A folio volume of state letters, in an accomplished professional hand, with an Index
, 209 pages (plus blanks).
Late 17th century.
Recorded in HMC, 6th Report (1877), Appendix, pp. 305-6.
pp. 112-23
RaW 922:
Sir Walter Ralegh,
Copy of two letters by Ralegh, to Sir Robert Carr and to Ralegh's wife.
A folio volume of state letters, in several professional secretary hands, with a lengthy Tabula
of contents, xxx + 558 pages, in old vellum boards.
Recorded in HMC, 6th Report, Part I (1877), p. 306.
pp. 23-5
LyJ 30:
John Lyly,
A petitionary letter to Queen Elizabeth
Copy, headed A Petitionary Letter from Jo: Lyllie to Queene Elizabeth.
This MS recorded in Bond.
Beginning Most Gratious and dread Soveraigne: I dare not pester yor Highnes wth many wordes...
. Written probably in 1598. Bond, I, 64-5. Feuillerat, pp. 556-7.
pp. 25-7
LyJ 52:
John Lyly,
A second petitionary letter to Queen Elizabeth
Copy, headed Another Letter to Queene Elizabeth from Jo: Lillie.
Beginning Most gratious and dread Soveraigne: Tyme cannott worke my peticons, nor my peticons the tyme...
. Written probably in 1601. Bond, I, 70-1. Feuillerat, pp. 561-2.
pp. 64-82, 154-63, 66-98,403-6
BcF 611:
Francis Bacon,
Copy of numerous letters by Bacon, to James I, Essex, Cecil, Sir John Davies, Northampton, Ellesmere, Sir Edward Coke, Tobie Mathews, and others, in three professional secretary hands.
pp. 82-94
BcF 192:
Francis Bacon,
Considerations touching the Queen's Service in Ireland
Copy, subscribed Fra: Bacon
First published in Remaines (London, 1648). Spedding, X, 46-51.
pp. 166-98
BcF 612:
Francis Bacon,
Copies of letters by Bacon.
pp. 198-203
BcF 474:
Francis Bacon,
Bacon's Humble Submissions and Supplications
Copy of Bacon's submission on 22 April 1621.
The Humble Submissions and Supplications Bacon sent to the House of Lords, on 19 March 1620/1 (beginning I humbly pray your Lordships all to make a favourable and true construction of my absence...
); 22 April 1621 (beginning It may please your Lordships, I shall humbly crave at your Lordships' hands a benign interpretation...
); and 30 April 1621 (beginning Upon advised consideration of the charge, descending into mine own conscience...
), written at the time of his indictment for corruption. Spedding, XIV, 215-16, 242-5, 252-62.
pp. 374-91
RaW 923:
Sir Walter Ralegh,
Copy of five letters by Ralegh, to Winwood (both parts), James I (2), Sir Robert Carr, and to Ralegh's wife.
p. 391
RaW 83:
Sir Walter Ralegh,
Euen such is tyme which takes in trust
Copy, headed Verses found in Sr Walter Raleighs Bible att the Gatehowse, followed by two lines in Latin.
First published in Richard Brathwayte, Remains after Death (London, 1618). Latham, p. 72 (as These verses following were made by Sir Walter Rauleigh the night before he dyed and left att the Gate howse). Rudick, Nos 35A, 35B, and part of 55 (three versions, pp. 80, 133).
This poem is ascribed to Ralegh in most MS copies and is often appended to copies of his speech on the scaffold (see RaW 739-822).
pp. 521-3
HlJ 28.2:
Joseph Hall,
Episcopal Admonition, Sent in a Letter to the House of Commons, April 28, 1628
Copy, headed Doctor Hall Bpp of Exeter his Letter to ye lower house of Parlymt.
Letter, beginning Gentlemen, For God's sake be wise in your well-meant zeal...
. First published in Cabala (London, 1663), p. 113. Wynter, VIII, 272.
pp. 527-49
SpE 79:
Edmund Spenser,
Sir Kenelm Digby's Observations on the 22 Stanza in the 9th. Canto of the 2d. book of Spensers Faery Queen
One of the earliest commentaries on The Faerie Queene, including quotations, dated 13 June 1628, addressed to Sir Edward Stradling, and beginning My much honored freind, I am too well acquainted with the weaknes of my abillities...
. First published in London, 1643. Variorum, II, 472-8.
A folio volume of speeches and proceedings in Parliament in 1640-40/1, in a single professional secretary hand, 105 leaves (plus numerous blanks), in contemporary limp vellum.
Recorded in HMC, 6th Report (1877), Appendix, pp. 306-7.
ff. 11r-13r
RuB 165:
Sir Benjamin Rudyerd,
Speech in the House of Commons, ?7 November 1640
Copy, headed Sir Beniamin Rideards speech in Parlamt 9o Nouembris 1640.
Speech (variously dated 4, 7, 9 and 10 November 1640) beginning We are here assembled to do God's business and the King's...
. First published in The Speeches of Sr. Benjamin Rudyer in the high Court of Parliament (London, 1641), pp. 1-10. Manning, pp. 159-65.
f. [70v]
RuB 181:
Sir Benjamin Rudyerd,
Speech in the House of Commons, 29 December 1640
Copy, headed Sir Beniamin Rideards speech 29o Decembr i640.
Speech beginning The principal part of this business is money...
. Manning, pp. 166-7.
HMC 74
A folio volume comprising two MSS bound together, the first in French, in three professional secretary hands, unfoliated, in contemporary limp vellum gilt.
The cover stamped in gilt with the badge of Henry Percy (1564-1632), ninth Earl of Northumberland (the Wizard Earl
Recorded in HMC, 6th Report (1877), Appendix, p. 307.
item 2
HoH 78:
Henry Howard, Earl of Northampton,
A dutiful defence of the lawful regiment of women
Copy of the Dedication only, in a formal secretary hand, written in a single narrow column throughout, headed in engrossed lettering To the Quenes most excellente Maiestie, 26 leaves.
Late 16th century.
An unpublished answer to, and attack upon, John Knox's railing invective
against Mary Queen of Scots, First Blast of the Trumpet against the Monstrous Regiment of Women (1558). Written, Howard claims in his Dedication, some thirteen years after he was asked to do so by a Privy Councillor [i.e. c.1585-90]. The Dedication to Queen Elizabeth beginning It pricketh now fast upon the point of thirteen years (most excellent most gratious and most redoubted Soveraign …
; the main text, in three books, beginning It may seem strange to men of grounded knowledge …
, and ending … Sancta et individuae Trinitati sit omnis honor laus et gloria in secula seculorum. Amen.
Copy, in a single predominantly secretary hand, the normal title preceded (f. [iiv]) by a supplied heading Leycesters Commonwealth in another hand, iv + 84 pages, in old speckled leather.
Late 16th century.
Recorded in HMC, 6th Report (1877), Appendix, p. 307.
LeC 47:
Leicester's Commonwealth
Recorded in HMC, 6th Report (1877), Appendix, p. 307.
First published as The Copie of a Leter, Wryten by a Master of Arte of Cambrige, to his Friend in London, Concerning some talke past of late betwen two worshipful and graue men, about the present state, and some procedinges of the Erle of Leycester and his friendes in England ([? Rouen], 1584). Soon banned. Reprinted as Leycesters common-wealth (London, 1641). Edited, as Leicester's Commonwealth, by D.C. Peck (Athens, OH, & London, 1985). Although various attributions have been suggested by Peck and others, the most likely author remains Robert Persons (1546-1610), Jesuit conspirator.
HMC 76
Copy, in a professional cursive secretary hand, as Written by Sir Robert Cotton: 27 Aprill: 1624 by Express Comand from the Duke of Buckingham
, iv + 32 folio leaves, in modern boards.
Recorded in HMC, 6th Report (1877), Appendix, p. 307.
CtR 359:
Sir Robert Cotton,
A Relation of the Proceedings against Ambassadors who have miscarried themselves, etc. ... [27 April 1624]
Recorded in HMC, 6th Report (1877), Appendix, p. 307.
Tract, addressed to George Villiers, first Duke of Buckingham, beginning In humble obedience to your Grace's Command, I am emboldned to present my poor advice...
. Cottoni posthuma (1651), pp. 1-9.
HMC MS 117
Copy, in a professional hand, unascribed, ix + 127 folio pages, in contemporary vellum boards gilt.
Late 17th century.
Recorded in HMC, 6th Report (1877), Appendix, p. 312.
PpS 1.6:
Samuel Pepys,
A Freind to Caesar
Recorded in HMC, 6th Report (1877), Appendix, p. 312.
A treatise, published anonymously, as A Freind to Caesar; or An humble proposicon for the more regular speedy and easy payment of his Mats Treasury graunted, or to be graunted by the Lords and Comons assembled in Parliament for the carrying on of his Mats: Expences whether Ordinary or Extraordinary both in time of Peace and Warr, beginning It appears by several Acts of Parliament...
, in London, 1681. Pepys's authorship is uncertain.
HMC MS 128
A duodecimo notebook of extracts from historical works, in a single cursive italic hand, 149 pages (plus 70 blanks), in contemporary calf.
Mid-17th century.
Recorded in HMC, 6th Report (1877), Appendix, p. 312.
pp. 3-46
DaS 42:
Samuel Daniel,
The Collection of the History of England
Extensive extracts or synopsis, headed Samuel Daniel, followed (pp. 47-93) by a synopsis of The continuation of Daniells historie by Jo: Trussell.
This Continuation first published London, 1636.
First part first published in London, 1612. First published complete in London, [1618?]. Grosart, IV, 69-299. V, 1-291.
pp. 94-108
BcF 215.12:
Francis Bacon,
The History of the Reign of King Henry VII
Extracts, headed Hen: the 7. written by Francis Viscount St Albons.
First published in London, 1622. Spedding, VI, 23-245. Edited by Michael Kiernan, The Oxford Francis Bacon, Vol. VIII (Oxford, 2012), pp. 3-169.
pp. 109-40
HrE 125.6:
Edward, Lord Herbert of Cherbury,
The Life and Reign of King Henry VIII
Extracts, headed Hen: 8 written by Lo: Harbert.
First published in London, 1649. Published in London, 1880 (with Autobiography).
HMC MS 129
Copy of a version of the English
Religio Laici, in a single secretary hand, inscribed (p. 1) in another hand
Lord Harbert
, ii + 64 duodecimo pages (plus stubs of excised leaves at the end), in contemporary leather with traces of ties.
Entitled Religio Laici offered to the consideration of all men (whether Dependants, or Independants) for the setling of some ffundamentall grounds of Religion (pp. 1-40), followed (pp. 41-59) by An Appendix to the Preists touching Religio Laici (beginning If, notwithstanding the Preists of whatsoever Religious order in whatsoever Country...) and (pp. 60-4)The common notions touching Religion (beginning Being about to speake of Revelation, wee thinke fitt to premise certaine præcognita thereof...).
Mid-17th century.
Recorded in HMC, 6th Report (1877), pp. 312-13. The appendices, which may or may not be by Herbert, are unpublished.
HrE 138:
Edward, Lord Herbert of Cherbury,
Religio Laici [in English]
Recorded in HMC, 6th Report (1877), pp. 312-13. The appendices, which may or may not be by Herbert, are unpublished.
First published in Herbert G. Wright, An Unpublished Manuscript by Lord Herbert of Cherbury Entitled Religio Laici, MLR, 28 (1933), 295-307.
HMC MS 142
Copy, a title-page in the secretary hand of the Feathery Scribe
, the main text all in the hand of another professional cursive secretary hand, ii + 78 folio leaves, in a paper wrapper.
Recorded in HMC, 6th Report (1877), Appendix, p. 313.
CtR 23:
Sir Robert Cotton,
An Answer made by Command of Prince Henry, to Certain Propositions of Warre and Peace
Recorded in HMC, 6th Report (1877), Appendix, p. 313.
A treatise beginning Frames of Policy, as well as works of Nature, are best preserved from the same grounds...
., written in 1609. First published London, 1655. Also published as Warrs with Forregin Princes Dangerous to oyr Common-Wealth: or, reasons for Forreign Wars Answered (London, 1657); as An Answer to such Motives as were offer'd by certain Military-Men to Prince Henry, inciting him to affect Arms more than Peace... (London, 1665); and as A Discourse of Foreign War (London, 1690).
PHA 46
Copy, a neat hand, headed Pastora by Sr Charles Sedley, on the first page of a pair of conjugate quarto leaves also containing other verses, once folded as a letter or packet.
Late 17th-early 18th century.
Among the archives of Lord Egremont of Petworth House, erstwhile seat of the Percy family, Earls of Northumberland.
SeC 43:
Sir Charles Sedley,
First published, in a 24-line version, in The Gentleman's Journal (March 1691/2), p. 8. Miscellaneous Works (London, 1702). Sola Pinto, I, 44.
PHA 6284
Copy, in a professional rounded hand, headed A Panegyrick To my Lord Protector. On the present Greatnesse and Joynrt Interest of his highnesse and this Nation, here beginning Whilst with a strong and yett a gentle hand, subscribed by Mr: Waller
, on all eight pages of two pairs of conjugate folio leaves, in a paper wrapper.
Mid-17th century.
Among the archives of Petworth House, seat of the Percy family, Earls of Northumberland.
WaE 397:
Edmund Waller,
A Panegyric to my Lord Protector, of the present Greatness, and joint Interest of His Highness, and this Nation
First published London, 1655. The Second Part of Mr. Waller's Poems (London, 1690). in The Maid's Tragedy Altered (London, 1690). Thorn-Drury, II, 10-17.
PHA C6/1
A series of eight autograph letters signed by Felltham, to Barnabas O'Brien (c.1590-1657), sixth Earl of Thomond, from London and Billing Brien
, dated 8 May 1639, 11 April 1641, 4 May 1641, 2 June 1641, 6 June 1641, 23 June 1641, 6 July 1641, and 13 July 1641, a ninth letter by Fwlltham to Henry O'Brien (c.1620-91), seventh Earl of Thomond, dated 28 March 1657.
These letters discussed, with extracts, in Kees van Strien, Autograph Letters by Owen Felltham, N&Q, 238 (September 1993), 310-13.
These letters discussed, with extracts, in Kees van Strien, Autograph Letters by Owen Felltham, N&Q, 238 (September 1993), 310-13.
PHA Orrery Papers 13187, item [1]
Copy of a 130-line version, in a rounded italic hand, headed To his Hignesse on his late victory in the Bay of Sancta Cruze in the Island of Tenneriff. 57 and beginning The Spaniards fleet from the Havanna now, subscribed July 9 / 57 / R F:
[possibly Richard Flecknoe (c.1605-c.1677), poet and playwright], on five pages of two unsewn pairs of conjugate folio leaves, once folded as a letter or packet, endorsed Verses to His Highness on Victory Santa Cruz Island of Teneriffe and bearing spots of red wax.
Late 17th century.
This MS recorded in HMC, 6th Report, Part I (1877), Appendix, p. 318. Discussed, with a facsimile of the last page, in Elsie Duncan-Jones, Marvell, R.F. and the Authorship of Blake's Victory, EMS, 5 (1995), 107-26.
MaA 51:
Andrew Marvell,
On the Victory obtained by Blake over the Spaniards, in the Bay of Sanctracruze, in the Island of Teneriff. 1657
This MS recorded in HMC, 6th Report, Part I (1877), Appendix, p. 318. Discussed, with a facsimile of the last page, in Elsie Duncan-Jones, Marvell, R.F. and the Authorship of Blake's Victory, EMS, 5 (1995), 107-26.
First published in A New Collection of Poems and Songs, Written by several Persons (London, 1674). Miscellaneous Poems (London, 1681). Margoliouth, I, 119-24. Smith, pp. 427-9. Possibly not by Marvell, at least as a whole.