Richard Corbett
Poems by Corbett
First published in
Most MS texts followed by an anonymous The warlike king was troubl'd when hee spi'd
. Texts of these two poems discussed in V.L. Pearl and M.L. Pearl,
Copy, here ascribed to Po. Coc.
, following a list of the MPs committed to the Tower by Charles I.
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, pp. 68-71.
Indexes, in contemporary vellum.
Compiled by an Oxford University man, possibly a member of St John's College.
c.1634-43. A receipt (f. 104r) by John Weston recording payment from his brother Ed: Weston
, 3 May 1714. The name John Saunders
inscribed on the final leaf.
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. iiir) by Edmond Malone (1741-1812), literary scholar, biographer and book collector, Bought at the sale of Mr. [Jonathan] Boucher's Library in April 1806, for £2. 12. 6. E Malone
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, pp. 82, 152.
Copy, headed
Scribbling on f. iir including ffor mr William Rabey in New=market...
, ffor my Louing ffriend in G John westhropp at mr Rogers Reringe house Bury in S[uffolk]
, ffor mr John fford at his house in Newmarket in the countey of cambridge
; notes on f. iiiv-ivr, one Recd 22 July 1669
, subscribed John Cooke
and including, on f. vir, ffor mr John Cocke at his howse neere the white harte in Thetford...
. Later owned, in the 1730s, by Charles Barlow, of Emmanuel College, Cambridge (his bookplate f. iiv).
Copy, headed
Compiled by a Cambridge University man.
c.1640s.Copy, headed
Including (f. 1r) an anagram on Frances Pawlett. Inscribed in red ink (f. 123v) Egigius Frampton hunc librum jure tenet non est mortale quod opto: 1659
: i.e. by Giles Frampton, who is perhaps responsible for some of the later poems. Also inscribed [?]R. N. 1663
. Some later notes in the hand of Richard Rawlinson.
Copy, headed
Including twenty poems by Carew, eleven poems by Crashaw on ff. 10-30 passim, and fifteen poems by Strode.
c.1630s.Thomas Thorpe, sale catalogue (1834), item 728. Acquired from C. Booth, October 1857.
Cited in Thorpe MS
Copy of the answer to Corbet's poem, in a professional secretary hand, headed
Copy, headed
On f. 30v is Maye 12th 1629
Tableof contents, in modern half red morocco. 1627-42.
Inscribed (f. 3r) This manuscript was founde by me one the 22th day of April, 1644, in the studie of Walter Younge, Esq., in his house of Studcombe [i.e. Stedeombe in Axminster] in Devon, witnes my haunde the day & yeare first aboue-written. E. Fortescue
: i.e. probably by Sir Edmund Fortescue, the Royalist defender of Salcombe. Phillipps MS 20757. Sotheby's, 5-10 June 1899 (Phillipps sale), lot 340.
Edited from this MS in Pearl, pp. 36-8.
Copy, untitled.
Copy, in a secretary hand, untitled, following (f. 67r)
Papers principally of the Boteler family, of Biddenham, Bedfordshire, and of the family of John Hampden, MP (1595-1643), politician, of Great Hampden, Buckinghamshire.
Volume DLXXXIII of the Blenheim Papers, papers principally of John Churchill (1650-1722), first Duke of Marlborough, army commander and politician, his wife Sarah (née Jenyns) (1660-1744), and the related Spencer and Trevor families.
Copy in the hand of Sir Edward Nicholas, appended to a copy of Charles I's speech on 10 March 1628/9, on one of two conjugate folio leaves.
Copy, headed
The verse miscellany, including an Index (ff. 78v-9v), is compiled by John Holles (1595-1666), second Earl of Clare.
Mid-17th century.Discussed in Andrew McRae, The Symptomes and Vapors of a Diseased Time
: the Earl of Clare and Early Stuart Manuscript Culture
Copy, untitled, following
Inscribed (f. 2r) Sum Edw Umfrevile Juneis. Interioris Templi Studentis 1725. 10o Aprilis
: i.e. by Edward Umfreville (1702?-86), collector of legal manuscripts. Bookplate (as Shelburne
) of William Petty (1737-1805), second Earl of Shelburne and first Marquess of Lansdowne, Prime Minister.
Copy, headed
Once owned by John Hart and John Ashton.
Edited from this MS in Percy Society volume (1850); in Bennett & Trevor-Roper; and in online Early Stuart Libels.
Copy, untitled.
Including numerous medical prescriptions by Sir Théodore Turquet de Mayerne (1573-1654/5), royal physician.
c.1658.Copy, untitled.
Sales, Facetiæ, & Collectiones promiscuæ, including academic letters, speeches, etc., in English and Latin, in several hands, 56 leaves (plus blanks), the texts dating c.1623-1658, in red crushed morocco gilt.
Compiled at least in part by a Cambridge University man.
Mid-17th century.This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 152.
Copy, in a secretary hand, untitled, with a poem about Corbett, on a single folio leaf.
Probably collected by Dr Samuel Knight (1677/8-1746), clergyman and antiquary.
Copy, headed
Compiled by William Whiteway, Jr (1599-1635).
1623-34.Copy, headed
Copy, in a secretary hand, untitled, with a side-note Ecles: 10
, endorsed
Donated in 1921 by Dr J. R. Tanner.
Among papers of the Griffith family of Carreglwyd, Anglesey, including papers of John Griffith of Gray's Inn, private secretary to Henry Howard (1540-1614), Earl of Northampton.
This MS recorded in HMC, 5th Report (1876), Appendix, p. 414.
Copy, in a mixed hand, untitled but headed
Among the papers of the Sanford family. Formerly DD/SF C/2635, Box 1 and DD/SF 4516.
Copy, headed Doctr Kerbie B: Ox
, dated 6 August 1629.
Compiled by the Rev. John Rous (1584-1644), incumbent of Santon Downham, Suffolk, and relating, retrospectively, chiefly to public events and to literary texts in circulation in 1625-42.
c.1625-42.Later owned by Dawson Turner (1775-1858), banker, botanist and antiquary. Turner sale, 7 June 1859, lot 253. The second MS purchased at Sotheby's, 15-25 March 1871 (library of the bookseller Joseph Lilly).
The first MS edited in full in
Edited from this MS in
First published in
Some texts accompanied by an A ballad late was made
Including 18 poems by Corbett and 59 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s.Inscribed on a flyleaf Elizabeth Lane hir booke
and, among scribbling on another flyleaf, Johannes Finch
. P.J. Dobell's sale catalogue No. 68 (1941), item 341.
Cited in Elizabeth Lane MS
Copy, subscribed R: C.
Inscribed (f. 1v, in a court hand) Daniell Leare his Booke
, witnesse William Strode
, and (f. 164r) Mr Daniell Leare eius Liber
: i.e. compiled chiefly by Daniel Leare, a distant cousin of the poet William Strode, probably at Christ Church, Oxford, before he entered the Middle Temple in 1633.
This suggestion, by Mary Hobbs, is supported by entries in the Caution Book of 1625-41 at Christ Church, where Strode is found (p. 22) paying £10 as college security for Leare and where Leare signs (p. 23) on this sum's repayment by Dr Fell on 13 May 1633. Forey suggests (p. lxxix) that he was the Daniell Leare of St Andrews, Holburne, whose will was proved in 1652; but it is more likely that he was the Daniel Leare to whom Henry King, Dean of Rochester, leased property at Chatham on 19 July 1655 (
The volume includes 12 poems by Donne; 15 poems (plus a second copy of one and three of doubtful authorship) by Carew; 20 poems (plus two of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; and 84 poems (plus second copies of eight poems, four poems of doubtful authorship and some apocryphal poems) by Strode, the texts being closely related to, and in part probably transcribed from, the Corpus MS
of Strode's poems (
Inscribed also John Leare
(probably Daniel's younger brother); (f. 1r) Anthony Euans his booke
(who married Daniel Leare's niece Dorothy Leare in 1663); (f. 1v) Alexander Croke his Book 1773
; and (f. 164v) John Scott
(who matriculated at Christ Church in 1632). Rimell & Son, 9 November 1878.
Cited in Leare MS
Discussed in Mary Hobbs,
Copy, headed
Including nineteen poems by Corbett and 29 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode, the date 1634 occurring on f. 78v.
c.1635.Inscribed on f. 111v rev. Thursday next at Capricks for Mr Pitt
. Later among the collections of Robert Harley, first Earl of Oxford (1661-1724), and his son Edward, second Earl (1689-1741).
Cited in Harley MS
Copy, headed
Love Sonnets, etc.), probably associated with Oxford University, possibly Christ Church, 382 pages (including numerous blanks), in contemporary calf gilt.
Including 13 poems by Donne and 14 (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; the scribe is that mainly responsible also for the Thomas Smyth MS
Later owned and used extensively as a notebook by Dr William Balam (1651-1726), of Ely, Cambridgeshire, who also annotated
Cited in Welbeck MS
Copy by Stanhope of lines 3-6, here beginning
Discussed in G.P.V. Akrigg,
Quoted in Akrigg, p. 796.
Owned and probably compiled in part, in his Oxford days, by George Morley (1598-1684), Bishop of Winchester.
Cited in Morley MS
: Killigrew MS
Facsimile of f. 49r in
Copy, headed R: Corbet
Including 14 poems by Carew, 13 poems by Corbett and 25 poems (plus one poem of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1650.Scribbling on the first page including the words Peyton Chester…
Cited in Osborn MS I
Copy, in double columns, on the first of two conjugate folio leaves of verse.
Collected, and partly written, by Elias Ashmole (1617-92), astrologer and antiquary.
Betagraph of the watermark in f. 29 in Ted-Larry Pebworth,
Copy, in double columns, headed
Compiled by Richard Roberts, Justice of the Peace.
c.1628.Sold by P.J. Dobell in 1936.
Among the collections of Francis Douce (1757-1834), antiquary and collector.
The name George Brown
inscribed on p. 14. Inscribed on p. i by Edmond Malone (1741-1812), literary scholar, biographer and book collector Feb 13. 1790. I this day purchased this Manuscript Collection of Poems, at the sale of Mr Brander's books, at the exorbitant price of Ten Guineas. EMalone
Copy, transcribed from
Once owned by F.W. Cosens, FSA (1819-89), of Clapham Park, book collector. Sotheby's, 25 July 1890 (Cosens sale), in lot 136. Among the collections of Sir Charles Harding Firth (1857-1936), historian.
Copy of the first five stanzas, incomplete.
Entitled (f. 1r)
Scribbling on f. 1b including the name Hen Heardson
Scribbling on f. iir including ffor mr William Rabey in New=market...
, ffor my Louing ffriend in G John westhropp at mr Rogers Reringe house Bury in S[uffolk]
, ffor mr John fford at his house in Newmarket in the countey of cambridge
; notes on f. iiiv-ivr, one Recd 22 July 1669
, subscribed John Cooke
and including, on f. vir, ffor mr John Cocke at his howse neere the white harte in Thetford...
. Later owned, in the 1730s, by Charles Barlow, of Emmanuel College, Cambridge (his bookplate f. iiv).
Copy, untitled, on two quarto leaves; imperfect, lacking the ending.
Collected by Peter Le Neve (1661-1729). Some pages in the hand of Richard Rawlinson.
Copy, subscribed R: Corbet
Inscribed (f. ir) by Thomas Hearne (1678-1735), the date 1741
Copy, heaed
Including 14 poems by Carew; the main text (ff. 1r-27r) in a non-professional mixed hand of the 1630s (but for later scribbling); the remaining leaves filled by later hands; notes on family history from 1647 to 1664 on ff. 28r-9r.
c.1630s[-75].Inscribed on f. 29v John Peverell Booke 1674
and his name also on ff. 1r and 49r. Fol. 48v containing a receipt dated 30 June 1653 by me Francis Blackitt of bro. William of Hoodcroft, Co. Durham
. Other names inside the front cover including John Peves
and Railphe Hogwood
and, inside the back cover, James Portington
, William Steadman 1675
, Thomas Meeres
, William Diton
and Ramond Swift
Cited in Peverell MS
Copy, headed
Comprising three separate units: ff. 1r-96v all in Sancroft's hand; ff. 97r-104r in a second hand; and ff. 105r-9r in a third hand.
Including (on ff. 2-23, 27ar-v, 70) 94 Latin poems ascribed to Crashaw (including three of doubtful authorship) and (on ff. 29-41, 43v, 44v-58, 60v, 62v-5v, 67-70v, 72-3, 95-6) 101 English poems (plus a second copy of one of them) attributed to him (including one of doubtful authorship) and (on f. 16r-v) one Greek poem attributed to him; a list of contents on the first page beginning Mr. Crashaw's poems transcrib'd fr
Cited in Sancroft MS
Compiled by a Cambridge man, probably James Monson (d.1683), ninth son of Sir John Monson, second Baronet.
Late 17th century.Copy on a single folio leaf.
Among the collections of Richard Gough, FSA (1735-1809), antiquary and topographer.
Copy, transcribed from Mr: Martin's MS
: i.e. from a MS owned by Cole's Friend
Thomas Martin (1697-1771), of Palgrave, Suffolk, antiquary and collector.
In the hand of the Rev. William Cole, FSA (1714-82), antiquary (Volume XX of the Cole Collection).
Copy, headed
Purchased from Messrs Waller, 7 July 1858.
Copy, headed
Probably compiled by one H.S.
, a Cambridge man.
Later owned by the Rev. Philip Bliss (1787-1857), antiquary and book collector, with his bookplate and inscription 1806 Purchased of Lansdown of Bristol
. Bliss sale, 21 August 1858, lot 192.
Copy, in a secretary hand, untitled, on both sides of a single folio leaf.
Among the collections of Randle Holme, probably the third of that name (1627-1700), herald.
Copy, in a secretary hand, on two pages of two conjugate folio leaves.
Probably collected by Dr Samuel Knight (1677/8-1746), clergyman and antiquary.
Copy, headed
Largely in one neat secretary hand; a second hand on ff. 58v-9r, and a third on f. 66r. Compiled chiefly by a University of Cambridge man.
c.1630s.Once owned by F.W. Cosens, FSA (1819-89), of Clapham Park, book collector. Bequeathed in 1894 by Samuel Sandars, of Trinity College, Cambridge.
Discussed in Ted-Larry Pebworth and Claude J. Summers,
An additional stanza in this MS edited in Pebworth and Summers. pp. 160-1.
Copy, headed
Once owned by Thomas Martin (1697-1771), of Palgrave, Suffolk, antiquary and collector. Later in the library of the Rev. Richard Farmer, FSA (1735-97), Master of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, literary scholar. Lot 8053 in his sale, 7 May to 16 June 1798. Formerly Chetham's MS 8011.
Copy, in a possibly professional hand, on two conjugate folio leaves.
Compiled, and partly written, by William Fulman (1632-8), Oxford antiquary.
Third volume of the miscellaneous collections of Richard Davis of Sandford.
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 1r) Abraham Bassano
and (f. 98r) Elizabeth Weldon
. Later owned by William John Thoms (1803-85), writer, antiquary and librarian. Sotheby's, 11 February 1887 (Thoms sale), lot 1092. Also owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89). Formerly Folger MS 452.4.
Cited in Welden MS
A copy of
Copy, untitled, subscribed R. C.
Including 15 poems by Carew and 17 poems by King.
c.1630s.Later owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89), literary scholar and book collector. Bookplate of the Warwick Castle Library. Formerly Folger MS 1.8.
Cited in Halliwell MS
Probably compiled by two members of the Calverley family (f. 1r contains a poem headed
Later in the library od Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9624. Owned before 1947 by N.M. Broadbent. Later owned by Arthur A. Houghton, Jr (1906-90), American businessman and collector. Christie's, 13 June 1979 (Houghton sale, Part I), lot 135, to Maggs.
Copy, headed
Inscriptions including (Part I, pp. 1, 3 and 42) Edward Lewis his Book 1753
, John Parker
, P H Warburton
, and John Aden
, and (Part II, p. 33) Thomas Lloyd Esq
. Wigfair MS 43, among papers mainly of the Lloyd family of Hafodunos, Denbighshire, and Wigfair, near St Asaph, Flintshire, purchased in 1926-7 from Colonel H.C. Lloyd Howard, of Wigfair.
Among papers of the Isham family of Lamport Hall.
Among papers of the Isham family of Lamport Hall.
Copy, headed in the margin
Owned and probably compiled by Robert Bishop. Later owned by Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9549. A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue,
Cited in Bishop MS
Probably compiled by a member of an Inn of Court.
c.1630.Bookplate of William Horatio Crawford, of Lakelands, Cork, book collector. Formerly Rosenbach 186.
Copy, headed
Compiled by John Cruso (fl.1595-1655), poet and military writer, who matriculated at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, in 1632.
c.1630s.Names inscribed lengthways down margins (pp. 71, 91, 95) including Cuthbert Sewell Esq
, Jos. Nicholson
, Wm Richardson
, and Somers
. Donated in 1922 by Gordon Wordsworth who claims that the volume was once owned by the poet William Wordsworth.
Copy, in a predominantly italic hand, in double columns, headed
Among the papers of the Sanford family. Formerly DD/SF C/2635, Box 1 and DD/SF 4516.
Recorded in HMC, 7th Report, Part I (1879), Appendix, p. 508. A set of microfilms of the Verney Papers is in the British Library (M/636/1-60).
Inscribed four times on a flyleaf Tobias Alston his booke
: i.e. probably Tobias Alston (1620-c.1639) of Sayham Hall, near Sudbury, Suffolk. His half-brother Edward (b.1598) was a contemporary of Herrick at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, while his cousin, Edward Alston, later President of the College of Physicians, was a contemporary of Herrick at St John's College, Cambridge, some of the other contents also relating to Cambridge, besides some relating to Suffolk. The date 1639 occurs on p. 241, and pp. 243-50 contains verses written in two later hands (to c.1728) and some prose pieces written from the reverse end.
Names inscribed on a flyleaf including Henry Glisson (later Fellow of the College of Physicians); Thomas Avral(?); Horace Norton; Henry Rich; and James Tavor (Registrar of Cambridge University). Later owned by one John Whitehead, and by Dr Mary Pickford. Sotheby's, 27 June 1972, lot 309.
Cited in Alston MS
First published in Gilchrist (1807), pp. 154-5. Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 92.
A secretarial copy.
Fols 4r-15r are in the professional secretary hand of Richard Corbett's personal secretary at Norwich.
Later owned by William Hopkins (1647-1700), Prebendary of Worcester, and afterwards by George Hickes (1642-1715), Dean of Worcester.
Edited from this MS in Gilchrist and in Bennett & Trevor-Roper.
Copy in Fulman's hand, transcribed from
Compiled and written by William Fulman (1632-88), Oxford antiquary.
Mid-late 17th century.This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 160.
Copy in the hand of Corbett's chaplain William Strode.
A working autograph notebook of poems by Strode, compiled and revised over a considerable period, comprising 101 English poems (including draft fragments, 66 Latin poems and 2 Greek poems by him, together with his copies of a few poems by others (generally paired with Strode's translations or answers) including Richard Corbett, Thomas Carew, Peter Apsley, and Henry King and Henry Reynolds, as well as a lecture in Latin by the Professor of Greek at Oxford; ff. 52r-96r written in Strode's mixed secretary and italic hand, probably early 1620s-30; ff. 96v-129v, and afterwards ff. 1-51v, written in Strode's italic hand, probably for the most part c.1635-7, with additions up to 1643; ff. 129v-30v containing rough jottings in both styles; many of the poems containing Strode's extensive revisions, probably made from the 1630s onwards.
c.1620s-43.Some scribbling on the last page including the name John Herbert. Possibly one of the MS volumes by Strode which, according to Anthony Wood (
Cited in Corpus MS
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 160.
First published in
Scribbling on f. iir including ffor mr William Rabey in New=market...
, ffor my Louing ffriend in G John westhropp at mr Rogers Reringe house Bury in S[uffolk]
, ffor mr John fford at his house in Newmarket in the countey of cambridge
; notes on f. iiiv-ivr, one Recd 22 July 1669
, subscribed John Cooke
and including, on f. vir, ffor mr John Cocke at his howse neere the white harte in Thetford...
. Later owned, in the 1730s, by Charles Barlow, of Emmanuel College, Cambridge (his bookplate f. iiv).
Compiled by an Oxford University man.
Early 17th century.Copy.
Entirely in the hand of John Hopkinson (1610-80), Yorkshire antiquary, of Lofthouse, near Leeds, and comprising Volume 34 of the Hopkinson MSS.
Mid-late 17th century.Signed bookplate of Frances Mary Richardson Currer (1785-1861), book collector, of Eshton Hall, West Yorkshire. Subsequently owned by her step-father Matthew Wilson.
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 299.
Copy, here beginning
Later owned by Thomas Percy (1768-1808), Bishop of Dromore, writer and literary editor, and bearing copious annotations in his hand throughout, with a list by him at the end dated 20 December 1757.
This volume edited as
Hales &Furnivall, III, 272-4. Recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 133.
Compiled, over a period, principally by Thomas Manne (1581/2-1641), Chaplain of Christ Church, Oxford, and Henry King's amanuensis, including (ff. 7r-61r) 24 poems by King in Manne's formal hand, written c.1625-30s; ff. 61v-72v, 73r-99v, 100r-101v written in a variant style of Manne's hand, c.1630s; and (ff. 72v, 99v, 102r-14v, 190v-169r rev.) additions in six other hands, c.1630s-44, with (ff. 75r, 76r, and 76v) three poems to which the subscription R. Dorset
is added in the hand of King himself.
Inscribed (f. 190v rev.) Ann Littleton
. Thomas Rodd's sale catalogue, [June 1848], p. 31. Sotheby's, 4 Februry 1850 (Rodd sale), lot 500, to James Orchard Halliwell[-Phillipps] (1820-89), literary scholar and book collector. Afterward owned by the Rev. Thomas Corser, FSA (1793-1876), book collector. Sotheby's, 25 June 1873 (Corser sale), lot 325, to William Pickering (1796-1854), publisher. Later owned by the bookdealer Philip Robinson. Sotheby's, 26 June 1974, lot 3013, with a facsimile example in the sale catalogue.
Cited in Thomas Manne MS
Once owned by Thomas Rawlinson (1681-1725) and afterwards among the collections of Edward Harley, second Earl of Oxford (1689-1741).
Cited in Harley Rawlinson MS
Including 22 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Carew, 13 poems by King, and 24 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode, and probably associated with Christ Church, Oxford.
c.1633.Inscribed names including (f. 93v, in court hand) ffrancis Baskeruile
: i.e. probably the Francis Baskerville who married Margaret Glanvill in 1635 and was in 1640 MP for Marlborough, Wiltshire. Other scribbling including (f. 1r) accounts referring to Wanborough, Wiltshire; (f. 9v) Elizabeth White
; (f. 54v) William Walrond his booke 1663
; (f. 92r) accounts dated 1658; and (f. 94r) John Wallrond
. Later owned by Sir Hans Sloane, Bt (1660-1753), physician and collector.
Recorded in Baskerville MS
Copy, described as to the tune of Tho: of Bedlam
Largely in one neat secretary hand; a second hand on ff. 58v-9r, and a third on f. 66r. Compiled chiefly by a University of Cambridge man.
c.1630s.Once owned by F.W. Cosens, FSA (1819-89), of Clapham Park, book collector. Bequeathed in 1894 by Samuel Sandars, of Trinity College, Cambridge.
Discussed in Ted-Larry Pebworth and Claude J. Summers,
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 1r) Joseph Hall
(not the bishop). Later owned by John Payne Collier (1789-1883), literary scholar, editor and forger, who has entered in pseudo-17th-century secretary script copies of various ballads on ff. 39r-41r, 107v-79r, 181r-v, 227r-8v, 243r-6r, as well as adding foliation (1-284) before the more recent foliation (1-291, used below). Quaritch's sale catalogue of English Literature
(August-November 1884), item 22350, Collier's transcript of the MS made c.1860 being item 22352. Formerly Folger MS 2071.7.
Discussed, with facsimile examples, in Giles E. Dawson,
Inscribed Charles Shuttleworth His Booke Anno 1691
. Peter Murray Hill, London, sale catalogue No. 82 (1962), item 33.
Copy, subscribed R C.
Including 15 poems by Carew and 17 poems by King.
c.1630s.Later owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89), literary scholar and book collector. Bookplate of the Warwick Castle Library. Formerly Folger MS 1.8.
Cited in Halliwell MS
Copy; imperfect, lacking pp. 37-8.
Inscriptions including (Part I, pp. 1, 3 and 42) Edward Lewis his Book 1753
, John Parker
, P H Warburton
, and John Aden
, and (Part II, p. 33) Thomas Lloyd Esq
. Wigfair MS 43, among papers mainly of the Lloyd family of Hafodunos, Denbighshire, and Wigfair, near St Asaph, Flintshire, purchased in 1926-7 from Colonel H.C. Lloyd Howard, of Wigfair.
First published in Sir Thomas Overbury,
Copy, the date in the title rendered as 20 December 1615
, subscribed R. Corbet
Entirely in the hand of John Hopkinson (1610-80), Yorkshire antiquary, of Lofthouse, near Leeds, and comprising Volume 34 of the Hopkinson MSS.
Mid-late 17th century.Signed bookplate of Frances Mary Richardson Currer (1785-1861), book collector, of Eshton Hall, West Yorkshire. Subsequently owned by her step-father Matthew Wilson.
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 299.
Copy, in a mixed hand, on a single folio leaf.
Collected by Peter Le Neve (1661-1729), Norroy King of Arms and antiquary, his brother Oliver, and Thomas Martin (1697-1771), of Palgrave, Suffolk, antiquary and collector.
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 115.
Copy, in a professopnal secretary hand, headed
Papers principally of the Boteler family, of Biddenham, Bedfordshire, and of the family of John Hampden, MP (1595-1643), politician, of Great Hampden, Buckinghamshire.
Volume DLXXXIII of the Blenheim Papers, papers principally of John Churchill (1650-1722), first Duke of Marlborough, army commander and politician, his wife Sarah (née Jenyns) (1660-1744), and the related Spencer and Trevor families.
Copy, headed R: Cor.
Transcribed from Dublin MS I
Acquired in 1895 from Bernard Quaritch by Charles Eliot Norton (1827-1908), American professor and art historian. Formerly MS Nor 4503.
Recorded in
This MS recorded (as N1
) in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 114.
Copy, headed
Inscriptions including (f. 6r) Hannah Lewis Junr
; Thomas Turner his Book
(three times, ff. 8r, 14v, 48v, dated 1750
, 58
and 1760
); (f. 12r) Edmund Baxter att Mrs Nortons
; (ff. 20r, 59v) John Jones
; (f. 40r) Jon: Pryse 1729
; (f. 59v) Robt. Was
[?]; and (f. 79r) Edmund Baxter 1729
. Later owned by Edward Vernon Utterson (1776-1856), of Shanklin and Ryde, Isle of Wight, artist, literary antiquary and book collector. Sotheby's, 24 April 1852 (Utterson sale), lot 1317, sold to Lelly
. Then owned by Sir John Simeon, third Baronet (1815-70), M.P. Sotheby's, 3 March 1871 (Simeon sale), lot 638, to Pickering. Quaritch's sale catalogue No. 436 (1930), item 576. Formerly MS Nor 4620.
Cited in Utterson MS
This MS probably that recorded (as N2
) in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 114.
The text of the poems by Donne derived from the same source as the Lansdowne MS (
Formerly among the muniments of the Earl of Dalhousie (descendant of the Maule and Ramsay families), of Brechin Castle, on deposit in the Scottish Record Office [now National Archives of Scotland] (GD45/26/95/1). Sotheby's, 20 July 1981, lot 490.
Cited in Dalhousie MS I
: And, having done that, Thou hast done
: Locating, Acquiring, and Studying the Dalhousie Manuscripts
Facsimiles of f. 15v in
Sullivan suggests that the miscellany derives from sources preserved by members of the Earl of Essex's circle, their most likely conduit
to the Dalhousie family being John Ramsay (1580-1626), Viscount Haddington and Earl of Holderness.
Copy, headed R: Cor
A folio collection of verse containing 143 poems by Donne and his Paradoxes and Problems, in a single predominantly italic hand (except for two poems on f. 104r-v, added afterwards by two other italic and secretary hands), the main scribe also probably responsible for the Puckering MS
Old pressmark MS G. 2. 21.
Cited in
Copy, subscribed Fran: Beaumont
A folio verse miscellany, including 15 poems by Donne, f. 162r-v in a rounded italic hand, ff. 164r-74v in a slightly erratic italic hand, ff. 175r-279v in a neat formal italic hand (also responsible for the index on ff. 2r-11v), this miscellany constituting ff. 162r-279v of a single folio volume containing also Part I (
Formerly MS G. 2.21.
Cited in
Copy of the first six lines, headed
Compiled by members of the Griffith family, of Llanddyfnan, the verse probably entered by one or more of the various members of that family who studied in this period at the University of Oxford.
Mid-17th century.Cited in Griffith MS
First published (omitting the last four lines) in
Copy, headed
Including 18 poems by Corbett and 59 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s.Inscribed on a flyleaf Elizabeth Lane hir booke
and, among scribbling on another flyleaf, Johannes Finch
. P.J. Dobell's sale catalogue No. 68 (1941), item 341.
Cited in Elizabeth Lane MS
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 1v, in a court hand) Daniell Leare his Booke
, witnesse William Strode
, and (f. 164r) Mr Daniell Leare eius Liber
: i.e. compiled chiefly by Daniel Leare, a distant cousin of the poet William Strode, probably at Christ Church, Oxford, before he entered the Middle Temple in 1633.
This suggestion, by Mary Hobbs, is supported by entries in the Caution Book of 1625-41 at Christ Church, where Strode is found (p. 22) paying £10 as college security for Leare and where Leare signs (p. 23) on this sum's repayment by Dr Fell on 13 May 1633. Forey suggests (p. lxxix) that he was the Daniell Leare of St Andrews, Holburne, whose will was proved in 1652; but it is more likely that he was the Daniel Leare to whom Henry King, Dean of Rochester, leased property at Chatham on 19 July 1655 (
The volume includes 12 poems by Donne; 15 poems (plus a second copy of one and three of doubtful authorship) by Carew; 20 poems (plus two of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; and 84 poems (plus second copies of eight poems, four poems of doubtful authorship and some apocryphal poems) by Strode, the texts being closely related to, and in part probably transcribed from, the Corpus MS
of Strode's poems (
Inscribed also John Leare
(probably Daniel's younger brother); (f. 1r) Anthony Euans his booke
(who married Daniel Leare's niece Dorothy Leare in 1663); (f. 1v) Alexander Croke his Book 1773
; and (f. 164v) John Scott
(who matriculated at Christ Church in 1632). Rimell & Son, 9 November 1878.
Cited in Leare MS
Discussed in Mary Hobbs,
Copy in two hands, headed Dr R: Corbett
Including nineteen poems by Corbett and 29 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode, the date 1634 occurring on f. 78v.
c.1635.Inscribed on f. 111v rev. Thursday next at Capricks for Mr Pitt
. Later among the collections of Robert Harley, first Earl of Oxford (1661-1724), and his son Edward, second Earl (1689-1741).
Cited in Harley MS
Copy, headed
Including 14 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Carew, 22 poems by Corbett and 36 poems (plus three of doubtful authorship) by Strode. Apparently transcribed in part from
Inscribed (f. 1r) by one I A
of Christ Church, Oxford, and also Robert Killigrew his booke witnes by his Maiesties ape Gorge Harison
. Later owned by Sir Hans Sloane, Bt (1660-1753), physician and collector.
Cited in Killigrew MS
Copy, headed
Including 15 poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 57 poems (plus a second copy of one poem and four poems of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s[-55].Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: possibly his MS 18123. Owned c.1903 by Bertram Dobell (1842-1914), literary scholar and bookseller. Formerly MS 646.4.
Cited in Dobell MS
Copy, headed R: Corbet
Including 14 poems by Carew, 13 poems by Corbett and 25 poems (plus one poem of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1650.Scribbling on the first page including the words Peyton Chester…
Cited in Osborn MS I
Copy, headed Dor Corbett
A flyleaf inscribed [?] Johannes Philips
. Acquired from H. Stevens 11 December 1852.
Cited in John Philips MS
Copy, headed
Including 14 poems by Strode (and a second copy of one poem).
c.1637-51.Inscribed (front pastedown) Wakelin EeK Hering / Blows of Whitsor
, and (rear pastedown) R. J. Cotton
. Formerly Folger MS 2073.4.
Cited in
Copy, headed
Later in the libraries (with bookplates) of the book collector Richard Heber (1774-1833); of the bibliographer and antiquary Joseph Haslewood (1769-1833); of the biographer and literary editor Alexander Chalmers (1759-1834); and of the antiquary Edward King (1795-1837), Viscount Kingsborough (his sale by Charles Sharpe in Dublin, 1 November 1842, lot 577).
Copy, headed
Compiled by members of Sir Thomas Browne's family, chiefly his daughter Elizabeth Lyttelton (b. c.1648), containing various works in verse and prose including copies of a passage by Sir Thomas on consumptions (p. 43), a list of books which he had Elizabeth read out to him (pp. 44-5), copies of notes by him (pp. 77-76 rev.), his poem
Inscriptions (p. 1) Mary Browne
(who d.1676) and James Dodsley
and (p. 174) Mar. 11th 1713/4 The gift of Mrs Lyttelton to Edward Tenison
. Percy Dobell's sale catalogue
This MS volume described in [Geoffrey Keynes],
Copy, untitled, subscribed R: C:
Possibly compiled by one W: H:
: i.e. probably William Holgate (1618-46), of Queens' College, Cambridge, with late 17th-century additions apparently made by other members of the Holgate family, of Saffron Walden and Great Bardfield, Essex.
Owned in the early 18th century by John Wale, who supplied the index on pp. 330-3. Owned before 1927 by Col. W.G. Carwardine-Probert, of Bures, Suffolk (descendant of the Holgate family).
Cited in
Copy, here beginning
Later owned by F.W. Cosens (1819-89). Bookplate of James W. Ellsworth.
Copy, headed
Later notes and scribbling including the names John Nutting
(ff. 26r, 56r) and John M.
and John Susan
(rear paste-down). The last leaf also containing a list of the titles of 65 poems by Carew together with the number of lines in each poem, this list unrelated to the contents of the rest of the MS.
Cited in Nutting MS
Copy, headed
Inscribed four times on a flyleaf Tobias Alston his booke
: i.e. probably Tobias Alston (1620-c.1639) of Sayham Hall, near Sudbury, Suffolk. His half-brother Edward (b.1598) was a contemporary of Herrick at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, while his cousin, Edward Alston, later President of the College of Physicians, was a contemporary of Herrick at St John's College, Cambridge, some of the other contents also relating to Cambridge, besides some relating to Suffolk. The date 1639 occurs on p. 241, and pp. 243-50 contains verses written in two later hands (to c.1728) and some prose pieces written from the reverse end.
Names inscribed on a flyleaf including Henry Glisson (later Fellow of the College of Physicians); Thomas Avral(?); Horace Norton; Henry Rich; and James Tavor (Registrar of Cambridge University). Later owned by one John Whitehead, and by Dr Mary Pickford. Sotheby's, 27 June 1972, lot 309.
Cited in Alston MS
Copy, headed
Inscribed (on p. [330]) Robert Lord his book Anno Domini
; (on [p. 335]) william Jacob his booke Amen
; and, among scribbling on the last leaf, Hugh Gibgans of the same
and John Winter of Buckland Dursbane [or husbande?]
. Owned in 1788 by Alexander R. Popham. Bloomsbury Book Auction, 23 November 2000, lot 8.
A microfilm is in the British Library, RP 7698.
Copy, the first two words in engrossed and decorated lettering, subscribed Rich: Corbet
, in the left column.
Comprising three English and Latin elegies on Vincent Corbett (He Dyed the xxvith: of Aprill in the Yeare of our Lord 1619
), by his son Richard Corbett, John Selden, and Ben Jonson, arranged in columns under the engrossed title
This MS once owned by John Evelyn. Thomas Rodd,
A photograph is in the British Library, RP 3523.
First published in
Including twelve poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 32 poems (plus four of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s-40s.Thomas Thorpe's sale catalogue (1836), item 1044. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9561. Sotheby's, 19 June 1893 (Phillipps sale), lot 628, and 21 March 1895, lot 903. Hodgson's, 23 April 1959, lot 528.
Cited in English Poetry MS
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 1v, in a court hand) Daniell Leare his Booke
, witnesse William Strode
, and (f. 164r) Mr Daniell Leare eius Liber
: i.e. compiled chiefly by Daniel Leare, a distant cousin of the poet William Strode, probably at Christ Church, Oxford, before he entered the Middle Temple in 1633.
This suggestion, by Mary Hobbs, is supported by entries in the Caution Book of 1625-41 at Christ Church, where Strode is found (p. 22) paying £10 as college security for Leare and where Leare signs (p. 23) on this sum's repayment by Dr Fell on 13 May 1633. Forey suggests (p. lxxix) that he was the Daniell Leare of St Andrews, Holburne, whose will was proved in 1652; but it is more likely that he was the Daniel Leare to whom Henry King, Dean of Rochester, leased property at Chatham on 19 July 1655 (
The volume includes 12 poems by Donne; 15 poems (plus a second copy of one and three of doubtful authorship) by Carew; 20 poems (plus two of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; and 84 poems (plus second copies of eight poems, four poems of doubtful authorship and some apocryphal poems) by Strode, the texts being closely related to, and in part probably transcribed from, the Corpus MS
of Strode's poems (
Inscribed also John Leare
(probably Daniel's younger brother); (f. 1r) Anthony Euans his booke
(who married Daniel Leare's niece Dorothy Leare in 1663); (f. 1v) Alexander Croke his Book 1773
; and (f. 164v) John Scott
(who matriculated at Christ Church in 1632). Rimell & Son, 9 November 1878.
Cited in Leare MS
Discussed in Mary Hobbs,
This MS collated in part in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 66.
Copy, headed Dr Rich: Corbett
Including nineteen poems by Corbett and 29 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode, the date 1634 occurring on f. 78v.
c.1635.Inscribed on f. 111v rev. Thursday next at Capricks for Mr Pitt
. Later among the collections of Robert Harley, first Earl of Oxford (1661-1724), and his son Edward, second Earl (1689-1741).
Cited in Harley MS
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, pp. 66, 140.
Copy, headed
Including 11 poems by Donne, and 15 poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett.
c.1630s.Later owned by Edward Jeremiah Curteis, M.P., of Windmill Hill, Sussex. Puttick & Simpson's, 30 June 1884 (Curteis sale), lot 175, to Pearson of Pall Mall for James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89). Formerly Folger MS 452.5.
Cited in Curteis MS
Copy, headed
Love Sonnets, etc.), probably associated with Oxford University, possibly Christ Church, 382 pages (including numerous blanks), in contemporary calf gilt.
Including 13 poems by Donne and 14 (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; the scribe is that mainly responsible also for the Thomas Smyth MS
Later owned and used extensively as a notebook by Dr William Balam (1651-1726), of Ely, Cambridgeshire, who also annotated
Cited in Welbeck MS
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 66.
Including 45 poems (and a second copy of one) by Carew, 11 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Corbett, and 25 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1634.The initials T. C.
stamped on the front cover. Sold by Thomas Thorpe (1836). Afterwards in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9536, and by Marsden J. Perry (1850-1935), of Providence, Rhode Island, industrialist, banker, and art and books collector. A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue
Cited in Rosenbach MS II
Copy, headed
Including 14 poems by Carew, 13 poems by Corbett and 25 poems (plus one poem of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1650.Scribbling on the first page including the words Peyton Chester…
Cited in Osborn MS I
Copy, headed
Inscribed (on p. [330]) Robert Lord his book Anno Domini
; (on [p. 335]) william Jacob his booke Amen
; and, among scribbling on the last leaf, Hugh Gibgans of the same
and John Winter of Buckland Dursbane [or husbande?]
. Owned in 1788 by Alexander R. Popham. Bloomsbury Book Auction, 23 November 2000, lot 8.
A microfilm is in the British Library, RP 7698.
Copy, headed
Among the collections of Francis Douce (1757-1834), antiquary and collector.
Copy, headed
Comprising papers of the Skipwith family of Cotes, Leicestershire, including 60 poems by John Donne (and one Problem), the text related in part to the Edward Smyth MS
Including poems ascribed to William Skipwith (? Sir William Skipwith, d.1610, or his grandson, William, or possibly a cousin, William Skipwith, of Ketsby, Lincolnshire, fl.1633); to Sir Henry Skipwith (fl.1609-52); and to Thomas Skipwith, and several poems by Donne's friend Sir Henry Goodyer (1571-1627), to whom a branch of the Skipwith family was related by marriage. Later owned by Robert Sherard (1719-99), fourth Earl of Harborough. Sotheby's, 10 June 1864, lot 605, to Boone.
This MS is the curious folio volume
lent to John Nichols (1745-1826) by the late Lord Harborough
and cited in Nichols's account of the Skipwith family in his
Cited in Skipwith MS
Copy, headed
Indexat the end, in contemporary vellum boards.
Including fourteen poems by James Shirley, generally ascribed to him, and eleven poems by Strode (and two of doubtful authorship).
c.1636.Inscribed (on the front paste-down) My cousin chute gaue me this book out of his father study at the vine Hampshire
(following the same statement in French), indicating that the MS was owned by, and possibly originally compiled for, the family of Chaloner Chute, MP (c.1595-1659), Speaker of the house of Commons, who acquired The Vyne, near Basingstoke, Hampshire, in 1653. Later owned by Sir William Tite (1798-1873), architect. Sotheby's, 30 May 1874, lot 2343. Bookplate of William Horatio Crawford, of Lakelands, Cork, book collector. Sotheby's, 21 March 1891 (Crawford sale), lot 2493.
Cited in Chute MS
Copy, headed R: C:
Including 22 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Carew, 13 poems by King, and 24 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode, and probably associated with Christ Church, Oxford.
c.1633.Inscribed names including (f. 93v, in court hand) ffrancis Baskeruile
: i.e. probably the Francis Baskerville who married Margaret Glanvill in 1635 and was in 1640 MP for Marlborough, Wiltshire. Other scribbling including (f. 1r) accounts referring to Wanborough, Wiltshire; (f. 9v) Elizabeth White
; (f. 54v) William Walrond his booke 1663
; (f. 92r) accounts dated 1658; and (f. 94r) John Wallrond
. Later owned by Sir Hans Sloane, Bt (1660-1753), physician and collector.
Recorded in Baskerville MS
Copy, headed
Compiled by University or Inns of Court men.
The extracted fols 7, 8 and 54 are now
Inscribed (f. [104v] Thomas White His Book May ye 20 Anno Domine 1691
. Later owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps and in his library at Warwick Castle. Formerly Folger MS 1.21.
Part I probably in several hands, the predominant italic hand that also responsible for the Welbeck MS
Part I inscribed (f. 1r) John Smyth his Book 1640
, Charles Smyth 1674
, Hugh Smyth 1676
; (f. 23v) J Smyth 1677 / 1676
. Part II inscribed several times Thomas Smith
, on f. 19r also Die: Maij 12o A
, with a reference on f. 58v to Balliol College, Oxford, 1659/60. Later inscribed (f. [ir]) by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89), who records buying this very curious and interesting MS. of Messrs Boone
. Afterwards in the library at Warwick Castle. Formerly Folger MS 1. 28.
Cited in Thomas Smyth MS
Later in the libraries (with bookplates) of the book collector Richard Heber (1774-1833); of the bibliographer and antiquary Joseph Haslewood (1769-1833); of the biographer and literary editor Alexander Chalmers (1759-1834); and of the antiquary Edward King (1795-1837), Viscount Kingsborough (his sale by Charles Sharpe in Dublin, 1 November 1842, lot 577).
Copy, headed
Among papers of the Clitherow family of London, which included Sir Christopher Clitherow (1578-1642), Lord Mayor of London in 1635. Bookplate of James Clitherow Esq. of Boston House, Middlesex: i.e. either Christopher's son, James Clitherow (1618-82), merchant and banker, who purchased Boston Manor, in the parish of Hanwell, in 1670, or James Clitherow (1694-1752).
Copy, headed
Among the collections of William Drummond of Hawthornden: Hawthornden Vol. VIII.
Cited in
Copy, headed
Inscribed four times on a flyleaf Tobias Alston his booke
: i.e. probably Tobias Alston (1620-c.1639) of Sayham Hall, near Sudbury, Suffolk. His half-brother Edward (b.1598) was a contemporary of Herrick at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, while his cousin, Edward Alston, later President of the College of Physicians, was a contemporary of Herrick at St John's College, Cambridge, some of the other contents also relating to Cambridge, besides some relating to Suffolk. The date 1639 occurs on p. 241, and pp. 243-50 contains verses written in two later hands (to c.1728) and some prose pieces written from the reverse end.
Names inscribed on a flyleaf including Henry Glisson (later Fellow of the College of Physicians); Thomas Avral(?); Horace Norton; Henry Rich; and James Tavor (Registrar of Cambridge University). Later owned by one John Whitehead, and by Dr Mary Pickford. Sotheby's, 27 June 1972, lot 309.
Cited in Alston MS
First published in Sir Thomas Overbury,
Copy, headed Rich: Corbett
Including nineteen poems by Corbett and 29 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode, the date 1634 occurring on f. 78v.
c.1635.Inscribed on f. 111v rev. Thursday next at Capricks for Mr Pitt
. Later among the collections of Robert Harley, first Earl of Oxford (1661-1724), and his son Edward, second Earl (1689-1741).
Cited in Harley MS
Including 14 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Carew, 22 poems by Corbett and 36 poems (plus three of doubtful authorship) by Strode. Apparently transcribed in part from
Inscribed (f. 1r) by one I A
of Christ Church, Oxford, and also Robert Killigrew his booke witnes by his Maiesties ape Gorge Harison
. Later owned by Sir Hans Sloane, Bt (1660-1753), physician and collector.
Cited in Killigrew MS
Once owned by F.W. Cosens, FSA (1819-89), of Clapham Park, book collector. Sotheby's, 25 July 1890 (Cosens sale), in lot 136. Among the collections of Sir Charles Harding Firth (1857-1936), historian.
Copy, headed
Including twelve poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 30 poems by Strode (one of them in V.a.152) plus one of doubtful authorship.
c.late 1630s [-1789].Later sold by Thomas Thorpe. Afterwards owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89) (and No. 27 in his
Cited in Thorpe-Halliwell MS
Edited from this MS in online Early Stuart Libels.
Copy, headed
Including 11 poems by Donne, and 15 poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett.
c.1630s.Later owned by Edward Jeremiah Curteis, M.P., of Windmill Hill, Sussex. Puttick & Simpson's, 30 June 1884 (Curteis sale), lot 175, to Pearson of Pall Mall for James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89). Formerly Folger MS 452.5.
Cited in Curteis MS
Copy, ascribed to Corbet.
Owned and probably compiled in part, in his Oxford days, by George Morley (1598-1684), Bishop of Winchester.
Cited in Morley MS
: Killigrew MS
Facsimile of f. 49r in
Copy, headed
Compiled in part (ff. 131v-66r) by Elias Ashmole (1617-92), astrologer and antiquary.
c.1630s-40s.Copy, transcribed from
Once owned by F.W. Cosens, FSA (1819-89), of Clapham Park, book collector. Sotheby's, 25 July 1890 (Cosens sale), in lot 136. Among the collections of Sir Charles Harding Firth (1857-1936), historian.
Copy, untitled.
Compiled in part by the Oxford printer Christopher Wase (1627-90), fellow of King's College, Cambridge.
Mid-17th century.Later owned by John Somers (1651-1716), Baron Somers, Lord Chancellor, and his brother-in-law Sir Joseph Jekyll (1662-1738), lawyer and politician.
Cited in Wase MS
Entirely in the hand of John Hopkinson (1610-80), Yorkshire antiquary, of Lofthouse, near Leeds, and comprising Volume 34 of the Hopkinson MSS.
Mid-late 17th century.Signed bookplate of Frances Mary Richardson Currer (1785-1861), book collector, of Eshton Hall, West Yorkshire. Subsequently owned by her step-father Matthew Wilson.
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 299.
Copy, headed By Dr Corbet
The table of contents (f. 155v) subscribed Margrett Bellasys
, possibly the daughter of Thomas Belasyse (1577-1652), first Viscount Fauconberg of Henknowle. The front endpaper later inscribed The pieces which I have extracted for
: i.e. possibly by Thomas Campbell (1777-1844), editor of The Specimens
are, Page 91, 211, 265
Copy, untitled.
Inscribed (f. 1r) E Libris Richardo Glovero pharmacopol. Londinense pertinantibus
, the date 1638
possibly added in a different hand. The name William Allen
on f. 77v among scribbling. Inscribed (f. 1v) by a later owner, apparently for Mr Thorpe
, I was informed by the bookseller of whom I bought this book; that it belonged formerly to a literary gentleman who lived in Burton Crescent and who died about six months ago. 3rd Augt. 1835
Cited in Glover MS
Copy, headed
Copy, headed Beamond
Largely in one neat secretary hand; a second hand on ff. 58v-9r, and a third on f. 66r. Compiled chiefly by a University of Cambridge man.
c.1630s.Once owned by F.W. Cosens, FSA (1819-89), of Clapham Park, book collector. Bequeathed in 1894 by Samuel Sandars, of Trinity College, Cambridge.
Discussed in Ted-Larry Pebworth and Claude J. Summers,
Copy, headed
Inscribed (Part II, f. 1*r) A booke of verses collected by mee RDungaruan
: i.e. Richard Boyle (1612-98), Viscount Dungarvon and later Earl of Burlington.
Also inscribed Mary Helerd
. Subsequently owned by James Tyrrell (1642-1718), historical writer, and by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1782-1872), book and manuscript collector: Phillipps MS 15745. Formerly Folger MS 46. 2.
Copy, headed
Formerly MS 2073.3.
Copy, headed
Including 11 poems by Carew and 14 poems by Randolph.
c.1630s-40s.Inscribed Jane Wheeler
and Tho: Oliver Busfield
. Francis Quarles's poem (pp. 209-11)
A Jo. Wheeler
signed the Christ Church, Oxford, disbursement books for 1641-3 (xii, b.85 and 86).
Cited in Wheeler MS
Copy, headed
Inscriptions including (f. 6r) Hannah Lewis Junr
; Thomas Turner his Book
(three times, ff. 8r, 14v, 48v, dated 1750
, 58
and 1760
); (f. 12r) Edmund Baxter att Mrs Nortons
; (ff. 20r, 59v) John Jones
; (f. 40r) Jon: Pryse 1729
; (f. 59v) Robt. Was
[?]; and (f. 79r) Edmund Baxter 1729
. Later owned by Edward Vernon Utterson (1776-1856), of Shanklin and Ryde, Isle of Wight, artist, literary antiquary and book collector. Sotheby's, 24 April 1852 (Utterson sale), lot 1317, sold to Lelly
. Then owned by Sir John Simeon, third Baronet (1815-70), M.P. Sotheby's, 3 March 1871 (Simeon sale), lot 638, to Pickering. Quaritch's sale catalogue No. 436 (1930), item 576. Formerly MS Nor 4620.
Cited in Utterson MS
Copy, headed
A formal compilation written throughout in a calligraphic hand, in black and red inks with elaborate black and coloured decorations and patterned layouts, associated with one Henry Feilde, with his inscription (p. 1) No 4. Henry Feilde 1642
Bookplates of Joseph Haslewood (1769-1833), bibliographer and antiquary, and of the Rev. Charles Winn (1795-1874), of Nostell Priory, Yorkshire. Christie's, 2 July 1975, lot 229, to H.P. Kraus. Sotheby's, New York, 17 December 1992, lot 95.
Facsimile example in Sotheby's sale catalogue.
Copy, headed
Including thirteen poems by Strode and three of doubtful authorship.
c.1638-45 [and addition c.1649].Later sold by Thomas Thorpe (1836). Afterwards in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9569. Bookplate of the Shakespearian Library of Marsden J. Perry (1850-1935), industrialist, banker, and art and book collector, of Providence, Rhode Island. American Art Association, New York, 11-12 March 1936 (Perry sale). A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue
Cited in Rosenbach MS I
Copy, headed
Inscribed (on p. [330]) Robert Lord his book Anno Domini
; (on [p. 335]) william Jacob his booke Amen
; and, among scribbling on the last leaf, Hugh Gibgans of the same
and John Winter of Buckland Dursbane [or husbande?]
. Owned in 1788 by Alexander R. Popham. Bloomsbury Book Auction, 23 November 2000, lot 8.
A microfilm is in the British Library, RP 7698.
First published in O thou deformed unwomanlike disease
, in
Including twelve poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 32 poems (plus four of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s-40s.Thomas Thorpe's sale catalogue (1836), item 1044. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9561. Sotheby's, 19 June 1893 (Phillipps sale), lot 628, and 21 March 1895, lot 903. Hodgson's, 23 April 1959, lot 528.
Cited in English Poetry MS
Copy, headed Rich: Corbett
Including nineteen poems by Corbett and 29 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode, the date 1634 occurring on f. 78v.
c.1635.Inscribed on f. 111v rev. Thursday next at Capricks for Mr Pitt
. Later among the collections of Robert Harley, first Earl of Oxford (1661-1724), and his son Edward, second Earl (1689-1741).
Cited in Harley MS
Including 14 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Carew, 22 poems by Corbett and 36 poems (plus three of doubtful authorship) by Strode. Apparently transcribed in part from
Inscribed (f. 1r) by one I A
of Christ Church, Oxford, and also Robert Killigrew his booke witnes by his Maiesties ape Gorge Harison
. Later owned by Sir Hans Sloane, Bt (1660-1753), physician and collector.
Cited in Killigrew MS
Copy of the last 42 lines, headed Dr Corbet
Including twelve poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 30 poems by Strode (one of them in V.a.152) plus one of doubtful authorship.
c.late 1630s [-1789].Later sold by Thomas Thorpe. Afterwards owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89) (and No. 27 in his
Cited in Thorpe-Halliwell MS
Copy, headed
Including 15 poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 57 poems (plus a second copy of one poem and four poems of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s[-55].Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: possibly his MS 18123. Owned c.1903 by Bertram Dobell (1842-1914), literary scholar and bookseller. Formerly MS 646.4.
Cited in Dobell MS
Copy of lines 59-82, headed see more of these verses page 88
Including 11 poems by Donne, and 15 poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett.
c.1630s.Later owned by Edward Jeremiah Curteis, M.P., of Windmill Hill, Sussex. Puttick & Simpson's, 30 June 1884 (Curteis sale), lot 175, to Pearson of Pall Mall for James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89). Formerly Folger MS 452.5.
Cited in Curteis MS
Copy, headed
Including 11 poems by Donne, and 15 poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett.
c.1630s.Later owned by Edward Jeremiah Curteis, M.P., of Windmill Hill, Sussex. Puttick & Simpson's, 30 June 1884 (Curteis sale), lot 175, to Pearson of Pall Mall for James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89). Formerly Folger MS 452.5.
Cited in Curteis MS
Copy of lines 83-100, headed Part of ye former verses sup pag 6
Including 11 poems by Donne, and 15 poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett.
c.1630s.Later owned by Edward Jeremiah Curteis, M.P., of Windmill Hill, Sussex. Puttick & Simpson's, 30 June 1884 (Curteis sale), lot 175, to Pearson of Pall Mall for James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89). Formerly Folger MS 452.5.
Cited in Curteis MS
Copy, headed L C
Including 52 poems by Donne (many on pp. 64-109, 167-74 initialled
Later scribbling and inscriptions including the names Edw Denny
[presumably Edward Denny (1569-1637), Baron Denny of Waltham and first Earl of Norwich], Charles Cocks
, Edward Randolphe
and (on p. 162) Thomas Cassy
. Later owned by Joseph Haslewood (1769-1833), bibliographer and antiquary (sold in the Haslewood sale, London, 1833, lot 1329, to Thorpe); by Edward King (1795-1837), Viscount Kingsborough, antiquary (his sale in Dublin, 1 November 1841, item 624); and by Henry Huth (1815-78), book collector (his library catalogue, 1880, IV, pp. 1159-64), and sold at Sotheby's, 17 July 1917 (Huth sale), lot 5873.
Cited in Haslewood-Kingsborough MS (I)
Copy of the last 42 lines, headed
Including 45 poems (and a second copy of one) by Carew, 11 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Corbett, and 25 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1634.The initials T. C.
stamped on the front cover. Sold by Thomas Thorpe (1836). Afterwards in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9536, and by Marsden J. Perry (1850-1935), of Providence, Rhode Island, industrialist, banker, and art and books collector. A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue
Cited in Rosenbach MS II
Copy, headed
Including 45 poems (and a second copy of one) by Carew, 11 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Corbett, and 25 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1634.The initials T. C.
stamped on the front cover. Sold by Thomas Thorpe (1836). Afterwards in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9536, and by Marsden J. Perry (1850-1935), of Providence, Rhode Island, industrialist, banker, and art and books collector. A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue
Cited in Rosenbach MS II
Owned and probably compiled in part, in his Oxford days, by George Morley (1598-1684), Bishop of Winchester.
Cited in Morley MS
: Killigrew MS
Facsimile of f. 49r in
Copy, headed
Compiled in part (ff. 131v-66r) by Elias Ashmole (1617-92), astrologer and antiquary.
From the library of Cecil Brent, FSA. Sold by P.J. & A.E. Dobell, January 1938.
Copy, subscribed Dr Corbett
Indexes, in contemporary vellum.
Compiled by an Oxford University man, possibly a member of St John's College.
c.1634-43. A receipt (f. 104r) by John Weston recording payment from his brother Ed: Weston
, 3 May 1714. The name John Saunders
inscribed on the final leaf.
Copy, headed
Compiled in part by the Oxford printer Christopher Wase (1627-90), fellow of King's College, Cambridge.
Mid-17th century.Later owned by John Somers (1651-1716), Baron Somers, Lord Chancellor, and his brother-in-law Sir Joseph Jekyll (1662-1738), lawyer and politician.
Cited in Wase MS
Copy, headed
The table of contents (f. 155v) subscribed Margrett Bellasys
, possibly the daughter of Thomas Belasyse (1577-1652), first Viscount Fauconberg of Henknowle. The front endpaper later inscribed The pieces which I have extracted for
: i.e. possibly by Thomas Campbell (1777-1844), editor of The Specimens
are, Page 91, 211, 265
Copy, headed Ric Corbett
, transcribed from
Transcribed from
Later owned by William Pickering (1796-1854), publisher. Sotheby's, 13 May 1856 (Pickering sale), lot 258.
Cited in Pickering MS
Copy, headed Ric: Corbett
To the righte honoble: the Lorde Thomas Darcy Viscount Colchester(c.1565-1640, Viscount Colchester from 1621 to 1626), 191 leaves, in modern half-morocco.
Including 27 poems (and second copies of two poems) by Thomas Carew and three of doubtful authorship.
This MS largely transcribed in
Scribbled inscriptions including (f. 1r) Mr John Bowyer
; (f. 2r) Jeronomus ffox
; and (f. 3r) William Ralph Baesh
Cited in Colchester MS
Copy, in a professional predominantly italic hand, headed
Collected by Peter Le Neve (1661-1729), Norroy King of Arms and antiquary, his brother Oliver, and Thomas Martin (1697-1771), of Palgrave, Suffolk, antiquary and collector.
Compiled, over a period, principally by Thomas Manne (1581/2-1641), Chaplain of Christ Church, Oxford, and Henry King's amanuensis, including (ff. 7r-61r) 24 poems by King in Manne's formal hand, written c.1625-30s; ff. 61v-72v, 73r-99v, 100r-101v written in a variant style of Manne's hand, c.1630s; and (ff. 72v, 99v, 102r-14v, 190v-169r rev.) additions in six other hands, c.1630s-44, with (ff. 75r, 76r, and 76v) three poems to which the subscription R. Dorset
is added in the hand of King himself.
Inscribed (f. 190v rev.) Ann Littleton
. Thomas Rodd's sale catalogue, [June 1848], p. 31. Sotheby's, 4 Februry 1850 (Rodd sale), lot 500, to James Orchard Halliwell[-Phillipps] (1820-89), literary scholar and book collector. Afterward owned by the Rev. Thomas Corser, FSA (1793-1876), book collector. Sotheby's, 25 June 1873 (Corser sale), lot 325, to William Pickering (1796-1854), publisher. Later owned by the bookdealer Philip Robinson. Sotheby's, 26 June 1974, lot 3013, with a facsimile example in the sale catalogue.
Cited in Thomas Manne MS
Copy, headed A R C
Probably compiled by university or inns of court men.
c.1620s-30s.Copy, headed R: C:
Including 22 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Carew, 13 poems by King, and 24 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode, and probably associated with Christ Church, Oxford.
c.1633.Inscribed names including (f. 93v, in court hand) ffrancis Baskeruile
: i.e. probably the Francis Baskerville who married Margaret Glanvill in 1635 and was in 1640 MP for Marlborough, Wiltshire. Other scribbling including (f. 1r) accounts referring to Wanborough, Wiltshire; (f. 9v) Elizabeth White
; (f. 54v) William Walrond his booke 1663
; (f. 92r) accounts dated 1658; and (f. 94r) John Wallrond
. Later owned by Sir Hans Sloane, Bt (1660-1753), physician and collector.
Recorded in Baskerville MS
Including 91 poems and some prose works by John Donne and fourteen poems by Thomas Carew.
c.1637.Among the collections of Richard Temple-Nugent-Brydges-Chandos-Grenville (1776-1839), first Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, of Stowe House, near Buckingham, largely derived from the collection of the antiquary Thomas Astle (1735-1803), which in turn chiefly derived from Astle's father-in-law, the Essex historian Philip Morant (1700-70) (see
Cited in Stowe MS II
: Stowe MS
Including 14 poems by Carew (and a second copy of one poem), eight poems (plus 3 of doubtful authorship) by Randolph, and 28 poems by Strode (plus a second copy of one and two of doubtful authorship).
c.late 1630s.Later used and annotated by William Fulman (1632-88), Oxford antiquary, and entries in his hand on f. 97r. Formerly Bodleian, MS CCC.328.
Cited in Fulman MS
Copy, headed
Compiled by University or Inns of Court men.
The extracted fols 7, 8 and 54 are now
Inscribed (f. [104v] Thomas White His Book May ye 20 Anno Domine 1691
. Later owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps and in his library at Warwick Castle. Formerly Folger MS 1.21.
Copy, headed
Compiled by University or Inns of Court men.
The extracted fols 7, 8 and 54 are now
Inscribed (f. [104v] Thomas White His Book May ye 20 Anno Domine 1691
. Later owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps and in his library at Warwick Castle. Formerly Folger MS 1.21.
Copy, headed
Including 14 poems by Strode (and a second copy of one poem).
c.1637-51.Inscribed (front pastedown) Wakelin EeK Hering / Blows of Whitsor
, and (rear pastedown) R. J. Cotton
. Formerly Folger MS 2073.4.
Cited in
Copy, as by Dr Corbett
Inscribed (f. 1r) Joseph Hall
(not the bishop). Later owned by John Payne Collier (1789-1883), literary scholar, editor and forger, who has entered in pseudo-17th-century secretary script copies of various ballads on ff. 39r-41r, 107v-79r, 181r-v, 227r-8v, 243r-6r, as well as adding foliation (1-284) before the more recent foliation (1-291, used below). Quaritch's sale catalogue of English Literature
(August-November 1884), item 22350, Collier's transcript of the MS made c.1860 being item 22352. Formerly Folger MS 2071.7.
Discussed, with facsimile examples, in Giles E. Dawson,
Sr Arthur Terringham An Elegy upon lady Haddington. c.1630.
Among the papers of the Egerton family, Earls of Bridgewater.
Copy, headed
Including nine poems by Randolph, plus two of doubtful authorship.
c.1630s.Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 10110. Bookplate of Robert Hoe (1839-1909), New York businessman and book collector.
Cited in Huntington MS
Copy of the last 42 lines, headed
Once owned by Elizabeth Herrick (1684-1745) and her brother William Herrick (1689-1773). Formerly among the papers of the Herrick family, of Beaumanor.
This MS discussed in J.A. Taylor,
Copy, headed
Possibly compiled by one W: H:
: i.e. probably William Holgate (1618-46), of Queens' College, Cambridge, with late 17th-century additions apparently made by other members of the Holgate family, of Saffron Walden and Great Bardfield, Essex.
Owned in the early 18th century by John Wale, who supplied the index on pp. 330-3. Owned before 1927 by Col. W.G. Carwardine-Probert, of Bures, Suffolk (descendant of the Holgate family).
Cited in
Copy, headed DC
Including thirteen poems by Strode and three of doubtful authorship.
c.1638-45 [and addition c.1649].Later sold by Thomas Thorpe (1836). Afterwards in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9569. Bookplate of the Shakespearian Library of Marsden J. Perry (1850-1935), industrialist, banker, and art and book collector, of Providence, Rhode Island. American Art Association, New York, 11-12 March 1936 (Perry sale). A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue
Cited in Rosenbach MS I
Copy, with the last 42 lines sub-headed
Including 85 poems (and second copies of two) by Thomas Carew.
c.1638-42.Inscriptions including Horatio Carey 1642 te deus pardamus
[viz. Horatio Carey (1619-ante 1677), eldest son of Sir Richard Carey (1583-1630) and great-grandson of Sir Henry Carey (1524?-96), first Baron Hunsdon ], Thomas Arding
, Thomas Arden
, William Harrington
, Thomas John
, John Anthehope
and Clement Poxall
. Later owned by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 8270. Bookplates of John William Cole and of the Shakespearian Library of Marsden J. Perry (1850-1935), industrialist, banker, art and book collector, of Providence, Rhode Island. American Art Association, New York, 11-12 March 1936 (Perry sale). A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue
Cited in Carey MS
Copy, headed
Folios 357r-68v comprising a portion of a quarto verse miscellany, in a neat italic hand, probably associated with the Inns of Court.
c.1620s-30s.Old pressmark F. 4. 20.
Copy of the last 42 lines, headed
Copy, headed Corbett
Inscribed four times on a flyleaf Tobias Alston his booke
: i.e. probably Tobias Alston (1620-c.1639) of Sayham Hall, near Sudbury, Suffolk. His half-brother Edward (b.1598) was a contemporary of Herrick at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, while his cousin, Edward Alston, later President of the College of Physicians, was a contemporary of Herrick at St John's College, Cambridge, some of the other contents also relating to Cambridge, besides some relating to Suffolk. The date 1639 occurs on p. 241, and pp. 243-50 contains verses written in two later hands (to c.1728) and some prose pieces written from the reverse end.
Names inscribed on a flyleaf including Henry Glisson (later Fellow of the College of Physicians); Thomas Avral(?); Horace Norton; Henry Rich; and James Tavor (Registrar of Cambridge University). Later owned by one John Whitehead, and by Dr Mary Pickford. Sotheby's, 27 June 1972, lot 309.
Cited in Alston MS
Inscribed (on p. [330]) Robert Lord his book Anno Domini
; (on [p. 335]) william Jacob his booke Amen
; and, among scribbling on the last leaf, Hugh Gibgans of the same
and John Winter of Buckland Dursbane [or husbande?]
. Owned in 1788 by Alexander R. Popham. Bloomsbury Book Auction, 23 November 2000, lot 8.
A microfilm is in the British Library, RP 7698.
First published in
Copy, headed
Including 18 poems by Corbett and 59 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s.Inscribed on a flyleaf Elizabeth Lane hir booke
and, among scribbling on another flyleaf, Johannes Finch
. P.J. Dobell's sale catalogue No. 68 (1941), item 341.
Cited in Elizabeth Lane MS
Copy, headed Dr Corbett
Inscribed (f. 101v) Henry Lawson
(or just possibly Lamson
). Thomas Thorpe, sale catalogue (1836), item 1185. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9257. Sotheby's, 15 June 1896 (Phillipps sale), lot 862. Quaritch's sale catalogue No. 164 (1896), item 64.
Cited in Lawson MS
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 1v, in a court hand) Daniell Leare his Booke
, witnesse William Strode
, and (f. 164r) Mr Daniell Leare eius Liber
: i.e. compiled chiefly by Daniel Leare, a distant cousin of the poet William Strode, probably at Christ Church, Oxford, before he entered the Middle Temple in 1633.
This suggestion, by Mary Hobbs, is supported by entries in the Caution Book of 1625-41 at Christ Church, where Strode is found (p. 22) paying £10 as college security for Leare and where Leare signs (p. 23) on this sum's repayment by Dr Fell on 13 May 1633. Forey suggests (p. lxxix) that he was the Daniell Leare of St Andrews, Holburne, whose will was proved in 1652; but it is more likely that he was the Daniel Leare to whom Henry King, Dean of Rochester, leased property at Chatham on 19 July 1655 (
The volume includes 12 poems by Donne; 15 poems (plus a second copy of one and three of doubtful authorship) by Carew; 20 poems (plus two of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; and 84 poems (plus second copies of eight poems, four poems of doubtful authorship and some apocryphal poems) by Strode, the texts being closely related to, and in part probably transcribed from, the Corpus MS
of Strode's poems (
Inscribed also John Leare
(probably Daniel's younger brother); (f. 1r) Anthony Euans his booke
(who married Daniel Leare's niece Dorothy Leare in 1663); (f. 1v) Alexander Croke his Book 1773
; and (f. 164v) John Scott
(who matriculated at Christ Church in 1632). Rimell & Son, 9 November 1878.
Cited in Leare MS
Discussed in Mary Hobbs,
Copy, headed Rich: Corbett
Including nineteen poems by Corbett and 29 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode, the date 1634 occurring on f. 78v.
c.1635.Inscribed on f. 111v rev. Thursday next at Capricks for Mr Pitt
. Later among the collections of Robert Harley, first Earl of Oxford (1661-1724), and his son Edward, second Earl (1689-1741).
Cited in Harley MS
Including 14 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Carew, 22 poems by Corbett and 36 poems (plus three of doubtful authorship) by Strode. Apparently transcribed in part from
Inscribed (f. 1r) by one I A
of Christ Church, Oxford, and also Robert Killigrew his booke witnes by his Maiesties ape Gorge Harison
. Later owned by Sir Hans Sloane, Bt (1660-1753), physician and collector.
Cited in Killigrew MS
Copy, headed
Including twelve poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 30 poems by Strode (one of them in V.a.152) plus one of doubtful authorship.
c.late 1630s [-1789].Later sold by Thomas Thorpe. Afterwards owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89) (and No. 27 in his
Cited in Thorpe-Halliwell MS
Copy, headed
Including 15 poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 57 poems (plus a second copy of one poem and four poems of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s[-55].Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: possibly his MS 18123. Owned c.1903 by Bertram Dobell (1842-1914), literary scholar and bookseller. Formerly MS 646.4.
Cited in Dobell MS
Copy, headed
Including 11 poems by Donne, and 15 poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett.
c.1630s.Later owned by Edward Jeremiah Curteis, M.P., of Windmill Hill, Sussex. Puttick & Simpson's, 30 June 1884 (Curteis sale), lot 175, to Pearson of Pall Mall for James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89). Formerly Folger MS 452.5.
Cited in Curteis MS
Copy, headed L C
Including 52 poems by Donne (many on pp. 64-109, 167-74 initialled
Later scribbling and inscriptions including the names Edw Denny
[presumably Edward Denny (1569-1637), Baron Denny of Waltham and first Earl of Norwich], Charles Cocks
, Edward Randolphe
and (on p. 162) Thomas Cassy
. Later owned by Joseph Haslewood (1769-1833), bibliographer and antiquary (sold in the Haslewood sale, London, 1833, lot 1329, to Thorpe); by Edward King (1795-1837), Viscount Kingsborough, antiquary (his sale in Dublin, 1 November 1841, item 624); and by Henry Huth (1815-78), book collector (his library catalogue, 1880, IV, pp. 1159-64), and sold at Sotheby's, 17 July 1917 (Huth sale), lot 5873.
Cited in Haslewood-Kingsborough MS (I)
Copy, headed
Love Sonnets, etc.), probably associated with Oxford University, possibly Christ Church, 382 pages (including numerous blanks), in contemporary calf gilt.
Including 13 poems by Donne and 14 (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; the scribe is that mainly responsible also for the Thomas Smyth MS
Later owned and used extensively as a notebook by Dr William Balam (1651-1726), of Ely, Cambridgeshire, who also annotated
Cited in Welbeck MS
Owned and probably compiled in part, in his Oxford days, by George Morley (1598-1684), Bishop of Winchester.
Cited in Morley MS
: Killigrew MS
Facsimile of f. 49r in
Copy, headed R: Corbet
Including 14 poems by Carew, 13 poems by Corbett and 25 poems (plus one poem of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1650.Scribbling on the first page including the words Peyton Chester…
Cited in Osborn MS I
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. ir) by Thomas Hearne (1678-1735), the date 1741
Copy, headed
Entirely in the hand of John Hopkinson (1610-80), Yorkshire antiquary, of Lofthouse, near Leeds, and comprising Volume 34 of the Hopkinson MSS.
Mid-late 17th century.Signed bookplate of Frances Mary Richardson Currer (1785-1861), book collector, of Eshton Hall, West Yorkshire. Subsequently owned by her step-father Matthew Wilson.
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 299.
Copy of the last four lines, headed
Compiled, perhaps largely, by Justinian Paget Es[q.] a Lawyer
, whose name is so inscribed on a flyleaf (f. 1*r), a number of the contents relating to the Paget family and also with references (ff. 34v-5v) to my sister Ann Maydwell
The contents suggest an Inns of Court and possible Christ Church, Oxford, connection.
Copy, headed R: C:
Including 22 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Carew, 13 poems by King, and 24 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode, and probably associated with Christ Church, Oxford.
c.1633.Inscribed names including (f. 93v, in court hand) ffrancis Baskeruile
: i.e. probably the Francis Baskerville who married Margaret Glanvill in 1635 and was in 1640 MP for Marlborough, Wiltshire. Other scribbling including (f. 1r) accounts referring to Wanborough, Wiltshire; (f. 9v) Elizabeth White
; (f. 54v) William Walrond his booke 1663
; (f. 92r) accounts dated 1658; and (f. 94r) John Wallrond
. Later owned by Sir Hans Sloane, Bt (1660-1753), physician and collector.
Recorded in Baskerville MS
Copy, headed Dr Corbett
Part I probably in several hands, the predominant italic hand that also responsible for the Welbeck MS
Part I inscribed (f. 1r) John Smyth his Book 1640
, Charles Smyth 1674
, Hugh Smyth 1676
; (f. 23v) J Smyth 1677 / 1676
. Part II inscribed several times Thomas Smith
, on f. 19r also Die: Maij 12o A
, with a reference on f. 58v to Balliol College, Oxford, 1659/60. Later inscribed (f. [ir]) by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89), who records buying this very curious and interesting MS. of Messrs Boone
. Afterwards in the library at Warwick Castle. Formerly Folger MS 1. 28.
Cited in Thomas Smyth MS
Copy, headed
Inscribed (Part II, f. 1*r) A booke of verses collected by mee RDungaruan
: i.e. Richard Boyle (1612-98), Viscount Dungarvon and later Earl of Burlington.
Also inscribed Mary Helerd
. Subsequently owned by James Tyrrell (1642-1718), historical writer, and by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1782-1872), book and manuscript collector: Phillipps MS 15745. Formerly Folger MS 46. 2.
Copy, headed
Formerly MS 2073.3.
Copy, headed by Dr Corbet
added in another hand.
Including 11 poems by Carew and 14 poems by Randolph.
c.1630s-40s.Inscribed Jane Wheeler
and Tho: Oliver Busfield
. Francis Quarles's poem (pp. 209-11)
A Jo. Wheeler
signed the Christ Church, Oxford, disbursement books for 1641-3 (xii, b.85 and 86).
Cited in Wheeler MS
Copy, headed
Possibly compiled by one W: H:
: i.e. probably William Holgate (1618-46), of Queens' College, Cambridge, with late 17th-century additions apparently made by other members of the Holgate family, of Saffron Walden and Great Bardfield, Essex.
Owned in the early 18th century by John Wale, who supplied the index on pp. 330-3. Owned before 1927 by Col. W.G. Carwardine-Probert, of Bures, Suffolk (descendant of the Holgate family).
Cited in
Copy, headed
Later notes and scribbling including the names John Nutting
(ff. 26r, 56r) and John M.
and John Susan
(rear paste-down). The last leaf also containing a list of the titles of 65 poems by Carew together with the number of lines in each poem, this list unrelated to the contents of the rest of the MS.
Cited in Nutting MS
Copy, headed
Including 45 poems by Strode and three poems of doubtful authorship.
c.1630s.Formerly Box 22, item II.
Cited in Osborn MS II
First published in John Donne,
Copy, headed
Including 18 poems by Corbett and 59 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s.Inscribed on a flyleaf Elizabeth Lane hir booke
and, among scribbling on another flyleaf, Johannes Finch
. P.J. Dobell's sale catalogue No. 68 (1941), item 341.
Cited in Elizabeth Lane MS
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 101v) Henry Lawson
(or just possibly Lamson
). Thomas Thorpe, sale catalogue (1836), item 1185. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9257. Sotheby's, 15 June 1896 (Phillipps sale), lot 862. Quaritch's sale catalogue No. 164 (1896), item 64.
Cited in Lawson MS
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 1v, in a court hand) Daniell Leare his Booke
, witnesse William Strode
, and (f. 164r) Mr Daniell Leare eius Liber
: i.e. compiled chiefly by Daniel Leare, a distant cousin of the poet William Strode, probably at Christ Church, Oxford, before he entered the Middle Temple in 1633.
This suggestion, by Mary Hobbs, is supported by entries in the Caution Book of 1625-41 at Christ Church, where Strode is found (p. 22) paying £10 as college security for Leare and where Leare signs (p. 23) on this sum's repayment by Dr Fell on 13 May 1633. Forey suggests (p. lxxix) that he was the Daniell Leare of St Andrews, Holburne, whose will was proved in 1652; but it is more likely that he was the Daniel Leare to whom Henry King, Dean of Rochester, leased property at Chatham on 19 July 1655 (
The volume includes 12 poems by Donne; 15 poems (plus a second copy of one and three of doubtful authorship) by Carew; 20 poems (plus two of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; and 84 poems (plus second copies of eight poems, four poems of doubtful authorship and some apocryphal poems) by Strode, the texts being closely related to, and in part probably transcribed from, the Corpus MS
of Strode's poems (
Inscribed also John Leare
(probably Daniel's younger brother); (f. 1r) Anthony Euans his booke
(who married Daniel Leare's niece Dorothy Leare in 1663); (f. 1v) Alexander Croke his Book 1773
; and (f. 164v) John Scott
(who matriculated at Christ Church in 1632). Rimell & Son, 9 November 1878.
Cited in Leare MS
Discussed in Mary Hobbs,
Copy, headed
Including twelve poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 30 poems by Strode (one of them in V.a.152) plus one of doubtful authorship.
c.late 1630s [-1789].Later sold by Thomas Thorpe. Afterwards owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89) (and No. 27 in his
Cited in Thorpe-Halliwell MS
Copy, headed
Collected, and partly written, by Elias Ashmole (1617-92), astrologer and antiquary.
Betagraph of the watermark in f. 29 in Ted-Larry Pebworth,
Including 18 poems by Carew and two of doubtful authorship, compiled by Nicholas Burghe (d.1670), Royalist Captain during the Civil War and one of the poor Knights of Windsor in 1661 (references to I Nicholas Burgh
occurring on ff. 165r, with the date 3d of June 1638
, and 166r, and his name partly in cipher on other pages); predominantly in his hand, with some later additions in other hands.
Afterwards owned by Elias Ashmole (1617-92), astrologer and antiquary.
Cited in Burghe MS
Scribbling on f. iir including ffor mr William Rabey in New=market...
, ffor my Louing ffriend in G John westhropp at mr Rogers Reringe house Bury in S[uffolk]
, ffor mr John fford at his house in Newmarket in the countey of cambridge
; notes on f. iiiv-ivr, one Recd 22 July 1669
, subscribed John Cooke
and including, on f. vir, ffor mr John Cocke at his howse neere the white harte in Thetford...
. Later owned, in the 1730s, by Charles Barlow, of Emmanuel College, Cambridge (his bookplate f. iiv).
Copy, headed
Compiled, over a period, principally by Thomas Manne (1581/2-1641), Chaplain of Christ Church, Oxford, and Henry King's amanuensis, including (ff. 7r-61r) 24 poems by King in Manne's formal hand, written c.1625-30s; ff. 61v-72v, 73r-99v, 100r-101v written in a variant style of Manne's hand, c.1630s; and (ff. 72v, 99v, 102r-14v, 190v-169r rev.) additions in six other hands, c.1630s-44, with (ff. 75r, 76r, and 76v) three poems to which the subscription R. Dorset
is added in the hand of King himself.
Inscribed (f. 190v rev.) Ann Littleton
. Thomas Rodd's sale catalogue, [June 1848], p. 31. Sotheby's, 4 Februry 1850 (Rodd sale), lot 500, to James Orchard Halliwell[-Phillipps] (1820-89), literary scholar and book collector. Afterward owned by the Rev. Thomas Corser, FSA (1793-1876), book collector. Sotheby's, 25 June 1873 (Corser sale), lot 325, to William Pickering (1796-1854), publisher. Later owned by the bookdealer Philip Robinson. Sotheby's, 26 June 1974, lot 3013, with a facsimile example in the sale catalogue.
Cited in Thomas Manne MS
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 179r) This is Sr. Thomas Meres [or ? Maiors] Book
: i.e. probably Sir Thomas Meres (1634-1715), of Kirton, Lincolnshire. Later bookplate of the Rev. John Curtis. Purchased from Mrs Ann Austin Curtis 12 October 1889.
Copy, headed
The verse miscellany, including an Index (ff. 78v-9v), is compiled by John Holles (1595-1666), second Earl of Clare.
Mid-17th century.Discussed in Andrew McRae, The Symptomes and Vapors of a Diseased Time
: the Earl of Clare and Early Stuart Manuscript Culture
Copy in the hand of Corbett's chaplain William Strode.
A working autograph notebook of poems by Strode, compiled and revised over a considerable period, comprising 101 English poems (including draft fragments, 66 Latin poems and 2 Greek poems by him, together with his copies of a few poems by others (generally paired with Strode's translations or answers) including Richard Corbett, Thomas Carew, Peter Apsley, and Henry King and Henry Reynolds, as well as a lecture in Latin by the Professor of Greek at Oxford; ff. 52r-96r written in Strode's mixed secretary and italic hand, probably early 1620s-30; ff. 96v-129v, and afterwards ff. 1-51v, written in Strode's italic hand, probably for the most part c.1635-7, with additions up to 1643; ff. 129v-30v containing rough jottings in both styles; many of the poems containing Strode's extensive revisions, probably made from the 1630s onwards.
c.1620s-43.Some scribbling on the last page including the name John Herbert. Possibly one of the MS volumes by Strode which, according to Anthony Wood (
Cited in Corpus MS
Including 14 poems by Carew (and a second copy of one poem), eight poems (plus 3 of doubtful authorship) by Randolph, and 28 poems by Strode (plus a second copy of one and two of doubtful authorship).
c.late 1630s.Later used and annotated by William Fulman (1632-88), Oxford antiquary, and entries in his hand on f. 97r. Formerly Bodleian, MS CCC.328.
Cited in Fulman MS
Copy, headed
Including 23 poems by Strode (and second copies of two poems) and one poem of doubtful authorship.
c.1630s.Including (ff. 98r-100r) a letter by one Pet[er] Wood
. Inscribed (ff. 90r-1r), Thease verses I borroed to write out of John Sherly [d. 1666] a booke seller in litle Brittaine, 28th of March 1633
. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9235. Sotheby's, 21 February 1938, lot 243.
Cited in Wood MS
Copy, headed
Formerly (before 1686) in the Palatine Library at Heidelberg. Possibly acquired by Charles Louis (1617-80), Elector Palatine, while at the English court of his uncle, Charles I, from 1635 to 1649.
This volume discovered, and announced in the
Copy, headed
Inscribed To my euer honored good Cosen Sr John Reresby Barronett these prsent
: i.e. presented to Sir John Reresby, first Baronet (1611-46), royalist, of Thribergh Hall.
Among the muniments of Lord Mexborough, descended from the Savile family formerly of Methley Hall, near Pontefract, West Yorkshire. Formerly MX 237.
Cited in Mexborough MS
Copy, headed R. Corbett
Among papers of the Clitherow family of London, which included Sir Christopher Clitherow (1578-1642), Lord Mayor of London in 1635. Bookplate of James Clitherow Esq. of Boston House, Middlesex: i.e. either Christopher's son, James Clitherow (1618-82), merchant and banker, who purchased Boston Manor, in the parish of Hanwell, in 1670, or James Clitherow (1694-1752).
Inscriptions including (Part I, pp. 1, 3 and 42) Edward Lewis his Book 1753
, John Parker
, P H Warburton
, and John Aden
, and (Part II, p. 33) Thomas Lloyd Esq
. Wigfair MS 43, among papers mainly of the Lloyd family of Hafodunos, Denbighshire, and Wigfair, near St Asaph, Flintshire, purchased in 1926-7 from Colonel H.C. Lloyd Howard, of Wigfair.
The name of the possible compiler John Pike
inscribed on f. 1r: i.e. possibly a member of the Pike family of Cambridge (one John Pike (d.1677) matriculating at Peterhouse in 1662).
Cited in Pike MS
First published in
Copy, headed
Including 14 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Carew, 22 poems by Corbett and 36 poems (plus three of doubtful authorship) by Strode. Apparently transcribed in part from
Inscribed (f. 1r) by one I A
of Christ Church, Oxford, and also Robert Killigrew his booke witnes by his Maiesties ape Gorge Harison
. Later owned by Sir Hans Sloane, Bt (1660-1753), physician and collector.
Cited in Killigrew MS
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 145.
Copy, headed
The table of contents (f. 155v) subscribed Margrett Bellasys
, possibly the daughter of Thomas Belasyse (1577-1652), first Viscount Fauconberg of Henknowle. The front endpaper later inscribed The pieces which I have extracted for
: i.e. possibly by Thomas Campbell (1777-1844), editor of The Specimens
are, Page 91, 211, 265
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 145.
First published in
An exemplum of None of Dr Corbets
and an attribution to John Harris of Christ Church.
Copy, headed
Including 18 poems by Corbett and 59 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s.Inscribed on a flyleaf Elizabeth Lane hir booke
and, among scribbling on another flyleaf, Johannes Finch
. P.J. Dobell's sale catalogue No. 68 (1941), item 341.
Cited in Elizabeth Lane MS
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 1v, in a court hand) Daniell Leare his Booke
, witnesse William Strode
, and (f. 164r) Mr Daniell Leare eius Liber
: i.e. compiled chiefly by Daniel Leare, a distant cousin of the poet William Strode, probably at Christ Church, Oxford, before he entered the Middle Temple in 1633.
This suggestion, by Mary Hobbs, is supported by entries in the Caution Book of 1625-41 at Christ Church, where Strode is found (p. 22) paying £10 as college security for Leare and where Leare signs (p. 23) on this sum's repayment by Dr Fell on 13 May 1633. Forey suggests (p. lxxix) that he was the Daniell Leare of St Andrews, Holburne, whose will was proved in 1652; but it is more likely that he was the Daniel Leare to whom Henry King, Dean of Rochester, leased property at Chatham on 19 July 1655 (
The volume includes 12 poems by Donne; 15 poems (plus a second copy of one and three of doubtful authorship) by Carew; 20 poems (plus two of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; and 84 poems (plus second copies of eight poems, four poems of doubtful authorship and some apocryphal poems) by Strode, the texts being closely related to, and in part probably transcribed from, the Corpus MS
of Strode's poems (
Inscribed also John Leare
(probably Daniel's younger brother); (f. 1r) Anthony Euans his booke
(who married Daniel Leare's niece Dorothy Leare in 1663); (f. 1v) Alexander Croke his Book 1773
; and (f. 164v) John Scott
(who matriculated at Christ Church in 1632). Rimell & Son, 9 November 1878.
Cited in Leare MS
Discussed in Mary Hobbs,
Copy, headed Geo: Morleye
Including nineteen poems by Corbett and 29 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode, the date 1634 occurring on f. 78v.
c.1635.Inscribed on f. 111v rev. Thursday next at Capricks for Mr Pitt
. Later among the collections of Robert Harley, first Earl of Oxford (1661-1724), and his son Edward, second Earl (1689-1741).
Cited in Harley MS
Including 14 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Carew, 22 poems by Corbett and 36 poems (plus three of doubtful authorship) by Strode. Apparently transcribed in part from
Inscribed (f. 1r) by one I A
of Christ Church, Oxford, and also Robert Killigrew his booke witnes by his Maiesties ape Gorge Harison
. Later owned by Sir Hans Sloane, Bt (1660-1753), physician and collector.
Cited in Killigrew MS
Copy, headed R: Corbet
Including twelve poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 30 poems by Strode (one of them in V.a.152) plus one of doubtful authorship.
c.late 1630s [-1789].Later sold by Thomas Thorpe. Afterwards owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89) (and No. 27 in his
Cited in Thorpe-Halliwell MS
Copy, headed
Including 15 poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 57 poems (plus a second copy of one poem and four poems of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s[-55].Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: possibly his MS 18123. Owned c.1903 by Bertram Dobell (1842-1914), literary scholar and bookseller. Formerly MS 646.4.
Cited in Dobell MS
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 130.
Formerly (before 1686) in the Palatine Library at Heidelberg. Possibly acquired by Charles Louis (1617-80), Elector Palatine, while at the English court of his uncle, Charles I, from 1635 to 1649.
This volume discovered, and announced in the
Copy, headed
Including 45 poems (and a second copy of one) by Carew, 11 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Corbett, and 25 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1634.The initials T. C.
stamped on the front cover. Sold by Thomas Thorpe (1836). Afterwards in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9536, and by Marsden J. Perry (1850-1935), of Providence, Rhode Island, industrialist, banker, and art and books collector. A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue
Cited in Rosenbach MS II
Copy, headed
Owned and probably compiled in part, in his Oxford days, by George Morley (1598-1684), Bishop of Winchester.
Cited in Morley MS
: Killigrew MS
Facsimile of f. 49r in
Copy, headed John Harris
Including 14 poems by Carew, 13 poems by Corbett and 25 poems (plus one poem of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1650.Scribbling on the first page including the words Peyton Chester…
Cited in Osborn MS I
Copy, headed
From the library of Cecil Brent, FSA. Sold by P.J. & A.E. Dobell, January 1938.
Copy, headed Dr Corb:
Indexes, in contemporary vellum.
Compiled by an Oxford University man, possibly a member of St John's College.
c.1634-43. A receipt (f. 104r) by John Weston recording payment from his brother Ed: Weston
, 3 May 1714. The name John Saunders
inscribed on the final leaf.
Copy of an abridged 38-line version, headed
Probably compiled principally by an Oxford University man.
c.1630s-40s.Names inscribed on rear flyleaf and paste-down Elizabeth hosman
and William Blois
The name Edward Michell inscribed later inside the rear cover. Afterwards owned by Richard Rawlinson (1690-1755).
Cited in Michell MS
Copy, subscribed Dr C
Inscribed (f. ir) by Thomas Hearne (1678-1735), the date 1741
Copy, headed John Harris of Christchurch
Compiled, over a period, principally by Thomas Manne (1581/2-1641), Chaplain of Christ Church, Oxford, and Henry King's amanuensis, including (ff. 7r-61r) 24 poems by King in Manne's formal hand, written c.1625-30s; ff. 61v-72v, 73r-99v, 100r-101v written in a variant style of Manne's hand, c.1630s; and (ff. 72v, 99v, 102r-14v, 190v-169r rev.) additions in six other hands, c.1630s-44, with (ff. 75r, 76r, and 76v) three poems to which the subscription R. Dorset
is added in the hand of King himself.
Inscribed (f. 190v rev.) Ann Littleton
. Thomas Rodd's sale catalogue, [June 1848], p. 31. Sotheby's, 4 Februry 1850 (Rodd sale), lot 500, to James Orchard Halliwell[-Phillipps] (1820-89), literary scholar and book collector. Afterward owned by the Rev. Thomas Corser, FSA (1793-1876), book collector. Sotheby's, 25 June 1873 (Corser sale), lot 325, to William Pickering (1796-1854), publisher. Later owned by the bookdealer Philip Robinson. Sotheby's, 26 June 1974, lot 3013, with a facsimile example in the sale catalogue.
Cited in Thomas Manne MS
Copy, in a mixed hand, on the first three pages (two following leaves unopened) of a quarto booklet. c.1620s-30s.
Partly compiled by Sir Richard Browne and his father Christopher Browne (1577-1646), of Saye's Court, Deptford.
Volume LXVII of the Evelyn Papers, of John Evelyn (1620-1706), diarist and writer, of Wootton House, Surrey, and his family, also incorporating papers of his father-in-law, Sir Richard Browne, Bt (1605-83), diplomat, and his family. Formerly preserved at Christ Church, Oxford. Acquired March 1995.
Copy, headed
Including 40 poems by Strode and two poems of doubtful authorship.
c.1630s.Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9510. (Phillipps sale, lot 1015.) Owned c.1903 by Bertram Dobell (1842-1914). Percy Dobell's sale catalogue No. 68 (1941), item 342. Formerly MS 4201. 27. 1.
Cited in Dobell MS II
Copy, headed John Harris of Christ-Church
Including 15 poems by Carew and 17 poems by King.
c.1630s.Later owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89), literary scholar and book collector. Bookplate of the Warwick Castle Library. Formerly Folger MS 1.8.
Cited in Halliwell MS
Among papers of the Clitherow family of London, which included Sir Christopher Clitherow (1578-1642), Lord Mayor of London in 1635. Bookplate of James Clitherow Esq. of Boston House, Middlesex: i.e. either Christopher's son, James Clitherow (1618-82), merchant and banker, who purchased Boston Manor, in the parish of Hanwell, in 1670, or James Clitherow (1694-1752).
Copy, headed
Later owned by the Newcastle antiquarian collectors John Bell (1783-1864) and Robert White (1802-74).
Cited in
Copy, headed
Later notes and scribbling including the names John Nutting
(ff. 26r, 56r) and John M.
and John Susan
(rear paste-down). The last leaf also containing a list of the titles of 65 poems by Carew together with the number of lines in each poem, this list unrelated to the contents of the rest of the MS.
Cited in Nutting MS
Copy, headed
Inscriptions inside the covers including the name Phil. Mu
(or Mer.
). Later in the library of John Sparrow (1906-92), literary scholar and book collector. Acquired in 1969 by Dr Bent Juel-Jensen (1922-2006), Oxford physician and book collector.
Cited in Sparrow MS
First published in Bennett & Trevor-Roper (1955), p. 93.
Copy in Fulman's hand, transcribed from
Compiled and written by William Fulman (1632-88), Oxford antiquary.
Mid-late 17th century.This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 161.
Copy in the hand of Corbett's chaplain William Strode.
A working autograph notebook of poems by Strode, compiled and revised over a considerable period, comprising 101 English poems (including draft fragments, 66 Latin poems and 2 Greek poems by him, together with his copies of a few poems by others (generally paired with Strode's translations or answers) including Richard Corbett, Thomas Carew, Peter Apsley, and Henry King and Henry Reynolds, as well as a lecture in Latin by the Professor of Greek at Oxford; ff. 52r-96r written in Strode's mixed secretary and italic hand, probably early 1620s-30; ff. 96v-129v, and afterwards ff. 1-51v, written in Strode's italic hand, probably for the most part c.1635-7, with additions up to 1643; ff. 129v-30v containing rough jottings in both styles; many of the poems containing Strode's extensive revisions, probably made from the 1630s onwards.
c.1620s-43.Some scribbling on the last page including the name John Herbert. Possibly one of the MS volumes by Strode which, according to Anthony Wood (
Cited in Corpus MS
Edited from this MS in Bennett & Trevor-Roper.
First published in
For related poems see
Copy, headed
Including 18 poems by Corbett and 59 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s.Inscribed on a flyleaf Elizabeth Lane hir booke
and, among scribbling on another flyleaf, Johannes Finch
. P.J. Dobell's sale catalogue No. 68 (1941), item 341.
Cited in Elizabeth Lane MS
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 1v, in a court hand) Daniell Leare his Booke
, witnesse William Strode
, and (f. 164r) Mr Daniell Leare eius Liber
: i.e. compiled chiefly by Daniel Leare, a distant cousin of the poet William Strode, probably at Christ Church, Oxford, before he entered the Middle Temple in 1633.
This suggestion, by Mary Hobbs, is supported by entries in the Caution Book of 1625-41 at Christ Church, where Strode is found (p. 22) paying £10 as college security for Leare and where Leare signs (p. 23) on this sum's repayment by Dr Fell on 13 May 1633. Forey suggests (p. lxxix) that he was the Daniell Leare of St Andrews, Holburne, whose will was proved in 1652; but it is more likely that he was the Daniel Leare to whom Henry King, Dean of Rochester, leased property at Chatham on 19 July 1655 (
The volume includes 12 poems by Donne; 15 poems (plus a second copy of one and three of doubtful authorship) by Carew; 20 poems (plus two of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; and 84 poems (plus second copies of eight poems, four poems of doubtful authorship and some apocryphal poems) by Strode, the texts being closely related to, and in part probably transcribed from, the Corpus MS
of Strode's poems (
Inscribed also John Leare
(probably Daniel's younger brother); (f. 1r) Anthony Euans his booke
(who married Daniel Leare's niece Dorothy Leare in 1663); (f. 1v) Alexander Croke his Book 1773
; and (f. 164v) John Scott
(who matriculated at Christ Church in 1632). Rimell & Son, 9 November 1878.
Cited in Leare MS
Discussed in Mary Hobbs,
Copy, headed R: Corbett
Including nineteen poems by Corbett and 29 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode, the date 1634 occurring on f. 78v.
c.1635.Inscribed on f. 111v rev. Thursday next at Capricks for Mr Pitt
. Later among the collections of Robert Harley, first Earl of Oxford (1661-1724), and his son Edward, second Earl (1689-1741).
Cited in Harley MS
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 11.
Copy, headed
Including 14 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Carew, 22 poems by Corbett and 36 poems (plus three of doubtful authorship) by Strode. Apparently transcribed in part from
Inscribed (f. 1r) by one I A
of Christ Church, Oxford, and also Robert Killigrew his booke witnes by his Maiesties ape Gorge Harison
. Later owned by Sir Hans Sloane, Bt (1660-1753), physician and collector.
Cited in Killigrew MS
Copy, headed
Including 15 poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 57 poems (plus a second copy of one poem and four poems of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s[-55].Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: possibly his MS 18123. Owned c.1903 by Bertram Dobell (1842-1914), literary scholar and bookseller. Formerly MS 646.4.
Cited in Dobell MS
Copy, headed
Including 11 poems by Donne, and 15 poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett.
c.1630s.Later owned by Edward Jeremiah Curteis, M.P., of Windmill Hill, Sussex. Puttick & Simpson's, 30 June 1884 (Curteis sale), lot 175, to Pearson of Pall Mall for James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89). Formerly Folger MS 452.5.
Cited in Curteis MS
Copy, headed
Including 52 poems by Donne (many on pp. 64-109, 167-74 initialled
Later scribbling and inscriptions including the names Edw Denny
[presumably Edward Denny (1569-1637), Baron Denny of Waltham and first Earl of Norwich], Charles Cocks
, Edward Randolphe
and (on p. 162) Thomas Cassy
. Later owned by Joseph Haslewood (1769-1833), bibliographer and antiquary (sold in the Haslewood sale, London, 1833, lot 1329, to Thorpe); by Edward King (1795-1837), Viscount Kingsborough, antiquary (his sale in Dublin, 1 November 1841, item 624); and by Henry Huth (1815-78), book collector (his library catalogue, 1880, IV, pp. 1159-64), and sold at Sotheby's, 17 July 1917 (Huth sale), lot 5873.
Cited in Haslewood-Kingsborough MS (I)
Copy, headed
Love Sonnets, etc.), probably associated with Oxford University, possibly Christ Church, 382 pages (including numerous blanks), in contemporary calf gilt.
Including 13 poems by Donne and 14 (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; the scribe is that mainly responsible also for the Thomas Smyth MS
Later owned and used extensively as a notebook by Dr William Balam (1651-1726), of Ely, Cambridgeshire, who also annotated
Cited in Welbeck MS
Owned and probably compiled in part, in his Oxford days, by George Morley (1598-1684), Bishop of Winchester.
Cited in Morley MS
: Killigrew MS
Facsimile of f. 49r in
Copy, headed R: Corbet
Including 14 poems by Carew, 13 poems by Corbett and 25 poems (plus one poem of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1650.Scribbling on the first page including the words Peyton Chester…
Cited in Osborn MS I
Copy, untitled.
The name George Brown
inscribed on p. 14. Inscribed on p. i by Edmond Malone (1741-1812), literary scholar, biographer and book collector Feb 13. 1790. I this day purchased this Manuscript Collection of Poems, at the sale of Mr Brander's books, at the exorbitant price of Ten Guineas. EMalone
Copy, headed
Among the papers of the Stanhope family, of Horsforth, near Leeds. Formerly Spencer-Stanhope MSS, Calendar No. 2795 (Bundle 10, No. 34).
Copy, headed
The table of contents (f. 155v) subscribed Margrett Bellasys
, possibly the daughter of Thomas Belasyse (1577-1652), first Viscount Fauconberg of Henknowle. The front endpaper later inscribed The pieces which I have extracted for
: i.e. possibly by Thomas Campbell (1777-1844), editor of The Specimens
are, Page 91, 211, 265
Copy, headed
Part I probably in several hands, the predominant italic hand that also responsible for the Welbeck MS
Part I inscribed (f. 1r) John Smyth his Book 1640
, Charles Smyth 1674
, Hugh Smyth 1676
; (f. 23v) J Smyth 1677 / 1676
. Part II inscribed several times Thomas Smith
, on f. 19r also Die: Maij 12o A
, with a reference on f. 58v to Balliol College, Oxford, 1659/60. Later inscribed (f. [ir]) by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89), who records buying this very curious and interesting MS. of Messrs Boone
. Afterwards in the library at Warwick Castle. Formerly Folger MS 1. 28.
Cited in Thomas Smyth MS
Copy, headed R: C.
Including 15 poems by Carew and 17 poems by King.
c.1630s.Later owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89), literary scholar and book collector. Bookplate of the Warwick Castle Library. Formerly Folger MS 1.8.
Cited in Halliwell MS
Copy, headed R C
Inscribed To my euer honored good Cosen Sr John Reresby Barronett these prsent
: i.e. presented to Sir John Reresby, first Baronet (1611-46), royalist, of Thribergh Hall.
Among the muniments of Lord Mexborough, descended from the Savile family formerly of Methley Hall, near Pontefract, West Yorkshire. Formerly MX 237.
Cited in Mexborough MS
Copy, headed
Later owned by the Newcastle antiquarian collectors John Bell (1783-1864) and Robert White (1802-74).
Cited in
Copy of lines 17-30, headed
Including 23 poems (and a second copy of one) by Randolph.
c.1635.Mostyn MS 196: from the library originally founded by Sir Thomas Mostyn (1535-1617) at Mostyn Hall, near Holywell, Flintshire, Wales, the MS possibly acquired by Sir Roger Mostyn (1567-1642) or by his son Sir Roger Mostyn, first Baronet (1625?-90). A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue
Cited in Mostyn MS
Copy, headed
The name of the possible compiler John Pike
inscribed on f. 1r: i.e. possibly a member of the Pike family of Cambridge (one John Pike (d.1677) matriculating at Peterhouse in 1662).
Cited in Pike MS
Copy, headed
Folios 357r-68v comprising a portion of a quarto verse miscellany, in a neat italic hand, probably associated with the Inns of Court.
c.1620s-30s.Old pressmark F. 4. 20.
First published in
The poem is usually followed in MSS by Dr Daniel Price's Answer
(So to dead Hector boyes may doe disgrace
), and see also
Copy, headed
Including 18 poems by Corbett and 59 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s.Inscribed on a flyleaf Elizabeth Lane hir booke
and, among scribbling on another flyleaf, Johannes Finch
. P.J. Dobell's sale catalogue No. 68 (1941), item 341.
Cited in Elizabeth Lane MS
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 1v, in a court hand) Daniell Leare his Booke
, witnesse William Strode
, and (f. 164r) Mr Daniell Leare eius Liber
: i.e. compiled chiefly by Daniel Leare, a distant cousin of the poet William Strode, probably at Christ Church, Oxford, before he entered the Middle Temple in 1633.
This suggestion, by Mary Hobbs, is supported by entries in the Caution Book of 1625-41 at Christ Church, where Strode is found (p. 22) paying £10 as college security for Leare and where Leare signs (p. 23) on this sum's repayment by Dr Fell on 13 May 1633. Forey suggests (p. lxxix) that he was the Daniell Leare of St Andrews, Holburne, whose will was proved in 1652; but it is more likely that he was the Daniel Leare to whom Henry King, Dean of Rochester, leased property at Chatham on 19 July 1655 (
The volume includes 12 poems by Donne; 15 poems (plus a second copy of one and three of doubtful authorship) by Carew; 20 poems (plus two of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; and 84 poems (plus second copies of eight poems, four poems of doubtful authorship and some apocryphal poems) by Strode, the texts being closely related to, and in part probably transcribed from, the Corpus MS
of Strode's poems (
Inscribed also John Leare
(probably Daniel's younger brother); (f. 1r) Anthony Euans his booke
(who married Daniel Leare's niece Dorothy Leare in 1663); (f. 1v) Alexander Croke his Book 1773
; and (f. 164v) John Scott
(who matriculated at Christ Church in 1632). Rimell & Son, 9 November 1878.
Cited in Leare MS
Discussed in Mary Hobbs,
Copy, headed Rich: Corbett
Including nineteen poems by Corbett and 29 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode, the date 1634 occurring on f. 78v.
c.1635.Inscribed on f. 111v rev. Thursday next at Capricks for Mr Pitt
. Later among the collections of Robert Harley, first Earl of Oxford (1661-1724), and his son Edward, second Earl (1689-1741).
Cited in Harley MS
Copy, headed
Including 14 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Carew, 22 poems by Corbett and 36 poems (plus three of doubtful authorship) by Strode. Apparently transcribed in part from
Inscribed (f. 1r) by one I A
of Christ Church, Oxford, and also Robert Killigrew his booke witnes by his Maiesties ape Gorge Harison
. Later owned by Sir Hans Sloane, Bt (1660-1753), physician and collector.
Cited in Killigrew MS
Copy, headed Dr Corbet
Including twelve poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 30 poems by Strode (one of them in V.a.152) plus one of doubtful authorship.
c.late 1630s [-1789].Later sold by Thomas Thorpe. Afterwards owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89) (and No. 27 in his
Cited in Thorpe-Halliwell MS
Copy, headed
Including 15 poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 57 poems (plus a second copy of one poem and four poems of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s[-55].Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: possibly his MS 18123. Owned c.1903 by Bertram Dobell (1842-1914), literary scholar and bookseller. Formerly MS 646.4.
Cited in Dobell MS
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 107.
Copy, headed
Including 11 poems by Donne, and 15 poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett.
c.1630s.Later owned by Edward Jeremiah Curteis, M.P., of Windmill Hill, Sussex. Puttick & Simpson's, 30 June 1884 (Curteis sale), lot 175, to Pearson of Pall Mall for James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89). Formerly Folger MS 452.5.
Cited in Curteis MS
Copy, untitled, subscribed R: C:
Owned, and possibly compiled, by John Cave, of Lincoln College, Oxford (M.A. 28 January 1618/19; d.1657). The first page of text is a poem
Also inscribed with names of Elizabeth Park [or Parker], John Nedham, and William Adams. Later owned by the Rev. T.R. O' Flahertie (d.1894), of Capel, near Dorking, Surrey, book collector; by Charles Elkin Matthews (1851-19210, bookseller; and by Richard Jennings. Sotheby's, 28 April 1952 (Jennings sale), lot 12.
Cited in John Cave MS
Copy, headed
Love Sonnets, etc.), probably associated with Oxford University, possibly Christ Church, 382 pages (including numerous blanks), in contemporary calf gilt.
Including 13 poems by Donne and 14 (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; the scribe is that mainly responsible also for the Thomas Smyth MS
Later owned and used extensively as a notebook by Dr William Balam (1651-1726), of Ely, Cambridgeshire, who also annotated
Cited in Welbeck MS
Copy, headed
Owned and probably compiled in part, in his Oxford days, by George Morley (1598-1684), Bishop of Winchester.
Cited in Morley MS
: Killigrew MS
Facsimile of f. 49r in
Copy, headed R: Corbet
Including 14 poems by Carew, 13 poems by Corbett and 25 poems (plus one poem of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1650.Scribbling on the first page including the words Peyton Chester…
Cited in Osborn MS I
Copy, headed
Compiled by Richard Roberts, Justice of the Peace.
c.1628.Sold by P.J. Dobell in 1936.
From the library of Cecil Brent, FSA. Sold by P.J. & A.E. Dobell, January 1938.
Copy, headed
The name George Brown
inscribed on p. 14. Inscribed on p. i by Edmond Malone (1741-1812), literary scholar, biographer and book collector Feb 13. 1790. I this day purchased this Manuscript Collection of Poems, at the sale of Mr Brander's books, at the exorbitant price of Ten Guineas. EMalone
Copy, headed
Including 14 poems by Carew; the main text (ff. 1r-27r) in a non-professional mixed hand of the 1630s (but for later scribbling); the remaining leaves filled by later hands; notes on family history from 1647 to 1664 on ff. 28r-9r.
c.1630s[-75].Inscribed on f. 29v John Peverell Booke 1674
and his name also on ff. 1r and 49r. Fol. 48v containing a receipt dated 30 June 1653 by me Francis Blackitt of bro. William of Hoodcroft, Co. Durham
. Other names inside the front cover including John Peves
and Railphe Hogwood
and, inside the back cover, James Portington
, William Steadman 1675
, Thomas Meeres
, William Diton
and Ramond Swift
Cited in Peverell MS
Copy, headed
Entirely in the hand of John Hopkinson (1610-80), Yorkshire antiquary, of Lofthouse, near Leeds, and comprising Volume 27 of the Hopkinson MSS. Chiefly transcribed from papers belonging to John Savile, Baron of Pontefract, and Edward Taylor, of Furnivall's Inn, Holborn.
1674.Signed bookplate of Frances Mary Richardson Currer (1785-1861), book collector, of Eshton Hall, West Yorkshire. Subsequently owned by her step-father Matthew Wilson.
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 298.
Copy, headed
Among the papers of the Stanhope family, of Horsforth, near Leeds. Formerly Spencer-Stanhope MSS, Calendar No. 2795 (Bundle 10, No. 34).
Copy, headed
The table of contents (f. 155v) subscribed Margrett Bellasys
, possibly the daughter of Thomas Belasyse (1577-1652), first Viscount Fauconberg of Henknowle. The front endpaper later inscribed The pieces which I have extracted for
: i.e. possibly by Thomas Campbell (1777-1844), editor of The Specimens
are, Page 91, 211, 265
Copy, headed Dr Corbett
Later owned by Thomas Rodd (1796-1849), bookseller; by Richard Heber (1774-1833), book collector; and by the Rev. Philip Bliss (1787-1857), antiquary and book collector. Sotheby's, 21 August 1858 (Bliss sale), lot 190.
Copy, headed
Compiled by Sir John Perceval, Bt (1629-65), probably while at Magdalene College, Cambridge. Volume CXCII of the papers of the Perceval family, Earls of Egmont, and the allied Southwell family.
c.1646-9.Copy, in a rounded italic hand, headed
Partly compiled by Sir Richard Browne and his father Christopher Browne (1577-1646), of Saye's Court, Deptford.
Volume LXVII of the Evelyn Papers, of John Evelyn (1620-1706), diarist and writer, of Wootton House, Surrey, and his family, also incorporating papers of his father-in-law, Sir Richard Browne, Bt (1605-83), diplomat, and his family. Formerly preserved at Christ Church, Oxford. Acquired March 1995.
Copy, headed
Copy, headed Dr: C:
Copy, probably in the secretary hand of Thomas Carre (d.1641), rector of Himsworth and vicar of Aycliffe, Co. Durham, headed Dr. Corbit
Among the collections of Christopher Hunter (1675-1757), Durham antiquary and physician.
This MS recorded in P.G. Stanwood,
Copy, headed
Part I probably in several hands, the predominant italic hand that also responsible for the Welbeck MS
Part I inscribed (f. 1r) John Smyth his Book 1640
, Charles Smyth 1674
, Hugh Smyth 1676
; (f. 23v) J Smyth 1677 / 1676
. Part II inscribed several times Thomas Smith
, on f. 19r also Die: Maij 12o A
, with a reference on f. 58v to Balliol College, Oxford, 1659/60. Later inscribed (f. [ir]) by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89), who records buying this very curious and interesting MS. of Messrs Boone
. Afterwards in the library at Warwick Castle. Formerly Folger MS 1. 28.
Cited in Thomas Smyth MS
Copy, subscribed RC.
Including 15 poems by Carew and 17 poems by King.
c.1630s.Later owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89), literary scholar and book collector. Bookplate of the Warwick Castle Library. Formerly Folger MS 1.8.
Cited in Halliwell MS
Copy, headed
Including 23 poems by Strode (and second copies of two poems) and one poem of doubtful authorship.
c.1630s.Including (ff. 98r-100r) a letter by one Pet[er] Wood
. Inscribed (ff. 90r-1r), Thease verses I borroed to write out of John Sherly [d. 1666] a booke seller in litle Brittaine, 28th of March 1633
. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9235. Sotheby's, 21 February 1938, lot 243.
Cited in Wood MS
Copy, headed R. C
Inscribed To my euer honored good Cosen Sr John Reresby Barronett these prsent
: i.e. presented to Sir John Reresby, first Baronet (1611-46), royalist, of Thribergh Hall.
Among the muniments of Lord Mexborough, descended from the Savile family formerly of Methley Hall, near Pontefract, West Yorkshire. Formerly MX 237.
Cited in Mexborough MS
Copy, headed
Inscriptions including (Part I, pp. 1, 3 and 42) Edward Lewis his Book 1753
, John Parker
, P H Warburton
, and John Aden
, and (Part II, p. 33) Thomas Lloyd Esq
. Wigfair MS 43, among papers mainly of the Lloyd family of Hafodunos, Denbighshire, and Wigfair, near St Asaph, Flintshire, purchased in 1926-7 from Colonel H.C. Lloyd Howard, of Wigfair.
This entry in
Copy, headed
Later owned by the Newcastle antiquarian collectors John Bell (1783-1864) and Robert White (1802-74).
Cited in
Copy, headed
Including 23 poems (and a second copy of one) by Randolph.
c.1635.Mostyn MS 196: from the library originally founded by Sir Thomas Mostyn (1535-1617) at Mostyn Hall, near Holywell, Flintshire, Wales, the MS possibly acquired by Sir Roger Mostyn (1567-1642) or by his son Sir Roger Mostyn, first Baronet (1625?-90). A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue
Cited in Mostyn MS
Copy, headed
The name of the possible compiler John Pike
inscribed on f. 1r: i.e. possibly a member of the Pike family of Cambridge (one John Pike (d.1677) matriculating at Peterhouse in 1662).
Cited in Pike MS
Copy, headed
Folios 357r-68v comprising a portion of a quarto verse miscellany, in a neat italic hand, probably associated with the Inns of Court.
c.1620s-30s.Old pressmark F. 4. 20.
First published in
Copy, headed
Including 18 poems by Corbett and 59 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s.Inscribed on a flyleaf Elizabeth Lane hir booke
and, among scribbling on another flyleaf, Johannes Finch
. P.J. Dobell's sale catalogue No. 68 (1941), item 341.
Cited in Elizabeth Lane MS
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 101v) Henry Lawson
(or just possibly Lamson
). Thomas Thorpe, sale catalogue (1836), item 1185. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9257. Sotheby's, 15 June 1896 (Phillipps sale), lot 862. Quaritch's sale catalogue No. 164 (1896), item 64.
Cited in Lawson MS
Including twelve poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 32 poems (plus four of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s-40s.Thomas Thorpe's sale catalogue (1836), item 1044. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9561. Sotheby's, 19 June 1893 (Phillipps sale), lot 628, and 21 March 1895, lot 903. Hodgson's, 23 April 1959, lot 528.
Cited in English Poetry MS
Copy, subscribed Dr R: Corbett
Including nineteen poems by Corbett and 29 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode, the date 1634 occurring on f. 78v.
c.1635.Inscribed on f. 111v rev. Thursday next at Capricks for Mr Pitt
. Later among the collections of Robert Harley, first Earl of Oxford (1661-1724), and his son Edward, second Earl (1689-1741).
Cited in Harley MS
Copy, with corrections in another hand.
Including 14 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Carew, 22 poems by Corbett and 36 poems (plus three of doubtful authorship) by Strode. Apparently transcribed in part from
Inscribed (f. 1r) by one I A
of Christ Church, Oxford, and also Robert Killigrew his booke witnes by his Maiesties ape Gorge Harison
. Later owned by Sir Hans Sloane, Bt (1660-1753), physician and collector.
Cited in Killigrew MS
Copy, headed
Including twelve poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 30 poems by Strode (one of them in V.a.152) plus one of doubtful authorship.
c.late 1630s [-1789].Later sold by Thomas Thorpe. Afterwards owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89) (and No. 27 in his
Cited in Thorpe-Halliwell MS
Copy, headed
Including 15 poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 57 poems (plus a second copy of one poem and four poems of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s[-55].Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: possibly his MS 18123. Owned c.1903 by Bertram Dobell (1842-1914), literary scholar and bookseller. Formerly MS 646.4.
Cited in Dobell MS
Copy in double columns, headed
Including 52 poems by Donne (many on pp. 64-109, 167-74 initialled
Later scribbling and inscriptions including the names Edw Denny
[presumably Edward Denny (1569-1637), Baron Denny of Waltham and first Earl of Norwich], Charles Cocks
, Edward Randolphe
and (on p. 162) Thomas Cassy
. Later owned by Joseph Haslewood (1769-1833), bibliographer and antiquary (sold in the Haslewood sale, London, 1833, lot 1329, to Thorpe); by Edward King (1795-1837), Viscount Kingsborough, antiquary (his sale in Dublin, 1 November 1841, item 624); and by Henry Huth (1815-78), book collector (his library catalogue, 1880, IV, pp. 1159-64), and sold at Sotheby's, 17 July 1917 (Huth sale), lot 5873.
Cited in Haslewood-Kingsborough MS (I)
Copy of lines 1-46, headed
Love Sonnets, etc.), probably associated with Oxford University, possibly Christ Church, 382 pages (including numerous blanks), in contemporary calf gilt.
Including 13 poems by Donne and 14 (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; the scribe is that mainly responsible also for the Thomas Smyth MS
Later owned and used extensively as a notebook by Dr William Balam (1651-1726), of Ely, Cambridgeshire, who also annotated
Cited in Welbeck MS
Including 45 poems (and a second copy of one) by Carew, 11 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Corbett, and 25 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1634.The initials T. C.
stamped on the front cover. Sold by Thomas Thorpe (1836). Afterwards in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9536, and by Marsden J. Perry (1850-1935), of Providence, Rhode Island, industrialist, banker, and art and books collector. A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue
Cited in Rosenbach MS II
Owned and probably compiled in part, in his Oxford days, by George Morley (1598-1684), Bishop of Winchester.
Cited in Morley MS
: Killigrew MS
Facsimile of f. 49r in
Copy, in two hands, headed
Compiled in part (ff. 131v-66r) by Elias Ashmole (1617-92), astrologer and antiquary.
c.1630s-40s.Copy headed
Including 16 poems (plus second copies of two) by Carew, 19 poems by or attributed to Herrick (and second copies of six of them), 23 poems (plus second copies of two and four of doubtful authorship) by Randolph, 18 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode, and eleven poems by Waller.
c.1630s-40s.Inscribed on a flyleaf Peeter Daniell
and his initials stamped on both covers. Later scribbling including the names Thomas Gardinor
, James Leigh
and Pettrus Romell
. Owned in 1780 by one A. B.
when it was given to Thomas Percy (1768-1808), later Bishop of Dromore. Sotheby's, 29 April 1884 (Percy sale), lot 1. Acquired from Quaritch, 1957.
Cited in Daniell MS
Copy, in a professional hand, docketed
With a few additions in Rawlinson's hand.
Copy, headed
Probably compiled by a member of New College, Oxford.
c.1630s.Some tipped-in notes by Richard Rawlinson.
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 44.
Copy, untitled, on eight quarto leaves, with a note on a preliminary leaf (f. 71v) by Wood identifying it as I remember I had this out of Dr Barten Holydayes studie after his death
[i.e. Barten Holyday (1593-1661), poet and cleric].
Among collections of Anthony Wood (1632-95), Oxford antiquary.
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, pp. xxi-xxii.
Entirely in the hand of John Hopkinson (1610-80), Yorkshire antiquary, of Lofthouse, near Leeds, and comprising Volume 34 of the Hopkinson MSS.
Mid-late 17th century.Signed bookplate of Frances Mary Richardson Currer (1785-1861), book collector, of Eshton Hall, West Yorkshire. Subsequently owned by her step-father Matthew Wilson.
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 299.
Copy of lines 1-474, in a mixed hand, on eight folio leaves, inscribed at the top of the first leaf Ralph Thoresby
, imperfect, lacking lines 475 onwards.
Including items once owned by Ralph Thoresby (1658-1725), Yorkshire antiquary and topographer. Collected by Thomas Birch (1705-66), biographer and historian.
Presumably from item 47 among the folio MSS recorded in Thoresby's
Copy, in a predominantly italic hand, in double columns, headed
Volume II of the papers of Peter Alfred Taylor, MP (fl.1875).
Copy, headed
Compiled, over a period, principally by Thomas Manne (1581/2-1641), Chaplain of Christ Church, Oxford, and Henry King's amanuensis, including (ff. 7r-61r) 24 poems by King in Manne's formal hand, written c.1625-30s; ff. 61v-72v, 73r-99v, 100r-101v written in a variant style of Manne's hand, c.1630s; and (ff. 72v, 99v, 102r-14v, 190v-169r rev.) additions in six other hands, c.1630s-44, with (ff. 75r, 76r, and 76v) three poems to which the subscription R. Dorset
is added in the hand of King himself.
Inscribed (f. 190v rev.) Ann Littleton
. Thomas Rodd's sale catalogue, [June 1848], p. 31. Sotheby's, 4 Februry 1850 (Rodd sale), lot 500, to James Orchard Halliwell[-Phillipps] (1820-89), literary scholar and book collector. Afterward owned by the Rev. Thomas Corser, FSA (1793-1876), book collector. Sotheby's, 25 June 1873 (Corser sale), lot 325, to William Pickering (1796-1854), publisher. Later owned by the bookdealer Philip Robinson. Sotheby's, 26 June 1974, lot 3013, with a facsimile example in the sale catalogue.
Cited in Thomas Manne MS
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 179r) This is Sr. Thomas Meres [or ? Maiors] Book
: i.e. probably Sir Thomas Meres (1634-1715), of Kirton, Lincolnshire. Later bookplate of the Rev. John Curtis. Purchased from Mrs Ann Austin Curtis 12 October 1889.
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 62r) Nathaniel Heighmore
: i.e. presumably Nathaniel Highmore (1613-85), chemical physician and anatomist; John Sacheverell his hand and pen Amen
; and John Sacheverell the Author of this...
Copy, subscribed R: C:
Including 22 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Carew, 13 poems by King, and 24 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode, and probably associated with Christ Church, Oxford.
c.1633.Inscribed names including (f. 93v, in court hand) ffrancis Baskeruile
: i.e. probably the Francis Baskerville who married Margaret Glanvill in 1635 and was in 1640 MP for Marlborough, Wiltshire. Other scribbling including (f. 1r) accounts referring to Wanborough, Wiltshire; (f. 9v) Elizabeth White
; (f. 54v) William Walrond his booke 1663
; (f. 92r) accounts dated 1658; and (f. 94r) John Wallrond
. Later owned by Sir Hans Sloane, Bt (1660-1753), physician and collector.
Recorded in Baskerville MS
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 47.
Copy, subscribed Dr Rich. Corbet
Inscriptions include Edwardus Hyde
(at the end) and (f. [ir]) Edward Hyde is a knave
: i.e. probably Edward Hyde (1607-59), royalist divine, who may be the E. H.
responsible for a poem Ned Hide
who is subject of an Robertus Walker
and Elizabeth Walker
. Early 18th-century bookplate of Baron Aston of Forfar. Percy Dobell, sale catalogue No. 68 (1941), item 345. Later owned by Sir Geoffrey Keynes (1887-1982), surgeon, literary scholar, and book collector.
Cited in Hyde MS
: signature
(which does not correspond to the main handwriting). Sir Geoffrey Keynes,
Copy, in a neat italic hand, headed
Sotheby's, 19 March 1930, lot 450.
Copy, headed R.C.
Inscribed (Part II, f. 1*r) A booke of verses collected by mee RDungaruan
: i.e. Richard Boyle (1612-98), Viscount Dungarvon and later Earl of Burlington.
Also inscribed Mary Helerd
. Subsequently owned by James Tyrrell (1642-1718), historical writer, and by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1782-1872), book and manuscript collector: Phillipps MS 15745. Formerly Folger MS 46. 2.
Copy, headed
Owned, and possibly compiled, by John Cave, of Lincoln College, Oxford (M.A. 28 January 1618/19; d.1657). The first page of text is a poem
Also inscribed with names of Elizabeth Park [or Parker], John Nedham, and William Adams. Later owned by the Rev. T.R. O' Flahertie (d.1894), of Capel, near Dorking, Surrey, book collector; by Charles Elkin Matthews (1851-19210, bookseller; and by Richard Jennings. Sotheby's, 28 April 1952 (Jennings sale), lot 12.
Cited in John Cave MS
Inscribed, and probably compiled, by Hugh Barrow (b.1617/18), of Brasenose College, Oxford.
c.1638.Also inscribed names of George Hope, Peter Wynne and [?]Anselm Huff. Later owned by Dr A.S.W. Rosenbach (1876-1952), Philadelphia bookseller and scholar: Rosenbach MS 192.
Later owned by the Newcastle antiquarian collectors John Bell (1783-1864) and Robert White (1802-74).
Cited in
Copy, headed
Possibly compiled by one W: H:
: i.e. probably William Holgate (1618-46), of Queens' College, Cambridge, with late 17th-century additions apparently made by other members of the Holgate family, of Saffron Walden and Great Bardfield, Essex.
Owned in the early 18th century by John Wale, who supplied the index on pp. 330-3. Owned before 1927 by Col. W.G. Carwardine-Probert, of Bures, Suffolk (descendant of the Holgate family).
Cited in
Copy, beginning at line 23 (here
Including thirteen poems by Strode and three of doubtful authorship.
c.1638-45 [and addition c.1649].Later sold by Thomas Thorpe (1836). Afterwards in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9569. Bookplate of the Shakespearian Library of Marsden J. Perry (1850-1935), industrialist, banker, and art and book collector, of Providence, Rhode Island. American Art Association, New York, 11-12 March 1936 (Perry sale). A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue
Cited in Rosenbach MS I
Including 23 poems (and a second copy of one) by Randolph.
c.1635.Mostyn MS 196: from the library originally founded by Sir Thomas Mostyn (1535-1617) at Mostyn Hall, near Holywell, Flintshire, Wales, the MS possibly acquired by Sir Roger Mostyn (1567-1642) or by his son Sir Roger Mostyn, first Baronet (1625?-90). A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue
Cited in Mostyn MS
Copy, headed
Owned and probably compiled by Robert Bishop. Later owned by Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9549. A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue,
Cited in Bishop MS
Copy, headed
Later notes and scribbling including the names John Nutting
(ff. 26r, 56r) and John M.
and John Susan
(rear paste-down). The last leaf also containing a list of the titles of 65 poems by Carew together with the number of lines in each poem, this list unrelated to the contents of the rest of the MS.
Cited in Nutting MS
Copy, in a secretary hand, untitled.
Inscribed on the last page (f. 98v) by Andrewes's secretary samMVel. WrIght of LonDon 1616
This MS discussed, with facsimiles of ff. 36r, 40v and 44v, in P.J. Klemp, Betwixt the Hammer and the Anvill
: Lancelot Andrewes's Revision Techniques in the Manuscript of His 1620 Easter Sermon
Copy, headed
Chiefly in the hand of John Nedham, of Lincoln College, Oxford, and probably transcribed from the John Cave MS
Also owned or used by Millicent Nedham and by one William Edmunde. Possibly the quarto MS of Poems by Dr. Donne and Dr. Corbet
in Thomas Rodd's sale catalogue of a Collection of MSS, 1841, item 600, and in his catalogue of MSS, 1846, p. 29. Later owned by Francis Godolphin Waldron (1743-1818), actor and playwright, and by Alexander Dyce (1798-1869), literary scholar and editor.
Cited in Nedham MS
Copy, headed
22, disbound. c.1620s-30s.
Copy, headed Dr Hutton and dr Corbett
, imperfect, part of pp. 62-3 torn away.
Inscribed (on p. [330]) Robert Lord his book Anno Domini
; (on [p. 335]) william Jacob his booke Amen
; and, among scribbling on the last leaf, Hugh Gibgans of the same
and John Winter of Buckland Dursbane [or husbande?]
. Owned in 1788 by Alexander R. Popham. Bloomsbury Book Auction, 23 November 2000, lot 8.
A microfilm is in the British Library, RP 7698.
The itinerarij in to the North, 10. Aug. 1618. by Richard Corbett. En Vers. & quantités d'autres Poëmes, sur toute sorte de sujets par les Meilleurs Auteurs Anglois; à sçavoir par Edward Lapworth, John Squijer, Tomkis, Sr. Henry Godyer, John Donne, & autres; tous en Anglois.
Ex Bibliotheca Constantini Hugenii
: i.e. the Dutch diplomatist and poet Constantijn Huygens (1596-1687). Janus Albinus, Libri Manuscripti in Folio
Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 91.
First published in
Copy, headed
Including 18 poems by Corbett and 59 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s.Inscribed on a flyleaf Elizabeth Lane hir booke
and, among scribbling on another flyleaf, Johannes Finch
. P.J. Dobell's sale catalogue No. 68 (1941), item 341.
Cited in Elizabeth Lane MS
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 1v, in a court hand) Daniell Leare his Booke
, witnesse William Strode
, and (f. 164r) Mr Daniell Leare eius Liber
: i.e. compiled chiefly by Daniel Leare, a distant cousin of the poet William Strode, probably at Christ Church, Oxford, before he entered the Middle Temple in 1633.
This suggestion, by Mary Hobbs, is supported by entries in the Caution Book of 1625-41 at Christ Church, where Strode is found (p. 22) paying £10 as college security for Leare and where Leare signs (p. 23) on this sum's repayment by Dr Fell on 13 May 1633. Forey suggests (p. lxxix) that he was the Daniell Leare of St Andrews, Holburne, whose will was proved in 1652; but it is more likely that he was the Daniel Leare to whom Henry King, Dean of Rochester, leased property at Chatham on 19 July 1655 (
The volume includes 12 poems by Donne; 15 poems (plus a second copy of one and three of doubtful authorship) by Carew; 20 poems (plus two of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; and 84 poems (plus second copies of eight poems, four poems of doubtful authorship and some apocryphal poems) by Strode, the texts being closely related to, and in part probably transcribed from, the Corpus MS
of Strode's poems (
Inscribed also John Leare
(probably Daniel's younger brother); (f. 1r) Anthony Euans his booke
(who married Daniel Leare's niece Dorothy Leare in 1663); (f. 1v) Alexander Croke his Book 1773
; and (f. 164v) John Scott
(who matriculated at Christ Church in 1632). Rimell & Son, 9 November 1878.
Cited in Leare MS
Discussed in Mary Hobbs,
Copy, headed
Including 14 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Carew, 22 poems by Corbett and 36 poems (plus three of doubtful authorship) by Strode. Apparently transcribed in part from
Inscribed (f. 1r) by one I A
of Christ Church, Oxford, and also Robert Killigrew his booke witnes by his Maiesties ape Gorge Harison
. Later owned by Sir Hans Sloane, Bt (1660-1753), physician and collector.
Cited in Killigrew MS
Copy, headed
Including 15 poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 57 poems (plus a second copy of one poem and four poems of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s[-55].Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: possibly his MS 18123. Owned c.1903 by Bertram Dobell (1842-1914), literary scholar and bookseller. Formerly MS 646.4.
Cited in Dobell MS
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 65.
Copy, headed
Including 11 poems by Donne, and 15 poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett.
c.1630s.Later owned by Edward Jeremiah Curteis, M.P., of Windmill Hill, Sussex. Puttick & Simpson's, 30 June 1884 (Curteis sale), lot 175, to Pearson of Pall Mall for James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89). Formerly Folger MS 452.5.
Cited in Curteis MS
Copy, headed L C
Including 52 poems by Donne (many on pp. 64-109, 167-74 initialled
Later scribbling and inscriptions including the names Edw Denny
[presumably Edward Denny (1569-1637), Baron Denny of Waltham and first Earl of Norwich], Charles Cocks
, Edward Randolphe
and (on p. 162) Thomas Cassy
. Later owned by Joseph Haslewood (1769-1833), bibliographer and antiquary (sold in the Haslewood sale, London, 1833, lot 1329, to Thorpe); by Edward King (1795-1837), Viscount Kingsborough, antiquary (his sale in Dublin, 1 November 1841, item 624); and by Henry Huth (1815-78), book collector (his library catalogue, 1880, IV, pp. 1159-64), and sold at Sotheby's, 17 July 1917 (Huth sale), lot 5873.
Cited in Haslewood-Kingsborough MS (I)
Copy, as by Dr Corbett
Love Sonnets, etc.), probably associated with Oxford University, possibly Christ Church, 382 pages (including numerous blanks), in contemporary calf gilt.
Including 13 poems by Donne and 14 (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; the scribe is that mainly responsible also for the Thomas Smyth MS
Later owned and used extensively as a notebook by Dr William Balam (1651-1726), of Ely, Cambridgeshire, who also annotated
Cited in Welbeck MS
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 65.
Including 45 poems (and a second copy of one) by Carew, 11 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Corbett, and 25 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1634.The initials T. C.
stamped on the front cover. Sold by Thomas Thorpe (1836). Afterwards in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9536, and by Marsden J. Perry (1850-1935), of Providence, Rhode Island, industrialist, banker, and art and books collector. A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue
Cited in Rosenbach MS II
Owned and probably compiled in part, in his Oxford days, by George Morley (1598-1684), Bishop of Winchester.
Cited in Morley MS
: Killigrew MS
Facsimile of f. 49r in
Copy in the hand of Elias Ashmole, in an interleaved printed exemplum of Lilly's
Copy, in a roman hand, headed
Including papers on barons in connection with the case of Lord Roos, 27 April 1616, on the judicial proceedings in 1616 after the death of Sir Thomas Overbury (1613), on the punishment of peers, on Rathlin Island, and an anonymous tract on Geoffrey of Monmouth (pp. 133-8).
c.1615-20s.Owned or used by Edward Walker, Garter King of Arms; by Francis Sandford, Lancaster Herald; and by Mr Howell (herald painter). Acquired by Thomas Smith (1638-1710), Oxford scholar and editor, at Christmas 1703. Inscribed by Thomas Hearne (1678-1735), on 2 March 1710/11, as having been bequeathed by Smith to him.
Extracts from this MS (concerning the trial of the Earl of Somerset) printed in Beatrice White,
Copy, on a long ledger leaf, headed Dr. Corbet
Partly compiled by Archbishop Sancroft.
Copy, headed
Entirely in the hand of John Hopkinson (1610-80), Yorkshire antiquary, of Lofthouse, near Leeds, and comprising Volume 34 of the Hopkinson MSS.
Mid-late 17th century.Signed bookplate of Frances Mary Richardson Currer (1785-1861), book collector, of Eshton Hall, West Yorkshire. Subsequently owned by her step-father Matthew Wilson.
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 299.
Copy, headed
Transcribed from
Later owned by William Pickering (1796-1854), publisher. Sotheby's, 13 May 1856 (Pickering sale), lot 258.
Cited in Pickering MS
Later owned by Thomas Rodd (1796-1849), bookseller; by Richard Heber (1774-1833), book collector; and by the Rev. Philip Bliss (1787-1857), antiquary and book collector. Sotheby's, 21 August 1858 (Bliss sale), lot 190.
Copy, headed
To the righte honoble: the Lorde Thomas Darcy Viscount Colchester(c.1565-1640, Viscount Colchester from 1621 to 1626), 191 leaves, in modern half-morocco.
Including 27 poems (and second copies of two poems) by Thomas Carew and three of doubtful authorship.
This MS largely transcribed in
Scribbled inscriptions including (f. 1r) Mr John Bowyer
; (f. 2r) Jeronomus ffox
; and (f. 3r) William Ralph Baesh
Cited in Colchester MS
Copy, headed
Indexat the end, in contemporary vellum boards.
Including fourteen poems by James Shirley, generally ascribed to him, and eleven poems by Strode (and two of doubtful authorship).
c.1636.Inscribed (on the front paste-down) My cousin chute gaue me this book out of his father study at the vine Hampshire
(following the same statement in French), indicating that the MS was owned by, and possibly originally compiled for, the family of Chaloner Chute, MP (c.1595-1659), Speaker of the house of Commons, who acquired The Vyne, near Basingstoke, Hampshire, in 1653. Later owned by Sir William Tite (1798-1873), architect. Sotheby's, 30 May 1874, lot 2343. Bookplate of William Horatio Crawford, of Lakelands, Cork, book collector. Sotheby's, 21 March 1891 (Crawford sale), lot 2493.
Cited in Chute MS
Compiled, over a period, principally by Thomas Manne (1581/2-1641), Chaplain of Christ Church, Oxford, and Henry King's amanuensis, including (ff. 7r-61r) 24 poems by King in Manne's formal hand, written c.1625-30s; ff. 61v-72v, 73r-99v, 100r-101v written in a variant style of Manne's hand, c.1630s; and (ff. 72v, 99v, 102r-14v, 190v-169r rev.) additions in six other hands, c.1630s-44, with (ff. 75r, 76r, and 76v) three poems to which the subscription R. Dorset
is added in the hand of King himself.
Inscribed (f. 190v rev.) Ann Littleton
. Thomas Rodd's sale catalogue, [June 1848], p. 31. Sotheby's, 4 Februry 1850 (Rodd sale), lot 500, to James Orchard Halliwell[-Phillipps] (1820-89), literary scholar and book collector. Afterward owned by the Rev. Thomas Corser, FSA (1793-1876), book collector. Sotheby's, 25 June 1873 (Corser sale), lot 325, to William Pickering (1796-1854), publisher. Later owned by the bookdealer Philip Robinson. Sotheby's, 26 June 1974, lot 3013, with a facsimile example in the sale catalogue.
Cited in Thomas Manne MS
Copy, in an uneven italic hand, headed
Probably compiled by university or inns of court men.
c.1620s-30s.Copy, headed
Owned, and possibly compiled, by John Cave, of Lincoln College, Oxford (M.A. 28 January 1618/19; d.1657). The first page of text is a poem
Also inscribed with names of Elizabeth Park [or Parker], John Nedham, and William Adams. Later owned by the Rev. T.R. O' Flahertie (d.1894), of Capel, near Dorking, Surrey, book collector; by Charles Elkin Matthews (1851-19210, bookseller; and by Richard Jennings. Sotheby's, 28 April 1952 (Jennings sale), lot 12.
Cited in John Cave MS
Copy, headed
Possibly compiled by one W: H:
: i.e. probably William Holgate (1618-46), of Queens' College, Cambridge, with late 17th-century additions apparently made by other members of the Holgate family, of Saffron Walden and Great Bardfield, Essex.
Owned in the early 18th century by John Wale, who supplied the index on pp. 330-3. Owned before 1927 by Col. W.G. Carwardine-Probert, of Bures, Suffolk (descendant of the Holgate family).
Cited in
Copy, headed
Including thirteen poems by Strode and three of doubtful authorship.
c.1638-45 [and addition c.1649].Later sold by Thomas Thorpe (1836). Afterwards in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9569. Bookplate of the Shakespearian Library of Marsden J. Perry (1850-1935), industrialist, banker, and art and book collector, of Providence, Rhode Island. American Art Association, New York, 11-12 March 1936 (Perry sale). A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue
Cited in Rosenbach MS I
Copy, transcribed from
Chiefly in the hand of John Nedham, of Lincoln College, Oxford, and probably transcribed from the John Cave MS
Also owned or used by Millicent Nedham and by one William Edmunde. Possibly the quarto MS of Poems by Dr. Donne and Dr. Corbet
in Thomas Rodd's sale catalogue of a Collection of MSS, 1841, item 600, and in his catalogue of MSS, 1846, p. 29. Later owned by Francis Godolphin Waldron (1743-1818), actor and playwright, and by Alexander Dyce (1798-1869), literary scholar and editor.
Cited in Nedham MS
Copy, headed
22, disbound. c.1620s-30s.
Among papers of the Middletons, a Yorkshire recusant family. Formerly MD59/22/B/3.
First published in
Copy, headed
Including 18 poems by Corbett and 59 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s.Inscribed on a flyleaf Elizabeth Lane hir booke
and, among scribbling on another flyleaf, Johannes Finch
. P.J. Dobell's sale catalogue No. 68 (1941), item 341.
Cited in Elizabeth Lane MS
Copy, headed Dr Rich: Corbett
Including nineteen poems by Corbett and 29 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode, the date 1634 occurring on f. 78v.
c.1635.Inscribed on f. 111v rev. Thursday next at Capricks for Mr Pitt
. Later among the collections of Robert Harley, first Earl of Oxford (1661-1724), and his son Edward, second Earl (1689-1741).
Cited in Harley MS
Copy, headed
Including 14 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Carew, 22 poems by Corbett and 36 poems (plus three of doubtful authorship) by Strode. Apparently transcribed in part from
Inscribed (f. 1r) by one I A
of Christ Church, Oxford, and also Robert Killigrew his booke witnes by his Maiesties ape Gorge Harison
. Later owned by Sir Hans Sloane, Bt (1660-1753), physician and collector.
Cited in Killigrew MS
Copy, headed
Including 11 poems by Donne, and 15 poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett.
c.1630s.Later owned by Edward Jeremiah Curteis, M.P., of Windmill Hill, Sussex. Puttick & Simpson's, 30 June 1884 (Curteis sale), lot 175, to Pearson of Pall Mall for James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89). Formerly Folger MS 452.5.
Cited in Curteis MS
Copy, headed
Including 52 poems by Donne (many on pp. 64-109, 167-74 initialled
Later scribbling and inscriptions including the names Edw Denny
[presumably Edward Denny (1569-1637), Baron Denny of Waltham and first Earl of Norwich], Charles Cocks
, Edward Randolphe
and (on p. 162) Thomas Cassy
. Later owned by Joseph Haslewood (1769-1833), bibliographer and antiquary (sold in the Haslewood sale, London, 1833, lot 1329, to Thorpe); by Edward King (1795-1837), Viscount Kingsborough, antiquary (his sale in Dublin, 1 November 1841, item 624); and by Henry Huth (1815-78), book collector (his library catalogue, 1880, IV, pp. 1159-64), and sold at Sotheby's, 17 July 1917 (Huth sale), lot 5873.
Cited in Haslewood-Kingsborough MS (I)
Copy, headed
Love Sonnets, etc.), probably associated with Oxford University, possibly Christ Church, 382 pages (including numerous blanks), in contemporary calf gilt.
Including 13 poems by Donne and 14 (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; the scribe is that mainly responsible also for the Thomas Smyth MS
Later owned and used extensively as a notebook by Dr William Balam (1651-1726), of Ely, Cambridgeshire, who also annotated
Cited in Welbeck MS
Copy, untitled.
Including 45 poems (and a second copy of one) by Carew, 11 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Corbett, and 25 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1634.The initials T. C.
stamped on the front cover. Sold by Thomas Thorpe (1836). Afterwards in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9536, and by Marsden J. Perry (1850-1935), of Providence, Rhode Island, industrialist, banker, and art and books collector. A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue
Cited in Rosenbach MS II
Copy, untitled.
Owned and probably compiled in part, in his Oxford days, by George Morley (1598-1684), Bishop of Winchester.
Cited in Morley MS
: Killigrew MS
Facsimile of f. 49r in
Copy, headed
Including 14 poems by Carew, 13 poems by Corbett and 25 poems (plus one poem of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1650.Scribbling on the first page including the words Peyton Chester…
Cited in Osborn MS I
Copy, headed
Compiled in part (ff. 131v-66r) by Elias Ashmole (1617-92), astrologer and antiquary.
c.1630s-40s.Copy, headed
The name George Brown
inscribed on p. 14. Inscribed on p. i by Edmond Malone (1741-1812), literary scholar, biographer and book collector Feb 13. 1790. I this day purchased this Manuscript Collection of Poems, at the sale of Mr Brander's books, at the exorbitant price of Ten Guineas. EMalone
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 146.
Copy, headed
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 146.
Copy, headed
Entirely in the hand of John Hopkinson (1610-80), Yorkshire antiquary, of Lofthouse, near Leeds, and comprising Volume 34 of the Hopkinson MSS.
Mid-late 17th century.Signed bookplate of Frances Mary Richardson Currer (1785-1861), book collector, of Eshton Hall, West Yorkshire. Subsequently owned by her step-father Matthew Wilson.
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 299.
Copy, headed
Probably compiled by one H.S.
, a Cambridge man.
Later owned by the Rev. Philip Bliss (1787-1857), antiquary and book collector, with his bookplate and inscription 1806 Purchased of Lansdown of Bristol
. Bliss sale, 21 August 1858, lot 192.
Edited from this MS in online Early Stuart Libels.
Copy, headed
Indexat the end, in contemporary vellum boards.
Including fourteen poems by James Shirley, generally ascribed to him, and eleven poems by Strode (and two of doubtful authorship).
c.1636.Inscribed (on the front paste-down) My cousin chute gaue me this book out of his father study at the vine Hampshire
(following the same statement in French), indicating that the MS was owned by, and possibly originally compiled for, the family of Chaloner Chute, MP (c.1595-1659), Speaker of the house of Commons, who acquired The Vyne, near Basingstoke, Hampshire, in 1653. Later owned by Sir William Tite (1798-1873), architect. Sotheby's, 30 May 1874, lot 2343. Bookplate of William Horatio Crawford, of Lakelands, Cork, book collector. Sotheby's, 21 March 1891 (Crawford sale), lot 2493.
Cited in Chute MS
Copy, in a professional italic hand, untitled, on three pages of a pair of conjugate folio leaves, endorsed Verses. Dr. Corbet
. c.1620s.
Partly compiled by Sir Richard Browne and his father Christopher Browne (1577-1646), of Saye's Court, Deptford.
Volume LXVII of the Evelyn Papers, of John Evelyn (1620-1706), diarist and writer, of Wootton House, Surrey, and his family, also incorporating papers of his father-in-law, Sir Richard Browne, Bt (1605-83), diplomat, and his family. Formerly preserved at Christ Church, Oxford. Acquired March 1995.
Copy, headed Dr Rich: Corbett
Compiled for the most part by a University of Oxford man, with (f. 1r-v) a list of contents.
c.1640s.Once owned by one John Faith, and by William Fulman (1632-88), Oxford antiquary.
Formerly cited as Corpus Christi College, MS E.i.33.
Copy, headed
Inscribed (Part II, f. 1*r) A booke of verses collected by mee RDungaruan
: i.e. Richard Boyle (1612-98), Viscount Dungarvon and later Earl of Burlington.
Also inscribed Mary Helerd
. Subsequently owned by James Tyrrell (1642-1718), historical writer, and by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1782-1872), book and manuscript collector: Phillipps MS 15745. Formerly Folger MS 46. 2.
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 1r) Abraham Bassano
and (f. 98r) Elizabeth Weldon
. Later owned by William John Thoms (1803-85), writer, antiquary and librarian. Sotheby's, 11 February 1887 (Thoms sale), lot 1092. Also owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89). Formerly Folger MS 452.4.
Cited in Welden MS
Copy, headed
Including 14 poems by Strode (and a second copy of one poem).
c.1637-51.Inscribed (front pastedown) Wakelin EeK Hering / Blows of Whitsor
, and (rear pastedown) R. J. Cotton
. Formerly Folger MS 2073.4.
Cited in
Copy, headed
Including 23 poems by Strode (and second copies of two poems) and one poem of doubtful authorship.
c.1630s.Including (ff. 98r-100r) a letter by one Pet[er] Wood
. Inscribed (ff. 90r-1r), Thease verses I borroed to write out of John Sherly [d. 1666] a booke seller in litle Brittaine, 28th of March 1633
. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9235. Sotheby's, 21 February 1938, lot 243.
Cited in Wood MS
Copy, headed
Among papers of the Clitherow family of London, which included Sir Christopher Clitherow (1578-1642), Lord Mayor of London in 1635. Bookplate of James Clitherow Esq. of Boston House, Middlesex: i.e. either Christopher's son, James Clitherow (1618-82), merchant and banker, who purchased Boston Manor, in the parish of Hanwell, in 1670, or James Clitherow (1694-1752).
Copy, headed
Owned, and possibly compiled, by John Cave, of Lincoln College, Oxford (M.A. 28 January 1618/19; d.1657). The first page of text is a poem
Also inscribed with names of Elizabeth Park [or Parker], John Nedham, and William Adams. Later owned by the Rev. T.R. O' Flahertie (d.1894), of Capel, near Dorking, Surrey, book collector; by Charles Elkin Matthews (1851-19210, bookseller; and by Richard Jennings. Sotheby's, 28 April 1952 (Jennings sale), lot 12.
Cited in John Cave MS
Copy, in a secretary hand, headed
Owned in 1702 by John Newdegate, of the Inner Temple. Among papers of the Newdegate family, Viscounts Daventry, of Arbury Hall, Nuneaton.
Warwickshire County Record Office, microfilm M1 351/3 & /5, No. 20.
Copy, headed
Possibly compiled by one W: H:
: i.e. probably William Holgate (1618-46), of Queens' College, Cambridge, with late 17th-century additions apparently made by other members of the Holgate family, of Saffron Walden and Great Bardfield, Essex.
Owned in the early 18th century by John Wale, who supplied the index on pp. 330-3. Owned before 1927 by Col. W.G. Carwardine-Probert, of Bures, Suffolk (descendant of the Holgate family).
Cited in
Copy, headed
Including thirteen poems by Strode and three of doubtful authorship.
c.1638-45 [and addition c.1649].Later sold by Thomas Thorpe (1836). Afterwards in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9569. Bookplate of the Shakespearian Library of Marsden J. Perry (1850-1935), industrialist, banker, and art and book collector, of Providence, Rhode Island. American Art Association, New York, 11-12 March 1936 (Perry sale). A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue
Cited in Rosenbach MS I
Copy, in a secretary hand, untitled, here beginning Dor. Corbetts verses
Donated in 1921 by Dr J. R. Tanner.
Copy, headed
The name of the possible compiler John Pike
inscribed on f. 1r: i.e. possibly a member of the Pike family of Cambridge (one John Pike (d.1677) matriculating at Peterhouse in 1662).
Cited in Pike MS
Copy, headed
Among the papers of the Wentworth family, Earls of Strafford.
Copy, headed in the margin
Erroneously described in 1965 as a commonplace book of the poet Robert Herrick. The so-called Herrick hand
responsible for complete poems or substantial passages on pp. 73-4, 102-3, 253, 312-13, 319-21, 323, 328 and 343, this hand also responsible for corrections and brief insertions in both verse and prose on pp. 55-6, 58-60, 68, 71, 75-6, 78, 83, 89, 91, 93, 97, 99. 108-9, 203, 266, 285, 291, 348 and 350.
Scribbling on front- and end-leaves including Georgius Cantuarien
, Thomas Hobson
[?the Cambridge Carrier], Benjamin Broadeface
, To my very long friend mr John Bond
, To the right reuerend ffather in God George Archbyshop of Canterbury his grace
, Whereas the Bearer hereof Thomas Hall hath serued his sixe weekes…
, To the right honor Sr Tho: Moore Whereas the Bearer hereof John Tis[?]sdale
, Williamson
and Phillip de Maceden
. Puttick and Simpson's, 30 May 1849, lot 158 (erroneously described as a commonplace book of George Abbot, Archbishop of Canterbury). Afterwards in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), book and manuscript collector: Phillipps MS 12341*. Sotheby's, 29 June 1965, lot 146 (as Herrick's commonplace book). House of El Dieff (Lew David Feldman), New York, sale catalogue No. 65 (1965), with facsimile page as frontispiece. Formerly Ms File/(Herrick, R)/Works B.
Also facsimiles of p. 323 in the Sotheby's sale catalogue (frontispiece) and of p. 253 (as if in Herrick's hand) in Croft,
The MS discussed by Farmer in loc. cit. and in Herrick
Copy, untitled, in a verse miscellany appended to a MS volume of poems by Donne.
A folio verse miscellany, including 15 poems by Donne, f. 162r-v in a rounded italic hand, ff. 164r-74v in a slightly erratic italic hand, ff. 175r-279v in a neat formal italic hand (also responsible for the index on ff. 2r-11v), this miscellany constituting ff. 162r-279v of a single folio volume containing also Part I (
Formerly MS G. 2.21.
Cited in
Copy, headed
Compiled by members of the Griffith family, of Llanddyfnan, the verse probably entered by one or more of the various members of that family who studied in this period at the University of Oxford.
Mid-17th century.Cited in Griffith MS
Copy, headed
Inscribed four times on a flyleaf Tobias Alston his booke
: i.e. probably Tobias Alston (1620-c.1639) of Sayham Hall, near Sudbury, Suffolk. His half-brother Edward (b.1598) was a contemporary of Herrick at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, while his cousin, Edward Alston, later President of the College of Physicians, was a contemporary of Herrick at St John's College, Cambridge, some of the other contents also relating to Cambridge, besides some relating to Suffolk. The date 1639 occurs on p. 241, and pp. 243-50 contains verses written in two later hands (to c.1728) and some prose pieces written from the reverse end.
Names inscribed on a flyleaf including Henry Glisson (later Fellow of the College of Physicians); Thomas Avral(?); Horace Norton; Henry Rich; and James Tavor (Registrar of Cambridge University). Later owned by one John Whitehead, and by Dr Mary Pickford. Sotheby's, 27 June 1972, lot 309.
Cited in Alston MS
Copy, headed
First published in Bennett & Trevor-Roper (1955), p. 8.
Some texts followed by an answer beginning Little booke, when I am gone
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 101v) Henry Lawson
(or just possibly Lamson
). Thomas Thorpe, sale catalogue (1836), item 1185. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9257. Sotheby's, 15 June 1896 (Phillipps sale), lot 862. Quaritch's sale catalogue No. 164 (1896), item 64.
Cited in Lawson MS
Edited from this MS in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 107.
Copy, headed
Including 16 poems by Carew and 13 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode. Written in three hands: i.e. A (Codrington's hand, including his own poems) on pp. 1-283, 349-55; B on pp. 284-9; and C on pp. 289-348, 356-60; dated (pp. 1-22) Anno D
and The 30th of May. 1638
Acquired from Blackwell's, 1962.
Cited in Codrington MS
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 1v, in a court hand) Daniell Leare his Booke
, witnesse William Strode
, and (f. 164r) Mr Daniell Leare eius Liber
: i.e. compiled chiefly by Daniel Leare, a distant cousin of the poet William Strode, probably at Christ Church, Oxford, before he entered the Middle Temple in 1633.
This suggestion, by Mary Hobbs, is supported by entries in the Caution Book of 1625-41 at Christ Church, where Strode is found (p. 22) paying £10 as college security for Leare and where Leare signs (p. 23) on this sum's repayment by Dr Fell on 13 May 1633. Forey suggests (p. lxxix) that he was the Daniell Leare of St Andrews, Holburne, whose will was proved in 1652; but it is more likely that he was the Daniel Leare to whom Henry King, Dean of Rochester, leased property at Chatham on 19 July 1655 (
The volume includes 12 poems by Donne; 15 poems (plus a second copy of one and three of doubtful authorship) by Carew; 20 poems (plus two of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; and 84 poems (plus second copies of eight poems, four poems of doubtful authorship and some apocryphal poems) by Strode, the texts being closely related to, and in part probably transcribed from, the Corpus MS
of Strode's poems (
Inscribed also John Leare
(probably Daniel's younger brother); (f. 1r) Anthony Euans his booke
(who married Daniel Leare's niece Dorothy Leare in 1663); (f. 1v) Alexander Croke his Book 1773
; and (f. 164v) John Scott
(who matriculated at Christ Church in 1632). Rimell & Son, 9 November 1878.
Cited in Leare MS
Discussed in Mary Hobbs,
Copy, headed
Including 14 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Carew, 22 poems by Corbett and 36 poems (plus three of doubtful authorship) by Strode. Apparently transcribed in part from
Inscribed (f. 1r) by one I A
of Christ Church, Oxford, and also Robert Killigrew his booke witnes by his Maiesties ape Gorge Harison
. Later owned by Sir Hans Sloane, Bt (1660-1753), physician and collector.
Cited in Killigrew MS
Copy, headed
Including 11 poems by Donne, and 15 poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett.
c.1630s.Later owned by Edward Jeremiah Curteis, M.P., of Windmill Hill, Sussex. Puttick & Simpson's, 30 June 1884 (Curteis sale), lot 175, to Pearson of Pall Mall for James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89). Formerly Folger MS 452.5.
Cited in Curteis MS
Copy, headed
Owned and probably compiled in part, in his Oxford days, by George Morley (1598-1684), Bishop of Winchester.
Cited in Morley MS
: Killigrew MS
Facsimile of f. 49r in
Copy, headed
From the library of Cecil Brent, FSA. Sold by P.J. & A.E. Dobell, January 1938.
Copy, headed
Probably compiled by a Cambridge University man.
c.1630s.Inscribed in engrossed lettering (f. 1r) E Libris Richard Sutclif
. Later owned by Benjamin Heywood Bright (1830-84), merchant and author. Sotheby's, 18 June 1844 (Bright sale), lot 194.
Copy, headed
Inscribed names (on front paste-down and f. 1r) of Fra: Norreys
(? Sir Francis Norris (1609-69)) and Hen. Balle
. Purchased from J. Harvey 8 December 1877.
Edited from this MS in Bennett & Trevor-Roper.
Copy of the first stanza, headed
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, pp. 106-7.
Copy, untitled and here beginning
Possibly associated with the Inns of Court. Later used, and annotated in the margin, by William Fulman (1632-88), Oxford antiquary.
Cited in Fulman MS
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 1r) Abraham Bassano
and (f. 98r) Elizabeth Weldon
. Later owned by William John Thoms (1803-85), writer, antiquary and librarian. Sotheby's, 11 February 1887 (Thoms sale), lot 1092. Also owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89). Formerly Folger MS 452.4.
Cited in Welden MS
Copy, headed
Including 14 poems by Strode (and a second copy of one poem).
c.1637-51.Inscribed (front pastedown) Wakelin EeK Hering / Blows of Whitsor
, and (rear pastedown) R. J. Cotton
. Formerly Folger MS 2073.4.
Cited in
Copy, headed
Formerly MS 2073.3.
Copy, headed
Including 23 poems by Strode (and second copies of two poems) and one poem of doubtful authorship.
c.1630s.Including (ff. 98r-100r) a letter by one Pet[er] Wood
. Inscribed (ff. 90r-1r), Thease verses I borroed to write out of John Sherly [d. 1666] a booke seller in litle Brittaine, 28th of March 1633
. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9235. Sotheby's, 21 February 1938, lot 243.
Cited in Wood MS
Copy, untitled.
Later in the libraries (with bookplates) of the book collector Richard Heber (1774-1833); of the bibliographer and antiquary Joseph Haslewood (1769-1833); of the biographer and literary editor Alexander Chalmers (1759-1834); and of the antiquary Edward King (1795-1837), Viscount Kingsborough (his sale by Charles Sharpe in Dublin, 1 November 1842, lot 577).
Copy, headed
Owned and probably compiled by Robert Bishop. Later owned by Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9549. A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue,
Cited in Bishop MS
Copy of a two-line version, headed
Compiled by members of the Griffith family, of Llanddyfnan, the verse probably entered by one or more of the various members of that family who studied in this period at the University of Oxford.
Mid-17th century.Cited in Griffith MS
Copy, headed
Copy, headed
Inscribed (on p. [330]) Robert Lord his book Anno Domini
; (on [p. 335]) william Jacob his booke Amen
; and, among scribbling on the last leaf, Hugh Gibgans of the same
and John Winter of Buckland Dursbane [or husbande?]
. Owned in 1788 by Alexander R. Popham. Bloomsbury Book Auction, 23 November 2000, lot 8.
A microfilm is in the British Library, RP 7698.
First published in
Copy, headed
Including 18 poems by Corbett and 59 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s.Inscribed on a flyleaf Elizabeth Lane hir booke
and, among scribbling on another flyleaf, Johannes Finch
. P.J. Dobell's sale catalogue No. 68 (1941), item 341.
Cited in Elizabeth Lane MS
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 101v) Henry Lawson
(or just possibly Lamson
). Thomas Thorpe, sale catalogue (1836), item 1185. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9257. Sotheby's, 15 June 1896 (Phillipps sale), lot 862. Quaritch's sale catalogue No. 164 (1896), item 64.
Cited in Lawson MS
Copy, headed
Including twelve poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 32 poems (plus four of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s-40s.Thomas Thorpe's sale catalogue (1836), item 1044. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9561. Sotheby's, 19 June 1893 (Phillipps sale), lot 628, and 21 March 1895, lot 903. Hodgson's, 23 April 1959, lot 528.
Cited in English Poetry MS
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 1v, in a court hand) Daniell Leare his Booke
, witnesse William Strode
, and (f. 164r) Mr Daniell Leare eius Liber
: i.e. compiled chiefly by Daniel Leare, a distant cousin of the poet William Strode, probably at Christ Church, Oxford, before he entered the Middle Temple in 1633.
This suggestion, by Mary Hobbs, is supported by entries in the Caution Book of 1625-41 at Christ Church, where Strode is found (p. 22) paying £10 as college security for Leare and where Leare signs (p. 23) on this sum's repayment by Dr Fell on 13 May 1633. Forey suggests (p. lxxix) that he was the Daniell Leare of St Andrews, Holburne, whose will was proved in 1652; but it is more likely that he was the Daniel Leare to whom Henry King, Dean of Rochester, leased property at Chatham on 19 July 1655 (
The volume includes 12 poems by Donne; 15 poems (plus a second copy of one and three of doubtful authorship) by Carew; 20 poems (plus two of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; and 84 poems (plus second copies of eight poems, four poems of doubtful authorship and some apocryphal poems) by Strode, the texts being closely related to, and in part probably transcribed from, the Corpus MS
of Strode's poems (
Inscribed also John Leare
(probably Daniel's younger brother); (f. 1r) Anthony Euans his booke
(who married Daniel Leare's niece Dorothy Leare in 1663); (f. 1v) Alexander Croke his Book 1773
; and (f. 164v) John Scott
(who matriculated at Christ Church in 1632). Rimell & Son, 9 November 1878.
Cited in Leare MS
Discussed in Mary Hobbs,
Copy, headed Dr Rich: Corbet
Including nineteen poems by Corbett and 29 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode, the date 1634 occurring on f. 78v.
c.1635.Inscribed on f. 111v rev. Thursday next at Capricks for Mr Pitt
. Later among the collections of Robert Harley, first Earl of Oxford (1661-1724), and his son Edward, second Earl (1689-1741).
Cited in Harley MS
Copy, headed
Including 14 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Carew, 22 poems by Corbett and 36 poems (plus three of doubtful authorship) by Strode. Apparently transcribed in part from
Inscribed (f. 1r) by one I A
of Christ Church, Oxford, and also Robert Killigrew his booke witnes by his Maiesties ape Gorge Harison
. Later owned by Sir Hans Sloane, Bt (1660-1753), physician and collector.
Cited in Killigrew MS
Copy, headed
Including 11 poems by Donne, and 15 poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett.
c.1630s.Later owned by Edward Jeremiah Curteis, M.P., of Windmill Hill, Sussex. Puttick & Simpson's, 30 June 1884 (Curteis sale), lot 175, to Pearson of Pall Mall for James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89). Formerly Folger MS 452.5.
Cited in Curteis MS
Copy, in double columns, headed L C
Including 52 poems by Donne (many on pp. 64-109, 167-74 initialled
Later scribbling and inscriptions including the names Edw Denny
[presumably Edward Denny (1569-1637), Baron Denny of Waltham and first Earl of Norwich], Charles Cocks
, Edward Randolphe
and (on p. 162) Thomas Cassy
. Later owned by Joseph Haslewood (1769-1833), bibliographer and antiquary (sold in the Haslewood sale, London, 1833, lot 1329, to Thorpe); by Edward King (1795-1837), Viscount Kingsborough, antiquary (his sale in Dublin, 1 November 1841, item 624); and by Henry Huth (1815-78), book collector (his library catalogue, 1880, IV, pp. 1159-64), and sold at Sotheby's, 17 July 1917 (Huth sale), lot 5873.
Cited in Haslewood-Kingsborough MS (I)
Copy, headed
Owned and probably compiled in part, in his Oxford days, by George Morley (1598-1684), Bishop of Winchester.
Cited in Morley MS
: Killigrew MS
Facsimile of f. 49r in
Copy, headed
Including 14 poems by Carew, 13 poems by Corbett and 25 poems (plus one poem of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1650.Scribbling on the first page including the words Peyton Chester…
Cited in Osborn MS I
Copy, headed
Compiled in part (ff. 131v-66r) by Elias Ashmole (1617-92), astrologer and antiquary.
c.1630s-40s.Copy, headed (in margin)
Scribbling on f. iir including ffor mr William Rabey in New=market...
, ffor my Louing ffriend in G John westhropp at mr Rogers Reringe house Bury in S[uffolk]
, ffor mr John fford at his house in Newmarket in the countey of cambridge
; notes on f. iiiv-ivr, one Recd 22 July 1669
, subscribed John Cooke
and including, on f. vir, ffor mr John Cocke at his howse neere the white harte in Thetford...
. Later owned, in the 1730s, by Charles Barlow, of Emmanuel College, Cambridge (his bookplate f. iiv).
Copy, untitled, on two quarto leaves.
Collected by Peter Le Neve (1661-1729). Some pages in the hand of Richard Rawlinson.
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. ir) by Thomas Hearne (1678-1735), the date 1741
Copy, headed
Entirely in the hand of John Hopkinson (1610-80), Yorkshire antiquary, of Lofthouse, near Leeds, and comprising Volume 34 of the Hopkinson MSS.
Mid-late 17th century.Signed bookplate of Frances Mary Richardson Currer (1785-1861), book collector, of Eshton Hall, West Yorkshire. Subsequently owned by her step-father Matthew Wilson.
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 299.
Copy, in an italic hand, untitled, on one side of a single quarto leaf, folded as a letter. c.1620s-30s.
Partly compiled by Sir Richard Browne and his father Christopher Browne (1577-1646), of Saye's Court, Deptford.
Volume LXVII of the Evelyn Papers, of John Evelyn (1620-1706), diarist and writer, of Wootton House, Surrey, and his family, also incorporating papers of his father-in-law, Sir Richard Browne, Bt (1605-83), diplomat, and his family. Formerly preserved at Christ Church, Oxford. Acquired March 1995.
Copy, headed Christs church this present newyeares day 1621
This MS recorded (and erroneously described as a holograph
) in J.E.V. Crofts,
Copy, headed Christs-church this present newyeares day 1621 Rich: Corbett.
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, pp. 72, 143.
Copy, headed R. C.
Including 15 poems by Carew and 17 poems by King.
c.1630s.Later owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89), literary scholar and book collector. Bookplate of the Warwick Castle Library. Formerly Folger MS 1.8.
Cited in Halliwell MS
Copy, headed
Possibly compiled by one W: H:
: i.e. probably William Holgate (1618-46), of Queens' College, Cambridge, with late 17th-century additions apparently made by other members of the Holgate family, of Saffron Walden and Great Bardfield, Essex.
Owned in the early 18th century by John Wale, who supplied the index on pp. 330-3. Owned before 1927 by Col. W.G. Carwardine-Probert, of Bures, Suffolk (descendant of the Holgate family).
Cited in
Copy, untitled.
Erroneously described in 1965 as a commonplace book of the poet Robert Herrick. The so-called Herrick hand
responsible for complete poems or substantial passages on pp. 73-4, 102-3, 253, 312-13, 319-21, 323, 328 and 343, this hand also responsible for corrections and brief insertions in both verse and prose on pp. 55-6, 58-60, 68, 71, 75-6, 78, 83, 89, 91, 93, 97, 99. 108-9, 203, 266, 285, 291, 348 and 350.
Scribbling on front- and end-leaves including Georgius Cantuarien
, Thomas Hobson
[?the Cambridge Carrier], Benjamin Broadeface
, To my very long friend mr John Bond
, To the right reuerend ffather in God George Archbyshop of Canterbury his grace
, Whereas the Bearer hereof Thomas Hall hath serued his sixe weekes…
, To the right honor Sr Tho: Moore Whereas the Bearer hereof John Tis[?]sdale
, Williamson
and Phillip de Maceden
. Puttick and Simpson's, 30 May 1849, lot 158 (erroneously described as a commonplace book of George Abbot, Archbishop of Canterbury). Afterwards in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), book and manuscript collector: Phillipps MS 12341*. Sotheby's, 29 June 1965, lot 146 (as Herrick's commonplace book). House of El Dieff (Lew David Feldman), New York, sale catalogue No. 65 (1965), with facsimile page as frontispiece. Formerly Ms File/(Herrick, R)/Works B.
Also facsimiles of p. 323 in the Sotheby's sale catalogue (frontispiece) and of p. 253 (as if in Herrick's hand) in Croft,
The MS discussed by Farmer in loc. cit. and in Herrick
First published in
Including 14 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Carew, 22 poems by Corbett and 36 poems (plus three of doubtful authorship) by Strode. Apparently transcribed in part from
Inscribed (f. 1r) by one I A
of Christ Church, Oxford, and also Robert Killigrew his booke witnes by his Maiesties ape Gorge Harison
. Later owned by Sir Hans Sloane, Bt (1660-1753), physician and collector.
Cited in Killigrew MS
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 140.
Copy, headed
Owned and probably compiled in part, in his Oxford days, by George Morley (1598-1684), Bishop of Winchester.
Cited in Morley MS
: Killigrew MS
Facsimile of f. 49r in
Copy, headed
Inscriptions inside the covers including the name Phil. Mu
(or Mer.
). Later in the library of John Sparrow (1906-92), literary scholar and book collector. Acquired in 1969 by Dr Bent Juel-Jensen (1922-2006), Oxford physician and book collector.
Cited in Sparrow MS
First published in Francis Beaumont,
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 101v) Henry Lawson
(or just possibly Lamson
). Thomas Thorpe, sale catalogue (1836), item 1185. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9257. Sotheby's, 15 June 1896 (Phillipps sale), lot 862. Quaritch's sale catalogue No. 164 (1896), item 64.
Cited in Lawson MS
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 23.
Copy, headed
Probably compiled by a Cambridge University man.
c.1630s.Inscribed in engrossed lettering (f. 1r) E Libris Richard Sutclif
. Later owned by Benjamin Heywood Bright (1830-84), merchant and author. Sotheby's, 18 June 1844 (Bright sale), lot 194.
Copy, headed
A flyleaf inscribed [?] Johannes Philips
. Acquired from H. Stevens 11 December 1852.
Cited in John Philips MS
Copy, headed
Transcribed from
Later owned by William Pickering (1796-1854), publisher. Sotheby's, 13 May 1856 (Pickering sale), lot 258.
Cited in Pickering MS
Copy, headed
To the righte honoble: the Lorde Thomas Darcy Viscount Colchester(c.1565-1640, Viscount Colchester from 1621 to 1626), 191 leaves, in modern half-morocco.
Including 27 poems (and second copies of two poems) by Thomas Carew and three of doubtful authorship.
This MS largely transcribed in
Scribbled inscriptions including (f. 1r) Mr John Bowyer
; (f. 2r) Jeronomus ffox
; and (f. 3r) William Ralph Baesh
Cited in Colchester MS
Copy, headed
Indexat the end, in contemporary vellum boards.
Including fourteen poems by James Shirley, generally ascribed to him, and eleven poems by Strode (and two of doubtful authorship).
c.1636.Inscribed (on the front paste-down) My cousin chute gaue me this book out of his father study at the vine Hampshire
(following the same statement in French), indicating that the MS was owned by, and possibly originally compiled for, the family of Chaloner Chute, MP (c.1595-1659), Speaker of the house of Commons, who acquired The Vyne, near Basingstoke, Hampshire, in 1653. Later owned by Sir William Tite (1798-1873), architect. Sotheby's, 30 May 1874, lot 2343. Bookplate of William Horatio Crawford, of Lakelands, Cork, book collector. Sotheby's, 21 March 1891 (Crawford sale), lot 2493.
Cited in Chute MS
Copy, headed
Fols 1r-82r comprise a separate collection of verse and some prose, possibly in a single predominantly secretary hand with some variants of style, the first leaf (f. 1) inscribed in another hand ffinis W Browne
This volume comprising Parts 1-3, 5, 8-13, of what was formerly a single composite volume but is now bound in three volumes.
c.1637-50.Inscribed (f. 280v) Philip Butler his book
Copy, headed by Dr Corbet
added in another hand.
Including 11 poems by Carew and 14 poems by Randolph.
c.1630s-40s.Inscribed Jane Wheeler
and Tho: Oliver Busfield
. Francis Quarles's poem (pp. 209-11)
A Jo. Wheeler
signed the Christ Church, Oxford, disbursement books for 1641-3 (xii, b.85 and 86).
Cited in Wheeler MS
Copy, here beginning
Owned by Henry Bracegirdle, of Merton College, Oxford, and in 1674 by one Hugh Massey.
Copy, headed
Including 11 poems by Donne, and 15 poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett.
c.1630s.Later owned by Edward Jeremiah Curteis, M.P., of Windmill Hill, Sussex. Puttick & Simpson's, 30 June 1884 (Curteis sale), lot 175, to Pearson of Pall Mall for James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89). Formerly Folger MS 452.5.
Cited in Curteis MS
Copy, headed
Including ten poems by Carew (and two of doubtful authorship) and 24 poems by Randolph.
c.1630s.Thomas Thorpe,
Cited in Rosenbach MS I
Copy, headed
Including 85 poems (and second copies of two) by Thomas Carew.
c.1638-42.Inscriptions including Horatio Carey 1642 te deus pardamus
[viz. Horatio Carey (1619-ante 1677), eldest son of Sir Richard Carey (1583-1630) and great-grandson of Sir Henry Carey (1524?-96), first Baron Hunsdon ], Thomas Arding
, Thomas Arden
, William Harrington
, Thomas John
, John Anthehope
and Clement Poxall
. Later owned by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 8270. Bookplates of John William Cole and of the Shakespearian Library of Marsden J. Perry (1850-1935), industrialist, banker, art and book collector, of Providence, Rhode Island. American Art Association, New York, 11-12 March 1936 (Perry sale). A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue
Cited in Carey MS
First published (omitting lines 25-48) in (from a MS collection) which bears the signature of Jerom Terrent
Copy, headed
Including 18 poems by Corbett and 59 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s.Inscribed on a flyleaf Elizabeth Lane hir booke
and, among scribbling on another flyleaf, Johannes Finch
. P.J. Dobell's sale catalogue No. 68 (1941), item 341.
Cited in Elizabeth Lane MS
Inscribed (f. 101v) Henry Lawson
(or just possibly Lamson
). Thomas Thorpe, sale catalogue (1836), item 1185. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9257. Sotheby's, 15 June 1896 (Phillipps sale), lot 862. Quaritch's sale catalogue No. 164 (1896), item 64.
Cited in Lawson MS
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 1v, in a court hand) Daniell Leare his Booke
, witnesse William Strode
, and (f. 164r) Mr Daniell Leare eius Liber
: i.e. compiled chiefly by Daniel Leare, a distant cousin of the poet William Strode, probably at Christ Church, Oxford, before he entered the Middle Temple in 1633.
This suggestion, by Mary Hobbs, is supported by entries in the Caution Book of 1625-41 at Christ Church, where Strode is found (p. 22) paying £10 as college security for Leare and where Leare signs (p. 23) on this sum's repayment by Dr Fell on 13 May 1633. Forey suggests (p. lxxix) that he was the Daniell Leare of St Andrews, Holburne, whose will was proved in 1652; but it is more likely that he was the Daniel Leare to whom Henry King, Dean of Rochester, leased property at Chatham on 19 July 1655 (
The volume includes 12 poems by Donne; 15 poems (plus a second copy of one and three of doubtful authorship) by Carew; 20 poems (plus two of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; and 84 poems (plus second copies of eight poems, four poems of doubtful authorship and some apocryphal poems) by Strode, the texts being closely related to, and in part probably transcribed from, the Corpus MS
of Strode's poems (
Inscribed also John Leare
(probably Daniel's younger brother); (f. 1r) Anthony Euans his booke
(who married Daniel Leare's niece Dorothy Leare in 1663); (f. 1v) Alexander Croke his Book 1773
; and (f. 164v) John Scott
(who matriculated at Christ Church in 1632). Rimell & Son, 9 November 1878.
Cited in Leare MS
Discussed in Mary Hobbs,
Copy, headed
Including nineteen poems by Corbett and 29 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode, the date 1634 occurring on f. 78v.
c.1635.Inscribed on f. 111v rev. Thursday next at Capricks for Mr Pitt
. Later among the collections of Robert Harley, first Earl of Oxford (1661-1724), and his son Edward, second Earl (1689-1741).
Cited in Harley MS
Including 14 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Carew, 22 poems by Corbett and 36 poems (plus three of doubtful authorship) by Strode. Apparently transcribed in part from
Inscribed (f. 1r) by one I A
of Christ Church, Oxford, and also Robert Killigrew his booke witnes by his Maiesties ape Gorge Harison
. Later owned by Sir Hans Sloane, Bt (1660-1753), physician and collector.
Cited in Killigrew MS
Copy, headed Dr Corbet
Including twelve poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 30 poems by Strode (one of them in V.a.152) plus one of doubtful authorship.
c.late 1630s [-1789].Later sold by Thomas Thorpe. Afterwards owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89) (and No. 27 in his
Cited in Thorpe-Halliwell MS
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 149.
Copy, headed
Including 15 poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 57 poems (plus a second copy of one poem and four poems of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s[-55].Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: possibly his MS 18123. Owned c.1903 by Bertram Dobell (1842-1914), literary scholar and bookseller. Formerly MS 646.4.
Cited in Dobell MS
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 149.
Copy, headed
Including 11 poems by Donne, and 15 poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett.
c.1630s.Later owned by Edward Jeremiah Curteis, M.P., of Windmill Hill, Sussex. Puttick & Simpson's, 30 June 1884 (Curteis sale), lot 175, to Pearson of Pall Mall for James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89). Formerly Folger MS 452.5.
Cited in Curteis MS
Copy, headed
Including 52 poems by Donne (many on pp. 64-109, 167-74 initialled
Later scribbling and inscriptions including the names Edw Denny
[presumably Edward Denny (1569-1637), Baron Denny of Waltham and first Earl of Norwich], Charles Cocks
, Edward Randolphe
and (on p. 162) Thomas Cassy
. Later owned by Joseph Haslewood (1769-1833), bibliographer and antiquary (sold in the Haslewood sale, London, 1833, lot 1329, to Thorpe); by Edward King (1795-1837), Viscount Kingsborough, antiquary (his sale in Dublin, 1 November 1841, item 624); and by Henry Huth (1815-78), book collector (his library catalogue, 1880, IV, pp. 1159-64), and sold at Sotheby's, 17 July 1917 (Huth sale), lot 5873.
Cited in Haslewood-Kingsborough MS (I)
Including 45 poems (and a second copy of one) by Carew, 11 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Corbett, and 25 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1634.The initials T. C.
stamped on the front cover. Sold by Thomas Thorpe (1836). Afterwards in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9536, and by Marsden J. Perry (1850-1935), of Providence, Rhode Island, industrialist, banker, and art and books collector. A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue
Cited in Rosenbach MS II
Owned and probably compiled in part, in his Oxford days, by George Morley (1598-1684), Bishop of Winchester.
Cited in Morley MS
: Killigrew MS
Facsimile of f. 49r in
Copy, headed Jer: Jerrent
[i.e. Jeramiel Terrent].
Including 14 poems by Carew, 13 poems by Corbett and 25 poems (plus one poem of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1650.Scribbling on the first page including the words Peyton Chester…
Cited in Osborn MS I
Copy, headed
Collected, and partly written, by Elias Ashmole (1617-92), astrologer and antiquary.
Betagraph of the watermark in f. 29 in Ted-Larry Pebworth,
Edited from this MS in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 149; printed in H.T. Ellacombe,
Copy of lines 1-20.
Among the collections of Francis Douce (1757-1834), antiquary and collector.
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 149.
Copy, complete.
Among the collections of Francis Douce (1757-1834), antiquary and collector.
Including 16 poems (plus second copies of two) by Carew, 19 poems by or attributed to Herrick (and second copies of six of them), 23 poems (plus second copies of two and four of doubtful authorship) by Randolph, 18 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode, and eleven poems by Waller.
c.1630s-40s.Inscribed on a flyleaf Peeter Daniell
and his initials stamped on both covers. Later scribbling including the names Thomas Gardinor
, James Leigh
and Pettrus Romell
. Owned in 1780 by one A. B.
when it was given to Thomas Percy (1768-1808), later Bishop of Dromore. Sotheby's, 29 April 1884 (Percy sale), lot 1. Acquired from Quaritch, 1957.
Cited in Daniell MS
Copy, headed
Including 16 poems by Carew and 13 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode. Written in three hands: i.e. A (Codrington's hand, including his own poems) on pp. 1-283, 349-55; B on pp. 284-9; and C on pp. 289-348, 356-60; dated (pp. 1-22) Anno D
and The 30th of May. 1638
Acquired from Blackwell's, 1962.
Cited in Codrington MS
Copy, here ascribed to Jer: Terrent
, in a verse miscellany (ff. 267r-73v) compiled by an Oxford University man.
Copy, headed
Copy, on two pairs of conjugate quarto leaves of verse. After 1660.
Compiled (and ff. 2-39 written) by William Sancroft (1617-93), Archbishop Canterbury; the rest in other hands.
Mid-17th century.This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 149.
Copy, headed
Entirely in the hand of John Hopkinson (1610-80), Yorkshire antiquary, of Lofthouse, near Leeds, and comprising Volume 17 of the Hopkinson MSS.
c.1670.Signed bookplate of Frances Mary Richardson Currer (1785-1861), book collector, of Eshton Hall, West Yorkshire. Subsequently owned by her step-father Matthew Wilson.
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, pp. 295-6.
Copy, headed
Among the papers of the Stanhope family, of Horsforth, near Leeds. Formerly Spencer-Stanhope MSS, Calendar No. 2795 (Bundle 10, No. 34).
Copy, headed
Compiled by Sir John Perceval, Bt (1629-65), probably while at Magdalene College, Cambridge. Volume CXCII of the papers of the Perceval family, Earls of Egmont, and the allied Southwell family.
c.1646-9.Copy, headed
Inscribed names (on front paste-down and f. 1r) of Fra: Norreys
(? Sir Francis Norris (1609-69)) and Hen. Balle
. Purchased from J. Harvey 8 December 1877.
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 62r) Nathaniel Heighmore
: i.e. presumably Nathaniel Highmore (1613-85), chemical physician and anatomist; John Sacheverell his hand and pen Amen
; and John Sacheverell the Author of this...
Copy, headed Corb.
Compiled for the most part by a University of Oxford man, with (f. 1r-v) a list of contents.
c.1640s.Once owned by one John Faith, and by William Fulman (1632-88), Oxford antiquary.
Formerly cited as Corpus Christi College, MS E.i.33.
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 80 et seq.
Including 14 poems by Carew (and a second copy of one poem), eight poems (plus 3 of doubtful authorship) by Randolph, and 28 poems by Strode (plus a second copy of one and two of doubtful authorship).
c.late 1630s.Later used and annotated by William Fulman (1632-88), Oxford antiquary, and entries in his hand on f. 97r. Formerly Bodleian, MS CCC.328.
Cited in Fulman MS
Copy, headed R. W.
Inscribed (Part II, f. 1*r) A booke of verses collected by mee RDungaruan
: i.e. Richard Boyle (1612-98), Viscount Dungarvon and later Earl of Burlington.
Also inscribed Mary Helerd
. Subsequently owned by James Tyrrell (1642-1718), historical writer, and by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1782-1872), book and manuscript collector: Phillipps MS 15745. Formerly Folger MS 46. 2.
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 80.
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 1r) Abraham Bassano
and (f. 98r) Elizabeth Weldon
. Later owned by William John Thoms (1803-85), writer, antiquary and librarian. Sotheby's, 11 February 1887 (Thoms sale), lot 1092. Also owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89). Formerly Folger MS 452.4.
Cited in Welden MS
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 80.
Copy, headed On great Tom
, subscribed Jer Wermistrie
Including 40 poems by Strode and two poems of doubtful authorship.
c.1630s.Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9510. (Phillipps sale, lot 1015.) Owned c.1903 by Bertram Dobell (1842-1914). Percy Dobell's sale catalogue No. 68 (1941), item 342. Formerly MS 4201. 27. 1.
Cited in Dobell MS II
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 149.
Copy, headed
Including 14 poems by Strode (and a second copy of one poem).
c.1637-51.Inscribed (front pastedown) Wakelin EeK Hering / Blows of Whitsor
, and (rear pastedown) R. J. Cotton
. Formerly Folger MS 2073.4.
Cited in
Copy, headed
Later in the libraries (with bookplates) of the book collector Richard Heber (1774-1833); of the bibliographer and antiquary Joseph Haslewood (1769-1833); of the biographer and literary editor Alexander Chalmers (1759-1834); and of the antiquary Edward King (1795-1837), Viscount Kingsborough (his sale by Charles Sharpe in Dublin, 1 November 1842, lot 577).
Copy, headed
Inscribed To my euer honored good Cosen Sr John Reresby Barronett these prsent
: i.e. presented to Sir John Reresby, first Baronet (1611-46), royalist, of Thribergh Hall.
Among the muniments of Lord Mexborough, descended from the Savile family formerly of Methley Hall, near Pontefract, West Yorkshire. Formerly MX 237.
Cited in Mexborough MS
The name of the possible compiler John Pike
inscribed on f. 1r: i.e. possibly a member of the Pike family of Cambridge (one John Pike (d.1677) matriculating at Peterhouse in 1662).
Cited in Pike MS
Copy, headed
Compiled by members of the Griffith family, of Llanddyfnan, the verse probably entered by one or more of the various members of that family who studied in this period at the University of Oxford.
Mid-17th century.Cited in Griffith MS
Including 45 poems by Strode and three poems of doubtful authorship.
c.1630s.Formerly Box 22, item II.
Cited in Osborn MS II
First published in
Copy, headed
Including 18 poems by Corbett and 59 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s.Inscribed on a flyleaf Elizabeth Lane hir booke
and, among scribbling on another flyleaf, Johannes Finch
. P.J. Dobell's sale catalogue No. 68 (1941), item 341.
Cited in Elizabeth Lane MS
Copy, headed Dr Corbett
Inscribed (f. 101v) Henry Lawson
(or just possibly Lamson
). Thomas Thorpe, sale catalogue (1836), item 1185. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9257. Sotheby's, 15 June 1896 (Phillipps sale), lot 862. Quaritch's sale catalogue No. 164 (1896), item 64.
Cited in Lawson MS
Inscribed (f. 1v, in a court hand) Daniell Leare his Booke
, witnesse William Strode
, and (f. 164r) Mr Daniell Leare eius Liber
: i.e. compiled chiefly by Daniel Leare, a distant cousin of the poet William Strode, probably at Christ Church, Oxford, before he entered the Middle Temple in 1633.
This suggestion, by Mary Hobbs, is supported by entries in the Caution Book of 1625-41 at Christ Church, where Strode is found (p. 22) paying £10 as college security for Leare and where Leare signs (p. 23) on this sum's repayment by Dr Fell on 13 May 1633. Forey suggests (p. lxxix) that he was the Daniell Leare of St Andrews, Holburne, whose will was proved in 1652; but it is more likely that he was the Daniel Leare to whom Henry King, Dean of Rochester, leased property at Chatham on 19 July 1655 (
The volume includes 12 poems by Donne; 15 poems (plus a second copy of one and three of doubtful authorship) by Carew; 20 poems (plus two of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; and 84 poems (plus second copies of eight poems, four poems of doubtful authorship and some apocryphal poems) by Strode, the texts being closely related to, and in part probably transcribed from, the Corpus MS
of Strode's poems (
Inscribed also John Leare
(probably Daniel's younger brother); (f. 1r) Anthony Euans his booke
(who married Daniel Leare's niece Dorothy Leare in 1663); (f. 1v) Alexander Croke his Book 1773
; and (f. 164v) John Scott
(who matriculated at Christ Church in 1632). Rimell & Son, 9 November 1878.
Cited in Leare MS
Discussed in Mary Hobbs,
Including 14 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Carew, 22 poems by Corbett and 36 poems (plus three of doubtful authorship) by Strode. Apparently transcribed in part from
Inscribed (f. 1r) by one I A
of Christ Church, Oxford, and also Robert Killigrew his booke witnes by his Maiesties ape Gorge Harison
. Later owned by Sir Hans Sloane, Bt (1660-1753), physician and collector.
Cited in Killigrew MS
Copy, headed
Love Sonnets, etc.), probably associated with Oxford University, possibly Christ Church, 382 pages (including numerous blanks), in contemporary calf gilt.
Including 13 poems by Donne and 14 (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; the scribe is that mainly responsible also for the Thomas Smyth MS
Later owned and used extensively as a notebook by Dr William Balam (1651-1726), of Ely, Cambridgeshire, who also annotated
Cited in Welbeck MS
Owned and probably compiled in part, in his Oxford days, by George Morley (1598-1684), Bishop of Winchester.
Cited in Morley MS
: Killigrew MS
Facsimile of f. 49r in
Copy, headed
Among the collections of Francis Douce (1757-1834), antiquary and collector.
Copy, headed
Including 16 poems by Carew and 13 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode. Written in three hands: i.e. A (Codrington's hand, including his own poems) on pp. 1-283, 349-55; B on pp. 284-9; and C on pp. 289-348, 356-60; dated (pp. 1-22) Anno D
and The 30th of May. 1638
Acquired from Blackwell's, 1962.
Cited in Codrington MS
Copy, headed
The table of contents (f. 155v) subscribed Margrett Bellasys
, possibly the daughter of Thomas Belasyse (1577-1652), first Viscount Fauconberg of Henknowle. The front endpaper later inscribed The pieces which I have extracted for
: i.e. possibly by Thomas Campbell (1777-1844), editor of The Specimens
are, Page 91, 211, 265
Copy, headed
To the righte honoble: the Lorde Thomas Darcy Viscount Colchester(c.1565-1640, Viscount Colchester from 1621 to 1626), 191 leaves, in modern half-morocco.
Including 27 poems (and second copies of two poems) by Thomas Carew and three of doubtful authorship.
This MS largely transcribed in
Scribbled inscriptions including (f. 1r) Mr John Bowyer
; (f. 2r) Jeronomus ffox
; and (f. 3r) William Ralph Baesh
Cited in Colchester MS
Probably compiled by university or inns of court men.
c.1620s-30s.Copy, headed Dr Corbett
Part I probably in several hands, the predominant italic hand that also responsible for the Welbeck MS
Part I inscribed (f. 1r) John Smyth his Book 1640
, Charles Smyth 1674
, Hugh Smyth 1676
; (f. 23v) J Smyth 1677 / 1676
. Part II inscribed several times Thomas Smith
, on f. 19r also Die: Maij 12o A
, with a reference on f. 58v to Balliol College, Oxford, 1659/60. Later inscribed (f. [ir]) by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89), who records buying this very curious and interesting MS. of Messrs Boone
. Afterwards in the library at Warwick Castle. Formerly Folger MS 1. 28.
Cited in Thomas Smyth MS
Copy, headed
Inscribed (Part II, f. 1*r) A booke of verses collected by mee RDungaruan
: i.e. Richard Boyle (1612-98), Viscount Dungarvon and later Earl of Burlington.
Also inscribed Mary Helerd
. Subsequently owned by James Tyrrell (1642-1718), historical writer, and by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1782-1872), book and manuscript collector: Phillipps MS 15745. Formerly Folger MS 46. 2.
Copy, headed
Including 14 poems by Strode (and a second copy of one poem).
c.1637-51.Inscribed (front pastedown) Wakelin EeK Hering / Blows of Whitsor
, and (rear pastedown) R. J. Cotton
. Formerly Folger MS 2073.4.
Cited in
Copy, headed
Including ten poems by Carew (and two of doubtful authorship) and 24 poems by Randolph.
c.1630s.Thomas Thorpe,
Cited in Rosenbach MS I
Including 85 poems (and second copies of two) by Thomas Carew.
c.1638-42.Inscriptions including Horatio Carey 1642 te deus pardamus
[viz. Horatio Carey (1619-ante 1677), eldest son of Sir Richard Carey (1583-1630) and great-grandson of Sir Henry Carey (1524?-96), first Baron Hunsdon ], Thomas Arding
, Thomas Arden
, William Harrington
, Thomas John
, John Anthehope
and Clement Poxall
. Later owned by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 8270. Bookplates of John William Cole and of the Shakespearian Library of Marsden J. Perry (1850-1935), industrialist, banker, art and book collector, of Providence, Rhode Island. American Art Association, New York, 11-12 March 1936 (Perry sale). A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue
Cited in Carey MS
The name of the possible compiler John Pike
inscribed on f. 1r: i.e. possibly a member of the Pike family of Cambridge (one John Pike (d.1677) matriculating at Peterhouse in 1662).
Cited in Pike MS
Copy, headed
Inscribed (on p. [330]) Robert Lord his book Anno Domini
; (on [p. 335]) william Jacob his booke Amen
; and, among scribbling on the last leaf, Hugh Gibgans of the same
and John Winter of Buckland Dursbane [or husbande?]
. Owned in 1788 by Alexander R. Popham. Bloomsbury Book Auction, 23 November 2000, lot 8.
A microfilm is in the British Library, RP 7698.
First published (omitting lines 7-10) in
Copy, headed
Including 18 poems by Corbett and 59 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s.Inscribed on a flyleaf Elizabeth Lane hir booke
and, among scribbling on another flyleaf, Johannes Finch
. P.J. Dobell's sale catalogue No. 68 (1941), item 341.
Cited in Elizabeth Lane MS
Inscribed (f. 101v) Henry Lawson
(or just possibly Lamson
). Thomas Thorpe, sale catalogue (1836), item 1185. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9257. Sotheby's, 15 June 1896 (Phillipps sale), lot 862. Quaritch's sale catalogue No. 164 (1896), item 64.
Cited in Lawson MS
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 144.
Including twelve poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 32 poems (plus four of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s-40s.Thomas Thorpe's sale catalogue (1836), item 1044. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9561. Sotheby's, 19 June 1893 (Phillipps sale), lot 628, and 21 March 1895, lot 903. Hodgson's, 23 April 1959, lot 528.
Cited in English Poetry MS
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 1v, in a court hand) Daniell Leare his Booke
, witnesse William Strode
, and (f. 164r) Mr Daniell Leare eius Liber
: i.e. compiled chiefly by Daniel Leare, a distant cousin of the poet William Strode, probably at Christ Church, Oxford, before he entered the Middle Temple in 1633.
This suggestion, by Mary Hobbs, is supported by entries in the Caution Book of 1625-41 at Christ Church, where Strode is found (p. 22) paying £10 as college security for Leare and where Leare signs (p. 23) on this sum's repayment by Dr Fell on 13 May 1633. Forey suggests (p. lxxix) that he was the Daniell Leare of St Andrews, Holburne, whose will was proved in 1652; but it is more likely that he was the Daniel Leare to whom Henry King, Dean of Rochester, leased property at Chatham on 19 July 1655 (
The volume includes 12 poems by Donne; 15 poems (plus a second copy of one and three of doubtful authorship) by Carew; 20 poems (plus two of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; and 84 poems (plus second copies of eight poems, four poems of doubtful authorship and some apocryphal poems) by Strode, the texts being closely related to, and in part probably transcribed from, the Corpus MS
of Strode's poems (
Inscribed also John Leare
(probably Daniel's younger brother); (f. 1r) Anthony Euans his booke
(who married Daniel Leare's niece Dorothy Leare in 1663); (f. 1v) Alexander Croke his Book 1773
; and (f. 164v) John Scott
(who matriculated at Christ Church in 1632). Rimell & Son, 9 November 1878.
Cited in Leare MS
Discussed in Mary Hobbs,
Edited from this MS in Bennett & Trevor-Roper.
Copy, subscribed W: Stroud
Including twelve poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 30 poems by Strode (one of them in V.a.152) plus one of doubtful authorship.
c.late 1630s [-1789].Later sold by Thomas Thorpe. Afterwards owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89) (and No. 27 in his
Cited in Thorpe-Halliwell MS
Copy, inscribed W: S.
Including 15 poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 57 poems (plus a second copy of one poem and four poems of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s[-55].Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: possibly his MS 18123. Owned c.1903 by Bertram Dobell (1842-1914), literary scholar and bookseller. Formerly MS 646.4.
Cited in Dobell MS
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 144.
Including 11 poems by Donne, and 15 poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett.
c.1630s.Later owned by Edward Jeremiah Curteis, M.P., of Windmill Hill, Sussex. Puttick & Simpson's, 30 June 1884 (Curteis sale), lot 175, to Pearson of Pall Mall for James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89). Formerly Folger MS 452.5.
Cited in Curteis MS
Copy, headed
Love Sonnets, etc.), probably associated with Oxford University, possibly Christ Church, 382 pages (including numerous blanks), in contemporary calf gilt.
Including 13 poems by Donne and 14 (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; the scribe is that mainly responsible also for the Thomas Smyth MS
Later owned and used extensively as a notebook by Dr William Balam (1651-1726), of Ely, Cambridgeshire, who also annotated
Cited in Welbeck MS
Including 45 poems (and a second copy of one) by Carew, 11 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Corbett, and 25 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1634.The initials T. C.
stamped on the front cover. Sold by Thomas Thorpe (1836). Afterwards in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9536, and by Marsden J. Perry (1850-1935), of Providence, Rhode Island, industrialist, banker, and art and books collector. A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue
Cited in Rosenbach MS II
Owned and probably compiled in part, in his Oxford days, by George Morley (1598-1684), Bishop of Winchester.
Cited in Morley MS
: Killigrew MS
Facsimile of f. 49r in
From the library of Cecil Brent, FSA. Sold by P.J. & A.E. Dobell, January 1938.
Among the collections of Francis Douce (1757-1834), antiquary and collector.
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, 144.
Including 16 poems (plus second copies of two) by Carew, 19 poems by or attributed to Herrick (and second copies of six of them), 23 poems (plus second copies of two and four of doubtful authorship) by Randolph, 18 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode, and eleven poems by Waller.
c.1630s-40s.Inscribed on a flyleaf Peeter Daniell
and his initials stamped on both covers. Later scribbling including the names Thomas Gardinor
, James Leigh
and Pettrus Romell
. Owned in 1780 by one A. B.
when it was given to Thomas Percy (1768-1808), later Bishop of Dromore. Sotheby's, 29 April 1884 (Percy sale), lot 1. Acquired from Quaritch, 1957.
Cited in Daniell MS
Copy, headed W. S
Including 16 poems by Carew and 13 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode. Written in three hands: i.e. A (Codrington's hand, including his own poems) on pp. 1-283, 349-55; B on pp. 284-9; and C on pp. 289-348, 356-60; dated (pp. 1-22) Anno D
and The 30th of May. 1638
Acquired from Blackwell's, 1962.
Cited in Codrington MS
Inscribed names (on front paste-down and f. 1r) of Fra: Norreys
(? Sir Francis Norris (1609-69)) and Hen. Balle
. Purchased from J. Harvey 8 December 1877.
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, pp. 72, 144.
Copy, subscribed W: S:
Including 22 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Carew, 13 poems by King, and 24 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode, and probably associated with Christ Church, Oxford.
c.1633.Inscribed names including (f. 93v, in court hand) ffrancis Baskeruile
: i.e. probably the Francis Baskerville who married Margaret Glanvill in 1635 and was in 1640 MP for Marlborough, Wiltshire. Other scribbling including (f. 1r) accounts referring to Wanborough, Wiltshire; (f. 9v) Elizabeth White
; (f. 54v) William Walrond his booke 1663
; (f. 92r) accounts dated 1658; and (f. 94r) John Wallrond
. Later owned by Sir Hans Sloane, Bt (1660-1753), physician and collector.
Recorded in Baskerville MS
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 144.
Including 14 poems by Carew (and a second copy of one poem), eight poems (plus 3 of doubtful authorship) by Randolph, and 28 poems by Strode (plus a second copy of one and two of doubtful authorship).
c.late 1630s.Later used and annotated by William Fulman (1632-88), Oxford antiquary, and entries in his hand on f. 97r. Formerly Bodleian, MS CCC.328.
Cited in Fulman MS
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 144.
Copy, ascribed at the side to Mr Strowde
Part I probably in several hands, the predominant italic hand that also responsible for the Welbeck MS
Part I inscribed (f. 1r) John Smyth his Book 1640
, Charles Smyth 1674
, Hugh Smyth 1676
; (f. 23v) J Smyth 1677 / 1676
. Part II inscribed several times Thomas Smith
, on f. 19r also Die: Maij 12o A
, with a reference on f. 58v to Balliol College, Oxford, 1659/60. Later inscribed (f. [ir]) by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89), who records buying this very curious and interesting MS. of Messrs Boone
. Afterwards in the library at Warwick Castle. Formerly Folger MS 1. 28.
Cited in Thomas Smyth MS
Copy, subscribed W: Stroud
Including 40 poems by Strode and two poems of doubtful authorship.
c.1630s.Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9510. (Phillipps sale, lot 1015.) Owned c.1903 by Bertram Dobell (1842-1914). Percy Dobell's sale catalogue No. 68 (1941), item 342. Formerly MS 4201. 27. 1.
Cited in Dobell MS II
Copy, headed
Including 14 poems by Strode (and a second copy of one poem).
c.1637-51.Inscribed (front pastedown) Wakelin EeK Hering / Blows of Whitsor
, and (rear pastedown) R. J. Cotton
. Formerly Folger MS 2073.4.
Cited in
Copy, untitled.
Including 15 poems by Carew and 17 poems by King.
c.1630s.Later owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89), literary scholar and book collector. Bookplate of the Warwick Castle Library. Formerly Folger MS 1.8.
Cited in Halliwell MS
Copy, with other poems on a single folio leaf.
Among papers formerly at Pitchford Hall, Shropshire.
Copy, headed
Inscribed, and probably compiled, by Hugh Barrow (b.1617/18), of Brasenose College, Oxford.
c.1638.Also inscribed names of George Hope, Peter Wynne and [?]Anselm Huff. Later owned by Dr A.S.W. Rosenbach (1876-1952), Philadelphia bookseller and scholar: Rosenbach MS 192.
Copy, headed in the margin
Possibly compiled by one W: H:
: i.e. probably William Holgate (1618-46), of Queens' College, Cambridge, with late 17th-century additions apparently made by other members of the Holgate family, of Saffron Walden and Great Bardfield, Essex.
Owned in the early 18th century by John Wale, who supplied the index on pp. 330-3. Owned before 1927 by Col. W.G. Carwardine-Probert, of Bures, Suffolk (descendant of the Holgate family).
Cited in
Copy, here ascribed to W. Stroud
Including 23 poems (and a second copy of one) by Randolph.
c.1635.Mostyn MS 196: from the library originally founded by Sir Thomas Mostyn (1535-1617) at Mostyn Hall, near Holywell, Flintshire, Wales, the MS possibly acquired by Sir Roger Mostyn (1567-1642) or by his son Sir Roger Mostyn, first Baronet (1625?-90). A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue
Cited in Mostyn MS
Owned and probably compiled by Robert Bishop. Later owned by Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9549. A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue,
Cited in Bishop MS
Including 45 poems by Strode and three poems of doubtful authorship.
c.1630s.Formerly Box 22, item II.
Cited in Osborn MS II
First published in
Inscribed (f. 1v, in a court hand) Daniell Leare his Booke
, witnesse William Strode
, and (f. 164r) Mr Daniell Leare eius Liber
: i.e. compiled chiefly by Daniel Leare, a distant cousin of the poet William Strode, probably at Christ Church, Oxford, before he entered the Middle Temple in 1633.
This suggestion, by Mary Hobbs, is supported by entries in the Caution Book of 1625-41 at Christ Church, where Strode is found (p. 22) paying £10 as college security for Leare and where Leare signs (p. 23) on this sum's repayment by Dr Fell on 13 May 1633. Forey suggests (p. lxxix) that he was the Daniell Leare of St Andrews, Holburne, whose will was proved in 1652; but it is more likely that he was the Daniel Leare to whom Henry King, Dean of Rochester, leased property at Chatham on 19 July 1655 (
The volume includes 12 poems by Donne; 15 poems (plus a second copy of one and three of doubtful authorship) by Carew; 20 poems (plus two of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; and 84 poems (plus second copies of eight poems, four poems of doubtful authorship and some apocryphal poems) by Strode, the texts being closely related to, and in part probably transcribed from, the Corpus MS
of Strode's poems (
Inscribed also John Leare
(probably Daniel's younger brother); (f. 1r) Anthony Euans his booke
(who married Daniel Leare's niece Dorothy Leare in 1663); (f. 1v) Alexander Croke his Book 1773
; and (f. 164v) John Scott
(who matriculated at Christ Church in 1632). Rimell & Son, 9 November 1878.
Cited in Leare MS
Discussed in Mary Hobbs,
Copy, subscribed Rich: Corbett
Including nineteen poems by Corbett and 29 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode, the date 1634 occurring on f. 78v.
c.1635.Inscribed on f. 111v rev. Thursday next at Capricks for Mr Pitt
. Later among the collections of Robert Harley, first Earl of Oxford (1661-1724), and his son Edward, second Earl (1689-1741).
Cited in Harley MS
Copy, subscribed Dr Corbet
Including twelve poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 30 poems by Strode (one of them in V.a.152) plus one of doubtful authorship.
c.late 1630s [-1789].Later sold by Thomas Thorpe. Afterwards owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89) (and No. 27 in his
Cited in Thorpe-Halliwell MS
Copy, headed
Including 15 poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 57 poems (plus a second copy of one poem and four poems of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s[-55].Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: possibly his MS 18123. Owned c.1903 by Bertram Dobell (1842-1914), literary scholar and bookseller. Formerly MS 646.4.
Cited in Dobell MS
Copy, headed R: Corbet
Including 14 poems by Carew, 13 poems by Corbett and 25 poems (plus one poem of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1650.Scribbling on the first page including the words Peyton Chester…
Cited in Osborn MS I
Copy, headed
Including 16 poems by Carew and 13 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode. Written in three hands: i.e. A (Codrington's hand, including his own poems) on pp. 1-283, 349-55; B on pp. 284-9; and C on pp. 289-348, 356-60; dated (pp. 1-22) Anno D
and The 30th of May. 1638
Acquired from Blackwell's, 1962.
Cited in Codrington MS
A flyleaf inscribed [?] Johannes Philips
. Acquired from H. Stevens 11 December 1852.
Cited in John Philips MS
Copy, subscribed R: Corbet:
Compiled by Peter Calfe (1610-67), son of a Dutch merchant in London.
c.1641-9.Later owned by John, Baron Somers (1651-1716), Lord Chancellor, and afterwards by Edward Harley (1689-1741), second Earl of Oxford.
Cited in Calfe MS
Copy, subscribed R: C:
Including 22 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Carew, 13 poems by King, and 24 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode, and probably associated with Christ Church, Oxford.
c.1633.Inscribed names including (f. 93v, in court hand) ffrancis Baskeruile
: i.e. probably the Francis Baskerville who married Margaret Glanvill in 1635 and was in 1640 MP for Marlborough, Wiltshire. Other scribbling including (f. 1r) accounts referring to Wanborough, Wiltshire; (f. 9v) Elizabeth White
; (f. 54v) William Walrond his booke 1663
; (f. 92r) accounts dated 1658; and (f. 94r) John Wallrond
. Later owned by Sir Hans Sloane, Bt (1660-1753), physician and collector.
Recorded in Baskerville MS
Copy, headed R.C.
Inscribed (Part II, f. 1*r) A booke of verses collected by mee RDungaruan
: i.e. Richard Boyle (1612-98), Viscount Dungarvon and later Earl of Burlington.
Also inscribed Mary Helerd
. Subsequently owned by James Tyrrell (1642-1718), historical writer, and by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1782-1872), book and manuscript collector: Phillipps MS 15745. Formerly Folger MS 46. 2.
Copy, the heading cropped by a binder.
Inscribed (f. 1r) Abraham Bassano
and (f. 98r) Elizabeth Weldon
. Later owned by William John Thoms (1803-85), writer, antiquary and librarian. Sotheby's, 11 February 1887 (Thoms sale), lot 1092. Also owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89). Formerly Folger MS 452.4.
Cited in Welden MS
Copy, headed
Later notes and scribbling including the names John Nutting
(ff. 26r, 56r) and John M.
and John Susan
(rear paste-down). The last leaf also containing a list of the titles of 65 poems by Carew together with the number of lines in each poem, this list unrelated to the contents of the rest of the MS.
Cited in Nutting MS
First published in Bennett & Trevor-Roper (1955), pp. 85-6.
Copy in Fulman's hand, transcribed from
Compiled and written by William Fulman (1632-88), Oxford antiquary.
Mid-late 17th century.This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 154.
Copy in the hand of Corbet's chaplain William Strode, headed (erroneously)
A working autograph notebook of poems by Strode, compiled and revised over a considerable period, comprising 101 English poems (including draft fragments, 66 Latin poems and 2 Greek poems by him, together with his copies of a few poems by others (generally paired with Strode's translations or answers) including Richard Corbett, Thomas Carew, Peter Apsley, and Henry King and Henry Reynolds, as well as a lecture in Latin by the Professor of Greek at Oxford; ff. 52r-96r written in Strode's mixed secretary and italic hand, probably early 1620s-30; ff. 96v-129v, and afterwards ff. 1-51v, written in Strode's italic hand, probably for the most part c.1635-7, with additions up to 1643; ff. 129v-30v containing rough jottings in both styles; many of the poems containing Strode's extensive revisions, probably made from the 1630s onwards.
c.1620s-43.Some scribbling on the last page including the name John Herbert. Possibly one of the MS volumes by Strode which, according to Anthony Wood (
Cited in Corpus MS
Edited from this MS in Bennett & Trevor-Roper.
First published in
Including twelve poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 32 poems (plus four of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s-40s.Thomas Thorpe's sale catalogue (1836), item 1044. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9561. Sotheby's, 19 June 1893 (Phillipps sale), lot 628, and 21 March 1895, lot 903. Hodgson's, 23 April 1959, lot 528.
Cited in English Poetry MS
Including nineteen poems by Corbett and 29 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode, the date 1634 occurring on f. 78v.
c.1635.Inscribed on f. 111v rev. Thursday next at Capricks for Mr Pitt
. Later among the collections of Robert Harley, first Earl of Oxford (1661-1724), and his son Edward, second Earl (1689-1741).
Cited in Harley MS
Copy, headed
Including 15 poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 57 poems (plus a second copy of one poem and four poems of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s[-55].Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: possibly his MS 18123. Owned c.1903 by Bertram Dobell (1842-1914), literary scholar and bookseller. Formerly MS 646.4.
Cited in Dobell MS
Including 45 poems (and a second copy of one) by Carew, 11 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Corbett, and 25 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1634.The initials T. C.
stamped on the front cover. Sold by Thomas Thorpe (1836). Afterwards in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9536, and by Marsden J. Perry (1850-1935), of Providence, Rhode Island, industrialist, banker, and art and books collector. A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue
Cited in Rosenbach MS II
Including 16 poems (plus second copies of two) by Carew, 19 poems by or attributed to Herrick (and second copies of six of them), 23 poems (plus second copies of two and four of doubtful authorship) by Randolph, 18 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode, and eleven poems by Waller.
c.1630s-40s.Inscribed on a flyleaf Peeter Daniell
and his initials stamped on both covers. Later scribbling including the names Thomas Gardinor
, James Leigh
and Pettrus Romell
. Owned in 1780 by one A. B.
when it was given to Thomas Percy (1768-1808), later Bishop of Dromore. Sotheby's, 29 April 1884 (Percy sale), lot 1. Acquired from Quaritch, 1957.
Cited in Daniell MS
Scribbling on f. iir including ffor mr William Rabey in New=market...
, ffor my Louing ffriend in G John westhropp at mr Rogers Reringe house Bury in S[uffolk]
, ffor mr John fford at his house in Newmarket in the countey of cambridge
; notes on f. iiiv-ivr, one Recd 22 July 1669
, subscribed John Cooke
and including, on f. vir, ffor mr John Cocke at his howse neere the white harte in Thetford...
. Later owned, in the 1730s, by Charles Barlow, of Emmanuel College, Cambridge (his bookplate f. iiv).
Copy, headed
Probably compiled by a Cambridge University man.
c.1630s.Inscribed in engrossed lettering (f. 1r) E Libris Richard Sutclif
. Later owned by Benjamin Heywood Bright (1830-84), merchant and author. Sotheby's, 18 June 1844 (Bright sale), lot 194.
Copy, untitled.
A flyleaf inscribed [?] Johannes Philips
. Acquired from H. Stevens 11 December 1852.
Cited in John Philips MS
Compiled, over a period, principally by Thomas Manne (1581/2-1641), Chaplain of Christ Church, Oxford, and Henry King's amanuensis, including (ff. 7r-61r) 24 poems by King in Manne's formal hand, written c.1625-30s; ff. 61v-72v, 73r-99v, 100r-101v written in a variant style of Manne's hand, c.1630s; and (ff. 72v, 99v, 102r-14v, 190v-169r rev.) additions in six other hands, c.1630s-44, with (ff. 75r, 76r, and 76v) three poems to which the subscription R. Dorset
is added in the hand of King himself.
Inscribed (f. 190v rev.) Ann Littleton
. Thomas Rodd's sale catalogue, [June 1848], p. 31. Sotheby's, 4 Februry 1850 (Rodd sale), lot 500, to James Orchard Halliwell[-Phillipps] (1820-89), literary scholar and book collector. Afterward owned by the Rev. Thomas Corser, FSA (1793-1876), book collector. Sotheby's, 25 June 1873 (Corser sale), lot 325, to William Pickering (1796-1854), publisher. Later owned by the bookdealer Philip Robinson. Sotheby's, 26 June 1974, lot 3013, with a facsimile example in the sale catalogue.
Cited in Thomas Manne MS
Copy, headed
Inscribed names (on front paste-down and f. 1r) of Fra: Norreys
(? Sir Francis Norris (1609-69)) and Hen. Balle
. Purchased from J. Harvey 8 December 1877.
Copy, headed
The verse miscellany, including an Index (ff. 78v-9v), is compiled by John Holles (1595-1666), second Earl of Clare.
Mid-17th century.Discussed in Andrew McRae, The Symptomes and Vapors of a Diseased Time
: the Earl of Clare and Early Stuart Manuscript Culture
Compiled by Peter Calfe (1610-67), son of a Dutch merchant in London.
c.1641-9.Later owned by John, Baron Somers (1651-1716), Lord Chancellor, and afterwards by Edward Harley (1689-1741), second Earl of Oxford.
Cited in Calfe MS
Copy, subscribed R: C:
Including 22 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Carew, 13 poems by King, and 24 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode, and probably associated with Christ Church, Oxford.
c.1633.Inscribed names including (f. 93v, in court hand) ffrancis Baskeruile
: i.e. probably the Francis Baskerville who married Margaret Glanvill in 1635 and was in 1640 MP for Marlborough, Wiltshire. Other scribbling including (f. 1r) accounts referring to Wanborough, Wiltshire; (f. 9v) Elizabeth White
; (f. 54v) William Walrond his booke 1663
; (f. 92r) accounts dated 1658; and (f. 94r) John Wallrond
. Later owned by Sir Hans Sloane, Bt (1660-1753), physician and collector.
Recorded in Baskerville MS
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 1r) Abraham Bassano
and (f. 98r) Elizabeth Weldon
. Later owned by William John Thoms (1803-85), writer, antiquary and librarian. Sotheby's, 11 February 1887 (Thoms sale), lot 1092. Also owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89). Formerly Folger MS 452.4.
Cited in Welden MS
Inscribed, and probably compiled, by Hugh Barrow (b.1617/18), of Brasenose College, Oxford.
c.1638.Also inscribed names of George Hope, Peter Wynne and [?]Anselm Huff. Later owned by Dr A.S.W. Rosenbach (1876-1952), Philadelphia bookseller and scholar: Rosenbach MS 192.
Copy, untitled, dated 27 June 1630.
Compiled by the Rev. John Rous (1584-1644), incumbent of Santon Downham, Suffolk, and relating, retrospectively, chiefly to public events and to literary texts in circulation in 1625-42.
c.1625-42.Later owned by Dawson Turner (1775-1858), banker, botanist and antiquary. Turner sale, 7 June 1859, lot 253. The second MS purchased at Sotheby's, 15-25 March 1871 (library of the bookseller Joseph Lilly).
The first MS edited in full in
Edited from this MS in
First published in
Inscribed (f. 101v) Henry Lawson
(or just possibly Lamson
). Thomas Thorpe, sale catalogue (1836), item 1185. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9257. Sotheby's, 15 June 1896 (Phillipps sale), lot 862. Quaritch's sale catalogue No. 164 (1896), item 64.
Cited in Lawson MS
Inscribed (f. 1v, in a court hand) Daniell Leare his Booke
, witnesse William Strode
, and (f. 164r) Mr Daniell Leare eius Liber
: i.e. compiled chiefly by Daniel Leare, a distant cousin of the poet William Strode, probably at Christ Church, Oxford, before he entered the Middle Temple in 1633.
This suggestion, by Mary Hobbs, is supported by entries in the Caution Book of 1625-41 at Christ Church, where Strode is found (p. 22) paying £10 as college security for Leare and where Leare signs (p. 23) on this sum's repayment by Dr Fell on 13 May 1633. Forey suggests (p. lxxix) that he was the Daniell Leare of St Andrews, Holburne, whose will was proved in 1652; but it is more likely that he was the Daniel Leare to whom Henry King, Dean of Rochester, leased property at Chatham on 19 July 1655 (
The volume includes 12 poems by Donne; 15 poems (plus a second copy of one and three of doubtful authorship) by Carew; 20 poems (plus two of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; and 84 poems (plus second copies of eight poems, four poems of doubtful authorship and some apocryphal poems) by Strode, the texts being closely related to, and in part probably transcribed from, the Corpus MS
of Strode's poems (
Inscribed also John Leare
(probably Daniel's younger brother); (f. 1r) Anthony Euans his booke
(who married Daniel Leare's niece Dorothy Leare in 1663); (f. 1v) Alexander Croke his Book 1773
; and (f. 164v) John Scott
(who matriculated at Christ Church in 1632). Rimell & Son, 9 November 1878.
Cited in Leare MS
Discussed in Mary Hobbs,
Including 14 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Carew, 22 poems by Corbett and 36 poems (plus three of doubtful authorship) by Strode. Apparently transcribed in part from
Inscribed (f. 1r) by one I A
of Christ Church, Oxford, and also Robert Killigrew his booke witnes by his Maiesties ape Gorge Harison
. Later owned by Sir Hans Sloane, Bt (1660-1753), physician and collector.
Cited in Killigrew MS
Copy, as by Dr Corb:
Love Sonnets, etc.), probably associated with Oxford University, possibly Christ Church, 382 pages (including numerous blanks), in contemporary calf gilt.
Including 13 poems by Donne and 14 (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; the scribe is that mainly responsible also for the Thomas Smyth MS
Later owned and used extensively as a notebook by Dr William Balam (1651-1726), of Ely, Cambridgeshire, who also annotated
Cited in Welbeck MS
Owned and probably compiled in part, in his Oxford days, by George Morley (1598-1684), Bishop of Winchester.
Cited in Morley MS
: Killigrew MS
Facsimile of f. 49r in
Including 18 poems by Carew and two of doubtful authorship, compiled by Nicholas Burghe (d.1670), Royalist Captain during the Civil War and one of the poor Knights of Windsor in 1661 (references to I Nicholas Burgh
occurring on ff. 165r, with the date 3d of June 1638
, and 166r, and his name partly in cipher on other pages); predominantly in his hand, with some later additions in other hands.
Afterwards owned by Elias Ashmole (1617-92), astrologer and antiquary.
Cited in Burghe MS
Copy, headed
Including 16 poems (plus second copies of two) by Carew, 19 poems by or attributed to Herrick (and second copies of six of them), 23 poems (plus second copies of two and four of doubtful authorship) by Randolph, 18 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode, and eleven poems by Waller.
c.1630s-40s.Inscribed on a flyleaf Peeter Daniell
and his initials stamped on both covers. Later scribbling including the names Thomas Gardinor
, James Leigh
and Pettrus Romell
. Owned in 1780 by one A. B.
when it was given to Thomas Percy (1768-1808), later Bishop of Dromore. Sotheby's, 29 April 1884 (Percy sale), lot 1. Acquired from Quaritch, 1957.
Cited in Daniell MS
The name Edward Michell inscribed later inside the rear cover. Afterwards owned by Richard Rawlinson (1690-1755).
Cited in Michell MS
Entirely in the hand of John Hopkinson (1610-80), Yorkshire antiquary, of Lofthouse, near Leeds, and comprising Volume 34 of the Hopkinson MSS.
Mid-late 17th century.Signed bookplate of Frances Mary Richardson Currer (1785-1861), book collector, of Eshton Hall, West Yorkshire. Subsequently owned by her step-father Matthew Wilson.
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 299.
To the righte honoble: the Lorde Thomas Darcy Viscount Colchester(c.1565-1640, Viscount Colchester from 1621 to 1626), 191 leaves, in modern half-morocco.
Including 27 poems (and second copies of two poems) by Thomas Carew and three of doubtful authorship.
This MS largely transcribed in
Scribbled inscriptions including (f. 1r) Mr John Bowyer
; (f. 2r) Jeronomus ffox
; and (f. 3r) William Ralph Baesh
Cited in Colchester MS
Copy, headed
Indexat the end, in contemporary vellum boards.
Including fourteen poems by James Shirley, generally ascribed to him, and eleven poems by Strode (and two of doubtful authorship).
c.1636.Inscribed (on the front paste-down) My cousin chute gaue me this book out of his father study at the vine Hampshire
(following the same statement in French), indicating that the MS was owned by, and possibly originally compiled for, the family of Chaloner Chute, MP (c.1595-1659), Speaker of the house of Commons, who acquired The Vyne, near Basingstoke, Hampshire, in 1653. Later owned by Sir William Tite (1798-1873), architect. Sotheby's, 30 May 1874, lot 2343. Bookplate of William Horatio Crawford, of Lakelands, Cork, book collector. Sotheby's, 21 March 1891 (Crawford sale), lot 2493.
Cited in Chute MS
Copy, headed
Probably compiled by university or inns of court men.
c.1620s-30s.Copy, ascribed at the side to Dr Corbett
Part I probably in several hands, the predominant italic hand that also responsible for the Welbeck MS
Part I inscribed (f. 1r) John Smyth his Book 1640
, Charles Smyth 1674
, Hugh Smyth 1676
; (f. 23v) J Smyth 1677 / 1676
. Part II inscribed several times Thomas Smith
, on f. 19r also Die: Maij 12o A
, with a reference on f. 58v to Balliol College, Oxford, 1659/60. Later inscribed (f. [ir]) by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89), who records buying this very curious and interesting MS. of Messrs Boone
. Afterwards in the library at Warwick Castle. Formerly Folger MS 1. 28.
Cited in Thomas Smyth MS
Inscribed (Part II, f. 1*r) A booke of verses collected by mee RDungaruan
: i.e. Richard Boyle (1612-98), Viscount Dungarvon and later Earl of Burlington.
Also inscribed Mary Helerd
. Subsequently owned by James Tyrrell (1642-1718), historical writer, and by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1782-1872), book and manuscript collector: Phillipps MS 15745. Formerly Folger MS 46. 2.
Formerly MS 2073.3.
Copy, headed Dr Corbet
Including 11 poems by Carew and 14 poems by Randolph.
c.1630s-40s.Inscribed Jane Wheeler
and Tho: Oliver Busfield
. Francis Quarles's poem (pp. 209-11)
A Jo. Wheeler
signed the Christ Church, Oxford, disbursement books for 1641-3 (xii, b.85 and 86).
Cited in Wheeler MS
Copy, headed
Inscribed To my euer honored good Cosen Sr John Reresby Barronett these prsent
: i.e. presented to Sir John Reresby, first Baronet (1611-46), royalist, of Thribergh Hall.
Among the muniments of Lord Mexborough, descended from the Savile family formerly of Methley Hall, near Pontefract, West Yorkshire. Formerly MX 237.
Cited in Mexborough MS
Inscribed, and probably compiled, by Hugh Barrow (b.1617/18), of Brasenose College, Oxford.
c.1638.Also inscribed names of George Hope, Peter Wynne and [?]Anselm Huff. Later owned by Dr A.S.W. Rosenbach (1876-1952), Philadelphia bookseller and scholar: Rosenbach MS 192.
Including thirteen poems by Strode and three of doubtful authorship.
c.1638-45 [and addition c.1649].Later sold by Thomas Thorpe (1836). Afterwards in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9569. Bookplate of the Shakespearian Library of Marsden J. Perry (1850-1935), industrialist, banker, and art and book collector, of Providence, Rhode Island. American Art Association, New York, 11-12 March 1936 (Perry sale). A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue
Cited in Rosenbach MS I
Including 85 poems (and second copies of two) by Thomas Carew.
c.1638-42.Inscriptions including Horatio Carey 1642 te deus pardamus
[viz. Horatio Carey (1619-ante 1677), eldest son of Sir Richard Carey (1583-1630) and great-grandson of Sir Henry Carey (1524?-96), first Baron Hunsdon ], Thomas Arding
, Thomas Arden
, William Harrington
, Thomas John
, John Anthehope
and Clement Poxall
. Later owned by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 8270. Bookplates of John William Cole and of the Shakespearian Library of Marsden J. Perry (1850-1935), industrialist, banker, art and book collector, of Providence, Rhode Island. American Art Association, New York, 11-12 March 1936 (Perry sale). A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue
Cited in Carey MS
The name of the possible compiler John Pike
inscribed on f. 1r: i.e. possibly a member of the Pike family of Cambridge (one John Pike (d.1677) matriculating at Peterhouse in 1662).
Cited in Pike MS
Copy, headed Sr: W Rawleigh
Inscribed four times on a flyleaf Tobias Alston his booke
: i.e. probably Tobias Alston (1620-c.1639) of Sayham Hall, near Sudbury, Suffolk. His half-brother Edward (b.1598) was a contemporary of Herrick at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, while his cousin, Edward Alston, later President of the College of Physicians, was a contemporary of Herrick at St John's College, Cambridge, some of the other contents also relating to Cambridge, besides some relating to Suffolk. The date 1639 occurs on p. 241, and pp. 243-50 contains verses written in two later hands (to c.1728) and some prose pieces written from the reverse end.
Names inscribed on a flyleaf including Henry Glisson (later Fellow of the College of Physicians); Thomas Avral(?); Horace Norton; Henry Rich; and James Tavor (Registrar of Cambridge University). Later owned by one John Whitehead, and by Dr Mary Pickford. Sotheby's, 27 June 1972, lot 309.
Cited in Alston MS
First published in
Copy, headed
Folios 357r-68v comprising a portion of a quarto verse miscellany, in a neat italic hand, probably associated with the Inns of Court.
c.1620s-30s.Old pressmark F. 4. 20.
First published (omitting lines 57-64) in
Copy, headed
The name George Brown
inscribed on p. 14. Inscribed on p. i by Edmond Malone (1741-1812), literary scholar, biographer and book collector Feb 13. 1790. I this day purchased this Manuscript Collection of Poems, at the sale of Mr Brander's books, at the exorbitant price of Ten Guineas. EMalone
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 128.
Copy, in a neat hand in double columns, with corrections in different ink, headed
Assembled by Thomas Hearne (178-1735), antiquary, who has inscribed a slip attached to the front pastedown Tho: Hearne Junij 21o. 1709
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 128.
Copy, beginning at stanza 2 (here
Entirely in the hand of John Hopkinson (1610-80), Yorkshire antiquary, of Lofthouse, near Leeds, and comprising Volume 17 of the Hopkinson MSS.
c.1670.Signed bookplate of Frances Mary Richardson Currer (1785-1861), book collector, of Eshton Hall, West Yorkshire. Subsequently owned by her step-father Matthew Wilson.
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, pp. 295-6.
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 1r) Abraham Bassano
and (f. 98r) Elizabeth Weldon
. Later owned by William John Thoms (1803-85), writer, antiquary and librarian. Sotheby's, 11 February 1887 (Thoms sale), lot 1092. Also owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89). Formerly Folger MS 452.4.
Cited in Welden MS
Copy, headed
First published in Gilchrist (1807), p. 234. Bennett & Trevor-Roper, pp. 91-2.
Copy, subscribed finis D D. Corbett
Including 18 poems by Carew and two of doubtful authorship, compiled by Nicholas Burghe (d.1670), Royalist Captain during the Civil War and one of the poor Knights of Windsor in 1661 (references to I Nicholas Burgh
occurring on ff. 165r, with the date 3d of June 1638
, and 166r, and his name partly in cipher on other pages); predominantly in his hand, with some later additions in other hands.
Afterwards owned by Elias Ashmole (1617-92), astrologer and antiquary.
Cited in Burghe MS
Edited from this MS in Gilchrist and in Bennett & Trevor-Roper.
First published (from MSS (not in a public library)
) in Eu. Hood [i.e. Joseph Haslewood],
Copy, subscribed R: Corbett
Compiled by Peter Calfe (1610-67), son of a Dutch merchant in London.
c.1641-9.Later owned by John, Baron Somers (1651-1716), Lord Chancellor, and afterwards by Edward Harley (1689-1741), second Earl of Oxford.
Cited in Calfe MS
Edited from this MS in Bennett & Trevor-Roper.
Copy in the hand of Corbett's chaplain William Strode.
A working autograph notebook of poems by Strode, compiled and revised over a considerable period, comprising 101 English poems (including draft fragments, 66 Latin poems and 2 Greek poems by him, together with his copies of a few poems by others (generally paired with Strode's translations or answers) including Richard Corbett, Thomas Carew, Peter Apsley, and Henry King and Henry Reynolds, as well as a lecture in Latin by the Professor of Greek at Oxford; ff. 52r-96r written in Strode's mixed secretary and italic hand, probably early 1620s-30; ff. 96v-129v, and afterwards ff. 1-51v, written in Strode's italic hand, probably for the most part c.1635-7, with additions up to 1643; ff. 129v-30v containing rough jottings in both styles; many of the poems containing Strode's extensive revisions, probably made from the 1630s onwards.
c.1620s-43.Some scribbling on the last page including the name John Herbert. Possibly one of the MS volumes by Strode which, according to Anthony Wood (
Cited in Corpus MS
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, pp. 90, 158.
Copy, subscribed Rich: Corbett Bipp: Norwicen
Including 40 poems by Strode and two poems of doubtful authorship.
c.1630s.Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9510. (Phillipps sale, lot 1015.) Owned c.1903 by Bertram Dobell (1842-1914). Percy Dobell's sale catalogue No. 68 (1941), item 342. Formerly MS 4201. 27. 1.
Cited in Dobell MS II
This MS recorded in Bennett & trevor-Roper, p. 158.
First published in
Copy, headed
Including 18 poems by Corbett and 59 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s.Inscribed on a flyleaf Elizabeth Lane hir booke
and, among scribbling on another flyleaf, Johannes Finch
. P.J. Dobell's sale catalogue No. 68 (1941), item 341.
Cited in Elizabeth Lane MS
Copy, headed
Scribbling on f. 33r rev. including the name Elizabeth keech
Including twelve poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 32 poems (plus four of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s-40s.Thomas Thorpe's sale catalogue (1836), item 1044. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9561. Sotheby's, 19 June 1893 (Phillipps sale), lot 628, and 21 March 1895, lot 903. Hodgson's, 23 April 1959, lot 528.
Cited in English Poetry MS
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 1v, in a court hand) Daniell Leare his Booke
, witnesse William Strode
, and (f. 164r) Mr Daniell Leare eius Liber
: i.e. compiled chiefly by Daniel Leare, a distant cousin of the poet William Strode, probably at Christ Church, Oxford, before he entered the Middle Temple in 1633.
This suggestion, by Mary Hobbs, is supported by entries in the Caution Book of 1625-41 at Christ Church, where Strode is found (p. 22) paying £10 as college security for Leare and where Leare signs (p. 23) on this sum's repayment by Dr Fell on 13 May 1633. Forey suggests (p. lxxix) that he was the Daniell Leare of St Andrews, Holburne, whose will was proved in 1652; but it is more likely that he was the Daniel Leare to whom Henry King, Dean of Rochester, leased property at Chatham on 19 July 1655 (
The volume includes 12 poems by Donne; 15 poems (plus a second copy of one and three of doubtful authorship) by Carew; 20 poems (plus two of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; and 84 poems (plus second copies of eight poems, four poems of doubtful authorship and some apocryphal poems) by Strode, the texts being closely related to, and in part probably transcribed from, the Corpus MS
of Strode's poems (
Inscribed also John Leare
(probably Daniel's younger brother); (f. 1r) Anthony Euans his booke
(who married Daniel Leare's niece Dorothy Leare in 1663); (f. 1v) Alexander Croke his Book 1773
; and (f. 164v) John Scott
(who matriculated at Christ Church in 1632). Rimell & Son, 9 November 1878.
Cited in Leare MS
Discussed in Mary Hobbs,
Including 14 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Carew, 22 poems by Corbett and 36 poems (plus three of doubtful authorship) by Strode. Apparently transcribed in part from
Inscribed (f. 1r) by one I A
of Christ Church, Oxford, and also Robert Killigrew his booke witnes by his Maiesties ape Gorge Harison
. Later owned by Sir Hans Sloane, Bt (1660-1753), physician and collector.
Cited in Killigrew MS
Copy, ascribed to R: C:
Compiled in part (ff. 131v-66r) by Elias Ashmole (1617-92), astrologer and antiquary.
Owned before 1959 by the Lingard-Guthrie family.
Among collections of Captain Montagu Montagu, RN (d.1863).
Copy in the first column of the recto of a single folio leaf. Early-mid-17th century.
Assembled by Thomas Hearne (178-1735), antiquary, who has inscribed a slip attached to the front pastedown Tho: Hearne Junij 21o. 1709
Copy, headed
Including (f. 1r) an anagram on Frances Pawlett. Inscribed in red ink (f. 123v) Egigius Frampton hunc librum jure tenet non est mortale quod opto: 1659
: i.e. by Giles Frampton, who is perhaps responsible for some of the later poems. Also inscribed [?]R. N. 1663
. Some later notes in the hand of Richard Rawlinson.
Copy, headed
Compiled principally by one H. S.
, a Cambridge University man.
This MS volume edited in Diana Julia Rose,
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. ir) by Thomas Hearne (1678-1735), the date 1741
Copy, headed by Richard Corbet Ld B of Oxford
Probably compiled by a member of New College, Oxford.
c.1630s.Some tipped-in notes by Richard Rawlinson.
Copy, headed
Comprising papers of the Skipwith family of Cotes, Leicestershire, including 60 poems by John Donne (and one Problem), the text related in part to the Edward Smyth MS
Including poems ascribed to William Skipwith (? Sir William Skipwith, d.1610, or his grandson, William, or possibly a cousin, William Skipwith, of Ketsby, Lincolnshire, fl.1633); to Sir Henry Skipwith (fl.1609-52); and to Thomas Skipwith, and several poems by Donne's friend Sir Henry Goodyer (1571-1627), to whom a branch of the Skipwith family was related by marriage. Later owned by Robert Sherard (1719-99), fourth Earl of Harborough. Sotheby's, 10 June 1864, lot 605, to Boone.
This MS is the curious folio volume
lent to John Nichols (1745-1826) by the late Lord Harborough
and cited in Nichols's account of the Skipwith family in his
Cited in Skipwith MS
Copy, headed
Indexat the end, in contemporary vellum boards.
Including fourteen poems by James Shirley, generally ascribed to him, and eleven poems by Strode (and two of doubtful authorship).
c.1636.Inscribed (on the front paste-down) My cousin chute gaue me this book out of his father study at the vine Hampshire
(following the same statement in French), indicating that the MS was owned by, and possibly originally compiled for, the family of Chaloner Chute, MP (c.1595-1659), Speaker of the house of Commons, who acquired The Vyne, near Basingstoke, Hampshire, in 1653. Later owned by Sir William Tite (1798-1873), architect. Sotheby's, 30 May 1874, lot 2343. Bookplate of William Horatio Crawford, of Lakelands, Cork, book collector. Sotheby's, 21 March 1891 (Crawford sale), lot 2493.
Cited in Chute MS
Compiled, over a period, principally by Thomas Manne (1581/2-1641), Chaplain of Christ Church, Oxford, and Henry King's amanuensis, including (ff. 7r-61r) 24 poems by King in Manne's formal hand, written c.1625-30s; ff. 61v-72v, 73r-99v, 100r-101v written in a variant style of Manne's hand, c.1630s; and (ff. 72v, 99v, 102r-14v, 190v-169r rev.) additions in six other hands, c.1630s-44, with (ff. 75r, 76r, and 76v) three poems to which the subscription R. Dorset
is added in the hand of King himself.
Inscribed (f. 190v rev.) Ann Littleton
. Thomas Rodd's sale catalogue, [June 1848], p. 31. Sotheby's, 4 Februry 1850 (Rodd sale), lot 500, to James Orchard Halliwell[-Phillipps] (1820-89), literary scholar and book collector. Afterward owned by the Rev. Thomas Corser, FSA (1793-1876), book collector. Sotheby's, 25 June 1873 (Corser sale), lot 325, to William Pickering (1796-1854), publisher. Later owned by the bookdealer Philip Robinson. Sotheby's, 26 June 1974, lot 3013, with a facsimile example in the sale catalogue.
Cited in Thomas Manne MS
Copy, headed B: Oxo
Compiled, perhaps largely, by Justinian Paget Es[q.] a Lawyer
, whose name is so inscribed on a flyleaf (f. 1*r), a number of the contents relating to the Paget family and also with references (ff. 34v-5v) to my sister Ann Maydwell
The contents suggest an Inns of Court and possible Christ Church, Oxford, connection.
Compiled by members of Sir Thomas Browne's family, chiefly his daughter Elizabeth Lyttelton (b. c.1648), containing various works in verse and prose including copies of a passage by Sir Thomas on consumptions (p. 43), a list of books which he had Elizabeth read out to him (pp. 44-5), copies of notes by him (pp. 77-76 rev.), his poem
Inscriptions (p. 1) Mary Browne
(who d.1676) and James Dodsley
and (p. 174) Mar. 11th 1713/4 The gift of Mrs Lyttelton to Edward Tenison
. Percy Dobell's sale catalogue
This MS volume described in [Geoffrey Keynes],
This MS recorded in Geoffrey Keynes,
Copy, headed Dr Corbett Bishopp of Oxford
Inscribed (p. 1) ffran: Wyrley
, possibly the principal compiler, whose name is also subscribed to several poems.
Also inscribed (f. ii) Michaell Keepis. anno Dom: 1636 ffebruarie. 13th. Me tenet
. Later Phillipps MS 9311. Bookplate of Wyrley Birch. Purchased from Peter Murray Hill, 1950. Formerly S4975M1 [1636-75] Bound.
Copy in the hand of Corbett's chaplain William Strode.
A working autograph notebook of poems by Strode, compiled and revised over a considerable period, comprising 101 English poems (including draft fragments, 66 Latin poems and 2 Greek poems by him, together with his copies of a few poems by others (generally paired with Strode's translations or answers) including Richard Corbett, Thomas Carew, Peter Apsley, and Henry King and Henry Reynolds, as well as a lecture in Latin by the Professor of Greek at Oxford; ff. 52r-96r written in Strode's mixed secretary and italic hand, probably early 1620s-30; ff. 96v-129v, and afterwards ff. 1-51v, written in Strode's italic hand, probably for the most part c.1635-7, with additions up to 1643; ff. 129v-30v containing rough jottings in both styles; many of the poems containing Strode's extensive revisions, probably made from the 1630s onwards.
c.1620s-43.Some scribbling on the last page including the name John Herbert. Possibly one of the MS volumes by Strode which, according to Anthony Wood (
Cited in Corpus MS
Copy, headed
Including 40 poems by Strode and two poems of doubtful authorship.
c.1630s.Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9510. (Phillipps sale, lot 1015.) Owned c.1903 by Bertram Dobell (1842-1914). Percy Dobell's sale catalogue No. 68 (1941), item 342. Formerly MS 4201. 27. 1.
Cited in Dobell MS II
Copy, headed
Copy, headed
Later in the libraries (with bookplates) of the book collector Richard Heber (1774-1833); of the bibliographer and antiquary Joseph Haslewood (1769-1833); of the biographer and literary editor Alexander Chalmers (1759-1834); and of the antiquary Edward King (1795-1837), Viscount Kingsborough (his sale by Charles Sharpe in Dublin, 1 November 1842, lot 577).
Copy, headed
Inscribed To my euer honored good Cosen Sr John Reresby Barronett these prsent
: i.e. presented to Sir John Reresby, first Baronet (1611-46), royalist, of Thribergh Hall.
Among the muniments of Lord Mexborough, descended from the Savile family formerly of Methley Hall, near Pontefract, West Yorkshire. Formerly MX 237.
Cited in Mexborough MS
Copy, headed
Inscriptions including (Part I, pp. 1, 3 and 42) Edward Lewis his Book 1753
, John Parker
, P H Warburton
, and John Aden
, and (Part II, p. 33) Thomas Lloyd Esq
. Wigfair MS 43, among papers mainly of the Lloyd family of Hafodunos, Denbighshire, and Wigfair, near St Asaph, Flintshire, purchased in 1926-7 from Colonel H.C. Lloyd Howard, of Wigfair.
Copy, headed
Including 85 poems (and second copies of two) by Thomas Carew.
c.1638-42.Inscriptions including Horatio Carey 1642 te deus pardamus
[viz. Horatio Carey (1619-ante 1677), eldest son of Sir Richard Carey (1583-1630) and great-grandson of Sir Henry Carey (1524?-96), first Baron Hunsdon ], Thomas Arding
, Thomas Arden
, William Harrington
, Thomas John
, John Anthehope
and Clement Poxall
. Later owned by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 8270. Bookplates of John William Cole and of the Shakespearian Library of Marsden J. Perry (1850-1935), industrialist, banker, art and book collector, of Providence, Rhode Island. American Art Association, New York, 11-12 March 1936 (Perry sale). A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue
Cited in Carey MS
Copy, headed
Later notes and scribbling including the names John Nutting
(ff. 26r, 56r) and John M.
and John Susan
(rear paste-down). The last leaf also containing a list of the titles of 65 poems by Carew together with the number of lines in each poem, this list unrelated to the contents of the rest of the MS.
Cited in Nutting MS
Copy, in a 19th-century hand.
Inscribed (f. [ir]) William Han: 1644
, probably by the academic compiler.
First published in
Including twelve poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 32 poems (plus four of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s-40s.Thomas Thorpe's sale catalogue (1836), item 1044. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9561. Sotheby's, 19 June 1893 (Phillipps sale), lot 628, and 21 March 1895, lot 903. Hodgson's, 23 April 1959, lot 528.
Cited in English Poetry MS
Including 14 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Carew, 22 poems by Corbett and 36 poems (plus three of doubtful authorship) by Strode. Apparently transcribed in part from
Inscribed (f. 1r) by one I A
of Christ Church, Oxford, and also Robert Killigrew his booke witnes by his Maiesties ape Gorge Harison
. Later owned by Sir Hans Sloane, Bt (1660-1753), physician and collector.
Cited in Killigrew MS
Copy, headed
Including 11 poems by Donne, and 15 poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett.
c.1630s.Later owned by Edward Jeremiah Curteis, M.P., of Windmill Hill, Sussex. Puttick & Simpson's, 30 June 1884 (Curteis sale), lot 175, to Pearson of Pall Mall for James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89). Formerly Folger MS 452.5.
Cited in Curteis MS
Copy, headed
Love Sonnets, etc.), probably associated with Oxford University, possibly Christ Church, 382 pages (including numerous blanks), in contemporary calf gilt.
Including 13 poems by Donne and 14 (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; the scribe is that mainly responsible also for the Thomas Smyth MS
Later owned and used extensively as a notebook by Dr William Balam (1651-1726), of Ely, Cambridgeshire, who also annotated
Cited in Welbeck MS
Copy, headed
Owned and probably compiled in part, in his Oxford days, by George Morley (1598-1684), Bishop of Winchester.
Cited in Morley MS
: Killigrew MS
Facsimile of f. 49r in
Copy, transcribed from
Once owned by F.W. Cosens, FSA (1819-89), of Clapham Park, book collector. Sotheby's, 25 July 1890 (Cosens sale), in lot 136. Among the collections of Sir Charles Harding Firth (1857-1936), historian.
Copy, headed
Including papers on barons in connection with the case of Lord Roos, 27 April 1616, on the judicial proceedings in 1616 after the death of Sir Thomas Overbury (1613), on the punishment of peers, on Rathlin Island, and an anonymous tract on Geoffrey of Monmouth (pp. 133-8).
c.1615-20s.Owned or used by Edward Walker, Garter King of Arms; by Francis Sandford, Lancaster Herald; and by Mr Howell (herald painter). Acquired by Thomas Smith (1638-1710), Oxford scholar and editor, at Christmas 1703. Inscribed by Thomas Hearne (1678-1735), on 2 March 1710/11, as having been bequeathed by Smith to him.
Extracts from this MS (concerning the trial of the Earl of Somerset) printed in Beatrice White,
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 75.
Copy, subscribed R: C:
Compiled by Peter Calfe (1610-67), son of a Dutch merchant in London.
c.1641-9.Later owned by John, Baron Somers (1651-1716), Lord Chancellor, and afterwards by Edward Harley (1689-1741), second Earl of Oxford.
Cited in Calfe MS
Largely in one neat secretary hand; a second hand on ff. 58v-9r, and a third on f. 66r. Compiled chiefly by a University of Cambridge man.
c.1630s.Once owned by F.W. Cosens, FSA (1819-89), of Clapham Park, book collector. Bequeathed in 1894 by Samuel Sandars, of Trinity College, Cambridge.
Discussed in Ted-Larry Pebworth and Claude J. Summers,
Including 14 poems by Strode (and a second copy of one poem).
c.1637-51.Inscribed (front pastedown) Wakelin EeK Hering / Blows of Whitsor
, and (rear pastedown) R. J. Cotton
. Formerly Folger MS 2073.4.
Cited in
Copy, headed
Probably compiled by two members of the Calverley family (f. 1r contains a poem headed
Later in the library od Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9624. Owned before 1947 by N.M. Broadbent. Later owned by Arthur A. Houghton, Jr (1906-90), American businessman and collector. Christie's, 13 June 1979 (Houghton sale, Part I), lot 135, to Maggs.
Copy, untitled.
Owned, and possibly compiled, by John Cave, of Lincoln College, Oxford (M.A. 28 January 1618/19; d.1657). The first page of text is a poem
Also inscribed with names of Elizabeth Park [or Parker], John Nedham, and William Adams. Later owned by the Rev. T.R. O' Flahertie (d.1894), of Capel, near Dorking, Surrey, book collector; by Charles Elkin Matthews (1851-19210, bookseller; and by Richard Jennings. Sotheby's, 28 April 1952 (Jennings sale), lot 12.
Cited in John Cave MS
First published in
This poem is usually followed in MSS by Blacke Cypresse vailes are shrouds of night
): see
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 101v) Henry Lawson
(or just possibly Lamson
). Thomas Thorpe, sale catalogue (1836), item 1185. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9257. Sotheby's, 15 June 1896 (Phillipps sale), lot 862. Quaritch's sale catalogue No. 164 (1896), item 64.
Cited in Lawson MS
Copy, headed
Including twelve poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 32 poems (plus four of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s-40s.Thomas Thorpe's sale catalogue (1836), item 1044. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9561. Sotheby's, 19 June 1893 (Phillipps sale), lot 628, and 21 March 1895, lot 903. Hodgson's, 23 April 1959, lot 528.
Cited in English Poetry MS
Copy, headed
Collected, and partly written, by Elias Ashmole (1617-92), astrologer and antiquary.
Betagraph of the watermark in f. 29 in Ted-Larry Pebworth,
Copy, headed
Including 18 poems by Carew and two of doubtful authorship, compiled by Nicholas Burghe (d.1670), Royalist Captain during the Civil War and one of the poor Knights of Windsor in 1661 (references to I Nicholas Burgh
occurring on ff. 165r, with the date 3d of June 1638
, and 166r, and his name partly in cipher on other pages); predominantly in his hand, with some later additions in other hands.
Afterwards owned by Elias Ashmole (1617-92), astrologer and antiquary.
Cited in Burghe MS
Copy, headed
Compiled in part (ff. 131v-66r) by Elias Ashmole (1617-92), astrologer and antiquary.
c.1630s-40s.Copy, headed
Including 16 poems (plus second copies of two) by Carew, 19 poems by or attributed to Herrick (and second copies of six of them), 23 poems (plus second copies of two and four of doubtful authorship) by Randolph, 18 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode, and eleven poems by Waller.
c.1630s-40s.Inscribed on a flyleaf Peeter Daniell
and his initials stamped on both covers. Later scribbling including the names Thomas Gardinor
, James Leigh
and Pettrus Romell
. Owned in 1780 by one A. B.
when it was given to Thomas Percy (1768-1808), later Bishop of Dromore. Sotheby's, 29 April 1884 (Percy sale), lot 1. Acquired from Quaritch, 1957.
Cited in Daniell MS
Copy, headed
Including 16 poems by Carew and 13 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode. Written in three hands: i.e. A (Codrington's hand, including his own poems) on pp. 1-283, 349-55; B on pp. 284-9; and C on pp. 289-348, 356-60; dated (pp. 1-22) Anno D
and The 30th of May. 1638
Acquired from Blackwell's, 1962.
Cited in Codrington MS
Copy, headed Dr Corbett
Indexes, in contemporary vellum.
Compiled by an Oxford University man, possibly a member of St John's College.
c.1634-43. A receipt (f. 104r) by John Weston recording payment from his brother Ed: Weston
, 3 May 1714. The name John Saunders
inscribed on the final leaf.
Scribbling on f. iir including ffor mr William Rabey in New=market...
, ffor my Louing ffriend in G John westhropp at mr Rogers Reringe house Bury in S[uffolk]
, ffor mr John fford at his house in Newmarket in the countey of cambridge
; notes on f. iiiv-ivr, one Recd 22 July 1669
, subscribed John Cooke
and including, on f. vir, ffor mr John Cocke at his howse neere the white harte in Thetford...
. Later owned, in the 1730s, by Charles Barlow, of Emmanuel College, Cambridge (his bookplate f. iiv).
Copy, headed
Compiled in part by the Oxford printer Christopher Wase (1627-90), fellow of King's College, Cambridge.
Mid-17th century.Later owned by John Somers (1651-1716), Baron Somers, Lord Chancellor, and his brother-in-law Sir Joseph Jekyll (1662-1738), lawyer and politician.
Cited in Wase MS
Copy, headed By my L. of Norwidge
Probably compiled by a member of New College, Oxford.
c.1630s.Some tipped-in notes by Richard Rawlinson.
Comprising three separate units: ff. 1r-96v all in Sancroft's hand; ff. 97r-104r in a second hand; and ff. 105r-9r in a third hand.
Including (on ff. 2-23, 27ar-v, 70) 94 Latin poems ascribed to Crashaw (including three of doubtful authorship) and (on ff. 29-41, 43v, 44v-58, 60v, 62v-5v, 67-70v, 72-3, 95-6) 101 English poems (plus a second copy of one of them) attributed to him (including one of doubtful authorship) and (on f. 16r-v) one Greek poem attributed to him; a list of contents on the first page beginning Mr. Crashaw's poems transcrib'd fr
Cited in Sancroft MS
Copy, headed
G. Broughtonon ff. 1r and after 44r, a reference to St John's College, Cambridge (in 1731) on f. 83v, 93 leaves (plus blanks), in 19th-century half black morocco. c.1630s [-1733].
G. Broughton
is possibly William (Gulielmus
) Broughton (b.1684/5), of Trinity College, Cambridge (one of whose Latin verse compilations was copied in 1704-6 by Richard Robinson in Trinity College, Cambridge, MS 0.6.1 (James 1497). Also the name Jo: Tweedy
is inscribed several times on f. 81r. Owned before 1841 by one W. Potter.
Cited in Tweedye MS
Copy, headed
Including twenty poems by Carew, eleven poems by Crashaw on ff. 10-30 passim, and fifteen poems by Strode.
c.1630s.Thomas Thorpe, sale catalogue (1834), item 728. Acquired from C. Booth, October 1857.
Cited in Thorpe MS
Copy, headed Dr Corbet
Later owned by Thomas Rodd (1796-1849), bookseller; by Richard Heber (1774-1833), book collector; and by the Rev. Philip Bliss (1787-1857), antiquary and book collector. Sotheby's, 21 August 1858 (Bliss sale), lot 190.
Copy, headed
Inscribed by the compiler (f. 133v) Anthony Scattergood His booke
: i.e. Anthony Scattergood (1611-87), theologian, of Trinity College, Cambridge. Volume XXXII of the Scattergood papers.
Also inscribed (f. 130v) Elisabeth Scattergood her Booke 1667/8
. Booklabel of Henry Huth (1815-78), book collector.
Copy, ascribed to Dr Corbet.
Inscribed names (on front paste-down and f. 1r) of Fra: Norreys
(? Sir Francis Norris (1609-69)) and Hen. Balle
. Purchased from J. Harvey 8 December 1877.
Copy, ascribed to Bishop Corbett
Inscribed (f. 179r) This is Sr. Thomas Meres [or ? Maiors] Book
: i.e. probably Sir Thomas Meres (1634-1715), of Kirton, Lincolnshire. Later bookplate of the Rev. John Curtis. Purchased from Mrs Ann Austin Curtis 12 October 1889.
Copy, untitled.
Including 14 poems by Donne, six poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Carew, ten poems by Habington and 13 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Randolph. Owned and possibly compiled by Arthur Capell (1631-83), second Earl of Essex, whose name is inscribed in red ink (1*), in a similar roman hand to that on ff. 1r-19r. He married (1653) Elizabeth Percy (1636-1718), daughter of Algernon, tenth Earl of Northumberland; she was therefore the great niece of Habington's mother-in-law, Eleanor Percy, sister of the ninth Earl of Northumberland.
Mid-17th century.Later among the collections of Robert Harley (1661-1724), first Earl of Oxford, and his son, Edward (1689-1741), second Earl of Oxford.
Cited in Capell MS
Copy, headed
Compiled principally by Henry George, while a student at Christ's College, Cambridge.
c.1639-43.Inscribed (f. 1*v) Meliora Spero dum Spiro / Henricus George / nec ut mortale / quod opto
Edited from this MS in Gilchrist, p. 233.
Copy, headed
Copy, headed
Copy, headed
Compiled for the most part by a University of Oxford man, with (f. 1r-v) a list of contents.
c.1640s.Once owned by one John Faith, and by William Fulman (1632-88), Oxford antiquary.
Formerly cited as Corpus Christi College, MS E.i.33.
Copy, untitled, here beginning
Possibly compiled in part by Elias Smyth, minor canon of Durham (whose epitaph on his son Richard appears on p. 134).
c.1644-67.Among the collections of Christopher Hunter (1675-1757), Durham antiquary and physician.
Copy, headed
TSB, within modern half-calf on marbled boards.
Inscribed (inside the front cover) Thomas Bowdler his booke wrytten wth his owne bloode 1634
and, in engrossed and decorated lettering, Thomas Bowdler his booke A
, his name occurring several times elsewhere: the MS probably compiled in part by him.
Copy, headed
Including 40 poems by Strode and two poems of doubtful authorship.
c.1630s.Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9510. (Phillipps sale, lot 1015.) Owned c.1903 by Bertram Dobell (1842-1914). Percy Dobell's sale catalogue No. 68 (1941), item 342. Formerly MS 4201. 27. 1.
Cited in Dobell MS II
Copy, headed
Part I, including some Welsh, comprises sixteen leaves, all (but for f. 15r-v) in the cursive hand of William Jordan, schoolmaster of Denbigh or Caernarvon, whose name (Gulielmus Jordan
) is inscribed, the dates 1680-83 occurring.
Part II comprises 60 leaves, ff. 1-50v in a neat italic hand, ff. 51r-60r in several other cursive hands.
c.1674-84.The vellum wrapper on Part II bears notes on a debt by William Jordan in 1674 relating to Evan Thomas
and Mr Richard Wilkinsn in pepper street
. Formerly Folger MS 1669.2.
Copy, headed
Including 11 poems by Carew and 14 poems by Randolph.
c.1630s-40s.Inscribed Jane Wheeler
and Tho: Oliver Busfield
. Francis Quarles's poem (pp. 209-11)
A Jo. Wheeler
signed the Christ Church, Oxford, disbursement books for 1641-3 (xii, b.85 and 86).
Cited in Wheeler MS
Copy, headed
Later in the libraries (with bookplates) of the book collector Richard Heber (1774-1833); of the bibliographer and antiquary Joseph Haslewood (1769-1833); of the biographer and literary editor Alexander Chalmers (1759-1834); and of the antiquary Edward King (1795-1837), Viscount Kingsborough (his sale by Charles Sharpe in Dublin, 1 November 1842, lot 577).
Copy, headed
Later owned by F.W. Cosens (1819-89). Bookplate of James W. Ellsworth.
Including 85 poems (and second copies of two) by Thomas Carew.
c.1638-42.Inscriptions including Horatio Carey 1642 te deus pardamus
[viz. Horatio Carey (1619-ante 1677), eldest son of Sir Richard Carey (1583-1630) and great-grandson of Sir Henry Carey (1524?-96), first Baron Hunsdon ], Thomas Arding
, Thomas Arden
, William Harrington
, Thomas John
, John Anthehope
and Clement Poxall
. Later owned by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 8270. Bookplates of John William Cole and of the Shakespearian Library of Marsden J. Perry (1850-1935), industrialist, banker, art and book collector, of Providence, Rhode Island. American Art Association, New York, 11-12 March 1936 (Perry sale). A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue
Cited in Carey MS
The name of the possible compiler John Pike
inscribed on f. 1r: i.e. possibly a member of the Pike family of Cambridge (one John Pike (d.1677) matriculating at Peterhouse in 1662).
Cited in Pike MS
Copy, headed
Recorded in HMC, 7th Report, Part I (1879), Appendix, p. 508. A set of microfilms of the Verney Papers is in the British Library (M/636/1-60).
Copy, headed
Including twelve poems by Carew, nine poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Randolph and nineteen (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode, the miscellany associated with Oxford University and possibly related to
Inscribed inside the front cover by a later owner: April 1853 Read to Lit[erary] & Philosophical] Soc[iet]y of L[iver]pool
. Acquired in 1940 by Edwin Wolf II (1911-91), Philadelphia librarian.
Cited in Wolf MS
Copy, headed
Copy, headed
Compiled by the Rev. John Rous (1584-1644), incumbent of Santon Downham, Suffolk, and relating, retrospectively, chiefly to public events and to literary texts in circulation in 1625-42.
c.1625-42.Later owned by Dawson Turner (1775-1858), banker, botanist and antiquary. Turner sale, 7 June 1859, lot 253. The second MS purchased at Sotheby's, 15-25 March 1871 (library of the bookseller Joseph Lilly).
The first MS edited in full in
Edited from this MS in
First published in
Copy, headed
Including 18 poems by Corbett and 59 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s.Inscribed on a flyleaf Elizabeth Lane hir booke
and, among scribbling on another flyleaf, Johannes Finch
. P.J. Dobell's sale catalogue No. 68 (1941), item 341.
Cited in Elizabeth Lane MS
Including twelve poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 32 poems (plus four of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s-40s.Thomas Thorpe's sale catalogue (1836), item 1044. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9561. Sotheby's, 19 June 1893 (Phillipps sale), lot 628, and 21 March 1895, lot 903. Hodgson's, 23 April 1959, lot 528.
Cited in English Poetry MS
Copy, subscribed R. Corbett
Including nineteen poems by Corbett and 29 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode, the date 1634 occurring on f. 78v.
c.1635.Inscribed on f. 111v rev. Thursday next at Capricks for Mr Pitt
. Later among the collections of Robert Harley, first Earl of Oxford (1661-1724), and his son Edward, second Earl (1689-1741).
Cited in Harley MS
Including 14 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Carew, 22 poems by Corbett and 36 poems (plus three of doubtful authorship) by Strode. Apparently transcribed in part from
Inscribed (f. 1r) by one I A
of Christ Church, Oxford, and also Robert Killigrew his booke witnes by his Maiesties ape Gorge Harison
. Later owned by Sir Hans Sloane, Bt (1660-1753), physician and collector.
Cited in Killigrew MS
Copy in double columns, headed
Including 52 poems by Donne (many on pp. 64-109, 167-74 initialled
Later scribbling and inscriptions including the names Edw Denny
[presumably Edward Denny (1569-1637), Baron Denny of Waltham and first Earl of Norwich], Charles Cocks
, Edward Randolphe
and (on p. 162) Thomas Cassy
. Later owned by Joseph Haslewood (1769-1833), bibliographer and antiquary (sold in the Haslewood sale, London, 1833, lot 1329, to Thorpe); by Edward King (1795-1837), Viscount Kingsborough, antiquary (his sale in Dublin, 1 November 1841, item 624); and by Henry Huth (1815-78), book collector (his library catalogue, 1880, IV, pp. 1159-64), and sold at Sotheby's, 17 July 1917 (Huth sale), lot 5873.
Cited in Haslewood-Kingsborough MS (I)
Copy, headed
Love Sonnets, etc.), probably associated with Oxford University, possibly Christ Church, 382 pages (including numerous blanks), in contemporary calf gilt.
Including 13 poems by Donne and 14 (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; the scribe is that mainly responsible also for the Thomas Smyth MS
Later owned and used extensively as a notebook by Dr William Balam (1651-1726), of Ely, Cambridgeshire, who also annotated
Cited in Welbeck MS
Copy, headed
Including 45 poems (and a second copy of one) by Carew, 11 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Corbett, and 25 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1634.The initials T. C.
stamped on the front cover. Sold by Thomas Thorpe (1836). Afterwards in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9536, and by Marsden J. Perry (1850-1935), of Providence, Rhode Island, industrialist, banker, and art and books collector. A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue
Cited in Rosenbach MS II
Copy, headed
Compiled in part (ff. 131v-66r) by Elias Ashmole (1617-92), astrologer and antiquary.
c.1630s-40s.Copy, headed
Entirely in the hand of John Hopkinson (1610-80), Yorkshire antiquary, of Lofthouse, near Leeds, and comprising Volume 34 of the Hopkinson MSS.
Mid-late 17th century.Signed bookplate of Frances Mary Richardson Currer (1785-1861), book collector, of Eshton Hall, West Yorkshire. Subsequently owned by her step-father Matthew Wilson.
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 299.
Copy, headed
Among the papers of the Stanhope family, of Horsforth, near Leeds. Formerly Spencer-Stanhope MSS, Calendar No. 2795 (Bundle 10, No. 34).
Copy, headed
The table of contents (f. 155v) subscribed Margrett Bellasys
, possibly the daughter of Thomas Belasyse (1577-1652), first Viscount Fauconberg of Henknowle. The front endpaper later inscribed The pieces which I have extracted for
: i.e. possibly by Thomas Campbell (1777-1844), editor of The Specimens
are, Page 91, 211, 265
Copy, headed
Including 91 poems and some prose works by John Donne and fourteen poems by Thomas Carew.
c.1637.Among the collections of Richard Temple-Nugent-Brydges-Chandos-Grenville (1776-1839), first Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, of Stowe House, near Buckingham, largely derived from the collection of the antiquary Thomas Astle (1735-1803), which in turn chiefly derived from Astle's father-in-law, the Essex historian Philip Morant (1700-70) (see
Cited in Stowe MS II
: Stowe MS
Rich: Corbett, on twelve folio pages, unbound. c.1620s.
Among papers of Sir John Marsham, first Baronet (1602-85), of Whornes Place, Cuxton, Kent, Clerk in Chancery and antiquary, and his successors, later Earls of Romney.
Copy, headed
Possibly compiled by one W: H:
: i.e. probably William Holgate (1618-46), of Queens' College, Cambridge, with late 17th-century additions apparently made by other members of the Holgate family, of Saffron Walden and Great Bardfield, Essex.
Owned in the early 18th century by John Wale, who supplied the index on pp. 330-3. Owned before 1927 by Col. W.G. Carwardine-Probert, of Bures, Suffolk (descendant of the Holgate family).
Cited in
Copy, headed
Including thirteen poems by Strode and three of doubtful authorship.
c.1638-45 [and addition c.1649].Later sold by Thomas Thorpe (1836). Afterwards in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9569. Bookplate of the Shakespearian Library of Marsden J. Perry (1850-1935), industrialist, banker, and art and book collector, of Providence, Rhode Island. American Art Association, New York, 11-12 March 1936 (Perry sale). A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue
Cited in Rosenbach MS I
Copy, headed
Owned and probably compiled by Robert Bishop. Later owned by Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9549. A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue,
Cited in Bishop MS
Copy, transcribed from
Once owned by F.W. Cosens, FSA (1819-89), of Clapham Park, book collector. Sotheby's, 25 July 1890 (Cosens sale), in lot 136. Among the collections of Sir Charles Harding Firth (1857-1936), historian.
Copy, headed
Folios 357r-68v comprising a portion of a quarto verse miscellany, in a neat italic hand, probably associated with the Inns of Court.
c.1620s-30s.Old pressmark F. 4. 20.
Copy, headed
22, disbound. c.1620s-30s.
First published in
Including 18 poems by Carew and two of doubtful authorship, compiled by Nicholas Burghe (d.1670), Royalist Captain during the Civil War and one of the poor Knights of Windsor in 1661 (references to I Nicholas Burgh
occurring on ff. 165r, with the date 3d of June 1638
, and 166r, and his name partly in cipher on other pages); predominantly in his hand, with some later additions in other hands.
Afterwards owned by Elias Ashmole (1617-92), astrologer and antiquary.
Cited in Burghe MS
Copy, headed
Indexes, in contemporary vellum.
Compiled by an Oxford University man, possibly a member of St John's College.
c.1634-43. A receipt (f. 104r) by John Weston recording payment from his brother Ed: Weston
, 3 May 1714. The name John Saunders
inscribed on the final leaf.
Copy, headed Ralphe Godwyn Secretary to the Earle of Northampton fecit hos versicolos
Compiled by Sir Thomas Dawes (knighted 1639).
c.1623-30.Purchased on 4 July 1873 from William Carew Hazlitt (1834-1913), bibliographer and writer.
Copy, headed
Copy, headed
Inscribed To my euer honored good Cosen Sr John Reresby Barronett these prsent
: i.e. presented to Sir John Reresby, first Baronet (1611-46), royalist, of Thribergh Hall.
Among the muniments of Lord Mexborough, descended from the Savile family formerly of Methley Hall, near Pontefract, West Yorkshire. Formerly MX 237.
Cited in Mexborough MS
First published in
Copy, headed
Including 18 poems by Corbett and 59 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s.Inscribed on a flyleaf Elizabeth Lane hir booke
and, among scribbling on another flyleaf, Johannes Finch
. P.J. Dobell's sale catalogue No. 68 (1941), item 341.
Cited in Elizabeth Lane MS
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 101v) Henry Lawson
(or just possibly Lamson
). Thomas Thorpe, sale catalogue (1836), item 1185. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9257. Sotheby's, 15 June 1896 (Phillipps sale), lot 862. Quaritch's sale catalogue No. 164 (1896), item 64.
Cited in Lawson MS
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 1v, in a court hand) Daniell Leare his Booke
, witnesse William Strode
, and (f. 164r) Mr Daniell Leare eius Liber
: i.e. compiled chiefly by Daniel Leare, a distant cousin of the poet William Strode, probably at Christ Church, Oxford, before he entered the Middle Temple in 1633.
This suggestion, by Mary Hobbs, is supported by entries in the Caution Book of 1625-41 at Christ Church, where Strode is found (p. 22) paying £10 as college security for Leare and where Leare signs (p. 23) on this sum's repayment by Dr Fell on 13 May 1633. Forey suggests (p. lxxix) that he was the Daniell Leare of St Andrews, Holburne, whose will was proved in 1652; but it is more likely that he was the Daniel Leare to whom Henry King, Dean of Rochester, leased property at Chatham on 19 July 1655 (
The volume includes 12 poems by Donne; 15 poems (plus a second copy of one and three of doubtful authorship) by Carew; 20 poems (plus two of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; and 84 poems (plus second copies of eight poems, four poems of doubtful authorship and some apocryphal poems) by Strode, the texts being closely related to, and in part probably transcribed from, the Corpus MS
of Strode's poems (
Inscribed also John Leare
(probably Daniel's younger brother); (f. 1r) Anthony Euans his booke
(who married Daniel Leare's niece Dorothy Leare in 1663); (f. 1v) Alexander Croke his Book 1773
; and (f. 164v) John Scott
(who matriculated at Christ Church in 1632). Rimell & Son, 9 November 1878.
Cited in Leare MS
Discussed in Mary Hobbs,
Copy, headed Rich: Corbett
Including nineteen poems by Corbett and 29 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode, the date 1634 occurring on f. 78v.
c.1635.Inscribed on f. 111v rev. Thursday next at Capricks for Mr Pitt
. Later among the collections of Robert Harley, first Earl of Oxford (1661-1724), and his son Edward, second Earl (1689-1741).
Cited in Harley MS
Copy, headed
Including 14 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Carew, 22 poems by Corbett and 36 poems (plus three of doubtful authorship) by Strode. Apparently transcribed in part from
Inscribed (f. 1r) by one I A
of Christ Church, Oxford, and also Robert Killigrew his booke witnes by his Maiesties ape Gorge Harison
. Later owned by Sir Hans Sloane, Bt (1660-1753), physician and collector.
Cited in Killigrew MS
Copy, headed
Including twelve poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 30 poems by Strode (one of them in V.a.152) plus one of doubtful authorship.
c.late 1630s [-1789].Later sold by Thomas Thorpe. Afterwards owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89) (and No. 27 in his
Cited in Thorpe-Halliwell MS
Copy of the last four lines, here beginning
Including 15 poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 57 poems (plus a second copy of one poem and four poems of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s[-55].Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: possibly his MS 18123. Owned c.1903 by Bertram Dobell (1842-1914), literary scholar and bookseller. Formerly MS 646.4.
Cited in Dobell MS
Copy, headed
Including 11 poems by Donne, and 15 poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett.
c.1630s.Later owned by Edward Jeremiah Curteis, M.P., of Windmill Hill, Sussex. Puttick & Simpson's, 30 June 1884 (Curteis sale), lot 175, to Pearson of Pall Mall for James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89). Formerly Folger MS 452.5.
Cited in Curteis MS
Copy, headed
Love Sonnets, etc.), probably associated with Oxford University, possibly Christ Church, 382 pages (including numerous blanks), in contemporary calf gilt.
Including 13 poems by Donne and 14 (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; the scribe is that mainly responsible also for the Thomas Smyth MS
Later owned and used extensively as a notebook by Dr William Balam (1651-1726), of Ely, Cambridgeshire, who also annotated
Cited in Welbeck MS
Copy, headed
Owned and probably compiled in part, in his Oxford days, by George Morley (1598-1684), Bishop of Winchester.
Cited in Morley MS
: Killigrew MS
Facsimile of f. 49r in
Copy, headed Rich: Corbett
Including 14 poems by Carew, 13 poems by Corbett and 25 poems (plus one poem of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1650.Scribbling on the first page including the words Peyton Chester…
Cited in Osborn MS I
Copy, headed
Compiled in part (ff. 131v-66r) by Elias Ashmole (1617-92), astrologer and antiquary.
c.1630s-40s.Copy, headed
Including 16 poems by Carew and 13 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode. Written in three hands: i.e. A (Codrington's hand, including his own poems) on pp. 1-283, 349-55; B on pp. 284-9; and C on pp. 289-348, 356-60; dated (pp. 1-22) Anno D
and The 30th of May. 1638
Acquired from Blackwell's, 1962.
Cited in Codrington MS
Copy, headed Dr Corbett
Indexes, in contemporary vellum.
Compiled by an Oxford University man, possibly a member of St John's College.
c.1634-43. A receipt (f. 104r) by John Weston recording payment from his brother Ed: Weston
, 3 May 1714. The name John Saunders
inscribed on the final leaf.
Copy, headed
Compiled in part by the Oxford printer Christopher Wase (1627-90), fellow of King's College, Cambridge.
Mid-17th century.Later owned by John Somers (1651-1716), Baron Somers, Lord Chancellor, and his brother-in-law Sir Joseph Jekyll (1662-1738), lawyer and politician.
Cited in Wase MS
Copy, headed R: Corbet
Inscribed (f. ir) by Thomas Hearne (1678-1735), the date 1741
Copy, headed
Entirely in the hand of John Hopkinson (1610-80), Yorkshire antiquary, of Lofthouse, near Leeds, and comprising Volume 34 of the Hopkinson MSS.
Mid-late 17th century.Signed bookplate of Frances Mary Richardson Currer (1785-1861), book collector, of Eshton Hall, West Yorkshire. Subsequently owned by her step-father Matthew Wilson.
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 299.
Copy, headed
The table of contents (f. 155v) subscribed Margrett Bellasys
, possibly the daughter of Thomas Belasyse (1577-1652), first Viscount Fauconberg of Henknowle. The front endpaper later inscribed The pieces which I have extracted for
: i.e. possibly by Thomas Campbell (1777-1844), editor of The Specimens
are, Page 91, 211, 265
Copy, headed
A flyleaf inscribed [?] Johannes Philips
. Acquired from H. Stevens 11 December 1852.
Cited in John Philips MS
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 62r) Nathaniel Heighmore
: i.e. presumably Nathaniel Highmore (1613-85), chemical physician and anatomist; John Sacheverell his hand and pen Amen
; and John Sacheverell the Author of this...
Copy, headed
Including 14 poems by Carew (and a second copy of one poem), eight poems (plus 3 of doubtful authorship) by Randolph, and 28 poems by Strode (plus a second copy of one and two of doubtful authorship).
c.late 1630s.Later used and annotated by William Fulman (1632-88), Oxford antiquary, and entries in his hand on f. 97r. Formerly Bodleian, MS CCC.328.
Cited in Fulman MS
Copy, headed
Part I probably in several hands, the predominant italic hand that also responsible for the Welbeck MS
Part I inscribed (f. 1r) John Smyth his Book 1640
, Charles Smyth 1674
, Hugh Smyth 1676
; (f. 23v) J Smyth 1677 / 1676
. Part II inscribed several times Thomas Smith
, on f. 19r also Die: Maij 12o A
, with a reference on f. 58v to Balliol College, Oxford, 1659/60. Later inscribed (f. [ir]) by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89), who records buying this very curious and interesting MS. of Messrs Boone
. Afterwards in the library at Warwick Castle. Formerly Folger MS 1. 28.
Cited in Thomas Smyth MS
Copy, headed R. C.
Inscribed (Part II, f. 1*r) A booke of verses collected by mee RDungaruan
: i.e. Richard Boyle (1612-98), Viscount Dungarvon and later Earl of Burlington.
Also inscribed Mary Helerd
. Subsequently owned by James Tyrrell (1642-1718), historical writer, and by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1782-1872), book and manuscript collector: Phillipps MS 15745. Formerly Folger MS 46. 2.
Copy, headed R: Corbett
Including 40 poems by Strode and two poems of doubtful authorship.
c.1630s.Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9510. (Phillipps sale, lot 1015.) Owned c.1903 by Bertram Dobell (1842-1914). Percy Dobell's sale catalogue No. 68 (1941), item 342. Formerly MS 4201. 27. 1.
Cited in Dobell MS II
Copy, headed
Including 14 poems by Strode (and a second copy of one poem).
c.1637-51.Inscribed (front pastedown) Wakelin EeK Hering / Blows of Whitsor
, and (rear pastedown) R. J. Cotton
. Formerly Folger MS 2073.4.
Cited in
Copy, headed
Formerly MS 2073.3.
Copy, headed
Including 11 poems by Carew and 14 poems by Randolph.
c.1630s-40s.Inscribed Jane Wheeler
and Tho: Oliver Busfield
. Francis Quarles's poem (pp. 209-11)
A Jo. Wheeler
signed the Christ Church, Oxford, disbursement books for 1641-3 (xii, b.85 and 86).
Cited in Wheeler MS
Copy, headed R C.
Including 15 poems by Carew and 17 poems by King.
c.1630s.Later owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89), literary scholar and book collector. Bookplate of the Warwick Castle Library. Formerly Folger MS 1.8.
Cited in Halliwell MS
Copy, untitled.
Inscriptions including (f. 6r) Hannah Lewis Junr
; Thomas Turner his Book
(three times, ff. 8r, 14v, 48v, dated 1750
, 58
and 1760
); (f. 12r) Edmund Baxter att Mrs Nortons
; (ff. 20r, 59v) John Jones
; (f. 40r) Jon: Pryse 1729
; (f. 59v) Robt. Was
[?]; and (f. 79r) Edmund Baxter 1729
. Later owned by Edward Vernon Utterson (1776-1856), of Shanklin and Ryde, Isle of Wight, artist, literary antiquary and book collector. Sotheby's, 24 April 1852 (Utterson sale), lot 1317, sold to Lelly
. Then owned by Sir John Simeon, third Baronet (1815-70), M.P. Sotheby's, 3 March 1871 (Simeon sale), lot 638, to Pickering. Quaritch's sale catalogue No. 436 (1930), item 576. Formerly MS Nor 4620.
Cited in Utterson MS
Copy, headed
Owned, and possibly compiled, by John Cave, of Lincoln College, Oxford (M.A. 28 January 1618/19; d.1657). The first page of text is a poem
Also inscribed with names of Elizabeth Park [or Parker], John Nedham, and William Adams. Later owned by the Rev. T.R. O' Flahertie (d.1894), of Capel, near Dorking, Surrey, book collector; by Charles Elkin Matthews (1851-19210, bookseller; and by Richard Jennings. Sotheby's, 28 April 1952 (Jennings sale), lot 12.
Cited in John Cave MS
Copy, headed
Inscribed, and probably compiled, by Hugh Barrow (b.1617/18), of Brasenose College, Oxford.
c.1638.Also inscribed names of George Hope, Peter Wynne and [?]Anselm Huff. Later owned by Dr A.S.W. Rosenbach (1876-1952), Philadelphia bookseller and scholar: Rosenbach MS 192.
Copy, headed
Later owned by the Newcastle antiquarian collectors John Bell (1783-1864) and Robert White (1802-74).
Cited in
Copy, headed
Possibly compiled by one W: H:
: i.e. probably William Holgate (1618-46), of Queens' College, Cambridge, with late 17th-century additions apparently made by other members of the Holgate family, of Saffron Walden and Great Bardfield, Essex.
Owned in the early 18th century by John Wale, who supplied the index on pp. 330-3. Owned before 1927 by Col. W.G. Carwardine-Probert, of Bures, Suffolk (descendant of the Holgate family).
Cited in
Copy, headed
Including 23 poems (and a second copy of one) by Randolph.
c.1635.Mostyn MS 196: from the library originally founded by Sir Thomas Mostyn (1535-1617) at Mostyn Hall, near Holywell, Flintshire, Wales, the MS possibly acquired by Sir Roger Mostyn (1567-1642) or by his son Sir Roger Mostyn, first Baronet (1625?-90). A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue
Cited in Mostyn MS
Copy, headed
The name of the possible compiler John Pike
inscribed on f. 1r: i.e. possibly a member of the Pike family of Cambridge (one John Pike (d.1677) matriculating at Peterhouse in 1662).
Cited in Pike MS
Copy of lines 1-10, untitled; imperfect, lacking the rest of the poem.
Compiled by members of the Griffith family, of Llanddyfnan, the verse probably entered by one or more of the various members of that family who studied in this period at the University of Oxford.
Mid-17th century.Cited in Griffith MS
Copy, headed
Including twelve poems by Carew, nine poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Randolph and nineteen (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode, the miscellany associated with Oxford University and possibly related to
Inscribed inside the front cover by a later owner: April 1853 Read to Lit[erary] & Philosophical] Soc[iet]y of L[iver]pool
. Acquired in 1940 by Edwin Wolf II (1911-91), Philadelphia librarian.
Cited in Wolf MS
Copy, headed
Inscribed (on p. [330]) Robert Lord his book Anno Domini
; (on [p. 335]) william Jacob his booke Amen
; and, among scribbling on the last leaf, Hugh Gibgans of the same
and John Winter of Buckland Dursbane [or husbande?]
. Owned in 1788 by Alexander R. Popham. Bloomsbury Book Auction, 23 November 2000, lot 8.
A microfilm is in the British Library, RP 7698.
First published in
Copy, headed
Including 18 poems by Corbett and 59 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s.Inscribed on a flyleaf Elizabeth Lane hir booke
and, among scribbling on another flyleaf, Johannes Finch
. P.J. Dobell's sale catalogue No. 68 (1941), item 341.
Cited in Elizabeth Lane MS
Copy, headed
Including twelve poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 32 poems (plus four of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s-40s.Thomas Thorpe's sale catalogue (1836), item 1044. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9561. Sotheby's, 19 June 1893 (Phillipps sale), lot 628, and 21 March 1895, lot 903. Hodgson's, 23 April 1959, lot 528.
Cited in English Poetry MS
Inscribed (f. 1v, in a court hand) Daniell Leare his Booke
, witnesse William Strode
, and (f. 164r) Mr Daniell Leare eius Liber
: i.e. compiled chiefly by Daniel Leare, a distant cousin of the poet William Strode, probably at Christ Church, Oxford, before he entered the Middle Temple in 1633.
This suggestion, by Mary Hobbs, is supported by entries in the Caution Book of 1625-41 at Christ Church, where Strode is found (p. 22) paying £10 as college security for Leare and where Leare signs (p. 23) on this sum's repayment by Dr Fell on 13 May 1633. Forey suggests (p. lxxix) that he was the Daniell Leare of St Andrews, Holburne, whose will was proved in 1652; but it is more likely that he was the Daniel Leare to whom Henry King, Dean of Rochester, leased property at Chatham on 19 July 1655 (
The volume includes 12 poems by Donne; 15 poems (plus a second copy of one and three of doubtful authorship) by Carew; 20 poems (plus two of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; and 84 poems (plus second copies of eight poems, four poems of doubtful authorship and some apocryphal poems) by Strode, the texts being closely related to, and in part probably transcribed from, the Corpus MS
of Strode's poems (
Inscribed also John Leare
(probably Daniel's younger brother); (f. 1r) Anthony Euans his booke
(who married Daniel Leare's niece Dorothy Leare in 1663); (f. 1v) Alexander Croke his Book 1773
; and (f. 164v) John Scott
(who matriculated at Christ Church in 1632). Rimell & Son, 9 November 1878.
Cited in Leare MS
Discussed in Mary Hobbs,
Copy, subscribed Dr Rich: Corbett
Including nineteen poems by Corbett and 29 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode, the date 1634 occurring on f. 78v.
c.1635.Inscribed on f. 111v rev. Thursday next at Capricks for Mr Pitt
. Later among the collections of Robert Harley, first Earl of Oxford (1661-1724), and his son Edward, second Earl (1689-1741).
Cited in Harley MS
Including 14 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Carew, 22 poems by Corbett and 36 poems (plus three of doubtful authorship) by Strode. Apparently transcribed in part from
Inscribed (f. 1r) by one I A
of Christ Church, Oxford, and also Robert Killigrew his booke witnes by his Maiesties ape Gorge Harison
. Later owned by Sir Hans Sloane, Bt (1660-1753), physician and collector.
Cited in Killigrew MS
Copy, headed Dr Corbet
Including twelve poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 30 poems by Strode (one of them in V.a.152) plus one of doubtful authorship.
c.late 1630s [-1789].Later sold by Thomas Thorpe. Afterwards owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89) (and No. 27 in his
Cited in Thorpe-Halliwell MS
Copy, headed
Including 15 poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 57 poems (plus a second copy of one poem and four poems of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s[-55].Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: possibly his MS 18123. Owned c.1903 by Bertram Dobell (1842-1914), literary scholar and bookseller. Formerly MS 646.4.
Cited in Dobell MS
Copy, headed D: R: Corbett
Including 52 poems by Donne (many on pp. 64-109, 167-74 initialled
Later scribbling and inscriptions including the names Edw Denny
[presumably Edward Denny (1569-1637), Baron Denny of Waltham and first Earl of Norwich], Charles Cocks
, Edward Randolphe
and (on p. 162) Thomas Cassy
. Later owned by Joseph Haslewood (1769-1833), bibliographer and antiquary (sold in the Haslewood sale, London, 1833, lot 1329, to Thorpe); by Edward King (1795-1837), Viscount Kingsborough, antiquary (his sale in Dublin, 1 November 1841, item 624); and by Henry Huth (1815-78), book collector (his library catalogue, 1880, IV, pp. 1159-64), and sold at Sotheby's, 17 July 1917 (Huth sale), lot 5873.
Cited in Haslewood-Kingsborough MS (I)
Owned and probably compiled in part, in his Oxford days, by George Morley (1598-1684), Bishop of Winchester.
Cited in Morley MS
: Killigrew MS
Facsimile of f. 49r in
Copy, headed R. Corbet
Including 14 poems by Carew, 13 poems by Corbett and 25 poems (plus one poem of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1650.Scribbling on the first page including the words Peyton Chester…
Cited in Osborn MS I
Owned before 1959 by the Lingard-Guthrie family.
Copy, headed
Indexes, in contemporary vellum.
Compiled by an Oxford University man, possibly a member of St John's College.
c.1634-43. A receipt (f. 104r) by John Weston recording payment from his brother Ed: Weston
, 3 May 1714. The name John Saunders
inscribed on the final leaf.
Copy, subscribed R: C:
Inscribed (f. ir) by Thomas Hearne (1678-1735), the date 1741
Copy, headed
Entirely in the hand of John Hopkinson (1610-80), Yorkshire antiquary, of Lofthouse, near Leeds, and comprising Volume 17 of the Hopkinson MSS.
c.1670.Signed bookplate of Frances Mary Richardson Currer (1785-1861), book collector, of Eshton Hall, West Yorkshire. Subsequently owned by her step-father Matthew Wilson.
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, pp. 295-6.
Indexat the end, in contemporary vellum boards.
Including fourteen poems by James Shirley, generally ascribed to him, and eleven poems by Strode (and two of doubtful authorship).
c.1636.Inscribed (on the front paste-down) My cousin chute gaue me this book out of his father study at the vine Hampshire
(following the same statement in French), indicating that the MS was owned by, and possibly originally compiled for, the family of Chaloner Chute, MP (c.1595-1659), Speaker of the house of Commons, who acquired The Vyne, near Basingstoke, Hampshire, in 1653. Later owned by Sir William Tite (1798-1873), architect. Sotheby's, 30 May 1874, lot 2343. Bookplate of William Horatio Crawford, of Lakelands, Cork, book collector. Sotheby's, 21 March 1891 (Crawford sale), lot 2493.
Cited in Chute MS
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 62r) Nathaniel Heighmore
: i.e. presumably Nathaniel Highmore (1613-85), chemical physician and anatomist; John Sacheverell his hand and pen Amen
; and John Sacheverell the Author of this...
Copy, subscribed R: C:
Including 22 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Carew, 13 poems by King, and 24 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode, and probably associated with Christ Church, Oxford.
c.1633.Inscribed names including (f. 93v, in court hand) ffrancis Baskeruile
: i.e. probably the Francis Baskerville who married Margaret Glanvill in 1635 and was in 1640 MP for Marlborough, Wiltshire. Other scribbling including (f. 1r) accounts referring to Wanborough, Wiltshire; (f. 9v) Elizabeth White
; (f. 54v) William Walrond his booke 1663
; (f. 92r) accounts dated 1658; and (f. 94r) John Wallrond
. Later owned by Sir Hans Sloane, Bt (1660-1753), physician and collector.
Recorded in Baskerville MS
Copy, headed D. Corbet
Including 14 poems by Carew (and a second copy of one poem), eight poems (plus 3 of doubtful authorship) by Randolph, and 28 poems by Strode (plus a second copy of one and two of doubtful authorship).
c.late 1630s.Later used and annotated by William Fulman (1632-88), Oxford antiquary, and entries in his hand on f. 97r. Formerly Bodleian, MS CCC.328.
Cited in Fulman MS
Copy, headed Rich: Corbett
Including 40 poems by Strode and two poems of doubtful authorship.
c.1630s.Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9510. (Phillipps sale, lot 1015.) Owned c.1903 by Bertram Dobell (1842-1914). Percy Dobell's sale catalogue No. 68 (1941), item 342. Formerly MS 4201. 27. 1.
Cited in Dobell MS II
Including 15 poems by Carew and 17 poems by King.
c.1630s.Later owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89), literary scholar and book collector. Bookplate of the Warwick Castle Library. Formerly Folger MS 1.8.
Cited in Halliwell MS
Later in the libraries (with bookplates) of the book collector Richard Heber (1774-1833); of the bibliographer and antiquary Joseph Haslewood (1769-1833); of the biographer and literary editor Alexander Chalmers (1759-1834); and of the antiquary Edward King (1795-1837), Viscount Kingsborough (his sale by Charles Sharpe in Dublin, 1 November 1842, lot 577).
Copy, headed
Including 23 poems (and a second copy of one) by Randolph.
c.1635.Mostyn MS 196: from the library originally founded by Sir Thomas Mostyn (1535-1617) at Mostyn Hall, near Holywell, Flintshire, Wales, the MS possibly acquired by Sir Roger Mostyn (1567-1642) or by his son Sir Roger Mostyn, first Baronet (1625?-90). A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue
Cited in Mostyn MS
Including ten poems by Carew and twelve poems by Strode (and two poems of doubtful authorship).
c.1634.The initials M W
stamped on each cover: i.e. M[aidstone] and W[inchilsea]. Evidently compiled by or for Sir Thomas Finch, Viscount Maidstone and Earl of Winchilsea (who succeeded to the peerage in 1633 and died in 1634). A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue
The MS came to Rosenbach with a printed exemplum of William Wishcart, M W
; it is inscribed Lord Winchilsea for Mr Locker 1634
; it bears the late 17th-century signatures of Stephen Locker and Alexander Campbell, and the bookplates of Captain William Locker (1731-1800) and Edward Hawke Locker (1777-1849).
Cited in Winchelsea MS
The name of the possible compiler John Pike
inscribed on f. 1r: i.e. possibly a member of the Pike family of Cambridge (one John Pike (d.1677) matriculating at Peterhouse in 1662).
Cited in Pike MS
Copy, headed
Including twelve poems by Carew, nine poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Randolph and nineteen (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode, the miscellany associated with Oxford University and possibly related to
Inscribed inside the front cover by a later owner: April 1853 Read to Lit[erary] & Philosophical] Soc[iet]y of L[iver]pool
. Acquired in 1940 by Edwin Wolf II (1911-91), Philadelphia librarian.
Cited in Wolf MS
Including 45 poems by Strode and three poems of doubtful authorship.
c.1630s.Formerly Box 22, item II.
Cited in Osborn MS II
A facsimile of f. 54v in Laurence Witten,
First published in Bennett & Trevor-Roper (1955), p. 65.
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 101v) Henry Lawson
(or just possibly Lamson
). Thomas Thorpe, sale catalogue (1836), item 1185. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9257. Sotheby's, 15 June 1896 (Phillipps sale), lot 862. Quaritch's sale catalogue No. 164 (1896), item 64.
Cited in Lawson MS
This MS recorded in Benntt & Trevor-Roper, p. 138.
Including twelve poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 32 poems (plus four of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s-40s.Thomas Thorpe's sale catalogue (1836), item 1044. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9561. Sotheby's, 19 June 1893 (Phillipps sale), lot 628, and 21 March 1895, lot 903. Hodgson's, 23 April 1959, lot 528.
Cited in English Poetry MS
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 1v, in a court hand) Daniell Leare his Booke
, witnesse William Strode
, and (f. 164r) Mr Daniell Leare eius Liber
: i.e. compiled chiefly by Daniel Leare, a distant cousin of the poet William Strode, probably at Christ Church, Oxford, before he entered the Middle Temple in 1633.
This suggestion, by Mary Hobbs, is supported by entries in the Caution Book of 1625-41 at Christ Church, where Strode is found (p. 22) paying £10 as college security for Leare and where Leare signs (p. 23) on this sum's repayment by Dr Fell on 13 May 1633. Forey suggests (p. lxxix) that he was the Daniell Leare of St Andrews, Holburne, whose will was proved in 1652; but it is more likely that he was the Daniel Leare to whom Henry King, Dean of Rochester, leased property at Chatham on 19 July 1655 (
The volume includes 12 poems by Donne; 15 poems (plus a second copy of one and three of doubtful authorship) by Carew; 20 poems (plus two of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; and 84 poems (plus second copies of eight poems, four poems of doubtful authorship and some apocryphal poems) by Strode, the texts being closely related to, and in part probably transcribed from, the Corpus MS
of Strode's poems (
Inscribed also John Leare
(probably Daniel's younger brother); (f. 1r) Anthony Euans his booke
(who married Daniel Leare's niece Dorothy Leare in 1663); (f. 1v) Alexander Croke his Book 1773
; and (f. 164v) John Scott
(who matriculated at Christ Church in 1632). Rimell & Son, 9 November 1878.
Cited in Leare MS
Discussed in Mary Hobbs,
Copy, headed Dr R: C:
Including nineteen poems by Corbett and 29 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode, the date 1634 occurring on f. 78v.
c.1635.Inscribed on f. 111v rev. Thursday next at Capricks for Mr Pitt
. Later among the collections of Robert Harley, first Earl of Oxford (1661-1724), and his son Edward, second Earl (1689-1741).
Cited in Harley MS
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 138.
Copy, headed D.R.C.
Inscriptions include Edwardus Hyde
(at the end) and (f. [ir]) Edward Hyde is a knave
: i.e. probably Edward Hyde (1607-59), royalist divine, who may be the E. H.
responsible for a poem Ned Hide
who is subject of an Robertus Walker
and Elizabeth Walker
. Early 18th-century bookplate of Baron Aston of Forfar. Percy Dobell, sale catalogue No. 68 (1941), item 345. Later owned by Sir Geoffrey Keynes (1887-1982), surgeon, literary scholar, and book collector.
Cited in Hyde MS
: signature
(which does not correspond to the main handwriting). Sir Geoffrey Keynes,
Copy, headed
Including 15 poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 57 poems (plus a second copy of one poem and four poems of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s[-55].Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: possibly his MS 18123. Owned c.1903 by Bertram Dobell (1842-1914), literary scholar and bookseller. Formerly MS 646.4.
Cited in Dobell MS
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 138.
Copy, headed
Including 11 poems by Donne, and 15 poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett.
c.1630s.Later owned by Edward Jeremiah Curteis, M.P., of Windmill Hill, Sussex. Puttick & Simpson's, 30 June 1884 (Curteis sale), lot 175, to Pearson of Pall Mall for James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89). Formerly Folger MS 452.5.
Cited in Curteis MS
Copy, headed
Including 16 poems (plus second copies of two) by Carew, 19 poems by or attributed to Herrick (and second copies of six of them), 23 poems (plus second copies of two and four of doubtful authorship) by Randolph, 18 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode, and eleven poems by Waller.
c.1630s-40s.Inscribed on a flyleaf Peeter Daniell
and his initials stamped on both covers. Later scribbling including the names Thomas Gardinor
, James Leigh
and Pettrus Romell
. Owned in 1780 by one A. B.
when it was given to Thomas Percy (1768-1808), later Bishop of Dromore. Sotheby's, 29 April 1884 (Percy sale), lot 1. Acquired from Quaritch, 1957.
Cited in Daniell MS
Copy, headed
Including 16 poems by Carew and 13 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode. Written in three hands: i.e. A (Codrington's hand, including his own poems) on pp. 1-283, 349-55; B on pp. 284-9; and C on pp. 289-348, 356-60; dated (pp. 1-22) Anno D
and The 30th of May. 1638
Acquired from Blackwell's, 1962.
Cited in Codrington MS
Copy, untitled and here beginning
Copy, headed
Copy, headed
Copy of a version beginning
Scribbling on f. iir including ffor mr William Rabey in New=market...
, ffor my Louing ffriend in G John westhropp at mr Rogers Reringe house Bury in S[uffolk]
, ffor mr John fford at his house in Newmarket in the countey of cambridge
; notes on f. iiiv-ivr, one Recd 22 July 1669
, subscribed John Cooke
and including, on f. vir, ffor mr John Cocke at his howse neere the white harte in Thetford...
. Later owned, in the 1730s, by Charles Barlow, of Emmanuel College, Cambridge (his bookplate f. iiv).
Copy of a version beginning
Scribbling on f. iir including ffor mr William Rabey in New=market...
, ffor my Louing ffriend in G John westhropp at mr Rogers Reringe house Bury in S[uffolk]
, ffor mr John fford at his house in Newmarket in the countey of cambridge
; notes on f. iiiv-ivr, one Recd 22 July 1669
, subscribed John Cooke
and including, on f. vir, ffor mr John Cocke at his howse neere the white harte in Thetford...
. Later owned, in the 1730s, by Charles Barlow, of Emmanuel College, Cambridge (his bookplate f. iiv).
Copy, untitled.
Part B (ff. 16d-86v): A quarto miscellany of poems and letters, in several hands, compiled by William Elyott (a nephew of Sir Simonds D'Ewes). c.1640-55.
Part C (ff. 86 bis-120r): A quarto verse miscellany compiled by Thomas Axton, M.A. (b.1699/1700), of Trinity College, Cambridge. c.1718-22.
Part C sold at the Thomas Rawlinson sale in March 1733/4, lot 289.
Copy of a version headed
Entirely in the hand of John Hopkinson (1610-80), Yorkshire antiquary, of Lofthouse, near Leeds, and comprising Volume 17 of the Hopkinson MSS.
c.1670.Signed bookplate of Frances Mary Richardson Currer (1785-1861), book collector, of Eshton Hall, West Yorkshire. Subsequently owned by her step-father Matthew Wilson.
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, pp. 295-6.
Copy, headed
Entirely in the hand of John Hopkinson (1610-80), Yorkshire antiquary, of Lofthouse, near Leeds, and comprising Volume 34 of the Hopkinson MSS.
Mid-late 17th century.Signed bookplate of Frances Mary Richardson Currer (1785-1861), book collector, of Eshton Hall, West Yorkshire. Subsequently owned by her step-father Matthew Wilson.
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 299.
Indexat the end, in contemporary vellum boards.
Including fourteen poems by James Shirley, generally ascribed to him, and eleven poems by Strode (and two of doubtful authorship).
c.1636.Inscribed (on the front paste-down) My cousin chute gaue me this book out of his father study at the vine Hampshire
(following the same statement in French), indicating that the MS was owned by, and possibly originally compiled for, the family of Chaloner Chute, MP (c.1595-1659), Speaker of the house of Commons, who acquired The Vyne, near Basingstoke, Hampshire, in 1653. Later owned by Sir William Tite (1798-1873), architect. Sotheby's, 30 May 1874, lot 2343. Bookplate of William Horatio Crawford, of Lakelands, Cork, book collector. Sotheby's, 21 March 1891 (Crawford sale), lot 2493.
Cited in Chute MS
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 62r) Nathaniel Heighmore
: i.e. presumably Nathaniel Highmore (1613-85), chemical physician and anatomist; John Sacheverell his hand and pen Amen
; and John Sacheverell the Author of this...
Copy, headed
The pagination cited below relates to the second, main series of pagination.
c.1640.Inscribed on a flyleaf in red ink Matheus Day me suum vvst
: i.e. Matthew Day (d.1661), five times Mayor of Windsor. Later owned by John Payne Collier (1789-1883), literary scholar, editor and forger. Collier's sale, 1884, lot 906. Formerly Folger MS 452.1.
Copy, headed R. C.
Inscribed (f. 1r) Abraham Bassano
and (f. 98r) Elizabeth Weldon
. Later owned by William John Thoms (1803-85), writer, antiquary and librarian. Sotheby's, 11 February 1887 (Thoms sale), lot 1092. Also owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89). Formerly Folger MS 452.4.
Cited in Welden MS
Copy, headed
Including 23 poems by Strode (and second copies of two poems) and one poem of doubtful authorship.
c.1630s.Including (ff. 98r-100r) a letter by one Pet[er] Wood
. Inscribed (ff. 90r-1r), Thease verses I borroed to write out of John Sherly [d. 1666] a booke seller in litle Brittaine, 28th of March 1633
. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9235. Sotheby's, 21 February 1938, lot 243.
Cited in Wood MS
Copy, headed A starre of late appeared in virgo's traine
Inscriptions inside the covers including the name Phil. Mu
(or Mer.
). Later in the library of John Sparrow (1906-92), literary scholar and book collector. Acquired in 1969 by Dr Bent Juel-Jensen (1922-2006), Oxford physician and book collector.
Cited in Sparrow MS
Copy, untitled and here beginning
Erroneously described in 1965 as a commonplace book of the poet Robert Herrick. The so-called Herrick hand
responsible for complete poems or substantial passages on pp. 73-4, 102-3, 253, 312-13, 319-21, 323, 328 and 343, this hand also responsible for corrections and brief insertions in both verse and prose on pp. 55-6, 58-60, 68, 71, 75-6, 78, 83, 89, 91, 93, 97, 99. 108-9, 203, 266, 285, 291, 348 and 350.
Scribbling on front- and end-leaves including Georgius Cantuarien
, Thomas Hobson
[?the Cambridge Carrier], Benjamin Broadeface
, To my very long friend mr John Bond
, To the right reuerend ffather in God George Archbyshop of Canterbury his grace
, Whereas the Bearer hereof Thomas Hall hath serued his sixe weekes…
, To the right honor Sr Tho: Moore Whereas the Bearer hereof John Tis[?]sdale
, Williamson
and Phillip de Maceden
. Puttick and Simpson's, 30 May 1849, lot 158 (erroneously described as a commonplace book of George Abbot, Archbishop of Canterbury). Afterwards in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), book and manuscript collector: Phillipps MS 12341*. Sotheby's, 29 June 1965, lot 146 (as Herrick's commonplace book). House of El Dieff (Lew David Feldman), New York, sale catalogue No. 65 (1965), with facsimile page as frontispiece. Formerly Ms File/(Herrick, R)/Works B.
Also facsimiles of p. 323 in the Sotheby's sale catalogue (frontispiece) and of p. 253 (as if in Herrick's hand) in Croft,
The MS discussed by Farmer in loc. cit. and in Herrick
Copy, headed
Compiled by members of the Griffith family, of Llanddyfnan, the verse probably entered by one or more of the various members of that family who studied in this period at the University of Oxford.
Mid-17th century.Cited in Griffith MS
Copy, untitled and here beginning
Inscribed four times on a flyleaf Tobias Alston his booke
: i.e. probably Tobias Alston (1620-c.1639) of Sayham Hall, near Sudbury, Suffolk. His half-brother Edward (b.1598) was a contemporary of Herrick at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, while his cousin, Edward Alston, later President of the College of Physicians, was a contemporary of Herrick at St John's College, Cambridge, some of the other contents also relating to Cambridge, besides some relating to Suffolk. The date 1639 occurs on p. 241, and pp. 243-50 contains verses written in two later hands (to c.1728) and some prose pieces written from the reverse end.
Names inscribed on a flyleaf including Henry Glisson (later Fellow of the College of Physicians); Thomas Avral(?); Horace Norton; Henry Rich; and James Tavor (Registrar of Cambridge University). Later owned by one John Whitehead, and by Dr Mary Pickford. Sotheby's, 27 June 1972, lot 309.
Cited in Alston MS
Copy, headed
Including 14 poems by Carew, 13 poems by Corbett and 25 poems (plus one poem of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1650.Scribbling on the first page including the words Peyton Chester…
Cited in Osborn MS I
Poems of Uncertain Authorship
First published in Bennett & Trevor-Roper (1955), pp. 94-5.
Copy, following Miscellanea
dating up to 1632.
Edited from this MS in Bennett & Trevor-Roper.
Bennet & Trevor-Roper, pp. 97-8.
First published in
Probably compiled principally by an Oxford University man.
c.1630s-40s.Names inscribed on rear flyleaf and paste-down Elizabeth hosman
and William Blois
First published in
Copy, here beginning
Inscribed (f. 1v, in a court hand) Daniell Leare his Booke
, witnesse William Strode
, and (f. 164r) Mr Daniell Leare eius Liber
: i.e. compiled chiefly by Daniel Leare, a distant cousin of the poet William Strode, probably at Christ Church, Oxford, before he entered the Middle Temple in 1633.
This suggestion, by Mary Hobbs, is supported by entries in the Caution Book of 1625-41 at Christ Church, where Strode is found (p. 22) paying £10 as college security for Leare and where Leare signs (p. 23) on this sum's repayment by Dr Fell on 13 May 1633. Forey suggests (p. lxxix) that he was the Daniell Leare of St Andrews, Holburne, whose will was proved in 1652; but it is more likely that he was the Daniel Leare to whom Henry King, Dean of Rochester, leased property at Chatham on 19 July 1655 (
The volume includes 12 poems by Donne; 15 poems (plus a second copy of one and three of doubtful authorship) by Carew; 20 poems (plus two of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; and 84 poems (plus second copies of eight poems, four poems of doubtful authorship and some apocryphal poems) by Strode, the texts being closely related to, and in part probably transcribed from, the Corpus MS
of Strode's poems (
Inscribed also John Leare
(probably Daniel's younger brother); (f. 1r) Anthony Euans his booke
(who married Daniel Leare's niece Dorothy Leare in 1663); (f. 1v) Alexander Croke his Book 1773
; and (f. 164v) John Scott
(who matriculated at Christ Church in 1632). Rimell & Son, 9 November 1878.
Cited in Leare MS
Discussed in Mary Hobbs,
Copy, untitled and here beginning
Collected, and partly written, by Elias Ashmole (1617-92), astrologer and antiquary.
Betagraph of the watermark in f. 29 in Ted-Larry Pebworth,
Edited from this MS in Gilchrist, pp. 220-1; recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 163.
Copy, headed
Collected, and partly written, by Elias Ashmole (1617-92), astrologer and antiquary.
Betagraph of the watermark in f. 29 in Ted-Larry Pebworth,
Copy, headed
Including 16 poems by Carew and 13 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode. Written in three hands: i.e. A (Codrington's hand, including his own poems) on pp. 1-283, 349-55; B on pp. 284-9; and C on pp. 289-348, 356-60; dated (pp. 1-22) Anno D
and The 30th of May. 1638
Acquired from Blackwell's, 1962.
Cited in Codrington MS
Copy, here beginning
Compiled in part by the Oxford printer Christopher Wase (1627-90), fellow of King's College, Cambridge.
Mid-17th century.Later owned by John Somers (1651-1716), Baron Somers, Lord Chancellor, and his brother-in-law Sir Joseph Jekyll (1662-1738), lawyer and politician.
Cited in Wase MS
Copy, headed
The name Edward Michell inscribed later inside the rear cover. Afterwards owned by Richard Rawlinson (1690-1755).
Cited in Michell MS
Copy, headed
Comprising three separate units: ff. 1r-96v all in Sancroft's hand; ff. 97r-104r in a second hand; and ff. 105r-9r in a third hand.
Including (on ff. 2-23, 27ar-v, 70) 94 Latin poems ascribed to Crashaw (including three of doubtful authorship) and (on ff. 29-41, 43v, 44v-58, 60v, 62v-5v, 67-70v, 72-3, 95-6) 101 English poems (plus a second copy of one of them) attributed to him (including one of doubtful authorship) and (on f. 16r-v) one Greek poem attributed to him; a list of contents on the first page beginning Mr. Crashaw's poems transcrib'd fr
Cited in Sancroft MS
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 163.
Copy, headed
Copy, untitled and here beginning
Inscribed by the compiler (f. 133v) Anthony Scattergood His booke
: i.e. Anthony Scattergood (1611-87), theologian, of Trinity College, Cambridge. Volume XXXII of the Scattergood papers.
Also inscribed (f. 130v) Elisabeth Scattergood her Booke 1667/8
. Booklabel of Henry Huth (1815-78), book collector.
Copy, headed
Inscribed names (on front paste-down and f. 1r) of Fra: Norreys
(? Sir Francis Norris (1609-69)) and Hen. Balle
. Purchased from J. Harvey 8 December 1877.
Copy, headed Fra: Qarles. in print
Inscribed (f. 179r) This is Sr. Thomas Meres [or ? Maiors] Book
: i.e. probably Sir Thomas Meres (1634-1715), of Kirton, Lincolnshire. Later bookplate of the Rev. John Curtis. Purchased from Mrs Ann Austin Curtis 12 October 1889.
Copy, in a secretary hand, untitled.
Copy, headed (possibly in another hand)
Including 14 poems by Donne, six poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Carew, ten poems by Habington and 13 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Randolph. Owned and possibly compiled by Arthur Capell (1631-83), second Earl of Essex, whose name is inscribed in red ink (1*), in a similar roman hand to that on ff. 1r-19r. He married (1653) Elizabeth Percy (1636-1718), daughter of Algernon, tenth Earl of Northumberland; she was therefore the great niece of Habington's mother-in-law, Eleanor Percy, sister of the ninth Earl of Northumberland.
Mid-17th century.Later among the collections of Robert Harley (1661-1724), first Earl of Oxford, and his son, Edward (1689-1741), second Earl of Oxford.
Cited in Capell MS
Copy, in double columns, headed
Compiled for the most part by a University of Oxford man, with (f. 1r-v) a list of contents.
c.1640s.Once owned by one John Faith, and by William Fulman (1632-88), Oxford antiquary.
Formerly cited as Corpus Christi College, MS E.i.33.
Copy, here beginning
Including 14 poems by Carew (and a second copy of one poem), eight poems (plus 3 of doubtful authorship) by Randolph, and 28 poems by Strode (plus a second copy of one and two of doubtful authorship).
c.late 1630s.Later used and annotated by William Fulman (1632-88), Oxford antiquary, and entries in his hand on f. 97r. Formerly Bodleian, MS CCC.328.
Cited in Fulman MS
Copy, untitled and here beginning
Inscribed (f. 1r), possibly by the compiler, Richardus Jackson 1623
and Richard Jackson his booke
, who is described in a later pencil note as perhaps the brachygrapher. On ff. 113v-16r, in a later hand, is a Catalogue of ye Books lately belonging to ye. Rev. Mr Jackson Rectr of Tatham
Also inscribed (f. 1r) John Pecke
. Sold by Thomas Thorpe, bookseller, in 1831-2. Among collections of James Orchard Halliwell (from 1872 Halliwell-Phillipps) (1820-89), literary scholar and book collector. Bought by him in 1871 from Sotheran's, London.
A 247-page transcript of this volume made c.1830 is in the Folger Shakespeare Library, MS M.b.26.
Copy, headed
Inscribed (in another hand) on the front pastedown Thomas Boydell
. Formerly Folger MS 4108.
Copy, headed in the margin
Inscribed (f. 1r) Joseph Hall
(not the bishop). Later owned by John Payne Collier (1789-1883), literary scholar, editor and forger, who has entered in pseudo-17th-century secretary script copies of various ballads on ff. 39r-41r, 107v-79r, 181r-v, 227r-8v, 243r-6r, as well as adding foliation (1-284) before the more recent foliation (1-291, used below). Quaritch's sale catalogue of English Literature
(August-November 1884), item 22350, Collier's transcript of the MS made c.1860 being item 22352. Formerly Folger MS 2071.7.
Discussed, with facsimile examples, in Giles E. Dawson,
Copy, here beginning
Later in the libraries (with bookplates) of the book collector Richard Heber (1774-1833); of the bibliographer and antiquary Joseph Haslewood (1769-1833); of the biographer and literary editor Alexander Chalmers (1759-1834); and of the antiquary Edward King (1795-1837), Viscount Kingsborough (his sale by Charles Sharpe in Dublin, 1 November 1842, lot 577).
Copy, headed
J: Malet, in modern cloth. c.1630s.
Formerly MSS 4. 29.
Copy, headed
Copy, headed
Owned in 1926 by C.W. Brodribb.
Edited from this MS in C.W. Brodribb,
Unpublished? Usually ascribed in MS sources to Brian Duppa.
Including 85 poems (and second copies of two) by Thomas Carew.
c.1638-42.Inscriptions including Horatio Carey 1642 te deus pardamus
[viz. Horatio Carey (1619-ante 1677), eldest son of Sir Richard Carey (1583-1630) and great-grandson of Sir Henry Carey (1524?-96), first Baron Hunsdon ], Thomas Arding
, Thomas Arden
, William Harrington
, Thomas John
, John Anthehope
and Clement Poxall
. Later owned by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 8270. Bookplates of John William Cole and of the Shakespearian Library of Marsden J. Perry (1850-1935), industrialist, banker, art and book collector, of Providence, Rhode Island. American Art Association, New York, 11-12 March 1936 (Perry sale). A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue
Cited in Carey MS
First published in Bennett & Trevor-Roper (1955), p. 100.
Copy, headed
Including twelve poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 32 poems (plus four of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s-40s.Thomas Thorpe's sale catalogue (1836), item 1044. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9561. Sotheby's, 19 June 1893 (Phillipps sale), lot 628, and 21 March 1895, lot 903. Hodgson's, 23 April 1959, lot 528.
Cited in English Poetry MS
Inscribed (f. 1v, in a court hand) Daniell Leare his Booke
, witnesse William Strode
, and (f. 164r) Mr Daniell Leare eius Liber
: i.e. compiled chiefly by Daniel Leare, a distant cousin of the poet William Strode, probably at Christ Church, Oxford, before he entered the Middle Temple in 1633.
This suggestion, by Mary Hobbs, is supported by entries in the Caution Book of 1625-41 at Christ Church, where Strode is found (p. 22) paying £10 as college security for Leare and where Leare signs (p. 23) on this sum's repayment by Dr Fell on 13 May 1633. Forey suggests (p. lxxix) that he was the Daniell Leare of St Andrews, Holburne, whose will was proved in 1652; but it is more likely that he was the Daniel Leare to whom Henry King, Dean of Rochester, leased property at Chatham on 19 July 1655 (
The volume includes 12 poems by Donne; 15 poems (plus a second copy of one and three of doubtful authorship) by Carew; 20 poems (plus two of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; and 84 poems (plus second copies of eight poems, four poems of doubtful authorship and some apocryphal poems) by Strode, the texts being closely related to, and in part probably transcribed from, the Corpus MS
of Strode's poems (
Inscribed also John Leare
(probably Daniel's younger brother); (f. 1r) Anthony Euans his booke
(who married Daniel Leare's niece Dorothy Leare in 1663); (f. 1v) Alexander Croke his Book 1773
; and (f. 164v) John Scott
(who matriculated at Christ Church in 1632). Rimell & Son, 9 November 1878.
Cited in Leare MS
Discussed in Mary Hobbs,
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 166.
Copy, as by R: C.
Including 15 poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 57 poems (plus a second copy of one poem and four poems of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s[-55].Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: possibly his MS 18123. Owned c.1903 by Bertram Dobell (1842-1914), literary scholar and bookseller. Formerly MS 646.4.
Cited in Dobell MS
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper.
Copy, headed
Including 11 poems by Donne, and 15 poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett.
c.1630s.Later owned by Edward Jeremiah Curteis, M.P., of Windmill Hill, Sussex. Puttick & Simpson's, 30 June 1884 (Curteis sale), lot 175, to Pearson of Pall Mall for James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89). Formerly Folger MS 452.5.
Cited in Curteis MS
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 166.
Copy, headed
Including 45 poems (and a second copy of one) by Carew, 11 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Corbett, and 25 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1634.The initials T. C.
stamped on the front cover. Sold by Thomas Thorpe (1836). Afterwards in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9536, and by Marsden J. Perry (1850-1935), of Providence, Rhode Island, industrialist, banker, and art and books collector. A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue
Cited in Rosenbach MS II
This MS (Rosenbach 189) recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 166.
Copy, untitled.
Inscribed (f. 1r) Abraham Bassano
and (f. 98r) Elizabeth Weldon
. Later owned by William John Thoms (1803-85), writer, antiquary and librarian. Sotheby's, 11 February 1887 (Thoms sale), lot 1092. Also owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89). Formerly Folger MS 452.4.
Cited in Welden MS
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 166.
Copy, untitled.
Owned and probably compiled by Robert Bishop. Later owned by Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9549. A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue,
Cited in Bishop MS
First published, as possibly written by Corbett
, in Bennett & Trevor-Roper (1955), pp. 154-5.
Copy in Fulman's hand, headed
Compiled and written by William Fulman (1632-88), Oxford antiquary.
Mid-late 17th century.Copy in the hand of Corbett's chaplain William Strode, headed For Dr Leonard Hutton
A working autograph notebook of poems by Strode, compiled and revised over a considerable period, comprising 101 English poems (including draft fragments, 66 Latin poems and 2 Greek poems by him, together with his copies of a few poems by others (generally paired with Strode's translations or answers) including Richard Corbett, Thomas Carew, Peter Apsley, and Henry King and Henry Reynolds, as well as a lecture in Latin by the Professor of Greek at Oxford; ff. 52r-96r written in Strode's mixed secretary and italic hand, probably early 1620s-30; ff. 96v-129v, and afterwards ff. 1-51v, written in Strode's italic hand, probably for the most part c.1635-7, with additions up to 1643; ff. 129v-30v containing rough jottings in both styles; many of the poems containing Strode's extensive revisions, probably made from the 1630s onwards.
c.1620s-43.Some scribbling on the last page including the name John Herbert. Possibly one of the MS volumes by Strode which, according to Anthony Wood (
Cited in Corpus MS
Edited from this MS in Bennett & Trevor-Roper.
First published in
Copy, subscribed R Clark
Compiled in part by Brian Fairfax (1633-1711), scholar and courtier.
Mid-late 17th century.Later owned by the Rev. Philip Bliss (1787-1857), antiquary and book collector. Bliss sale, 21 August 1858, lot 117. Item 667 in an unidentified sale catalogue.
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, pp. 97, 164.
First published in
Copy, headed
Inscribed (f. 101v) Henry Lawson
(or just possibly Lamson
). Thomas Thorpe, sale catalogue (1836), item 1185. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9257. Sotheby's, 15 June 1896 (Phillipps sale), lot 862. Quaritch's sale catalogue No. 164 (1896), item 64.
Cited in Lawson MS
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, pp. 100, 165.
Including twelve poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett and 30 poems by Strode (one of them in V.a.152) plus one of doubtful authorship.
c.late 1630s [-1789].Later sold by Thomas Thorpe. Afterwards owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89) (and No. 27 in his
Cited in Thorpe-Halliwell MS
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 165.
Copy, headed
Love Sonnets, etc.), probably associated with Oxford University, possibly Christ Church, 382 pages (including numerous blanks), in contemporary calf gilt.
Including 13 poems by Donne and 14 (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett; the scribe is that mainly responsible also for the Thomas Smyth MS
Later owned and used extensively as a notebook by Dr William Balam (1651-1726), of Ely, Cambridgeshire, who also annotated
Cited in Welbeck MS
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 165.
Copy, headed D. Corbett
Later owned by Thomas Rodd (1796-1849), bookseller; by Richard Heber (1774-1833), book collector; and by the Rev. Philip Bliss (1787-1857), antiquary and book collector. Sotheby's, 21 August 1858 (Bliss sale), lot 190.
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 165.
Edited in online Early Stuart Libels.
Copy, headed
Including 11 poems by Donne, and 15 poems (plus one of uncertain authorship) by Corbett.
c.1630s.Later owned by Edward Jeremiah Curteis, M.P., of Windmill Hill, Sussex. Puttick & Simpson's, 30 June 1884 (Curteis sale), lot 175, to Pearson of Pall Mall for James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89). Formerly Folger MS 452.5.
Cited in Curteis MS
Edited from this MS in online Early Stuart Libels.
Autograph theological notes and arguments sent to the Marquess of Buckingham, beginning For your other Quaestion wher our church was before Luthers time I answer…
, on four folio leaves, endorsed An answere to Certaine propositions, controuerted Atwixt us and the Popistes: by Dr Corbett etc
A ceremony at Lincoln College, Oxford, at which Corbett was the officiating prelate, on 15 September 1631. The ceremony and speeches were first published by Andrew Clark in
Miscell: Divin: M: S.c.1690.
Later owned by Falconer Madan (1851-1935), librarian and bibliographer.
Edited from this MS in Clark.
First published in Gilchrist (1807), pp. 249-59.
Copy of Corbett's Latin oration (beginning
Edited from this MS in Gilchrist.
Extracts, in the hand of the fourth Earl of Bedford, headed Dr Corbett
Chiefly in the rugged italic hand of Francis Russell, MP (1593-1641), fourth Earl of Bedford, politician, partly in the rounded secretary hand of an amanuensis and two others.
c.1625-30s.Recorded in HMC, 2nd Report (1871), Appendix, p. 1.
Copy or extracts, headed Sorow is the elder brother to prayer...
Entirely in the rugged italic hand of Francis Russell, MP (1593-1641), fourth Earl of Bedford, politician.
c.1620s-30s.Recorded in HMC, 2nd Report (1871), Appendix, p. 1. Recorded (as the Bedford MS
) in Peter Beal,
Sermon, beginning My worthy freinds & brethren of the Clergy, I did not send for you before, though I had a commission...
, first published in James Peller Malcolm,
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed
Assembled by the astrologer and antiquary Elias Ashmole (1617-92).
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. xl.
Copy, headed
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. xl.
Copy, headed Deliuer'd att Norwich to the Clergye at a Synode theie held Apr: i9th. 1634
, on four pages.
Formerly Osborn Collection, Box 45, 19.
Copy, closely written in a small predominantly italic hand, untitled, on a single folio leaf, once folded as a letter or packet.
Copy of an abridged version, headed One word in ye behalfe of St Paul...
, subscribed D. C. B of N: to his Charge
Volume III of the collections of Dr James Wedderburn (1585-1639), Bishop of Dunblane.
c.1634.Edited from this MS in Malcolm and in Gilchrist. Recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. xl.
Copy, untitled, but subscribed diured at Norwich to ye cleagye att a Synode, Aprill ye 29 1634
and endorsed Bpp Corbetts speech to the cleargy about St Pauls
, on two folio leaves.
Compiled, and partly written, by William Fulman (1632-8), Oxford antiquary.
Third volume of the miscellaneous collections of Richard Davis of Sandford.
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. xl.
Copy, headed
Given by William Moore.
In various professional hands (including the Feathery Scribe
), one distinctive secretary hand responsible for ff. 1r-141v, 177r-8v, 206r-11r, 230r-5r.
Owned by Sir Richard Grosvenor (1585-1645); later by the Duke of Westminster, Eaton Hall, Cheshire, with his bookplate (inscribed XXI No. 6
) and a label with No. 4
on the spine. Assembled largely from Liber 9
(= MS 4). Sotheby's, 19 July 1966, lot 486, to Hofmann.
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 212. Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Edited from this MS in
A doubtful later inscription (p. 23) Common-Place -book by G [altered in pencil to H] Vaughan
. Given to the library in 1877 by Professor J.E.B. Mayor.
Autograph letter signed, to George Villiers, Marquess of Buckingham, enclosing answere to Certaine propositions, controuerted Atwixt us and the Popistes
), from Christ Church, 2 January [1621/2 or 1622/3].
The letter alone edited in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. xxiv.
Autograph letter signed, to George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, from Christ Church, 26 February [1623/4].
Edited in
Recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. xxx.
Recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. xxx.
Recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. xxx.
Autograph letter signed by Corbett, as Bishop of Oxford, to William Laud, Chancellor of the University of Oxford, from Cassington, 27 April 1628 or 1630. See also
Sotheby's, 14 April 1875, lot 532.
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. xxxi. Facsimile in
Copy of a formal grant by Corbett, in Latin, to Archbishop Abbott, accepting the latter's nominee for the Archdeaconry of Norwich, 15 May 1632.
Fols 4r-15r are in the professional secretary hand of Richard Corbett's personal secretary at Norwich.
Later owned by William Hopkins (1647-1700), Prebendary of Worcester, and afterwards by George Hickes (1642-1715), Dean of Worcester.
Autograph letter signed, to William Sancroft, from Norwich, 27 February [1632/3-1634/5].
A secretarial copy of a letter by Corbett to Sir Hamond Le Strange, 31 March 1633.
Fols 4r-15r are in the professional secretary hand of Richard Corbett's personal secretary at Norwich.
Later owned by William Hopkins (1647-1700), Prebendary of Worcester, and afterwards by George Hickes (1642-1715), Dean of Worcester.
Recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. xxxvi.
A secretarial copy of a letter by Corbett, in Latin, to [John Parvish], Vicar of St Mary the Virgin, Holme-next-the-Sea, Norfolk, 11 April 1633.
Fols 4r-15r are in the professional secretary hand of Richard Corbett's personal secretary at Norwich.
Later owned by William Hopkins (1647-1700), Prebendary of Worcester, and afterwards by George Hickes (1642-1715), Dean of Worcester.
A secretarial copy of a letter by Corbett to Dr Jones (A Letter sent from my Lord to Mr Dcon Jones beinge almost 80tie years of age
), 26 July 1633.
Fols 4r-15r are in the professional secretary hand of Richard Corbett's personal secretary at Norwich.
Later owned by William Hopkins (1647-1700), Prebendary of Worcester, and afterwards by George Hickes (1642-1715), Dean of Worcester.
intercepted att Yarmouth), endorsed by Laud as received on 30 August 1633. 1633.
A secretarial copy of a letter by Corbett, to Samuel Ward, from Ludham, 6 October 1633.
Fols 4r-15r are in the professional secretary hand of Richard Corbett's personal secretary at Norwich.
Later owned by William Hopkins (1647-1700), Prebendary of Worcester, and afterwards by George Hickes (1642-1715), Dean of Worcester.
Edited in Gilchrist, p. xxxv, and in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. xxxvi.
A letter, in the hand of an amanuensis, signed by Corbett, to Mr Turfett, from Norwich, 4 October 1634.
A secretarial copy of a letter by Corbett, to the Ministers and Elders of the French Church in Norwich, 26 December 1634.
Fols 4r-15r are in the professional secretary hand of Richard Corbett's personal secretary at Norwich.
Later owned by William Hopkins (1647-1700), Prebendary of Worcester, and afterwards by George Hickes (1642-1715), Dean of Worcester.
Edited in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, pp. xxxviii-xxxix.
Copy, in the hand of William Sancroft (1617-93), Archbishop of Canterbury, manuscript collector, of a letter by Corbett, in Latin, to Archbishop Ussher, from Cassington, die Julij novisso
[1 July, no year].
In the hand of William Sancroft (1617-93), Archbishop of Canterbury, the first page (f. [ir] inscribed Z / Sylloge Epistolarum quarundam insignium, aliorumque aliquot Monumentorum, facta manu RRP. Wilhelmi Sancroft. Archi
Among collections of Henry Wharton (1664-94), Sancroft's chaplain (in 1688-9).
Corbett's autograph signature (Richard Corrbett
) upon matriculating at Broadgates Hall (Pembroke College), 7 April 1598.
Autograph signature.
Eight signatures by Corbett.
Eight signatures by Corbett.
Six signatures by Corbett.
Seven signatures by Corbett.
Several signatures by Corbett.
Six signatures by Corbett.
A series of statements on several pages signed by Corbett or on his behalf.
Bound in one of Thorn-Drury's books, after p. xxxiii.
1633.This may, perhaps, be the unspecified document signed by Corbett as Bishop of Norwich sold at Sotheby's, 15 March 1916, lot 82, to Dobell.
Corbett's last will and testament, signed by him twice, dated 7 July 1635; proved 5 September 1635.
1635.Miscellaneous Extracts from Works by Corbett
Extracts, in the hand of the fourth Earl of Bedford, headed
Chiefly in the rugged italic hand of Francis Russell, MP (1593-1641), fourth Earl of Bedford, politician, partly in the rounded secretary hand of an amanuensis and two others.
c.1625-30s.Recorded in HMC, 2nd Report (1871), Appendix, p. 1.
Extracts (from a sermon?), in the hand of the fourth Earl of Bedford, headed That Creture which hase last made service...
Chiefly in the rugged italic hand of Francis Russell, MP (1593-1641), fourth Earl of Bedford, politician, partly in the rounded secretary hand of an amanuensis and two others.
c.1625-30s.Recorded in HMC, 2nd Report (1871), Appendix, p. 1.
Brief notes on a sermon by Corbett.
Entirely in the hand of William Rawley (c.1588-1667), Bacon's chaplain, amanuensis, and editor.
c.1626-41.Formerly MS 1034.