Deleted entry

Bodleian MS Eng. poet. e. 50, f. 39v

The poem here, Hearke yee virgins yt soe prize, is quite different from the song in Valentinian, II, v, 24-43.

B&F 175: Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher, Valentinian, II, v, 24-43. Song

Dyce, V, 243-4. Bullen, IV, 248. Bowers, IV, 308.

Folger MS V.a.308, f. 14r

This is actually a different poem by Behn: see BeA 20.3.

BeA 23: Aphra Behn, Verses design'd by Mrs. A. Behn to be sent to a fair Lady, that desir'd she would absent herself to cure her Love. Left unfinishd

First published in Charles Gildon, Miscellany Poems upon Several Occasions (London, 1692). Summers, VI, 389. Todd, I, No. 92, p. 356.

Folger MS V.a.125, Part I, f. 33r

BrW 165: William Browne of Tavistock, On One Drowned in the Snow

First published in Wits Recreations (London, 1640). Brydges (1815), p. 76. Goodwin, II, 290.

British Library Lansdowne MS 229

This volume is not compiled by William Camden but is entirely in the hand of Robert Glover (1543/4-88), Somerset Herald.

*CmW 155: William Camden, Collectanea

British Library Harley MS 2311, ff. 24v-5r

This is a poem is by Francis Quarles, not Bacon's poem.

BcF 18: Francis Bacon,

First published in Thomas Farnaby, Florilegium epigrammatum Graecorum (London, 1629). Poems by Sir Henry Wotton, Sir Walter Raleigh and others, ed. John Hannah (London, 1845), pp. 76-80. Spedding, VII, 271-2. H.J.C. Grierson, Bacon's Poem, The World: Its Date and Relation to certain other Poems, Modern Language Review, 6 (1911), 145-56.

Leeds Archives, MX 237 [now WYL156/237]

In Quendam Anniversariorum Scriptorem.

This entry in IELM, II.i, is a typographically garbled repetition of CoR 272.

CoR 274: Richard Corbett, In Quendam Anniversariorum Scriptorem

First published in Certain Elegant Poems (London, 1647). Bennett & Trevor-Roper, pp. 8-9.

The poem is usually followed in MSS by Dr Daniel Price's Answer (So to dead Hector boyes may doe disgrace), and see also CoR 227-46.

British Library Stowe MS 569, ff. 32r-4v

Not present. This entry, in IELM, I.i, was apparently confused with DaJ 251.

DaJ 255: Sir John Davies, [Of the Antiquity, Use and Ceremony of Lawful Combats in England] Of the Same

Lambeth Palace MS 936, No. 218

This text here is not the letter by Fulke Greville. See EsR 181: Second Letter of Advice to the Earl of Rutland.

GrF 23: Fulke Greville, Letter to Grevill Varney on his Travels

An epistolary essay beginning My good Cousin, according to the request of your letter, dated the 19. of October, at Orleance..., dated from Hackney, 20 November 1609. First published in Certaine Learned and Elegant Workes (London, 1633). Grosart, IV, 301-6. This essay perhaps originally written by Thomas Bodley and possibly also used by Francis Bacon and/or the Earl of Essex. Also perhaps sent by Greville to John Harris rather than Greville Varney: see Norman K. Farmer, Jr, Fulke Greville's Letter to a Cousin in France and the Problem of Authorship in Cases of Formula Writing, RQ, 22 (1969), 140-7.

British Library Add. MS 60283

Copy of a verse translation in 170 six-line stanzas (ending with a two-line envoy), vi + 24 folio leaves. Early 17th century.

Volume XI of the Castle Ashby Manuscripts formerly owned by the Earl Compton. Probably once owned by William Compton, first Earl of Northampton (d.1630). Christie's, 5 July 1978, lot 47, with a facsimile of one page in the sale catalogue.

This translation is not by Harington: see Simon Cauchi, Sir John Harington and Virgil's Aeneid IV, EMS, 1 (1989), 242-9, with a facsimile page.

HrJ 17: Sir John Harington, Orlando Furioso. A Preface or Rather, A Briefe Apologie of Poetrie and of the Author and Translator of this Poem

This translation is not by Harington: see Simon Cauchi, Sir John Harington and Virgil's Aeneid IV, EMS, 1 (1989), 242-9, with a facsimile page.

Meisei University Crewe MS, pp. 10-11

The poem copied here is not Donne's The Curse.

DnJ 842.5: John Donne, The Curse

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 41-2. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 40-1. Shawcross, No. 61.

Bodleian MS Rawl. poet. 117, ff. 65r-6r

Not present. Confused with DnJ 3914.

DnJ 1842: John Donne, The Legacie

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 20. Gardner, Elegies, p. 50. Shawcross, No. 43.

The Lier.

No entry.

DnJ 1919: John Donne, The Lier

First published in Sir John Simeon, Unpublished Poems of Donne, Miscellanies of the Philobiblon Society, 3 (London, 1856-7), No. 3, p. 31. Grierson, I, 78. Milgate, Satires, p. 53. Shawcross, No. 95. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 5 (untitled) and 8.

Not the poem by Donne, but the anonymous A: Paradox (Who so termes loue a fire may like a Poet).

DnJ 2526: John Donne, The Paradox

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 69-70. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 38-9. Shawcross, No. 77.

The Prohibition.

No entry.

DnJ 2645: John Donne, The Prohibition

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 67-8. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 39-40. Shawcross, No. 47.

Northamptonshire Record Office, FH 247, pp. 23-57

DnJ 4050: John Donne, Sermon on John 15.14

Unpublished. Not by John Donne the poet. See Alan Pritchard, TLS.

Northamptonshire Record Office, FH 247, pp. 58-96

DnJ 4051: John Donne, Second Sermon on John 15.14

Unpublished. Not by John Donne the poet. See Alan Pritchard, TLS.

Worcester College, Oxford, MS TC. 20. 11, item [32]

This is not Dorset's poem but one based on it, to the tune of To all you Ladies and beginnng To all you Tories far from Court.

DoC 31: Charles Sackville, Sixth Earl of Dorset, A Ballad by the Lord Dorset when at Sea

First published as a broadsheet [1664? no exemplum extant]. Songs [1707?]. Old Songs [1707?]. Harris, pp. 65-8.

Pierpont Morgan Library MA 132, f. 70r

This page contains only the heading Observations out of Juvenal without any further text of Dryden's translation.

DrJ 176: John Dryden, The Satires of Decimus Junius Juvenalis

First published (together with the Satires of Aulus Persius Flaccus) in London, 1693 [i.e. 1692] (as By Mr. Dryden, and Several other Eminent Hands, Dryden's contribution being the prefatory Discourse concerning Satire and Satires I, III, VI, X and XVI). Kinsley, II, 599-740 (Dryden's contributions). California, IV, 2-252 (Dryden's contributions). Hammond & Hopkins, IV, 3-137.

Folger MS M.b.12, ff. 215v-16r

Now catalogued as VaJ 2.

EtG 111: Sir George Etherege, The Rival

First published in A Collection of New Songs, Second Book (London, 1699). Thorpe, p. 61.

Leeds University Library, Brotherton Collection MS Lt. q. 38, pp. 248-9

Now catalogued as VaJ 2.5.

EtG 112: Sir George Etherege, The Rival

First published in A Collection of New Songs, Second Book (London, 1699). Thorpe, p. 61.

University of Nottingham Portland MS Pw V 44, pp. 302-4

Now catalogued as VaJ 2.8.

EtG 113: Sir George Etherege, The Rival

First published in A Collection of New Songs, Second Book (London, 1699). Thorpe, p. 61.

University of Nottingham, MS Pw V 1244

Copy, in double columns, untitled, on the first two pages of an unbound pair of conjugate folio leaves, endorsed Aduice to a Loyall Paynter / For ye Lady puckering. i.e. probably Elizabeth Puckering (née Murray, d.1689), wife of Sir Henry Puckering (formerly Newton) (1618-1701), royalist soldier and politician. Late 17th century.

This is not the poem by Marvell, but an anonymous Advice to a Painter poem of 1679: Osborne No. 27.

MaA 492: Andrew Marvell, Further Advice to a Painter

First published in Poems on Affairs of State (London, 1697). Margoliouth, I, 176-7. POAS, I, 163-7. Recorded in Osborne, pp. 38-9. Rejected from the canon by Lord and the authorship considered doubtful by Chernaik, pp. 211-12.

University of Nottingham Portand MS Pw V 48, pp. 241-2

Now catalogued as VaJ 3.

EtG 114: Sir George Etherege, The Rival

First published in A Collection of New Songs, Second Book (London, 1699). Thorpe, p. 61.

Marquess of Salisbury, Hatfield House, Cecil Papers 139/194-203v

Copy of a historical narrative, headed The Fall of Nero and beginning of Galba and beginning Galerius, Trachalus, and Silius Italicus being Consuls: Caius Julius Vindex, Lieutenant of Gallia Lugdunensis, perceyuing that priuate conspiracies..., in the hand of an amanuensis, with a few marginal annotations in an italic hand.

This is not part of Harington's lost succinct collection of historie: his compendious & apt obseruatios in the Emperors liues but a work by Sir Henry Savile, published with his 1591 translation of Tacitus's History and Adricola.

HrJ 325: Sir John Harington, The Metamorphosis of Ajax

First published in London, 1596. Edited by Elizabeth Story Donno (New York, 1962).

British Library, Harley MS 4955, f. 207

Ode to himselfe.

This is not the poem by Jonson but one by Owen Felltham: see FeO 1-6.

JnB 367: Ben Jonson, Ode to himselfe

First published, with the heading The iust indignation the Author tooke at the vulgar censure of his Play, by some malicious spectators, begat this following Ode to himselfe, in The New Inn (London, 1631). Herford & Simpson, VI, 492-4.

St Catharine's College, Cambridge, MS F. III. 16 (James 18), after f. 120v

This is not the poem by Henry King but a 60-line version of Francis Quarles's Like to the damask rose you see.

KiH 524: Henry King, Sic Vita

First published in Poems by Francis Beaumont (London, 1640). Poems (1657). Crum, pp. 148-9.

Dr Williams's Library, MS Jones B. 60, p. 367

This is a duplicate of RaW 315.

RaW 96: Sir Walter Ralegh,

First published in Richard Brathwayte, Remains after Death (London, 1618). Latham, p. 72 (as These verses following were made by Sir Walter Rauleigh the night before he dyed and left att the Gate howse). Rudick, Nos 35A, 35B, and part of 55 (three versions, pp. 80, 133).

This poem is ascribed to Ralegh in most MS copies and is often appended to copies of his speech on the scaffold (see RaW 739-822).

Inner Temple Library Petyt MS 538 Volume 18, f. 215r

This letter by Ralegh to his son is not the Instructions to his Son and to Posterity.

RaW 681: Sir Walter Ralegh, Instructions to his Son and to Posterity

A treatise in ten chapters, beginning There is nothing more becoming any wise man than to make choice of friends.... First published in London, 1632. Works (1829), VIII, 557-70. Edited by Louis B. Wright in Advice to a Son (Ithaca, 1962), pp. 15-32.

Pierpont Morgan Library

Not present here.

RnT 66: Thomas Randolph, A Dialogue betwixt a Nymph and a Shepheard

First published in Poems (1638). Thorn-Drury, pp. 85-6.

Huntington, HM 116, p. 86

This poem is not Strode's but an Imitation of it beginning I saw fair Flora take the air.

StW 817: William Strode, Song

First published in Walter Porter, Madrigales and Ayres (London, 1632). Dobell, p. 41. Forey, pp. 76-7. The poem also discussed in C.F. Main, Notes on some Poems attributed to William Strode, PQ, 34 (1955), 444-8 (pp. 445-6), and see Mary Hobbs, Early Seventeenth-Century Verse Miscellanies and Their Value for Textual Editors, EMS, 1 (1989), 182-210 (pp. 199, 209).

OtT 9: Thomas Otway,

A song attributed to Otway in early printed sources and possibly by him. First published, in a musical setting by Henry Purcell, in The Theater of Music, The Second Book (London, 1685).

CdA 21: Lady Anne Clifford, Sidney, Sir Philip. Arcadia (London, 1605)