University of California at Los Angeles


An octavo verse miscellany, principally in a single non-professional hand (pp. 1-119), with additions (pp. 56-71) in later hands of c.1702, 71 leaves (plus blanks). c.1680s-1702.
pp. 1-2
RoJ 583: John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester, Upon Nothing ('Nothing! thou elder brother even to Shade')

Copy, headed Of Nothing, subscribed Rochester.

First published, as a broadside, [in London, 1679]. Poems on Several Occasions (Antwerp, 1680). Vieth, pp. 118-20. Walker, pp. 62-4. Harold Love, The Text of Rochester's Upon Nothing, Centre for Bibliographical and Textual Studies, Monash University, Occasional Papers 1 (1985). Love, pp. 46-8.

pp. 2-9
RoJ 156: John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester, A Letter from Artemisia in the Town to Chloe in the Country ('Chloe, In verse by your command I write')

Copy, headed Artemissa to Cloë and here beginning Cloe! by yor comand in verse I write, subscribed Rochester.

First published, as a broadside, in London, 1679. Poems on Several Occasions (Antwerp, 1680). Vieth, pp. 104-12. Walker, pp. 83-90. Love, pp. 63-70.

pp. 9-12
RoJ 28: John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester, An Allusion to Horace, the Tenth Satyr of the First Book ('Well, sir, 'tis granted I said Dryden's rhymes')

Copy, headed A Satyr in Imitation of Horaces Sat. 10. B. 1 and here beginning Well Sr 'tis granted I say Dryden's Rymes, subscribed Rochester.

First published in Poems on Several Occasions (Antwerp, 1680). Vieth, pp. 120-6. Walker, pp. 99-102. Love, pp. 71-4.

pp. 16-17
WoH 236.8: Sir Henry Wotton, A Farewell to the Vanities of the World ('Farewell, ye gilded follies, pleasing troubles!')

Copy, headed A Farewell to the world, subscribed H. Wooton's.

First published, as a farewell to the vanities of the world, and some say written by Dr. D[onne], but let them bee writ by whom they will, in Izaak Walton, The Complete Angler (London, 1653), pp. 243-5. Hannah (1845), pp. 109-13. The Poems of John Donne, ed. Herbert J.C. Grierson, 2 vols (Oxford, 1912), I, 465-7.

pp. 39-43
WaE 388.5: Edmund Waller, A Panegyric to my Lord Protector, of the present Greatness, and joint Interest of His Highness, and this Nation ('While with a strong and yet a gentle hand')

Copy, headed A Panegyrick on Cromwell.

First published London, 1655. The Second Part of Mr. Waller's Poems (London, 1690). in The Maid's Tragedy Altered (London, 1690). Thorn-Drury, II, 10-17.

p. 44
WaE 717: Edmund Waller, Upon the late Storm, and of the Death of His Highness ensuing the same ('We must resign! Heaven his great soul does claim')

Copy, headed The Storm on ye Death of O: Cromwell, subscribed E. Waller, followed (pp. 45-6) by Godolphin's answer.

First published as a broadside (London, [1658]). Three Poems upon the Death of his late Highnesse Oliver Lord Protector (London, 1659). As Upon the late Storm, and Death of the late Usurper O. C. in The Second Part of Mr. Waller's Poems (London, 1690). The Maid's Tragedy Altered (London, 1690). Thorn-Drury, II, 34-5.

pp. 46-52
RoJ 312: John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester, A Satyr against Reason and Mankind ('Were I (who to my cost already am)')

Copy, headed A Satyr on man, subscribed Rochester, followed (pp. 52-62) by A Satyr for man in answer to that against man (beginning Were I a Spiritt to choose for mine own share).

First published (lines 1-173) as a broadside, A Satyr against Mankind [London, 1679]. Complete, with supplementary lines 174-221 (beginning All this with indignation have I hurled) in Poems on Several Occasions (Antwerp, 1680). Vieth, pp. 94-101. Walker, pp. 91-7, as Satyr. Love, pp. 57-63.

The text also briefly discussed in Kristoffer F. Paulson, A Question of Copy-Text: Rochester's A Satyr against Reason and Mankind, N&Q, 217 (May 1972), 177-8. Some texts followed by one or other of three different Answer poems (two sometimes ascribed to Edward Pococke or Mr Griffith and Thomas Lessey: see Vieth, Attribution, pp. 178-9).

pp. 63-4
EtG 4.5: Sir George Etherege, Ephelia to Bajazet ('How far are they deceived who hope in vain')


First published in Female Poems On several Occasions: Written by Ephelia (London, 1679). Thorpe, pp. 9-10. Harold Love's edition of Rochester (1999), pp. 94-5.

pp. 64-6
RoJ 615: John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester, A Very Heroical Epistle in Answer to Ephelia ('Madam. / If you're deceived, it is not by my cheat')

Copy, headed Bajazet to Ephelia.

First published in the broadside A Very Heroical Epistle from My Lord All-Pride to Dol-Common (London, 1679). Poems on Several Occasions (Antwerp, 1680). Vieth, pp. 113-15. Walker, pp. 112-14. Love, pp. 95-7.

pp. 67-89
MaA 502: Andrew Marvell, The last Instructions to a Painter ('After two sittings, now our Lady State')

Copy, complete with the envoy, headed Advice to a Painter. 3d part, with the sidenote A scandalous poem.

Briefly discussed in Hilton Kelliher, Marvell's The Last Instructions to a Painter: From Manuscript to Print, EMS, 13 (2006), 296-343 (pp. 332-6).

First published in The Third Part of the Collection of Poems on Affairs of State (London, 1689). Margoliouth, I, 147-72. POAS, I, 97-139. Lord, pp. 151-86. Smith, pp. 369-96. Recorded in Osborne, pp. 36-7.

pp. 90-3
MaA 332: Andrew Marvell, The Second Advice to a Painter ('Nay, Painter, if thou dar'st design that fight')

Copy of lines 1-170, headed The 2d & 3d advice to a Painter for drawing ye history of our Navall Actions ye 2 last year 1665 & 1666 In answer to Mr Waller, incomplete.

First published in Directions to a Painter…Of Sir Iohn Denham ([London], 1667). POAS, I, 34-53. Lord, pp. 117-30. Smith, pp. 332-43. Recorded in Osborne, pp. 28-32, as anonymous.

The case for Marvell's authorship supported in George deF. Lord, Two New Poems by Marvell?, BNYPL, 62 (1958), 551-70, but see also discussion by Lord and Ephim Fogel in Vol. 63 (1959), 223-36, 292-308, 355-66. Marvell's authorship supported in Annabel Patterson, The Second and Third Advices-to-the-Painter, PBSA, 71 (1977), 473-86. Discussed also in Margoliouth, I, 348-50, and in Chernaik, p. 211, where Marvell's authorship is considered doubtful. A case for Sir John Denham's authorship is made in Brendan O Hehir, Harmony from Discords: A Life of Sir John Denham (Berkeley & Los Angeles, 1968), pp. 212-28.

f. 71r
HrJ 63.5: Sir John Harington, An Epitaph in commendation of George Turberuill, a learned Gentleman ('When rimes were yet but rude, thy pen endeauored')

Copy, subscribed Sir Jo: Harington, Writ -- (1631).

First published in 1618, Book ?, No. 42. McClure No. 43, p. 164. Kilroy, Book I, No. 84, p. 123.


Autograph annotations, on a single leaf (c.260 x 210 mm.), pages 337-8 extracted from the book (Wing O269), with running head Lib. VI. Muscovy, Tartary, and Persia, her sidenotes signposting subjects cited in the printed text (A sortt of Christines [Christians], Mountebankes, France Compared to Poosea [Persia], etc.). 1662-76.
*CdA 17: Lady Anne Clifford, Olearius, Adam. The voyages and travells of the ambassadors sent by Frederick Duke of Holstein, to the Great Duke of Muscovy and the King of Persia (London, 1662)


Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed Sr: Thomas Overburye his observacons vppon the state of the 17 Provinces And of ffrance, And first vppon that of the Vnited Provinces, on 40 folio pages (plus blanks), in later half-calf marbled boards. c.1630.

Later i n the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), book and manuscript collector: Phillipps MS 12376.

OvT 56: Sir Thomas Overbury, Observations in his travailes

A tract beginning All things concurred for the rising and maintenance of this State.... First published as Sir Thomas Overbvry his Observations in his Travailes vpon the State of The Xvii. Provinces as they stood Anno Dom. 1609 (London, 1626). Rimbault, pp. 223-30. Authorship uncertain.


Manuscript of a paraphrase of the work, entitled The Lives of the English Martyrs epitomized, 317 leaves. c.1750.
FxJ 1.165: John Foxe, Actes and Monuments

First published (complete) in London, 1563. Edited by Josiah Pratt, 8 vols (London, 1853-70).

SRLF PR 2399 W94u 1621

A printed exemplum of The Countesse of Mountgomeries Urania (London, 1621) with manuscript annotations and additions, notably an eight-line conclusion to the work, in an unidentified cursive predominantly italic hand. c.1620s.

Inscribed names of Mary Plumbley 1663 and R. de Milles. Acquired in 1933 from Stevens and Brown Ltd, London.

The MS conclusion edited in Renée Pigeon, Manuscript Notations in an Unrecorded Copy of Lady Mary Wroth's The Countess of Mountgomeries Urania (1621), N&Q, 236 (March 1991), 81-2. Discussed, with facsimiles, in Susan Light, Reading Romances: The Handwritten Ending of Mary Wroth's Urania in the UCLA Library Copy, Sidney Newsletter & Journal, 14/1 (Summer 1996), 66-72.

WrM 11: Lady Mary Wroth, The First Part of the Countess of Montgomery's Urania

The MS conclusion edited in Renée Pigeon, Manuscript Notations in an Unrecorded Copy of Lady Mary Wroth's The Countess of Mountgomeries Urania (1621), N&Q, 236 (March 1991), 81-2. Discussed, with facsimiles, in Susan Light, Reading Romances: The Handwritten Ending of Mary Wroth's Urania in the UCLA Library Copy, Sidney Newsletter & Journal, 14/1 (Summer 1996), 66-72.

First published as The Countesse of Mountgomeries Urania (London, 1621). Edited by Josephine A. Roberts, as The First Part of the Countesse of Montgomeries Urania (Binghamton, NY, 1995). Poems alone edited in Roberts, Poems, and in Pritchard, pp. 127-99.