MS Clarendon 18
A composite volume of letters and papers of the Earl of Clarendon, for June-December 1637, 278 leaves.
ff. 147r-9r
RuB 120:
Sir Benjamin Rudyerd,
Speech in the House of Commons, ?15-25 April 1640
Copy, here beginning Mr. Speaker by Gods blessing and the Kings favor a greate doore and effectuall is opened unto us...
Edited from this MS in Proceedings of the Short Parliament of 1640 (1977), pp. 248-51.
Speech beginning There is a great dore now opened unto us of doing good...
. Variant version in Manning, pp. 148-51.
ff. 152r-4v
RuB 121:
Sir Benjamin Rudyerd,
Speech in the House of Commons, ?15-25 April 1640
Recorded in Proceedings of the Short Parliament of 1640 (1977), p. 297.
Speech beginning There is a great dore now opened unto us of doing good...
. Variant version in Manning, pp. 148-51.
MS Clarendon 19
A composite volume of letters and papers of the Earl of Clarendon, for September 1640-January 1640/1, 284 leaves.
f. 119r
*ClE 17:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, begun in the year 1641
Autograph notes, added at a later date to an official minute dated 3 December 1640.
This MS recorded in CCSP, I, 211.
First published in 3 vols, Oxford, 1702-4. Edited by Bulkeley Bandinel (8 vols, Oxford, 1826). Edited by W.D. Macray (6 vols, Oxford, 1888).
ff. 128r-9v
*EaJ 87:
John Earle, Bishop of Worcester and Salisbury,
Autograph letter signed, to Edward Hyde, from Bishopstone, 9 December [1640].
Edited in Bliss-Irwin, pp. 317-18. Quoted in Darwin, p. 88. Facsimile in IELM, II.i (1987), Facsimile XVI, after p. xxiv.
ff. 276r-7v
*EaJ 88:
John Earle, Bishop of Worcester and Salisbury,
Autograph letter signed, to Edward Hyde, from Bishopstone, 15 January 1640/1.
MS Clarendon 26
A composite volume of letters and papers of the Earl of Clarendon, for October 1645-January 1645-January 1645/6, 210 leaves.
ff. 173r-8r
*ClE 46:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
Transcendent and Multiplied Rebellion and Treason, Discovered, By the Lawes of the Land
Autograph draft on six folio leaves.
This MS recorded in CCSP, I, 295, and discussed in Belford.
First published anonymously, [in Oxford?], 1645.
MS Clarendon 27
A composite volume of letters and papers of the Earl of Clarendon, for January 1645/6-May 1646, 164 leaves.
ff. 10r-11v
*CoA 216:
Abraham Cowley,
Autograph letter signed, partly in cipher, [to John, Lord Colepeper], from Paris, 17 January 1646
ff. 53r-4v
*CoA 218:
Abraham Cowley,
Autograph letter signed, (partly in cipher), [to John, Lord Colepepper], from Paris, 10 February 1646
ff. 55r-6v
*CoA 217:
Abraham Cowley,
Autograph letter signed, partly in cipher, [to John, Lord Colepeper], from Paris, 9 February 1646
ff. 147r-8v
*CoA 215:
Abraham Cowley,
Autograph letter signed, (partly in cipher), [to John, Lord Colepeper]., from Paris, 20 April 1646.
Edited in Nethercot, p. 114.
MS Clarendon 28
A composite volume of letters and papers of the Earl of Clarendon, for May-December 1646, 310 leaves.
ff. 5r-6v
*DaW 128:
Sir William Davenant,
Autograph letter signed by Davenant, to Sir Edward Hyde, from Paris, 5 May 1646.
ff. 72r-3v
*DaW 129:
Sir William Davenant,
Autograph letter signed by Davenant, to Sir Edward Hyde, from St Germain, 2 June 1646.
MS Clarendon 29
A composite volume of letters and papers of the Earl of Clarendon, for December 1649-July 1647, 270 leaves.
ff. 16r-26r
*ClE 47:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
Autograph collection on legal and political matters, on eleven folio leaves.
This MS recorded in CCSP, I, 350.
MS Clarendon 36
A composite volume of letters and papers of the Earl of Clarendon, a collection of addenda dated 1586-1648, 125 leaves.
ff. 79r-85r
*ClE 19:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, begun in the year 1641
Autograph memoranda for Books III-VIII, together with autograph minutes of a committee, on seven folio leaves. 1644.
This MS recorded in CCSP, I, 503.
First published in 3 vols, Oxford, 1702-4. Edited by Bulkeley Bandinel (8 vols, Oxford, 1826). Edited by W.D. Macray (6 vols, Oxford, 1888).
MS Clarendon 37
A composite volume of letters and papers of the Earl of Clarendon, for February 1648/9-August 1649, 220 leaves.
ff. 16r-17r
EaJ 69:
John Earle, Bishop of Worcester and Salisbury,
Eikon Basilike
Copy of the original English version of Earle's dedicatory epistle to Charles II on two folio leaves, endorsed by Edward Hyde, later first Earl of Clarendon (1609-74), Dr. Earles translation of his owne Epistle before the Ks. booke
First published in The Hague, 1649. London, 1649. The English version of Earle's dedication first published in Eikon Basilike, ed. Edward J.L. Scott (London, 1880), pp. xxxiv-xxxvii. Reprinted in Edward Almack, A Bibliography of The King's Book or Eikon Basilike (London, 1896), pp. 138-40. The Latin version of the dedication is in Bliss, pp. 233-6.
MS Clarendon 39
A composite volume of letters and papers of the Earl of Clarendon, for January 1649-May 1650, 232 leaves.
ff. 49r-52r
*ClE 48:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
Autograph meditation and prayer on the anniversary of the execution of Charles I, with autograph notes on the same subject, on four folio leaves. 30 January 1650
This MS recorded in CCSP, II, 41.
MS Clarendon 40
A folio composite volume of letters and papers of the Earl of Clarendon, for June-September 1650, 220 leaves.
ff. 17r-18r
ClE 2:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
Consideracons worthy to be weighed in the Case of the English Gentleman now in Prison
Copy, with some alterations in another hand, on two folio leaves. 7 June 1650.
This MS recorded in CCSP, II, 63.
ff. 1r-20v
ClE 3:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
Consideracons worthy to be weighed in the Case of the English Gentleman now in Prison
Copy in the hand of William Edgeman on two folio leaves. 1650.
This MS recorded in CCSP, II, 63.
ff. 21r-2v
ClE 4:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
Consideracons worthy to be weighed in the Case of the English Gentleman now in Prison
Second copy in the hand of William Edgeman on two folio leaves. 1650.
This MS recorded in CCSP, II, 63.
ff. 23r-4v
ClE 5:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
Consideracons worthy to be weighed in the Case of the English Gentleman now in Prison
Third copy in the hand of William Edgeman on two folio leaves. 1650.
This MS recorded in CCSP, II, 63.
ff. 25r-7v
ClE 6:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
Consideracons worthy to be weighed in the Case of the English Gentleman now in Prison
Copy of a French translation, headed Considerations, ou Raisons dignes d'estre consideres, touchans l'affaire des Gentilhommes Anglois, Mainenant en prison, with corrections in another hand, on three folio leaves. [1650].
This MS recorded in CCSP, II, 63.
ff. 31r-8r
ClE 7:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
Consideracons worthy to be weighed in the Case of the English Gentleman now in Prison
Copy of a Spanish version in the hand of William Edgeman, headed Consideraciones dignas de atencion en la causa de los Cavalleros Ingleses, presos en esta corte por la muerte de un Agente que se dezia ser de los Rebeldes de Inglaterra, on eight folio leaves. [1650].
This version published in Madrid, 1650, and an exemplum accompanies the present text (pp. 39-42v). This MS recorded in CCSP, II, 63.
ff. 44r-6v
ClE 8:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
Consideracons worthy to be weighed in the Case of the English Gentleman now in Prison
Autograph Latin translation, headed Animadversiones et Considerationes satis perpendendae in causa Nobilium Anglorum in carcere iam nunc discussorum et detentorum and docketed My Latine translation of the Considerations on Behalfe of the gent.
, on three folio leaves. [1650].
This MS recorded in CCSP, II, 63.
MS Clarendon 41
A composite volume of letters and papers of the Earl of Clarendon, for October 1650-March 1650/1, 353 leaves.
ff. 175r-6r
*ClE 49:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
Autograph meditation and prayer on the anniversary of the execution of Charles I on two folio leaves. 30 January 1651
This MS recorded in CCSP, II, 95.
MS Clarendon 42
A composite volume of letters and papers of the Earl of Clarendon, for April 1651-February 1651/2, 417 leaves.
f. 334r
*ClE 50:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
Autograph meditation on the anniversary of the execution of Charles I on a single folio leaf. 30 January 1652
This MS recorded in CCSP, II, 118.
MS Clarendon 43
A composite volume of letters and papers of the Earl of Clarendon, for March 1651/2-October 1652, 358 leaves.
f. 236r
DeJ 56:
Sir John Denham,
On Mr. Tho. Killigrew's Return from his Embassie from Venice, and Mr. William Murray's from Scotland
('Our Resident Tom, From Venice is come')
Copy in the hand of William Edgeman, secretary of Edward Hyde, first Earl of Clarendon, headed To the Tune of First came my Ld Scroope, he did hallow & hoope &c, on a single quarto leaf.
Printed from this MS in Calendar of the Clarendon State Papers, II (Oxford, 1869), p. 143; collated in Banks.
First published in Poems and Translations (London, 1668). Banks, pp. 111-12.
MS Clarendon 45
A composite volume of letters and papers of the Earl of Clarendon, for January 1652/3-June 1653, 512 leaves.
f. 22r
*WiG 81:
George Wither,
A warrant authorizing the delivery of specified goods to William Gregory, signed by Wither as member of the Committee of Trustees for the Sale of the Late King's Goods, 11 January 1652[/3].
MS Clarendon 50
A composite volume of letters and papers of the Earl of Clarendon, for April-December 1655, 296 leaves.
ff. 256r-69r
*ClE 21:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
A Letter from a True and Lawfull Member of Parliament
Autograph draft on thirteen of fourteen folio pages, headed A letter from a true and lawfull member of Parliamt. and one faithfully engaged with itt from the begininge of the warr to the end: To one of the Lords of His Highnesse Councell, upon occasyon of the late Declaration, shewinge the reasons of the proceedings for securinge the peace of the Commonwealth, published on the 31. of Octobr. 1655.
This MS discussed in Belford and recorded in CCSP, III, 79.
First published anonymously in London, 1656. Once thought to be by Sir Henry Vane the younger (1613-62), politician and writer.
ff. 270r-89r
*ClE 22:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
A Letter from a True and Lawfull Member of Parliament
Copy on twenty folio leaves. Mid-late 17th century.
This MS recorded in CCSP, III, 216.
First published anonymously in London, 1656. Once thought to be by Sir Henry Vane the younger (1613-62), politician and writer.
f. 290r
DeJ 112:
Sir John Denham,
Verses on the Cavaliers Imprisoned in 1655
('Through the gover[n]inge part cannot finde in their heart')
Copy, untitled, on a single folio leaf, endorsed by Edward Hyde, first Earl of Clarendon, Lybell of the psons impryson'd 1655
Edited from this MS in Firth and in Banks.
First published, and attributed to Denham, by C.H. Firth in N&Q, 7th Ser. 10 (19 July 1890), 41-2. Banks, pp. 135-41. Denham's authorship rejected in O Hehir, Harmony, pp. 117-19.
MS Clarendon 57
A folio volume of Clarendon's state papers and correspondence, for January 1657/8-April 1658, in various hands, 377 leaves.
f. 42r
MaA 524:
Andrew Marvell,
Copy, by Charles II's agent Henry Slingsby, secretary to the Earl of Bristol, of a letter by Marvell to Sir William Lockhart, English Ambassador in Paris, 11/21 January 1657/8.
MS Clarendon 69
A folio composite volume of Clarendon's papers and correspondence for February 1659/60, in various hands, 198 leaves.
f. 193r-v
*DeJ 132:
Sir John Denham,
Autograph letter signed, in cipher, [to King Charles II], [February] 1659/60.
Edited in O Hehir, Harmony, pp. 143-4.
f. 196r
*DeJ 133:
Sir John Denham,
Autograph letter signed, partly in cipher, [to Edward Hyde], [February]1659/60.
Edited in O Hehir, Harmony, p. 145.
MS Clarendon 75
A composite volume of letters and papers of the Earl of Clarendon, for July-December 1661, 478 leaves.
ff. 81r-2v
*WiG 48:
George Wither,
Autograph letter signed by Wither, to the Earl of Clarendon, about his unfinished poem Vox Vulgi seized by the Council, from The Messengers' House, 9 August 1661.
Edited in Macray, pp. 1-2.
ff. 83r-91v
*WiG 35:
George Wither,
Vox Vulgi
('Words are but winde, and when that they are spoken')
Autograph draft of an unfinished 732-line poem, seized by order of the Privy Council before the final revisions could be made, with an elaborate title-page (f. 83r: Vox Vulgi. being, A Well-come home from the Counties, Citties or Bouroughs, to their prevarications Trvstes; with a premised Savinge of the honor of everie faithfull & discreet member of Parliament…
), and a prefatory poem (f. 84r-v: To the right horll: the Earle of Clarendon Lo: Chanceller of England, beginning Sir, he, that hath nought left, nor ought to do), the main text on ff. 85-91v, on nine quarto leaves, endorsed on a blank (f. 80) in Clarendon's hand Withere's libell 1661.
Edited from this MS in Macray. For a facsimile of f. 85v, see Facsimile XXII above.
First published as Vox Vulgi: A Poem in Censure of the Parliament of 1661, ed. the Rev. W. Dunn Macray, Anecdota Bodleiana, Gleanings from Bodleian MSS. II (Oxford & London, 1880).
MS Clarendon 80
A composite volume of letters and papers of the Earl of Clarendon, for July-December 1663, 374 leaves.
ff. 199r-200v
*EaJ 102:
John Earle, Bishop of Worcester and Salisbury,
Autograph letter signed, to Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, from Westminster, 15 September 1663. Quoted in Darwin, p. 220.
Quoted in Darwin, p. 220.
ff. 213r-14v
*EaJ 103:
John Earle, Bishop of Worcester and Salisbury,
Autograph letter signed, to Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, from Westminster, 21 September 1663.
Quoted in Darwin, pp. 220, 222.
MS Clarendon 81
A composite volume of letters and papers of the Earl of Clarendon, for January 1663/4-June 1664, ii + 293 leaves.
ff. 264r-5v
*EaJ 108:
John Earle, Bishop of Worcester and Salisbury,
Autograph letter signed, to Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, from Sarum, 25 May [1665].
Quoted in Darwin, pp. 232-3 (and see p. 15 for dating).
MS Clarendon 82
A folio composite volume of letters and papers of Edward, Earl of Clarendon, for July-December 1664, in various hands, 303 leaves.
f. 94r
*EaJ 106:
John Earle, Bishop of Worcester and Salisbury,
Autograph letter signed by Earle, to Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, from Sarum, 17 September 1664.
Quoted in Darwin, p. 231.
ff. 239r*-40v*
*EaJ 107:
John Earle, Bishop of Worcester and Salisbury,
Autograph letter signed, to Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, from Westminster, 29 November 1664.
Quoted in Darwin, pp. 231-2.
MS Clarendon 85
A composite volume of letters and papers of the Earl of Clarendon, for 1667, 452 leaves.
ff. 430r-3r
ClE 72:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
The Humble Petition and Address of Clarendon in 1667
Petition beginning I cannot express the insupportable trouble and grief of mind I sustain...
. Published as To the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament Assembled: The Humble Petition and Address of Clarendon, [in London, 1667?], and subsequently reprinted widely, sometimes under the title News from Dunkirk-house: or, Clarendon's Farewell to England Dec 3 1667.
MS Clarendon 87
A composite volume of letters and papers of the Earl of Clarendon, for 1668-80, i + 348 leaves.
ff. 12r-13r, 14r-17r
ClE 126:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
Letters to the Duke of York and the Duchess of York
Letters by Clarendon to his daughter Anne (who died on 31 March 1671 before the letter arrived) and to her husband, the Duke of York (later James II), on the occasion of her conversion to Roman Catholicism. The original letters, which received particular attention by his contemporaries because of their subject matter, are not known to survive.
These were first published in Two Letters written by … Edward Earl of Clarendon … one to His Royal Highness the Duke of York, the other to the Dutchess, occasioned by her Embracing the Roman Catholic Religion (London, [1680?]) and were reprinted in State Tracts (1689), in An Appendix to the History of the Grand Rebellion (Oxford, 1724), pp. 313-24, and elsewhere.
MS Clarendon 92
A composite volume of letters and papers of the Earl of Clarendon, undated, iv + 432 leaves.
ff. 305r-10r
*ClE 51:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
Autograph quotations from various writers on six slips of paper.
This MS recorded in CCSP, V, 746.
f. 344r
*ClE 52:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
Autograph memoranda of various political tracts, together with a list of books in another hand, on a single folio leaf.
This MS recorded in CCSP, V, 746.
MS Clarendon 112
Autograph draft.
Headed A true Historicall narracon on the Rebellion & Civill warrs in England begunn in the yeere 1641. with the pecedent passages & Actions that contributed thereunto, on 630 large folio pages, including some copies of documents in the hand of William Edgeman, begun in Scilly, 18 March 1645[/6].
Lot 102 in the Radcliffe sale on 9 April 1764. See also lot 87 in the Radcliffe sale, which included Heads of the History of the Rebellion, and of the Continuation of it to the Restoration; 10 pages.
This MS collated in Macray, with a facsimile example facing p. 1; discussed in Belford, in Firth, and in Percy Simpson, Proof-Reading in the Sixteenth Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries (London, 1935; reprinted 1970), pp. 90-4.
*ClE 13:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, begun in the year 1641
This MS collated in Macray, with a facsimile example facing p. 1; discussed in Belford, in Firth, and in Percy Simpson, Proof-Reading in the Sixteenth Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries (London, 1935; reprinted 1970), pp. 90-4.
First published in 3 vols, Oxford, 1702-4. Edited by Bulkeley Bandinel (8 vols, Oxford, 1826). Edited by W.D. Macray (6 vols, Oxford, 1888).
MS Clarendon 113
Draft of most of Book IX and part of Book X.
Draft of most of Book IX and part of Book X in the hand of William Edgeman, with Clarendon's autograph endorsement Concerning the Westerne businesse
, on 66 folio leaves.
[June-July 1646].
This MS discussed in Macray, I, xi, and IV, I, 8 et seq.; in Belford, and in Firth.
*ClE 14:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, begun in the year 1641
First published in 3 vols, Oxford, 1702-4. Edited by Bulkeley Bandinel (8 vols, Oxford, 1826). Edited by W.D. Macray (6 vols, Oxford, 1888).
MSS Clarendon 114-20
Copy in seven folio volumes in the hands of William Wogan (Books I-V) and one Mr Low, with a few leaves (Book VIII, ff. 9-25) in a third hand; including a draft of the Preface of the first editor, Lawrence Hyde, Earl of Rochester, in Low's hand, corrected in Rochester's hand.
Presented to the Bodleian c.1785 by the Marquess of Queensbury.
This MS was the copy-text for the first edition (1702-4). Discussed in Belford, in Firth, and in Simpson, Proof-Reading, pp. 90-4.
*ClE 20:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, begun in the year 1641
This MS was the copy-text for the first edition (1702-4). Discussed in Belford, in Firth, and in Simpson, Proof-Reading, pp. 90-4.
First published in 3 vols, Oxford, 1702-4. Edited by Bulkeley Bandinel (8 vols, Oxford, 1826). Edited by W.D. Macray (6 vols, Oxford, 1888).
MS Clarendon 121
A folio composite volume of three MS tracts, 84 leaves.
(A) ff. 4r-27r
*ClE 25:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
A shorte view of the State and condicon of the kingdome of Ireland from the year 1640 to this tyme
Autograph draft, 24 large folio leaves; imperfect.
This MS recorded in Belford. Facsimile in IELM, II.i (1987), Facsimile VI.
First published in Dublin, 1719-20. Published in London, 1720. Incorporated into the 1816, 1826 and 1849 editions of The History of the Rebellion. Reprinted as Vol. II of A Collection of Several Valuable Pieces of Clarendon (2 vols, London, 1727).
(B) ff. 28r-33r
ClE 26:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
A shorte view of the State and condicon of the kingdome of Ireland from the year 1640 to this tyme
Copy in the hand of William Edgeman on five folio leaves, incomplete, [before January 1653].
This MS discussed in Belford.
First published in Dublin, 1719-20. Published in London, 1720. Incorporated into the 1816, 1826 and 1849 editions of The History of the Rebellion. Reprinted as Vol. II of A Collection of Several Valuable Pieces of Clarendon (2 vols, London, 1727).
(C) ff. 34r-80r
*ClE 27:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
A shorte view of the State and condicon of the kingdome of Ireland from the year 1640 to this tyme
Copy on 47 folio leaves, with an autograph motto on the first leaf, a prefatory leaf bearing the note His Grace the Duke of Ormonds papers
Printed from this MS in the first London edition (1720). Discussed in Belford.
First published in Dublin, 1719-20. Published in London, 1720. Incorporated into the 1816, 1826 and 1849 editions of The History of the Rebellion. Reprinted as Vol. II of A Collection of Several Valuable Pieces of Clarendon (2 vols, London, 1727).
MS Clarendon 122
Characters of Lord Digby, Sir John Berkeley, Sir Henry Bennett and (?) George Villiers, second Duke of Buckingham, in the hand of William Shaw, with Clarendon's autograph corrections to the punctuation, 38 folio leaves.
Characters of
This MS would appear to be different from those sold in the Radcliffe sale by Samuel Baker, 9 April 1764, lots 26 and 29, described as Character and History of Lord Digby. Montpelier, April 1669; 48 pages
and Characters and History of Sir John Berkeley and Sir Henry Bennet; 22 pages.
This MS discussed in Belford and in Graham Roebuck, A New
Portrait by Clarendon, N&Q, 218 (May 1975), 168-70, the latter also reprinting the fourth character.
*ClE 1:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
This MS discussed in Belford and in Graham Roebuck, A New
Portrait by Clarendon, N&Q, 218 (May 1975), 168-70, the latter also reprinting the fourth character.
First published (as three characters) in Clarendon State Papers, 3 vols (Oxford, 1767-86), III, Supplement, pp. li-lxxxiv. Several paragraphs of the character of Digby incorporated into the History of the Rebellion, Book X (first published 1702-4).
MS Clarendon 123
Almost entirely autograph draft of Clarendon's Life, vi + 908 folio leaves.
Donated to the Bodleian by the Marquess of Queensbury, 18 October 1789.
The MS as a whole
*ClE 23:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
The Life of Clarendon Written by Himself
Almost entirely autograph draft on folio pages, numbered 1-363, 368-533 and 544-883, in two parts, with the second part beginning on p. 615.
The text was never printed in this form; part was incorporated by Clarendon in his History of the Rebellion and the remainder was published in 1759. This MS discussed in Belford and in Firth.
First published in 3 vols, Oxford, 1759.
ff. 229r-30r
*ClE 18:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, begun in the year 1641
Autograph notes on two folio leaves.
This MS recorded in CCSP, I, 255.
First published in 3 vols, Oxford, 1702-4. Edited by Bulkeley Bandinel (8 vols, Oxford, 1826). Edited by W.D. Macray (6 vols, Oxford, 1888).
ff. 885r-908r
ClE 16:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, begun in the year 1641
Copy of part of Book XII in the hand of William Shaw, bound with the draft of Clarendon's Life (ClE 23).
According to George Watson, in The Reader in Clarendon's History of the Rebellion, RES, NS 25 (1974), 396-409, the rest of this MS was destroyed by fire in the 18th century: i.e. presumably in the fire at New Park, Petersham, in 1721.
First published in 3 vols, Oxford, 1702-4. Edited by Bulkeley Bandinel (8 vols, Oxford, 1826). Edited by W.D. Macray (6 vols, Oxford, 1888).
MS Clarendon 125
Copy in the hand of William Shaw, 366 folio leaves, together with some 18th-century family papers.
NB. Lots 35 and 36 in the Radcliffe sale by Samuel Baker on 9 April 1764 described as A Letter form Lord Clarendon on the Affairs of the Church, 76 pages; Religion and Policy, and the Countenance and Assistance that each should give to the other; With a Survey of the Pope's Power and Jurisdiction in the Dominion of other Princes - with additional interleaved pages, 80 pages and as A Continuation of the above, 4 page; Ditto, Rouen, 24 November 1674, 25 pages; Some Observations on the Hist. of the Popes
, and see also ClE 45.
This MS discussed in Belford.
ClE 24:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
Religion and Policy and the Countenance and Assistance each should give to the other
This MS discussed in Belford.
First published in 2 vols, Oxford, 1811.
MSS Clarendon 126-7
A miscellany of extracts from printed books, in English and Latin, chiefly in Clarendon's hand, in two folio volumes, 213 and 88 leaves respectively, in leather gilt.
The volumes as a whole
*ClE 53:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
A miscellany compiled by Clarendon and largely in his hand.
CmW 204:
William Camden,
Miscellaneous quotations from Camden's works.
MS Clarendon 127
Miscellany compiled by Edward Hyde, first Earl of Clarendon (1609-74).
ff. 5r-10r
WoH 263:
Sir Henry Wotton,
A Parallel between Robert Earl of Essex and George Duke of Buckingham
Copy, endorsed for Mr hide
First published in London, 1641. Edited by Sir Robert Egerton Brydges (Lee Priory Press, Ickham, 1814).
ff. 17r-27r
ClE 10:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
The Difference and Disparity betweene the Estates and Condicions of George Duke Buckingham and Robert Earle of Essex
Copy, endorsed For mr. Hide
, at the beginning of the second volume of Clarendon's commonplace book (ClE 53).
This MS discussed in Belford.
First published in Reliquiae Wottonianae (London, 1651), where it is ascribed to Sir Henry Wotton. First ascribed to Clarendon in the third edition (1672). First published separately as The characters of Robert Earl of Essex … and George Duke of Buckingham (London, 1706). Reprinted in An Appendix to the History of the Grand Rebellion (London, 1724), pp. 247-71, and in A Collection of several Valuable Pieces of Clarendon (2 vols, London, 1727), I, 247-71.
ff. 58r-62v
BcF 54.921:
Francis Bacon,
The Advancement of Learning
First published, as The Twoo Bookes of Francis Bacon. Of the proficience and aduancement of Learning, diuine and humane, in London, 1605. Spedding, III, 253-491. Edited by Michael Kiernan, The Oxford Francis Bacon, Vol. IV (Oxford, 2000).
MSS Clarendon 135*, 135**, 135***
Copy, in three folio volumes.
Presented to the Bodleian c.1785 by the Marquess of Queensbury.
This MS discussed in Belford.
ClE 9:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
Contemplations and reflexions upon the Psalmes of David applying those devotions to the troubles of this time
This MS discussed in Belford.
First published in A Collection of Several Tracts by the Earl of Clarendon (London, 1727), pp. 307-770. Reprinted 1747, 1751. Also reprinted as The Moral Beauties of Clarendon, compiled from his reflections on the Psalms of David, and selections from those Psalms (2 vols, London, 1796).
MS Clarendon 138*
Autograph extracts from the Old Testament and Apocrypha, with occasional notes.
Autograph extracts from the Old Testament and Apocrypha, with occasional notes, together with four autograph prayers headed 1648 Middleborough the 27 Aug. st. no., in a quarto volume of 374 pages (including many blanks), a few bearing entries in a later hand.
Formerly a Phillipps MS. This MS sold at Sotheby's, 19 June 1893, lot 131.
This MS recorded in Belford.
*ClE 54:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
This MS recorded in Belford.
MS Clarendon 140
Autograph draft, 146 quarto pages.
NB. Lots 35, 36, 79 and 81 in the Radcliffe sale by Samuel Baker on 9 April 1764: see ClE 24 and Introduction.
This MS discussed in Belford.
*ClE 45:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
Succession of Popes, accordinge to the Spanish Pontificall History compared with others
This MS discussed in Belford.
First published in Religion and Policy … With a Survey of the Power and Jurisdiction of the Pope on the Dominions of other Princes (2 vols., Oxford, 1811).
MSS Clarendon 141-3, 143*, 144
A series of autograph notebooks by Dr Bulkeley Bandinel (1781-1861), librarian, chiefly relating to his edition of Clarendon's History (1826), lxx + 553 folio leaves.
ClE 161:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
Editorial papers