Bodleian Library, Rawlinson Collection, Rawl. poet. 200 through end
MS Rawl. poet. 200
Copy, headed
First published in Ignoto
, among Poems Found among the Papers of S. H. Wotton
MS Rawl. poet. 206
Probably compiled by a member of New College, Oxford.
c.1630s.Some tipped-in notes by Richard Rawlinson.
Copy, headed
This MS recorded in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 44.
First published in
First published in
Copy, here beginning Will: Strode Cts Church
First published in
Copy, ascribed to T. R.
Copy, headed J[ohn]: South. N[ew] Coll[ege]
This MS collated in Forey.
First published in
Copy, headed by Richard Corbet Ld B of Oxford
First published in
Copy, headed W Strode his Chaplaine
Unpublished. Listed, without text, in Forey, p. 349. In MS sources the poem is invariably preceded by the English poem by Richard Corbett on his son, of which Strode's poem is a Latin translation (see
Copy, subscribed Ben Johnson
This MS collated in Herford & Simpson.
First published in John Benson's 4to edition of Jonson's poems (1640) and in
Copy, possibly transcribed from a printed source.
First published in Emanuele Tesauro,
Copy, untitled, here beginning
First published in
Copy, headed Dr Henry Kinge
This MS recorded in Crum.
First published in Stay, lovely Boy, why fly'st thou mee
). Musical settings by John Wilson in Henry Lawes,
Copy, headed
First published in William Camden,
Copy, headed
First published in William Camden,
Copy, headed
First published in Delattre (1912), 519-21. Martin, pp. 417-18. Patrick, pp. 547-8.
First published in Dobell (1907), pp. 58-9. Forey, p. 111.
Copy, headed
First published in
First published, in
Copy, headed
First published in [John Gough], P.
. Listed in Krueger's Appendix I: Spurious Poems in the 1660 Edition
as possibly by Walton Poole.
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy of the first poem (lines 1-44), headed
This MS collated in Forey.
Sequence of three poems, the second headed Lett her parents then confesse
, the third headed Happy Grave, thou dost enshrine
. The third poem probably by George Morley and first published in
Copy, headed By my L. of Norwidge
First published in
This poem is usually followed in MSS by Blacke Cypresse vailes are shrouds of night
): see
Copy, headed
An Answer
to Corbett's
Copy of the first stanza, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
This MS recorded in Krueger.
. Listed in Krueger's Appendix I: Spurious Poems in the 1660 Edition
MS Rawl. poet. 208
compiled by one John Hooper of Devon.
c.1665.The binding is a recycled vellum legal document between Christopher and Katherine Mason.
First published in Sir Thomas Overbury,
Copy, headed
This MS text recorded in Hirsch.
First published in the single sheet answer
to this poem, see
Copy, untitled.
First published in Richard Brathwayte,
This poem is ascribed to Ralegh in most MS copies and is often appended to copies of his speech on the scaffold (see
MS Rawl. poet. 209
Including 14 poems by Carew; the main text (ff. 1r-27r) in a non-professional mixed hand of the 1630s (but for later scribbling); the remaining leaves filled by later hands; notes on family history from 1647 to 1664 on ff. 28r-9r.
c.1630s[-75].Inscribed on f. 29v John Peverell Booke 1674
and his name also on ff. 1r and 49r. Fol. 48v containing a receipt dated 30 June 1653 by me Francis Blackitt of bro. William of Hoodcroft, Co. Durham
. Other names inside the front cover including John Peves
and Railphe Hogwood
and, inside the back cover, James Portington
, William Steadman 1675
, Thomas Meeres
, William Diton
and Ramond Swift
Cited in Peverell MS
Copy of the last twelve lines, here beginning
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, subscribed T: C:
This MS recorded in Dunlap, p. 222.
First published in
Copy, untitled, subscribed T: C:
First published in
This MS collated in Dunlap.
First published in Hazlitt (1870), p. 28. Dunlap. p. 131.
This MS collated in Dunlap.
First published in
First published in
First published in
First published in
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
The poem is usually followed in MSS by Dr Daniel Price's Answer
(So to dead Hector boyes may doe disgrace
), and see also
Copy, headed
This MS collated in Crum.
First published in
Copy, headed
This MS recorded in Crum.
First published, in an abridged version, in
Copy, headed
This MS collated in Crum.
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
This MS collated in Davis.
First published, with the heading
First published in
Copy, as autore doctore Rodolpho Colfabio Æneonasensi
Osborn, No. XXVIII (pp. 196-9), with an English version (beginning
Copy, heaed
First published in
Some texts accompanied by an A ballad late was made
Copy, headed A: T:
Edited from this MS text in Brown.
Brown, pp. 48-9.
Copy, headed Thomas Carewe
First published in
Copy, headed
This MS collated in Davis.
First published in
Published, and attributed to Randolph, in Hazlitt, II, 655. Parry, p. 219. Rejected from the canon in Thorn-Drury, p. xxii.
Copy, headed
This MS recorded in Herford & Simpson.
First published in S.R.,
Copy, untitled.
First published in Thomas Farnaby,
Copy, subscribed Tho: Randolph
First published in
Copy, in double columns, untitled.
First published in
Copy of lines 1-4, untitled.
First published in
First published in
Copy, untitled.
First published in
MS Rawl. poet. 210
W. C.(ff. 1r-43v) dated 1653, i + 68 leaves in all, in 18th-century half-calf. c.1630s.
Possibly connected with the Darell family, some of the poems relating to Sir Samuel Darell and the death of Elizabeth Darell.
Copy, headed Thomas Vincent
First published in Grosart, I (1872), 284-5. Martin, pp. 413-14.
Probably spurious (see Martin, p. lxv). Also ascribed to Thomas Randolph and to Thomas Vincent.
MS Rawl. poet. 212
Compiled by an Oxford University man.
Early 17th century.Copy of 46 epigrams (Nos. 1-4, 6-7, 10-11, 13, 15-19, 21-3, 25-7, 29-43, 49-59), headed
Epigrammes 50-2, 54-9 first pub. (from this MS) in Percy Simpson,
58 Epigrammes first published in Middleborugh
[i.e. London?], [1595-6?]. Krueger, pp. 127-51. Fourteen additional Epigrammes printed from MSS in Krueger, pp. 153-9.
Copy, untitled and here beginning
Not published before the 19th century (?). Quoted at the end of the
Copy, untitled and here beginning
First published in
Copy, headed
This text accompanied by Latewar's answer. Edited from this MS in Höltgen, pp. 435-8; in Rudick, No. 20B, pp. 34-41; and in online Early Stuart Libels. Recorded in Latham, pp. 129-30.
First published in Francis Davison,
This poem is attributed to Richard Latworth (or Latewar) in Lefranc (1968), pp. 85-94, but see Stephen J. Greenblatt, answer
to this poem is printed in Höltgen, pp. 435-8. Some texts are accompanied by other answers.
Copy, headed
Edited from this MS in Rudick, pp. 38-40, and in online Early Stuart Libels
Copy, headed
Edited fom this MS in Rudick, p. 41, and in online Early Stuart Libels. Collated in May,
Copy of poems 4 and 5, headed
This MS recorded in Krueger, pp. 398, 443.
First published in Samuel A. Tannenbaum,
Copy, headed
First published in
First published in
Copy, untitled.
Printed from this MS in Norman Ault,
First published in Sir Thomas Overbury,
Copy, headed
This MS collated in Grierson; recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.
First published, as
MS Rawl. poet. 213
Compiled by Robert Fleming. 8°, 82 leaves; verse miscellany, including portions of 17 poems by Cowley (on inside of front cover and ff. 2, 4-5v, 30, 47v-50, 66v); compiled by Robert Fleming (probably a Scotsman), who explains on f. 30v: In this Man
Later owned by Richard Rawlinson (1690-1755).
First published in
First published, among Pindarique Odes, in
Copy, headed
This MS not recorded in Hutchinson.
First published in
Copy, headed
This MS not recorded in Hutchinson.
First published in
Copy, headed
This MS not recorded in Kastner.
First published in
Copy, a heading deleted.
First published in
MS Rawl. poet. 214
Copy, in a small secretary hand.
This MS discussed in Boas, I, xvi-xix, and collated I, 288-309.
Performed at King's College, Cambridge, 13 March 1614/15. First published in London, 1631. Boas I, 187-264.
Copy, untitled, subscribed Mr Tho Head
First published, among
Musical setting by Henry Purcell published in
Copy of a 13-line version, subscribed S. L
] here beginning
This MS collated in Doughtie, pp. 610-11.
First published (in a two-stanza version) in John Dowland,
Copy, headed Mr S. H.
[or S. L.
MS Rawl. poet. 216
Inscribed names: Matt Postlethwayt His Book August ye 1st 1697
, Henerie Price
, and Eyaly Johnes
Copy, largely in a neat secretary hand, with corrections; imperfect, lacking the first 56 lines and here beginning
This MS discussed in S. Musgrove,
First published, anonymously, as
Copy, in a neat secretary hand, headed
This MS collated in Farmer and in McKerrow.
Lines 1-17 first published in
MS Rawl. poet. 219
D. C:, iv + 45 leaves. Early 17th century.
Copy, entitled on a detached slip of paper
First published, as By R: S. The author of
, in London, 1606. The poem is more commonly ascribed to Philip Howard (1557-95), first Earl of Arundel, Catholic Saint, with whom Southwell was acquainted (see McDonald, pp. 6-7, 121-2). EV17760.
MS Rawl. poet. 222
Compiled by a Cambridge University man, much of the contents transcribed from a book of poems that mr. Head lent me
First published in
Copy, headed From Sr Charles Sedley's Poem's
First published in the second part of Jane Barker's
First published in
First published in
Copy, here ascribed to Sr. Charles Sedley
First published, as By Sir Charles Sidley
, in
Copy, apparently transcribed from a book of poems that Mr Head lent me
(see f. 1).
First published, as By Sir C. S.
, in the second part of Jane Barker's
First published in
Copy, as By R. D. of Cambridge
First published, as
Copy, headed
First published in the second part of Jane Barker's
MS Rawl. poet. 246
Compiled by a Cambridge University man, possibly of King's College, and formerly at Eton.
c.1648-60.Inscribed names: Hennericus Some
, Johannes Chase
, Jacobus Chase
Copy, ascribed to T R.
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, here beginning Bp Hall
, following a Latin Ep
Edited from this MS in Dinshaw.
First published in Fram Dinshaw,
Copy, headed
This MS collated in Hutchinson.
First published in James Duport,
This MS collated in Hutchinson.
First published in Emanuele Tesauro,
Copy, headed
This MS collated in Hutchinson.
First published in James Duport,
This MS collated in Hutchinson.
First published, from a small quarto volume of MS. Latin poetry
, in J. Fry,
This MS collated in Hutchinson.
First published in James Duport,