Speech in the House of Commons, March 1623/4
Speech beginning We are bound to bless God that we are mett againe in this place. And we ought to acknowledge his Mats favour towards vs...
RuB 4
Copy, headed Sr Beniamin Rudiers speech taken as he spake it; being ye first in ye greate busines concerning ye Treaties.
A duodecimo miscellany of verse and prose, chiefly in one mixed hand, 77 leaves, in modern half-morocco.
Compiled by Sir Thomas Dawes (knighted 1639).
Purchased on 4 July 1873 from William Carew Hazlitt (1834-1913), bibliographer and writer.
RuB 5
Copy, in a professional cursive secretary hand, headed Sr Beniamin Rudiers Speech about the two Treaties taken verbatim as he spake it: Being the first Speech made touching that great busines of the Treaties 1o Martij 1623.
A folio composite volume of parliamentary speeches and proceedings, 1620/1-28, in various professional hands, 395 leaves, in half morocco gilt.
RuB 5.5
Copy, headed Sr Beniamin Rudiers speache taken as he spake it, being ye first in ye great busieness concerninge ye Treatie.
A small quarto volume of state tracts and papers, in one or more cursive secretary hands, 236 leaves, in modern half-morocco.
RuB 6
A quarto volume of proceedings in the House of Commons in 1624, in at least two probably professional cursive hands, 249 pages (plus numerous blanks and eight pages of shorthand at the reverse end), in contemporary vellum.
[?Sotheby's], 31 March 1936, lot 174.
RuB 7
Copy, in a secretary hand, headed Sr Beniamyn Rudyers Speech taken as he spake itt, beinge the first in the greate businesse concerninge the Treatise, undated, beginning on the verso of a speech by the Duke of Buckingham dated 24 February 1624
, in a section on parliamentary proceedings.
A folio composite volume of state letters, tracts, parliamentary speeches, etc., in various professional hands, c.160 leaves, in contemporary calf.
A flyleaf inscribed This belongs to Mrs Carewe of Crowcombe, Co. Somerset / T Philli
: i.e.formerly among the Carew MSS at Crowcombe Court, Somerset, and borrowed at some time by Sir Thomas Phillips, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector.
Recorded in HMC, 4th Report (1874), Appendix, p. 373.
RuB 8
Copy, introduced Sr Beniamin Rudierd was the first that spake in the great busines and because it was all soe wayghtye as cannot be abbreviated wthout losse and was indeed the mold of the Resolucon of the whole Parliament it shalbe Entred more at large
A folio volume of parliamentary speeches and proceedings between 1623/4 and 1640, in two or more professional predominantly secretary hands, 120 leaves, the first series foliated 1-99, the second series paginated 1-4, 37-70, 81-3, in vellum boards.
RuB 9
Copy, headed Sr Beniamyn Rudyerd concerning Assistance to be yealded for the support of the aduise to dissolue the Treaties; The first upon that day March 11th. 1623.
A folio composite volume of parliamentary speeches and proceedings, 1620/1-28, in various professional hands, 395 leaves, in half morocco gilt.
RuB 10
Copy, in a Professional cursive secretary hand, headed Sr Ben. Rudyerds speech taken as he spake it being the first concerning the Kes demand of pticular Ayde. 19 Martij: 1623.
A folio composite volume of parliamentary speeches and proceedings, 1620/1-28, in various professional hands, 395 leaves, in half morocco gilt.
RuB 11
Copy, headed Sr Beniamin Rudiere:.
A quarto volume of proceedings in the House of Commons in 1624, in at least two probably professional cursive hands, 249 pages (plus numerous blanks and eight pages of shorthand at the reverse end), in contemporary vellum.
[?Sotheby's], 31 March 1936, lot 174.
Speech in the House of Commons, c.20-22 March 1627/8
Speech. Yale 1628, II, 58-60, two parallel versions: (1) beginning This is the crisis of parliaments...
; (2) beginning It is the goodness of God and the favour of the King...
; II, 68, third version, beginning If we be thankful, all is well. By this we shall know whether parliaments will live or die...
; II, 73, fourth, brief reported version, beginning We are not now upon the bene esse of our kingdom but the esse...
RuB 12
Copy of Version 1, in a neat secretary hand, with a correction in the fourth Earl of Bedford's hand, headed The effect of Sr Beniamine Ruddiers three speeches in Parliament 4o Carol 1628 / 1. speech.
A folio commonplace book, in several hands, begun 18 May 1626, written from both ends, with two tables of contents, 415 pages of text, in contemporary leather with traces of metal clasps.
Compiled by, and partly in the rugged italic hand of, Francis Russell, MP (1593-1641), fourth Earl of Bedford, politician.
Recorded in HMC, 2nd Report (1871), Appendix, p. 1.
RuB 13
Copy, headed Beniamin Rudyeard.
A folio volume of speeches principally by Francis Bacon, in two or more neat secretary hands, 204 pages (plus numerous blanks), in contemporary limp vellum.
Owned by, and occasionally annotated in the rugged italic hand of, Francis Russell, MP (1593-1641), fourth Earl of Bedford, politician.
Recorded in HMC, 2nd Report (1871), Appendix, p. 2.
RuB 14
Copy, headed in the margin Sir Beniamine Rudyer.
A folio volume of parliamentary proceedings, 17 May 1627/8 to 26 June 1628, in several professional predominantly secretary hands, 660 leaves, in half brown morocco.
Presented by J. Pierpont Morgan (1837-1913), American financier and collector.
RuB 15
Copy, headed Sr Beniamine Riddiards speech at the same tyme.
A folio volume comprising chiefly a parliamentary journal, 1627-8, in a single professional secretary hand but for a tipped-in calendar (f. [305 bis]), 401 leaves, in mottled leather gilt.
RuB 16
Copy, headed in the margin Sr Ben. Ruddyer
A folio volume comprising proceedings and speeches in Parliament, 17 March to 22 May 1628, in two or more professional mixed hands, 201 leaves (plus numerous blanks), in modern half crushed morocco on cloth boards gilt.
Mid-17th century.
Bookplate of John Holles (1662-1711), Duke of Newcastle upon Tyne, politician.
RuB 17
Copy, headed A speech made by Sr Ben Ruddyard in the comons house of plmt March 22. 1627.
A folio composite volume of parliamentary speeches and proceedings, 1620/1-28, in various professional hands, 395 leaves, in half morocco gilt.
RuB 18
Copy, headed at the side Sr. Beniamin Rudyard.
A folio volume of parliamentary speeches from 3 March 1627/8 to 16 May 1628, in a single professional mixed hand, i + 303 leaves (plus two blanks), in contemporary calf.
RuB 19
Copy, headed Sr: Beniamins Rudyards speech 22o March, 1627o.
A quarto volume of speeches in Parliament 1627-8, in a single professional secretary hand, 388 pages (plus numerous blanks), bound with a twenty-page printed pamphlet, in contemporary calf (repaired).
RuB 20
Copy, headed Sr. Beniamin Ruddyard speech xxijth of March 1627.
A folio volume of speeches and proceedings in Parliament 1627-29, in several professional hands, 380 leaves, in contemporary calf gilt.
Bookplate of Algernon Capell (1654-1710), second Earl of Essex, Privy Councillor, dated 1701.
RuB 21
Copy, headed A Speeche made by Sir Beniamin Rudyard in the Comons house of Parliament March. 22. 1628.
A folio volume of speeches and proceedings in Parliament 1627-29, in several professional hands, 380 leaves, in contemporary calf gilt.
Bookplate of Algernon Capell (1654-1710), second Earl of Essex, Privy Councillor, dated 1701.
RuB 22
Copy, headed A speech made by Sr Beniamyn Ridearde in the house of Comons of Parliament xxo Martij 1627.
A folio volume of speeches in Parliament 1627/8-1638, in a single professional hand, 163 leaves (plus blanks), in contemporary vellum.
Phillipps MS 20758. Donated by William Appleton Coolidge.
RuB 23
Copy, headed in the margin Sr Beniamin Rudyer, here beginning This is the crisis of Pliamtes we shall knoue by this If pliamtes liue or die...
A folio volume of proceedings in Parliament in 1628, in a professional secretary hand, 283 leaves, in blind-stamped calf.
A flyleaf inscribed Thomas Wallcut bought at the sale of the Library of the late D Byles Novemr 1790
and also Thomas Wallcutt April 9. 1791
: i.e. once owned by Mather Byles (1706-88), Boston loyalist clergyman, and bought in 1790 by Thomas Wallcut (1758-1840), Boston antiquary.
Recorded in Yale 1628, I, 5 (as MS. 3
RuB 24
Copy, headed Sr Beniamin Ruddiard 22: Martij: 1627[/8].
A folio volume of speeches and proceedings in Parliament 1628, in a single professional secretary hand, viii + 459 pages, in contemporary calf.
Bookplate of E.S. and H. Lloyd. Purchased from Peter Eaton (Booksellers) Ltd, 24 October 1967. Formerly House of Lords Record Office, Historical Collection 50.
RuB 25
A folio composite volume of parliamentary speeches, in various professional hands, 389 pages, in contemporary calf.
Speech in the House of Commons, c.22 March 1627/8
Speech beginning Of the mischiefs that have lately fallen upon us by the late distractions here is every man sensible...
RuB 26
Copy, with sidenote 22 Mch Sr Beniamin Rudyerd.
A folio volume chiefly of speeches and proceedings in the House of Commons chiefly from March to June 1628, in a professional secretary hand, iv + 64 leaves (plus blanks), in later half calf.
RuB 27
Copy, headed Sr Beniamin Rydgers speech 22 Mar: 1627.
A quarto volume of speeches and proceedings in the House of Commons from March to April 1628, in a professional hand, 353 pages, in contemporary calf.
Once owned by John Somers (1651-1716), Baron Somers, Lord Chancellor, and by his brother-in-law Sir Joseph Jekyll (1662-1738), lawyer and politician (No. 387 in the sale catalogue of his library, 1759).
RuB 28
A folio composite volume of state papers and parliamentary proceedings, in various hands, 181 leaves.
Once owned by one John Holland.
RuB 29
Copy, headed Sr Beniamyn Rudyards speech 22 Mar: 1627.
A folio volume of speeches and proceedings in Parliament from 17 March 1627/8 to 26 June 1628, in several professional secretary hands, 387 leaves, with (ff. 2r-11r) a neat table of contents, in contemporary vellum boards.
Christie's, 12 June 1881 (Fairfax sale).
RuB 30
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed Sr Beniamyn Riddiards speech 22o Marcij 1627.
A folio composite volume of state papers and parliamentary speeches, in various professional hands, 442 leaves, in mottled leather gilt.
RuB 31
Copy, headed Sir Ben Rudiards speech.
A folio volume of proceedings in Parliament in 1628-29, in professional secretary hands, 339 leaves, in modern half crushed morocco on cloth boards gilt.
, the date of accession into the Harley Library, inscribed by Wanley on f. 1r.
RuB 32
Copy, headed sr Beniamin Ruddiard.
A folio volume of parliamentary proceedings and speeches, 1623-8, in a single professional secretary hand, with a table of contents (ff. 2*r-5*r), 731 pages, in modern half crushed morocco on cloth boards gilt.
Inscribed (f. [ir]) Humfry Burton
RuB 33
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed Sr Beniamin Ruddiers speech 22: March. 1627.
A folio composite volume of parliamentary speeches and proceedings, 1620/1-28, in various professional hands, 395 leaves, in half morocco gilt.
RuB 34
Copy, headed Sr: Ben: Ruddiers first speech.
A quarto composite volume of state papers and speeches, in several hands, ff. 153r-97r in a single professional hand, 197 leaves, in modern half crushed morocco on cloth boards.
Once owned by John Hart and John Ashton.
RuB 35
Copy, headed Sr. Beniamin Ridger his speech. 22. Mar: 1627.
A folio composite volume of state tracts, in various professional hands, 124 leaves (including blanks), in half-calf on marbled boards.
RuB 36
Copy, in a cursive predominantly secretary hand, headed Sr Beniamon Ridier.
A folio composite volume of state papers and proceedings in Parliament, in various hands, 448 leaves (plus blanks), in red morocco gilt.
RuB 37
Copy, headed Sr Beniamin Rudiards speech.
Copies of two parliamentary speeches and one letter, in a predominantly italic hand, on two conjugate folio leaves, unbound.
RuB 37.5
Two folio composite volumes of state tracts and papers, in various hands and paper sizes, in 19th-century half-vellum marbled boards gilt.
Mostyn MS 177: from the library of the Mostyn family, of Mostyn Hall, Flintshire, and Gloddaeth, Denbighshire, whose notable book and manuscript collectors included Sir Thomas Mostyn (1651-1700?) and his grandson Sir Thomas Mostyn, fourth Baronet (1704-58).
Recorded in HMC, 4th Report (1874), Appendix, p. 355.
RuB 37.8
Copy, headed Sr Benjamin Rudiere: his Speech in Parliament March the 22th 1628.
A folio composite volume of parliamentary speeches of 1628-9, in various professional secretary hands, 215 leaves, in modern reversed calf.
Probably Sotheby's, 28 April 1969, lot 50.
RuB 38
Copy, headed Sr Benjamin Ruddierds Speech 22. March. 1627.
A folio volume chiefly comprising a journal of parliamentary speeches and proceedings in 1627-8, 187 pages (plus blank pages 288-656), in contemporary vellum.
Mid-late 17th century.
Speech in the House of Commons, c.2-9 April 1628
Speech beginning The best thanks we can return his Matie for his gracious and religious answer...
RuB 39
Copy, headed Sr Benjamin Ruddierds Speech upon the Receipt of his Maties Answer to the Petition against Recusants. 9. April. 1628.
A folio volume chiefly comprising a journal of parliamentary speeches and proceedings in 1627-8, 187 pages (plus blank pages 288-656), in contemporary vellum.
Mid-late 17th century.
RuB 40
Copy, headed in the margin Sr Ben: Rudyer.
A folio volume of parliamentary proceedings, 17 May 1627/8 to 26 June 1628, in several professional predominantly secretary hands, 660 leaves, in half brown morocco.
Presented by J. Pierpont Morgan (1837-1913), American financier and collector.
RuB 41
Copy, headed Sr Beniamin Ruddiers speech vpon the receipt of his Mates answeare to the peticon against Recusants circa. 9 Aprill: 1628.
A folio volume of speeches and proceedings in Parliament from 17 March 1627/8 to 26 June 1628, in several professional secretary hands, 387 leaves, with (ff. 2r-11r) a neat table of contents, in contemporary vellum boards.
Christie's, 12 June 1881 (Fairfax sale).
RuB 42
Copy, headed Sr Beniamyn Rudyard his Speech vpon the receipt of his Matis: Answere to the Petition against Recusants 9th: of Aprill: 1628.
A folio volume comprising chiefly a parliamentary journal, 1627-8, in a single professional secretary hand but for a tipped-in calendar (f. [305 bis]), 401 leaves, in mottled leather gilt.
RuB 43
Copy, headed Sr Beniamin Ruddiard his speech vpon receipt of his Mates answere to the last Peticon.
A folio volume of parliamentary proceedings and speeches, 1623-8, in a single professional secretary hand, with a table of contents (ff. 2*r-5*r), 731 pages, in modern half crushed morocco on cloth boards gilt.
Inscribed (f. [ir]) Humfry Burton
RuB 44
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed A speach made by Sr Ben: Rudiard in the house of Comons one the second Day of Apr 1628 and docketed in the margin Wednesday the 2 of Aprill 1628
A folio composite volume of parliamentary speeches and related papers, in various professional hands, in modern red morocco gilt.
RuB 45
Copy, in a professional cursive secretary hand, headed A speech made by Sr Ben. Rudyard in the house of Coons Wednesday the 2. Daie of Aprill 1628, on the first two pages of a pair of conjugate small folio leaves, with a scribal endorsement.
A folio composite volume of parliamentary speeches and related papers, in various professional hands, in modern red morocco gilt.
RuB 46
Copy, headed Sr Ben: Ruddiers 2 speech.
A quarto composite volume of state papers and speeches, in several hands, ff. 153r-97r in a single professional hand, 197 leaves, in modern half crushed morocco on cloth boards.
Once owned by John Hart and John Ashton.
RuB 47
Copy, headed at the side Sr. Ben: Rudyer.
A folio volume of parliamentary speeches from 3 March 1627/8 to 16 May 1628, in a single professional mixed hand, i + 303 leaves (plus two blanks), in contemporary calf.
RuB 48
Copy, headed Sr Beniamyn Riddiarde speech [space] of Aprille [space] 1628.
A folio volume of speeches in Parliament 1627/8-1638, in a single professional hand, 163 leaves (plus blanks), in contemporary vellum.
Phillipps MS 20758. Donated by William Appleton Coolidge.
RuB 49
Copy, headed in the margin Sr Beniamin Rudyer and here beginning The best thankes we canne Render to his Matie is to mak towards such a way as may secure his Matie and our selues...
A folio volume of proceedings in Parliament in 1628, in a professional secretary hand, 283 leaves, in blind-stamped calf.
A flyleaf inscribed Thomas Wallcut bought at the sale of the Library of the late D Byles Novemr 1790
and also Thomas Wallcutt April 9. 1791
: i.e. once owned by Mather Byles (1706-88), Boston loyalist clergyman, and bought in 1790 by Thomas Wallcut (1758-1840), Boston antiquary.
Recorded in Yale 1628, I, 5 (as MS. 3
RuB 50
Copy, headed 9: Aprill: 1628: Sr Beniamin Ruddiards speech.
A folio volume of speeches and proceedings in Parliament 1628, in a single professional secretary hand, viii + 459 pages, in contemporary calf.
Bookplate of E.S. and H. Lloyd. Purchased from Peter Eaton (Booksellers) Ltd, 24 October 1967. Formerly House of Lords Record Office, Historical Collection 50.
RuB 51
Copy, headed Sr. Beniamine Ruddierds Speech the 9th day of Aprill 1628
A folio volume of parliamentary speeches and proceedings in 1628-9, in a single small mixed hand, 44 leaves, in a paper wrapper.
Among the papers of the Carew family, of Crowcombe Court, Somerset.
Speech in the House of Commons, ?4 April 1628
Speech beginning We have received many gracious messages from His Majesty. It is now high time to give thanks...
. Yale 1628, II, 297 and 317; variant versions II, 303, 309, 313-14.
RuB 52
A folio composite volume of state papers and parliamentary proceedings, in various hands, 181 leaves.
Once owned by one John Holland.
RuB 53
Copy, headed in the margin [Sr] Ben: Rudyard.
A folio volume of parliamentary proceedings, 17 May 1627/8 to 26 June 1628, in several professional predominantly secretary hands, 660 leaves, in half brown morocco.
Presented by J. Pierpont Morgan (1837-1913), American financier and collector.
RuB 54
Copy, headed in the margin Sr Ben Rudyard.
A folio volume comprising proceedings and speeches in Parliament, 17 March to 22 May 1628, in two or more professional mixed hands, 201 leaves (plus numerous blanks), in modern half crushed morocco on cloth boards gilt.
Mid-17th century.
Bookplate of John Holles (1662-1711), Duke of Newcastle upon Tyne, politician.
RuB 55
Copy, headed in the margin (slightly cropped) S[r] Beniamin Rudyer.
A folio volume of proceedings in Parliament in 1628, in a professional secretary hand, 283 leaves, in blind-stamped calf.
A flyleaf inscribed Thomas Wallcut bought at the sale of the Library of the late D Byles Novemr 1790
and also Thomas Wallcutt April 9. 1791
: i.e. once owned by Mather Byles (1706-88), Boston loyalist clergyman, and bought in 1790 by Thomas Wallcut (1758-1840), Boston antiquary.
Recorded in Yale 1628, I, 5 (as MS. 3
Speech in the House of Commons, 28 April 1628
Speech beginning We are here upon a great business...
. Yale 1628, III, 127-9 and 133-4. Variants: III, 138-9, 141, 143, and 161. Variant version in Manning, pp. 126-8.
RuB 56
A folio volume of speeches principally by Francis Bacon, in two or more neat secretary hands, 204 pages (plus numerous blanks), in contemporary limp vellum.
Owned by, and occasionally annotated in the rugged italic hand of, Francis Russell, MP (1593-1641), fourth Earl of Bedford, politician.
Recorded in HMC, 2nd Report (1871), Appendix, p. 2.
RuB 57
Copy, headed Sr Beniamin Ruddiers speech 28 Aprill: 1628.
A quarto volume of speeches and proceedings in the House of Commons from March to April 1628, in a professional hand, 353 pages, in contemporary calf.
Once owned by John Somers (1651-1716), Baron Somers, Lord Chancellor, and by his brother-in-law Sir Joseph Jekyll (1662-1738), lawyer and politician (No. 387 in the sale catalogue of his library, 1759).
RuB 58
A folio composite volume of state papers and parliamentary proceedings, in various hands, 181 leaves.
Once owned by one John Holland.
RuB 59
Copy, headed Sr Beniamin Ruddiers speech, 28 Aprill 1628.
A folio volume of speeches and proceedings in Parliament from 17 March 1627/8 to 26 June 1628, in several professional secretary hands, 387 leaves, with (ff. 2r-11r) a neat table of contents, in contemporary vellum boards.
Christie's, 12 June 1881 (Fairfax sale).
RuB 60
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed Sr Beniamine Rudyardes speech in the howse of Comons on the 28th of Aprill. 1628, on three pages of a pair of conjugate folio leaves.
An unbound collection of papers largely relating to parliamentary proceedings, in various hands, 108 generally folio leaves.
Volume CCCCLXXXV of the Evelyn Papers.
RuB 61
Copy, headed Sr Beniamyn Rudiards Speach. 28 April.
A folio volume of proceedings in Parliament in 1628-29, in professional secretary hands, 339 leaves, in modern half crushed morocco on cloth boards gilt.
, the date of accession into the Harley Library, inscribed by Wanley on f. 1r.
RuB 62
Copy, headed in the margin Sr Ben Rudyard
A folio volume comprising proceedings and speeches in Parliament, 17 March to 22 May 1628, in two or more professional mixed hands, 201 leaves (plus numerous blanks), in modern half crushed morocco on cloth boards gilt.
Mid-17th century.
Bookplate of John Holles (1662-1711), Duke of Newcastle upon Tyne, politician.
RuB 63
Copy, headed Sr Beniamin Ruddiard speech in the house of Commons Aprill 28o 1628.
A folio volume of parliamentary proceedings and speeches, 1623-8, in a single professional secretary hand, with a table of contents (ff. 2*r-5*r), 731 pages, in modern half crushed morocco on cloth boards gilt.
Inscribed (f. [ir]) Humfry Burton
RuB 64
Copy, in a prodessional secretary hand, headed Beniamin Ruddiers speech Aprilis 28. 1628.
A folio composite volume of parliamentary speeches and proceedings, 1620/1-28, in various professional hands, 395 leaves, in half morocco gilt.
RuB 65
Copy, in a professional cursive secretary hand, headed A speech made by Sr Ben. Rudyard in the house of Coons on the 28. of Aprill 1628, on three pages of a pair of conjugate folio leaves.
A folio composite volume of parliamentary speeches and related papers, in various professional hands, in modern red morocco gilt.
RuB 66
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed A Speech made by Sr Ben. Rudyard in the house of Coons on the 28 Aprill 1628, docketed in the margin Monday 28 Aprill 1628
A folio composite volume of parliamentary speeches and related papers, in various professional hands, in modern red morocco gilt.
RuB 67
Copy, headed at the side Sr. Beniamin Rudyer.
A folio volume of parliamentary speeches from 3 March 1627/8 to 16 May 1628, in a single professional mixed hand, i + 303 leaves (plus two blanks), in contemporary calf.
RuB 68
Copy, in a cursive secretary hand, docketed in another hand of Sir Benjamin Rudyard
A large folio composite volume of state papers, letters and speeches, in English and Latin prose and verse, in various hands, 58 items, i + 449 leaves.
RuB 69
Copy, headed Sr. Beniamin Rudyard his speech the xxviijth of Aprill 1628 in the howse of Comons.
A folio composite volume of speeches in Parliament 1627-8, in two or three professional secretary hands, 101 pages, in 19th-century diced russia.
From the Fairfax papers. Phillipps MS 10305. Given to the library by William Appleton Coolidge.
RuB 70
Copy, headed Sr: Beniamin Rudiard: the 28th Aprill: 1628.
A folio volume of speeches in Parliament 1628-29, in one or more secretary hands, 79 leaves (plus blanks), in morocco gilt.
RuB 71
Copy, in a cursive secretary hand, headed Sr Beniamin Rudyards Speech in the house of Commons on the 28th of Aprill. 1628.
A folio composite volume of state papers and proceedings in Parliament, in various hands, 448 leaves (plus blanks), in red morocco gilt.
RuB 72
Copy, headed Sr Beniamine Ruddiers speech 28 Aprill 1628.
A folio volume of parliamentary debates in 1627/8-9, in several professional secretary hands, 351 leaves, in contemporary calf gilt, with traces of ties.
Bookplate of the Earl of Aylesford, Packington, Warwickshire. Bernard Halliday, Leicester, sale catalogue 1930, item 568.
RuB 73
Copy, headed in the margin Sr Ben: Rudye[cropped].
A folio volume of proceedings in Parliament in 1628, in a professional secretary hand, 283 leaves, in blind-stamped calf.
A flyleaf inscribed Thomas Wallcut bought at the sale of the Library of the late D Byles Novemr 1790
and also Thomas Wallcutt April 9. 1791
: i.e. once owned by Mather Byles (1706-88), Boston loyalist clergyman, and bought in 1790 by Thomas Wallcut (1758-1840), Boston antiquary.
Recorded in Yale 1628, I, 5 (as MS. 3
RuB 74
Copy, in a predominantly secretary hand, headed Sr: Beniamin Rudiers speech 20th of April 1628, on two pages of a pair of conjugate folio leaves, once folded as a letter or packet, endorsed A copie of Sr Beniamin Rudyers speech 1618.
A folio composite volume of parliamentary speeches, letters and documents, in various hands and paper sizes, 81 items, all mounted on guards, in 19th-century brown morocco.
Among papers of the Montagu family, Barons and Dukes of Montagu, of Boughton House.
RuB 75
Copy, headed Sr Beniamine Ruddiers speech 28 April 1628.
A folio journal of the House of Commons from 17 March 1627/8 to 26 June 1628, in a single professional secretary hand, including (ff. 420r-9r) a Table
of contents, 429 leaves, in contemporary calf gilt with traces of ties.
Among the Braye Manuscripts, descending from John Browne (1608-91), Clerk of the Parliaments, whose daughter, Martha, married Sir Roger Cave, Bt, of Stanford Hall, Rugby, seat of successive Lords Braye.
RuB 76
Copy, headed Sr Beniamin Ruddiard: 28th of Aprill: 1628: in the House of Comons.
A folio volume of speeches and proceedings in Parliament 1628, in a single professional secretary hand, viii + 459 pages, in contemporary calf.
Bookplate of E.S. and H. Lloyd. Purchased from Peter Eaton (Booksellers) Ltd, 24 October 1967. Formerly House of Lords Record Office, Historical Collection 50.
RuB 77
Copy, headed at the side Sr. Beniamin Rudyere 28o April 1628.
A folio composite volume of parliamentary speeches, in various professional hands, 389 pages, in contemporary calf.
RuB 78
Copy, headed Sr Beniamin Ruddyers speach the same day, in the howse of Comons.
A quarto volume of speeches in Parliament 1626-9, in one or possibly two secretary hands, iv + 87 leaves, in half-calf on marbled boards.
Signature (on a slip affixed to f. [iir]) of Thomas Martin (1697-1771), of Palgrave, Suffolk, antiquary and collector.
RuB 79
Copy, headed Sr Beniamin Ruddierds Speech the Eight and twentieth day of Aprill 1628.
A folio volume of parliamentary speeches and proceedings in 1628-9, in a single small mixed hand, 44 leaves, in a paper wrapper.
Among the papers of the Carew family, of Crowcombe Court, Somerset.
RuB 80
Copy, headed Sr Beniamin Rudiards his speech the 28. of April 1628 in the House of Commons.
A quarto volume of state tracts and speeches, in possibly a single professional secretary hand, with a table of contents, 129 leaves, in contemporary limp vellum.
Inscribed on the last page Elizabeth Tyrrell
. Old pressmark K. 4. 15.
RuB 81
Copy, in a secretary hand, headed Mr Beniamin Ruddyers speech 28th Ap 1628.
A folio composite volume of state tracts and papers, in various hands and paper sizes, with a table of contents, 599 leaves.
Inscribed (f. 141r) John: Saunders is the trew owner of this booke
, Captaine Christo: Blounte
, and Valentine LLawless
Owned by John Madden, MD (1649-1703/4), physician and manuscript collector. Old pressmark F. 1. 20.
RuB 82
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed Sr Beniamen Rudyards his Speech the 28 of Aprill 1628 in the house of Commons.
A folio composite volume of parliamentary speeches from 1609 to 1628, in several professional secretary hands,
c.414 leaves (plus blanks), in old calf.
Three interim title-pages for separate groups in the hand of the Feathery Scribe
, namely Divers Speeches and passages in Parliament viz:, Divers Passages and Speeches Off Parliamte viz:, and A: Collection Off such Thinges, As Robte Earle of Salisburye thought fitt to offer vnto his Matie: vppon the occasion of callinge a Parliamte: viz.
One later section (A Booke of the last Parliament, 44 leaves) inscribed Tho: Becke
. Old pressmark G. 3. 4.
Speech in the House of Commons, c.30 April 1628
Speech beginning We have been long about framing of words for a strong law...
. Yale 1628, III, 172. Variant versions: III, 175, 179, 180, 181-2.
RuB 83
Copy, headed Sir Beniamyne Rudyer at a Committee of the whole house.
A folio volume of parliamentary proceedings, 17 May 1627/8 to 26 June 1628, in several professional predominantly secretary hands, 660 leaves, in half brown morocco.
Presented by J. Pierpont Morgan (1837-1913), American financier and collector.
RuB 84
Copy, headed in the margin Sr Ben: Rudyer at a Comittee of the whole howse.
A folio volume comprising proceedings and speeches in Parliament, 17 March to 22 May 1628, in two or more professional mixed hands, 201 leaves (plus numerous blanks), in modern half crushed morocco on cloth boards gilt.
Mid-17th century.
Bookplate of John Holles (1662-1711), Duke of Newcastle upon Tyne, politician.
RuB 85
Copy, headed Sr Beniamyn Rudyer atc.
A folio volume of parliamentary speeches from 3 March 1627/8 to 16 May 1628, in a single professional mixed hand, i + 303 leaves (plus two blanks), in contemporary calf.
Speech in the House of Commons, ?22 May 1628
Speech beginning I did not think to have spoken...
. First published, as Sir Benjamin Rudierd His speech in Behalfe of the Clergie and of Parishes destitute of Instruction through want of Maintenance, Oxford, 1628. Manning, pp. 135-8. Yale 1628, III, 17-19, where it is dated probably 21 April 1628.
RuB 93
A folio composite volume of state papers and parliamentary proceedings, in various hands, 181 leaves.
Once owned by one John Holland.
RuB 94
Copy, headed Sr Beniamin Ruddiers speech: 22 May 1628. Concerning Ministers.
A folio volume of speeches and proceedings in Parliament from 17 March 1627/8 to 26 June 1628, in several professional secretary hands, 387 leaves, with (ff. 2r-11r) a neat table of contents, in contemporary vellum boards.
Christie's, 12 June 1881 (Fairfax sale).
RuB 95
Copy, headed Sir Beniamyn Rudyards Speach concerning the Mainteynance of Mynisters and dated 22o May 1628
A folio volume of proceedings in Parliament in 1628-29, in professional secretary hands, 339 leaves, in modern half crushed morocco on cloth boards gilt.
, the date of accession into the Harley Library, inscribed by Wanley on f. 1r.
RuB 96
Copy, in a professional predominantly italic hand, headed Sr Benjamin Rudyerd his speeche, on two conjugate folio leaves.
A folio composite volume of parliamentary papers and speeches, 1627-28, in various professional hands, 113 leaves, in modern panelled calf.
The date of acquisition for the Harley Library inscribed by Wanley (f. 1*r) 13 August, 1724
RuB 97
Copy, headed Sr Beniamine Ruddyers speech concerning Ministers the 22th of May: 1628.
A folio volume comprising chiefly a parliamentary journal, 1627-8, in a single professional secretary hand but for a tipped-in calendar (f. [305 bis]), 401 leaves, in mottled leather gilt.
RuB 98
Copy, in a professional cursive secretary hand, headed A Speech made by Sr Ben Rudyard at a Comittee himselfe sitting in the Chaire, on three pages of a pair of conjugate folio leaves.
A folio composite volume of parliamentary speeches and related papers, in various professional hands, in modern red morocco gilt.
RuB 99
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed A Speach made by Sr Ben Rudiard at a Comittee, Mr Pyme in the Chare, docketed in the margin quere the date. Satterday the 24 of May 1628
A folio composite volume of parliamentary speeches and related papers, in various professional hands, in modern red morocco gilt.
RuB 100
Copy, headed Sir Beniamin Rudierd his Speach in behalf of ye Clergie and of parishes miserably destitute of Instruction thro want of Maintenance, confirmed by the testimonies of Bp Jewel, Master Perkins and Sr Henry Spelman, Edited at Oxford 1628. 4to and here beginning Bp Jewell in his Sermon before Qu. Eliz...
A quarto composite volume of MSS, in several hands, 190 leaves, in modern leather gilt.
Volume VI of the miscellaneous historical collections of White Kennett (1660-1728), Bishop of Peterborough, historian.
17th century.
RuB 101
Copy, headed Sir Beniamin Ruddyarts speech Concerning maintenance of ministers the 22th: of May 1628.
A folio volume of speeches and proceedings in Parliament 1627-29, in several professional hands, 380 leaves, in contemporary calf gilt.
Bookplate of Algernon Capell (1654-1710), second Earl of Essex, Privy Councillor, dated 1701.
RuB 102
Copy, headed Sr: Beniamin Ruddierds speech to the Committee for Religion.
A folio volume of parliamentary debates in 1627/8-9, in several professional secretary hands, 351 leaves, in contemporary calf gilt, with traces of ties.
Bookplate of the Earl of Aylesford, Packington, Warwickshire. Bernard Halliday, Leicester, sale catalogue 1930, item 568.
RuB 103
Copy, headed May 22th: 1628 Sr Beniamin Ruddiards speech.
A folio volume of speeches and proceedings in Parliament 1628, in a single professional secretary hand, viii + 459 pages, in contemporary calf.
Bookplate of E.S. and H. Lloyd. Purchased from Peter Eaton (Booksellers) Ltd, 24 October 1967. Formerly House of Lords Record Office, Historical Collection 50.
Speech in the House of Commons, 10 February 1628/9
A speech beginning There be diverse recantations, submissions and sentences remaining on record...
. Variant versions include one beginning That there have been many publique censures and recantacions...
. See Commons Debates for 1629, ed. Wallace Notestein and Frances Helen Relf (Minneapolis, 1921), pp. 137, [274]-5.
RuB 110
Copy, in a professional hand, headed Sr Ben Rudgers.
A tall folio volume of papers on parliamentary proceedings, in several professional hands, 109 leaves, in half-calf on marbled boards.
Purchased from Lord R. Montagu in 1865.
RuB 111
Copy, headed Sr Beniamin Ruddiers.
A folio composite volume of state papers and tracts, in various hands,
c.410 leaves, in a recycled vellum document, now disbound.
Yelverton MS 110, among papers of Sir Henry Yelverton (1566-1629), Justice of the Common Pleas, and his family.
RuB 112
A folio composite volume of state papers and tracts, in various hands,
c.410 leaves, in a recycled vellum document, now disbound.
Yelverton MS 110, among papers of Sir Henry Yelverton (1566-1629), Justice of the Common Pleas, and his family.
RuB 113
Copy, headed Sr Beniamen Ruddires, among proceedings in Parliament 1628.
A folio composite volume of antiquarian and parliamentary tracts, in various professional secretary hands, 245 leaves, in modern half crushed morocco in cloth boards gilt.
Inscribed (f. 2r) Sum Edw Umfrevile Juneis. Interioris Templi Studentis 1725. 10o Aprilis
: i.e. by Edward Umfreville (1702?-86), collector of legal manuscripts. Bookplate (as Shelburne
) of William Petty (1737-1805), second Earl of Shelburne and first Marquess of Lansdowne, Prime Minister.
RuB 113.5
Copy, headed Sr Beniamyn Rudyard, dated 10 February 1628
A folio volume of proceedings in Parliament 1628/9, 60 leaves plus blanks, in contemporary limp vellum.
Later owned by Thomas Martin (1697-1771) of Palgrave, antiquary and collector. Acquired by Charles Brietzcke (c.1738-95), government official, 19 May 1774. Later owned by Arthur Beauchesne, parliamentary clerk in Canada. Sotheby's, 15 July 2010, lot 3.
RuB 114
Copy, headed Sr Ben: Rudiard.
A folio volume of state tracts and parliamentary speeches and proceedings in 1628/9, in a single professional hand, 91 leaves, in quarter-calf.
RuB 115
Copy, headed in the margin Sr Ben: Ruddiard.
A quarto volume of parliamentary proceedings in 1628/9-1630, in several hands, one secretary hand predominating, 135 leaves, in contemporary vellum boards.
Inscribed (f. 1r) August 1629 / the 10th / 1629
and John Heath empt Londino a W. Walbanck
. Among the collections of Christopher Hunter (1675-1757), Durham antiquary and physician.
RuB 116
Copy, headed Sr Beniamin Rudyard.
A folio volume of proceedings in Parliament, the Exchequer and Star Chamber, 1628/9-34, in several professional hands, c.315 leaves (including blanks), in contemporary calf.
Delivered by Edward Jones Smith to Lady Masserene on 19 June 1824.
RuB 117
Copy, headed Sr Beniamin Ridyard.
A folio volume of state tracts and parliamentary proceedings, in varying styles of script, both secretary and roman, possibly in the same hand, 283 leaves (of which ff. 98-283 are blank), in contemporary limp vellum, with ties.
RuB 118
Copy, in a secretary hand, introduced Sr Beniamin Rudyard sayd.
A folio composite collection of legal and state tracts, in various hands, now bound in two volumes, foliated 1-307 and 308-617 respectively, in modern quarter-calf vellum boards.
Among collections of Sir John Maynard, MP (1604-90), lawyer and politician.
RuB 119
A folio volume comprising two manuscripts of proceedings and speeches in Parliament, from 27 October to 19 December 1601 (212 leaves) and in 1638/9 (64 leaves), each in a professional secretary hand, in reversed calf.
RuB 119.5
Two folio composite volumes of state tracts and papers, in various hands and paper sizes, in 19th-century half-vellum marbled boards gilt.
Mostyn MS 177: from the library of the Mostyn family, of Mostyn Hall, Flintshire, and Gloddaeth, Denbighshire, whose notable book and manuscript collectors included Sir Thomas Mostyn (1651-1700?) and his grandson Sir Thomas Mostyn, fourth Baronet (1704-58).
Recorded in HMC, 4th Report (1874), Appendix, p. 355.
Speech in the House of Commons, ?15-25 April 1640
Speech beginning There is a great dore now opened unto us of doing good...
. Variant version in Manning, pp. 148-51.
RuB 120
Copy, here beginning Mr. Speaker by Gods blessing and the Kings favor a greate doore and effectuall is opened unto us...
A composite volume of letters and papers of the Earl of Clarendon, for June-December 1637, 278 leaves.
Edited from this MS in Proceedings of the Short Parliament of 1640 (1977), pp. 248-51.
RuB 121
A composite volume of letters and papers of the Earl of Clarendon, for June-December 1637, 278 leaves.
Recorded in Proceedings of the Short Parliament of 1640 (1977), p. 297.
RuB 122
A volume chiefly of speeches and proceedings in Parliament, 1640, 54 leaves, in modern half-vellum marbled boards.
Later owned by Frederic Morrell, Oxford solicitor. Acquired from the executors of Mrs Morrell in 1925.
Recorded in Proceedings of the Short Parliament of 1640 (1977), p. 297.
RuB 123
A folio volume of parliamentary speeches and proceedings, 45 leaves.
Recorded in Proceedings of the Short Parliament of 1640 (1977), p. 297.
RuB 124
A folio composite volume of miscellaneous state and parliamentary papers, 357 leaves.
Recorded in Proceedings of the Short Parliament of 1640 (1977), p. 297.
RuB 125
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed Sir Beniamin Ruddiers Speech in the House of Comons 1640.
A folio composite volume of parliamentary speeches, from 1640 to 1675, in various professional hands, 293 leaves, in old calf.
Recorded in Proceedings of the Short Parliament of 1640 (1977), p. 297.
RuB 126
Copy, in a probably professional small mixed hand, headed Sir Beniamin Ruddiers Speech.
A folio composite volume of parliamentary speeches and related documents in 1640-41 and (ff. 32r-76v) a treatise on parliament by Ralph Starkey, in several hands, 129 leaves, in modern half-calf.
Recorded in Proceedings of the Short Parliament of 1640 (1977), p. 297.
RuB 127
Copy of a report on the speech, headed in the margin Sr. Benia: Rudyard and here beginning Then Sr Ben: Rudyard said Sr. there is a dore now opened to vs of doeing good if wee take the advantage thereof...
A quarto volume of proceedings in Parliament from 13 April to 5 May 1640, in a cursive predominantly secretary hand, 84 leaves, in quarter-vellum marbled boards.
[?Sotheby's], 5 October 1937, lot 19.
Edited from this MS in Proceedings of the Short Parliament of 1640 (1977), pp. 138-40.
RuB 128
Copy, headed Sr Beniamin Rudyerd his Speech in Parliamt.
A folio volume of parliamentary speeches and proceedings in April 1640, in a professional predominantly secretary hand, ii + 73 unnumbered leaves, in a stiff paper wrapper.
RuB 129
Copy, introduced Satterday the 25 of Aprill Sr: Beniamyn Ruddyard spake as followeth.
A quarto volume of parliamentary letters and speeches, mostly (up to p. 94) in probably two professional secretary hands, a later second secretary hand from p. 109 onwards, 295 pages (including numerous blanks), in contemporary limp vellum.
Formerly among the MSS of John Harvey of Ickwell Bury, Hertfordshire, and Finningley Park, Yorkshire. Sotheby's, 19 June 1922. lot 522.
Recorded in HMC, 1st Report (1870), Appendix, p. 62.
Recorded in Proceedings of the Short Parliament of 1640 (1977), p. 297.
RuB 130
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed Sir Beniamin Rudyard knt:.
A folio composite volume of speeches in Parliament, in various secretary hands, 346 leaves (plus blanks), in red morocco gilt.
Recorded in Proceedings of the Short Parliament of 1640 (1977), p. 297.
RuB 131
Recorded in Proceedings of the Short Parliament of 1640 (1977), p. 297.
RuB 132
Copy, headed A Speach deliured in Parlament by Sr Beniamin Ridiers Aprill 1640.
A folio volume of speeches in Parliament in 1640, in several professional hands, 144 pages, in contemporary vellum with ties.
RuB 133
Copy, headed Sir Beniamin Rudyards Speech in parliament.
A sewn folio booklet of parliamentary speeches, in one or more professional secretary hands, twelve leaves, in a paper wrapper.
In a bundle among the papers of the Mildmay family, including those of Colonel Carew Harvey Mildmay (fl.1625-67), officer of the Jewel House, of Marks, Somerset.
Recorded in HMC, 7th Report (1879), Appendix, p. 596.
Recorded in Proceedings of the Short Parliament of 1640 (1977), p. 297.
RuB 134
Copy, in the secretary hand of the Feathery Scribe
, headed A Speech in Parliament: by Sr Beniamyn Rudyard on the < > of Aprill, 1640.
A folio composite volume of state tracts, in several professional secretary hands including that of the Feathery Scribe
, ii + 281 leaves (including blanks), in calf.
In the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), book and manuscript collector: Phillipps MS 10464. Among the collections of Sir Edwin Durning-Lawrence, MP (1837-1914), Baconian scholar and book collector.
Briefly described in Peter Beal, In Praise of Scribes: Manuscripts and their Makers in Seventeenth-Century England (Oxford, 1998), pp. 250-1 (No. 78).
RuB 135
A folio volume of parliamentary speeches and proceedings, 1640-1, some items in the hand of John Rushworth (c.1612-90), historian and politician.
Formerly Worcester College, MSS 5.20.
Recorded in Proceedings of the Short Parliament of 1640 (1977), p. 297.
RuB 136
Copy, headed Sir Beniamyne Ruddiards speech in Parliamt 1640.
A folio volume of speeches in the House of Commons in 1640, in a single professional hand, 105 leaves, in modern quarter red morocco.
Inscribed (f. 1r) John Griffith
and with a stamp lettered Cole Devm
Recorded in Proceedings of the Short Parliament of 1640 (1977), p. 297.
Speech in the House of Commons, ?7 November 1640
Speech (variously dated 4, 7, 9 and 10 November 1640) beginning We are here assembled to do God's business and the King's...
. First published in The Speeches of Sr. Benjamin Rudyer in the high Court of Parliament (London, 1641), pp. 1-10. Manning, pp. 159-65.
RuB 140
Copy, headed Sr Beniamin Riddyers speech in Parliament i Novemb: i640
A quarto MS of speeches in Parliament, 1640, 170 pages, bound with five other MSS of legal and political tracts, xxii + 612 pages in all (pp. 171-271 blank), in various professional hands, in contemporary calf.
RuB 141
A volume chiefly of speeches and proceedings in Parliament, 1640, 54 leaves, in modern half-vellum marbled boards.
Later owned by Frederic Morrell, Oxford solicitor. Acquired from the executors of Mrs Morrell in 1925.
RuB 142
Copy, in a secretary hand, headed A Speech vsed by Sr Beniamin Rudyard in the Comons howse of Parliamt 7o: Nov: 1640.
A folio composite volume of state papers, in various hands, 294 leaves, in half-calf.
Mid-17th century.
RuB 143
Copy, headed Sr Beniamin Ruddierds speech.
A small quarto diary, in a single secretary hand, 89 leaves, bound with a separately acquired continuation or companion MS (ff. 90r-153r, now Add. MS 28640), in modern half-morocco.
Compiled by the Rev. John Rous (1584-1644), incumbent of Santon Downham, Suffolk, and relating, retrospectively, chiefly to public events and to literary texts in circulation in 1625-42.
Later owned by Dawson Turner (1775-1858), banker, botanist and antiquary. Turner sale, 7 June 1859, lot 253. The second MS purchased at Sotheby's, 15-25 March 1871 (library of the bookseller Joseph Lilly).
The first MS edited in full in Diary of John Rous, incumbent of Santon Downham, Suffolk, from 1625 to 1642, ed. Mary Anne Everett Green, Camden Society No. 66 (1856).
RuB 144
Copy, in a mixed hand, headed Sr Beniamin Ruddiers speech in Parliamt anno 1640, 7 Nov
added later in pencil, on 3 pages of a pair of conjugate folio leaves. c.1640s.
A folio composite volume of state papers and parliamentary speeches 1640-c.1660, in various hands, 91 leaves, in half-calf on marbled boards.
RuB 145
Copy, in the italic hand of Richard Oxinden, headed Sr. Ben. Rud.
A folio composite volume of state tracts and papers, in various hands and paper sizes, 124 leaves, mounted on guards, in 19th-century half red morocco.
Collected by members of the Oxinden family, Baronets, of Deane and Barham, Kent, including Henry Oxinden (1609-70) and his brother Richard (b.1613).
RuB 146
Copy, in a mixed hand, headed Sr Beniamin Rudiard 9ber 7 1640, damp-stained.
An unbound collection of parliamentary speeches and state tracts, in at least three professional hands, 91 largely folio leaves.
Volume CCCCLXXXVIII of the Evelyn Papers, of John Evelyn (1620-1706), diarist and writer, of Wootton House, Surrey, and his family, also incorporating papers of his father-in-law, Sir Richard Browne, Bt (1605-83), diplomat, and his family. Formerly preserved at Christ Church, Oxford. Purchased March 1995.
RuB 147
Copy, headed Sr: Beniamin Ruddier his speech in the Parliamt: 4 nouem: Ano: Domi: 1640.
A small quarto Book of Divers Relations concerning ye affairs of Scotland & England about ye year 1640, in a single neat cursive italic hand, 54 leaves, in 18th-century calf.
Bookplate of Thomas Philip, Earl de Grey, of Wrest Park, Bedfordshire (MS 49).
RuB 148
Copy, closely written in a professional secretary hand, headed Sr Benjamin Rudyards speech in Parliamt 1640, on two probably once conjugate folio leaves.
A large folio composite volume of state papers and parliamentary speeches, in various hands, 291 leaves, in modern half crushed morocco on cloth boards gilt.
Much in the hand of Sir Simonds D'Ewes.
RuB 149
Copy, closely written in a cursive mixed hand, headed Sr Benjamin Rudiers Speech.
A folio composite volume of state tracts and papers, in various hands, 200 leaves, in modern crushed morocco gilt.
RuB 150
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed Sr Beniamin Rudijars Speech.
A folio volume of state letters, tracts, speeches and a parliamentary journal for 1624-25, in possibly several largely secretary hands, one predominating, 77 leaves (plus blanks), in modern quarter crushed morocco on cloth boards gilt.
Notes (f. 55r-v) on the executions of Ralegh, Cuffe and Essex signed Wr Bilmor
[i.e. Walter Belmor or Belmore], possibly the principal compiler.
Inscribed (f. [iir]) Timothy Langley
RuB 151
Copy, in a mixed hand, headed A speach deliuered in parliment by Sr Beniamin Ruddard, on two tipped-in folio leaves.
A folio volume, comprising almost entirely a parliamentary journal for 27 October to 19 December 1601, chiefly in two or more professional secretary hands, with a mixed hand on f. 131v and later tipped-in leaves as ff. 132-3, 134 leaves (plus numerous blanks), in mottled leather gilt.
Early 17th century [to c.1633].
Inscribed (f. 1r) Thomas ward
, George Withers his booke Anno Dni 1633
, and Robert Daye
, and (f. 134v) Hugh Parsons / i633
RuB 152
Copy, in a small hand, headed Sr Beniamin Rydier his speech in the House of Comons Novemb. 7th. 1640.
A folio composite volume of state papers, parliamentary speeches, and verse, in various hands, with an alphabetical Index (ff. 1r-6v), 144 leaves, in modern mottled leather gilt.
RuB 153
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed Sir Beniamin Rudyard his Speech in Parliamt. the 9th of November 1640.
A folio composite volume of parliamentary speeches, from 1640 to 1675, in various professional hands, 293 leaves, in old calf.
RuB 154
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed Sr Beniamen Rudyeres Speeche the 7th of Nouember 1640, with a reader's marginal annotation This speech may now be vnseasonably reveiwed at this season - especially ye later pt of it
A large folio composite volume of state tracts, papers and parliamentary speeches, in various hands, 452 leaves, in 19th-century half morocco gilt.
Humphrey Wanley's inscription (f. 1r) on his date of accession 26 August 1724
RuB 155
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, with a title-page Sr Beniamyn Ridgeard his Speech in ye Comons house of Parlimt in Nouember 1640.
A folio composite volume of speeches in Parliament 1639-41, in several professional hands, 356 leaves, in old calf gilt (rebacked).
RuB 156
Copy, in a secretary hand, headed Sr Benjamin Rudyards speech in Parliamt. Nov: 7o 1640, on four quarto leaves.
A folio composite volume of chiefly Elizabethan and Jacobean parliamentary proceedings, in various hands, 128 leaves, in modern half crushed morocco.
RuB 157
Copy of a speech here dated 7 November 1640.
Among papers of the Pell family of Norfolk and Walpole family of Houghton, Norfolk, in the Cholmondeley (Houghton) Papers.
RuB 158
Copy, headed Sr Beniamen Ridyards speech November the xth i640.
A folio volume of parliamentary speeches in 1640, in three professional hands, 81 leaves, now disbound.
Owned by Dr Samuel Knight (1677/8-1746), clergyman and antiquary. Among the collections of John Patrick (1632-95), religious controversialist.
RuB 159
Copy, headed The speech of Sr Benjamine Rudyer in the high Court of Parliament.
A tall folio volume of tracts and parliamentary papers and speeches relating to events leading up to the Civil War, in two neat italic hands, 177 pages (plus blanks), in contemporary vellum.
Mid-late 17th century.
Instructions to the binder Mr Littleton
written (p. 1) by W. Baker
. Bookplate of Richard Fenton (1747-1821), Welsh topographical writer and antiquary.
RuB 160
Copy, in an italic hand with corrections, headed Sir Benjamin Rudiers Speech in ye lower house of Pariamt Novem: 1640, on all four pages of a pair of conjugate folio leaves, in a folio composite volume of 31 parliamentary papers, in various hands, in modern quarter-morocco.
Among papers of the Knatchbull family, Barons Brabourne, of Mersham-le-Hatch, Kent.
RuB 161
Copy, headed Sr Beniamin Ruddiards speech the 7 November 1640 in the house of Comons.
A folio volume of parliamentary proceedings in 1640-41, in a single professional mixed hand, 218 pages (plus blanks), in contemporary vellum.
RuB 162
Copy, in a professional predominantly secretary hand, headed Sr Beniamin Rudieards speech in parliament 1640 Nov: 7.
A quarto composite volume of state papers, tracts and speeches, 183 leaves, in half-vellum on marbled boards.
Compiled, and written, mostly by William Fulman (1632-88), Oxford antiquary.
RuB 163
Copy, in a mixed hand, headed Beniamin Ruddiards speech in Parlament, on three pages of two folio leaves.
A folio composite volume of state tracts and papers, 314 leaves (plus blanks), in reversed calf.
Compiled, and partly written, by William Fulman (1632-88), Oxford antiquary.
RuB 164
Copy, headed Sr Beniamin Rudiards speech.
A quarto miscellany of verse and prose, including parliamentary speeches, in several largely secretary hands, 165 leaves (plus blanks), in contemporary vellum, stamped with the monogram
, within modern half-calf on marbled boards.
Inscribed (inside the front cover) Thomas Bowdler his booke wrytten wth his owne bloode 1634
and, in engrossed and decorated lettering, Thomas Bowdler his booke Ao Do: 1635
, his name occurring several times elsewhere: the MS probably compiled in part by him.
RuB 165
Copy, headed Sir Beniamin Rideards speech in Parlamt 9o Nouembris 1640.
A folio volume of speeches and proceedings in Parliament in 1640-40/1, in a single professional secretary hand, 105 leaves (plus numerous blanks), in contemporary limp vellum.
Recorded in HMC, 6th Report (1877), Appendix, pp. 306-7.
RuB 166
Copy, headed Sr Beniamin Ruddiars speech in Parliament.
A quarto volume of proceedings in Parliament from 3 November 1640 to 13 April 1641, in a professional secretary hand, 320 pages, in contemporary vellum.
Item 178 in an unidentified sale catalogue.
RuB 167
Copy, in a neat largely italic hand, headed Sr Beniamin Rudyer his speech in Parliment 1640, on four pages of two pairs of conjugate folio leaves, once folded as a letter or packet, in a folder of political speeches.
A box of unbound and unnumbered legal and miscellaneous papers.
RuB 168
Copy, in a mixed hand, headed Sr Beniamin Rudyard his speech in Parliamt 1640, on five pages of two pairs of conjugate folio leaves, once folded as a letter or packet, in a file of political speeches.
A box of unbound and unnumbered legal and miscellaneous papers.
RuB 169
Copy, in a professional hand, headed Sr Beniamin Rudgiars als Ruddiers speech in Parliament in Nouembr. Ano Dni. 1640, on all four pages of a pair of conjugate folio leaves.
With a tipped-in letter by Ralph Verney (1879-1959), Secretary to the Speaker of the House of Commons, to the librarian of the House of Commons, 2 November 1945, stating that the MS had been donated by Dumpleton [?Cyril Walter Dumpleton (1897-1966), MP for St Albans] to the Speaker Douglas Clifton Brown in 1945.
RuB 170
Copy, headed Sr Benjamin Rudyers speech Nou ye 9th.
A quarto volume of speeches and proceedings in Parliament 1628-40, in a single non-professional hand, 62 leaves, in contemporary limp vellum.
RuB 171
Copy, headed Sr Beniamin Rudyards speech in Parliament 7th Nouemb: 1640.
A folio composite volume of proceedings in Parliament in November 1640, in secretary hands, 134 leaves, in contemporary vellum boards.
RuB 172
Copy, in a secretary hand, headed Sr Beniamin Ruddiott his speech 1640.
A folio composite volume of state tracts and papers, in various hands and paper sizes, with a table of contents, 599 leaves.
Inscribed (f. 141r) John: Saunders is the trew owner of this booke
, Captaine Christo: Blounte
, and Valentine LLawless
Owned by John Madden, MD (1649-1703/4), physician and manuscript collector. Old pressmark F. 1. 20.
RuB 173
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed Sr Beniamin Ridyards Speech in the Comons howse Novembr: 1640.
A folio volume of proceedings in Parliament in 1640 and other state papers, in several professional hands, 369 leaves (plus blanks), in old calf.
RuB 174
Copy, headed Sr Beniamine Rudder's speech in Parliamt. Nov: 1640.
A quarto volume comprising speeches in Parliament 1640-40/1, in a single mixed hand, 52 leaves, in modern cloth.
Later owned by Edward Dowden (1843-1913), and with a tipped-in letter to him about the MS by David Masson, 4 May 1875. Dowden sale, London 9 June 1914, to Dobell. Purchased in 1928.
RuB 175
Copy, in the professional secretary hand of the Feathery Scribe
, headed An Introducted speeche by Sir Beniamyn Rudiard the 7th of November: 1640.
A folio composite volume of state tracts, in several professional secretary hands including that of the Feathery Scribe
, ii + 281 leaves (including blanks), in calf.
In the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), book and manuscript collector: Phillipps MS 10464. Among the collections of Sir Edwin Durning-Lawrence, MP (1837-1914), Baconian scholar and book collector.
Briefly described in Peter Beal, In Praise of Scribes: Manuscripts and their Makers in Seventeenth-Century England (Oxford, 1998), pp. 250-1 (No. 78).
RuB 176
A quarto miscellany of political material, principally of parliamentary speeches and letters for 1640-1, neatly written in a rounded hand, 310 pages, in 17th-century calf.
Mid-17th century.
Formerly Osborn Collection, Box 45, 19.
RuB 177
A folio volume of parliamentary speeches for 1640-1, with related materials, in professional hands, 162 leaves (including a few blanks), in contemporary vellum.
Title-page inscribed Vni Amcotts
and the motto Litera scripta manent
Speech in the House of Commons, 29 December 1640
Speech beginning The principal part of this business is money...
. Manning, pp. 166-7.
RuB 178
Copy, in a secretary hand, headed Sr Beniamin Rudyardes speech in Parliament 29o Decembris 1640.
A folio composite volume of state papers, in various hands, 294 leaves, in half-calf.
Mid-17th century.
RuB 179
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed Sir Beniamyn Rudgiers second Speech 29o: Dec: 1640.
A folio composite volume of speeches in Parliament 1639-41, in several professional hands, 356 leaves, in old calf gilt (rebacked).
RuB 180
Copy, headed Sr Beniamin Ruddiards speech touchinge the grantinge of Subsidies.
A folio volume of parliamentary proceedings in 1640-41, in a single professional mixed hand, 218 pages (plus blanks), in contemporary vellum.
RuB 181
Copy, headed Sir Beniamin Rideards speech 29o Decembr i640.
A folio volume of speeches and proceedings in Parliament in 1640-40/1, in a single professional secretary hand, 105 leaves (plus numerous blanks), in contemporary limp vellum.
Recorded in HMC, 6th Report (1877), Appendix, pp. 306-7.
RuB 182
Copy, headed Sr Beniamin Ruddiars 2d speech in Parliament the 29 of December 1640.
A quarto volume of proceedings in Parliament from 3 November 1640 to 13 April 1641, in a professional secretary hand, 320 pages, in contemporary vellum.
Item 178 in an unidentified sale catalogue.
RuB 183
Copy, in a professional cursive secretary hand, headed Sr Beniamin Rudyard his Speech in the Comons howse of Parliament 29o Decembris 1640.
A folio volume of proceedings in Parliament in 1640 and other state papers, in several professional hands, 369 leaves (plus blanks), in old calf.
RuB 184
Copy, headed Sr Beniamine Ruddierd's speech in Parliamt. 29o. decemb: 1640.
A quarto volume comprising speeches in Parliament 1640-40/1, in a single mixed hand, 52 leaves, in modern cloth.
Later owned by Edward Dowden (1843-1913), and with a tipped-in letter to him about the MS by David Masson, 4 May 1875. Dowden sale, London 9 June 1914, to Dobell. Purchased in 1928.
RuB 185
Copy, headed Sir Benjamin Rudyard his second speech in Parliament 29th December 1640.
A folio volume of parliamentary speeches and proceedings, 1640-1, many items in the hand of John Rushworth (c.1612-90), historian and politician, 158 leaves.
Formerly Worcester College, MSS 5.16.
Speech in the House of Commons, 21-22 January 1640/1
Speech beginning It well becometh vs thankefully to acknowledge the prudent & painfull endeuours of my Lords the Peers Comissioners...
. First published in The Speeches of Sr. Benjamin Rudyer in the high Court of Parliament (London, 1641), pp. 11-18
[i.e. 14]. Manning, pp. 169-72.
RuB 189
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed Sr Benjamine Rudiarde speech in the Parliament 21th of Januarie 1640.
A folio composite volume of speeches in Parliament 1639-41, in several professional hands, 356 leaves, in old calf gilt (rebacked).
RuB 190
Copy, headed Sr Beniamin Ruddiards second speech January 21 vppon the giueinge the 300 thousand pounds.
A folio volume of parliamentary proceedings in 1640-41, in a single professional mixed hand, 218 pages (plus blanks), in contemporary vellum.
RuB 191
Copy, headed Sr Beniamin Ruddiars 3d speech in parliament January the 22th Concerning the Scottish affayres 1640.
A quarto volume of proceedings in Parliament from 3 November 1640 to 13 April 1641, in a professional secretary hand, 320 pages, in contemporary vellum.
Item 178 in an unidentified sale catalogue.
RuB 192
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed Sr Beniamin Rudiardes speech in the howse of Commons the 2i Jan. 1640.
A folio composite volume of state tracts, in several professional secretary hands including that of the Feathery Scribe
, ii + 281 leaves (including blanks), in calf.
In the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), book and manuscript collector: Phillipps MS 10464. Among the collections of Sir Edwin Durning-Lawrence, MP (1837-1914), Baconian scholar and book collector.
Briefly described in Peter Beal, In Praise of Scribes: Manuscripts and their Makers in Seventeenth-Century England (Oxford, 1998), pp. 250-1 (No. 78).
RuB 193
Copy, here dated 3 February 1640/1.
Speech in the House of Commons, 7-9 February 1640/1
Speech beginning I doe verily beleeue that there are manie of the Clergie in one Church who doe thinke...
. First published in The Speeches of Sr. Benjamin Rudyer in the high Court of Parliament (London, 1641), pp. 15-12
[i.e. 20]. Manning, pp. 185-7.
RuB 194
Copy, headed A Speech of Sr Beniamin Rudyer in the H. of Comons concerning Bishops. ffeb. 9. 1640.
A folio composite volume of state papers, parliamentary speeches, and verse, in various hands, with an alphabetical Index (ff. 1r-6v), 144 leaves, in modern mottled leather gilt.
RuB 195
Copy, in a secretary hand, headed Sr: Benjamine Rydiars speech concerning Bishopps.
A folio composite volume of parliamentary papers, in various professional hands, 326 leaves, in modern crushed morocco.
RuB 196
Copy, headed Sr Beniamine Ruddiars speech concerning Bisho ffebruary the 7th 1640.
A quarto volume of proceedings in Parliament from 3 November 1640 to 13 April 1641, in a professional secretary hand, 320 pages, in contemporary vellum.
Item 178 in an unidentified sale catalogue.
RuB 197
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed Sr Beniamin Rudyards Speache the 9th of ffebruary Ao 1640, on twelve folio pages, unbound.