Cardiff Central Library

MS 1.142

An octavo verse miscellany and notebook, in several italic hands, written from both ends, 64 unnumbered leaves, in contemporary calf.

Compiled chiefly by members of the Grosvenor family, of Downton, Radnorshire (now Shropshire).


Various inscriptions including Teverra Byrd, Teverra Grosvenor of Downton 1731, and Rich: Grosvenor his Book Given him p Mrs Teverra Grosvenor in the Year of Our Lord God Ano Dom 1730. Also including earlier notes, dated 1681, relating to persons excommunicated since J: Sayer came to Old Radnor.

A microfilm of this volume is in the National Library of Wales.

ff. [11r-12r]
CoA 120.5: Abraham Cowley, Ode. Mr. Cowley's Book presenting it self to the University Library of Oxford ('Hail Learnings Pantheon! Hail the sacred Ark')

Copy, headed A Pindarick ode the booke humbley presenting it selfe to the vniuersity Library at oxford and subscribed By. Ab: Cowley writt in ye beginning of ye booke he gaue to Bodley's Library.

First published in Poems, by Several Persons (Dublin, 1663). Verses, Lately Written upon several Occasions (London, 1663). Waller, I, 409-11.

f. [18r]
SaG 4: George Sandys, Hymn to my redeemer ('Saviour of mankind, Man, Emanuel')

Copy, headed vpon ye sight of our saviours sepulcher, subscribed G: Sandys: tran: pag: 167 lib 3°.

First published in A Relation of a Journey begun Anno Dom. 1610 (London, 1615), p. 167. Hooper, I, xxiv-xxv.

f. [18v]
WaE 718: Edmund Waller, Upon the late Storm, and of the Death of His Highness ensuing the same ('We must resign! Heaven his great soul does claim')

Copy, headed Vppon Cromwels dying in a greate wind, subscribed E Waller.

First published as a broadside (London, [1658]). Three Poems upon the Death of his late Highnesse Oliver Lord Protector (London, 1659). As Upon the late Storm, and Death of the late Usurper O. C. in The Second Part of Mr. Waller's Poems (London, 1690). The Maid's Tragedy Altered (London, 1690). Thorn-Drury, II, 34-5.

f. [19r]
BrT 0.5: Sir Thomas Browne, Colloquy with God ('The night is come like to the day')

Copy, untitled.

First published in Religio Medici, where Browne describes it as the dormitive I take to bedward…to make me sleepe. Published later, in an anonymous musical setting, in Harmonia Sacra, II (1693). Keynes, I, 89-90.

MS 1.172

An octavo volume of state letters, in a single neat italic hand, 184 pages (plus numerous blanks), in contemporary calf.

Inscribed (p. 162) Hitherto from the beginning of the Book, from a Manuscript in 4to: belonging to John Arden of Stockport Esqr: i.e. probably John Arden (1742-1823), of Harden, Utkinton and Pepper Halls, High Sheriff of Cheshire, the MS in question evidently Folger MS V.a.321. Entries after p. 163, and relating to the Civil War, are copied from MSS including a Folio M.S. at Bramhall and an historical 4to M.S. at Withenshaw in Cheshire.


Inscribed E libris Reverendi Viri Joannis Watson A.M. Rectoris Ecclesiæ Parochialis de Stockport Com: Cest: 1772: i.e. the Rev. John Watson (1725-83), antiquary, and with his bookplate. Later booklabel of Sarah Wood / 9th April 1889.

pp. 25-30
ChG 28: George Chapman, Letter(s) ('')

Copies of letters and petitions by Chapman, to Henry Howard, Earl of Northampton; to the Privy Council; to King James I; and to Thomas Howard, Earl of Suffolk, Lord Chamberlain (2). All undated.

These letters correspond to Nos 88, 139, 124-6 in Folger MS V.a.321 (see ChG 29).

pp. 30-9
JnB 745: Ben Jonson, Letter(s) ('')

Copies of nine letters and petitions by, or probably by, Jonson.

These letters correspond to Nos 127-30, 132-3, 131, 93-4 in Folger MS V.a.321 (see JnB 744). Some of the recipients and dates are conjectural: see Braunmuller's edition.

MS 1.482

An octavo miscellany of Oxford University orations and of miscellaneous verse, in English and Latin, predominantly in one hand, written from both ends, 141 unnumbered leaves (including blanks), in contemporary vellum boards.

Compiled by Thomas Lessey (1649/50-1724), of Wadham College, Oxford, later Canon of Sarum, with his inscription Tho: Lessey or le levre est à Thomas Lessey L'An de Grace 1670.

ff. [1v-6v rev.]
MaA 334: Andrew Marvell, The Second Advice to a Painter ('Nay, Painter, if thou dar'st design that fight')

Copy, inscribed by Andrew Marvel.

First published in Directions to a Painter…Of Sir Iohn Denham ([London], 1667). POAS, I, 34-53. Lord, pp. 117-30. Smith, pp. 332-43. Recorded in Osborne, pp. 28-32, as anonymous.

The case for Marvell's authorship supported in George deF. Lord, Two New Poems by Marvell?, BNYPL, 62 (1958), 551-70, but see also discussion by Lord and Ephim Fogel in Vol. 63 (1959), 223-36, 292-308, 355-66. Marvell's authorship supported in Annabel Patterson, The Second and Third Advices-to-the-Painter, PBSA, 71 (1977), 473-86. Discussed also in Margoliouth, I, 348-50, and in Chernaik, p. 211, where Marvell's authorship is considered doubtful. A case for Sir John Denham's authorship is made in Brendan O Hehir, Harmony from Discords: A Life of Sir John Denham (Berkeley & Los Angeles, 1968), pp. 212-28.

f. [9v rev.]
SeC 55: Sir Charles Sedley, To Celia ('As in those Nations, where they yet adore')

Copy, headed To a Lady.

First published in The New Academy of Complements (London, 1671). Miscellaneous Works (London, 1702). The Works of the Honourable Sir Charles Sedley, Bat (2 vols, London, 1722), I, 62-3. Sola Pinto, I, 22.

ff. [21v-22r rev.]
WoH 62.5: Sir Henry Wotton, On his Mistress, the Queen of Bohemia ('You meaner beauties of the night')

Copy, headed Sr Henry Wotton on Q: Eliz: and here beginning In glorious Trifles of ye East.

First published (in a musical setting) in Michael East, Sixt Set of Bookes (London, 1624). Reliquiae Wottonianae (London, 1651), p. 518. Hannah (1845), pp. 12-15. Some texts of this poem discussed in J.B. Leishman, You Meaner Beauties of the Night A Study in Transmission and Transmogrification, The Library, 4th Ser. 26 (1945-6), 99-121. Some musical versions edited in English Songs 1625-1660, ed. Ian Spink, Musica Britannica XXXIII (London, 1971), Nos. 66, 122.

MS 2.42

Copy of a series of extracts relating to North Wales, made by Richard Fenton (1747-1821), topographical writer and antiquary, 57 quarto leaves (plus blanks), on rectos only, in vellum boards. c.1800.
LeJ 84.2: John Leland, The Itinerary of John Leland [Other transcripts and extracts]

MS 2.69

Copy of a further series of extracts relating to Wales, made by Richard Fenton (1747-1821), topographical writer and antiquary, 94 quarto leaves (plus blanks), on rectos only, in vellum boards. c.1800.
LeJ 84.5: John Leland, The Itinerary of John Leland [Other transcripts and extracts]

MS 2.1073

A small quarto verse miscellany, in probably several hands over a period, one predominating, 31 leaves (plus blanks), in modern calf.

Including (ff. 3v-12r), in a single hand, fourteen poems, headed Verses of Madam Orindas and most subscribed Orinda, in relatively early versions, none dating later than 1650-51, subscribed (f. 12v) thus Farr Madam Orinda.


Owned, in 1927 by Percy Dobell, and item 14 in one of his sale catalogues of poetical manuscripts.

Recorded in IELM as the Cardiff MS: PsK Δ 3. Recorded, collated and the text of three otherwise unknown poems by Philips printed in Thomas (1990); these three poems also edited in Thomas (1988), pp. 54-7. A complete microfilm of the MS is in the National Library of Wales.

f. 3v
PsK 86: Katherine Philips, For Regina ('Triumphant Queen of scorne, how ill doth sit')

Copy, headed For the Queene of Hearts.

This MS collated in Thomas and in Hageman.

First published, as To Regina Collier, on her Cruelty to Philaster, in Poems (1664), pp. 112-13. Poems (1667), p. 55. Saintsbury, pp. 539-40. Hageman (1987), p. 594. Thomas, I, 125, poem 39.

f. 4r
PsK 456: Katherine Philips, To Sir Amorous La Foole ('Bless us, here's a doe indeed!')


Edited from this MS in Thomas.

First published in Thomas (1988), p. 55. Thomas (1990), I, 251-2, poem 126.

ff. 4v-5r
PsK 175: Katherine Philips, Juliana and Amaranta, a Dialogue ('Why Amaranta still thus poore and vaine?')


Edited from this MS in Thomas.

First published in Thomas (1988), pp. 56-7. Thomas (1990), I, 252-3, poem 127.

f. 5r
PsK 368: Katherine Philips, To J.J. esq: upon his melancholly for Regina ('Give over now thy teares, thou vain')

Copy, headed Orinda to Philaster.

This MS collated in Thomas and in Hageman.

First published, as To Philaster, on his Melancholy for Regina, in Poems (1664), p. 113. Poems (1667), p. 55. Saintsbury, p. 540. Hageman (1987), p. 595. Thomas, I, 126, poem 40.

f. 5v
PsK 142: Katherine Philips, In Memory of Mr Cartwright ('Stay, prince of Fancy, stay, we are not fit')

Copy, headed In Memory of Mr Cartwright at the Edition of his Poems.

This MS collated in Thomas.

First published, as To the Memory of the most Ingenious and Vertuous Gentleman Mr. Wil: Cartwright, my much valued Friend, in William Cartwright, Comedies, Tragi-Comedies with other Poems (London, 1651). Poems (1664), pp. 145-6. Poems (1667), p. 71. Saintsbury, p. 549. Thomas, I, 143, poem 51.

f. 6r-v
PsK 384: Katherine Philips, To Mrs. M.A. upon absence (set by Mr Henry Law's) 12. Decemb 1650 (''Tis now since I began to dy')

Copy, headed To Rosania on dispaire of seeing her.

This MS collated in Thomas.

First published in Poems (1664), pp. 142-4. Poems (1667), pp. 69-70. Saintsbury, p. 548. Thomas, I, 141-2, poem 49.

ff. 6v-8r
PsK 389: Katherine Philips, To Mrs. Mary Awbrey at parting ('I have examin'd, and do find')

Copy, headed Parting From Rosania.

This MS collated in Thomas.

First published in Poems (1664), pp. 150-4. Poems (1667), pp. 74-6. Saintsbury, pp. 550-1. Thomas, I, 145-7, poem 53.

f. 8r
PsK 234: Katherine Philips, On Little Regina Collyer, on the same tombstone ('Vertue's blossom, beauty's bud')

Copy, headed On the Death of little Regina Collier.

This MS collated in Thomas.

First published in Poems (1664), p. 158. Poems (1667), p. 78. Saintsbury, p. 552. Thomas, I, 149, poem 56.

f. 8v
PsK 67: Katherine Philips, Engraved on Mr. John Collyer's Tombstone at Beddington ('Here what remaines of him does ly')

Copy, headed On Mr John Collier Engraued on his Tombstone at Beddington.

This MS collated in Thomas.

First published, with the place in the title given as Bedlington, in Poems (1664), p. 157. Poems (1667), p. 77. Saintsbury, p. 552. Thomas, I, 149, poem 55.

f. 8v
PsK 225: Katherine Philips, On Argalus his vindication to Rosania ('What Power is there in the conquering Eyes')


Edited from this MS in Thomas.

First published in Thomas (1988), p. 56. Thomas (1990), I, 253, poem 128.

ff. 9r-10v
PsK 37: Katherine Philips, A Countrey life ('How sacred and how innocent')

Copy, headed On the Country life.

This MS collated in Thomas.

First published in Poems (1664), pp. 177-82. Poems (1667), pp. 88-91. Saintsbury, pp. 588. Thomas, I, 159-62, poem 61. Anonymous musical setting published in The Banquet of Musick (London, 1691).

f. 11r-v
PsK 533: Katherine Philips, Upon the double murther of K. Charles, in answer to a libellous rime made by V.P. ('I thinke not on the state, nor am concern'd')

Copy, headed Vpon the double Murther of Charles the First In answeare to a libellous Copy of rimes made by .V.P..

This MS collated in Thomas and in Hageman.

First published in Poems (1664), pp. 1-3. Poems (1667), pp. 1-2. Saintsbury, p. 507. Hageman (1987), pp. 584-5. Thomas, I, 69-70, poem 1.

ff. 11v-12r
PsK 474: Katherine Philips, To the Queen of inconstancie, Regina, in Antwerp ('Unworthy, since thou hast decreed')

Copy, headed For the Queen of Inconstancy in Antwerp.

This MS collated in Thomas.

First published in Poems (1664), pp. 100-1. Poems (1667), pp. 50-1. Saintsbury, p. 537. Thomas, I, 120-1, poem 35.

f. 12v
PsK 298: Katherine Philips, Philoclea's parting. Mrs M. Stedman. Feb: 25. 1650 ('Kinder then a condemned man's reprieve')

Copy, headed To my Deare Philoclea on her Parting.

This MS collated in Thomas.

First published, with the date Feb. 25. 1650, in Poems (1664), p. 114. Poems (1667), p. 56. Saintsbury, p. 540. Thomas, I, 126, poem 41.

ff. 19r-21r
HeR 323.8: Robert Herrick, Hide not thy love and mine shall be

Copy, untitled and unascribed.

First published in Aurelian Townshend's poems and Masks, ed. E.K. Chambers (Oxford, 1912), pp. 28-32. The Poems and Masques of Aurelian Townshend, ed. Cedric R. Brown (Reading, 1983), pp. 34-41 (Version One, First Part, pp. 35-7; Second Part pp. 35-7; Version Two, pp. 38-41). Ascribed to Herrick in several MSS.

MS 3.42

A folio miscellany of verse and prose, in English and Welsh, in several hands, 161 pages, in contemporary limp vellum.

Compiled, at least in part, by Philip Powell of Brecon (Phillip Powell his booke on p. 2), referring (p. 63) to his being committed to Newgate prison for three years on or by 1 March 1633 (his wife not having come to see him once) and with a reference (p. 45) to My ffather Thomas Powell, a distant cousin of Edward Games, the first recorder of Brecknock. Other names inscribed including Thomas and Richard Powell, and with a note dated 1812 (p. 4) by Thomas Lawrence, who purchased the MS at the sale of the library of Theophilus Jones (1759-1812), Brecknockshire county historian.

p. 10
DaJ 190.5: Sir John Davies, On the Deputy of Ireland his child ('As carefull mothers doe to sleeping lay')

Copy, in a roman hand, headed on a young childs death, on the verso of a tipped-in folio leaf.

First published in William Camden, Remaines (London, 1637), p. 411. Krueger, p. 303.

p. 26
ElQ 49: Queen Elizabeth I, Written with a Diamond ('Much suspected by me')

Copy, in a roman hand, headed Queen Elizabeth wrot in the glase window at wodstock maner with the Deiamond ston of her ringe when shee was kept prisoner there by her sister Mary in these words.

First published in John Foxe, Acts and Monuments (London, 1563), p. 1714. Bradner, p. 3, as Written with a Diamond on her Window at Woodstock. Collected Works, Poem 2, p. 46. Selected Works, Poem 2, p. 4.

p. 26
RaW 383.5: Sir Walter Ralegh, Fayne woulde I but I dare not

Copy, in a roman hand, headed Sir Water Raulige wrot this verse in the queens gardin, here beginning Faine would I climb but am afraid to fall, the answer headed The queene cominge by Knowinge whose inditing it was wrot vnder as foloweth and here beginning If thou art afraid climb not at all.

Edited from this MS in Queen Elizabeth I: Selected Works.

A verse exchange, with Queen Elizabeth's answer If thou art afraid climb not at all. First published in Works (1829), VIII, 732-3. Latham (1929), pp. 72-3 (listed but not printed in her 1951 edition, p. 172). Queen Elizabeth I: Selected Works, Poems Possibly by Elizabeth I, pp. 24-5. Bradner, p. 7, among Poems of Doubtful Authorship. May, Courtier Poets, p. 313-14, among Poems possibly by Dyer. Rudick, No. 14, pp. 18-19 (32-line version) and No. 41, p. 111 (one line, and with the Queen's one-line reply).

p. 26
RaW 48.5: Sir Walter Ralegh, Euen such is tyme which takes in trust

Copy, in a roman hand, headed written by Sr Water Ravlige before his Death a fewe dayes.

First published in Richard Brathwayte, Remains after Death (London, 1618). Latham, p. 72 (as These verses following were made by Sir Walter Rauleigh the night before he dyed and left att the Gate howse). Rudick, Nos 35A, 35B, and part of 55 (three versions, pp. 80, 133).

This poem is ascribed to Ralegh in most MS copies and is often appended to copies of his speech on the scaffold (see RaW 739-822).

p. 39
RaW 48.6: Sir Walter Ralegh, Euen such is tyme which takes in trust

Copy, in a neat secretary hand, headed in the margin Sr water Ralige before his Death beHeaded.

First published in Richard Brathwayte, Remains after Death (London, 1618). Latham, p. 72 (as These verses following were made by Sir Walter Rauleigh the night before he dyed and left att the Gate howse). Rudick, Nos 35A, 35B, and part of 55 (three versions, pp. 80, 133).

This poem is ascribed to Ralegh in most MS copies and is often appended to copies of his speech on the scaffold (see RaW 739-822).

MS 4.12

Copy, in a professional secretary hand, with dramatis personæ and stage directions in italic, 22 folio leaves, imperfect, partly chewed by rodents, in modern half red morocco.

Including prompter's cues (bee redy Volemar, etc.) and cuts, prepared for use by a London theatrical company, perhaps for Lady Elizabeth's men at the Phoenix or Cockpit in Drury Lane. The hand is that also responsible for Massinger's Parliament of Love (MsP 3).


Later owned by Joseph Haslewood (1769-1833), bibliographer and antiquary; by Thomas Thorpe, bookseller, in 1836; and by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), book and manuscripts collector: Phillipps MS 8719.

This MS discussed in Bentley, Jacobean & Caroline Stage, III, 267-8, and in Greg, Dramatic Documents, II, 279-82.

Facsimile pages in Malone Society edition; in Bowers, IV, facing p. 303; and in Elizabethan Dramatists, ed. Fredson Bowers, DLB 62 (Detroit, 1987), p. 66.

DkT 46: Thomas Dekker, The Welsh Embassador

This MS discussed in Bentley, Jacobean & Caroline Stage, III, 267-8, and in Greg, Dramatic Documents, II, 279-82.

Facsimile pages in Malone Society edition; in Bowers, IV, facing p. 303; and in Elizabethan Dramatists, ed. Fredson Bowers, DLB 62 (Detroit, 1987), p. 66.

First published, edited by H. Littledale and W.W. Greg, Malone Society (Oxford, 1920). Bowers, IV, 301-404.

MS 4.24

A folio armorial, comprising over 700 coats of arms in trick, apparently based on a compilation by Camden, in a neat predominantly italic hand, with an inventory added later (ff. 197v-195v rev.) in 1768, x + 163 leaves (plus some 34 blanks), in 19th-century half-leather gilt. Mid-late-17th century.
CmW 156.5: William Camden, Collectanea

MS 4.29

A tall folio volume of tracts and parliamentary papers and speeches relating to events leading up to the Civil War, in two neat italic hands, 177 pages (plus blanks), in contemporary vellum. Mid-late 17th century.

Instructions to the binder Mr Littleton written (p. 1) by W. Baker. Bookplate of Richard Fenton (1747-1821), Welsh topographical writer and antiquary.

pp. 163-9
RuB 159: Sir Benjamin Rudyerd, Speech in the House of Commons, ?7 November 1640 ('')

Copy, headed The speech of Sr Benjamine Rudyer in the high Court of Parliament.

Speech (variously dated 4, 7, 9 and 10 November 1640) beginning We are here assembled to do God's business and the King's.... First published in The Speeches of Sr. Benjamin Rudyer in the high Court of Parliament (London, 1641), pp. 1-10. Manning, pp. 159-65.

MS 4.97

A folio composite volume of verse and prose, much of it Catholic, in several hands, one semi-calligraphic secretary hand predominating, with a formal title-page The Garden of Pleasure Comprehending the Choice Flowers of all my Readeinge though otherwise distinguished as hereafter appeareth Anno Dni 1636, ii + 437 leaves, in contemporary blind-stamped calf.

Compiled in his later years by George Barlow (b.c.1558) of Slebech, dedicated (f. 2v) To his Grandchild G: B:, and (f. 416r) showing his original intention to publish the volume.


Later inscriptions including John Barlow his book. Anno Domini 1732 and (f. 313r) a note by W. H. 1761. Bookplate with monogram RFG.

Discussed in J. M. Cleary, The Catholic Recusancy of the Barlow Family of Slebech (Cardiff, 1956).

ff. 183r-7v
MrT 30.2: Sir Thomas More, A Dialogue of Comfort ('')

Extracts, with the compiler's comments and introduction, A Pleasant conceited Fiction allegorically written by Sr. Thomas More, against Scrupulosity, wherein some Catholiques (yea and good ones too) are faulty: For preventing which inconvenience, this short Tract was composed, and here inserted, as followeth. The Tale of Mother Maude....

First published in London, 1553. Yale, Vol. 12.

ff. 359r-60r
MrT 45.7: Sir Thomas More, Utopia ('')

Extract, headed A Pleasant Conceipt written by Sr Thomas More in his Vtopia: Cap: 2. fol: 100, beginning The Vtopians in choosing Wives and Husbands....

The Latin version first published in Louvain, 1516. Ralph Robynson's English translation published in 1551. Yale, Vol. 4.

ff. 369r-70v
DnJ 775.5: John Donne, The Crosse ('Since Christ embrac'd the Crosse it selfe, dare I')

Copy, headed Of the Crosse.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 331-3. Gardner, Divine Poems, pp. 26-8. Shawcross, No. 181.

f. 370v
ElQ 30: Queen Elizabeth I, Twas Christ the Word that spake it

Copy of a version beginning He was the Word that spake it, with introduction Likewise Doctor Donnes Ænigmatical Verse written since he was made Minister, to obscure by equivocation the very truth of the Reall presence in the blessed Sacrament of the Alter; such is the Condition of Heretiques to illude simple people, by making that doubtfull, which is of it selfe most apparent, and with a sidenote This I thought good to insert the better to diserne truth from falshood; rectum distingure falsa.

First published in Alexander Huish, Lectures upon the Lord's Prayer (London, 1626), sig. Y2v of his sermon on Give us this day our daily bread. Bradner, p. 6, as Christ was the Word, among Poems of Doubtful Authorship. Collected Works, Poem 3, p. 47. Selected Works, among Wrongly Attributed Works 1, p. 330. The authorship discussed with scepticism also in J.E. Neale, Essays in Elizabethan History (London, 1958), pp. 102-3.

A version headed On the Sacrament and beginning He was the Word that spake it published in John Donne, Poems (London, 1635). Grierson, I, 427, among Poems attributed to John Donne.

MS 4.172

The original MS of the contributions to the English edition of 1695, contributions relating to Welsh counties, prepared by Edward Lhuyd (1660-1709), naturalist and philologist, for the work's editor Edmund Gibson (1669-1748), Bishop of London, with Gibson's annotations and instructions to the printer and (pp. 695, 40) a corrected proof-sheet for the edition, 104 folio leaves, in 19th-century quarter-leather.


This MS discussed, with numerous facsimile examples, in Gwyn Walters and Frank Emery, Edward Lhuyd, Edmund Gibson, and the Printing of Camden's Britannia, 1695, The Library, 5th Ser. 32 (1977), 109-37.

CmW 13.51: William Camden, Britannia

This MS discussed, with numerous facsimile examples, in Gwyn Walters and Frank Emery, Edward Lhuyd, Edmund Gibson, and the Printing of Camden's Britannia, 1695, The Library, 5th Ser. 32 (1977), 109-37.

First published in London, 1586, with additions in 1607 and successive editions.

MS 4.424

A folio booklet of state letters, in a single predominantly secretary hand, 24 leaves, the last three leaves imperfect, unbound. c.1630.
ff. 1r-2v
RaW 769.5: Sir Walter Ralegh, Speech on the Scaffold (29 October 1618) ('')

Copy of an account of Ralegh's speech and execution, untitled.

Transcripts of Ralegh's speech have been printed in his Remains (London, 1657). Works (1829), I, 558-64, 691-6. VIII, 775-80, and elsewhere. Copies range from verbatim transcripts to summaries of the speech, they usually form part of an account of Ralegh's execution, they have various headings, and the texts differ considerably. For relevant discussions, see Anna Beer, Textual Politics: The Execution of Sir Walter Ralegh, Modern Philology, 94:1 (August 1996), 19-38, and Andrew Fleck, At the time of his death: Manuscript Instability and Walter Ralegh's Performance on the Scaffold, Journal of British Studies, 48:1 (January 2009), 4-28.

ff. 2v-3r
RaW 907: Sir Walter Ralegh, Letter(s) ('')

Copy of a letter by Ralegh to his wife.

f. 10r-v
BcF 711: Francis Bacon, An Essay of a King ('')


Essay, beginning A king is a mortal god on earth.... Spedding, VI, 595-7 (discussed pp. 592-4).

f. 10v
EsR 10: Robert Devereux, second Earl of Essex, Happy were Hee could finish foorth his Fate

Copy of the poem, untitled, as incorporated in A letter of Robert Deuorex Earle of Essex, to Queene Eliz: vpon his Commande to goe to Ireland.

May, Poems, No. 7, p. 47. May, Courtier Poets, p. 254. EV 8176.

ff. 13v-16v
RaW 908: Sir Walter Ralegh, Letter(s) ('')

Copy of two letters by Ralegh, to Winwood and to Carr, 1608.

MS 5.50

A double-folio-size volume of state papers, royal revenues, verses and other writings, partly relating to Flintshire, in various secretary hands, ix + 125 leaves (including blanks and a tipped-in bifolium), in modern vellum boards.

Compiled, at least in part, by Robert Davies (1616-66), of Gwysaney, and his father.

[unspecified page numbers]
BcF 712: Francis Bacon, An Essay of a King ('')


Essay, beginning A king is a mortal god on earth.... Spedding, VI, 595-7 (discussed pp. 592-4).

ff. 13r-v, 14r
BmF 39.5: Francis Beaumont, An Elegy on the Death of the Virtuous Lady, Elizabeth Countess of Rutland ('I may forget to eat, to drink, to sleep')

Copy, in a cursive secretary hand, untitled, subscribed Byemonde vpon the deathe of the Countese of Rutland, the last leaf misplaced after f. 15.

First published in Sir Thomas Overbury, A Wife, 11th impression (London, 1622). Dyce, XI, 507-11.

ff. 67r-9r
CtR 178: Sir Robert Cotton, The Danger wherein this Kingdome now Standeth, and the Remedy ('')

Copy, in a cursive secretary hand, as written by Sr Robert Cotton.

Tract beginning As soon as the house of Austria had incorporated it self into the house of Spaine.... First published London, 1628. Cottoni posthuma (1651), pp. 308-20.