Joseph Hall


Antheme III
('Leave O my soul this baser World below')

First published in The Shaking of the Olive-Tree (London, 1660). Wynter, IX, 699-700. Davenport, p. 155.

HlJ 0.3


In: An octavo miscellany of verse and prose, closely written in possibly several minute predominantly secretary hands, 291 leaves (ff. 212-16 bound out of order after f. 24), in modern calf. c.1640s.

Inscribed (f. 1r) Joseph Hall (not the bishop). Later owned by John Payne Collier (1789-1883), literary scholar, editor and forger, who has entered in pseudo-17th-century secretary script copies of various ballads on ff. 39r-41r, 107v-79r, 181r-v, 227r-8v, 243r-6r, as well as adding foliation (1-284) before the more recent foliation (1-291, used below). Quaritch's sale catalogue of English Literature (August-November 1884), item 22350, Collier's transcript of the MS made c.1860 being item 22352. Formerly Folger MS 2071.7.

Discussed, with facsimile examples, in Giles E. Dawson, John Payne Collier's Great Forgery, SB, 24 (1971), 1-26.

Anthemes for the Cathedral of Exceter
('Lord what am I? A worm, dust, vapor, nothing!')

First published in The Shaking of the Olive-Tree (London, 1660). Wynter, IX, 699. Davenport, p. 153.

HlJ 0.5

Copy, headed An anthem made by Dr. Hall.

In: A small quarto verse miscellany, predominantly in one secretary hand, erratically paginated up to 333, 250 leaves, in 18th-century boards. c.late 1630s.

Inscribed (on p. [330]) Robert Lord his book Anno Domini; (on [p. 335]) william Jacob his booke Amen; and, among scribbling on the last leaf, Hugh Gibgans of the same and John Winter of Buckland Dursbane [or husbande?]. Owned in 1788 by Alexander R. Popham. Bloomsbury Book Auction, 23 November 2000, lot 8.

A microfilm is in the British Library, RP 7698.

Cearten veerses written by Doctor Hall upon the kings coming into Scotland
('Doe not repyine fayre sun to see these eyne')

First published in Arnold Davenport, Three Uncollected Poems by Joseph Hall, N&Q, 182 (31 January 1942), 58-9. Davenport (1949), p. 150.

HlJ 1

Copy of the series of three poems, in a predominantly secretary hand, transcribed from HlJ 2.

In: A folio composite volume of heraldic and genealogical papers relating to the Scottish nobility, in various hands, 165 leaves, in modern morocco gilt.

A flyleaf (f. 1*r) inscribed Scotlands Nobility & Gentry / Jo: withie.

Edited from this MS in Davenport.

HlJ 2

Copy of the three poems, in a neat italic hand, each subscribed Dr Hall, on three pages of two conjugate folio leaves, once folded as a letter.

In: A folio composite volume of genealogical collections, including pedigrees of royal and noble houses of Scotland, with some coats of arms drawn in trick, and other matter relating to Scotland, in various hands, 77 leaves.

Given in 1629 by William Camden's executor, Sir Robert Cotton, to Sir James Balfour, first Baronet (1600-57), of Denmilne and Kinncaird, Lyon King of Arms and antiquary, who has inscribed the cover Camdeni Clarentii Armorum Regis Regni Angliæ collectiones. Purchased in 1723 at the sale of the library of Sir Robert Sibbald (1641-1722), royal physician and geographer.

Edited from this MS in Davenport.

An epitaph on Gustavus Adolphus King of Sweden
('He sleeps within this Tombe')


HlJ 3

Copy of a Latin epitaph by an Italian Friar (beginning Dormit Mestè in hoc Tumulo) followed by a 23-line English version, headed Sequitur Anglicè, inscribed at the side by Cole Translated by Jo: Hall &c: Jn: 1634. It is wrote in the Hand of that Time, & probably translated by Joseph Hall, who was Bp. of Exeter in 1627.

In: A folio volume of antiquarian collections, including much verse, in a single neat hand, 238 leaves, in half-morocco.

In the hand of the Rev. William Cole, FSA (1714-82), antiquary (Volume XXXI of the Cole Collection).

Mid-18th century.
The Kings Prophecie: or Weeping Ioy
('What Stoick could his steely brest containe')
HlJ 3.1
An imperfect exemplum of the printed edition of 1603, with MS corrections probably made in the printing house. 1603.

Recorded in Davenport, p. lxxv.

HlJ 3.2
An exemplum of the printed edition of 1603, with MS corrections probably made in the printing house. 1603.

From the family papers of John Loveday (1711-89), of Caversham, Oxfordshire, and formerly at Williamscote House, near Banbury. Sold to Maggs in 1971.

Recorded in Davenport, p. lxxv.

On his Majestyes Death & his Incomparable Booke
('Soe falls that stately Coedar, while it stood')

First published, as An Epitaph upon King Charles 1st, in Eikon Basilike (1649), p. 312.

HlJ 3.4

Copy, ascribed to J. H.

In: A duodecimo commonplace book of extracts, in English and Latin, written from both ends, 60 leaves, disbound.

Owned and probably compiled by John Abbott (b.1653/4), of St John's College, Oxford.

HlJ 3.5

Copy, headed An Epitaph upon King Charles.

In: An octavo commonplace book of miscellaneous verse and prose, in English, Latin and Greek, in several hands, one mixed hand predominating, written from both ends, lvi + 302 pages, in a recycled medieval vellum document within contemporary vellum.

Possibly compiled in part by Elias Smyth, minor canon of Durham (whose epitaph on his son Richard appears on p. 134).


Among the collections of Christopher Hunter (1675-1757), Durham antiquary and physician.

HlJ 3.6


In: A quarto verse miscellany, in a single hand, entitled (p. 1, in engrossed lettering) Thos. Walker Book of Miscellanies 1712, 252 pages (jumping from p. 56 to 61), in modern half dark green morocco.

Compiled by Thomas Walker (b.1682), of Mosley, near Ashton under Lyne, Greater Manchester, including (pp. 105-6, 203) verses by him to his parents etc., dated 1720/1-27.


Later owned by Sir Charles Bradbury (his sale December 1864, lot 2819), to Haywood, thence bought by Sir Thomas Baker. Bernard Halliday, bookseller of Leicester, February 1930.

HlJ 3.7

Copy, ascribed to J: Hall. Bp Norwich:.

In: A quarto miscellany of principally religious verse, in several hands, 213 pages (plus blanks), in contemporary calf. Late 17th century.

Inscribed (f. i) Anthony Search his most excellent booke Janry 6th Anno Dom: 1695.

HlJ 3.8

Copy, unascribed.

In: A folio miscellany entitled Epitaphs Collected 1694, 42 pages. c.1695.
HlJ 3.9

Copy, headed An epitaph upon King Charles, subscribed J. H.

In: A quarto miscellany, in more than one hand, 68 leaves, in contemporary calf. c.1666.

Inscribed A Present from Dr Storer to Henry Cole, Peterborough. Later donated by Laurence Heyworth.

On Queene Elizabeths Armes
('The lyon is the Forrest kinge')
HlJ 3.91

Copy of an unascribed version.

In: A folio composite volume, chiefly of English and Latin verse, in various hands; vi + 186 leaves, in reversed calf.

Scribbling on f. iir including ffor mr William Rabey in New=market..., ffor my Louing ffriend in G John westhropp at mr Rogers Reringe house Bury in S[uffolk], ffor mr John fford at his house in Newmarket in the countey of cambridge; notes on f. iiiv-ivr, one Recd 22 July 1669, subscribed John Cooke and including, on f. vir, ffor mr John Cocke at his howse neere the white harte in Thetford.... Later owned, in the 1730s, by Charles Barlow, of Emmanuel College, Cambridge (his bookplate f. iiv).

HlJ 3.92

Copy of the poem, preceded by a two-line Latin epigram, and followed by six lines headed Explaynd and beginning The lyon awe, the flower her faire estate, the whole subscribed Jos: Hall.

In: An octavo verse miscellany, including 13 poems by or attributed to Herrick, almost entirely in a single small predominantly italic hand, 250 pages (plus numerous blanks), originally in contemporary calf, but now disbound.

Inscribed four times on a flyleaf Tobias Alston his booke: i.e. probably Tobias Alston (1620-c.1639) of Sayham Hall, near Sudbury, Suffolk. His half-brother Edward (b.1598) was a contemporary of Herrick at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, while his cousin, Edward Alston, later President of the College of Physicians, was a contemporary of Herrick at St John's College, Cambridge, some of the other contents also relating to Cambridge, besides some relating to Suffolk. The date 1639 occurs on p. 241, and pp. 243-50 contains verses written in two later hands (to c.1728) and some prose pieces written from the reverse end.

c.1639 [-c.1728].

Names inscribed on a flyleaf including Henry Glisson (later Fellow of the College of Physicians); Thomas Avral(?); Horace Norton; Henry Rich; and James Tavor (Registrar of Cambridge University). Later owned by one John Whitehead, and by Dr Mary Pickford. Sotheby's, 27 June 1972, lot 309.

Cited in IELM, II.i (1987), as the Alston MS: HeR Δ 7. A complete set of photocopies of the MS is in the British Library, RP 772. Facsimile of pp. 6-7 in Sotheby's sale catalogue (see HeR 176, HeR 405) where the MS is described at some length. See also letters by Peter Beal and Donald W. Foster in TLS (24 January 1986), pp. 87-8.

'On the Altar Royall Melvin frownes to fynde'

First published in Fram Dinshaw, Two New Epigrams by Joseph Hall, N&Q, 227 (October 1982), 422-3.

HlJ 4

Copy of the twelve-line poem, preceded by a two-line Latin motto and headed Josephus Hall in Melv..

In: A quarto volume of theological and state tracts, written from both ends, the first part (ff. 1r-131r) chiefly in the hand of John Overall (1561-1619), Bishop of Norwich, ii + 131 leaves at one end, x + 132 leaves (plus a number of blanks) at the other. Mid-17th century.

Once owned by John Moore (1646-1714), Bishop of Norwich and Ely.

HlJ 5

Copy, here beginning On ye Altar Royall, Melvjn frowns to find, subscribed Bp Hall, following a Latin Responsio (Hic liber Angloru Regalj clausis on'arâ) subscribed Epus Hall.

In: An octavo verse miscellany, in English and Latin, in a minute cursive hand, ii + 78 leaves, in early 18th-century half-calf.

Compiled by a Cambridge University man, possibly of King's College, and formerly at Eton.


Inscribed names: Hennericus Some, Johannes Chase, Jacobus Chase.

Edited from this MS in Dinshaw.

To Camden
('One fayre Par-royall hath our Iland bred')

First published (from this MS) in Helen E. Sandison, Three Spenser Allusions, MLN, 44 (1929), 159-62. Davenport, p. 105.

HlJ 6

Copy, untitled and ascribed to Ios Hall. Imman..

In: A quarto notebook, in Latin and English, compiled by Brian Twyne (1581-1644), antiquary, 337 leaves. Early 17th century.

Among collections of Anthony Wood (1632-95), Oxford antiquary.

Edited from this MS in Sandison and in Davenport.

To William Bedell
('Willy, thy Rhythms so sweetly run and rise')

First published in William Bedell, A Protestant Memorial: or, The Shepherd's Tale of the Pouder-Plott (London, 1713). Davenport, p. 123.

HlJ 7

Copy of Hall's commendatory verses, headed Ad Autorem, prefixed to a copy of William Bedell's poem A Protestant Memorial (here The Shepheards Tale of the Powderplot, ff. 11r-25r) and subscribed Joseph Hall. c.1620s-30s.

In: A quarto composite volume of verse and prose, in various hands, v + 159 leaves, in half-calf.

An autograph manuscript of sixteen poems by Mary Astell, in her semi-calligraphic script, occupies ff. 50r-97v. It is a presentation copy with (f. 50v) a title-page, A Collection of Poems humbly presented and Dedicated To the most Reverend Father in God William [Sancroft] By Divine Providence Lord Archbishop of Canterbury &c 1689 (f. 51r-v), a prose dedicatory epistle to Archbishop Sancroft, and (f. 94r) an address leaf To the most Reverend his Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury These humbly present, 49 quarto leaves, bearing traces of a red wax seal.

The Astell MS discussed in Ruth Perry, A seventeenth-century feminist poet, TLS, 20 August 1982, p. 911. It is described also in the online Perdita project.

This MS recorded in Wynter, IX, 707.

HlJ 7.5

Copy of a Latin version by William Dillingham of Hall's commendatory verses to William Bedell.

In: A duodecimo volume of papers of Dr Francis Bernard and Captain Aston, relating to medicine, astrology, etc., 136 leaves. c.1690s.
Upon Mr Greenham his Book of the Sabbath
('While Greenham writeth of the Sabbath's rest')

Wynter, IX, 705.

HlJ 7.6

Copy of a version headed By Bishp Hall and beginning While on the Sabbath, we read Greenham's Lines.

In: An octavo verse miscellany, in a single hand, entitled Poetical Characteristicks Vol 2d Collected by W O, 35 leaves (plus blanks), in modern black morocco gilt. c.1730s.
('I First aduenture, with fool-hardie might')

Books IV-VI first published as Virgidemiarvm. The three last Bookes (London, 1598). Wynter, IX, 563-680. Davenport, pp. 5-99. Comprising six books of satires following a Defence to Enuie and Prologue.

HlJ 8

Copy of Book IV, Satire 3, lines 1-27, here beginning What botes it (Pontice, tho thou couldst discours.

In: A large folio volume of chiefly coats of arms and heraldic matters, almost entirely in a single secretary hand, 141 leaves, in half-calf on marbled boards.

Probably compiled by Thomas Dutton, whose name and dates 1603 and 1634 are inscribed on ff. 134v and 138r.


Inscribed (f. 2r) Robt. Wever his booke 1658, Robert Wever i66i, and Joseph Edmondson his Book June ye 13. 1759. Wellesley sale, lot 147. Purchased from Bernard Quaritch, 24 June 1865.

HlJ 8.5
Two lines added in MS to Lib. I, Sat.VIII, in an exemplum of Virgidemiarum Sixe Bookes, 2nd collected edition, 3 vols in one (London, 1597-1602). Early 17th century.

Christie's, 13-14 June 1979 (Arthur A. Houghton Jr sale, Part 1), lot 247, to Maggs.

HlJ 8.8
Two lines added in a contemporary hand to Lib. I, Sat. VIII, in a printed exemplum of Hall's Virgidemiarum Sixe Bookes, 2nd collected edition, 3 vols in one (London, 1597-1602). c.1600s.

Later owned by Arthur A. Houghton, Jr (1906-90), American businessman and collector. Christie's, 14 June 1979 (Houghton sale), lot 247, to Maggs.


The Art of Divine Meditation

First published in London, 1606. Wynter, VI, 46-88.

HlJ 9

Copy, with the appended A Meditation of Death, According to the Former Rules, imperfect, lacking one leaf between ff. 125 and 126 containing the end of Chapter XXIV and the beginning of Chapter XXV.

In: A folio volume comprising some twenty-two religious prose works by Joseph Hall, all published between 1605 and 1623, closely written in a single neat secretary hand, with some titles ornamented, 137 leaves, imperfect at the end, in 18th-century quarter-calf marbled boards (rebacked).

Repeated references in titles to Josep: Hall now Bp. of Exon. indicate a date of transcription after 23 December 1627 and before 15 November 1641, when Hall became Bishop of Norwich. It was possibly copied out before 1633, since it contains his paraphrase on The Song of Songs following the text of the Geneva Bible (HlJ 57), a work which he revised following the text of the Authorized Version and incorporated in An Explication …of all the Hard Texts in the Old and New Testament (1633).

The last page of the MS (f. 137v) contains eight untitled religious aphorisms (beginning The law before or sauiour Christs time, was like the rod in Moses hand turned into a serpent…), but it is not clear whether these aphorisms, perhaps an afterthought of the scribe to fill up the volume, derive from Hall's works.


Sotheby's, 5 July 1977, lot 109.

Cited below as the Beal MS.

The Best Bargain: A Sermon Preached to the Court at Theobald's on Sunday, September 21, 1623

First published in London, 1623. Wynter, V, 174-85.

HlJ 10


In: A folio volume comprising some twenty-two religious prose works by Joseph Hall, all published between 1605 and 1623, closely written in a single neat secretary hand, with some titles ornamented, 137 leaves, imperfect at the end, in 18th-century quarter-calf marbled boards (rebacked).

Repeated references in titles to Josep: Hall now Bp. of Exon. indicate a date of transcription after 23 December 1627 and before 15 November 1641, when Hall became Bishop of Norwich. It was possibly copied out before 1633, since it contains his paraphrase on The Song of Songs following the text of the Geneva Bible (HlJ 57), a work which he revised following the text of the Authorized Version and incorporated in An Explication …of all the Hard Texts in the Old and New Testament (1633).

The last page of the MS (f. 137v) contains eight untitled religious aphorisms (beginning The law before or sauiour Christs time, was like the rod in Moses hand turned into a serpent…), but it is not clear whether these aphorisms, perhaps an afterthought of the scribe to fill up the volume, derive from Hall's works.


Sotheby's, 5 July 1977, lot 109.

Cited below as the Beal MS.

HlJ 10.5

Extracts, as by Dr Hall.

In: Miscellaneous sermon notes, compiled by Elizabeth Cornwallis, Lady of the Bedchamber to Queen Henrietta Maria. c.1635.

Among the family archives of Lord Braybrooke, of Audley End, Essex.

A Brief Sum of the Principles of Religion

First published in A Recollection of such Treatises as haue beene heretofore seuerally published (London, 1615). Wynter, VIII, 219-21.

HlJ 11

Copy, entitled A breife Summe of the Principles of Religion by waye of Catechisme, docketed Mr Doctor Josuah Hall.

In: A quarto prose miscellany, chiefly a legal tract, almost entirely in a single secretary hand, 35 leaves, in modern quarter crushed morocco on cloth boards gilt. c.1620s.
Certain Irrefragable Propositions, worthy of Serious Consideration

First published in London, 1639 [i.e. 1640]. Wynter, IX, 138-41.

*HlJ 12
Autograph draft of Hall's short and full propositions concerning church government and episcopacy enclosed with his autograph letter on the subject to Archbishop Laud (HlJ 127).

Received 29 December 1639; bearing Laud's additions and alterations and his endorsement These phaps may be thought fitt for a suscriptio of others; a single leaf.

Facsimile of the first page in IELM, I.ii (1980), Facsimile XVII (p. 113).

HlJ 13

Copy of the complete work, as by J. H. Bp of Exon., including the dedicatory epistle to Charles I subscribed John: Exon. [sic], in a professional secretary hand, on two once conjugate folio leaves, foliated in pencil 209-210, endorsed The Bp. of Exon his propositions to his Matie.

In: A folio guard-book of independent Caroline state papers, stamped foliation 1-221.
Characters of Virtues and Vices

First published in London, 1608. Wynter, VI, 89-125. Edited by Rudolf Kirk, together with Heaven vpon Earth (New Brunswick, N.J., 1948).

HlJ 14


In: A folio volume comprising some twenty-two religious prose works by Joseph Hall, all published between 1605 and 1623, closely written in a single neat secretary hand, with some titles ornamented, 137 leaves, imperfect at the end, in 18th-century quarter-calf marbled boards (rebacked).

Repeated references in titles to Josep: Hall now Bp. of Exon. indicate a date of transcription after 23 December 1627 and before 15 November 1641, when Hall became Bishop of Norwich. It was possibly copied out before 1633, since it contains his paraphrase on The Song of Songs following the text of the Geneva Bible (HlJ 57), a work which he revised following the text of the Authorized Version and incorporated in An Explication …of all the Hard Texts in the Old and New Testament (1633).

The last page of the MS (f. 137v) contains eight untitled religious aphorisms (beginning The law before or sauiour Christs time, was like the rod in Moses hand turned into a serpent…), but it is not clear whether these aphorisms, perhaps an afterthought of the scribe to fill up the volume, derive from Hall's works.


Sotheby's, 5 July 1977, lot 109.

Cited below as the Beal MS.

HlJ 15


In: A quarto commonplace book of notes and extracts, closely written in a small mixed hand, from both ends, 146 leaves (including blanks), in contemporary limp vellum.

Compiled possibly by one Thomas Parsons, whose name is subscribed to a letter on f. 92v.

HlJ 16

Copy of nineteen Characterisms of Vice.

In: A duodecimo miscellany of verse and prose, in a single neat largely italic hand, 155 leaves, in modern half-morocco. c.1630.

The table of contents (f. 155v) subscribed Margrett Bellasys, possibly the daughter of Thomas Belasyse (1577-1652), first Viscount Fauconberg of Henknowle. The front endpaper later inscribed The pieces which I have extracted for The Specimens are, Page 91, 211, 265: i.e. possibly by Thomas Campbell (1777-1844), editor of Specimens of the British Poets first published in 1809. Afterwards owned by Richard Heber (1774-1833), book collector. Evans (Sotheby's), 29 February 1836 (Heber sale, Part VIII), lot 13.

Contemplations upon the Principall Passages of the Holy Storie

First published, in four volumes, in London, 1612-18. Wynter, I and II, 1-290.

HlJ 16.5

Copy, as set downe by that worthy Doctour Hall.

In: A folio volume comprising seven devotional tracts, in the accomplished hand of Thomas Robinson (d.1624), Mayor (in 1594) of Sandwich, Kent, who subscribes the first item Manu Script Thome Robinson, 367 folio leaves, in contemporary calf heavily gilt bearing the initials T R.

This MS volume originally included, as item 8, Robinson's own Sundrye other most excellent...and Holy Obseruations collected after the finishing of this booke and originally comprised 750 pages.

[1598-1623, the Hall items no earlier than 1612].

The last page contained a note signed by Peter Manwood (probably Sir Peter Manwood (d.1625), MP for Sandwich in 1588, 1593 and 1597, knighted 1603), who records his receiving the volume as a legacie from his very good freinde Thomas Robinson, wch Mr Austyn Lynn his sonn in lawe dyd carefully sende him, and that he wrott itt in his house on St Mary hyll next Billingsgate [in London]. The complete volume was offered in G. Michelmore's sale catalogue No. 15 (January 1930), as item 161. It was then subsequently split up and offered as two items in their sale catalogue No. 21 (February 1933): the main portion as item 152; the Robinson Obseruations as item 301. The main portion (with the devotional tracts) was sold at Sotheby's, 11 April 1938, lot 459, with a facsimile of the title-page, and on 13-14 June 1955, lot 461, to Sawyer, with a facsimile of the cover in the sale catalogue.

HlJ 16.8


In: A folio commonplace book of extracts, in secretary hand(s), 255 pages, in contemporary calf.

Annotated in the rugged italic hand of Francis Russell, MP (1593-1641), fourth Earl of Bedford, politician.

Episcopal Admonition, Sent in a Letter to the House of Commons, April 28, 1628

Letter, beginning Gentlemen, For God's sake be wise in your well-meant zeal.... First published in Cabala (London, 1663), p. 113. Wynter, VIII, 272.

HlJ 17

Copy, headed The Bishop of Exeters Letter to the House of Commons.

In: A folio volume chiefly of speeches and proceedings in the House of Commons chiefly from March to June 1628, in a professional secretary hand, iv + 64 leaves (plus blanks), in later half calf. c.1630.
HlJ 18

Copy, headed A Letter sent by the Bpp of Exeter. Aprill.

In: A quarto volume of speeches and proceedings in the House of Commons from March to April 1628, in a professional hand, 353 pages, in contemporary calf. c.1630.

Once owned by John Somers (1651-1716), Baron Somers, Lord Chancellor, and by his brother-in-law Sir Joseph Jekyll (1662-1738), lawyer and politician (No. 387 in the sale catalogue of his library, 1759).

HlJ 19

Copy, headed Doctor Josuah Hall Bishop of Exeter his Letter to the Lower House of Parliament.

In: A folio volume of letters and state papers, in various professional hands, one secretary hand predominating, with a table of contents, 354 leaves, in black leather gilt. c.1630s.
HlJ 19.5

Copy, headed Dr Joshua Hall, Bishopp of Exeter his Message to ye Lower House of Parliamt.

In: A quarto volume of state letters, in several hands, 543 pages, in calf gilt. Mid-17th century.

Once owned by John Hopkinson (1610-80), Yorkshire antiquary, of Lofthouse, near Leeds, and comprising Volume 44 of the Hopkinson MSS. Signed bookplate of Frances Mary Richardson Currer (1785-1861), book collector, of Eshton Hall, West Yorkshire. Subsequently owned by her step-father Matthew Wilson.

This volume (when unnumbered) recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 300.

HlJ 19.8

Copy, headed The Bishope of Exeters lre to the house of Comons. 2 May: 1628.

In: A folio volume of speeches and proceedings in Parliament from 17 March 1627/8 to 26 June 1628, in several professional secretary hands, 387 leaves, with (ff. 2r-11r) a neat table of contents, in contemporary vellum boards. c.1630.

Christie's, 12 June 1881 (Fairfax sale).

HlJ 20

Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed Doctr: Josua Hall Bishope of Exeter his Lettre to the Lower howse of Parliamente. c.1620s-30s.

In: A folio composite volume of state letters and papers, in several professional secretary hands, with (ff. 1r-12v) a Tabula of contents, 315 leaves (including blanks), in old calf gilt.

Stamped crest on the cover of the Finch family, Earls of Winchilsea.

HlJ 20.5

Copy, headed The Bpp of Exeters letter to the Parliament.

In: A folio volume of proceedings in Parliament in 1628-29, in professional secretary hands, 339 leaves, in modern half crushed morocco on cloth boards gilt. c.1630s.

1725, the date of accession into the Harley Library, inscribed by Wanley on f. 1r.

HlJ 21

Copy, in a professional hand, untitled, subscribed Jos. Exeter.

In: A folio composite volume of parliamentary papers and speeches, 1627-28, in various professional hands, 113 leaves, in modern panelled calf.

The date of acquisition for the Harley Library inscribed by Wanley (f. 1*r) 13 August, 1724.

HlJ 22

Copy, headed A Letter sent by the Bishop of Exeter to the House of Comons the same day, subscribed Exeter.

In: A folio volume comprising chiefly a parliamentary journal, 1627-8, in a single professional secretary hand but for a tipped-in calendar (f. [305 bis]), 401 leaves, in mottled leather gilt. c.1630.
HlJ 22.4

Copy, in a professional cursive secretary hand, headed A lre written to the house of Comons by the B. of Excester on the 2d of May 1628, subscribed Jos. Exceter, on one side of a quarto leaf.

In: A folio composite volume of parliamentary speeches and related papers, in various professional hands, in modern red morocco gilt.
HlJ 22.6

Copy, headed The Bishopp of Exceters ler to the Parliament.

In: A folio volume of parliamentary proceedings and speeches, 1623-8, in a single professional secretary hand, with a table of contents (ff. 2*r-5*r), 731 pages, in modern half crushed morocco on cloth boards gilt. c.1630.

Inscribed (f. [ir]) Humfry Burton.

HlJ 22.8

Copy, in a professional cursive secretary hand, headed 2 Maij. B. of Excesters lre 2do Maij

In: A folio composite volume of parliamentary speeches and related papers, in various professional hands, in modern red morocco gilt.
HlJ 23

Copy, in a secretary hand, headed The Bishpp of Exeters Letter to the howse of Comons, on one side of a folio leaf.

In: A large folio guard-book of independent state tracts and miscellaneous papers, in various hands, 229 leaves.
HlJ 24

Copy, headed The Bp: of Exceter Dr: Hall, his lre to ye lower-howse of pliamt, subscribed Joshua Exceter.

In: A folio volume of state tracts, speeches, and verse, closely written from both ends in a single hand, 260 pages, lacking a number of pages and some fragments (pp. 25-38, 48-64) now removed to MS Gg. 4. 13*, in quarter-calf. Mid-17th century.
HlJ 24.2

Copy, headed Doctor Josua Hall Bpp: of Excetter his letter to the lower hous of Parliament, the name Josua corrected to Joseph in another hand.

In: A folio volume of state letters and papers, in several professional secretary hands, 1050 pages (plus a 24-page Tabula of contents at the end), in calf. c.1630s.

Formerly MS F. 2. 20.

HlJ 24.5

Copy, headed The Bpp of Exeter lre to the lower house of pliamt.

In: A folio volume of proceedings in parliament in 1628, in several professional hands.
HlJ 24.8
Copy, on a single leaf. c.1628.

Among papers of the Smyth family of North Nibley, Gloucestershire, and the Cowper family of Lancashire.

HlJ 25

Copy, in a cursive secretary hand, headed Lo: Bish of Exeus Speech, on a single folio leaf.

In: A folio composite volume of state letters, tracts, parliamentary speeches, etc., in various professional hands, c.160 leaves, in contemporary calf.

A flyleaf inscribed This belongs to Mrs Carewe of Crowcombe, Co. Somerset / T Philli: i.e.formerly among the Carew MSS at Crowcombe Court, Somerset, and borrowed at some time by Sir Thomas Phillips, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector.

Recorded in HMC, 4th Report (1874), Appendix, p. 373.

HlJ 25.2

Copy, headed The Bishop of Exceters Lre to the howse of Coms, subscribed Josuah Hall.

In: A folio volume of speeches and proceedings in Parliament 1627-29, in several professional hands, 380 leaves, in contemporary calf gilt. c.1630.

Bookplate of Algernon Capell (1654-1710), second Earl of Essex, Privy Councillor, dated 1701.

HlJ 25.5

Copy, headed The Byshopps of Excester Letter to the house of Commons, subscribed Josua Hall.

In: A quarto volume of speeches in Parliament 1627-8, in a single professional secretary hand, 388 pages (plus numerous blanks), bound with a twenty-page printed pamphlet, in contemporary calf (repaired). c.1630.
HlJ 25.6

Copy, headed The Bishop of Exceters letter sent to the howse of Commons. 28. Aprill 1628.

In: A folio journal of the House of Commons from 17 March 1627/8 to 26 June 1628, in a single professional secretary hand, including (ff. 420r-9r) a Table of contents, 429 leaves, in contemporary calf gilt with traces of ties. c.1630.

Among the Braye Manuscripts, descending from John Browne (1608-91), Clerk of the Parliaments, whose daughter, Martha, married Sir Roger Cave, Bt, of Stanford Hall, Rugby, seat of successive Lords Braye.

HlJ 25.8

Copy, headed The Buishop of Exceters lre sent to the house of Commons 28 Aprill 1628.

In: A folio volume of parliamentary debates in 1627/8-9, in several professional secretary hands, 351 leaves, in contemporary calf gilt, with traces of ties.

Bookplate of the Earl of Aylesford, Packington, Warwickshire. Bernard Halliday, Leicester, sale catalogue 1930, item 568.

HlJ 26

Copy, headed The Bishop of Exceters Letter to the Lower house of Parliament.

In: A folio volume of speeches and proceedings in Parliament 1628, in a single professional secretary hand, viii + 459 pages, in contemporary calf. c.1628-30s.

Bookplate of E.S. and H. Lloyd. Purchased from Peter Eaton (Booksellers) Ltd, 24 October 1967. Formerly House of Lords Record Office, Historical Collection 50.

HlJ 27

Copy, in a secretary hand, headed The Bishop of Exeters Speech to the Lower Howse of Parliament.

In: A folio composite volume of state papers and proceedings in Parliament, in various hands, 448 leaves (plus blanks), in red morocco gilt.
HlJ 27.5


In: Volume of speeches and proceedings in the House of Commons in 1627-8. Mid-17th century.
HlJ 28

Copy, headed Bp hall of Exeter his Letter to the Comons House in Parlamt. 1628.

In: A duodecimo volume of state and ecclesiastical letters and papers, in a single hand, 222 pages, in later black morocco gilt.

In the hand of William Sancroft (1617-93), Archbishop of Canterbury, the first page (f. [ir] inscribed Z / Sylloge Epistolarum quarundam insignium, aliorumque aliquot Monumentorum, facta manu RRP. Wilhelmi Sancroft. Archiepi Cantuar. Accesserunt Orationes eiusdem nonnulla in Academiâ Cantabrig. habitæ.

Mid-late 17th century.

Among collections of Henry Wharton (1664-94), Sancroft's chaplain (in 1688-9).

HlJ 28.2

Copy, headed Doctor Hall Bpp of Exeter his Letter to ye lower house of Parlymt.

In: A folio volume of state letters, in several professional secretary hands, with a lengthy Tabula of contents, xxx + 558 pages, in old vellum boards. c.1637.

Recorded in HMC, 6th Report, Part I (1877), p. 306.

HlJ 28.5

Copy, headed Bishop Halls letter to the house of Comons.

In: Copies of two parliamentary speeches and one letter, in a predominantly italic hand, on two conjugate folio leaves, unbound. c.1628-30s.
HlJ 28.8


In: A folio volume of parliamentary proceedings for 1627-8. Early-mid-17th century.

A microfilm in the British Library, M/353.

HlJ 29

Copy, in a secretary hand, headed A Letter sent by the bishop of Exeter to the house of Commons 28th Ap: 1628, on a single folio leaf, imperfect.

In: A collection of unbound state papers, now in folders. c.1628.

Donated in 1921 by Dr J. R. Tanner.

HlJ 29.2

Copy, headed Doctor Josua Hall Bpp. of Exeter his letter to the lower howse of Parliament.

In: A quarto volume of state letters, in a single professional hand, xxvi + c.955 pages (misnumbered around pp. 895-6), including a table of contents (and plus numerous blanks), in contemporary calf gilt, remains of ties. c.1630s.
HlJ 29.3

Copy, in a secretary hand, untitled, subscribed Exeter.

In: A folio composite volume of state tracts and papers, in various hands and paper sizes, with a table of contents, 599 leaves.

Inscribed (f. 141r) John: Saunders is the trew owner of this booke, Captaine Christo: Blounte, and Valentine LLawless.

Owned by John Madden, MD (1649-1703/4), physician and manuscript collector. Old pressmark F. 1. 20.

HlJ 29.4

Copy, headed The Bishop of Exeters Letter sent to the house of Commons 28. april. 1628.

In: A folio volume chiefly comprising a journal of parliamentary speeches and proceedings in 1627-8, 187 pages (plus blank pages 288-656), in contemporary vellum. Mid-late 17th century.
HlJ 29.5


In: A Composite volume of speeches and proceedings in the House of Commons, in various professional hands, 170 pages, of various sizes. Mid-17th century.

Once owned by Hudson Gurney (1775-1864), antiquary and banker.

HlJ 29.6
In: A folio volume principally of proceedings in Parliament from 17 March to 26 June 1628, in various professional hands, 476 pages (plus blanks), in 17th-century reversed calf. 17th century.

The name Thomas Cole inscribed on front pastedown. Later owned by the Rev. Dr Cox Macro (1683-1767), antiquary, and subsequently by Hudson Gurney (1775-1864), antiquary and banker.

HlJ 29.8


In: A folio composite volume of speeches and proceedings in the House of Commons in 1628, c.225 pages, in modern calf. Mid-17th century.

Inscribed on f. iiv madam Kelsey. Owned in 1841 by William Pickering (1796-1854), publisher. Afterwards by Sir Thomas Phillipps (Phillipps MS 10819).

HlJ 30


In: Volume of state letters. 17th century.

Formerly among the Braye Manuscripts, descending from John Browne (1608-91), Clerk of the Parliaments, whose daughter Martha married Sir Roger Cave, Bt, of Stanford Hall, Rugby, seat of successive Lords Braye.

Recorded in HMC 15, 10th Report, Appendix VI (1887), p. 116.

Epistles. Decade I, Epistle 1. To Jacob Wadsworth. lately revolted, in Spain

First published in Epistles, Vol. I (London, 1608). Wynter, VI, 128-31.

HlJ 31


In: A folio volume comprising some twenty-two religious prose works by Joseph Hall, all published between 1605 and 1623, closely written in a single neat secretary hand, with some titles ornamented, 137 leaves, imperfect at the end, in 18th-century quarter-calf marbled boards (rebacked).

Repeated references in titles to Josep: Hall now Bp. of Exon. indicate a date of transcription after 23 December 1627 and before 15 November 1641, when Hall became Bishop of Norwich. It was possibly copied out before 1633, since it contains his paraphrase on The Song of Songs following the text of the Geneva Bible (HlJ 57), a work which he revised following the text of the Authorized Version and incorporated in An Explication …of all the Hard Texts in the Old and New Testament (1633).

The last page of the MS (f. 137v) contains eight untitled religious aphorisms (beginning The law before or sauiour Christs time, was like the rod in Moses hand turned into a serpent…), but it is not clear whether these aphorisms, perhaps an afterthought of the scribe to fill up the volume, derive from Hall's works.


Sotheby's, 5 July 1977, lot 109.

Cited below as the Beal MS.

Epistles. Decade I, Epistle 2. To My Lord and Patron, The Lord Denny. Of the contempt of the World

First published in Epistles, Vol. I (London, 1608). Wynter, VI, 131-3.

HlJ 32


In: A folio volume comprising some twenty-two religious prose works by Joseph Hall, all published between 1605 and 1623, closely written in a single neat secretary hand, with some titles ornamented, 137 leaves, imperfect at the end, in 18th-century quarter-calf marbled boards (rebacked).

Repeated references in titles to Josep: Hall now Bp. of Exon. indicate a date of transcription after 23 December 1627 and before 15 November 1641, when Hall became Bishop of Norwich. It was possibly copied out before 1633, since it contains his paraphrase on The Song of Songs following the text of the Geneva Bible (HlJ 57), a work which he revised following the text of the Authorized Version and incorporated in An Explication …of all the Hard Texts in the Old and New Testament (1633).

The last page of the MS (f. 137v) contains eight untitled religious aphorisms (beginning The law before or sauiour Christs time, was like the rod in Moses hand turned into a serpent…), but it is not clear whether these aphorisms, perhaps an afterthought of the scribe to fill up the volume, derive from Hall's works.


Sotheby's, 5 July 1977, lot 109.

Cited below as the Beal MS.

Epistles. Decade I, Epistle 8. To my Lord, the Earle of Essex. Aduice for his Trauels

First published in Epistles, Vol. I (London, 1608). Wynter, VI, 151-5.

HlJ 32.5
Copy of part of the epistle, headed Ex J: Hall: Epist ad: Com: Essex: in Gall...Observations profitable, and necessarye for those that intent to travell forraine countries and here beginning Thinke it not enough that you see..., in a non-professional italic hand, on two pages of a pair of conjugate folio leaves, endorsed with the date February ye 25t 1633. c.1634.
Epistles. Decade I, Epistle 10. Written to Mr. J.B. and Dedicated to My Father, Mr. J. Hall. Against the fear of death

First published in Epistles, Vol. I (London, 1608). Wynter, VI, 156-8.

HlJ 33


In: A folio volume comprising some twenty-two religious prose works by Joseph Hall, all published between 1605 and 1623, closely written in a single neat secretary hand, with some titles ornamented, 137 leaves, imperfect at the end, in 18th-century quarter-calf marbled boards (rebacked).

Repeated references in titles to Josep: Hall now Bp. of Exon. indicate a date of transcription after 23 December 1627 and before 15 November 1641, when Hall became Bishop of Norwich. It was possibly copied out before 1633, since it contains his paraphrase on The Song of Songs following the text of the Geneva Bible (HlJ 57), a work which he revised following the text of the Authorized Version and incorporated in An Explication …of all the Hard Texts in the Old and New Testament (1633).

The last page of the MS (f. 137v) contains eight untitled religious aphorisms (beginning The law before or sauiour Christs time, was like the rod in Moses hand turned into a serpent…), but it is not clear whether these aphorisms, perhaps an afterthought of the scribe to fill up the volume, derive from Hall's works.


Sotheby's, 5 July 1977, lot 109.

Cited below as the Beal MS.

HlJ 34


In: A duodecimo miscellany principally of pious, holy Godly and Christian Letters, in a single italic hand, with (ff. 200r-5r) a Table, 209 leaves, in modern half-crushed morocco on cloth boards gilt.

Compiled by Nehemiah Wallington (1598-1658), puritan London turner and diarist.

Including (ff. 34r-51v) Some Epiesels or Letters of Ios Hall D of Diuinitie and Deane of Worchester in 1620, transcribed from the edition of Hall's collected works printed in 1620, with a note at the end Their be many more excellent letters in D Halls Booke which I let passe for preuitis sake.


Inscribed (f. 1v) Nehemiah Wallington his Booke 1650; (f. 5v) Nehemiah Wallington May 1650; (f. 205v) 1658 Iune ye xxiii By the marcy of God I haue read ouer this my Writing Booke which is Coppies of precious Lettres..., and (f. 209v) Nehemiah Wallington his Booke 1635. Also inscribed (f. 1v) by his son-in-law Ionathan Houghton September IX 1658.

Recorded in Paul S. Seaver, Wallington's World: A Puritan Artisan in Seventeenth-Century London (Stanford, 1985).

HlJ 34.5

Copy or extracts.

In: A folio volume comprising seven devotional tracts, in the accomplished hand of Thomas Robinson (d.1624), Mayor (in 1594) of Sandwich, Kent, who subscribes the first item Manu Script Thome Robinson, 367 folio leaves, in contemporary calf heavily gilt bearing the initials T R.

This MS volume originally included, as item 8, Robinson's own Sundrye other most excellent...and Holy Obseruations collected after the finishing of this booke and originally comprised 750 pages.

[1598-1623, the Hall items no earlier than 1612].

The last page contained a note signed by Peter Manwood (probably Sir Peter Manwood (d.1625), MP for Sandwich in 1588, 1593 and 1597, knighted 1603), who records his receiving the volume as a legacie from his very good freinde Thomas Robinson, wch Mr Austyn Lynn his sonn in lawe dyd carefully sende him, and that he wrott itt in his house on St Mary hyll next Billingsgate [in London]. The complete volume was offered in G. Michelmore's sale catalogue No. 15 (January 1930), as item 161. It was then subsequently split up and offered as two items in their sale catalogue No. 21 (February 1933): the main portion as item 152; the Robinson Obseruations as item 301. The main portion (with the devotional tracts) was sold at Sotheby's, 11 April 1938, lot 459, with a facsimile of the title-page, and on 13-14 June 1955, lot 461, to Sawyer, with a facsimile of the cover in the sale catalogue.

Epistles. Decade II, Epistle 1. To Sir Robert Darcy. The estate of a true but weak Christian

First published in Epistles, Vol. I (London, 1608). Wynter, VI, 158-9.

HlJ 35


In: A folio volume comprising some twenty-two religious prose works by Joseph Hall, all published between 1605 and 1623, closely written in a single neat secretary hand, with some titles ornamented, 137 leaves, imperfect at the end, in 18th-century quarter-calf marbled boards (rebacked).

Repeated references in titles to Josep: Hall now Bp. of Exon. indicate a date of transcription after 23 December 1627 and before 15 November 1641, when Hall became Bishop of Norwich. It was possibly copied out before 1633, since it contains his paraphrase on The Song of Songs following the text of the Geneva Bible (HlJ 57), a work which he revised following the text of the Authorized Version and incorporated in An Explication …of all the Hard Texts in the Old and New Testament (1633).

The last page of the MS (f. 137v) contains eight untitled religious aphorisms (beginning The law before or sauiour Christs time, was like the rod in Moses hand turned into a serpent…), but it is not clear whether these aphorisms, perhaps an afterthought of the scribe to fill up the volume, derive from Hall's works.


Sotheby's, 5 July 1977, lot 109.

Cited below as the Beal MS.

HlJ 36


In: A duodecimo miscellany principally of pious, holy Godly and Christian Letters, in a single italic hand, with (ff. 200r-5r) a Table, 209 leaves, in modern half-crushed morocco on cloth boards gilt.

Compiled by Nehemiah Wallington (1598-1658), puritan London turner and diarist.

Including (ff. 34r-51v) Some Epiesels or Letters of Ios Hall D of Diuinitie and Deane of Worchester in 1620, transcribed from the edition of Hall's collected works printed in 1620, with a note at the end Their be many more excellent letters in D Halls Booke which I let passe for preuitis sake.


Inscribed (f. 1v) Nehemiah Wallington his Booke 1650; (f. 5v) Nehemiah Wallington May 1650; (f. 205v) 1658 Iune ye xxiii By the marcy of God I haue read ouer this my Writing Booke which is Coppies of precious Lettres..., and (f. 209v) Nehemiah Wallington his Booke 1635. Also inscribed (f. 1v) by his son-in-law Ionathan Houghton September IX 1658.

Recorded in Paul S. Seaver, Wallington's World: A Puritan Artisan in Seventeenth-Century London (Stanford, 1985).

HlJ 36.5

Copy or extracts.

In: A folio volume comprising seven devotional tracts, in the accomplished hand of Thomas Robinson (d.1624), Mayor (in 1594) of Sandwich, Kent, who subscribes the first item Manu Script Thome Robinson, 367 folio leaves, in contemporary calf heavily gilt bearing the initials T R.

This MS volume originally included, as item 8, Robinson's own Sundrye other most excellent...and Holy Obseruations collected after the finishing of this booke and originally comprised 750 pages.

[1598-1623, the Hall items no earlier than 1612].

The last page contained a note signed by Peter Manwood (probably Sir Peter Manwood (d.1625), MP for Sandwich in 1588, 1593 and 1597, knighted 1603), who records his receiving the volume as a legacie from his very good freinde Thomas Robinson, wch Mr Austyn Lynn his sonn in lawe dyd carefully sende him, and that he wrott itt in his house on St Mary hyll next Billingsgate [in London]. The complete volume was offered in G. Michelmore's sale catalogue No. 15 (January 1930), as item 161. It was then subsequently split up and offered as two items in their sale catalogue No. 21 (February 1933): the main portion as item 152; the Robinson Obseruations as item 301. The main portion (with the devotional tracts) was sold at Sotheby's, 11 April 1938, lot 459, with a facsimile of the title-page, and on 13-14 June 1955, lot 461, to Sawyer, with a facsimile of the cover in the sale catalogue.

Epistles. Decade II, Epistle 2. To Sir Edmund Bacon. Of the benefit of retiredness and secresy

First published in Epistles, Vol. I (London, 1608). Wynter, VI, 160-2.

HlJ 37


In: A duodecimo miscellany principally of pious, holy Godly and Christian Letters, in a single italic hand, with (ff. 200r-5r) a Table, 209 leaves, in modern half-crushed morocco on cloth boards gilt.

Compiled by Nehemiah Wallington (1598-1658), puritan London turner and diarist.

Including (ff. 34r-51v) Some Epiesels or Letters of Ios Hall D of Diuinitie and Deane of Worchester in 1620, transcribed from the edition of Hall's collected works printed in 1620, with a note at the end Their be many more excellent letters in D Halls Booke which I let passe for preuitis sake.


Inscribed (f. 1v) Nehemiah Wallington his Booke 1650; (f. 5v) Nehemiah Wallington May 1650; (f. 205v) 1658 Iune ye xxiii By the marcy of God I haue read ouer this my Writing Booke which is Coppies of precious Lettres..., and (f. 209v) Nehemiah Wallington his Booke 1635. Also inscribed (f. 1v) by his son-in-law Ionathan Houghton September IX 1658.

Recorded in Paul S. Seaver, Wallington's World: A Puritan Artisan in Seventeenth-Century London (Stanford, 1985).

Epistles. Decade II, Epistle 4. To my Sister Mrs. B. Brinsly. Of the sorrow not to be repented of

First published in Epistles, Vol. I (London, 1608). Wynter, VI, 169-71.

HlJ 38


In: A duodecimo miscellany principally of pious, holy Godly and Christian Letters, in a single italic hand, with (ff. 200r-5r) a Table, 209 leaves, in modern half-crushed morocco on cloth boards gilt.

Compiled by Nehemiah Wallington (1598-1658), puritan London turner and diarist.

Including (ff. 34r-51v) Some Epiesels or Letters of Ios Hall D of Diuinitie and Deane of Worchester in 1620, transcribed from the edition of Hall's collected works printed in 1620, with a note at the end Their be many more excellent letters in D Halls Booke which I let passe for preuitis sake.


Inscribed (f. 1v) Nehemiah Wallington his Booke 1650; (f. 5v) Nehemiah Wallington May 1650; (f. 205v) 1658 Iune ye xxiii By the marcy of God I haue read ouer this my Writing Booke which is Coppies of precious Lettres..., and (f. 209v) Nehemiah Wallington his Booke 1635. Also inscribed (f. 1v) by his son-in-law Ionathan Houghton September IX 1658.

Recorded in Paul S. Seaver, Wallington's World: A Puritan Artisan in Seventeenth-Century London (Stanford, 1985).

Epistles. Decade II, Epistle 8. To my Father-in-Law, Mr. George Wenyffe. Exciting to Christian cheerfulness

First published in Epistles, Vol. I (London, 1608). Wynter, VI, 178-89.

HlJ 39


In: A duodecimo miscellany principally of pious, holy Godly and Christian Letters, in a single italic hand, with (ff. 200r-5r) a Table, 209 leaves, in modern half-crushed morocco on cloth boards gilt.

Compiled by Nehemiah Wallington (1598-1658), puritan London turner and diarist.

Including (ff. 34r-51v) Some Epiesels or Letters of Ios Hall D of Diuinitie and Deane of Worchester in 1620, transcribed from the edition of Hall's collected works printed in 1620, with a note at the end Their be many more excellent letters in D Halls Booke which I let passe for preuitis sake.


Inscribed (f. 1v) Nehemiah Wallington his Booke 1650; (f. 5v) Nehemiah Wallington May 1650; (f. 205v) 1658 Iune ye xxiii By the marcy of God I haue read ouer this my Writing Booke which is Coppies of precious Lettres..., and (f. 209v) Nehemiah Wallington his Booke 1635. Also inscribed (f. 1v) by his son-in-law Ionathan Houghton September IX 1658.

Recorded in Paul S. Seaver, Wallington's World: A Puritan Artisan in Seventeenth-Century London (Stanford, 1985).

Epistles. Decade II, Epistle 9. To Mr. W.R. Dedicated to Mr. Thomas Burlz. Consolations of immoderate grief for the death of friends

First published in Epistles, Vol. I (London, 1608). Wynter, VI, 180-3.

HlJ 40

Copy, headed Epistle 9. To Master Thomas Burliz. Consolations of immodarate griefe For the death of Friends.

In: A duodecimo miscellany principally of pious, holy Godly and Christian Letters, in a single italic hand, with (ff. 200r-5r) a Table, 209 leaves, in modern half-crushed morocco on cloth boards gilt.

Compiled by Nehemiah Wallington (1598-1658), puritan London turner and diarist.

Including (ff. 34r-51v) Some Epiesels or Letters of Ios Hall D of Diuinitie and Deane of Worchester in 1620, transcribed from the edition of Hall's collected works printed in 1620, with a note at the end Their be many more excellent letters in D Halls Booke which I let passe for preuitis sake.


Inscribed (f. 1v) Nehemiah Wallington his Booke 1650; (f. 5v) Nehemiah Wallington May 1650; (f. 205v) 1658 Iune ye xxiii By the marcy of God I haue read ouer this my Writing Booke which is Coppies of precious Lettres..., and (f. 209v) Nehemiah Wallington his Booke 1635. Also inscribed (f. 1v) by his son-in-law Ionathan Houghton September IX 1658.

Recorded in Paul S. Seaver, Wallington's World: A Puritan Artisan in Seventeenth-Century London (Stanford, 1985).

Epistles. Decade II, Epistle 10. To Mr. I.A. Merchant. Against sorrow for worldly losses

First published in Epistles, Vol. I (London, 1608). Wynter, VI, 183-4.

HlJ 41


In: A duodecimo miscellany principally of pious, holy Godly and Christian Letters, in a single italic hand, with (ff. 200r-5r) a Table, 209 leaves, in modern half-crushed morocco on cloth boards gilt.

Compiled by Nehemiah Wallington (1598-1658), puritan London turner and diarist.

Including (ff. 34r-51v) Some Epiesels or Letters of Ios Hall D of Diuinitie and Deane of Worchester in 1620, transcribed from the edition of Hall's collected works printed in 1620, with a note at the end Their be many more excellent letters in D Halls Booke which I let passe for preuitis sake.


Inscribed (f. 1v) Nehemiah Wallington his Booke 1650; (f. 5v) Nehemiah Wallington May 1650; (f. 205v) 1658 Iune ye xxiii By the marcy of God I haue read ouer this my Writing Booke which is Coppies of precious Lettres..., and (f. 209v) Nehemiah Wallington his Booke 1635. Also inscribed (f. 1v) by his son-in-law Ionathan Houghton September IX 1658.

Recorded in Paul S. Seaver, Wallington's World: A Puritan Artisan in Seventeenth-Century London (Stanford, 1985).

Epistles. Decade III. Epistle 2. To Sir Andrew Asteley. Discourse of our due preparation for death, and the means to sweeten it to us

First published in Epistles, Vol. II (London, 1608). Wynter, VI, 188-91.

1625 pp. 317-18.

HlJ 41.5


In: A folio volume comprising seven devotional tracts, in the accomplished hand of Thomas Robinson (d.1624), Mayor (in 1594) of Sandwich, Kent, who subscribes the first item Manu Script Thome Robinson, 367 folio leaves, in contemporary calf heavily gilt bearing the initials T R.

This MS volume originally included, as item 8, Robinson's own Sundrye other most excellent...and Holy Obseruations collected after the finishing of this booke and originally comprised 750 pages.

[1598-1623, the Hall items no earlier than 1612].

The last page contained a note signed by Peter Manwood (probably Sir Peter Manwood (d.1625), MP for Sandwich in 1588, 1593 and 1597, knighted 1603), who records his receiving the volume as a legacie from his very good freinde Thomas Robinson, wch Mr Austyn Lynn his sonn in lawe dyd carefully sende him, and that he wrott itt in his house on St Mary hyll next Billingsgate [in London]. The complete volume was offered in G. Michelmore's sale catalogue No. 15 (January 1930), as item 161. It was then subsequently split up and offered as two items in their sale catalogue No. 21 (February 1933): the main portion as item 152; the Robinson Obseruations as item 301. The main portion (with the devotional tracts) was sold at Sotheby's, 11 April 1938, lot 459, with a facsimile of the title-page, and on 13-14 June 1955, lot 461, to Sawyer, with a facsimile of the cover in the sale catalogue.

Epistles. Decade III, Epistle 3. To Mr. Samuel Burton. A discourse of the trial and choice of the true religion

First published in Epistles, Vol. II (London, 1608). Wynter, VI, 191-8.

HlJ 42


In: A folio volume comprising some twenty-two religious prose works by Joseph Hall, all published between 1605 and 1623, closely written in a single neat secretary hand, with some titles ornamented, 137 leaves, imperfect at the end, in 18th-century quarter-calf marbled boards (rebacked).

Repeated references in titles to Josep: Hall now Bp. of Exon. indicate a date of transcription after 23 December 1627 and before 15 November 1641, when Hall became Bishop of Norwich. It was possibly copied out before 1633, since it contains his paraphrase on The Song of Songs following the text of the Geneva Bible (HlJ 57), a work which he revised following the text of the Authorized Version and incorporated in An Explication …of all the Hard Texts in the Old and New Testament (1633).

The last page of the MS (f. 137v) contains eight untitled religious aphorisms (beginning The law before or sauiour Christs time, was like the rod in Moses hand turned into a serpent…), but it is not clear whether these aphorisms, perhaps an afterthought of the scribe to fill up the volume, derive from Hall's works.


Sotheby's, 5 July 1977, lot 109.

Cited below as the Beal MS.

Epistles. Decade III, Epistle 8. To Mr. Rob. Hay. A discourse of the continual exercise of a Christian. how he may keep his heart from hardness and his ways from error

First published in Epistles, Vol. II (London, 1608). Wynter, VI, 208-10.

HlJ 43


In: A folio volume comprising some twenty-two religious prose works by Joseph Hall, all published between 1605 and 1623, closely written in a single neat secretary hand, with some titles ornamented, 137 leaves, imperfect at the end, in 18th-century quarter-calf marbled boards (rebacked).

Repeated references in titles to Josep: Hall now Bp. of Exon. indicate a date of transcription after 23 December 1627 and before 15 November 1641, when Hall became Bishop of Norwich. It was possibly copied out before 1633, since it contains his paraphrase on The Song of Songs following the text of the Geneva Bible (HlJ 57), a work which he revised following the text of the Authorized Version and incorporated in An Explication …of all the Hard Texts in the Old and New Testament (1633).

The last page of the MS (f. 137v) contains eight untitled religious aphorisms (beginning The law before or sauiour Christs time, was like the rod in Moses hand turned into a serpent…), but it is not clear whether these aphorisms, perhaps an afterthought of the scribe to fill up the volume, derive from Hall's works.


Sotheby's, 5 July 1977, lot 109.

Cited below as the Beal MS.

HlJ 44


In: A duodecimo miscellany principally of pious, holy Godly and Christian Letters, in a single italic hand, with (ff. 200r-5r) a Table, 209 leaves, in modern half-crushed morocco on cloth boards gilt.

Compiled by Nehemiah Wallington (1598-1658), puritan London turner and diarist.

Including (ff. 34r-51v) Some Epiesels or Letters of Ios Hall D of Diuinitie and Deane of Worchester in 1620, transcribed from the edition of Hall's collected works printed in 1620, with a note at the end Their be many more excellent letters in D Halls Booke which I let passe for preuitis sake.


Inscribed (f. 1v) Nehemiah Wallington his Booke 1650; (f. 5v) Nehemiah Wallington May 1650; (f. 205v) 1658 Iune ye xxiii By the marcy of God I haue read ouer this my Writing Booke which is Coppies of precious Lettres..., and (f. 209v) Nehemiah Wallington his Booke 1635. Also inscribed (f. 1v) by his son-in-law Ionathan Houghton September IX 1658.

Recorded in Paul S. Seaver, Wallington's World: A Puritan Artisan in Seventeenth-Century London (Stanford, 1985).

Epistles. Decade IV, Epistle 6. A discourse of the signs and proofs of a true faith

First published in Epistles, Vol. II (London, 1608). Wynter, VI, 231-4.

HlJ 45

Copy, headed Epistle 6. To Mistris A. P. A discourse of the Signes and proofes of true Faith.

In: A duodecimo miscellany principally of pious, holy Godly and Christian Letters, in a single italic hand, with (ff. 200r-5r) a Table, 209 leaves, in modern half-crushed morocco on cloth boards gilt.

Compiled by Nehemiah Wallington (1598-1658), puritan London turner and diarist.

Including (ff. 34r-51v) Some Epiesels or Letters of Ios Hall D of Diuinitie and Deane of Worchester in 1620, transcribed from the edition of Hall's collected works printed in 1620, with a note at the end Their be many more excellent letters in D Halls Booke which I let passe for preuitis sake.


Inscribed (f. 1v) Nehemiah Wallington his Booke 1650; (f. 5v) Nehemiah Wallington May 1650; (f. 205v) 1658 Iune ye xxiii By the marcy of God I haue read ouer this my Writing Booke which is Coppies of precious Lettres..., and (f. 209v) Nehemiah Wallington his Booke 1635. Also inscribed (f. 1v) by his son-in-law Ionathan Houghton September IX 1658.

Recorded in Paul S. Seaver, Wallington's World: A Puritan Artisan in Seventeenth-Century London (Stanford, 1985).

HlJ 45.5

Copy or extracts.

In: A folio volume comprising seven devotional tracts, in the accomplished hand of Thomas Robinson (d.1624), Mayor (in 1594) of Sandwich, Kent, who subscribes the first item Manu Script Thome Robinson, 367 folio leaves, in contemporary calf heavily gilt bearing the initials T R.

This MS volume originally included, as item 8, Robinson's own Sundrye other most excellent...and Holy Obseruations collected after the finishing of this booke and originally comprised 750 pages.

[1598-1623, the Hall items no earlier than 1612].

The last page contained a note signed by Peter Manwood (probably Sir Peter Manwood (d.1625), MP for Sandwich in 1588, 1593 and 1597, knighted 1603), who records his receiving the volume as a legacie from his very good freinde Thomas Robinson, wch Mr Austyn Lynn his sonn in lawe dyd carefully sende him, and that he wrott itt in his house on St Mary hyll next Billingsgate [in London]. The complete volume was offered in G. Michelmore's sale catalogue No. 15 (January 1930), as item 161. It was then subsequently split up and offered as two items in their sale catalogue No. 21 (February 1933): the main portion as item 152; the Robinson Obseruations as item 301. The main portion (with the devotional tracts) was sold at Sotheby's, 11 April 1938, lot 459, with a facsimile of the title-page, and on 13-14 June 1955, lot 461, to Sawyer, with a facsimile of the cover in the sale catalogue.

Epistles. Decade IV, Epistle 7. to Mr. Ed. Alleyne. A direction how to conceive of God in our devotions and meditations

First published in Epistles, Vol. II (London, 1608). Wynter, VI, 234-6.

HlJ 46


In: A folio volume comprising some twenty-two religious prose works by Joseph Hall, all published between 1605 and 1623, closely written in a single neat secretary hand, with some titles ornamented, 137 leaves, imperfect at the end, in 18th-century quarter-calf marbled boards (rebacked).

Repeated references in titles to Josep: Hall now Bp. of Exon. indicate a date of transcription after 23 December 1627 and before 15 November 1641, when Hall became Bishop of Norwich. It was possibly copied out before 1633, since it contains his paraphrase on The Song of Songs following the text of the Geneva Bible (HlJ 57), a work which he revised following the text of the Authorized Version and incorporated in An Explication …of all the Hard Texts in the Old and New Testament (1633).

The last page of the MS (f. 137v) contains eight untitled religious aphorisms (beginning The law before or sauiour Christs time, was like the rod in Moses hand turned into a serpent…), but it is not clear whether these aphorisms, perhaps an afterthought of the scribe to fill up the volume, derive from Hall's works.


Sotheby's, 5 July 1977, lot 109.

Cited below as the Beal MS.

Epistles. Decade IV. Epistle 10. To MR R. B. A complaint of the iniquity of the times

First published in Epistles, Vol. II (London, 1608). Wynter, VI, 240-3.

HlJ 46.5

Copy or extracts.

In: A folio volume comprising seven devotional tracts, in the accomplished hand of Thomas Robinson (d.1624), Mayor (in 1594) of Sandwich, Kent, who subscribes the first item Manu Script Thome Robinson, 367 folio leaves, in contemporary calf heavily gilt bearing the initials T R.

This MS volume originally included, as item 8, Robinson's own Sundrye other most excellent...and Holy Obseruations collected after the finishing of this booke and originally comprised 750 pages.

[1598-1623, the Hall items no earlier than 1612].

The last page contained a note signed by Peter Manwood (probably Sir Peter Manwood (d.1625), MP for Sandwich in 1588, 1593 and 1597, knighted 1603), who records his receiving the volume as a legacie from his very good freinde Thomas Robinson, wch Mr Austyn Lynn his sonn in lawe dyd carefully sende him, and that he wrott itt in his house on St Mary hyll next Billingsgate [in London]. The complete volume was offered in G. Michelmore's sale catalogue No. 15 (January 1930), as item 161. It was then subsequently split up and offered as two items in their sale catalogue No. 21 (February 1933): the main portion as item 152; the Robinson Obseruations as item 301. The main portion (with the devotional tracts) was sold at Sotheby's, 11 April 1938, lot 459, with a facsimile of the title-page, and on 13-14 June 1955, lot 461, to Sawyer, with a facsimile of the cover in the sale catalogue.

Epistles. Decade V, Epistle 5. To Sir Richard Lea, since deceased. Discoursing of the comfortable remedies of all afflictions

First published in Epistles, Vol. III (London, 1611). Wynter, VI, 260-3.

HlJ 47


In: A duodecimo miscellany principally of pious, holy Godly and Christian Letters, in a single italic hand, with (ff. 200r-5r) a Table, 209 leaves, in modern half-crushed morocco on cloth boards gilt.

Compiled by Nehemiah Wallington (1598-1658), puritan London turner and diarist.

Including (ff. 34r-51v) Some Epiesels or Letters of Ios Hall D of Diuinitie and Deane of Worchester in 1620, transcribed from the edition of Hall's collected works printed in 1620, with a note at the end Their be many more excellent letters in D Halls Booke which I let passe for preuitis sake.


Inscribed (f. 1v) Nehemiah Wallington his Booke 1650; (f. 5v) Nehemiah Wallington May 1650; (f. 205v) 1658 Iune ye xxiii By the marcy of God I haue read ouer this my Writing Booke which is Coppies of precious Lettres..., and (f. 209v) Nehemiah Wallington his Booke 1635. Also inscribed (f. 1v) by his son-in-law Ionathan Houghton September IX 1658.

Recorded in Paul S. Seaver, Wallington's World: A Puritan Artisan in Seventeenth-Century London (Stanford, 1985).

Epistles. Decade VI, Epistle 2. To Mr. T.S. Dedicated to Sir Fulke Grevill. Discoursing how we may use the world without danger

First published in Epistles, Vol. III, Part 2 (London, 1610). Wynter, VI, 283-5.

HlJ 48


In: A folio volume comprising some twenty-two religious prose works by Joseph Hall, all published between 1605 and 1623, closely written in a single neat secretary hand, with some titles ornamented, 137 leaves, imperfect at the end, in 18th-century quarter-calf marbled boards (rebacked).

Repeated references in titles to Josep: Hall now Bp. of Exon. indicate a date of transcription after 23 December 1627 and before 15 November 1641, when Hall became Bishop of Norwich. It was possibly copied out before 1633, since it contains his paraphrase on The Song of Songs following the text of the Geneva Bible (HlJ 57), a work which he revised following the text of the Authorized Version and incorporated in An Explication …of all the Hard Texts in the Old and New Testament (1633).

The last page of the MS (f. 137v) contains eight untitled religious aphorisms (beginning The law before or sauiour Christs time, was like the rod in Moses hand turned into a serpent…), but it is not clear whether these aphorisms, perhaps an afterthought of the scribe to fill up the volume, derive from Hall's works.


Sotheby's, 5 July 1977, lot 109.

Cited below as the Beal MS.

Epistles. Decade VI, Epistle 3. To Sir George Fleetwood. Of the remedies of sin, and motives to avoid it

First published in Epistles, Vol. III, Part 2 (London, 1610). Wynter, VI, 285-8.

HlJ 49


In: A duodecimo miscellany principally of pious, holy Godly and Christian Letters, in a single italic hand, with (ff. 200r-5r) a Table, 209 leaves, in modern half-crushed morocco on cloth boards gilt.

Compiled by Nehemiah Wallington (1598-1658), puritan London turner and diarist.

Including (ff. 34r-51v) Some Epiesels or Letters of Ios Hall D of Diuinitie and Deane of Worchester in 1620, transcribed from the edition of Hall's collected works printed in 1620, with a note at the end Their be many more excellent letters in D Halls Booke which I let passe for preuitis sake.


Inscribed (f. 1v) Nehemiah Wallington his Booke 1650; (f. 5v) Nehemiah Wallington May 1650; (f. 205v) 1658 Iune ye xxiii By the marcy of God I haue read ouer this my Writing Booke which is Coppies of precious Lettres..., and (f. 209v) Nehemiah Wallington his Booke 1635. Also inscribed (f. 1v) by his son-in-law Ionathan Houghton September IX 1658.

Recorded in Paul S. Seaver, Wallington's World: A Puritan Artisan in Seventeenth-Century London (Stanford, 1985).

An Explication by way of Paraphrase of all the Hard Texts in the Old and New Testament

See HlJ 57.

The Free Prisoner, or The Comfort of Restraint, written some while since in the Tower

An epistle beginning Sir, whiles you pitty my affliction, take heed lest you aggravate it.... First published in Three Tractates (London, 1646). Wynter, VI, 539-50.

HlJ 50

Copy, headed Bishop Hall vpon his emprisonmt, dated from the Tower 1641 and subscribed To my much respected & obliged freind mr A. B these.

In: A folio volume of Speeches in Parliamt and other speeches with seuerall letters of Concernmt being of great Antiquitie...And some other speeches and Letters relateing to these late distracted tymes, iv + 165 leaves, in calf gilt.

Entirely in the hand of John Hopkinson (1610-80), Yorkshire antiquary, of Lofthouse, near Leeds, and comprising Volume 18 of the Hopkinson MSS.


Signed bookplate of Frances Mary Richardson Currer (1785-1861), book collector, of Eshton Hall, West Yorkshire. Subsequently owned by her step-father Matthew Wilson.

Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, pp. 296-7.

The Great Impostor: Laid open in a Sermon at Gray's Inn, February 2, 1623

First published in London, 1623. Wynter, V, 158-73.

HlJ 51


In: A folio volume comprising some twenty-two religious prose works by Joseph Hall, all published between 1605 and 1623, closely written in a single neat secretary hand, with some titles ornamented, 137 leaves, imperfect at the end, in 18th-century quarter-calf marbled boards (rebacked).

Repeated references in titles to Josep: Hall now Bp. of Exon. indicate a date of transcription after 23 December 1627 and before 15 November 1641, when Hall became Bishop of Norwich. It was possibly copied out before 1633, since it contains his paraphrase on The Song of Songs following the text of the Geneva Bible (HlJ 57), a work which he revised following the text of the Authorized Version and incorporated in An Explication …of all the Hard Texts in the Old and New Testament (1633).

The last page of the MS (f. 137v) contains eight untitled religious aphorisms (beginning The law before or sauiour Christs time, was like the rod in Moses hand turned into a serpent…), but it is not clear whether these aphorisms, perhaps an afterthought of the scribe to fill up the volume, derive from Hall's works.


Sotheby's, 5 July 1977, lot 109.

Cited below as the Beal MS.

HlJ 51.5

Extracts, as by docter hall.

In: Miscellaneous sermon notes, compiled by Elizabeth Cornwallis, Lady of the Bedchamber to Queen Henrietta Maria. c.1635.

Among the family archives of Lord Braybrooke, of Audley End, Essex.

Heaven upon Earth

First published in London, 1606. Wynter, VI, 1-45. Edited by Rudolf Kirk, together with Characters of Virtues and Vices (New Brunswick, N.J., 1948).

HlJ 52


In: A folio volume comprising some twenty-two religious prose works by Joseph Hall, all published between 1605 and 1623, closely written in a single neat secretary hand, with some titles ornamented, 137 leaves, imperfect at the end, in 18th-century quarter-calf marbled boards (rebacked).

Repeated references in titles to Josep: Hall now Bp. of Exon. indicate a date of transcription after 23 December 1627 and before 15 November 1641, when Hall became Bishop of Norwich. It was possibly copied out before 1633, since it contains his paraphrase on The Song of Songs following the text of the Geneva Bible (HlJ 57), a work which he revised following the text of the Authorized Version and incorporated in An Explication …of all the Hard Texts in the Old and New Testament (1633).

The last page of the MS (f. 137v) contains eight untitled religious aphorisms (beginning The law before or sauiour Christs time, was like the rod in Moses hand turned into a serpent…), but it is not clear whether these aphorisms, perhaps an afterthought of the scribe to fill up the volume, derive from Hall's works.


Sotheby's, 5 July 1977, lot 109.

Cited below as the Beal MS.


The original Latin version first published in London, 1635. Wynter, X, 188-214. Wall's translation unpublished.

HlJ 53
MS of an English translation by Moses Wall, written for presentation to Elizabeth St John, 89 octavo leaves (plus some blanks), in contemporary calf gilt, stamped E S on each cover.

With a formal title-page, Henochisme: Or A Treatise Shewinge Howe to walke with God: Written in Latin by Ioseph Hall Bishop of Exeter And Translated into English By M: W:; a five-page dedicatory epistle to Hall; a seven-page presentation epistle to Mrs Elizabeth St John; and 75 pages of text; the presentation epistle in a very small hand, signed Moses Wall and dated Octob: 2. an. 1639, evidently in Wall's hand; all the rest in a neat secretary hand.


Inscribed (f. [ir]) Anne Bernard Her Book / Johanna.

Original Latin version first published London, 1635; Wynter, X, 188-207. Wall's translation unpublished.

Holy Observations

First published in London, 1607. Wynter, VII, 522-43.

HlJ 54


In: A folio volume comprising some twenty-two religious prose works by Joseph Hall, all published between 1605 and 1623, closely written in a single neat secretary hand, with some titles ornamented, 137 leaves, imperfect at the end, in 18th-century quarter-calf marbled boards (rebacked).

Repeated references in titles to Josep: Hall now Bp. of Exon. indicate a date of transcription after 23 December 1627 and before 15 November 1641, when Hall became Bishop of Norwich. It was possibly copied out before 1633, since it contains his paraphrase on The Song of Songs following the text of the Geneva Bible (HlJ 57), a work which he revised following the text of the Authorized Version and incorporated in An Explication …of all the Hard Texts in the Old and New Testament (1633).

The last page of the MS (f. 137v) contains eight untitled religious aphorisms (beginning The law before or sauiour Christs time, was like the rod in Moses hand turned into a serpent…), but it is not clear whether these aphorisms, perhaps an afterthought of the scribe to fill up the volume, derive from Hall's works.


Sotheby's, 5 July 1977, lot 109.

Cited below as the Beal MS.

HlJ 54.5

Extracts, beginning These things be comely....

In: A quarto commonplace book of notes and extracts, closely written in a small mixed hand, from both ends, 146 leaves (including blanks), in contemporary limp vellum.

Compiled possibly by one Thomas Parsons, whose name is subscribed to a letter on f. 92v.

The Honour of the Married Clergy Maintained

First published in London, 1620. Wynter, VIII, 480-630.

HlJ 54.8


In: A quarto miscellany of extracts chiefly from historical works, in Latin and English, in a single small mixed hand, compiled by one Thomas Gybbons, armiger, 237 leaves, in modern quarter-morocco gilt. Mid-late 17th century.
A Letter for the Observation of the Feast of Christ's Nativity

First published as A letter concerning Christmasse (London, 1659). Wynter, IX, 128-37.

HlJ 55

Copy, in double columns, headed Joseph Hall concerneinge the observation of Christmasse day.

In: A large folio volume of ecclesiastical and historical tracts, in a mixed hand, 418 pages (including numerous blanks, plus many blanks at the end), in modern calf. Early-mid-17th century.

Given by William Moore.

A Meditation of Death

See HlJ 9.

Meditations and Vows. Divine and Moral. Three Centuries

First published in London, 1605. Wynter, VII, 439-521.

HlJ 56


In: A folio volume comprising some twenty-two religious prose works by Joseph Hall, all published between 1605 and 1623, closely written in a single neat secretary hand, with some titles ornamented, 137 leaves, imperfect at the end, in 18th-century quarter-calf marbled boards (rebacked).

Repeated references in titles to Josep: Hall now Bp. of Exon. indicate a date of transcription after 23 December 1627 and before 15 November 1641, when Hall became Bishop of Norwich. It was possibly copied out before 1633, since it contains his paraphrase on The Song of Songs following the text of the Geneva Bible (HlJ 57), a work which he revised following the text of the Authorized Version and incorporated in An Explication …of all the Hard Texts in the Old and New Testament (1633).

The last page of the MS (f. 137v) contains eight untitled religious aphorisms (beginning The law before or sauiour Christs time, was like the rod in Moses hand turned into a serpent…), but it is not clear whether these aphorisms, perhaps an afterthought of the scribe to fill up the volume, derive from Hall's works.


Sotheby's, 5 July 1977, lot 109.

Cited below as the Beal MS.

HlJ 56.1

Extensive extracts, in secretary hands, annotated by the fourth Earl of Bedford, headed Dr. Halls book on meditations & vows.

In: A folio commonplace book, in an least two secretary hands, inscribed at one point (p. 133) Heere wee left 30th Nov. 1628, 238 pages, in remains of contemporary vellum.

Annotated in the rugged italic hand of Francis Russell, MP (1593-1641), fourth Earl of Bedford, politician.

HlJ 56.2

Extracts by Alice Thornton, headed Bpp: Halls Obseruations in his booke of Meditations And Vowes.

In: Autograph MS of the Autobiography of Alice Thornton, including some verses, 303 duodecimo pages, in contemporary calf gilt. c.1668.

Inscribed on a flyfeaf Ex Libris Tho. Comber De Creech St. Michael in Comitatu Somerset 1789. 1800. The Contents of this Book are written by the hand of Mrs Alice Thornton, the Great Great Grandmother of me Thomas Comber 1789. Owned in 1875 by a descendant of Alice Thornton, the Rev. Henry George Wandesford Comber, MA, Rector of Oswaldkirk. Sotheby's, 21 July 1980, lot 63, unsold. Sotheby's, 29 June 1982, lot 17, to Quaritch, with a facsimile example in the sale catalogue. Then owned by Paula Peyraud, New York State. Bloomsbury Auctions, New York, 6 May 2009, lot 464.

A microfilm of this MS is also in the British Library, RP 2346.

HlJ 56.3

Extracts, headed Doctor Halls meditations and beginning It were better a man should want a man answereable to their weight....

In: Copy of Certaine Collections of the Right honble: Elizabeth late Countesse of Huntingdon for her owne private vse, 31 quarto leaves (plus blanks), in contemporary vellum, gnawed by rodents.

A compilation of prayers and devotional meditations, in a single predominantly secretary hand.

HlJ 56.4

Extracts, headed Dr Halls meditations, & vowes, beginning It were better a man should want work then that great workes should want a man answereable to their weight...

In: Copy of Certaine Collections of the Right Honble: Elizabeth late Countesse of Huntingdon for her owne private vse, 33 quarto leaves (plus blanks), in contemporary vellum, heavily damp-stained.

A compilation of prayers and devotional meditations, transcribed in a professional rounded hand by or for Edward Sandys and with his dedicatory address For the now Rt Honble Elizabeth Countess of Huntingdon July 20th 1676.

HlJ 56.5

Extracts, headed Dr Halls meditations & vowes.

In: Copy of Certaine Collections of the Right Honble: Elizabeth late Countesse of Huntingdon for her owne private vse, 30 quarto leaves (plus blanks), in contemporary vellum, mutilated.

A compilation of prayers and devotional meditations, in a single rounded hand.

HlJ 56.6

Extracts, listing 57 items, beginning In meditation, they wch begin heavenly thoughts....

In: A quarto commonplace book of notes and extracts, closely written in a small mixed hand, from both ends, 146 leaves (including blanks), in contemporary limp vellum.

Compiled possibly by one Thomas Parsons, whose name is subscribed to a letter on f. 92v.

HlJ 56.8

Extracts, headed Dr: Halls medutations & vowes and beginning It were better a man should want worke then great workes should want a man....

In: Copy of Certaine Collections of the right honble: Elizabeth late Countesse of Huntingdon for her owne private vse, 29 quarto leaves (plus blanks), in vellum.

A compilation of prayers and devotional meditations, in a single mixed hand.


Discussed, with a facsimile of f. 1r, in Victoria E. Burke, Materiality and Form in the Seventeenth-Century Miscellanies of Anne Southwell, Elizabeth Hastings, and Jane Truesdale, EMS, 16 (2011), 219-41.

An Open and Plain Paraphrase upon the Song of Songs

First published in Salomon's Divine Arts (London, 1609). Later incorporated in An Explication by way of Paraphrase of all the Hard Texts in the Old and New Testament (London, 1633). Edited in Wynter, III, 290-316, as part of the latter work.

HlJ 57


In: A folio volume comprising some twenty-two religious prose works by Joseph Hall, all published between 1605 and 1623, closely written in a single neat secretary hand, with some titles ornamented, 137 leaves, imperfect at the end, in 18th-century quarter-calf marbled boards (rebacked).

Repeated references in titles to Josep: Hall now Bp. of Exon. indicate a date of transcription after 23 December 1627 and before 15 November 1641, when Hall became Bishop of Norwich. It was possibly copied out before 1633, since it contains his paraphrase on The Song of Songs following the text of the Geneva Bible (HlJ 57), a work which he revised following the text of the Authorized Version and incorporated in An Explication …of all the Hard Texts in the Old and New Testament (1633).

The last page of the MS (f. 137v) contains eight untitled religious aphorisms (beginning The law before or sauiour Christs time, was like the rod in Moses hand turned into a serpent…), but it is not clear whether these aphorisms, perhaps an afterthought of the scribe to fill up the volume, derive from Hall's works.


Sotheby's, 5 July 1977, lot 109.

Cited below as the Beal MS.

The Passion Sermon. Preached at Paul's Cross on Good-Friday, April 14, 1609

First published in London, 1609. Wynter, V, 24-54.

HlJ 58


In: A folio volume comprising some twenty-two religious prose works by Joseph Hall, all published between 1605 and 1623, closely written in a single neat secretary hand, with some titles ornamented, 137 leaves, imperfect at the end, in 18th-century quarter-calf marbled boards (rebacked).

Repeated references in titles to Josep: Hall now Bp. of Exon. indicate a date of transcription after 23 December 1627 and before 15 November 1641, when Hall became Bishop of Norwich. It was possibly copied out before 1633, since it contains his paraphrase on The Song of Songs following the text of the Geneva Bible (HlJ 57), a work which he revised following the text of the Authorized Version and incorporated in An Explication …of all the Hard Texts in the Old and New Testament (1633).

The last page of the MS (f. 137v) contains eight untitled religious aphorisms (beginning The law before or sauiour Christs time, was like the rod in Moses hand turned into a serpent…), but it is not clear whether these aphorisms, perhaps an afterthought of the scribe to fill up the volume, derive from Hall's works.


Sotheby's, 5 July 1977, lot 109.

Cited below as the Beal MS.

HlJ 58.5

Copy or extracts.

In: A folio volume comprising seven devotional tracts, in the accomplished hand of Thomas Robinson (d.1624), Mayor (in 1594) of Sandwich, Kent, who subscribes the first item Manu Script Thome Robinson, 367 folio leaves, in contemporary calf heavily gilt bearing the initials T R.

This MS volume originally included, as item 8, Robinson's own Sundrye other most excellent...and Holy Obseruations collected after the finishing of this booke and originally comprised 750 pages.

[1598-1623, the Hall items no earlier than 1612].

The last page contained a note signed by Peter Manwood (probably Sir Peter Manwood (d.1625), MP for Sandwich in 1588, 1593 and 1597, knighted 1603), who records his receiving the volume as a legacie from his very good freinde Thomas Robinson, wch Mr Austyn Lynn his sonn in lawe dyd carefully sende him, and that he wrott itt in his house on St Mary hyll next Billingsgate [in London]. The complete volume was offered in G. Michelmore's sale catalogue No. 15 (January 1930), as item 161. It was then subsequently split up and offered as two items in their sale catalogue No. 21 (February 1933): the main portion as item 152; the Robinson Obseruations as item 301. The main portion (with the devotional tracts) was sold at Sotheby's, 11 April 1938, lot 459, with a facsimile of the title-page, and on 13-14 June 1955, lot 461, to Sawyer, with a facsimile of the cover in the sale catalogue.

The Peace of Rome

First published in London, 1609. Wynter, VIII, 351-479.

HlJ 58.8


In: A quarto commonplace book of notes and extracts, closely written in a small mixed hand, from both ends, 146 leaves (including blanks), in contemporary limp vellum.

Compiled possibly by one Thomas Parsons, whose name is subscribed to a letter on f. 92v.

Pharisaism and Christianity: Compared and set forth in a Sermon at Paul's Cross, May 1, 1608

First published in London, 1608. Wynter, V, 1-23.

HlJ 59


In: A folio volume comprising some twenty-two religious prose works by Joseph Hall, all published between 1605 and 1623, closely written in a single neat secretary hand, with some titles ornamented, 137 leaves, imperfect at the end, in 18th-century quarter-calf marbled boards (rebacked).

Repeated references in titles to Josep: Hall now Bp. of Exon. indicate a date of transcription after 23 December 1627 and before 15 November 1641, when Hall became Bishop of Norwich. It was possibly copied out before 1633, since it contains his paraphrase on The Song of Songs following the text of the Geneva Bible (HlJ 57), a work which he revised following the text of the Authorized Version and incorporated in An Explication …of all the Hard Texts in the Old and New Testament (1633).

The last page of the MS (f. 137v) contains eight untitled religious aphorisms (beginning The law before or sauiour Christs time, was like the rod in Moses hand turned into a serpent…), but it is not clear whether these aphorisms, perhaps an afterthought of the scribe to fill up the volume, derive from Hall's works.


Sotheby's, 5 July 1977, lot 109.

Cited below as the Beal MS.

HlJ 59.5

Copy or extracts.

In: A folio volume comprising seven devotional tracts, in the accomplished hand of Thomas Robinson (d.1624), Mayor (in 1594) of Sandwich, Kent, who subscribes the first item Manu Script Thome Robinson, 367 folio leaves, in contemporary calf heavily gilt bearing the initials T R.

This MS volume originally included, as item 8, Robinson's own Sundrye other most excellent...and Holy Obseruations collected after the finishing of this booke and originally comprised 750 pages.

[1598-1623, the Hall items no earlier than 1612].

The last page contained a note signed by Peter Manwood (probably Sir Peter Manwood (d.1625), MP for Sandwich in 1588, 1593 and 1597, knighted 1603), who records his receiving the volume as a legacie from his very good freinde Thomas Robinson, wch Mr Austyn Lynn his sonn in lawe dyd carefully sende him, and that he wrott itt in his house on St Mary hyll next Billingsgate [in London]. The complete volume was offered in G. Michelmore's sale catalogue No. 15 (January 1930), as item 161. It was then subsequently split up and offered as two items in their sale catalogue No. 21 (February 1933): the main portion as item 152; the Robinson Obseruations as item 301. The main portion (with the devotional tracts) was sold at Sotheby's, 11 April 1938, lot 459, with a facsimile of the title-page, and on 13-14 June 1955, lot 461, to Sawyer, with a facsimile of the cover in the sale catalogue.

Quo Vadis? A Just Censure of Travel

First published in London, 1617. Wynter, IX, 525-62.

HlJ 59.8


In: A duodecimo notebook of extracts from English books, 85 leaves. Mid-17th century.
The Reconciler

First published in London, 1629. Wynter, VIII, 719-57.

See HlJ 103.

A Serious Dissuasive from Popery. To W.D. Revolted, &c

First published in The Peace of Rome (London, 1609). Wynter, VIII, 352-73.

HlJ 60


In: A folio volume comprising some twenty-two religious prose works by Joseph Hall, all published between 1605 and 1623, closely written in a single neat secretary hand, with some titles ornamented, 137 leaves, imperfect at the end, in 18th-century quarter-calf marbled boards (rebacked).

Repeated references in titles to Josep: Hall now Bp. of Exon. indicate a date of transcription after 23 December 1627 and before 15 November 1641, when Hall became Bishop of Norwich. It was possibly copied out before 1633, since it contains his paraphrase on The Song of Songs following the text of the Geneva Bible (HlJ 57), a work which he revised following the text of the Authorized Version and incorporated in An Explication …of all the Hard Texts in the Old and New Testament (1633).

The last page of the MS (f. 137v) contains eight untitled religious aphorisms (beginning The law before or sauiour Christs time, was like the rod in Moses hand turned into a serpent…), but it is not clear whether these aphorisms, perhaps an afterthought of the scribe to fill up the volume, derive from Hall's works.


Sotheby's, 5 July 1977, lot 109.

Cited below as the Beal MS.

Sermon on Psalms 41.4


HlJ 60.5

Extracts, headed Bish Exeter Can / Whithall April 1622.

In: A tall folio commonplace book of miscellaneous extracts, in a single hand, 139 leaves, in contemporary vellum.

Entirely in the rugged italic hand of Francis Russell, MP (1593-1641), fourth Earl of Bedford, politician.


Recorded in HMC, 2nd Report (1871), Appendix, p. 1. Recorded (as the Bedford MS) in Peter Beal, More Donne Manuscripts, John Donne Journal, 6/2 (1987), 213-18 (p. 213).

Sermon on Psalms 68.1

Unpublished sermon, beginning My Text is the King's Motto....

HlJ 61

Copy, headed The Text Eexurgat Deus disipetur mimici Let god arise let his Enemyes Bee Scattered ooop Psalme 68: 1: and beginning My Texte is the Kings Motto..., ascribed to Joseph Hall.

In: A MS volume of sermons, 48 folio leaves (plus 5 blanks).

In a semi-calligraphic hand, in black and red ink, by or associated with one Henry Feilde.


Sold by Winifred Myers, 21 December 1949.

Sermon on 2 Timothy 5. 3


HlJ 62

Extracts, in a mixed hand, annotated by the fourth Earl of Bedford, headed Notes out of a Sermon preacht at Court the 28 of ffebruary 1629 by Jos: Exon, called the hipocrite / The text: 2 Tim: 5: 3.

In: A tall folio commonplace book, chiefly of naval tracts and sermons, in two hands, begun 23 May 1629, 322 pages of text (plus numerous blanks), in contemporary calf gilt.

Partly in the rugged italic hand of Francis Russell, MP (1593-1641), fourth Earl of Bedford, politician, partly in the neat mixed hand of an amanuensis.


Recorded in HMC, 2nd Report (1871), Appendix, p. 1.

Via Media: The Way of Peace

First published 1619. Wynter, IX, 488-519.

HlJ 63

Extracts, in the hand of the fourth Earl of Bedford, headed Doctor Halles via media.

In: A folio commonplace book of extracts from devotional and miscellaneous works, largely in two secretary hands, 241 pages (plus 37 blank pages), in contemporary reversed calf with remains of metal clasps.

Partly written, and annotated, in the rugged italic hand of Francis Russell, MP (1593-1641), fourth Earl of Bedford, politician.


Recorded in HMC, 2nd Report (1871), Appendix, p. 1.

Dramatic Works

The Returne from Parnassus
HlJ 64
Copy, in a secretary hand, with a title-page, The progresse to Parnassus as it was acted in St John's Colledge in Cambridge Ano 160i, 26 quarto leaves, in late 18th-century half calf. c.1606.

Inscribed J. Symones Grays Inn 1795. Bookplate of John Towneley of Towneley, Lancashire. Sotheby's, 28 June 1883 (Towneley sale), lot 122, to James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89), literary scholar and book collector.

The third part of a trilogy, possibly partly written by Hall. This play was twice printed in Cambridge in 1606. For the first two parts see ShW 118. The whole trilogy is edited from the MS and printed sources by J.B. Leishman in The Three Parnassus Plays (1598-1601) (London, 1949).

Miscellaneous Extracts from Works by Hall

HlJ 65

Extracts from a sermon, in the hand of the fourth Earl of Bedford, headed Doctor Hall Salm 68: 19.

In: A folio commonplace book, in several hands, written from both ends, with a table of subject headings, begun 7 March 1624/5, 358 pages of text (plus blanks),

Chiefly in the rugged italic hand of Francis Russell, MP (1593-1641), fourth Earl of Bedford, politician, partly in the rounded secretary hand of an amanuensis and two others.


Recorded in HMC, 2nd Report (1871), Appendix, p. 1.

HlJ 66

Extracts, in a predominantly italic hand, annotated by the fourth Earl of Bedford, headed The Bishop of Exeters opinion touchinge mariage wth a sisters daughter.

In: A folio commonplace book, in several hands, begun 18 May 1626, written from both ends, with two tables of contents, 415 pages of text, in contemporary leather with traces of metal clasps.

Compiled by, and partly in the rugged italic hand of, Francis Russell, MP (1593-1641), fourth Earl of Bedford, politician.


Recorded in HMC, 2nd Report (1871), Appendix, p. 1.

HlJ 67

Extracts, headed Docter Hall dedication.

In: A tall folio commonplace book of miscellaneous extracts, in a single hand, 139 leaves, in contemporary vellum.

Entirely in the rugged italic hand of Francis Russell, MP (1593-1641), fourth Earl of Bedford, politician.


Recorded in HMC, 2nd Report (1871), Appendix, p. 1. Recorded (as the Bedford MS) in Peter Beal, More Donne Manuscripts, John Donne Journal, 6/2 (1987), 213-18 (p. 213).

HlJ 68

Extracts, in the hand of the fourth Earl of Bedford, headed Out of Hall.

In: A tall folio composite volume of state and antiquarian tracts and papers, in several hands, with a table of contents, 153 pages, in contemporary vellum.

Assembled by, and partly in the rugged italic hand of, Francis Russell, MP (1593-1641), fourth Earl of Bedford, politician.

Recorded in HMC, 2nd Report (1871), Appendix, p. 1.

HlJ 69

Extract from one of Hall's meditations.

In: A folio volume of state documents, speeches and verse, 284 leaves (plus blanks), in modern calf gilt.

Entirely in the hand of John Hopkinson (1610-80), Yorkshire antiquary, of Lofthouse, near Leeds, and comprising Volume 27 of the Hopkinson MSS. Chiefly transcribed from papers belonging to John Savile, Baron of Pontefract, and Edward Taylor, of Furnivall's Inn, Holborn.


Signed bookplate of Frances Mary Richardson Currer (1785-1861), book collector, of Eshton Hall, West Yorkshire. Subsequently owned by her step-father Matthew Wilson.

Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 298.

HlJ 70

Extracts from various of Hall's works, throughout the MS, including ff. 1r-28r, 44r-8r, 51r-7r, 67r.

In: A quarto miscellany of verse and prose, in possibly several hands, a cursive secretary hand predominating, ii + 77 leaves, imperfect, in contemporary limp vellum, within modern reversed calf.

Owned and possibly compiled by Richard Waferer, of Buckinghamshire (name on ff. 43r and 76v).


Also inscribed (f. ii) with names of Marth: Waferer and Walter Jesson.

HlJ 71

Extracts from works by Hall, including Quo Vadis, the Epistles, and Characters of Virtues and Vices, dated 1649.

In: An octavo notebook of extracts, in a single small mixed hand, written from both ends, 165 leaves, in contemporary calf.

Compiled by one William Bright, entitled ffragmenta hic omnigena è varijs excerpta authoribus ad priuatum existunt vsum WB ex anno 1644.


Inscribed also inside the lower cover Will: Bright Novemb 12th pretiu 8d 1645.

HlJ 73

Numerous extracts from various of Hall's works, including entries on pp. 7, 12, 15bis, 29, 34, 59, 69, 69bis, 77, 79bis, 84, 85, 102, 106, 132, 146, 168, 180, 185, 198, 207-9, 212, 224, 226, 228, 232, 272, 281, 290, 310, 382, 393, 395, 397, 404, 426, 449-50, 514-15, 560, 563, 577-8, 595, 618, and 634.

In: A folio commonplace book of entries arranged under subject headings, in a single hand, written from both ends, 652 pages (plus some unnumbered), in modern cloth. Mid-17th century.

A modern pencil note on a flyleaf claims to identify the compiler as one Raworth.

HlJ 74

Extracts from works by Hall, including extracts from Occasional Meditations, under subject headings (Time, Idlenesse, God is noe respecter of Persons, etc.).

In: A folio commonplace book of verse and prose, in a single neat hand. c.1666.

Among papers of the Sheridan family, of Frampton Court, Dorset.

HlJ 75

Extracts, headed Arguments agt Anabaptists out of Hall.

In: A small (?sextodecimo) pocket notebook, in probably a single small cursive mixed hand, 134 leaves (including blanks), in contemporary calf.

Compiled by Richard Brathwaite (1587/8-1673), poet, writer and Justice of Peace for Westmoreland.


Among the collections of Christopher Hunter (1675-1757), Durham antiquary and physician.

HlJ 76

Extracts from Joseph Hall 1st Vol, Books I -III, including examples in the MS ff. 1r-11, 30r-7.

In: A quarto commonplace book of extracts, proverbs and aphorisms, in a single secretary hand, 70 leaves, in vellum boards. c.1625.

Inscribed (f. 69v) this was one of mr edmond day booke and Mrs day gaue it me when he die. Bookplates of John Leevsay and of F.W. Cosens, FSA (1819-89), of Clapham Park, book collector.

HlJ 77

Extracts from Hall's Epistles.

In: A quarto commonplace book of notes and extracts, closely written in a small mixed hand, from both ends, 146 leaves (including blanks), in contemporary limp vellum.

Compiled possibly by one Thomas Parsons, whose name is subscribed to a letter on f. 92v.

HlJ 78

Extracts from works by Hall.

In: A formal commonplace book, with a running heading Things New & Old. c.1684 ?

Owned in 1684 by one Stephen Aldhouse, of Matlaske.

HlJ 79

Extracts, headed In ye remarques on ye Life of ye great Abraham Taken out of Bpp Hall being a discours made between Abraham & Isaac upon his goeing to be sacrificed.

In: A small quarto commonplace book of largely devotional verse and prose, in a single cursive hand, viii + 335 pages (including blanks, plus numerous others to p. [374]), in contemporary calf with remains of metal clasps.

Compiled by Thomas Fane (1683-1736), sixth Earl of Westmorland.

Early 18th century.
HlJ 80

Extracts from works by Hall.

In: A MS volume.
HlJ 81

Adapted verse extracts from works by Hall.

In: A quarto miscellany of verse and prose, in a single italic hand, entitled Gospell Obseruations & Religius manifestations, 370 pages, in contemporary calf.

Entirely in the hand of Robert Overton (1608/9-1678/9), parliamentarian army officer, whose signature appears on a flyleaf. Prepared as a memorial and tribute to his wife, Ann Gardiner (d.1665), and written when in prison, either on Jersey or in the Tower of London.


Inscribed inside the front cover Saml Atkins Wykeham and inside the rear cover 17 Feby 1879. Purchased this Book of Prescot Bookseller. Upper Arcade. Bristol...Edwd G. Doggett.

This volume discussed extensively, with facsimile examples (of pp. 85-6, 151-2, 162, 166, 190-2), in David Norbrook, This blushinge tribute of a borrowed muse: Robert Overton and his Overturning of the Poetic Canon, EMS, 4 (1993), 220-66.

HlJ 82

Extracts from works by Hall, including (f. 104r) That Different Judgmts may all center in Truth, subscribed Bp. Hall's laws of Consc: Epist to ye Reader, and Schismes, subscribed Bp Hall's Medit: cent: 2. Med: 53; (105v) extracts subscribed Dr Jos: Hall's Heaven upon Earth Sect: 8 and Bp Hall's Meditations lib: i. med: 62; and (f. 109v) extracts subscribed Bp Hall's Med: cent: 2 Med: 74.

In: A quarto composite commonplace book of extracts chiefly from religious works, in probably several hands, one predominating, ff. 115r-27r occupied by a sporadic journal for 1715-21 in later hands, 131 leaves (including blanks), in old half-calf.

Compiled by Dr Thomas Lewis (d.1746), of the Royal College of Physicians.

HlJ 83


In: A small quarto commonplace book of extracts, compiled by probably two members of the Fane family, Earls of Westmorland, of Apethorpe, Northamptonshire, 120 leaves. Mid-17th century.

Later owned by Professor A. Stanton Whitfield. Christie's, 8 October 1975, lot 271.


Episcopal Admonition, Sent in a Letter to the House of Commons, April 28, 1628

See HlJ 17-30.

*HlJ 85

Autograph letter signed, to Mrs Goring [or possibly Coring], 15 August [1608-16].

In: A folio composite volume of letters to William Sancroft (1617-93), Archbishop of Canterbury and manuscript collector.

Facsimile in Greg, English Literary Autographs, Plate LXXIX.

*HlJ 86
Autograph letter signed, to Lady Anne Drury, [c. January 1608/9?]. c.1609.
*HlJ 87

Autograph letter signed, to Dr Ward, from Waltham, 30 March 1618/19.

In: A folio collection of state papers, in various hands, 257 leaves, once in stamped calf, now disbound in folders.

Wynter, 503-4.

*HlJ 88
Autograph letter signed, to Sir Dudley Carlton, from Waltham, 25 April 1619. 1619.

Wynter, X, 505-6. Facsimile example in Petti, No. 51.

*HlJ 89
Autograph letter signed, to Sir Dudley Carleton, from Waltham, 22 September 1619 NS.

Wynter, X, 506.

HlJ 90

Copy by Thomas James of a letter sent to him by Hall, [1619].

In: A small narrow ledger-size volume of copies of letters, made by Thomas James (1572-1629), Bodley's Librarian, xix + 233 leaves (including blanks), in vellum boards. c.1620.
HlJ 91

Copy by Thomas James of a letter sent to him by Hall, from Emmanuel College, undated.

In: A small narrow ledger-size volume of copies of letters, made by Thomas James (1572-1629), Bodley's Librarian, xix + 233 leaves (including blanks), in vellum boards. c.1620.
HlJ 92

Copy by Thomas James of a letter sent to him by Hall, [1619].

In: A small narrow ledger-size volume of copies of letters, made by Thomas James (1572-1629), Bodley's Librarian, xix + 233 leaves (including blanks), in vellum boards. c.1620.
*HlJ 93

Autograph letter signed, to Dr Ward, from Waltham, 2 February (Candlemas Day), 1619/20.

In: A folio collection of state papers, in various hands, 257 leaves, once in stamped calf, now disbound in folders.

Wynter, X, 504-5.

*HlJ 94

Autograph letter signed, to Dr Ward, from Waltham, 14 July 1620.

In: A folio collection of state papers, in various hands, 257 leaves, once in stamped calf, now disbound in folders.

Wynter, X, 507.

*HlJ 95
Autograph letter signed, to Sir Edward Conway, from Waltham, 21 December 1623.

Wynter, X, 597-8.

*HlJ 96
Autograph letter signed, to Lady Huncks, from Waltham, 3 May 1624. 1624.

Wynter, X, 508.

HlJ 97
Copy of a letter by Valentine Cary, Hall's predecessor as Bishop of Exeter, dated 23 February 1624/5, with Hall's subscription endorsing Cary's Certificate regarding a school and teachers, itself subscribed and supported by the Dean and Chapter of Exeter Cathedral, all in a professional secretary hand, on both sides of a folio leaf. c.1625.
*HlJ 98
Autograph letter signed, to Lord Conway, from Waltham, 29 March 1627. 1627.

Wynter, X, 509.

*HlJ 99
Autograph letter signed by Hall, to Sir Henry Spelman, 21 September 1628. 1628.

Sotheby's, 14 April 1875, lot 612. Afterwards in the collection of Alfred Morrison (1821-97), manuscript and art collector. Subsequently in the collection of Carl H. Pforzheimer (1879-1957), financier and book collector.

Edited in The Carl H. Pforzheimer Library: English Literature 1475-1700 (New York, 1940), III, 1263-4.

*HlJ 100
Autograph letter signed, to Sir Richard Bulwer, from Exeter, 4 October 1628. 1628.

Wynter, X, 509-10.

*HlJ 101
Autograph letter signed, to Mr Mewtis, Clerk of the Council, from Exeter, 28 January 1629/30. 1630.

Wynter, X, 510-11.

*HlJ 102

Autograph letter signed, to Sir John Eliot, from Drury Lane, 6 February 1628/9.

In: A folio composite volume of state letters and papers, in various hands, 213 leaves (plus some blanks), in 19th-century diced calf gilt.

Volume 10 of the papers of Sir John Eliot (1592-1632), politician.

Among the papers of the Eliot family, Earls of St Germans, of Port Eliot, Cornwall.

*HlJ 103
Autograph letter signed, to Thomas Turner, Laud's chaplain, [?February 1628/9].

Giving Turner authority to omit certain passages in Hall's The Reconciler (published in London 1629).

*HlJ 104
Autograph letter signed, to the Lord Mayor of Exeter, 10 August 1629. 1629.
*HlJ 105
Autograph letter signed, to the Lord Mayor of Exeter, [1629]. 1629.
*HlJ 106
Autograph letter signed, to the Lord Mayor of Exeter, undated. 1629-1634.
*HlJ 107
Autograph letter signed, to the Lord Mayor of Exeter, 8 June [no year]. c.1629-34.
*HlJ 108
Autograph letter signed, to the Lord Mayor of Exeter, 4 September [no year]. c.1629-1634.
*HlJ 109
Autograph letter signed, to Bishop (later Archbishop) Laud, from Exeter, 8 May 1630.

Wynter, X, 511-13.

*HlJ 110
Autograph letter signed, to Bishop (later Archbishop) Laud, from Exeter, 14 May 1630. 1630.

Wynter, X, 513-14.

*HlJ 111
A joint letter to the Corporation of Exeter, in a professional secretary hand, signed by Hall and others, 19 July 1630. 1630.
*HlJ 112
Autograph letter signed, to Bishop (later Archbishop) Laud, from Exeter, 11 June 1631. 1631.

Wynter, X, 515-16.

HlJ 113

Copy of an epistle by Hall, in Latin, on the doctrine of Justus Lipsius, 25 February 1632/3.

In: A quarto volume of Latin ecclesiastical treatises, compiled by John Dury (1596-1680), preacher. c.1634.
*HlJ 114
Autograph letter signed, to Archbishop Laud, 31 December 1634.
*HlJ 115

Autograph letter signed, to Sir John Coke, 2 May 1636.

In: A folio composite volume of state letters and papers for 1636, in various hands, 93 leaves, in modern half red morocco.

Volume XLIII of the papers of Sir John Coke (1563-1644), Secretary of State.


Formerly owned by the Marquess of Lothian, at Melbourne Hall, Derbyshire. Recorded in HMC, 12th Report, Appendix II (1888), p. 116.

*HlJ 116
A petition signed by Hall, to King Charles I, 12 June 1636.
*HlJ 117
Letter signed by Hall, with others, supporrting a petition sent to the Privy Council by Western clothiers, January 1637/8. 1638.
*HlJ 118
Autograph letter signed, to Archbishop Laud, from Exeter, 10 November 1638. 1638.

Wynter, X, 517-19.

*HlJ 119
Autograph letter signed, to Archbishop Laud, from Exeter, 28 September 1639. 1639.

Wynter, X, 533-5 (from Prynne's Compleat History, and misdated 1629).

*HlJ 120
Autograph letter signed, to Archbishop Laud, from Exeter, 8 October 1639. 1639.

Wynter, X, 519-20.

*HlJ 121
Autograph letter signed, to Sir Dudley Carleton, from Exeter, 8 October 1639. 1639.

Wynter, X, 520.

*HlJ 122
Autograph letter signed, to Archbishop Laud, from Exeter, 12 October 1639. 1639.

Wynter, X, 535-6 (from Prynne's Compleat History).

*HlJ 123
Autograph letter signed, to Archbishop Laud, from Exeter, 28 October 1639.

Wynter, X, 537-9 (from Prynne's Compleat History).

*HlJ 124
Autograph letter signed, to Archbishop Laud, from Exeter, 16 November 1639.

Wynter, X, 540-1 (from Prynne's Compleat History).

*HlJ 125
Letter signed by Hall and by Sir Nicholas Martyn, to the Privy Council, 17 January 1639/40. 1640.
*HlJ 126
Autograph letter signed, to Archbishop Laud, from Exeter, 18 January 1639/40. 1640.

Wynter, X, 543-4 (from Prynne's Compleat History).

*HlJ 127
Autograph letter signed, to Archbishop Laud, from Exeter, sent with a draft of Certain Irrefragable Propositions (HlJ 12), received 30 January 1639/40.

Wynter, X, 541-2 (from Prynne's Compleat History).

*HlJ 128
Autograph letter or memorandum explaining the clauses stuck at in the oath appointed by the recent synod, 18 August 1640. 1640.
*HlJ 129

Autograph letter signed, to Sir Edward Nicholas, from Westminster, 10 December 1641.

In: A folio composite volume of correspondence of Sir Edward Nicholas (1593-1669), Secretary of State, in various hands, c.450 leaves.
*HlJ 130

Autograph letter signed by Hall, to the Rev. Edmunde Lynolde, pastor of Heling, near Grimsby, Lincolnshire, 14 August 1645.

Defending himself against Lynolde's accusations that Hall had done a great wrong to a fellow clergymam who had been unjustly sentenced in court; also with a revealing comment on Laud, who had been executed in the previous January, and notable comments on his own plight (having had his whole estate…seized by the Parliament …and…hauing not so much as a comptency allowed mee, as yet, for the necessary sustentaon of my family).

In: Edmund Lynolde's own MS compilation (consisting of 47 leaves).

Meditations Vnmused and Vowes Vnvoted In An Epistle written to Doctor Joseph Hall late Bishop of Exceter wherein he is argued for a great wrong done to A Man of His Owne Profession in ye late High Commission Court about an vniust and illegall sentence there passed.

*HlJ 131

Autograph letter signed by Hall, to an unidentified gentleman, from Norwich, 28 January 1646/7.

In: A folio composite volume of chiefly state letters and papers for 1646, in various hands, 826 leaves, now in two volumes, foliated 1-422 and 424-826 respectively.

Wynter, X, 520.

*HlJ 132
Autograph letter signed, to James Calthorp, 21 December 1649. 1649.

Facsimiles in British Literary Manuscripts Series I, ed. Verlyn Klinkenborg et al. (Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, 1981), No. 28, and in Seventeenth-Century British Nondramatic Poets, First Series, ed. M. Thomas Hester, DLB 121 (Detroit, 1992), p. 159.

HlJ 133

Copy in Fulman's hand of a letter by Hall, in Latin, to Dr Henry Hammond, from Higham, 1 July 1651.

In: A quarto volume of collections in the hand of William Fulman (1632-88), Oxford antiquary, 127 leaves. Mid-late 17th century.

Wynter, X, 525-7.

HlJ 134

Copy by Hopkinson of a letter by Hall to Thomas Fuller, from Higham, 30 August 1651.

In: A folio volume of state letters, 155 leaves, in modern calf gilt.

Entirely in the hand of John Hopkinson (1610-80), Yorkshire antiquary, of Lofthouse, near Leeds, and comprising Volume 19 of the Hopkinson MSS


Signed bookplate of Frances Mary Richardson Currer (1785-1861), book collector, of Eshton Hall, West Yorkshire. Subsequently owned by her step-father Matthew Wilson.

Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 297.

Wynter, X, 524-5 (from Fuller's Church History of Britain, p. 478).

*HlJ 135

Autograph letter signed by Hall, to a lady (a long letter of condolence on the death of her son), on four octavo pages, from Higham, 23 September 1651.


Holloway & Son, London, sale catalogue of Autographs and Manuscripts, [c.1870], item 294.

*HlJ 136

Autograph letter signed, to William Sancroft, 19 February [c.1655?].

In: A folio composite volume of letters to William Sancroft (1617-93), Archbishop of Canterbury and manuscript collector.

Facsimile example in Greg, English Literary Autographs, Plate LXXIX.

*HlJ 137

Autograph letter signed, to Anne Sadleir, from Higham, 23 April [no year].

In: A folio composite volume of letters and papers, in various hands and paper sizes, 86 items, in quarter-calf marbled boards.

The letters chiefly to Anne Sadleir, of Standon, some to her husband.

Donated by Anne Sadleir in 1669.

HlJ 138

Copy of an undated four-page epistle by Hall, headed The Bishop of Exceter his Apology vpon a Report that went of him to bee a fauourer of Puritans Written to a frind of his liuing at the Kings Court and beginning But can it bee thus? What? That a Divine of my Diocesse should so defile his owne nest…, in an italic hand.

In: A folio guardbook of state letters and papers, in various hands and paper sizes, 70 items, 139 leaves.

Among the papers of the Phelips family, of Montacute House, Somerset.

Recorded in HMC, 1st Report (1870), Appendix, p. 58.


*HlJ 139
Hall's partly autograph and signed last will and testament, dated 21 July 1654, emended on 7 September 1656, and proved 18 September 1656. 1656.

Wynter, I, lxxvii-lxxxi.

HlJ 140
Probate copy of Hall's last will and testament, made by him on 21 July 1654, emended 7 September 1656, and proved 18 September 1656.
HlJ 141
Registered copy of Hall's last will and testament, made by him on 21 July 1654, emended 7 September 1656, and proved 18 September 1656. 1656.