tavern, without Temple Bar, from 1719 until his death in 1743. Neither Dunton nor Corbett are known to have used this MS for publication purposes.

Cited in IELM, II.ii (1993), as the Dunton MS: PsK Δ 8; RoJ Δ 4; SeC Δ 1; WaE Δ 10.

For John Dunton's career, see Stephen Parks, John Dunton and the English Book Trade: A Study of His Career with a Checklist of His Publications (New York & London, 1970).

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 3

Copy, untitled, on two quarto leaves.

In: A tall folio composite volume of verse MSS, in various hands and paper sizes, 195 leaves, mounted on guards, in half-morocco.

Compiled chiefly by members of the Caryll family.

Early 17th century (Vol. I); Late 17th-early 18th century (Dorset).

Presented by Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke, first Baronet, MP (1810-69).

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 4

Copy in a small quarto verse miscellany (ff. 78r-82v).

In: A folio guard book of miscellaneous MSS, 95 leaves, in 19th-century black morocco gilt.

Collected by John Payne Collier (1789-1883).

Sotheby's, 16-28 November 1885 (Ellis sale).

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 4.5


In: An octavo verse miscellany, principally in a single non-professional hand (pp. 1-119), with additions (pp. 56-71) in later hands of c.1702, 71 leaves (plus blanks). c.1680s-1702.
EtG 5


In: A long, narrow, ledger-size composite miscellany of poems on affairs of state, 112 pages (some misnumbered and pp. 45-6 excised), in 19th-century calf gilt.

A compendium of several separate collections of poems, each with its general heading, including nineteen poems by the Earl of Rochester, copied in a single hand, that of Robert Mylne (1643?-1747), antiquary.


Recorded and selectively collated in Vieth and in Walker. Recorded in IELM, II.ii as the Edinburgh MS: RoJ Δ 6.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 6
In: A folio volume principally of poems, the majority (at least 20) by Edmund Waller, some probably by members of his family, 73 unnumbered leaves, in calf gilt.

Including copies of various drafts, fragments and extracts, as well as poems by other writers such as Anne Wharton, Sir Charles Berkeley, Sir Thomas Higgons (including part of a play by him), Elizabeth Taylor (Lady Wythens, afterwards Lady Colepeper), Ephelia, George Granville, the Duke of Buckingham, Sir George Etherege, the Earl of Rochester, James Shirley, and Thomas Rymer, also extracts from Dryden and Davenant; almost entirely in the hand of one of Waller's daughters, with considerable variation of style; an apparently second, unidentified, hand copying verse and prose (Memoire…par le Sieur Lycelot…Le 9me de Decembre 1687 and Instructions to the Judges of Assize &c Lent 1687/8) on ff. [23r, 62r-7v, 70v]; two of these leaves ([65r and 70v]) docketed in a later hand (after 1713) The Handwriting of Dr Atterbury and Bishp Atterbury [meaning perhaps copied from Atterbury's writing (see WaE Δ 15)]; a draft letter addressed (as is clear from the content) to Catherine, Lady Ranelagh (1614-91), sister of the noble and learned…Mr [Robert] Boyle, on f. [16v], enclosing ffathers last verses [not specified], noting his reluctance to write anything for the forthcoming marriage of Princess Anne and Prince George of Denmark [which took place on 28 July 1684], and observing that he has now consecrated his remayning facullty in vers to devotion; a poem Of his voyage vp the river to vissett (beginning In my breast Eternall flames) on f. [71r] ascribed to Mrs M Waller (presumably Waller's second wife, Mary Bresse or Breaux, d. 1677); some scribbling and calculations on ff. 3r, 71v, 72v, 73v, a label on the spine erroneously identifying the volume as a compilation by Brian Fairfax (1637-1711).


Later owned by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1798-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9096.

Cited in IELM, II.ii (1993) as the Harvard MS: WaE Δ 6.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 7


In: A quarto booklet of poems, in a single probably professional hand, on eight leaves, foliated 59-63 (64r-6v blank), unbound. Late 17th century.

This entry separately classified as EL 8736A. Collated in Thorpe.

EtG 7.5

Copy, headed An Epistle from Ephelia to Bajazet: A Satyr: by ye Earl of Rochester.

In: A quarto verse miscellany, in a single hand, entitled (p. 1, in engrossed lettering) Thos. Walker Book of Miscellanies 1712, 252 pages (jumping from p. 56 to 61), in modern half dark green morocco.

Compiled by Thomas Walker (b.1682), of Mosley, near Ashton under Lyne, Greater Manchester, including (pp. 105-6, 203) verses by him to his parents etc., dated 1720/1-27.


Later owned by Sir Charles Bradbury (his sale December 1864, lot 2819), to Haywood, thence bought by Sir Thomas Baker. Bernard Halliday, bookseller of Leicester, February 1930.

EtG 8

Copy, subscribed in a different ink Rochester.

In: An octavo miscellany of chiefly satirical poems, including at least twelve by Rochester, in a single rounded hand but for an addition at the end (pp. 141-50) in a stylish italic hand, the greater part written along the length of the page with the spine uppermost, with an Index, xii + 150 pages (lacking pp. 135-40), in contemporary calf.

Possibly associated with the court circle of James Butler (1610-88), first Duke of Ormond, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.


Cited in IELM, II.ii (1993), as the Dublin MS: RoJ Δ 10.

EtG 9


In: A folio miscellany of poems on affairs of state, in several hands, one professional stylish hand predominating, with (ff. 1r, 2r) a Table of contents, 213 leaves, in contemporary blind-stamped calf.

Including 29 poems by Rochester (plus a second copy of one) and Sodom, as well as apocryphal items.


Once owned by Thomas Fermor (1698-1753), first Earl of Pomfret, of Easton Neston, Northamptonshire. Also used by one James Parks.

Recorded in Vieth, Gyldenstolpe, and selectively collated in Walker.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 10

Copy, headed Ephelia's letter to her Love.

In: A large quarto miscellany of poems chiefly on affairs of state, in a single neat italic hand, 81 leaves (including blanks), unbound. Mid-late 18th century.
EtG 11


In: A formal quarto miscellany, of poems on affairs of state, including 29 poems by Rochester, as well as apocryphal items, in three professional hands (A, pp. 1-278; B, pp. 279-84; C, pp. 285-314), 314 pages (plus blanks), in contemporary red morocco. c.1680.

Once owned by Count Carl Edward Gyldenstolpe (1770-1852) and perhaps originally acquired by Count Nils Gyldenstolpe (1642-1709), Swedish Ambassador at The Hague (in 1679-87).

Cited in IELM, II.ii (1993) as the Gyldenstolpe MS: RoJ Δ 14. A complete facsimile edition in Vieth, Gyldenstolpe (1967).

EtG 12
In: A quarto miscellany of verse and prose, with a title-page, 385 pages numbered 858-1243 (pp. 914-29, 966-7, 981-2, 995-6, 1023-4, 1041-2, 1083-4, 1135-6, and 1173-6 excised), in 17th-century calf.

In non-professional hands, the miscellany entitled A Collection of Witt and Learning…consisting of verses, poems, songs, sonnetts, Ballads, Lampoons, Libells, Dialouges...from the year 1600, to this present year: 1677.


Formerly Osborn MS Chest II, Number 14.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 13
In: A quarto miscellany of poems on affairs of state, entitled Songs & Verses - Upon severall occasions, 406 pages (but pp. 35-44, 63-6, 77-86, 115-32, 153-8, 161-84, and 195-212 excised).

Including 30 poems by Rochester (and probably others by him on missing leaves); pp. 1-392 in a single professional hand (that also responsible for Princeton, RTC01 No. 34); pp. 392-406 in a second hand.


Inscribed on the title-page Hansen: i.e. very probably the diplomat Friedrich Adolphus Hansen, who visited England in September 1680 in the entourage of Charles, electoral Prince Palatine. Owned, in 1951 by Dr A.S.W. Rosenbach (1876-1952), Philadelphia book dealer, collector and scholar.

Cited in IELM, II as the Yale MS: RoJ Δ 16. The MS was identified by David M. Vieth as an independent scribal transcript of the copy-text used for the first edition of Poems on Several Occasions By the Right Honourable, the E. of R— (Antwerp [i.e. London], 1680): see Attribution, pp. 56-100, and The Text of Rochester and the Editions of 1680, PBSA, 50 (1956), 243-63. Discussed extensively, and Hansen identified, in Harold Love, Scribal Texts and Literary Communities: The Rochester Circle and Osborn b. 105, SB, 42 (1989), 219-35. Facsimile of p. 62 in Vieth (1968), frontispiece. Recorded and selectively collated in Vieth (1968) and in Walker.

Edited in part from this MS in Thorpe and collated, pp. 84-5.

EtG 13.5
In: A large octavo verse miscellany, chiefly lampoons and poems on affairs of state, including 21 poems by Rochester and various others in the Rochester apocrypha, nearly 600 pages in all, with a 14-page index.

Written in a single hand which can be identified as that of the Scottish pasquil-writer and antiquary Robert Mylne (1643?-1747), who was also responsible for RoJ Δ 6.

EtG 14


In: A miscellaneous collection of MS verse, totally unconnected with each other, and written on backs of letters, or other scraps of paper. 17th century.

Formerly among the papers of the Aston family, of Tixall, Staffordshire.

Selectively edited (as his Fourth Division: Miscellaneous Poems) in Arthur Clifford, Tixall Poetry (Edinburgh, 1813), pp. 207-324.

Edited from this MS, as Ephelia, in Arthur Clifford, Tixall Poetry (Edinburgh, 1813), pp. 220-2.

The Forsaken Mistress: A Dialogue between Phillis and Strephon
('Tell me, gentle Strephon, why')

First published in The New Academy of Complements (London, 1669). Thorpe, pp. 3-4.

EtG 15

Copy, headed third Song.

In: A quarto verse miscellany, including (ff. 113r-15r) copies of, or brief extracts from, 30 poems by Donne (plus two apocryphal poems), in a single hand, transcribed from the 1635 or 1639 edition of Donne's Poems, headed Donnes quaintest conceits in several hands, 156 leaves (plus blanks), in modern black morocco gilt. Late 17th century.

Once owned by Thomas Rawlinson (1681-1725) and afterwards among the collections of Edward Harley, second Earl of Oxford (1689-1741).

Cited in IELM I.i (1980) as the Harley Rawlinson MS: DnJ Δ 64.

EtG 16

Copy, headed Song 56. Loue Trick's.

In: A folio verse miscellany, with a title-page: The Theatre of Complements erected Collectection of Songs composed and compiled by A Schollar of Oxford. Printed for S.S. 167, 80 pages. c.1670s.

The title-page inscribed Nar. Lutterell: His Book 1682, i.e. owned by Narcissus Luttrell (1657-1732), annalist and book collector. At Yale formerly Chest II, No. 39.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

The Imperfect Enjoyment
('After a pretty amorous discourse')

First published in A Collection of Poems, Written upon several Occasions (London, 1672). Thorpe, pp. 7-8.

EtG 17

Copy, partly written lengthways down the margins, on p. [1] of a pair of conjugate quarto leaves, and ascribed to Sr George Etherege. Late 17th century.

In: A quarto composite volume of letters, historical and heraldic collections, 103 leaves, in 18th-century quarter-vellum boards.

Owned on 21 August 1709 by Thomas Hearne (1678-1735), antiquary.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 18

Copy, ascribed to Etherege.

In: A folio verse miscellany, entitled The Muse's Magazine, or Poeticall Miscelanies, in two parts, in a single hand, 189 leaves.

Including 27 poems by Cowley; eleven poems by Katherine Philips, evidently derived from printed sources; 10 poems by Rochester, as well as apocryphal items; twelve poems by Sedley, plus one of doubtful authorship; and 15 poems by Waller, evidently derived from printed sources.

A note on a flyleaf relating to the bookseller John Dunton (1659-1733): John Dunton His Book, for which Mr. Corbet at ye Addisons Head, accepted One Half Guinea in full Payment for it, as Witness my Hand, Hannah Rakley. A note on f. 1: Since I had transcrib'd this whole Book, I met with some state Poems of these later times, mostly since K. George's Accession to the Crown [1714] which I have here inserted, as a supplement to these state Poems which make a part of this Collection by themselves. Date at the end of the volume: 1718, and some notes on a flyleaf dated 1724.

Early 18th century.

The Mr. Corbet from whom Dunton purchased this MS was evidently the bookseller Thomas Corbett (fl. 1705-43), who ran his business at the Addison's Head, next to the Rose Tavern, without Temple Bar, from 1719 until his death in 1743. Neither Dunton nor Corbett are known to have used this MS for publication purposes.

Cited in IELM, II.ii (1993), as the Dunton MS: PsK Δ 8; RoJ Δ 4; SeC Δ 1; WaE Δ 10.

For John Dunton's career, see Stephen Parks, John Dunton and the English Book Trade: A Study of His Career with a Checklist of His Publications (New York & London, 1970).

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 19


In: A quarto verse miscellany of Scottish provenance, chiefly in a single cursive hand, written from both ends, including some shorthand, inscribed (f. 1r) Incept. March. 23. 1652/3., 190 leaves, in old brown calf gilt (rebacked). c.1653-64.

Purchased c.1798.

Edited from this MS in Thorpe.

EtG 20


In: A quarto verse miscellany, in a stylish professional hand, with some rubricated headings, 58 pages, in contemporary calf, now disbound. c.1690s.

Formerly Chest II, No. 36.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

A Letter to Lord Middleton
('From hunting whores and haunting play')

First published, as Another from Sir G.E. to the E. of M--Greeting, in The History of Adolphus (London, 1691). Thorpe, pp. 46-7.

EtG 21

Copy in the hand of Hugo Hughes, headed Ratisbonne 9/19 Jan. 1685/6 To my Lord Middleton with the following Copie of Verses.

In: Copy of Sir George Etherege's Letter Book, 1685-8, 202 quarto leaves, in half-morocco.

Acquired from the bookseller Wilkes, 3 December 1838.

Edited from this MS in Thorpe and in Bracher, pp. 22-3.

EtG 22


In: Transcript of Sir George Etherege's Letter Book, 1685-8, 128 folio leaves (plus c.200 blanks). c.1688.
EtG 23


In: Portion of a copy of Etherege's letterbook, on eighteen quarto leaves, unbound. c.1686-8.

This MS later brought from Ratisbon by Thomas Walpole, Envoy to the Court of Bavaria, and sent by him to Sir James Bland Burges (1752-1824) on 30 May 1795. Walpole's letter, in which he says Inclosed I have the Honor to send you the only part of the copy of Sir G. Etheredge's papers which I have hitherto received from Ratisbon, is f. 136r.

Recorded in IELM, II.i (1987) as L 4.

EtG 24


In: Transcript of Etherege's letterbook.

Two quarto volumes, c.350 pages (plus blanks); transcript of the letters, verse and accounts in British Library, Add. MS 11513, in a single contemporary scribal hand.

Late 17th century.

Sotheby's, 20 July 1981, lot 8, to Pickering & Chatto. Owned by the bookseller John R.B. Brett-Smith (1917-2003). Sotheby's, 27 May 2004 (Brett-Smith sale), lot 226, unsold.

EtG 25


In: Transcript of Etherege's letterbook.

Folio, 114 leaves (plus 2 blanks); transcript of the letters, verse and accounts in British Library, Add. MS 11513, in at least two contemporary scribal hands.

Late 17th century.

Later bookplate of Viscount Downe. Christie's, 3 November 1981, lot 99, sold to Pickering & Chatto.

EtG 26

Copy of lines 1-8, deleted.

In: A folio miscellany of poems on affairs of state, originally entitled Astrea's Booke of Songs & Satyr's 1686, in probably seven hands, vi + 332 pages (including 23 blanks), in half-calf.

Predominantly in two alternating semi-professional hands, the second of which (on altogether 117 pages) is probably that of the author Aphra Behn (1640?-89); poems on pp. 307-8 added by a later hand in 1736-8.

c.1686-9 [with additions to 1738].

Bookplate of William Busby. Among the collections of Sir Charles Harding Firth (1857-1936), historian.

This MS volume discussed, and the second hand identified as Aphra Behn's, in Mary Ann O'Donnell, A Verse Miscellany of Aphra Behn: Bodleian Library MS Firth c. 16, EMS, 2 (1990), 189-218, with facsimile examples of the title-page, and of pp. 50, 119, 180, 226, 238, 261, 307. Also discussed by her in Private jottings, public utterances: Aphra Behn's published writings and her commonplace book, in Aphra Behn Studies, ed. Janet Todd (Cambridge, 1996), pp. 285-309.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 27

Copy, headed Sir George Etheredge to the Earl of Middleton Greeting.

In: A folio miscellany of poems on affairs of state, originally entitled Astrea's Booke of Songs & Satyr's 1686, in probably seven hands, vi + 332 pages (including 23 blanks), in half-calf.

Predominantly in two alternating semi-professional hands, the second of which (on altogether 117 pages) is probably that of the author Aphra Behn (1640?-89); poems on pp. 307-8 added by a later hand in 1736-8.

c.1686-9 [with additions to 1738].

Bookplate of William Busby. Among the collections of Sir Charles Harding Firth (1857-1936), historian.

This MS volume discussed, and the second hand identified as Aphra Behn's, in Mary Ann O'Donnell, A Verse Miscellany of Aphra Behn: Bodleian Library MS Firth c. 16, EMS, 2 (1990), 189-218, with facsimile examples of the title-page, and of pp. 50, 119, 180, 226, 238, 261, 307. Also discussed by her in Private jottings, public utterances: Aphra Behn's published writings and her commonplace book, in Aphra Behn Studies, ed. Janet Todd (Cambridge, 1996), pp. 285-309.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 28

Copy, headed Sr . George Etheridge to the Earl of Middleton.

In: A quarto miscellany of poems on affairs of state, in a single hand, 63 leaves (plus blanks), in modern calf gilt. c.1700.

This MS collated in Thorpe

EtG 29

Copy, headed Sr. George Etheridge to the Earl of Middleton. 2d. Letter.

In: A quarto miscellany of poems on affairs of state, 475 pages (plus a six-page index and a number of blanks), in contemporary black morocco gilt.

In two professional hands (A: pp. 1-126; B: pp. 129-45 and probably the Index).


Once owned by James Bindley. Sale December 1818 (Bindley sale). Phillipps MS 8418. Sotheby's, 18 June 1908, lot 627.

A transcript of this volume made by George Thorn-Drury, KC (1860-1931), literary scholar and editor, is Harvard MS Eng 633.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 30

Copy, in a professional hand, headed Sir George Etheredge to the Earl of Middleton, greeting, on four pages of two pairs of conjugate quarto leaves.

In: A collection of unbound verse MSS and other papers of the Crofts and Sebright families of Norfolk.

Sotheby's, 6 November 1984, lot 1185.

EtG 31


In: A quarto miscellany of poems on affairs of state, entitled A Booke of Paragrafts, including 22 poems by Rochester, 445 pages plus stubs of extracted leaves (originally 463 numbered pages and now lacking pp. 59-68, 147-54 and parts of pp. 155-8), with a two-leaf index; in contemporary red morocco.

In professional hands: A, pp. 1-194; B, in a different style and probably a different hand, pp. 195-432; C, probably yet another hand, with additions on pp. 75, 90, 102, 125, 142, 175, 195, and pp. 433-63.


Inscribed (on stubs and endpapers) matt Calihan, To Cpt Robinson att Capt Eloass [Elwes] near ye Watch house in Marlburhroagh street, For Capt. Robinson at his Lodginges in Charing Cross. Christie's, 27 June 1979, lot 16.

Various commissioned officers named Robinson are recorded in Charles Dalton, English Army Lists and Commission Registers, 1661-1714 (6 vols, London, 1892-1904): see esp. I, 276. The volume was most probably owned by Charles Robinson of the King's Regiment of Foot Guards, who became Captain and then Lieutenant-Colonel in 1688 and was killed at Namur in 1695. A member of the same regiment in 1684 was the purveyor of MS lampoons Captain Lenthal Warcup. The Captain Eloass mentioned in one inscription was possibly William Elwes, who served as a Lieutenant in Viscount Colchester's Regiment of Horse, c.1692-4, and as a Captain in Lord Windsor's Regiment of Horse in 1702.

Cited in IELM, II.ii, as the Robinson MS: RoJ Δ 8. Discussed with facsimiles of pp. 1-10 in Paul Hammond, The Robinson Manuscript Miscellany of Restoration Verse in the Brotherton Collection, Leeds, Proceedings of the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society, 18 (1982), 275-324 [cited in entries as Hammond, Robinson]. Facsimiles of p. 1 also in Christie's sale catalogue, Plate 1, after p. 48, and in The Brotherton Collection University of Leeds: Its contents described with illustrations of fifty books and manuscripts (Leeds, 1986), p. 17. Selectively collated in Walker.

This MS collated in Hammond, Robinson, p. 319.

EtG 32

Copy, headed Sr. George Etheridge to the Earl of Middleton. 2d. Letter.

In: A folio volume comprising two apparently independent miscellanies of poems on affairs of state, each in probably more than one professional hand, in variant styles, 199 pages, in modern cloth.

Part I, ff. 1r-110v (poems dated 1667-83); Part II, ff. 111r-99r, on larger paper (poems dated 1680-7).


Cited in IELM, II.ii, as the Advocates MS: MaA Δ 8. Works by Marvell recorded and some poems collated in POAS, I.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 33


In: A folio miscellany of poems on affairs of state, in a single professional hand, in two volumes: Vol. I, including twelve poems by Rochester and Sodom, as well as apocryphal items, pp. 1-461 (plus index); Vol. II, pp. 462-842 (with irregularities of pagination).

This MS is closely related to Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna, Cod. 14090.


Later owned by Alexander Dyce (1798-1869), literary scholar and editor, who records that £50 was given by Perry, for these 2 volumes.

Cited in IELM, II.ii (1993), as the Dyce MS: RoJ Δ 15.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

Mr. Etherege's Answer [to A Letter from Lord Buckhurst]
('As crafty harlots use to shrink')

First published in Poems on Several Occasions By the Right Honourable, the E. of R[ochester] (Antwerpen [i.e. London], 1680). Thorpe, pp. 38-9.

For other poems in this series, see EtG 39-43, DoC 18-22, and DoC 110-13.

EtG 34

Copy, headed The Answer by Sr. Geo: Etheridge.

In: A long, narrow, ledger-size composite miscellany of poems on affairs of state, 112 pages (some misnumbered and pp. 45-6 excised), in 19th-century calf gilt.

A compendium of several separate collections of poems, each with its general heading, including nineteen poems by the Earl of Rochester, copied in a single hand, that of Robert Mylne (1643?-1747), antiquary.


Recorded and selectively collated in Vieth and in Walker. Recorded in IELM, II.ii as the Edinburgh MS: RoJ Δ 6.

Edited in part from this MS in Thorpe (and collated, p. 113).

EtG 35

Copy, headed The Answer.

In: A folio miscellany of poems chiefly on affairs of state, entitled A Collection of Poems, including 27 poems by Rochester (all ascribed to him), xii + 299 pages (plus a number of blanks), including a table of contents, in contemporary calf (rebacked).

In a single professional hand but for a few later additions at the very end (pp. 295-8, with some pages tipped-in).


Recorded in IELM, II.ii as the Harvard MS: RoJ Δ 7.

Edited in part from this MS in Thorpe and collated p. 113.

EtG 36

Copy, headed Answer.

In: A folio miscellany of poems on affairs of state, in several hands, one professional stylish hand predominating, with (ff. 1r, 2r) a Table of contents, 213 leaves, in contemporary blind-stamped calf.

Including 29 poems by Rochester (plus a second copy of one) and Sodom, as well as apocryphal items.


Once owned by Thomas Fermor (1698-1753), first Earl of Pomfret, of Easton Neston, Northamptonshire. Also used by one James Parks.

Recorded in Vieth, Gyldenstolpe, and selectively collated in Walker.

Edited in part from this MS in Thorpe and collated, p. 113.

EtG 37


In: A formal quarto miscellany, of poems on affairs of state, including 29 poems by Rochester, as well as apocryphal items, in three professional hands (A, pp. 1-278; B, pp. 279-84; C, pp. 285-314), 314 pages (plus blanks), in contemporary red morocco. c.1680.

Once owned by Count Carl Edward Gyldenstolpe (1770-1852) and perhaps originally acquired by Count Nils Gyldenstolpe (1642-1709), Swedish Ambassador at The Hague (in 1679-87).

Cited in IELM, II.ii (1993) as the Gyldenstolpe MS: RoJ Δ 14. A complete facsimile edition in Vieth, Gyldenstolpe (1967).

EtG 38

Copy, headed Answer by G.E..

In: An octavo verse miscellany, 148 pages (lacking pp. 55-8, 117-26). Late 17th century.

Dobell's sale catalogue The Literature of the Restoration (1918), item 1284. Afterwards owned by John Sparrow (1906-92), literary scholar and book collector.

EtG 38.5

Copy, headed The Ansuer by sr George Etheridge.

In: A large octavo verse miscellany, chiefly lampoons and poems on affairs of state, including 21 poems by Rochester and various others in the Rochester apocrypha, nearly 600 pages in all, with a 14-page index.

Written in a single hand which can be identified as that of the Scottish pasquil-writer and antiquary Robert Mylne (1643?-1747), who was also responsible for RoJ Δ 6.

Mr. Etherege's Answer [to Another Letter from Lord Buckhurst]
('So soft and amorously you write')

First published in Poems on Several Occasions By the Right Honourable, the E. of R[ochester] (Antwerpen [i.e. London], 1680). Thorpe, pp. 43-5.

For other poems in this series, see EtG 34-8, DoC 18-22, and DoC 110-13.

EtG 39

Copy, headed Answer to ye 2d. letter by Sr Geo: Etheridge, lacking the end.

In: A long, narrow, ledger-size composite miscellany of poems on affairs of state, 112 pages (some misnumbered and pp. 45-6 excised), in 19th-century calf gilt.

A compendium of several separate collections of poems, each with its general heading, including nineteen poems by the Earl of Rochester, copied in a single hand, that of Robert Mylne (1643?-1747), antiquary.


Recorded and selectively collated in Vieth and in Walker. Recorded in IELM, II.ii as the Edinburgh MS: RoJ Δ 6.

Edited in part from this MS in Thorpe (and collated, p. 114).

EtG 40

Copy, untitled.

In: A folio miscellany of poems chiefly on affairs of state, entitled A Collection of Poems, including 27 poems by Rochester (all ascribed to him), xii + 299 pages (plus a number of blanks), including a table of contents, in contemporary calf (rebacked).

In a single professional hand but for a few later additions at the very end (pp. 295-8, with some pages tipped-in).


Recorded in IELM, II.ii as the Harvard MS: RoJ Δ 7.

Edited in part from this MS in Thorpe and collated, p. 114.

EtG 41


In: A folio miscellany of poems on affairs of state, in several hands, one professional stylish hand predominating, with (ff. 1r, 2r) a Table of contents, 213 leaves, in contemporary blind-stamped calf.

Including 29 poems by Rochester (plus a second copy of one) and Sodom, as well as apocryphal items.


Once owned by Thomas Fermor (1698-1753), first Earl of Pomfret, of Easton Neston, Northamptonshire. Also used by one James Parks.

Recorded in Vieth, Gyldenstolpe, and selectively collated in Walker.

Edited in part from this MS in Thorpe and collated p. 114.

EtG 42


In: A formal quarto miscellany, of poems on affairs of state, including 29 poems by Rochester, as well as apocryphal items, in three professional hands (A, pp. 1-278; B, pp. 279-84; C, pp. 285-314), 314 pages (plus blanks), in contemporary red morocco. c.1680.

Once owned by Count Carl Edward Gyldenstolpe (1770-1852) and perhaps originally acquired by Count Nils Gyldenstolpe (1642-1709), Swedish Ambassador at The Hague (in 1679-87).

Cited in IELM, II.ii (1993) as the Gyldenstolpe MS: RoJ Δ 14. A complete facsimile edition in Vieth, Gyldenstolpe (1967).

EtG 43

Copy of the last six lines, here beginning In whom there dwell Diviner Charmes, imperfect, lacking all the previous portion.

In: A quarto miscellany of poems on affairs of state, entitled Songs & Verses - Upon severall occasions, 406 pages (but pp. 35-44, 63-6, 77-86, 115-32, 153-8, 161-84, and 195-212 excised).

Including 30 poems by Rochester (and probably others by him on missing leaves); pp. 1-392 in a single professional hand (that also responsible for Princeton, RTC01 No. 34); pp. 392-406 in a second hand.


Inscribed on the title-page Hansen: i.e. very probably the diplomat Friedrich Adolphus Hansen, who visited England in September 1680 in the entourage of Charles, electoral Prince Palatine. Owned, in 1951 by Dr A.S.W. Rosenbach (1876-1952), Philadelphia book dealer, collector and scholar.

Cited in IELM, II as the Yale MS: RoJ Δ 16. The MS was identified by David M. Vieth as an independent scribal transcript of the copy-text used for the first edition of Poems on Several Occasions By the Right Honourable, the E. of R— (Antwerp [i.e. London], 1680): see Attribution, pp. 56-100, and The Text of Rochester and the Editions of 1680, PBSA, 50 (1956), 243-63. Discussed extensively, and Hansen identified, in Harold Love, Scribal Texts and Literary Communities: The Rochester Circle and Osborn b. 105, SB, 42 (1989), 219-35. Facsimile of p. 62 in Vieth (1968), frontispiece. Recorded and selectively collated in Vieth (1968) and in Walker.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 43.5

Copy, headed Ansuer to ye 2d=letter By Sir George Etheridge.

In: A large octavo verse miscellany, chiefly lampoons and poems on affairs of state, including 21 poems by Rochester and various others in the Rochester apocrypha, nearly 600 pages in all, with a 14-page index.

Written in a single hand which can be identified as that of the Scottish pasquil-writer and antiquary Robert Mylne (1643?-1747), who was also responsible for RoJ Δ 6.

Second Letter to Lord Middleton
('Since love and verse, as well as wine')

First published in The History of Adolphus (London, 1691). Thorpe, pp. 48-50.

EtG 44

Copy in the hand of Hugo Hughes, the poem dated 19/29 April 1686.

In: Copy of Sir George Etherege's Letter Book, 1685-8, 202 quarto leaves, in half-morocco.

Acquired from the bookseller Wilkes, 3 December 1838.

Edited from this MS in Thorpe and in Bracher, pp. 32-4.

EtG 45


In: Transcript of Sir George Etherege's Letter Book, 1685-8, 128 folio leaves (plus c.200 blanks). c.1688.
EtG 46


In: Portion of a copy of Etherege's letterbook, on eighteen quarto leaves, unbound. c.1686-8.

This MS later brought from Ratisbon by Thomas Walpole, Envoy to the Court of Bavaria, and sent by him to Sir James Bland Burges (1752-1824) on 30 May 1795. Walpole's letter, in which he says Inclosed I have the Honor to send you the only part of the copy of Sir G. Etheredge's papers which I have hitherto received from Ratisbon, is f. 136r.

Recorded in IELM, II.i (1987) as L 4.

EtG 47


In: Transcript of Etherege's letterbook.

Two quarto volumes, c.350 pages (plus blanks); transcript of the letters, verse and accounts in British Library, Add. MS 11513, in a single contemporary scribal hand.

Late 17th century.

Sotheby's, 20 July 1981, lot 8, to Pickering & Chatto. Owned by the bookseller John R.B. Brett-Smith (1917-2003). Sotheby's, 27 May 2004 (Brett-Smith sale), lot 226, unsold.

EtG 48

Copy, headed To My Ld Middleton, with ye Duke of Zells letter to ye Empr (a Copie of verses)...

In: Transcript of Etherege's letterbook.

Folio, 114 leaves (plus 2 blanks); transcript of the letters, verse and accounts in British Library, Add. MS 11513, in at least two contemporary scribal hands.

Late 17th century.

Later bookplate of Viscount Downe. Christie's, 3 November 1981, lot 99, sold to Pickering & Chatto.

EtG 49


In: A folio miscellany of poems on affairs of state, originally entitled Astrea's Booke of Songs & Satyr's 1686, in probably seven hands, vi + 332 pages (including 23 blanks), in half-calf.

Predominantly in two alternating semi-professional hands, the second of which (on altogether 117 pages) is probably that of the author Aphra Behn (1640?-89); poems on pp. 307-8 added by a later hand in 1736-8.

c.1686-9 [with additions to 1738].

Bookplate of William Busby. Among the collections of Sir Charles Harding Firth (1857-1936), historian.

This MS volume discussed, and the second hand identified as Aphra Behn's, in Mary Ann O'Donnell, A Verse Miscellany of Aphra Behn: Bodleian Library MS Firth c. 16, EMS, 2 (1990), 189-218, with facsimile examples of the title-page, and of pp. 50, 119, 180, 226, 238, 261, 307. Also discussed by her in Private jottings, public utterances: Aphra Behn's published writings and her commonplace book, in Aphra Behn Studies, ed. Janet Todd (Cambridge, 1996), pp. 285-309.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 50

Copy, headed Sr George Etheridge to the Earl of Middleton.

In: A quarto miscellany of poems on affairs of state, in a single hand, 63 leaves (plus blanks), in modern calf gilt. c.1700.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 51

Copy, headed Sir George Etheridge to the Earl of Middleton.

In: A quarto miscellany of poems on affairs of state, 475 pages (plus a six-page index and a number of blanks), in contemporary black morocco gilt.

In two professional hands (A: pp. 1-126; B: pp. 129-45 and probably the Index).


Once owned by James Bindley. Sale December 1818 (Bindley sale). Phillipps MS 8418. Sotheby's, 18 June 1908, lot 627.

A transcript of this volume made by George Thorn-Drury, KC (1860-1931), literary scholar and editor, is Harvard MS Eng 633.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 52

Copy, in a professional hand, headed Sir George Etheredge's Letter to my Lord Middleton, on seven pages of three pairs of conjugate quarto leaves.

In: A collection of unbound verse MSS and other papers of the Crofts and Sebright families of Norfolk.

Sotheby's, 6 November 1984, lot 1185.

EtG 53


In: A quarto miscellany of poems on affairs of state, entitled A Booke of Paragrafts, including 22 poems by Rochester, 445 pages plus stubs of extracted leaves (originally 463 numbered pages and now lacking pp. 59-68, 147-54 and parts of pp. 155-8), with a two-leaf index; in contemporary red morocco.

In professional hands: A, pp. 1-194; B, in a different style and probably a different hand, pp. 195-432; C, probably yet another hand, with additions on pp. 75, 90, 102, 125, 142, 175, 195, and pp. 433-63.


Inscribed (on stubs and endpapers) matt Calihan, To Cpt Robinson att Capt Eloass [Elwes] near ye Watch house in Marlburhroagh street, For Capt. Robinson at his Lodginges in Charing Cross. Christie's, 27 June 1979, lot 16.

Various commissioned officers named Robinson are recorded in Charles Dalton, English Army Lists and Commission Registers, 1661-1714 (6 vols, London, 1892-1904): see esp. I, 276. The volume was most probably owned by Charles Robinson of the King's Regiment of Foot Guards, who became Captain and then Lieutenant-Colonel in 1688 and was killed at Namur in 1695. A member of the same regiment in 1684 was the purveyor of MS lampoons Captain Lenthal Warcup. The Captain Eloass mentioned in one inscription was possibly William Elwes, who served as a Lieutenant in Viscount Colchester's Regiment of Horse, c.1692-4, and as a Captain in Lord Windsor's Regiment of Horse in 1702.

Cited in IELM, II.ii, as the Robinson MS: RoJ Δ 8. Discussed with facsimiles of pp. 1-10 in Paul Hammond, The Robinson Manuscript Miscellany of Restoration Verse in the Brotherton Collection, Leeds, Proceedings of the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society, 18 (1982), 275-324 [cited in entries as Hammond, Robinson]. Facsimiles of p. 1 also in Christie's sale catalogue, Plate 1, after p. 48, and in The Brotherton Collection University of Leeds: Its contents described with illustrations of fifty books and manuscripts (Leeds, 1986), p. 17. Selectively collated in Walker.

This MS collated in Hammond, Robinson, p. 318.

EtG 54

Copy, headed Sr. George Etheridge to the Earle of Mifddleton 1686.

In: A folio volume comprising two apparently independent miscellanies of poems on affairs of state, each in probably more than one professional hand, in variant styles, 199 pages, in modern cloth.

Part I, ff. 1r-110v (poems dated 1667-83); Part II, ff. 111r-99r, on larger paper (poems dated 1680-7).


Cited in IELM, II.ii, as the Advocates MS: MaA Δ 8. Works by Marvell recorded and some poems collated in POAS, I.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 55


In: A folio miscellany of poems on affairs of state, in a single professional hand, in two volumes: Vol. I, including twelve poems by Rochester and Sodom, as well as apocryphal items, pp. 1-461 (plus index); Vol. II, pp. 462-842 (with irregularities of pagination).

This MS is closely related to Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna, Cod. 14090.


Later owned by Alexander Dyce (1798-1869), literary scholar and editor, who records that £50 was given by Perry, for these 2 volumes.

Cited in IELM, II.ii (1993), as the Dyce MS: RoJ Δ 15.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 56

Copy, addressed on the back (p. 102) For Mrs. Weatherly att the Countesse of mnchesters house in Downing Street in Westminster, dated 10 May 1686, on two conjugate folio leaves, once folded as a letter.

In: A composite volume of separate verse MSS, in various hands and paper sizes, 142 pages, disbound.

Later owned by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 8302. Sotheby's, 25 June 1935, lot 342, to Maggs. Formerly Chest II, 2.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 57

Copy on two conjugate folio leaves.

In: A folio composite volume of poems on affairs of state, 319 pages, disbound. Late 17th century.

This MS owned in 1682 by Narcissus Luttrell (1657-1732). Later Phillipps MS 8301 and Osborn MS. Chest II, Number 52.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

('Cease, ansious World, your fruitless pain')

First published, in a musical setting by Henry Purcell, in The Theater of Music, Fourth Book (London, 1687). Thorpe, p. 33.

EtG 58

Copy, in a musical setting by Henry Purcell.

In: Purcell's predominantly autograph folio Score Booke Containing Severall Anthems wth. Sy[m]phonies. c.1690.

This MS recorded in Franklin B. Zimmerman, Henry Purcell: An Analytical Catalogue (London & New York, 1963), No. 362.

EtG 59

Copy, in a musical setting by Henry Purcell, untitled.

In: A folio songbook, largely in one hand, written from both ends, vi + 241 pages including blanks(Part I: pp. 1-207; Part II: pp. 1-34), in contemporary panelled calf gilt (rebacked). Early 18th century.

Inscribed (Part I, p. [iii]) Liber Georgij Forman Anno Domini April 8th 1721; John Ladds Book October the 9 in the year of our Lord 1764; and (Part II, p. 2) Liber Georgij Forman Anno Domini 1717 November Undecimo Die; Thomas Lea Southgate, Gipsy Hill, Kent; and Johannes Gilbert A. M. Coll. Christ. Cantab. Puttick & Simpson's, 1890. Formerly Folger MS 1634.4.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

('Garde le secret de ton Ame')

First published in Rosenfeld (1928), p. 129. Thorpe, p. 13.

EtG 60

Copy, in the hand of Hugo Hughes, written before a letter of 31 December 1686.

In: Copy of Sir George Etherege's Letter Book, 1685-8, 202 quarto leaves, in half-morocco.

Acquired from the bookseller Wilkes, 3 December 1838.

Edited from this MS in Rosenfeld, in Thorpe and in Bracher, pp. 78-9.

EtG 61


In: Transcript of Sir George Etherege's Letter Book, 1685-8, 128 folio leaves (plus c.200 blanks). c.1688.
EtG 62


In: Transcript of Etherege's letterbook.

Two quarto volumes, c.350 pages (plus blanks); transcript of the letters, verse and accounts in British Library, Add. MS 11513, in a single contemporary scribal hand.

Late 17th century.

Sotheby's, 20 July 1981, lot 8, to Pickering & Chatto. Owned by the bookseller John R.B. Brett-Smith (1917-2003). Sotheby's, 27 May 2004 (Brett-Smith sale), lot 226, unsold.

EtG 63


In: Transcript of Etherege's letterbook.

Folio, 114 leaves (plus 2 blanks); transcript of the letters, verse and accounts in British Library, Add. MS 11513, in at least two contemporary scribal hands.

Late 17th century.

Later bookplate of Viscount Downe. Christie's, 3 November 1981, lot 99, sold to Pickering & Chatto.

('In some kind dream upon her slumbers steal')

First published, in a musical setting by Henry Purcell, in The Theater of Music, Fourth Book (London, 1687). The Works of Henry Purcell, XXII (London, 1922), pp. 59-61. Thorpe, p. 34.

EtG 64

Copy, in a musical setting by Henry Purcell, untitled.

In: A folio music book of vocal compositions, the lyrics in English and Latin almost entirely in a single italic hand, with a contemporary index (f. 93r), 94 leaves, in 19th-century half red leather.

Compiled by the composer Henry Bowman, those songs set by himself listed by him on f. 93r.


Bookplate of Katherine Sedley (1657-1717), daughter of Sir Charles Sedley and later Countess of Dorchester, of Southfleet, Kent. Inscribed (f. 93r) John James. Purchased from J. Harvey, 13 July 1877.

This MS recorded in Franklin B. Zimmerman, Henry Purcell: An Analytical Catalogue (London & New York, 1963), No. 497.

EtG 65

Copy, in a musical setting by Henry Purcell.

In: Purcell's predominantly autograph folio Score Booke Containing Severall Anthems wth. Sy[m]phonies. c.1690.

This MS recorded in Works of Purcell and in Zimmerman.

EtG 66
Copy, in a musical setting by Henry Purcell, in a MS songbook. Late 17th century.

Later owned by William Hayman Cummings (1831-1915), singer and musical antiquary.

This MS recorded in Zimmerman, No. 497.

EtG 67

Copy, headed A Song by Sr. George Etheridge.

In: A quarto verse miscellany, in probably a single mixed hand varying over a period, entitled in another hand Recueil Choisi De Pieces fugitives En Vers Anglois, 214 pages, in modern calf. c.1713.

Afterwards owned by Charles de Beaumont, the Chevalière d'Éon (1728-1810). Later owned by Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872): Phillipps MS 9500. In the Shakespearian Library of Marsden J. Perry (1850-1935), industrialist, banker, and art and book collector, of Providence, Rhode Island. American Art Association, New York, 11-12 March 1936.

('See how fair Corinna lies')

First published in Thomas Southerne, The Disappointment, or The Mother in Fashion (London, 1684). Thorpe, p. 31.

EtG 68

Copy, untitled, under a general heading The Songs In ye Theater of Musick.

In: An octavo miscellany of verse and prose, in a single hand, 133 leaves, in modern half crushed morocco on cloth boards gilt. c.1700.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

('Tell me no more I am deceived')

First published in Nahum Tate, A Duke and No Duke (London, 1685). Thorpe, p. 30.

For the song by Congreve with the same opening line, see CgW 43-4.

EtG 69
In: A folio volume principally of poems, the majority (at least 20) by Edmund Waller, some probably by members of his family, 73 unnumbered leaves, in calf gilt.

Including copies of various drafts, fragments and extracts, as well as poems by other writers such as Anne Wharton, Sir Charles Berkeley, Sir Thomas Higgons (including part of a play by him), Elizabeth Taylor (Lady Wythens, afterwards Lady Colepeper), Ephelia, George Granville, the Duke of Buckingham, Sir George Etherege, the Earl of Rochester, James Shirley, and Thomas Rymer, also extracts from Dryden and Davenant; almost entirely in the hand of one of Waller's daughters, with considerable variation of style; an apparently second, unidentified, hand copying verse and prose (Memoire…par le Sieur Lycelot…Le 9me de Decembre 1687 and Instructions to the Judges of Assize &c Lent 1687/8) on ff. [23r, 62r-7v, 70v]; two of these leaves ([65r and 70v]) docketed in a later hand (after 1713) The Handwriting of Dr Atterbury and Bishp Atterbury [meaning perhaps copied from Atterbury's writing (see WaE Δ 15)]; a draft letter addressed (as is clear from the content) to Catherine, Lady Ranelagh (1614-91), sister of the noble and learned…Mr [Robert] Boyle, on f. [16v], enclosing ffathers last verses [not specified], noting his reluctance to write anything for the forthcoming marriage of Princess Anne and Prince George of Denmark [which took place on 28 July 1684], and observing that he has now consecrated his remayning facullty in vers to devotion; a poem Of his voyage vp the river to vissett (beginning In my breast Eternall flames) on f. [71r] ascribed to Mrs M Waller (presumably Waller's second wife, Mary Bresse or Breaux, d. 1677); some scribbling and calculations on ff. 3r, 71v, 72v, 73v, a label on the spine erroneously identifying the volume as a compilation by Brian Fairfax (1637-1711).


Later owned by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1798-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9096.

Cited in IELM, II.ii (1993) as the Harvard MS: WaE Δ 6.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

('Tell me no more you love. in vain')

First published in The New Academy of Complements (London, 1669). Thorpe, p. 24.

EtG 70

Copy, headed A Song by Sr. Geo: Etherege. Love's last Tryall.

In: A folio verse miscellany, entitled The Muse's Magazine, or Poeticall Miscelanies, in two parts, in a single hand, 189 leaves.

Including 27 poems by Cowley; eleven poems by Katherine Philips, evidently derived from printed sources; 10 poems by Rochester, as well as apocryphal items; twelve poems by Sedley, plus one of doubtful authorship; and 15 poems by Waller, evidently derived from printed sources.

A note on a flyleaf relating to the bookseller John Dunton (1659-1733): John Dunton His Book, for which Mr. Corbet at ye Addisons Head, accepted One Half Guinea in full Payment for it, as Witness my Hand, Hannah Rakley. A note on f. 1: Since I had transcrib'd this whole Book, I met with some state Poems of these later times, mostly since K. George's Accession to the Crown [1714] which I have here inserted, as a supplement to these state Poems which make a part of this Collection by themselves. Date at the end of the volume: 1718, and some notes on a flyleaf dated 1724.

Early 18th century.

The Mr. Corbet from whom Dunton purchased this MS was evidently the bookseller Thomas Corbett (fl. 1705-43), who ran his business at the Addison's Head, next to the Rose Tavern, without Temple Bar, from 1719 until his death in 1743. Neither Dunton nor Corbett are known to have used this MS for publication purposes.

Cited in IELM, II.ii (1993), as the Dunton MS: PsK Δ 8; RoJ Δ 4; SeC Δ 1; WaE Δ 10.

For John Dunton's career, see Stephen Parks, John Dunton and the English Book Trade: A Study of His Career with a Checklist of His Publications (New York & London, 1970).

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 71


In: A quarto verse miscellany, including (ff. 113r-15r) copies of, or brief extracts from, 30 poems by Donne (plus two apocryphal poems), in a single hand, transcribed from the 1635 or 1639 edition of Donne's Poems, headed Donnes quaintest conceits in several hands, 156 leaves (plus blanks), in modern black morocco gilt. Late 17th century.

Once owned by Thomas Rawlinson (1681-1725) and afterwards among the collections of Edward Harley, second Earl of Oxford (1689-1741).

Cited in IELM I.i (1980) as the Harley Rawlinson MS: DnJ Δ 64.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 71.5

Copy, untitled, on one side of a single folio leaf.

In: Miscellaneous literary papers, unbound, assembled by Adam Ottley (1685-1752), Registrar of the diocese of St David's, Wales.

Among papers formerly at Pitchford Hall, Shropshire.

EtG 71.8

Copy, in a musical setting.

In: A quarto songbook, 138 leaves. Mid-18th-century.

Once owned by John Henry Mee.

('Ye happy Youths, whose hearts are free')

First published in Choice Ayres and Songs, Fifth Book (London, 1684). Thorpe, p. 32.

EtG 72


In: A quarto miscellany of poems on affairs of state, 475 pages (plus a six-page index and a number of blanks), in contemporary black morocco gilt.

In two professional hands (A: pp. 1-126; B: pp. 129-45 and probably the Index).


Once owned by James Bindley. Sale December 1818 (Bindley sale). Phillipps MS 8418. Sotheby's, 18 June 1908, lot 627.

A transcript of this volume made by George Thorn-Drury, KC (1860-1931), literary scholar and editor, is Harvard MS Eng 633.

Edited from this MS in Thorpe.

A Song on Basset
('Let equipage and dress despair')

First published (lines 1-16 only) in Choice Ayres and Songs, Fourth Book (London, 1683). Published complete in Lycidas (London, 1688). Thorpe, pp. 11-12.

EtG 73


In: A folio miscellany of poems on affairs of state, originally entitled Astrea's Booke of Songs & Satyr's 1686, in probably seven hands, vi + 332 pages (including 23 blanks), in half-calf.

Predominantly in two alternating semi-professional hands, the second of which (on altogether 117 pages) is probably that of the author Aphra Behn (1640?-89); poems on pp. 307-8 added by a later hand in 1736-8.

c.1686-9 [with additions to 1738].

Bookplate of William Busby. Among the collections of Sir Charles Harding Firth (1857-1936), historian.

This MS volume discussed, and the second hand identified as Aphra Behn's, in Mary Ann O'Donnell, A Verse Miscellany of Aphra Behn: Bodleian Library MS Firth c. 16, EMS, 2 (1990), 189-218, with facsimile examples of the title-page, and of pp. 50, 119, 180, 226, 238, 261, 307. Also discussed by her in Private jottings, public utterances: Aphra Behn's published writings and her commonplace book, in Aphra Behn Studies, ed. Janet Todd (Cambridge, 1996), pp. 285-309.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 74
In: A quarto miscellany of poems on affairs of state, in six chiefly professional hands, 124 leaves (plus numerous blanks) and including, ff. 123r-4r, two tipped-in octavo leaves, in modern half red crushed morocco on cloth boards gilt. c.1710.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 75


In: A folio miscellany of poems on affairs of state, in a single accomplished professional hand, ii + 222 pages, with an Index, in contemporary calf. c.early 1700s.

Inscribed on the front pastedown to be left at Inbourg's Muff-shop / Pall-Mall and St hovr Singleton. Formerly Folger MS 473.1.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 76


In: A quarto miscellany of poems on affairs of state, 475 pages (plus a six-page index and a number of blanks), in contemporary black morocco gilt.

In two professional hands (A: pp. 1-126; B: pp. 129-45 and probably the Index).


Once owned by James Bindley. Sale December 1818 (Bindley sale). Phillipps MS 8418. Sotheby's, 18 June 1908, lot 627.

A transcript of this volume made by George Thorn-Drury, KC (1860-1931), literary scholar and editor, is Harvard MS Eng 633.

Edited from this MS in Thorpe.

EtG 77

Copy, the poem dated in the margin 1685.

In: A folio miscellany of poems on affairs of state, entitled A Collection of Poems and Lampoons &ca Not yet Edited, in a single professional rounded hand (the same as in University of Nottingham, Pw V 42 and University of Nottingham, Pw V 44), 463 pages plus a twelve-page index, in contemporary blind-stamped calf. c.1705.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 78


In: A formal folio miscellany of poems on affairs of state, including eleven by Rochester and Sodom, as well as apocryphal items, probably in a single professional hand, 444 leaves (including a six-leaf index). c.1690s.

Cited in IELM, II.ii as the Vienna MS: RoJ Δ 12. Discussed in Rudolf Brotanek, Beschreibung der Handschrift 14090 (Supplement 1776) der Nationalbibliothek in Wien, in Festschrift der Nationalbibliothek in Wien (Vienna, 1926), 145-62. Recorded and selectively collated in Vieth and in Walker.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 79


In: A folio miscellany of poems on affairs of state, in a single professional hand, in two volumes: Vol. I, including twelve poems by Rochester and Sodom, as well as apocryphal items, pp. 1-461 (plus index); Vol. II, pp. 462-842 (with irregularities of pagination).

This MS is closely related to Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna, Cod. 14090.


Later owned by Alexander Dyce (1798-1869), literary scholar and editor, who records that £50 was given by Perry, for these 2 volumes.

Cited in IELM, II.ii (1993), as the Dyce MS: RoJ Δ 15.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

('The nymph that undoes me is fair and unkind')

First published in A Collection of Poems, Written upon several Occasions (London, 1672). Thorpe, p. 26.

EtG 80

Copy, headed Charming Sylvia sett by Dr Green, being No. 9 of a series of 42 poems on seven folio leaves on ff. 104, 106-11v (lacking an eighth leaf after f. 109 with poems 21-23). Early 18th century.

In: A folio composite volume of verse in Latin and English, some relating to Oxford, in various hands, 215 leaves, in contemporary quarter-calf gilt vellum boards. Early-mid-18th century.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 81

Copy, in a musical setting by Thomas Stafford, untitled.

In: A folio songbook, almost entirely in a single rounded italic hand, with (ff. 3r-7v) a table of contents, 113 leaves, in 19th-century half dark red morocco.

Compiled by Edward Lowe (c.1610-82), organist and composer (his signature f. 2v).


Arms of Eleanor Bursh on a seal affixed to f. 56r. Later owned and annotated in pencil by Thomas Oliphant (1799-1873), music editor and cataloguer.

A complete facsimile of this volume in English Song 1600-1675, ed. Elise Bickford Jorgens, Vol. 5 (New York & London, 1986).

EtG 82

Copy, untitled.

In: A quarto verse miscellany, in several hands, a neat mixed hand predominating up to f. 55r, 151 leaves (including a few blanks), in contemporary calf. c.1730.

Inscribed (in another hand) on the front pastedown Thomas Boydell. Formerly Folger MS 4108.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 82.3


In: An octavo volume of Psalms of David by Isaac Watts (1674-1748), 115 pages, in calf. 1729.
EtG 82.5

Copy, as By the same Author [i.e. Sir George Etherege].

In: A small quarto miscellany, in a single neat hand, 34 pages, in marbled stiff paper wrapper. c.1720.

In the collection of Robert H. Taylor (1908-85), American book and manuscript collector. Formerly cited as the Addison Miscellany.

EtG 82.8


In: A duodecimo verse miscellany, 150 pages. 1720.
EtG 83

Copy of lines 1-8, headed The pleasant Death.

In: A folio verse miscellany, with a title-page: The Theatre of Complements erected Collectection of Songs composed and compiled by A Schollar of Oxford. Printed for S.S. 167, 80 pages. c.1670s.

The title-page inscribed Nar. Lutterell: His Book 1682, i.e. owned by Narcissus Luttrell (1657-1732), annalist and book collector. At Yale formerly Chest II, No. 39.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 84

Second copy of lines 1-8, headed The Beauty.

In: A folio verse miscellany, with a title-page: The Theatre of Complements erected Collectection of Songs composed and compiled by A Schollar of Oxford. Printed for S.S. 167, 80 pages. c.1670s.

The title-page inscribed Nar. Lutterell: His Book 1682, i.e. owned by Narcissus Luttrell (1657-1732), annalist and book collector. At Yale formerly Chest II, No. 39.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 84.5

Copy, in a musical setting.

In: A narrow oblong octavo songbook, in two hands, 38 leaves (including numerous blanks), in contemporary calf. c.1676.

In a collection of MS music books associated with the Filmer family, baronets, of Kent, members of whom included the political philosopher Sir Robert Filmer (1588-1653), his brother Edward (d.1650, compiler of French Court Aires, 1628) and son Sir Edward (d.1668), and the playwright Edward Filmer (fl.1700).

To a Lady, Asking Him How Long He Would Love Her
('Cloris, it is not in our power')

First published in Catch that Catch Can (London, 1667). Thorpe, p. 2.

EtG 85

Copy of stanzas 1 and 3, here ascribed to Etherege.

In: A folio verse miscellany, entitled The Muse's Magazine, or Poeticall Miscelanies, in two parts, in a single hand, 189 leaves.

Including 27 poems by Cowley; eleven poems by Katherine Philips, evidently derived from printed sources; 10 poems by Rochester, as well as apocryphal items; twelve poems by Sedley, plus one of doubtful authorship; and 15 poems by Waller, evidently derived from printed sources.

A note on a flyleaf relating to the bookseller John Dunton (1659-1733): John Dunton His Book, for which Mr. Corbet at ye Addisons Head, accepted One Half Guinea in full Payment for it, as Witness my Hand, Hannah Rakley. A note on f. 1: Since I had transcrib'd this whole Book, I met with some state Poems of these later times, mostly since K. George's Accession to the Crown [1714] which I have here inserted, as a supplement to these state Poems which make a part of this Collection by themselves. Date at the end of the volume: 1718, and some notes on a flyleaf dated 1724.

Early 18th century.

The Mr. Corbet from whom Dunton purchased this MS was evidently the bookseller Thomas Corbett (fl. 1705-43), who ran his business at the Addison's Head, next to the Rose Tavern, without Temple Bar, from 1719 until his death in 1743. Neither Dunton nor Corbett are known to have used this MS for publication purposes.

Cited in IELM, II.ii (1993), as the Dunton MS: PsK Δ 8; RoJ Δ 4; SeC Δ 1; WaE Δ 10.

For John Dunton's career, see Stephen Parks, John Dunton and the English Book Trade: A Study of His Career with a Checklist of His Publications (New York & London, 1970).

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 86

Copy, headed seaventh Song.

In: A quarto verse miscellany, including (ff. 113r-15r) copies of, or brief extracts from, 30 poems by Donne (plus two apocryphal poems), in a single hand, transcribed from the 1635 or 1639 edition of Donne's Poems, headed Donnes quaintest conceits in several hands, 156 leaves (plus blanks), in modern black morocco gilt. Late 17th century.

Once owned by Thomas Rawlinson (1681-1725) and afterwards among the collections of Edward Harley, second Earl of Oxford (1689-1741).

Cited in IELM I.i (1980) as the Harley Rawlinson MS: DnJ Δ 64.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

To a Lady Who Fled the Sight of Him
('If I my Celia could persuade')

First published in A Collection of Poems, Written upon several Occasions (London, 1672). Thorpe, p. 5.

EtG 87

Copy, as by Sr. George Etherege.

In: A quarto verse miscellany, largely in one hand, with additions by others, written from both ends, material at the reverse end dated 1708-9, ii + 114 leaves, in 19th-century half-calf.

Inscribed (f. [iir]), probably by the compiler, Ex Libris Georgij Wright [b.1685/6] Sti Johannis Collegis Cantabrigiensis Alumni, Decimo quarto Junij. Annoq. Domini 1703.


Also inscribed (f.[iir]) Mrs Frances Wright 1708. A postal address on f. 95r (rev.) reads: Direct to Margtt Borrett att Mrs. Borretts In Kirkby=stephen Westmoorland p brough bag _ These.

Recorded in IELM, II.ii, as the Wright MS: WaE Δ 12.

EtG 88


In: A quarto verse miscellany, in a stylish professional hand, with some rubricated headings, 58 pages, in contemporary calf, now disbound. c.1690s.

Formerly Chest II, No. 36.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

To a Very Young Lady
('Sweetest bud of beauty, may')

First published in The New Academy of Complements (London, 1669). Thorpe, p. 1.

EtG 88.5

Copy, headed To a Very Young Lady.

In: An octavo miscellany of Restoration poems, chiefly upon affairs of state, ii + 89 octavo leaves, in 19th-century red morocco.

Predominantly in a single professional hand, with subsequent corrections or annotations in other hands or inks, and (f. 89v) with a pencil note after a table of contents This Book is written by Brown.

Late 17th century.

Bookplate of Edward Vernon Utterson (1776?-1856), of the Isle of Wight, artist, book collector and literary antiquary. Sotheby's, 19 April 1852, lot 1318. Owned after 1911 by Robert Ashburton Milnes, afterwards Crewe-Milnes (1858-1945), first Marquess of Crewe, politician. Christie's, 26 November 1997, lot 75.

EtG 89

Copy, as by Sr: Geo: Etherege.

In: A quarto verse miscellany, largely in one hand, with additions by others, written from both ends, material at the reverse end dated 1708-9, ii + 114 leaves, in 19th-century half-calf.

Inscribed (f. [iir]), probably by the compiler, Ex Libris Georgij Wright [b.1685/6] Sti Johannis Collegis Cantabrigiensis Alumni, Decimo quarto Junij. Annoq. Domini 1703.


Also inscribed (f.[iir]) Mrs Frances Wright 1708. A postal address on f. 95r (rev.) reads: Direct to Margtt Borrett att Mrs. Borretts In Kirkby=stephen Westmoorland p brough bag _ These.

Recorded in IELM, II.ii, as the Wright MS: WaE Δ 12.

EtG 90


In: A quarto miscellany of Restoration verse, prose and dramatic works, in a single cursive predominantly italic hand, 417 pages. c.1670s-80s.

Formerly Princeton General MSS Misc AM 14401.

This MS discussed in A.S.G. Edwards, Libertine Literature in Restoration England: Princeton MS AM 14401, BC, 25 (Autumn 1976), 354-68, and in PBSA (1977).

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 90.5

Copy, as By Sir George Etherege.

In: A small quarto miscellany, in a single neat hand, 34 pages, in marbled stiff paper wrapper. c.1720.

In the collection of Robert H. Taylor (1908-85), American book and manuscript collector. Formerly cited as the Addison Miscellany.

EtG 91


In: A quarto verse miscellany, in a stylish professional hand, with some rubricated headings, 58 pages, in contemporary calf, now disbound. c.1690s.

Formerly Chest II, No. 36.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 92


In: A small verse miscellany. Early 18th century.
To Her Excellence the Marchioness of Newcastle After the Reading of Her Incomparable Poems
('With so much wonder we are struck')

First published in A Collection of Poems, Written upon several Occasions (London, 1672). Thorpe, pp. 14-15.

EtG 93

Copy, headed On ye Dutchess of Newcastle.

In: An octavo book of jests and verse compiled by William Sancroft (1617-93), Archbishop of Canterbury, vi + 374 pages (pp. 72-306 blank), in contemporary calf. c.1682-91.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 94


In: A quarto verse miscellany, including (ff. 113r-15r) copies of, or brief extracts from, 30 poems by Donne (plus two apocryphal poems), in a single hand, transcribed from the 1635 or 1639 edition of Donne's Poems, headed Donnes quaintest conceits in several hands, 156 leaves (plus blanks), in modern black morocco gilt. Late 17th century.

Once owned by Thomas Rawlinson (1681-1725) and afterwards among the collections of Edward Harley, second Earl of Oxford (1689-1741).

Cited in IELM I.i (1980) as the Harley Rawlinson MS: DnJ Δ 64.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

Voiture's Urania
('Hopeless I languish out my days')

First published in A Collection of Poems, Written upon several Occasions (London, 1672). Thorpe, p. 6.

EtG 95

Copy, headed Voitures Urania. Love more prevalent than Reason.

In: A folio verse miscellany, entitled The Muse's Magazine, or Poeticall Miscelanies, in two parts, in a single hand, 189 leaves.

Including 27 poems by Cowley; eleven poems by Katherine Philips, evidently derived from printed sources; 10 poems by Rochester, as well as apocryphal items; twelve poems by Sedley, plus one of doubtful authorship; and 15 poems by Waller, evidently derived from printed sources.

A note on a flyleaf relating to the bookseller John Dunton (1659-1733): John Dunton His Book, for which Mr. Corbet at ye Addisons Head, accepted One Half Guinea in full Payment for it, as Witness my Hand, Hannah Rakley. A note on f. 1: Since I had transcrib'd this whole Book, I met with some state Poems of these later times, mostly since K. George's Accession to the Crown [1714] which I have here inserted, as a supplement to these state Poems which make a part of this Collection by themselves. Date at the end of the volume: 1718, and some notes on a flyleaf dated 1724.

Early 18th century.

The Mr. Corbet from whom Dunton purchased this MS was evidently the bookseller Thomas Corbett (fl. 1705-43), who ran his business at the Addison's Head, next to the Rose Tavern, without Temple Bar, from 1719 until his death in 1743. Neither Dunton nor Corbett are known to have used this MS for publication purposes.

Cited in IELM, II.ii (1993), as the Dunton MS: PsK Δ 8; RoJ Δ 4; SeC Δ 1; WaE Δ 10.

For John Dunton's career, see Stephen Parks, John Dunton and the English Book Trade: A Study of His Career with a Checklist of His Publications (New York & London, 1970).

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 96

Copy, as by Sr. George Etheridge.

In: A quarto verse miscellany, largely in one hand, with additions by others, written from both ends, material at the reverse end dated 1708-9, ii + 114 leaves, in 19th-century half-calf.

Inscribed (f. [iir]), probably by the compiler, Ex Libris Georgij Wright [b.1685/6] Sti Johannis Collegis Cantabrigiensis Alumni, Decimo quarto Junij. Annoq. Domini 1703.


Also inscribed (f.[iir]) Mrs Frances Wright 1708. A postal address on f. 95r (rev.) reads: Direct to Margtt Borrett att Mrs. Borretts In Kirkby=stephen Westmoorland p brough bag _ These.

Recorded in IELM, II.ii, as the Wright MS: WaE Δ 12.

EtG 97


In: A small verse miscellany. Early 18th century.

Poems of Doubtful Authorship

Mrs. Nelly's Complaint
('If Sylla's ghost made bloody Catiline start')

First published in Miscellaneous Works, Written by…Buckingham, Vol. I (London, 1704). Thorpe, pp. 62-4.

EtG 98


In: A folio volume of poems chiefly on affairs of state, in professional hands, ff. 1-49 comprising poems of the 1640s, ff. 49v onwards Restoration poems up to 1681, 174 leaves (including twelve blanks), in contemporary calf, both covers stamped 1642, with remains of clasps.

Including nine poems in the Marvell canon (plus apocryphal poems); ff. 1-157 a single unit in variant styles of hand; ff. 158-62 in yet another hand on a smaller tipped-in quire of paper.

Mid-late 17th century.

Among the collections of Francis Douce (1757-1834), antiquary and collector.

Cited in IELM, II.i (1993) as the Douce MS: MaA Δ 3. Marvell contents recorded and selectively collated in Margoliouth and in POAS, I and II.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 99
In: A folio miscellany of poems on affairs of state entitled A Choice Collection of Poems, Lampoons, Satyrs &ca, xx + 412 pages (339-411 blank). c.1700.

Among the collections of Sir Charles Harding Firth (1857-1936), historian.

This MS collated in POAS, I.

Edited in part from this MS in Thorpe and collated pp. 141-2.

EtG 100


In: A folio miscellany of poems on affairs of state, originally entitled Astrea's Booke of Songs & Satyr's 1686, in probably seven hands, vi + 332 pages (including 23 blanks), in half-calf.

Predominantly in two alternating semi-professional hands, the second of which (on altogether 117 pages) is probably that of the author Aphra Behn (1640?-89); poems on pp. 307-8 added by a later hand in 1736-8.

c.1686-9 [with additions to 1738].

Bookplate of William Busby. Among the collections of Sir Charles Harding Firth (1857-1936), historian.

This MS volume discussed, and the second hand identified as Aphra Behn's, in Mary Ann O'Donnell, A Verse Miscellany of Aphra Behn: Bodleian Library MS Firth c. 16, EMS, 2 (1990), 189-218, with facsimile examples of the title-page, and of pp. 50, 119, 180, 226, 238, 261, 307. Also discussed by her in Private jottings, public utterances: Aphra Behn's published writings and her commonplace book, in Aphra Behn Studies, ed. Janet Todd (Cambridge, 1996), pp. 285-309.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 101

Copy, headed Mrs Nelly's complaint. An Elegy.

In: A quarto miscellany of poems on affairs of state, in two or more professional hands, 222 leaves (plus blanks), in contemporary red panelled morocco gilt. c.late 1680s.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 102

Copy, the poem dated 1682.

In: A large quarto miscellany of poems chiefly on affairs of state, entitled Collection of Choice Poemes, in a single neat hand, with a Catalogue of contents (ff. 382v-6v), 387 leaves, in half brown morocco gilt. c.1703.

Note of purchase (f. 1r) pd - 6 - 9 -/ April 24 1703.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 103

Copy, headed Nellys Complaint.

In: A quarto miscellany of poems on affairs of state, 475 pages (plus a six-page index and a number of blanks), in contemporary black morocco gilt.

In two professional hands (A: pp. 1-126; B: pp. 129-45 and probably the Index).


Once owned by James Bindley. Sale December 1818 (Bindley sale). Phillipps MS 8418. Sotheby's, 18 June 1908, lot 627.

A transcript of this volume made by George Thorn-Drury, KC (1860-1931), literary scholar and editor, is Harvard MS Eng 633.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 104


In: A folio miscellany of poems on affairs of state, largely in a neat italic hand, with additions by others, iii + 232 pages (some pages excised), in contemporary vellum. c.1688.

Inscribed John Brownlowe His Booke: i.e. (? Sir John Brownlow, third Baronet, 1659-97). Among the muniments of the Earl of Ancaster.

EtG 105

Copy, the poem dated in the margin 1682.

In: A large folio miscellany of poems on affairs of state, entitled A Collection of Poems and Lampoons &ca Not yet Edited, in a single professional rounded hand (the same as in University of Nottingham, Pw V 43 and University of Nottingham, Pw V 44), 461 pages plus an eight-page Table of contents, in contemporary blind-stamped calf. c.1705.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 106

Copy, the poem here dated 1682.

In: A folio miscellany of poems on affairs of state, entitled A Choyce Collection of Poems. &c., 325 pages, the verse on pp. 324-5 added c.1762. c.1700.

Owned in 1712 by Thomas Wentworth (1672-1739), Baron Raby and third Earl of Strafford.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 107


In: A formal folio miscellany of poems on affairs of state, including eleven by Rochester and Sodom, as well as apocryphal items, probably in a single professional hand, 444 leaves (including a six-leaf index). c.1690s.

Cited in IELM, II.ii as the Vienna MS: RoJ Δ 12. Discussed in Rudolf Brotanek, Beschreibung der Handschrift 14090 (Supplement 1776) der Nationalbibliothek in Wien, in Festschrift der Nationalbibliothek in Wien (Vienna, 1926), 145-62. Recorded and selectively collated in Vieth and in Walker.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 108

Copy, the poem dated 1682.

In: A folio miscellany of poems on affairs of state, in a single professional rounded hand, entitled A Collection of Choyce Poems, Lampoons, and Satyrs from 1673 to 1689. Never Extant in Print, 335 pages (plus a Table of contents and blanks), in modern red morocco. c.1690s.

In the collection of Robert H. Taylor (1908-85), American book and manuscript collector. Formerly Restoration poetry MS 2.

This MS collated in POAS, I.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 108.5

Title only ([N]elly's complaint an Elegy), of what is probably this poem, in the table of contents for a text which originally appeared on p. 211 but has been excised

In: A folio volume of poems chiefly on affairs of state, in a non-professional hand, with a table of contents (listing some 125 poems), once containing upwards of 240 pages, but all of which after p. 22 have been excised. Late 17th century.
EtG 109


In: A folio miscellany of poems on affairs of state, in a single professional hand, in two volumes: Vol. I, including twelve poems by Rochester and Sodom, as well as apocryphal items, pp. 1-461 (plus index); Vol. II, pp. 462-842 (with irregularities of pagination).

This MS is closely related to Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna, Cod. 14090.


Later owned by Alexander Dyce (1798-1869), literary scholar and editor, who records that £50 was given by Perry, for these 2 volumes.

Cited in IELM, II.ii (1993), as the Dyce MS: RoJ Δ 15.

Edited in part from this MS in Thorpe and collated pp. 141-2.

EtG 110

Formerly Osborn Box 22, No. 3.

In: A quarto miscellany of poems on affairs of state, in a single professional hand, with some rubrication and decoration, 358 pages (including over 60 blanks), with a table of contents, in contemporary black morocco gilt bearing a coronet. c.1680s.

Formerly Phillipps MS 7740 and Osborn MS. Box XXII, Number 3.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 110.5


In: A large octavo verse miscellany, chiefly lampoons and poems on affairs of state, including 21 poems by Rochester and various others in the Rochester apocrypha, nearly 600 pages in all, with a 14-page index.

Written in a single hand which can be identified as that of the Scottish pasquil-writer and antiquary Robert Mylne (1643?-1747), who was also responsible for RoJ Δ 6.

The Rival
('Of all the torments, all the cares')

First published in A Collection of New Songs, Second Book (London, 1699). Thorpe, p. 61.

See VaJ 1-3. Formerly EtG 111-114.

('Since Death on all lays his impartial hand')

First published in Examen Miscellaneum (London, 1702). Thorpe, pp. 59-60.

EtG 115

Copy, ascribed to Sr. Geo: Etherege.

In: A folio verse miscellany, entitled The Muse's Magazine, or Poeticall Miscelanies, in two parts, in a single hand, 189 leaves.

Including 27 poems by Cowley; eleven poems by Katherine Philips, evidently derived from printed sources; 10 poems by Rochester, as well as apocryphal items; twelve poems by Sedley, plus one of doubtful authorship; and 15 poems by Waller, evidently derived from printed sources.

A note on a flyleaf relating to the bookseller John Dunton (1659-1733): John Dunton His Book, for which Mr. Corbet at ye Addisons Head, accepted One Half Guinea in full Payment for it, as Witness my Hand, Hannah Rakley. A note on f. 1: Since I had transcrib'd this whole Book, I met with some state Poems of these later times, mostly since K. George's Accession to the Crown [1714] which I have here inserted, as a supplement to these state Poems which make a part of this Collection by themselves. Date at the end of the volume: 1718, and some notes on a flyleaf dated 1724.

Early 18th century.

The Mr. Corbet from whom Dunton purchased this MS was evidently the bookseller Thomas Corbett (fl. 1705-43), who ran his business at the Addison's Head, next to the Rose Tavern, without Temple Bar, from 1719 until his death in 1743. Neither Dunton nor Corbett are known to have used this MS for publication purposes.

Cited in IELM, II.ii (1993), as the Dunton MS: PsK Δ 8; RoJ Δ 4; SeC Δ 1; WaE Δ 10.

For John Dunton's career, see Stephen Parks, John Dunton and the English Book Trade: A Study of His Career with a Checklist of His Publications (New York & London, 1970).

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 116

Copy, headed Song. By Cha: Blount Esqr 1691.

In: A tall folio formal miscellany of poems and prose on affairs of state, in several rounded hands, with (ff. ivr-vr) a Catalogue of titles, 186 leaves, in contemporary blind-stamped calf within modern half-morocco. c.1700s.

Bookplate of Basil Feilding (1668-1717), fourth Earl of Denbigh, dated 1703. Sold in 1834 by Thomas Thorpe. Owned by the Rev. Dr Martin Joseph Routh (1755-1854), scholar, President of Magdalen College, Oxford. Sotheby's, 5 July 1855 (Routh sale), lot 178.

EtG 117

Copy, headed Song, on the first of two conjugate folio leaves.

In: A folio composite volume of poems on affairs of state, 319 pages, disbound. Late 17th century.

This MS owned in 1682 by Narcissus Luttrell (1657-1732). Later Phillipps MS 8301 and Osborn MS. Chest II, Number 52.

Edited from this MS in Thorpe.

Upon Love: In Imitation of Cowley
('Whether we mortals love or no')

First published in Poems on Affairs of State, Part III (London, 1698). Thorpe, pp. 55-68.

EtG 118
In: A folio miscellany of poems on affairs of state, entitled A Collection of Poems and Lampoons &ca Not yet Edited, in a single professional rounded hand (the same as in University of Nottingham, Pw V 42 and University of Nottingham, Pw V 44), 463 pages plus a twelve-page index, in contemporary blind-stamped calf. c.1705.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 119


In: A formal folio miscellany of poems on affairs of state, including eleven by Rochester and Sodom, as well as apocryphal items, probably in a single professional hand, 444 leaves (including a six-leaf index). c.1690s.

Cited in IELM, II.ii as the Vienna MS: RoJ Δ 12. Discussed in Rudolf Brotanek, Beschreibung der Handschrift 14090 (Supplement 1776) der Nationalbibliothek in Wien, in Festschrift der Nationalbibliothek in Wien (Vienna, 1926), 145-62. Recorded and selectively collated in Vieth and in Walker.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 120
In: A folio miscellany of poems on affairs of state, in a single professional hand, in two volumes: Vol. I, including twelve poems by Rochester and Sodom, as well as apocryphal items, pp. 1-461 (plus index); Vol. II, pp. 462-842 (with irregularities of pagination).

This MS is closely related to Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna, Cod. 14090.


Later owned by Alexander Dyce (1798-1869), literary scholar and editor, who records that £50 was given by Perry, for these 2 volumes.

Cited in IELM, II.ii (1993), as the Dyce MS: RoJ Δ 15.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

Dramatic Works

The Comical Revenge. or Love in a Tub, Act II, scene ii, lines 153-69. Song
('When Phillis watch'd her harmless Sheep')

First published in London, 1664. Brett-Smith, I, 1-88 (pp. 21-2). The song in Thorpe, p. 20.

EtG 121

Copy of the song sung by Aurelia and Letitia, headed Song 134. The Carefull Shepherdesse.

In: A folio composite volume of poems on affairs of state, 319 pages, disbound. Late 17th century.

This MS owned in 1682 by Narcissus Luttrell (1657-1732). Later Phillipps MS 8301 and Osborn MS. Chest II, Number 52.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 121.5

Copy, in a musical setting.

In: A folio composite music book, comprising (A) three printed works by Henry Lawes and others (1655-9), with MS additions, together with (B) 32 MS leaves of vocal music (plus stubs of eight excised leaves), in a single hand, bound together in brown leather.

Owned by, and the MS pages in the hand of, the Rev. John Patrick (1632-95), religious controversialist.


Bookplate of Charles Barlow (fl.1720s-30s), of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Leo Liepmannssohn's sale catalogue 183 (1913), item 183 (possibly from MSS purchased in 1907 by James E. Matthew). Library stamp of the Königliche Bibliothek (now Preussische Staatsbibliothek), Berlin. Moved to Kraków in 1946.

Discussed, with various facsimile examples, in H. Diack Johnstone, Ayres and Arias: A Hitherto Unknown Seventeenth-Century English Songbook, Early Music History, 16 (1997), 167-201, and in Richard Charteris, A Newly Discovered Songbook in Poland with Works by Henry Lawes and his Contemporaries, EMS, 8 (2000), 225-79.

Edited from this MS in Johnstone, pp. 187-8, and in Charteris, p. 274.

The Comical Revenge. or Love in a Tub, Act II, scene iii, lines 174-87. Song
('If she be not as kind as fair')

Brett-Smith, I, 28-9. Thorpe, p. 22.

EtG 122

Copy of Palmer's song.

In: A quarto verse miscellany, including (ff. 113r-15r) copies of, or brief extracts from, 30 poems by Donne (plus two apocryphal poems), in a single hand, transcribed from the 1635 or 1639 edition of Donne's Poems, headed Donnes quaintest conceits in several hands, 156 leaves (plus blanks), in modern black morocco gilt. Late 17th century.

Once owned by Thomas Rawlinson (1681-1725) and afterwards among the collections of Edward Harley, second Earl of Oxford (1689-1741).

Cited in IELM I.i (1980) as the Harley Rawlinson MS: DnJ Δ 64.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

The Comical Revenge. or Love in a Tub, Act V, scene iii, lines 9-20. Song
('Ladies, though to your Conqu'ring eyes')

Brett-Smith, I, 76. Thorpe, p. 21.

EtG 123


In: A quarto verse miscellany, including (ff. 113r-15r) copies of, or brief extracts from, 30 poems by Donne (plus two apocryphal poems), in a single hand, transcribed from the 1635 or 1639 edition of Donne's Poems, headed Donnes quaintest conceits in several hands, 156 leaves (plus blanks), in modern black morocco gilt. Late 17th century.

Once owned by Thomas Rawlinson (1681-1725) and afterwards among the collections of Edward Harley, second Earl of Oxford (1689-1741).

Cited in IELM I.i (1980) as the Harley Rawlinson MS: DnJ Δ 64.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

The Man of Mode, or Sir Fopling Flutter

First published in London, 1676. Brett-Smith, II, 181-288.

EtG 123.4
An exemplum of the first printed edition (London, 1676) with a MS cast list and prompt notes, evidently relating to the visit by members of the King's Company to Edinburgh in 1679-80. 1679-80.

Discussed in Edward A. Langhans, An Edinburgh Promptbook from 1679-80, Theatre Notebook, 37 (1983), 101-4.

The Man of Mode. or Sir Fopling Flutter, Act IV, scene 1, lines 413-34. Song
('The pleasures of love and the joys of good wine')

The drinking song. Thorpe, p. 28. Brett-Smith, II, 256-7.

EtG 123.6

Extracts, inscribed Sr Fopling.

In: A folio miscellany of extracts, in a single cursive hand, 351 leaves, in modern half brown morocco on marbled boards. c.1685-1700s.

Sotheby's, 13 July 1855, lot 1364.

EtG 123.8

Copy of the drinking song, headed Song in Sr Foppling Flutter.

In: A small quarto miscellany of chiefly Restoration songs and ballads, many from plays, in one or more small hands, 48 leaves (plus blanks), in contemporary brown calf.

Folios 1r-32r copied c.1686-8 in a single hand; ff. 33v-48r copied c.1688-94 in four other hands.


Later owned by Sir Francis Freeling, first Baronet (1764-1836), postal administrator and book collector. Evans (Sotheby's), 25 November 1836 (Freeling sale), lot 1156. Acquired from Leo S. Olschki, 6 November 1986.

She wou'd if she cou'd, Act V, scene i, lines 312-23. Song
('To little or no purpose I spent many days')

First published in London, 1668. Brett-Smith, II, 1-179 (p. 169). Thorpe, p. 23.

EtG 124

Copy of Gatty's song, untitled.

In: An octavo volume of heraldic arms, chiefly in trick, 64 leaves, in calf, stamped in gilt M. B.

Compiled by Samuel Waker, painter stainer, of London.

Late 17th century.

Later owned by Sir Simeon Stuart, third Baronet, MP (c.1724-c.1779/82), of Hartley Mauduit, Hampshire, Chamberlain of the Exchequer (constituting Volume XI of the Stuart Collection). Purchased in 1778.

EtG 125


In: A quarto verse miscellany, including (ff. 113r-15r) copies of, or brief extracts from, 30 poems by Donne (plus two apocryphal poems), in a single hand, transcribed from the 1635 or 1639 edition of Donne's Poems, headed Donnes quaintest conceits in several hands, 156 leaves (plus blanks), in modern black morocco gilt. Late 17th century.

Once owned by Thomas Rawlinson (1681-1725) and afterwards among the collections of Edward Harley, second Earl of Oxford (1689-1741).

Cited in IELM I.i (1980) as the Harley Rawlinson MS: DnJ Δ 64.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

EtG 125.5

Copy, untitled and here beginning To litle or no purpos I have spent.

In: An octavo verse miscellany, in various hands, including seventeen poems by Carew, a title-page inscribed A book of Verses / Seria mixta Jocis, c.260 pages, in calf blind-stamped V/I F 1667.

References to Westminster Drollerie (which was not published until 1671) added on pp. 1 and 242.


Inscribed on the title-page Frendraught Legi: i.e. by James Crichton (d.1674/5), second Viscount Frendraught. Bookplate of Thomas Fraser Duff (1830-77), of Woodcote, Oxfordshire. Bloomsbury Book Auctions, 9 April 1987, lot 272 (with a facsimile of p. 131 in the sale catalogue), sold to Quaritch.

EtG 126

Copy, headed Song 60. The Rambling Lady.

In: A folio verse miscellany, with a title-page: The Theatre of Complements erected Collectection of Songs composed and compiled by A Schollar of Oxford. Printed for S.S. 167, 80 pages. c.1670s.

The title-page inscribed Nar. Lutterell: His Book 1682, i.e. owned by Narcissus Luttrell (1657-1732), annalist and book collector. At Yale formerly Chest II, No. 39.

This MS collated in Thorpe.


*EtG 127
A folio composite volume containing a series of c.124 letters signed by Etherege, to Charles, second Earl of Middleton, Secretary of State, nearly all from Ratisbon, 263 leaves, in modern half-morocco, 25 September/5 October 1685 to 14/24 April 1687.

Volume XXXIV of the Middleton Papers, descended from Dr Owen Wynne (fl.1680s), clerk in the Secretary of State's Office.


Discussed in Sybil Rosenfeld, Sir George Etherege in Ratisbon, RES, 10 (1934), 177-89. Selected letters edited in Bracher. Reduced facsimile of a letter of 31 January/10 February 1686/7 on ff. 232r-3v) in Peter Barber, Diplomacy: The World of the Honest Spy (London, 1979), p. 84.

*EtG 128
A folio composite volume containing a series of c.124 letters by Etherege, nearly all to Charles, second Earl of Middleton, Secretary of State for the Northern Department, a few addressed to his secretary Dr Owen Wynne or to P. Valckenier, chiefy autograph and signed, some in the hand of Etherege's secretary Hugo Hughes and including a few copies of other letters and dispatches, from Ratisbon, 263 leaves, in modern half-morocco, April 1687 to October 1688.

Volume XXXV of the Middleton Papers, acquired by the descendants of Dr Owen Wynne (fl.1680s), clerk in the Secretary of State's office.


Discussed in Sybil Rosenfeld, Sir George Etherege in Ratisbon, RES, 10 (1934), 177-89. Selected letters edited in Bracher.

*EtG 129
A folio composite volume of copies of c.122 diplomatic reports and newsletters, many as from Vienna, in secretarial hands, evidently sent by Etherege to Charles, second Earl of Middleton, Secretary of State for the Northern Departmen, as originally enclosures with Etherege's letters (British Library, Add. MS 41836 and British Library, Add. MS 41837), including (between ff. 204r and 249v) eight reports in Etherege's own hand, 291 leaves, in modern half-morocco.

Volume XXXVIII of the Middleton Papers, acquired by the descendants of Dr Owen Wynne (fl.1680s), clerk in the Secretary of State's office.

*EtG 130
A folio composite volume of copies of diplomatic reports and newsletters, many as from Vienna, in secretarial hands, evidently sent on by Etherege to Charles, second Earl of Middleton, Secretary of State for the Northern Department, as originally enclosures with Etherege's letters (British Library, Add. MS 41836 and British Library, Add. MS 41837), one letter (f. 26r) docketed in Etherege's hand From my Lord Dangan to me, 394 leaves, in modern half-morocco.

Volume XXXIX of the Middleton Papers, acquired by the descendants of Dr Owen Wynne (fl.1680s), clerk in the Secretary of State's office.

*EtG 131

Two letters by Etherege, to Richard Graham, Viscount Preston (Middleton's successor as Secretary of State for the Northern Department), and his secretary [Rowland] Tempest, the first letter in Hugo Hughes's hand and signed by Etherege, from Ratisbon, [17/27 December 1688 but docketed with date of receipt, 28 January 1688/9]; the second autograph, from Ratisbon, 24 December 1688/3 January 1688/9; and one autograph letter to Tempest, from Ratisbon, 24 December 1688/3 January 1688/9.

In: A folio composite volume of letters and papers of Richard Graham (1648-95), first Viscount Preston, politician, in various hands, 358 leaves.

Volume XXIX of the Preston Papers, formerly owned by Sir Charles Graham, Netherby Hall, Preston Papers, vol. 1688 Letters from England [etc.]. Sotheby's, 10 July 1986, lot 303, to Quaritch, with facsimile examples in the sale catalogue.

Abridged versions edited in HMC, 7th Report (1879), Part I, Appendix, p. 428. The three letters edited in Bracher, pp. 262-5, from the texts in Letterbook No. 1 (EtG 153), and see also EtG 000. Facsimile of one page in Sotheby's sale catalogue.

EtG 132

Copy, by Mackintosh, of two letters by Etherege to Preston, from Ratisbon, [17/27 December 1688] and 24 December 1688/3 January 1688/9.

In: A folio volume of extracts from the papers of Richard Graham, first Viscount Preston, compiled by Sir James Mackintosh (1765-1832), political writer and politician, 107 leaves.

Volume XXXI of the Mackintosh Collections.

Late 18th-early 19th century.

Recorded in HMC. 7th Report (1879), Appendix, p. 261.

Edited from this MS in Rosenfeld, pp. 432-4 (the date of the first letter given as 28 January 1688/9). For original letters, see EtG 000.

*EtG 133

Autograph letter signed by Etherge, to Sir William Trumbull, from Ratisbon, 8/18 December 1685.

In: An unbound collection of correspondence of Sir William Trumbull, Envoy to Turkey, in various hands and paper sizes, 237 leaves. 1685.

Formerly in the Berkshire Record Office, among Trumbull Miscellaneous Correspondence, Vols. XXIII and XXV Sotheby's, The Trumbull Papers, 14 December 1989, in lot 49, pp. 132-3, with a facsimile example of one letter. Now Trumbull Vol. CCLXXX.

Bracher, pp. 14-15.

*EtG 134

Autograph letter signed by Etherge, to Sir William Trumbull, from Ratisbon, 5/15 January 1685/6.

In: A collection of correspondence of Sir William Trumbull, Envoy to Turkey, in various hands and paper sizes, 216 leaves. 1685-6.

Formerly in the Berkshire Record Office, among Trumbull Miscellaneous Correspondence, Vols. XXIII and XXV Sotheby's, The Trumbull Papers, 14 December 1989, in lot 49, pp. 132-3, with a facsimile example of one letter. Now Trumbull Vol. CCLXXXI.

*EtG 135

Autograph letter signed by Etherge, to Sir William Trumbull, from Ratisbon, 2/12 February 1685/6.

In: A collection of correspondence of Sir William Trumbull, Envoy to Turkey, in various hands and paper sizes, 216 leaves. 1685-6.

Formerly in the Berkshire Record Office, among Trumbull Miscellaneous Correspondence, Vols. XXIII and XXV Sotheby's, The Trumbull Papers, 14 December 1989, in lot 49, pp. 132-3, with a facsimile example of one letter. Now Trumbull Vol. CCLXXXI.

*EtG 136

Autograph letter signed by Etherge, to Sir William Trumbull, from Ratisbon, 23 February/5 March 1685/6.

In: A collection of correspondence of Sir William Trumbull, Envoy to Turkey, in various hands and paper sizes, 216 leaves. 1685-6.

Formerly in the Berkshire Record Office, among Trumbull Miscellaneous Correspondence, Vols. XXIII and XXV Sotheby's, The Trumbull Papers, 14 December 1989, in lot 49, pp. 132-3, with a facsimile example of one letter. Now Trumbull Vol. CCLXXXI.

*EtG 137

Autograph letter signed by Etherge, to Sir William Trumbull, from Ratisbon, 2/12 March 1685/6.

In: A collection of correspondence of Sir William Trumbull, Envoy to Turkey, in various hands and paper sizes, 232 leaves. 1686.

Formerly in the Berkshire Record Office, among Trumbull Miscellaneous Correspondence, Vols. XXIII and XXV Sotheby's, The Trumbull Papers, 14 December 1989, in lot 49, pp. 132-3, with a facsimile example of one letter. Now Trumbull Vol. CCLXXXII.

*EtG 138

Autograph letter signed by Etherge, to Sir William Trumbull, from Ratisbon, 9/19 March 1685/6.

In: A collection of correspondence of Sir William Trumbull, Envoy to Turkey, in various hands and paper sizes, 232 leaves. 1686.

Formerly in the Berkshire Record Office, among Trumbull Miscellaneous Correspondence, Vols. XXIII and XXV Sotheby's, The Trumbull Papers, 14 December 1989, in lot 49, pp. 132-3, with a facsimile example of one letter. Now Trumbull Vol. CCLXXXII.

*EtG 139

Autograph letter signed by Etherge, to Sir William Trumbull, from Ratisbon, 20/30 April 1686.

In: A collection of correspondence of Sir William Trumbull, Envoy to Turkey, in various hands and paper sizes, 232 leaves. 1686.

Formerly in the Berkshire Record Office, among Trumbull Miscellaneous Correspondence, Vols. XXIII and XXV Sotheby's, The Trumbull Papers, 14 December 1989, in lot 49, pp. 132-3, with a facsimile example of one letter. Now Trumbull Vol. CCLXXXII.

*EtG 140

Autograph letter signed by Etherge, to Sir William Trumbull, from Ratisbon, 1/11 June 1686.

In: A collection of correspondence of Sir William Trumbull, Envoy to Turkey, in various hands and paper sizes, 223 leaves. 1686.

Formerly in the Berkshire Record Office, among Trumbull Miscellaneous Correspondence, Vols. XXIII and XXV Sotheby's, The Trumbull Papers, 14 December 1989, in lot 49, pp. 132-3, with a facsimile example of one letter. Now Trumbull Vol. CCLXXXIII.

*EtG 141

Autograph letter signed by Etherge, to Sir William Trumbull, from Ratisbon, 20/30 July 1686.

In: A collection of correspondence of Sir William Trumbull, Envoy to Turkey, in various hands and paper sizes, 223 leaves. 1686.

Formerly in the Berkshire Record Office, among Trumbull Miscellaneous Correspondence, Vols. XXIII and XXV Sotheby's, The Trumbull Papers, 14 December 1989, in lot 49, pp. 132-3, with a facsimile example of one letter. Now Trumbull Vol. CCLXXXIII.

*EtG 142

Autograph letter signed by Etherge, to Sir William Trumbull, from Ratisbon, 24 August/3 September 1686.

In: A collection of correspondence of Sir William Trumbull, Envoy to Turkey, in various hands and paper sizes, 212 leaves. 1686.

Formerly in the Berkshire Record Office, among Trumbull Miscellaneous Correspondence, Vols. XXIII and XXV Sotheby's, The Trumbull Papers, 14 December 1989, in lot 49, pp. 132-3, with a facsimile example of one letter. Now Trumbull Vol. CCLXXXIV.

*EtG 143

Autograph letter signed by Etherge, to Sir William Trumbull, from Ratisbon, 31 August/10 September 1686.

In: A collection of correspondence of Sir William Trumbull, Envoy to Turkey, in various hands and paper sizes, 212 leaves. 1686.

Formerly in the Berkshire Record Office, among Trumbull Miscellaneous Correspondence, Vols. XXIII and XXV Sotheby's, The Trumbull Papers, 14 December 1989, in lot 49, pp. 132-3, with a facsimile example of one letter. Now Trumbull Vol. CCLXXXIV.

Facsimile pages IELM, II.i (1987), XVII, after p. xxiv.

*EtG 144

Autograph letter signed by Etherge, to Sir William Trumbull, from Ratisbon, 8/18 November 1686.

In: A collection of correspondence of Sir William Trumbull, Envoy to Turkey, in various hands and paper sizes, 212 leaves. 1686.

Formerly in the Berkshire Record Office, among Trumbull Miscellaneous Correspondence, Vols. XXIII and XXV Sotheby's, The Trumbull Papers, 14 December 1989, in lot 49, pp. 132-3, with a facsimile example of one letter. Now Trumbull Vol. CCLXXXIV.

Bracher, pp. 70-1.

*EtG 145
Autograph letter signed, to Sir Richard Bulstrode, Envoy at Brussels, from Ratisbon, 12/20 February 1685/6. 1686.

Owned in 1870 by T.E.P. Lefroy, of Hillcote, Bournemouth, Hampshire. Puttick & Simpson's, 8 June 1852, lot 105, and 25 January 1853, lot 183. Waller's sale catalogue for 1871, item 85. Sotheby's, 3 May 1889, lot 33, to Bennett.

Recorded in HMC, 1st Report (1870), Appendix, p. 56.

*EtG 146
Autograph letter signed by Etherege, to Ignatius White, Marquis d'Albeville, from Ratisbon, 5/15 March 1687/8. 1688.

In a large collection of letters acquired in 1977.

*EtG 147
Three autograph letters by Etherege, to Robert Spencer, second Earl of Sunderland, Principal Secretary of State, from Ratisbon, dated respectively 23 November/3 December 1685; 14/24 December 1685; and 1/11 January 1686/7. 1685-7.

Edited in Rosenfeld, pp. 408-11, and in Bracher, pp. 11-12, 17-18, 79-80.

*EtG 148
Letter, in the hand of a secretary and signed by Etherege, to Joseph Williamson, Secretary to Lord Arlington, from Constantinople, [early 1670: received 3 May]. 1670.

Edited in Rosenfeld, pp. 405-8 (with a facsimile of part of the last page, misleadingly captioned Specimen of Etherege's Handwriting), and in Bracher, pp. 3-5. Discussed in Thomas H. Fujimura, Etherege at Constantinople, PMLA, 71.i (1956), 465-81.

*EtG 149
Two autograph letters signed by Etherege, to Sir Richard Bulstrode, Envoy at Brussels, [from Ratisbon], the first dated December 1685. 1685.

Owned in 1870 by T.E.P. Lefroy, of Hillcote, Bournemouth, Hampshire. One of the letters possibly that to an unspecified correspondent, dated from Ratisbon, 21 December 1685, offered at Sotheby's, 26 November 1891, lot 133. See EtG 000.

Recorded in HMC, 1st Report (1870), Appendix, p. 56.

*EtG 150
Three autograph letters signed, to Edmund Poley (Etherege's predecessor at Ratisbon), from Ratisbon, dated respectively 28 July/7 August 1687; 12 September 1687; and 2/12 January 1687/8.

Among a collection of Poley's papers.


Sotheby's, 20 November 1973, lot 184. Formerly Osborn Collection, Shelves, Poley Papers.


EtG 150.3
Copy of Etherege's letterbook, in a professional hand, including texts of c.230 letters by Etherege, written between 19/29 November 1685 and 1/11 March 1687/8, together with other contents of the original letterbook, 2 quarto volumes, c.350 pages (plus blanks, in contemporary boards covered with pages from a 16th-century printed book. c.1687-8.

Sotheby's, 20 July 1981, lot 8, to Pickering & Chatto. Then owned by John R.B. Brett-Smith (1917-2003), publisher and bookseller. Sotheby's, 27 May 2004 (Brett-Smith sale), lot 226, with facsimile of an opening on p. 138. Unsold and returned to Brett-Smith's executors.

Recorded in IELM, II.i (1987) as L. 5.

EtG 150.5
Copy of Etherege's letterbook, in at least two professional hands, including texts of c.230 letters by Etherege, written between 19/29 November 1685 and 1/11 March 1687/8, together with other contents of the original letterbook, c.225 folio pages in contemporary boards covered with pages from a 16th-century printed book overlaid with marbled paper. c.1687-8.

18th-century bookplate of Viscount Downe. Christie's, 4 November 1981, lot 99, to Pickering & Chatto. Then owned by John R.B. Brett-Smith (1917-2003), publisher and bookseller. Sotheby's, 27 May 2004 (Brett-Smith sale), lot 227, with a facsimile page on p. 139. Unsold and returned to Brett-Smith's executors.

Recorded in IELM, II.i (1987) as L. 6.

*EtG 151

A quarto volume of copies of over 225 letters by Etherege (some abridged), from Ratisbon, 19/29 November 1685 to 1/11 March 1687/8 (ff. 1-171), together with a verse satire on Etherege [by Hughes] (f. 172r-v), transcripts of fourteen letters sent to Etherege by correspondents (ff. 173r-86v), his accounts (f. 187r-v), Sir Georgs acct. of the Feast on the B[irth] of ye P[rince] of W[ales] (ff. 188r-91v, A Catalogue of Sr. George's Bookes (f. 192r), and An acct. of Sr Gs. life, & manner of living, writt in severall Letters, from Ratisbonne (ff. 192v-200r), all in the hand of Etherege's secretary Hugo Hughes, and (according to his note at the beginning) begun on 5/15 March 1686/7.

In: Copy of Sir George Etherege's Letter Book, 1685-8, 202 quarto leaves, in half-morocco.

Acquired from the bookseller Wilkes, 3 December 1838.

Recorded in IELM, II.i (1987) as L 2. Edited complete in Rosenfeld (1928), with a facsimile of part of f. 66v facing p. 170. Selected letters printed in Bracher; also discussed by Bracher in HLB, 15 (1967), 238-45. The Catalogue of Sr. George's Bookes on f. 192 reproduced and discussed, with a facsimile, in Peter Beal, The most constant and best entertainement: Sir George Etherege's Reading in Ratisbon, The Library, 6th Ser. 10/2 (June 1988), 122-44.

EtG 152

Portion of a transcript of Etherege's letterbook, comprising some twenty letters (plus verse) dated from Ratisbon, 19/29 November 1685 to 1/11 July 1686, in a single professional hand.

In: Portion of a copy of Etherege's letterbook, on eighteen quarto leaves, unbound. c.1686-8.

This MS later brought from Ratisbon by Thomas Walpole, Envoy to the Court of Bavaria, and sent by him to Sir James Bland Burges (1752-1824) on 30 May 1795. Walpole's letter, in which he says Inclosed I have the Honor to send you the only part of the copy of Sir G. Etheredge's papers which I have hitherto received from Ratisbon, is f. 136r.

Recorded in IELM, II.i (1987) as L 4.

EtG 153
Sir George Etherege's official letterbooks, two folio volumes, 394 pages (plus blanks), the first volume in quarter-vellum marbled boards, the second volume disbound.

Containing copies of letters by him, from Ratisbon, 30 November/10 December 1685 to 9/19 January 1688/9, together with his A Relation of the great Feast Kept at Ratisbonnethe 15th/25 July being St. James's day. 1688 on a separate sheaf, and his accounts, all in the hand of his secretary Hugo Hughes, with Etherege's occasional autograph corrections, a list of 29 letters written by him from Paris between 20 February 1688/9 and 28 September 1689 added in another hand.


The first volume (with letters until 26 February/8 March 1687/8) bearing the bookplate of Philip Southcote. William H. Robinson's sale catalogue No. 77 (1948), item 188, with reduced facsimiles of two pages.

The second volume (with letters from 1/11 March 1687/8 onwards) offered for sale in P. J. Dobell, The Manuscript Repository, No. 1 (May 1947).

Recorded in IELM, II.i (1987) as L 1. Selected letters printed from both volumes in Bracher. The second volume discussed in Sybil Rosenfeld, The Second Letterbook of Sir George Etherege, RES, NS 3 (1952), 19-27. Both volumes also discussed by Frederick Bracher in The Letterbooks of Sir George Etherege, HLB, 15 (1967), 238-45.

EtG 154

Transcript of Etherege's letterbook L 5 from 5/15 March 1686/7 to 1/11 March 1687/8.

In: Transcript of Etherege's letterbook.

Two quarto volumes, c.350 pages (plus blanks); transcript of the letters, verse and accounts in British Library, Add. MS 11513, in a single contemporary scribal hand.

Late 17th century.

Sotheby's, 20 July 1981, lot 8, to Pickering & Chatto. Owned by the bookseller John R.B. Brett-Smith (1917-2003). Sotheby's, 27 May 2004 (Brett-Smith sale), lot 226, unsold.

EtG 155

Transcript of Etherege's letterbook L 6 from 5/15 March 1686/7 to 1/11 March 1687/8.

In: Transcript of Etherege's letterbook.

Folio, 114 leaves (plus 2 blanks); transcript of the letters, verse and accounts in British Library, Add. MS 11513, in at least two contemporary scribal hands.

Late 17th century.

Later bookplate of Viscount Downe. Christie's, 3 November 1981, lot 99, sold to Pickering & Chatto.

EtG 156

Copy of all the letters, verse and accounts in Sir George Etherege's letterbook from 5/15 March 1686/7 to 1/11 March 1687/8, in several contemporary professional hands.

In: Transcript of Sir George Etherege's Letter Book, 1685-8, 128 folio leaves (plus c.200 blanks). c.1688.

Recorded in IELM, II.i (1987) as L 3. Recorded in Bracher, p. xii.


*EtG 157
Etherege's signature as witness to a deed of purchase of Widgenden and Diffield by George Gosnold of Beaconsfield, on vellum, also signed by Waller and his second wife Mary, and others, 8 June 1655 (see WaE 846). 1655.

Puttick & Simpson's, 13 May 1867 (the Rev. F.B. Woodward sale), 4th day, lot 1346. Sotheby's, 8 May 1868, lot 545, to Waller. Maggs's sale catalogue No. 536 (1930), item 2401.

*EtG 158
Two indentures for the sale of the manor of Thomlins (or Tomlyns) in Amersham, Buckinghsmshire, by Richard Stydolfe of Norbury, Surrey, to Sir William Drake of Shardeloes, Buckinghamshire, both signed as witnesses in the attestation on the verso by the attorney George Gosnold and by his apprenticed articled clerk the twenty-one year-old Etherege, both on vellum, dated 1 November 1657. 1657.

Sotheby's, 17 December 1998, lot 70, unsold. Lyon & Turnbull, Edinburgh, 11 July 2006, lot 271.

Facsimiles of the signatures in Sotheby's sale catalogue, p. 70, and in Peter Beal, A Dictionary of English Manuscript Terminology 1450-2000 (Oxford, 2008), p. 442. Photocopies are in the British Library, RP 8989.

*EtG 159
A document relating to the purchase by the attorney George Gosnold of the manor of Thomlins in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, belonging to Edmund Waller, signed in the attestation by the nineteen year-old Etherege, as Gosnold's apprenticed articled clerk, 1657. 1657.

Sotheby's, 17 December 1998, lot 70, unsold. Lyon & Turnbull, Edinburgh, 11 July 2006, lot 271. Photocopies are in the British Library, RP 8989.