Oxford Music Faculty

MS Mee e.1

A quarto songbook, 138 leaves. Mid-18th-century.

Once owned by John Henry Mee.

ff. 5r-6r
EtG 71.8: Sir George Etherege, Song ('Tell me no more you love. in vain')

Copy, in a musical setting.

First published in The New Academy of Complements (London, 1669). Thorpe, p. 24.

f. 10v
VaJ 3.5: Sir John Vanbrugh, A song set by Mr Vanburghe A 2 voice ('For bright Irene fair and young, poor Damon sigh'd in vain')

Copy, in a musical setting.

ff. 88v-9r
CwT 692.8: Thomas Carew, Secresie protested ('Feare not (deare Love) that I'le reveale')

Copy, in William Lawes's musical setting.

First published in Poems (1640). Dunlap, p. 11. Musical setting by Henry Lawes published in The Second Book of Ayres and Dialogues (London, 1655).

f. 106r
HeR 247.5: Robert Herrick, To the Virgins, to make much of Time ('Gather ye Rose-budd while ye may')

Copy, in William Lawes's musical setting.

First published in The Academy of Complements (London, 1646). Hesperides (London, 1648). Martin, p. 84. Patrick, pp. 117-18. Musical setting by William Lawes published in John Playford, Select Musicall Ayres, and Dialogues (London, 1652).

f. 122r
MrC 10.5: Christopher Marlowe, The Passionate Shepherd to his Love ('Come live with mee, and be my love')

Copy, in a musical setting, headed The words by Kit: Marlow.

First published in a four-stanza version in The Passionate Pilgrime (London, 1599). Printed in a six-stanza version in Englands Helicon (London, 1600). Bowers, II, 536-7. Tucker Brooke, pp. 550-1. Gill et al., I, 215. For Ralegh's Answer see RaW 189-99.