Cambridge University Library, Additional MSS 5000 through 6999

MS Add. 5355

A collection of prayers, in black and red ink, on interleaves inserted throughout an exemplum of the Psalter from the Book of Common Prayer (1633), in contemporary calf gilt (rebacked).

Apparently compiled by Anthony Sparrow (c.1611-85), Bishop of Exeter and Norwich.

Mid-late 17th century.

Inscribed (f. 132v) Thomas Priest His Book, 1709 and, on a flyleaf, W. D. T. Overbery To the Rev. le Brydges. Ex libris Guy Fielden, 10/10/06. Bookplate of Canon George Becker Blomfield, of Hollington Hall, Chester. Acquired from G. David, 1913.

TaJ 125: Jeremy Taylor, Extracts ('')

Copies of, and extracts from, various prayers by Jeremy Taylor.

MS Add. 5778

A folio volume; ff. 5r-80v constituting a collection of 97 poems by Donne, in a neat mixed hand; the text possibly derived from the same source as Leconfield MS (DnJ Δ 5); ff. 81r-7r containing poems by various writers (including three by Donne) in two other 17th-century hands, 133 leaves in all, in contemporary calf gilt.


The volume later used extensively as a notebook by Dr William Balam (1651-1726), of Ely, Cambridgeshire, filling up ff. 87v-134 (and compare Balam's annotated MSS DnJ Δ 16, DnJ Δ 57, and a miscellany of Robert Stonehouse, dated 10 March 1681/2: Cambridge University Library, MS Add. 5779).

Inscribed on the cover in a 17th-century hand [Thes?] for [Mr Coote?] Att his legeinge in bow street next to bull Couent garden. Donated to the library in 1916 by Geoffrey Keynes.

Cited in IELM as Cambridge Balam MS: DnJ Δ 4. Discussed in H.J.L. Robbie, An Undescribed MS of Donne's Poems, RES, 3 (1927), 415-19.

ff. 5r-12r
DnJ 1659: John Donne, Infinitati Sacrum. 16 Augusti 1601 Metempsychosis ('I sing the progresse of a deathlesse soule')

This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 293-316. Milgate, Satires, pp. 25-46. Shawcross, No. 158.

ff. 12r-13r
DnJ 759: John Donne, La Corona ('Deigne at my hands this crown of prayer and praise')

Copy of the sequence of seven sonnets.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 318-21. Gardner, Divine Poems, pp. 1-5. Shawcross, No. 160.

f. 13v
DnJ 212: John Donne, As due by many titles I resigne

Copy, under a general heading Sonnets Holy and numbered 1.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. I, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 322 (as Holy Sonnets. I). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 6. Shawcross, No. 162. Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), pp. 5, 11, 21, 103 (in four sequences).

f. 13v
DnJ 2474: John Donne, Oh, my blacke Soule! now thou art summoned

Copy, numbered 2.

This MS collated in Grierson and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. II, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 323 (as Holy Sonnets. IV). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 7. Shawcross, No. 163. Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), pp. 7, 21, 104 (in three sequences).

f. 13v
DnJ 3132: John Donne, This is my playes last scene, here heavens appoint

Copy, numbered 3.

This MS collated in Grierson and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. III, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 324 (as Holy Sonnets. VI). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 7. Shawcross, No. 164. Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), pp. 7, 22, 105 (in three sequences).

f. 14r
DnJ 1613: John Donne, If poysonous mineralls, and if that tree

Copy, numbered 5.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. V, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 326 (as Holy Sonnets. IX). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 8. Shawcross, No. 166. Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), pp. 9, 15, 23, 107 (in four sequences).

f. 14r
DnJ 227: John Donne, At the round earths imagin'd corners, blow

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. IV, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 325 (as Holy Sonnets. VII). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 8. Shawcross, No. 165. Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), pp. 8, 14, 22, 106 (in four sequences).

f. 14r
DnJ 877: John Donne, Death be not proud, though some have called thee

Copy, numbered 6.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. VI, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 326 (as Holy Sonnets. X). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 9. Shawcross, No. 167. Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), pp. 10, 16, 23, 107 (in four sequences).

f. 14v
DnJ 3037: John Donne, Spit in my face you Jewes, and pierce my side

Copy, numbered 7.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. VII, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 327 (as Holy Sonnets. XI). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 9. Shawcross, No. 168.

f. 14v
DnJ 3875: John Donne, Why are wee by all creatures waited on?

Copy, numbered 8.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. VIII, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 327 (as Holy Sonnets. XII). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 10. Shawcross, No. 169.

f. 14v
DnJ 3864: John Donne, What if this present were the worlds last night?

Copy, numbered 9.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. IX, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 328 (as Holy Sonnets. XIII). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 10. Shawcross, No. 170.

f. 15r
DnJ 326: John Donne, Batter my heart, three person'd God. for, you

Copy, numbered 10.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. X, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 328 (as Holy Sonnets. XIV). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 11. Shawcross, No. 171. Variorum, 7, Pt 1 (2005), pp. 18, 25.

f. 15r
DnJ 3933: John Donne, Wilt thou love God, as he thee! then digest

Copy, numbered 11.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. XI, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 329 (as Holy Sonnets. XV). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 11. Shawcross, No. 172.

f. 15r
DnJ 1290: John Donne, Father, part of his double interest

Copy, numbered 12.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. XII, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 329 (as Holy Sonnets. XVI). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 12. Shawcross, No. 173. Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), pp. 6, 12, 26, 110 (in four sequences).

ff. 15v-16v
DnJ 2726: John Donne, Satyre I ('Away thou fondling motley humorist')


This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 145-9. Milgate, Satires, pp. 3-6. Shawcross, No. 1.

ff. 16v-18r
DnJ 2755: John Donne, Satyre II ('Sir. though (I thank God for it) I do hate')


This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 149-54. Milgate, Satires, pp. 7-10. Shawcross, No. 2.

ff. 18r-19r
DnJ 2788: John Donne, Satyre III ('Kinde pitty chokes my spleene. brave scorn forbids')


This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 154-8. Milgate, Satires, pp. 10-14. Shawcross, No. 3.

ff. 19r-22r
DnJ 2817: John Donne, Satyre IV ('Well. I may now receive, and die. My sinne')


This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 158-68. Milgate, Satires, pp. 14-22. Shawcross, No. 4.

ff. 22r-3v
DnJ 2851: John Donne, Satyre V ('Thou shalt not laugh in this leafe, Muse, nor they')


This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published (in full) in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 168-71. Milgate, Satires, pp. 22-5. Shawcross, No. 5.

ff. 23v-5r
DnJ 359: John Donne, The Bracelet ('Not that in colour it was like thy haire')

Copy, headed Elegie. 1st.

Edited from this MS in Gardner. Collated in Shawcross.

First published, as Eleg. XII. The Bracelet, in Poems (1635). Grierson, I, 96-100 (as Elegie XI). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 1-4. Shawcross, No. 8. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 5-7.

f. 25r-v
DnJ 3157: John Donne, To his Mistris Going to Bed ('Come, Madam, come, all rest my powers defie')

Copy, headed Elegie. 2d.

Edited from this MS in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (London, 1669). Grierson, I, 119-21 (as Elegie XIX. Going to Bed). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 14-16. Shawcross, No. 15. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 163-4.

The various texts of this poem discussed in Randall McLeod, Obliterature: Reading a Censored Text of Donne's To his mistress going to bed, EMS, 12: Scribes and Transmission in English Manuscripts 1400-1700 (2005), 83-138.

ff. 25v-6r
DnJ 1670: John Donne, Jealosie ('Fond woman, which would'st have thy husband die')

Copy, headed Elegie. 3d.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Elegie I, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 79-80 (as Elegie I). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 9-10. Shawcross, No. 11.

ff. 26r-7r
DnJ 33: John Donne, The Anagram ('Marry, and love thy Flavia, for, shee')

Copy, headed Elegye 4th.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published as Elegie II in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 80-2 (as Elegie II). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 21-2. Shawcross, No. 17. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 217-18.

f. 27r-v
DnJ 609: John Donne, Change ('Although thy hand and faith, and good workes too')

Copy, headed Elegye 5th.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Elegie III, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 82-3 (as Elegie III). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 19-20. Shawcross, No. 16. Variorum, 2 (2000), p. 198.

ff. 27v-8v
DnJ 2539: John Donne, The Perfume ('Once, and but once found in thy company')

Copy, headed Elegie 6th.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Elegie IV, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 84-6 (as Elegie IV). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 7-9. Shawcross, No. 10. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 72-3.

ff. 28v-9r
DnJ 1519: John Donne, His Picture ('Here take my picture. though I bid farewell')

Copy, headed Elegye 7th.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published as Elegie V in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 86-7 (as Elegie V). Gardner, Elegies, p. 25. Shawcross, No. 19. Variorum, 2 (2000), p. 264.

f. 29r
DnJ 1030: John Donne, Elegie on the L.C. ('Sorrow, who to this house scarce knew the way')

Copy, headed Elegye 8th.

This MS collated Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Elegie VI, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 287. Gardner, Elegies, p. 26 (as A Funeral Elegy). Variorum, 6 (1995), p. 103, as Elegia.

ff. 29r-30r
DnJ 2433: John Donne, Oh, let mee not serve so, as those men serve

Copy, headed Elegye 9th.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Elegie VII, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 87-9 (as Elegie VI). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 10-11. Shawcross, No. 12. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 110-11.

f. 30r-v
DnJ 2186: John Donne, Loves Warre ('Till I have peace with thee, warr other men')

Copy, headed Elegie 10th.

Edited from this MS in Gardner; collated in Shawcross.

First published in F.G. Waldron, A Collection of Miscellaneous Poetry (London, 1802), pp. 1-2. Grierson, I, 122-3 (as Elegie XX). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 13-14. Shawcross, No. 14. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 142-3.

ff. 30v-1v
DnJ 2490: John Donne, On his Mistris ('By our first strange and fatall interview')

Copy, headed Elegie 11th.

Edited from this MS in Gardner; collated in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1635). Grierson, I, 111-13 (as Elegie XVI). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 23-4. Shawcross, No. 18. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 246-7.

f. 31v
DnJ 2324: John Donne, Natures lay Ideot, I taught thee to love

Copy, headed Elegie. 12th.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Elegie VIII, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 89-90 (as Elegie VII). Gardner, Elegies, p. 12. Shawcross, No. 13. Variorum, 2 (2000), p. 127.

ff. 32r-3r
DnJ 2125: John Donne, Loves Progress ('Who ever loves, if he do not propose')

Copy, headed Elegie 13th.

Edited from this MS in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Wit and Drollery (London, 1661). Poems (London, 1669) (as Elegie XVIII). Grierson, I, 116-19. (as Elegie XVIII). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 16-19. Shawcross, No. 20. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 301-3.

ff. 33r-4r
DnJ 3049: John Donne, The Storme ('Thou which art I, ('tis nothing to be soe)')

This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published (in full) in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 175-7. Milgate, Satires, pp. 55-7. Shawcross, No. 109.

ff. 34r-5r
DnJ 536: John Donne, The Calme ('Our storme is past, and that storms tyrannous rage')


This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 178-80. Milgate, Satires, pp. 57-9. Shawcross, No. 110.

ff. 35r-6r
DnJ 3476: John Donne, To Sr Henry Wotton ('Sir, more then kisses, letters mingle Soules')


This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 180-2. Milgate, Satires, pp. 71-3. Shawcross, No. 112.

ff. 36r-7r
DnJ 777: John Donne, The Crosse ('Since Christ embrac'd the Crosse it selfe, dare I')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 331-3. Gardner, Divine Poems, pp. 26-8. Shawcross, No. 181.

ff. 37r-8r
DnJ 1053: John Donne, Elegie on the Lady Marckham ('Man is the World, and death th' Ocean')


This MS collated in Shawcross and in Milgate.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 279-81. Shawcross, No. 149. Milgate, Epithalamions, pp. 55-9. Variorum, 6 (1995), pp. 112-13.

ff. 38r-9r
DnJ 997: John Donne, Elegie on Mris Boulstred ('Death I recant, and say, unsaid by mee')


This MS collated in Shawcross and in Milgate.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 282-4. Shawcross, No. 150. Milgate, Epithalamions, p. 59-61. Variorum, 6 (1995), pp. 129-30.

f. 39r-v
DnJ 3424: John Donne, To Sr Henry Goodyere ('Who makes the Past, a patterne for next yeare')


This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 183-4. Milgate, Satires, pp. 78-9. Shawcross, No. 130.

ff. 39v-40r
DnJ 3273: John Donne, To Mr Rowland Woodward ('Like one who'in her third widdowhood doth professe')


This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 185-6. Milgate, Satires, pp. 69-70. Shawcross, No. 113.

f. 40r-v
DnJ 3444: John Donne, To Sr Henry Wootton ('Here's no more newes then vertue, I may as well')


This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 187-8. Milgate, Satires, pp. 73-4. Shawcross, No. 111.

ff. 40v-1r
DnJ 3518: John Donne, To the Countesse of Bedford ('Reason is our Soules left hand, Faith her right')


This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 189-90. Milgate, Satires, pp. 90-1. Shawcross, No. 134.

ff. 41r-2r
DnJ 3546: John Donne, To the Countesse of Bedford ('You have refin'd mee, and to worthyest things')


This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 191-3. Milgate, Satires, pp. 91-4. Shawcross, No. 137.

f. 42r-v
DnJ 3392: John Donne, To Sr Edward Herbert, at Julyers ('Man is a lumpe, where all beasts kneaded bee')


This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 193-5. Milgate, Satires, pp. 80-1. Shawcross, No. 140.

ff. 42v-3r
DnJ 129: John Donne, The Annuntiation and Passion ('Tamely, fraile body, 'abstaine to day. to day')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 334-6. Gardner, Divine Poems, pp. 29-30 (as Upon the Annunciation and Passion falling upon one day. 1608). Shawcross, No. 183.

ff. 43v-4r
DnJ 1410: John Donne, Goodfriday, 1613. Riding Westward ('Let mans Soule be a spheare, and then, in this')


This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 336-7. Gardner, Divine Poems, pp. 30-1. Shawcross, No. 185.

ff. 44r-5r
DnJ 1861: John Donne, A Letter to the Lady Carey, and Mrs Essex Riche, From Amyens ('Here where by All All Saints invoked are')


This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 221-3. Milgate, Satires, pp. 105-7. Shawcross, No. 142.

ff. 45r-6r
DnJ 3577: John Donne, To the Countesse of Salisbury. August. 1614 ('Faire, great, and good, since seeing you, wee see')


This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 224-6. Milgate, Satires, pp. 107-10. Shawcross, No. 145.

ff. 46r-9v
DnJ 1923: John Donne, The Litanie ('Father of Heaven, and him, by whom')

Copy, headed The Letanye with To Sr: Tho: Roe added in a different ink.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 338-48. Gardner, Divine Poems, pp. 16-26. Shawcross, No. 184.

ff. 49v-50r
DnJ 2276: John Donne, The Message ('Send home my long strayd eyes to mee')

Copy, headed Songe.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 43. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 30-1. Shawcross, No. 25.

f. 50r-v
DnJ 288: John Donne, The Baite ('Come live with mee, and bee my love')

Copy, untitled.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in William Corkine, Second Book of Ayres (London, 1612). Grierson, I, 46-7. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 32-3. Shawcross, No. 27.

f. 50v
DnJ 170: John Donne, The Apparition ('When by thy scorne, O murdresse, I am dead')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 47-8. Gardner, Elegies, p. 43. Shawcross, No. 28.

ff. 50v-1r
DnJ 475: John Donne, The broken heart ('He is starke mad, who ever sayes')

Copy, headed Songe.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

Lines 1-16 first published in A Helpe to Memory and Discourse (London, 1630), pp. 45-6. Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 48-9. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 51-2. Shawcross, No. 29.

f. 51r-v
DnJ 1787: John Donne, A Lecture upon the Shadow ('Stand still, and I will read to thee')

Copy, untitled.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Song, in Poems (1635). Grierson, I, 71-2. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 78-9. Shawcross, No. 30.

ff. 51v-2r
DnJ 3713: John Donne, A Valediction: forbidding mourning ('As virtuous men passe mildly away')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 49-51. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 62-4. Shawcross, No. 31.

f. 52r-v
DnJ 1435: John Donne, The good-morrow ('I wonder by my troth, what thou, and I')

Copy, untitled.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 7-8. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 70-1. Shawcross, No. 32.

ff. 52v-3r
DnJ 2900: John Donne, Song ('Goe, and catche a falling starre')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 8-9. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 29-30. Shawcross, No. 33.

f. 53r
DnJ 3972: John Donne, Womans constancy ('Now thou hast lov'd me one whole day')

Copy, untitled.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 9. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 42-3. Shawcross, No. 34.

f. 53r-v
DnJ 946: John Donne, The Dreame ('Image of her whom I love')

Copy, untitled.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Elegie, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 95 (as Elegie X). Gardner, Elegies, p. 58. Shawcross, No. 35.

ff. 53v-4r
DnJ 3090: John Donne, The Sunne Rising ('Busie old foole, unruly Sunne')

Copy, headed To the Sunne.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 11-12. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 72-3. Shawcross, No. 36.

f. 54r
DnJ 1631: John Donne, The Indifferent ('I can love both faire and browne')

Copy, headed Songe.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 12-13. Gardner, Divine Poems, pp. 41-2. Shawcross, No. 37.

f. 54r-v
DnJ 2162: John Donne, Loves Usury ('For every houre that thou wilt spare mee now')

Copy, untitled.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 13-14. Gardner, Elegies, p. 44. Shawcross, No. 38.

ff. 54v-5r
DnJ 575: John Donne, The Canonization ('For Godsake hold your tongue, and let me love')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 14-15. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 73-5. Shawcross, No. 39.

f. 55r-v
DnJ 3606: John Donne, The triple Foole ('I am two fooles, I know')

Copy, headed Song.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 16. Gardner, Elegies, p. 52. Shawcross, No. 40.

ff. 55v-6r
DnJ 2230: John Donne, Lovers infinitenesse ('If yet I have not all thy love')

Copy, untitled.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 17-18. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 77-8. Shawcross, No. 41.

f. 56r-v
DnJ 2987: John Donne, Song ('Sweetest love, I do not goe')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 18-19. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 31-2. Shawcross, No. 42.

ff. 56v-7r
DnJ 1819: John Donne, The Legacie ('When I dyed last, and, Deare, I dye')

Copy, headed Song.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 20. Gardner, Elegies, p. 50. Shawcross, No. 43.

f. 57r
DnJ 1308: John Donne, A Feaver ('Oh doe not die, for I shall hate')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 21. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 61-2. Shawcross, No. 44.

f. 57v
DnJ 6: John Donne, Aire and Angels ('Twice or thrice had I loved thee')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 22. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 75-6. Shawcross, No. 45.

ff. 57v-8r
DnJ 417: John Donne, Breake of day (''Tis true, 'tis day. what though it be?')

Copy, untitled.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in William Corkine, Second Book of Ayres (London, 1612), sig. B1v. Grierson, I, 23. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 35-6. Shawcross, No. 46.

f. 58r-v
DnJ 103: John Donne, The Anniversarie ('All Kings, and all their favorites')

Copy, untitled.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 24-5. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 71-2. Shawcross, No. 48.

ff. 58v-9v
DnJ 3767: John Donne, A Valediction: of my name, in the window ('My name engrav'd herein')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 25-8. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 64-6. Shawcross, No. 49.

ff. 59v-60v
DnJ 243: John Donne, The Autumnall ('No Spring, nor Summer Beauty hath such grace')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Elegie. The Autumnall, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 92-4 (as Elegie IX). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 27-8. Shawcross, No. 50. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 277-8.

f. 60v
DnJ 3642: John Donne, Twicknam garden ('Blasted with sighs, and surrounded with teares')

Copy, untitled.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 28-9. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 83-4. Shawcross, No. 51.

f. 61r-v
DnJ 3798: John Donne, A Valediction: of the booke ('I'll tell thee now (deare Love) what thou shalt doe')


This MS collated in Grierson and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 29-32. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 67-9. Shawcross, No. 52.

ff. 61v-2r
DnJ 648: John Donne, Communitie ('Good wee must love, and must hate ill')

Copy, untitled.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 32-3. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 33-4. Shawcross, No. 53.

f. 62r-v
DnJ 2095: John Donne, Loves growth ('I scarce beleeve my love to be so pure')

Copy, headed Springe.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 33-4. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 76-7. Shawcross, No. 54.

ff. 62v-3r
DnJ 2073: John Donne, Loves exchange ('Love, any devill else but you')

Copy, untitled.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 34-5. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 46-7. Shawcross, No. 55.

f. 63r-v
DnJ 733: John Donne, Confined Love ('Some man unworthy to be possessor')

Copy, untitled.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 36. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 34-5. Shawcross, No. 56.

ff. 63v-4r
DnJ 916: John Donne, The Dreame ('Deare love, for nothing lesse then thee')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 37-8. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 79-80. Shawcross, No. 57.

f. 64r-v
DnJ 3826: John Donne, A Valediction: of weeping ('Let me powre forth')

Copy, headed Valediction.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 38-9. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 69-70. Shawcross, No. 58.

ff. 64v-5r
DnJ 1950: John Donne, Loves Alchymie ('Some that have deeper digg'd loves Myne then I')

Copy, headed Mummie.

This MS collated Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 39-40. Gardner, Elegies, p. 81. Shawcross, No. 59.

f. 65r
DnJ 1343: John Donne, The Flea ('Marke but this flea, and marke in this')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 40-1. Gardner, Elegies, p. 53. Shawcross, No. 60.

f. 65r-v
DnJ 809: John Donne, The Curse ('Who ever guesses, thinks, or dreames he knowes')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 41-2. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 40-1. Shawcross, No. 61.

ff. 65v-7
DnJ 1246: John Donne, The Extasie ('Where, like a pillow on a bed')


This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 51-3. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 59-61. Shawcross, No. 62.

f. 67r
DnJ 3688: John Donne, The undertaking ('I have done one braver thing')

Copy, untitled.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 10. Gardner, Elegies, p. 57. Shawcross, No. 63.

f. 67v
DnJ 1988: John Donne, Loves Deitie ('I long to talke with some old lovers ghost')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 54. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 47-8. Shawcross, No. 64.

ff. 67v-8r
DnJ 2026: John Donne, Loves diet ('To what a combersome unwieldinesse')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 55-6. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 45-6. Shawcross, No. 65.

ff. 68v-9r
DnJ 3888: John Donne, The Will ('Before I sigh my last gaspe, let me breath')

Copy of a five-stanza version.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 56-8. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 54-5. Shawcross, No. 66.

f. 69r-v
DnJ 1385: John Donne, The Funerall ('Who ever comes to shroud me, do not harme')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 58-9. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 90-1. Shawcross, No. 67.

ff. 69v-70r
DnJ 337: John Donne, The Blossoms ('Little think'st thou, poore flower')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 59-60. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 87-8. Shawcross, No. 68.

f. 70r-v
DnJ 2603: John Donne, The Primrose ('Upon this Primrose hill')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 61-2. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 88-9. Shawcross, No. 69.

ff. 70v-1r
DnJ 2680: John Donne, The Relique ('When my grave is broke up againe')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 62-3. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 89-90. Shawcross, No. 70.

f. 71r-v
DnJ 849: John Donne, The Dampe ('When I am dead, and Doctors know not why')


This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 63-4. Gardner, Elegies, p. 49. Shawcross, No. 71.

ff. 71v-3
DnJ 1162: John Donne, An Epithalamion, Or mariage Song on the Lady Elizabeth, and Count Palatine being married on St. Valentines day ('Haile Bishop Valentine, whose day this is')


This MS collated in Shawcross and in Milgate.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 127-31. Shawcross, No. 107. Milgate, Epithalamions, pp. 6-10. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 108-10.

ff. 73r-7r
DnJ 975: John Donne, Ecclogue. 1613. December 26 ('Unseasonable man, statue of ice')

Copy, complete with the 11-poem Epithalamion.

This MS collated in Shawcross and in Milgate.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 131-44. Shawcross, No. 108. Milgate, Epithalamions, pp. 10-19 (as Epithalamion at the Marriage of the Earl of Somerset). Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 133-9.

ff. 77r-80v
DnJ 2410: John Donne, Obsequies to the Lord Harrington, brother to the Lady Lucy, Countesse of Bedford ('Faire soule, which wast, not onely, as all soules bee')


This MS collated in Shawcross and in Milgate.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 271-9. Shawcross, No. 153. Milgate, Epithalamions, pp. 66-74. Variorum, 6 (1995), pp. 177-82.

f. 81r
BcF 22: Francis Bacon, The world's a bubble, and the life of man


First published in Thomas Farnaby, Florilegium epigrammatum Graecorum (London, 1629). Poems by Sir Henry Wotton, Sir Walter Raleigh and others, ed. John Hannah (London, 1845), pp. 76-80. Spedding, VII, 271-2. H.J.C. Grierson, Bacon's Poem, The World: Its Date and Relation to certain other Poems, Modern Language Review, 6 (1911), 145-56.

f. 81v
CwT 416: Thomas Carew, Lips and Eyes ('In Celia's face a question did arise')


First published in Poems (1640) and in Wits Recreations (London, 1640). Dunlap, p. 6.

f. 81v
DnJ 1564: John Donne, A Hymne to Christ, at the Authors last going into Germany ('In what torne ship soever I embarke')

Copy of lines 1-14, headed Doctor Dunn's going into Bohemia Hymne to Christ, among poems appended to Cambridge Balam MS.

This MS collated in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 352-3. Gardner, Divine Poems, pp. 48-9. Shawcross, No. 190.

f. 82r
PeW 76: William Herbert, third Earl of Pembroke, Of Friendship ('Friendship on Earth we may as easily find')

Copy, headed Of Frendshippe.

Poems (1660), p. 48, but without attribution. Krueger, pp. 41-2, among Pembroke's Poems.

ff. 82r-3v
BmF 39: Francis Beaumont, An Elegy on the Death of the Virtuous Lady, Elizabeth Countess of Rutland ('I may forget to eat, to drink, to sleep')

Copy, headed An Elegy on the death of the Countesse of Rutland.

First published in Sir Thomas Overbury, A Wife, 11th impression (London, 1622). Dyce, XI, 507-11.

ff. 83v-4v
BmF 69: Francis Beaumont, An Elegy on the Lady Markham ('As unthrifts groan in straw for their pawn'd beds')


First published in Poems (London, 1640). Dyce, XI, 503-5.

f. 85r
WoH 145: Sir Henry Wotton, A Poem written by Sir Henry Wotton in his Youth ('O faithless world, and thy most faithless part')

Copy, headed On his loues Inconstancy.

First published in Francis Davison, Poetical Rapsody (London, 1602), p. 157. As A poem written by Sir Henry Wotton, in his youth, in Reliquiae Wottonianae (London, 1651), p. 517. Hannah (1845), pp. 3-5. Edited and texts discussed in Ted-Larry Pebworth, Sir Henry Wotton's O Faithless World: The Transmission of a Coterie Poem and a Critical Old-Spelling Edition, Analytical & Enumerative Bibliography, 5/4 (1981), 205-31.

f. 85v
DnJ 518: John Donne, The broken heart ('He is starke mad, who ever sayes')

Copy, untitled.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

Lines 1-16 first published in A Helpe to Memory and Discourse (London, 1630), pp. 45-6. Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 48-9. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 51-2. Shawcross, No. 29.

f. 87r
DnJ 2316: John Donne, The Message ('Send home my long strayd eyes to mee')

Copy, untitled.

This MS recorded in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 43. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 30-1. Shawcross, No. 25.

MS Add. 5872

A folio composite volume of state tracts and papers, 182 leaves, in half-calf on marbled boards.

Collected by the pamphleteer John Nalson (1638?-86).


Inscribed inside the front cover in pencil D Wms Papers wch we brought from Barrow.

ff. 157r-9v
WoH 277: Sir Henry Wotton, A Parallel between Robert Earl of Essex and George Duke of Buckingham ('')

Copy, in a mixed hand, imperfect, consisting of only one quarto leaf and fragments of two excised others. c. 1620s-30s.

First published in London, 1641. Edited by Sir Robert Egerton Brydges (Lee Priory Press, Ickham, 1814).

MS Add. 5962

A small quarto verse miscellany, 50 leaves.

Probably compiled by a University of Cambridge man.


Inscribed inside the front cover B Bradley / Bradley ejus liber / 1697 and B. Halliday 11 April 1916.

f. 13r
DrJ 230: John Dryden, Upon the Death of the Viscount Dundee ('O Last and best of Scots! who didst maintain')

Copy, headed Thus Englished By Mr Dryden, the text following a Latin version.

First published in Poetical Miscellanies: The Fifth Part (London, 1704). Poems on Affairs of State…Part III (London, 1704). Kinsley, IV, 1777. California, III, 222. Hammond & Hopkins, III, 219.

MS Add. 6010

Copy, in a professional hand, on 122 octavo leaves. Late 17th century.

Once owned by the Rev. Philip Bliss (1787-1857), antiquary and book collector. Sotheby's, 9 August 1858 (Bliss sale), lot 2440. Sold by William, Ross & Co., 30 January 1918.

This MS collated in Brown, I, 345-96.

HaG 9: George Savile, First Marquess of Halifax, The Character of a Trimmer

This MS collated in Brown, I, 345-96.

First published, ascribed to the Honourable Sir W[illiam] C[oventry], in London, 1688. Foxcroft, II, 273-342. Brown, I, 178-243.

MS Add. 6160

An octavo notebook of extracts, in a single small mixed hand, written from both ends, 165 leaves, in contemporary calf.

Compiled by one William Bright, entitled ffragmenta hic omnigena è varijs excerpta authoribus ad priuatum existunt vsum WB ex anno 1644.


Inscribed also inside the lower cover Will: Bright Novemb 12th pretiu 8d 1645.

f. 6v
DrM 45.8: Michael Drayton, Poly-Olbion ('')

Extracts, headed Drayton. Sr Walter Astons Coment, dated 1648.

First published in London, 1612. 1622. Hebel, IV.

f. 13r
MrT 45.5: Sir Thomas More, Utopia ('')


The Latin version first published in Louvain, 1516. Ralph Robynson's English translation published in 1551. Yale, Vol. 4.

ff. 16v-17v
EaJ 75: John Earle, Bishop of Worcester and Salisbury, Microcosmography ('')

Extracts from about 27 characters, headed Earle his Caracters 1645.

First published (anonymously), comprising 54 characters and with a preface by Edward Blount, London, 1628. 77 characters in the edition of 1629. 78 characters in the edition of 1664. Edited by Philip Bliss (London, 1811).

ff. 27v-30r, 36r-40r, 50r-v, 63v, 74v-6v
BcF 685: Francis Bacon, Extracts ('')

Extracts from various works by Bacon, the first headed Mr Bacons historicall discourse of ye gouernment of England, another headed ffrancis Bacons Nat. hist. 1649.

ff. 44r-9v
DaS 41.5: Samuel Daniel, The Collection of the History of England ('')

Extracts, headed Daniel his Chronicle to Ed 3d.

Extracts from John Trussell's continuation (published 1636), headed Trussell to Hen. 7th. from Ed. 3d, are on ff. 117r-v, 120r-v.

First part first published in London, 1612. First published complete in London, [1618?]. Grosart, IV, 69-299. V, 1-291.

f. 50r-v
FxJ 1.9: John Foxe, Actes and Monuments ('')


First published (complete) in London, 1563. Edited by Josiah Pratt, 8 vols (London, 1853-70).

ff. 51r-2r
HrE 125.93: Edward, Lord Herbert of Cherbury, The Life and Reign of King Henry VIII ('')

Extracts, headed L. Cherbury's Hen, 8t.

First published in London, 1649. Published in London, 1880 (with Autobiography).

ff. 58v, 67v-8r, 113r-v
HlJ 71: Joseph Hall, Extracts ('')

Extracts from works by Hall, including Quo Vadis, the Epistles, and Characters of Virtues and Vices, dated 1649.

f. 64r
FuT 4.3: Thomas Fuller, Andronicus, or the Unfortunate Politician ('')

Extrtacts, headed ffullers Andonic, dated 1645.

First published in London, 1646.

ff. 64v-5v
FuT 5.231: Thomas Fuller, The History of the Holy War ('')


First published in Cambridge, 1639.

f. 66r-v
FuT 5.232: Thomas Fuller, The History of the Holy War ('')

Extracts, headed ffullers holy War. 1647.

First published in Cambridge, 1639.

ff. 66v-7r
FuT 6.2: Thomas Fuller, The Holy State ('')

Extracts, headed His holy state. 1648.

First published in London, 1642. Edited by M.G. Walten, 2 vols (New York, 1938).

ff. 69r-74r
BrT 5.6: Sir Thomas Browne, Pseudodoxia Epidemica: or, Enquiries into very many received Tenents, and commonly presumed Truths ('')

Extracts, headed Dr Brownes Errors, dated 1650.

First published in London, 1646. Wilkin, vols II and III, 1-374. Keynes, Vol. II. Robbins (2 vols).

ff. 74v-6v
BcF 54.929: Francis Bacon, The Advancement of Learning ('')

Extracts, headed Sr ffrancis Bacon his advancement of learning.

First published, as The Twoo Bookes of Francis Bacon. Of the proficience and aduancement of Learning, diuine and humane, in London, 1605. Spedding, III, 253-491. Edited by Michael Kiernan, The Oxford Francis Bacon, Vol. IV (Oxford, 2000).

ff. 83v-6r
CmW 207: William Camden, Extracts ('')

Extracts, headed Cambdens Remaines 1649.

f. 93r-v
FeO 104: Owen Felltham, Resolves ('')

Extracts, headed ffeltham's Resolues.

ff. 132r-130r rev.
CaW 127: William Cartwright, Extracts ('')

Extracts, headed Cartwrights poems.

ff. 133r-132v rev.
ClJ 89: John Cleveland, The Rebell Scot ('How? Providence? and yet a Scottish crew?')

Extracts, beginning at line 13 (here But yt there is charm in verse).

First published in Character (1647). Morris & Withington, pp. 29-32.

f. 133v rev.
ClJ 46: John Cleveland, A Faire Nimph scorning a Black Boy Courting her ('Stand off, and let me take the aire')

Extracts of the poem.

First published in Character (1647). Morris & Withington, pp. 22-3.

f. 133v rev.
ClJ 104: John Cleveland, Smectymnuus, or the Club-Divines ('Smectymnuus? The Goblin makes me start')

Extracts from the poem.

First published in Character (1647). Morris & Withington, pp. 23-6.

ff. 144r-6v
SiP 117.5: Sir Philip Sidney, Old Arcadia. Book I, No. 4 ('Come shepheard's weedes, become your master's minde')

Extracts, headed Sr Philip Sidney and dated 1646.

Ringler, p. 13. Robertson, p. 40.

f. 146v
SiP 176.5: Sir Philip Sidney, A Defence of Poetry ('')

Extracts, headed In ye Defence of Poetry.

First published in London, 1595. Feuillerat, III, 1-46.

ff. 147r-8r
SiP 220: Sir Philip Sidney, The Lady of May ('')


First published in Arcadia (London, 1598). Duncan-Jones & Van Dorsten, pp. 21-32. The verse portions in Ringler, pp. 3-5.

ff. 148r-9r
SuJ 192: John Suckling, Extracts ('')

Prose extracts, headed Sr John Suckling.

MS Add. 6339

A quarto miscellany, in several hands, 66 leaves (plus 70 blanks), in contemporary calf.

Compiled at least in part by George Stanhope (1660-1728), Dean of Canterbury, chiefly while he was at King's College, Cambridge.


Inscribed Mrs Denham Cookes 1922 March 10.

ff. 1r-3v
DrJ 89: John Dryden, Mac Flecknoe ('All humane things are subject to decay')

Copy of lines 47-217, here beginning Ecchos from pissing Alley Shadwell calls; imperfect, lacking the beginning.

This MS collated in California, in Blakemore Evans and in Vieth.

First published in London, 1682. Miscellany Poems (London, 1684). Kinsley, I, 265-71. California, II, 53-60. Hammond & Hopkins, I, 313-36.

The text also discussed extensively in G. Blakemore Evans, The Text of Dryden's Mac Flecknoe: The Case for Authorial Revision, Studies in Bibliography, 7 (1955), 85-102; in David M. Vieth, Dryden's Mac Flecknoe, Harvard Library Bulletin, 7 (1953), 32-54; and in Vinton A. Dearing, Dryden's Mac Flecknoe: The Case Against Editorial Confusion, Harvard Library Bulletin, 24 (1976), 204-45. See also David M. Vieth, The Discovery of the Date of MacFlecknoe in Evidence in Literary Scholarship: Essays in Memory of James Marshall Osborn, ed. René Wellek and Alvaro Ribeiro (Oxford, 1979), pp. 71-86.

ff. 4r-7v
RoJ 158: John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester, A Letter from Artemisia in the Town to Chloe in the Country ('Chloe, In verse by your command I write')

This MS recorded in Vieth; collated in Walker.

First published, as a broadside, in London, 1679. Poems on Several Occasions (Antwerp, 1680). Vieth, pp. 104-12. Walker, pp. 83-90. Love, pp. 63-70.

ff. 8r-10v
WaE 389: Edmund Waller, A Panegyric to my Lord Protector, of the present Greatness, and joint Interest of His Highness, and this Nation ('While with a strong and yet a gentle hand')

Copy, headed A Panegyrick to Oliver Cromwell, subscribed By Mr Ed: Waller: A:D: 1654.

First published London, 1655. The Second Part of Mr. Waller's Poems (London, 1690). in The Maid's Tragedy Altered (London, 1690). Thorn-Drury, II, 10-17.

ff. 12r-13r
RoJ 584: John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester, Upon Nothing ('Nothing! thou elder brother even to Shade')

This MS recorded in Vieth; collated in Walker and in Love, The Text of Rochester's Upon Nothing.

First published, as a broadside, [in London, 1679]. Poems on Several Occasions (Antwerp, 1680). Vieth, pp. 118-20. Walker, pp. 62-4. Harold Love, The Text of Rochester's Upon Nothing, Centre for Bibliographical and Textual Studies, Monash University, Occasional Papers 1 (1985). Love, pp. 46-8.

ff. 13r-15r
RoJ 30: John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester, An Allusion to Horace, the Tenth Satyr of the First Book ('Well, sir, 'tis granted I said Dryden's rhymes')

Copy, headed The Session of Poets by Ld Rochester.

This MS recorded in Vieth; collated in Walker.

First published in Poems on Several Occasions (Antwerp, 1680). Vieth, pp. 120-6. Walker, pp. 99-102. Love, pp. 71-4.

f. 16r-v
RoJ 313: John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester, A Satyr against Reason and Mankind ('Were I (who to my cost already am)')

Copy of lines 121-73, untitled and here beginning Though one's a Statesman, t'other but a Hound.

This MS recorded in Vieth; collated in Walker.

First published (lines 1-173) as a broadside, A Satyr against Mankind [London, 1679]. Complete, with supplementary lines 174-221 (beginning All this with indignation have I hurled) in Poems on Several Occasions (Antwerp, 1680). Vieth, pp. 94-101. Walker, pp. 91-7, as Satyr. Love, pp. 57-63.

The text also briefly discussed in Kristoffer F. Paulson, A Question of Copy-Text: Rochester's A Satyr against Reason and Mankind, N&Q, 217 (May 1972), 177-8. Some texts followed by one or other of three different Answer poems (two sometimes ascribed to Edward Pococke or Mr Griffith and Thomas Lessey: see Vieth, Attribution, pp. 178-9).

f. 20r-v
RoJ 494: John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester, To Love ('O Love! how cold and slow to take my part')

Copy, headed A Translation of the 9th Elegye of Ovids 2d Book of Amorum…by Ld Rochester.

This MS recorded in Vieth; collated in Walker.

First published in Poems on Several Occasions (Antwerp, 1680). Vieth, pp. 35-7. Walker, pp. 49-50. Love, pp. 12-13.

ff. 39v-42v
DrJ 43.79: John Dryden, An Essay upon Satire ('How dull and how insensible a beast')


A satire written in 1675 by John Sheffield, Earl of Mulgrave, but it was widely believed by contemporaries (including later Alexander Pope, who had access to Mulgrave's papers) that Dryden had a hand in it, a belief which led to the notorious assault on him in Rose Alley on 18 December 1679, at the reputed instigation of the Earl of Rochester and/or the Duchess of Portsmouth.

First published in London, 1689. POAS, I (1963), pp. 396-413.

The authorship discussed in Macdonald, pp. 217-19, and see John Burrows, Mulgrave, Dryden, and An Essay upon Satire, in Superior in His Profession: Essays in Memory of Harold Love, ed. Meredith Sherlock, Brian McMullin and Wallace Kirsop, Script & Print, 33 (2009), pp. 76-91, where is it concluded, from stylistic analysis, that Mulgrave had by far the major hand. Recorded in Hammond & Hopkins, V, 684, in an Index of Poems Excluded from this Edition.

MS Add. 6455

A quarto verse miscellany, in four hands, written from both ends, 52 leaves, modern half-calf on marbled boards.

Compiled at least in part by Thomas Barker, of Jesus College, Cambridge (inscription f. 1r).


Later owned by F.W. Cosens (1819-9), book collector; by J.W. Jarvis (pencil inscription inside front cover); and by Francis Jenkinson, librarian, in 1923.

ff. 52v-49r rev.
VaJ 525: Sir John Vanbrugh, Extracts ('')

Extracts from plays by Vanbrugh, including The Relapse, The Provoked Wife, Esop, The Confederacy, and The False Friend, headed The Cream of Poetry / Vanbrugh's Plays.