Lady Anne Clifford

Genealogical and Miscellaneous Works

The Great Books of Lady Anne Clifford
*CdA 1
A complete set of three large cartularies.

Including Lady Anne Clifford's Memoriall or Autobiography and the full text of Richard Robinson's account of All the Nine Memorable Voyages of her father, George Clifford (1558-1605), third Earl of Cumberland, privateer, formally prepared in a variety of hands (probably including her secretaries and copyists Edward Langley, Edward Hasell, William Watkinson, Thomas Strickland, Edward Guy, and Edward Fawcett), with rubrication, numerous coloured or pen and ink genealogical trees and facsimiles of seals, with various decorative features, and with Lady Anne's autograph corrections, emendations or annotations on some 70 pages, nearly 890 large folio pages in all, each volume in 18th-century calf (rebacked).


(i) The first booke of the recordes concerning the twoe noble familyes of the Cliffords which were Lords Cliffords...and the Veriponts, 209 large folio pages (plus 30 blanks), dated 1649.

(ii) The Seconde Booke of the Recordes concerning the Twoe Noble Families of the Cliffords and Veriponts, 459 large folio pages (plus 33 blanks), undated.

(iii) The Third Booke of the Recordes concerning the Noble Familyes of the Cliffords, Veriponts & Vescyes, over 270 large folio pages (plus blanks), dating chiefly c.1652-75, with later additions up to 1734.


The third volume later owned by Lord Hodgson by family descent, and sold at Sotheby's, 10 July 2003, lot 81, with several colour facsimile examples in the sale catalogue, pp. 68-75.

Facsimiles of the first volume's first page, title and a genealogical tree in Spence (1997), pp. 161-2.

CdA 2
Copy of the abridged version, in the single neat hand of Henry Fisher, 120 tall folio leaves (plus blanks), in 19th-century morocco gilt.

With a formal title-page: A Summary Of the Lives of the Veteriponts, Cliffords & Earles of Cumberland And of the Ladye Anne Countess Dowager of Pembroke, Dorsett, And Montgomery, & Daughter & Heir to George Clifford Earl of Cumberland, in whom ye Name of the Said Cliffords Determined! Copied from ye Originall Manuscript ye 29th, of December, 1737. by Henry Fisher.


Edited from this MS in Lives of Lady Anne Clifford Countess of Dorset, Pembroke and Montgomery (1590-1676) and of her parents summarized by herself, ed. J.P. Gilson (London, Roxburghe Club, 1916). Facsimile, with transcription, of p. 164, in Reading Early Modern Women, ed. Helen Ostovich and Elizabeth Sauer (New York & London, 2004), pp. 280-1.

CdA 3
Copy of the abridged version. 1914.
CdA 4
A copy of An abridgement of the first (- third) great booke of Records in Skipton Tim. Banks. To the Right Honble Mary, Countesse of Harold. 18th century.

Formerly owned by the Leveson-Gower family, of Bill Hill, Berkshire.

Recorded in Lives of Lady Anne Clifford Countess of Dorset, Pembroke and Montgomery (1590-1676) and of her parents summarized by herself, ed. J.P. Gilson (London, Roxburghe Club, 1916), pp. xi-xii.

CdA 5

Copy of Lady Anne Clifford's journals for 1603 and 1616-19, in the hand of Margaret Cavendish Harley Bentinck (1715-85), Duchess of Portsmouth, 117 folio leaves.

In: A composite folio volume of papers chiefly relating to the Clifford family, largely in a single hand, apparently that of Margaret Cavendish Harley Bentinck (1715-85), Duchess of Portsmouth, 117 leaves, erratically numbered. Late 18th century.

Edited from this MS in Acheson, pp. 41-189, and the handwriting identified, pp. 37-8, with a facsimile of f. 80r on p. 24.

CdA 6
Copy of Lady Anne Clifford's journals for 1603 and 1616-19, probably chiefly in the hands of Elizabeth Sackville and her sister May, transcribed imperfectly from the earlier transcript at Longleat House (CdA 5), 62 folio leaves (largely on rectos only). c.1830.

Edited from this MS in The Diary of the Lady Anne Clifford, ed. V. Sackville-West (London, 1923). Discussed and the handwriting tentatively identified in Acheson, p. 38, with facsimile examples on pp. 19-20.

CdA 7
Lady Anne Clifford's journal from 1 January 1675/6 to 21 March 1676, in different hands. 1676.

Edited from this MS in Clifford, Diaries, pp. 231-68, with a facsimile example on p. 264. Facsimiles of the front cover and the final opening in Spence (1997), pp. 177, 243.

Memorandum Book and Accounts
CdA 8
Lady Anne Clifford's accounts for 1668-76. 1668-76.

Edited from this MS in Spence (1997), pp. 255-6.

CdA 9

A book of Accomptes of my la[dy] An Cliffordes, comprising accounts and memoranda relating to the education of Lady Anne Clifford, signed by her on f. [8v].

In: A memorandum book, in secretary hands, 41 quarto leaves (including blanks), in contemporary limp vellum. 1600-2.

Formerly among the Clifford family papers at Skipton Castle, Yorkshire.

The title of the La: Anne the style and title of...three Baronies

Lady Anne Clifford's evidences for her claim to the title and baronies of Clifford, Westmorland and Vesey, 1606.

CdA 10

Copy of The case of ye Ladie Anne Clifford concernenge the honors of Clifford, Westmerland, and Vescy. 1606.

In: A large folio composite volume of historical and miscellaneous papers, in various hands and paper sizes, 272 leaves.
CdA 11
Manuscript, largely in a neat secretary and italic hand, headed The title of the La: Anne Clifford daughter and heare generall to the late right honorable George Earle of Cumberland, Lord Clifford, Westmerland and Vesey, to the style and title of the said three Baronies, 52 folio leaves (plus blanks), with (ff. [iiir-v] a table of contents in another hand, followed by two tipped-in sheets of related material in yet another hand, in modern quarter-leather vellum boards. Mid-17th century.

Among collections bequeathed by Sir Mathew Hale (1609-76), Chief Justice of the King's Bench, legal writer.

Formerly Hale MS 97.

CdA 12
Copy, 58 folio leaves. Mid-17th century.
CdA 13

A formal copy of the Title of Lady Anne Clifford to the baronies of Clifford, Westmorland and Vesey, in a single professional secretary and italic hand, with a table of contents, iii + 135 tall folio pages, in contemporary vellum boards.

Mid-17th century.

Old pressmark G.1.3.

Books Owned or Annotated by Lady Anne Clifford

Boemus, Johann, trans. Edward Aston. the Manners, Lawes, and Customes of all Nations (London, 1611)
CdA 14
Lady Anne Clifford's exemplum, with her wyvern crest and initials A. D. [ie. Anne, Countess of Dorset] in gilt on the calf covers. Early 17th century.
Mayerne Turquet, Louis de, trans. Edward Grimeston. The Generall Historie of Spaine, (London, 1612)
CdA 15
Lady Anne Clifford's exemplum of the first edition, a folio, in contemporary calf bearing her wyvern crest and initials A. D. [i.e. Anne, Countess of Dorset]. Early 17th century.

Maggs's sale catalogue No. 1272 (1999), item 99, with an illustration of the wyvern crest and initials.

A Mirour for Magistrates (London, 1609-10)
*CdA 16
Annotations in at least three hands, including those of Lady Anne Clifford and her secretary (and chief writer) William Watkinson, often written in the first person even when not in her own hand, with reference to the work's being read aloud to her, the spells of reading dated 21 March to 20 May 1670, April 1671, and September 1673. 1670-73.

Discussed, with various facsimile examples, in Stephen Orgel, Marginal Maternity: Reading Lady Anne Clifford's A Mirror for Magistrates, in Printing and Parenting in Early Modern England, ed. Douglas A. Brooks (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005), pp. 267-89.

Olearius, Adam. The voyages and travells of the ambassadors sent by Frederick Duke of Holstein, to the Great Duke of Muscovy and the King of Persia (London, 1662)
*CdA 17
Autograph annotations, on a single leaf (c.260 x 210 mm.), pages 337-8 extracted from the book (Wing O269), with running head Lib. VI. Muscovy, Tartary, and Persia, her sidenotes signposting subjects cited in the printed text (A sortt of Christines [Christians], Mountebankes, France Compared to Poosea [Persia], etc.). 1662-76.
*CdA 17.5
A portion of a leaf extracted from the book (Wing O269, pages 199-200), with copious marginal annotations in the rugged italic hand of Lady Anne Clifford.

The printed text here beginning There are also in this Countrey several sorts of Mineral Waters, very good against divers Diseases... and ending ...the Well is inclosed with a high wall, having at the.


Inscribed by Thomas Raffles (1788-1863), 24 December 1837. Richard M. Ford, London bookseller, April 2002.

Pliny the Younger, trans. Philemon Holland, Historie of the World (2 vols, London, 1601)
CdA 18
Lady Anne Clifford's exemplum, with her wyvern crest and initials A. D. [i.e. Anne Countess of Dorset] in gilt on the covers. Early 17th century (before 1630).

Christie's, 27 February 1969 (the Richard Le Fleming sale), lot 39.

Selden, John. Titles of Honor (London, 1631)
*CdA 19
Lady Anne Clifford's exemplum of the second edition, with her autograph inscription on the title-page I beegane, to ovrloke this Booke the 18 of Februarary and I did make an ende of reding, or over loking itt all over the first of Marche folloinge 1638, with autograph annotations to the printed text and many corners turned down as bookmarks. 1638.

Afterwards owned by Sir Daniel Fleming (1633-1701), of Rydall Hall, Ambleside, Westmoreland, antiquary. Christie's, 27 February 1969 (Richard Le Fleming sale), lot 56, to Maggs.

Sample photocopies are in the British Library, RP 9354.

Sidney, Sir Philip. Arcadia (London, 1605)
*CdA 20
Lady Anne Clifford's exemplum of the 4th edition, folio, in 19th-century olive morocco.

Inscribed in her rugged italic hand (on the verso of the title-page) This Booke did I beegine to red ouor att Shipton in Crauen aboutt the Latter-ende of Januaray and I made an ende of Reding itt all ower in Apollbey Castell in Westmorland the 19 day of Marche folloing; in 1651: as the yeare beegines on Nwors-daye, with marginal annotations by her on pp. 195-6 and other readers' annotations elsewhere.

An exemplum of Arcadia is shown in the celebrated triptych of Lady Anne Clifford in the Abbot Hall Art Gallery, Kendal.


Bookplate of Edward Pease, of Otterburn Tower, Northumberland. Sotheby's, 22 July 1985, lot 8, to Blackwell. Afterwards in the library of Dr Bent Juel-Jensen (1922-2006), Oxford physician and book collector.

Briefly discussed in Paul Salzman, Anne Clifford's Annotated Copy of Sidney's Arcadia, N&Q, 254 (December 2009), 554-5.

Weldon, Anthony. The Court and Character of King James (London, 1650)
*CdA 22
Lady Anne Clifford's autograph inscription About the beginning of June in 1669 I began to read this Booke my selfe in Appleby castle. 1669.

Recorded in Paul Salzman, Anne Clifford's Annotated Copy of Sidney's Arcadia, N&Q, 254 (December 2009), 554-5.


*CdA 23
Autograph letter signed, to her father, 31 January 1599. 1599/1600.

Facsimile of this MS in Spence (1997), p. 13.

CdA 24
Letter, possibly autograph, to an unspecified correspondent, with autograph subscription, signature (Anne Pembrooke) and date (from Bannardos Castell this 30 of Junne 1646).

Later owned by John Thane (1747?-1818), manuscript and print dealer.

Facsimile of the subscription in Joseph Netherclift, Autograph Letters, Characteristic Extracts, and Signatures, from the Correspondence of Illustrious and Distinguished Women of Great Britain (London, 1838).

*CdA 25
A letter, in the hand of an amanuensis, with Anne Clifford's autograph signature, date and subscription, to her Noble Coson Sir Philip Mudgrave, on the first page of a pair of conjugate quarto leaves, addressed on the fourth page, from Burden Tower, Yorkshire, 2 June 1667.

Sotheby's, 13 December 1993, lot 243, to Grisenthwaite.


*CdA 26
Document signed (Anne Pembrook), cerifying the appointment of Robert Symson, Cleark and mr of Arts, as her chaplain, the text in a clerk's cursive italic hand and also signed by two witnesses, on a single folio leaf, 18 December 1659. 1659.
*CdA 27
Lady Anne Clifford's last will and testament, written for her by Edward Hasell and signed by her (Anne Pembrooke), 1 May 1674, proved 3 April 1676. 1674.

Facsimile of this MS in Spence (1997), p. 246.

CdA 28
Copy of Lady Anne Clifford's last will and testament, 1 May 1674. Late 17th century.