Sir Robert Cotton
Prose Works by or Attributed to Cotton
Autograph draft, with revisions, headed
This volume discussed and printed in part, with facsimile examples, in F. Haverfield,
An official report by the Navy Commission, to James I, produced principally by Cotton, with corrections by Henry Howard, Earl of Northampton. Unpublished?
Cf also
Headed (f. 1r) your Maiesties most loyall and humble Subiecte and Seruante Robert Cotton
, followed by a series of observations on particular subjects (Before the Dock
, In the Dock
, In harborow
, At the Sea
, Victualling
, and Trinitie howse
), subscribed (f. 82r) Your Maiestye humble Subiect and Seruant Robert Cotten
, and with (ff. 83r-4v) an index.
Robert Cotton, stamped foliation [1]-71, penciled foliation [1]-132. c.1609.
A treatise beginning Frames of Policy, as well as works of Nature, are best preserved from the same grounds...
., written in 1609. First published London, 1655. Also published as
Written By Sr Robert Cotton Knight and Baronet, in a professional hand, v + 101 folio leaves, in contemporary calf gilt. c.1630.
J. & J. Leighton's sale catalogue No. 11 (1928), item 219.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, imperfect at the beginning.
Copy, in two or three professional hands, untitled, docketed in another hand (? that of William Fulman (1632-88), antiquary)
Among the collections of Browne Willis, MP, FSA (1682-1760), antiquary, of Whaddon Hall, near Winslow, Buckinghamshire.
Copy, in the secretary hand of the Feathery Scribe
, as Written by Sr: Robte Cotton Knight, and Barronett.
Purchased from Thomas Rodd (1796-1849), bookseller, 11 February 1838.
Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Yelverton MS 104, among papers of Sir Henry Yelverton (1566-1629), Justice of the Common Pleas, and his family.
c.1628.Part of a copy, in a professional secretary hand, subscribed Robert Cotton Bruceus
, inscribed at the top of f. 67r, apparently in Cotton's own hand, Ks. of Engld R. C. Bruce
, imperfect, much torn away.
Volume CLXXIII of the Trumbull Papers, of the Trumbull family, including chiefly William Trumbull (1576/80?-1635), diplomat and government official. Later belonging to the Marquess of Downshire, of Easthampstead Park. Formerly in Berkshire Record Office, in Trumbull Add 5, 8, 37, 42.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, with some possibly autograph insertions and marginal instructions (such as Leave a space
), headed Robertus Cotton Bruceus
, dated at the beginning Aprill. 1609
, and subscribed Ro. Cotton. 1609
. 1609.
Inscribed (f. 1r) A Collection made by Sr Robert Cotton for his Maties Seruice in time of Extremytie
. A list of contents (f. 2v) is in the hand of Sir William Dugdale (1605-86), antiquary and herald.
The copy text for the first (1655) abd subsequent printed editions.
deliured to his Highnes by some of his Millitarie servants, otherwise unascribed, 68 folio leaves, in modern half crushed morocco on cloth boards gilt. c.1620s-30s.
Copy of the second half of the tract, headed Haveinge thus farre, wth as light a hand as I could drawe downe...
, the title-page in the hand of the Feathery Scribe
, all the rest in another professional secretary hand.
In various professional hands, including that of the Feathery Scribe
Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Notes, partly autograph, largely in the hand of an amanuensis, headed by Cotton
In various professional hands, including that of the Feathery Scribe
Inscribed by Wanley (f. 1r and elsewhere) with date of accession into the Harley library 16 October 1725
. In the Harley Library, formed by the politician and book collector Robert Harley (1661-1724), first Earl of Oxford, and his son Edward (1689-1741), second Earl of Oxford; the volume docketed 16 October 1725, a year after the library was moved from Brampton Bryan to London.
Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, with a title-page in another hand,
Including some papers owned or annotated by Sir Robert Cotton.
A series of autograph notes and drafts for the tract, with copious deletions and revisions, an inserted half-folio leaf (f. 59r) in another hand.
Copy, in two secretary and italic hands, imperfect, lacking the first part and a title, subscribed Rob: Cotton Barronett
Copy, in a cursive secretary hand.
Bookplate of Algernon Capell (1654-1710), second Earl of Essex, Privy Councillor, 1701.
Owned in 1774 by Thomas Astle (1735-1803), archivist and collector of books and manuscripts.
Feathery Scribe, the main text all in the hand of another professional cursive secretary hand, ii + 78 folio leaves, in a paper wrapper. c.1625-30s.
Recorded in HMC, 6th Report (1877), Appendix, p. 313.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, untitled.
Inscribed (f. iir) by the second Earl of Bridgewater, misidentifying the first item as A Treatise about Impositions
Written by Sr Robert Cotton knight and Barronett, iii + 62 folio leaves, in red morocco gilt. c.1630.
deliuered to his highenes by some of his Millitarie seruants, 83 folio leaves. Early 17th century.
Formerly among the library of the Carr family, Marquesses of Lothian, at Newbattle Abbey.
Written by Sr Robert Cotton knight & Barronet, 195 folio pages, in stiff paper wrappers. c.1620s-30s.
Feathery Scribe, with his title-page
Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed Propositions presented to Prince Henry...Answered and Confuted by Sr Ro: Cotton Kt & Baronet, on 43 leaves, docketed at the end Plegi Martij 9no 1673/4. Jo: Witham
Feathery Scribe, 517 leaves, in reversed calf.
No. 11 inscribed
Collected in 1674 by one John Witham.
Copy, in three secretary and italic hands, unascribed, possibly incomplete.
Old pressmark E. 3. 8.
Copy of the second half of the treatise, with a title-page, Haveinge: thus farre, wth as light a hand as I could drawe downe the many and mighty Burthens of the Common Wealth...
, principally in an unidentified professional secretary hand, the title-page (f. 306r), heading and first word of the main text (f. 307r) in the secretary hand of the Feathery Scribe
Bequeathed by Sir Jerome Alexander (c.1600-70), Justice of the Irish Common Pleas. Old pressmark G. 4. 8.
Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Middle Hill bookplate of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), book and manuscript collector: Phillipps MS 22. Phillipps sale 1893, lot 279, to Ellis. In the library of Sir Thomas Brooke. Sale of Sir John A. Brooke, London, 1921, lot 750, to Last. Purchased in 1926.
In a single predominantly secretary hand.
c.1640.From the library of the Harvey family, of Ickwell Bury, Bedfordshire, and Funningley Park, Yorkshire.
Recorded in HMC, 2nd report (1871), Appendix, pp. 90-1.
In the hand of the Feathery Scribe
, with his cropped annotation about charges made by him, and with reader's corrections.
Sold by W.H. Robinson, 1952.
Described in Beal,
Tract beginning What, besides self-regard, or siding faction, hath been...
Copy, the work Written by Sr Rob. Cotton Bruceus Knight Baronet
Copy, in a professional predominantly secretary hand, inscribed in the margin By Sr R C.
and subscribed R. C: B:
Purchased from Lord R. Montagu in 1865.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, subscribed 1626
, unascribed. c.1620s-30s.
In various hands, including the Feathery Scribe
Yelverton MS 69, among papers of Sir Henry Yelverton (1566-1629), Justice of the Common Pleas, and his family.
Recorded in HMC, 2nd Report (1871), Appendix, p. 43.
Constituting Volume LV of the Leeds Papers, chiefly collected by Sir Thomas Osborne (1632-1712), Earl of Danby and first Duke of Leeds, politician.
c.1640.Copy, in the professional secretary hand of the Feathery Scribe
, subscribed R: C: B.
Feathery Scribe, 336 leaves.
In the collection of Francis Hargrave (1740/1-1821), legal writer. Inscribed by him on f. [iv] F. Hargrave A gift made to me this day by my friend George Hardinge Esquire [(1743-1816), judge and writer]. F. H. 16. July 1789.
Described in Peter Beal,
Copy, subscribed Robertus Cotton Bruceus
Copy, in a professional secretary and italic hand, subscribed Robertus Cotton Bruceus
, docketed in the margin Parl: ano. 3o. Jacobi regis Sr. R O: Cotton speche deliuered to his Matie after it was spoken in Parlament
. Early 17th century.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, here ascribed on a title-page to Sr Ro: C: B:
Copy, in a professional hand, described as Robertus Cotton Bruceum
Given by William Moore.
Copy, in double columns, in
Given by William Moore.
Copy, as written by Sr Robert Cotton Bruceus
In various professional hands (including the Feathery Scribe
), one distinctive secretary hand responsible for ff. 1r-141v, 177r-8v, 206r-11r, 230r-5r.
Owned by Sir Richard Grosvenor (1585-1645); later by the Duke of Westminster, Eaton Hall, Cheshire, with his bookplate (inscribed XXI No. 6
) and a label with No. 4
on the spine. Assembled largely from Liber 9
(= MS 4). Sotheby's, 19 July 1966, lot 486, to Hofmann.
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 212. Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Written by Sr Robert Cotton Bruceus, six folio leaves (plus two blanks), unbound. c.1630.
Copy, in a professional rounded mixed hand, as Written by Sr: Robert Cotton knight & Baronett
In various professional hands, including those of the Feathery Scribe
and Ralph Starkey.
Item 142 in an unidentified sale catalogue.
Peter Beal,
In a single predominantly secretary hand.
c.1640.From the library of the Harvey family, of Ickwell Bury, Bedfordshire, and Funningley Park, Yorkshire.
Recorded in HMC, 2nd report (1871), Appendix, pp. 90-1.
Tract beginning The plentye of this discourse, the last question of Highe Connstables, whereto...
. Hearne (1771), II, 97-103.
Copy, in the hand of the Feathery Scribe
Tableof contents (ff. 2r-5r), and foliation throughout) being the
Feathery Scribe, vi + 211 leaves, in late 17th-century calf. c.1625-30s.
Bookplates of Sir John Dolben, second baronet (1684-1756), of Finedon, Northamptonshire, and of The Rev. H.C. Beeching/Yattendon/1897
. Acquired from Maggs.
Copy in the hand of the Feathery Scribe
Both parts containing antiquarian tracts:
ff. 1r-29v,
ff. 30r-45v, discourses and copies of Latin documents relating to the offices of Lord Steward, Constable, and Earl Marshal of England, with title-page and (incomplete) list of contents, in the hands of professional scribes: ff. 30r-119v, 132r-45v, 150v-61r, 165v to to half-way down f. 205r in the hand of the Feathery Scribe
; the remainder in two other scribal hands. c.1630s.
Once owned by the Isham family, of Lamport Hall, Northamptonshire. Sotheby's, 17 June 1904 (Library of a Gentleman in the Country
), lot 89, to Quaritch. P.J. and A.E. Dobell, sale catalogue No. 80 (1928), item 719.
Described in Peter Beal,
Copy, in a professional hand, as written by Sr Robt: Cotton
Copy, in a professional hand, imperfect, the lower half of f. 2 excised.
Once owned by Thomas Martin (1697-1771), of Palgrave, antiquary and collector (No. 4556 in the 1773 catalogue of his books). Among the collections of Richard Gough, FSA (1735-1809), antiquary and topographer.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, as written by Sr: Robert Cotton Knight and Baronette
Feathery Scribe, iv + 232 leaves, in reversed calf. c.1628-30s.
Once owned by Ric: Tichbone
, probably Sir Richard Tichborne, second Baronet, MP (c.1578-1652). James Tregaskis, sale catalogue No. 1022 (1948), item 29. Bought from Maggs, 4 November 1948, by Annie Winifred Bryher (née Ellerman, d.1983). Afterwards owned by the Ralegh scholar Agnes Latham (1905-96), of Pickering, North Yorkshire.
Briefly described in Beal,
Copy, in a neat secretary hand, subscribed Robertus Cotton
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, as written by Sr Robert Cotton, Knight and Baronett
, and subscribed Ro: Cotton
Later owned, and inscribed (f. 1*r) by John Anstis (1669-1744).
Copy, subscribed Ro Cotton
Inscribed (f. 1*r) by Wanley with date of accession into the Harley Library 4 May 1721
. An affixed slip inscribed Ane baryngton
, Robarts
, and The Lady Robarts
, all in the same hand.
Copy, as written by Sr. Robert Cotton knight & Bar.
Bookplate of Algernon Capell (1654-1710), second Earl of Essex, Privy Councillor, 1701.
Copy, subscribed Ro: Cotton
Bookplate of Algernon Capell (1654-1710), second Earl of Essex, Privy Councillor, 1701.
Copy, as by Ro: Cotton
Copy, as Written by Sir Robert Cotton knight and Baronett
Feathery Scribe, 762 numbered pages (lpp. 148-76 blank, lacking pp. 345-56, plus 28 blanks), in old reversed calf.
From the library of William T. Smedley (1851-1934), Baconian. Acquired c.1924.
Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Owned in 1685 by Francis Negus, presumably the Francis Negus who was Surveyor of the Mews, secretary to the Duke of Norfolk, and father of the soldier and courtier Francis Negus (1670-1732).
Copy, in a secretary hand, as Written by Sr Robert Cotton knight and Barronet
, on three folio leaves paginated 38-46.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, as written by Sr Robert Cotton Knight and Barronett
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 120. Microfilm in the British Library, M/346 (3rd item).
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, as written by Sr. Robt Cotton knight and Baronett
1637, in contemporary calf. c.1637.
Bequeathed by Sir Jerome Alexander (c.1600-70), Justice of the Irish Common Pleas. Old pressmark G. 3. 5.
A tract beginning As touching the nature of the Right Courte of Parliament, It is nothing else but the Kinges greate councell...
. Ascribed to Cotton in MS sources.
Volume V of the papers of John Scudamore (1601-71), first Viscount Scudamore, politician and diplomat.
Early 17th century.Evans (i.e. Sotheby's), 3 December 1821 (Scudamore sale), various lots, to Thomas Thorpe. Phillipps MS 22282. Sotheby's, 16 June 1896 (Phillipps sale). Dobell's sale catalogue No. 238 (1914), item 603. Presented by Wilfred Merton, FSA (1888-1957), book and manuscript collector.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, unascribed. c.1630.
Yelverton MS 111, among papers of Sir Henry Yelverton (1566-1629), Justice of the Common Pleas, and his family.
Copy, subscribed Sr Robert Cotton, Kt
Lot 389 in an unidentified sale and two unidentified armorial bookplates. Bought from Davis & Orioli, 10 November 1917.
Copy, unascribed.
Among the papers of Edward, Lord Herbert of Cherbury, formerly at Powis Castle. Formerly Powis MSS (1959 deposit), Series II, Bundle XVI,
A microfilm in the British Library, M/331 (last item).
Copy, headed
Once owned by Richard St George (d.1635), Clarenceux Ling of Arms. Sir Henry St George sale, London, 27 November 1738, lot 209. Purchased in 1928 from Dobell.
Speech beginning My Lords, Vpon the occasions delivered by the Gentlemen, your Lordships have heard...
Copy, ascribed to Sr. Rob Cotton
in a later hand.
Tract beginning The most Comon and best meanes for the preservation and conservac
. Ascribed to Cotton in
Tract, relating to events in 1599/1600, beginning To seek before the decay of the Roman Empire...
. First published in London, 1642. 79
[i.e. 89].
Copy, ascribed to Robert Cotton Esqr
Among the collections of Browne Willis, MP, FSA (1682-1760), antiquary, of Whaddon Hall, near Winslow, Buckinghamshire.
In the mixed hand of the Rev. John Rous (1584-1644), incumbent of Santon Downham, Suffolk.
c.1620s-30s.Bookplate of Anthony Keck. Purchased on 3 March 1873 from William Carew Hazlitt (1834-1913), bibliographer and writer.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, with deletions and alterations, as collected by Robt Cotton Esquier at the co
Collected by Sir Nicholas Lechmere (1613-1701), judge and politician.
Volume DCCXXXIII of the papers of the first four Earls of Hardwicke and other members of the Yorke family.
Copy, headed
Yelverton MS 96, among papers of Sir Henry Yelverton (1566-1629), Justice of the Common Pleas, and his family, including papers descending from Robert Beale (1541-1601), Clerk of the Privy Council.
c.1600.Autograph working notes and drafts, docketed on the outer wrapper
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, with some annotations in Cotton's hand, headed All Predence is of duety to the worthier...
, subscribed finis Rob: Cotton
Constituting Volume LV of the Leeds Papers, chiefly collected by Sir Thomas Osborne (1632-1712), Earl of Danby and first Duke of Leeds, politician.
c.1640.Copy, in a professional secretary hand, with a title-page, as Collected By Sr Robert Cotton Kt. and Baronet Att hir Mats Comandmt
M.B.on the front cover.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, as Collected by Robert Cotton Esquire at the co
The wrapper f. 11r is inscribed by Wanley with the date of accession to the Harley Library 16 October 1725
Copy, as By Sr Robert Cotton, Knt
Feathery Scribe, 313 leaves.
In the collection of Francis Hargrave (1740/1-1821), legal writer. Inscribed by him on f. [iv] F Hargrave A gift to me this day from my friend George Hardinge Esquire [(1743-1816), judge and writer]. F. H. 16. July 1789.
Briefly described in Peter Beal,
By Sr: Robert Cotton, 50 large folio leaves in all, in 19th-century quarter-leather marbled boards. c.1630.
Inscribed (f. 1*r) H.Walter 1811
Collected: By, Sr: Robte Cotton, Knight; and, Barronett, Att hir Maties: Comaundemte, 15 folio leaves (plus two blanks), disbound.
The first title-page in the hand of the Feathery Scribe
; the rest, including a second title-page, in the clear rounded hand of another professional scribe.
Copy, in a probably professional secretary hand, as Collected by Robert Cotton Esquire at the Comandement of her matie:
, imperfect, lacking the ending.
Copy, unascribed.
Collected by Sr Robert Cotten knight and Baronett at her Mats: Commandmt, i + 79 folio leaves, in paper wrappers, unbound. Early 17th century.
Copy, as Collected by Sr Robt Cotton Kt at her Mats: Commaundmt:
Copy, in the professional secretary hand of the Feathery Scribe
, as Collected By Sr Robte Cotton knight, and Barronett
Feathery Scribe, 248 leaves (including blanks), in modern half-vellum marbled boards.
Among the papers of the Acland Hood family, of Fairfield, Stogursey.
Recorded in HMC, 6th Report (1877), Appendix, p. 350. Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Copy, in a secretary hand, on twenty folio pages.
Copy (first of four in this volume), in a professional predominantly secretary hand, as Collected by Ser Robert Cotton Esqr At the Comandment of her Maty Anno d
Purchased in December 1806 from Mr Mercier. Old pressmark I. 3. 18.
Copy (second of four in this volume), in a professional secretary hand, as Collected by Sr Robert Cotton Esqr at the Comandment of her Maty Anno D
Purchased in December 1806 from Mr Mercier. Old pressmark I. 3. 18.
Copy (third of four in this volume).
Purchased in December 1806 from Mr Mercier. Old pressmark I. 3. 18.
Copy (fourth of four in this volume), in a professional secretary hand, as Collected by Sr Robert Cotton Esqr at the Comandment of her Maty Anno Domini 1590
, incomplete, comprising only the title and first paragraph before the copy was abandoned.
Purchased in December 1806 from Mr Mercier. Old pressmark I. 3. 18.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, as Collected by Sr Robert Cotton Esqr At the Comandment of her Maty Anno d
Old pressmark F. 1. 21.
Copy, the work described on a title-page as Collected by Robert Cotton Esq Att the Commandment of her Maiestie Anno Domini 1590
In a single predominantly secretary hand.
c.1640.From the library of the Harvey family, of Ickwell Bury, Bedfordshire, and Funningley Park, Yorkshire.
Recorded in HMC, 2nd report (1871), Appendix, pp. 90-1.
Tract, the full title sometimes given as Sir, To give you as short an accompt of your desire as I can...
. First published in London, 1640.
Copy, in a professional hand, subscribed R: C:
Compiled over a period, and partly written, by Sir Stephen Powle (c.1553-1630), Clerk of the Crown.
Copy, as written by Sr Robert Cotton to Sr. Edward Mountague Anno D
Copy, in a cursive secretary hand.
Among collections of Roger Dodsworth (1585-1654), antiquary.
Written by Sr Robert Cotton Anno 1621, on six unbound folio leaves, once folded as a letter or packet. c.1620s.
Swann, New York, 15 September 2011 (Eric. C. Caren Collection), lot 147.
Copy, headed
Entirely in the hand of John Hopkinson (1610-80), Yorkshire antiquary, of Lofthouse, near Leeds, and comprising Volume 29 of the Hopkinson MSS.
1662.Signed bookplate of Frances Mary Richardson Currer (1785-1861), book collector, of Eshton Hall, West Yorkshire. Subsequently owned by her step-father Matthew Wilson.
Copy, as written by Sr Robert Cotten to Sr. Edward Mountague Anno D
and subscribed R. B.
Purchased from Mrs Simmons, 27 February 1869.
Copy of a shortened version, as supposedly written by a learned Antiquarie at the request of a Peere of his Realme. 1640.
Collected by members of the Oxinden family, Baronets, of Deane and Barham, Kent, including Henry Oxinden (1609-70) and his brother Richard (b.1613).
Copy, in a stylish professional italic hand, with sidenotes in the hand of Sir Simonds D'Ewes, headed
annotated by, Dewes.
Copy of the first part, headed
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, as Written by Sr Robert Cotton knight and Baronett to Sr Edward Mountague Anno d
, subscribed R: C: B.
M.B.on the front cover.
Copy, headed Ro: Cot: Bruc:
Copy of the opening only, as written by Sr Robt: Cotten to Sr Edward Mountague
, incomplete.
Bookplate (f. 1*v) of John Holles (1662-1711), Duke of Newcastle upon Tyne, politician.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, as Written by Sr Robert Cotton to Sr Edward Mountague. Anno 1621
, subscribed R. C. B.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, as written by Sr Robte Cotton to Sr Edward Mountague Ano 1621
Inscribed (f. 2r) Sum Edw Umfrevile Juneis. Interioris Templi Studentis 1725. 10o Aprilis
: i.e. by Edward Umfreville (1702?-86), collector of legal manuscripts. Bookplate (as Shelburne
) of William Petty (1737-1805), second Earl of Shelburne and first Marquess of Lansdowne, Prime Minister.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand.
Copy, as written by Sr Robert Cotton to Sr Edward Mountagu...1621
Copy, headed
In the collection of Francis Hargrave (1740/1-1821), legal writer. Inscribed by him on f. ir F. Hargrave / A present to me from Dan. Jones of Fakenham Esqr 29. Sept. 1789 F.H.
and (on f. 1r-v) with a table of contents in Hargraves's hand.
Copy, headed
In the collection of Francis Hargrave (1740/1-1821), legal writer.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed
Volume 8 of the papers of Sir John Eliot (1592-1632), politician, and partly in his hand.
Among the papers of the Eliot family, Earls of St Germans, of Port Eliot, Cornwall.
Recorded (as Vol. 1) in HMC, 1st Report (1870), Appendix, p. 42.
Copy, headed
Volume 8 of the papers of Sir John Eliot (1592-1632), politician, and partly in his hand.
Among the papers of the Eliot family, Earls of St Germans, of Port Eliot, Cornwall.
Recorded (as Vol. 1) in HMC, 1st Report (1870), Appendix, p. 42.
Copy, headed
A fragment of the same volume to which
Among the papers of the Eliot family, Earls of St Germans, of Port Eliot, Cornwall.
Copy, in a professional hand, headed R. C. B.
Given by William Moore.
Copy, in double columns, the discourse dated 1621, in
Given by William Moore.
Copy, as written by Sr Robt Cotten to Sr Edward Mountague Anno: i621
, on eight leaves.
Bookplates of Francis Wilkinson and of the Rt. Hon. George Rose (d.1818). From the library of Hugh Campbell, Earl of Marchmont.
Baker, No. 538 (pp. 111-12).
Copy, headed Sr Robert Cotton goes noe further what follows is from some other hand
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed Written by Sr robert Cotton knight & Barronet to Sr: Edward Mountague Anno D
Copy, as written by Sr Robert Cotton to Sr Edward Mountague Ao: 1621
, subscribed R: C: B:
Once owned by Sir Richard Grosvenor (1585-1645); later by the Duke of Westminster, Eaton Hall, Cheshire, with his bookplate (inscribed XXI no. 21
) and a label with No. 24
on the spine. Assembled largely from Liber 8
(= MS 24). Sotheby's, 20 February 1967, lot 263. Formerly House of Lords Record Office, Historical Collection No. 53.
Recorded in HMC. 3rd Report (187-), Appendix, p. 214b.
Copy in the secretary hand of the Feathery Scribe
, headed This was printed (but falsely) in 1640, but noe authors name to it
In various hands, including that of the Feathery Scribe
Assembled by Thomas Barlow (1607-91), Bishop of Lincoln, book collector.
Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Copy, in the secretary hand of the Feathery Scribe
, as wrytten by Sir Robte Cotton to Sr: Edward Mountague, Anno Dni: 1621:
Bequeathed by Sir Jerome Alexander (c.1600-70), Justice of the Irish Common Pleas. Old pressmark G. 4. 13.
Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Copy, in a professional rounded mixed hand, as Written by Sr: Robert Cotton knight & Barronet to Sr: Edward Mountague Anno Domini 1621
, subscribed R: C: B:
In various professional hands, including those of the Feathery Scribe
and Ralph Starkey.
Item 142 in an unidentified sale catalogue.
Peter Beal,
Copy, headed Written by Sr Robert Cotton to Sr Edward Mountague Anno 1621
Mostyn MS 177: from the library of the Mostyn family, of Mostyn Hall, Flintshire, and Gloddaeth, Denbighshire, whose notable book and manuscript collectors included Sir Thomas Mostyn (1651-1700?) and his grandson Sir Thomas Mostyn, fourth Baronet (1704-58).
Recorded in HMC, 4th Report (1874), Appendix, p. 355.
Baker, No. 1095 (p. 266).
In a single predominantly secretary hand.
c.1640.From the library of the Harvey family, of Ickwell Bury, Bedfordshire, and Funningley Park, Yorkshire.
Recorded in HMC, 2nd report (1871), Appendix, pp. 90-1.
Covers bearing arms of the Russel family, Earls of Bedford, Woburn Abbey. Thomas Thorpe's sale catalogue for 1831, item 4236. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector.
Thomas Rodd's sale catalogue for 1849, item 614.
Mullock's, Church Stretton, Shropshire, 25 June 2008, lot 170.
Owned in 1709 by Browne Willis, MP, FSA (1682-1760), of Whaddon Hall, near Winslow, Buckinghamshire, antiquary. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 11936. Bookplate of W.A. Foyle (1885-1963), of Beeleigh Abbey, Essex, bookseller. Christie's, 12-13 July 2000 (W.A. Foyle sale, Part III), lot 317.
Copy of the treatise, as by Sir Robert Cotton kt and Barronett and delivered to his Majesty at the Bord
, incomplete, [1626].
Formerly among the Braye Manuscripts, descending from John Browne (1608-91), Clerk of the Parliaments, whose daughter Martha married Sir Roger Cave, Bt, of Stanford Hall, Rugby, seat of successive Lords Braye. Christie's, 23 June 1954, lot 111.
Recorded in HMC, 10th Report, Appendix VI. A complete photocopy is in the Parliamentary Archives, Braye MS/51.
Tract, in two parts, the first beginning There is a Booke called the Myrror of Justices mentioned in Plowden's Commentaries...
, the second beginning There be Two manner of Powers & Process...
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed
Inscribed (f. 1r) Wm Salkeld
: i.e. William Salkeld (1671-1715), sergeant-at-law and law reporter. Volume CCLVIII of the papers of the first four Earls of Hardwicke and other members of the Yorke family.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, largely on rectos with versos retained for sidenotes in another secretary script, unascribed.
Copy of the first part.
Arms of the Wright family of Essex on the original cover.
Copy, the first part (ff. 3r-40r) headed (Note that in another Copy which I have of this Mss. bound separately, there is an addition of 14 or 15 pages to yt. part where the mss. as concluded here.)
In the collection of Francis Hargrave (1740/1-1821), legal writer. Inscribed by him on f. [1v] F. Hargrave Bot. by me of Mr Lynch of Dublin with [?]t manuscripts for which together I gave £60 F. H.
and with his list of contents (f. 2r-v).
The Chanceller hath no Commission by Letters Patents..., with numerous sub-headings, predominantly in a single neat hand, the title in a later hand, 144 folio leaves (plus blanks), in modern cloth. Late 17th-early 18th century.
In the collection of Francis Hargrave (1740/1-1821), legal writer and book collector. Inscribed lent me by MrGoldesborough ye Deputy Regr of ye Court of Chauncery & ye original was lent to him by Mr Grimes ye Late Usher of ye Rolls
, and including (ff. 115r-144v) material from A copy of papers in ye hands of Mr Holforde...Sr Robt Cotton, headed De Magno Cancellario Angl et Cancellaria ac Cojudicibus ejus ey Authoritate eorundem
Feathery Scribe, vi + 97 leaves (including 51 blanks).
Peter Beal,
Copy, in the professional secretary hand of the Feathery Scribe
Feathery Scribe, 570 leaves (some misnumbered, plus loose inserts), in half-calf marbled boards. c.1630.
Inscribed (f. 1r) J Trevor
, probably Sir John Trevor (1637-1717), Speaker of the House of Commons and Master of the Rolls. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 15141. The MS cited as in the possession of Mr. Rooke
in a four-page index added c.1839. Acquired from Sweet & Maxwell on 14 February 1950 together with MSS belonging to Thomas Powys (d.1671), Sergeant at Law. Formerly MS 1034.
Recorded in J. H. Baker,
Tract beginning As soon as the house of Austria had incorporated it self into the house of Spaine...
. First published London, 1628.
Copy, in a professional predominantly secretary hand, as written by Sr Robert Cotton Knight and Barronett in January 1627
Inscribed (f. [1r]) Nar. Luttrell: His Book 1682
and (f. 31r).Nar. Luttrell: His Book 1680
: i.e. by Narcissus Luttrell (1657-1732), annalist and book collector.
Once owned by John Somers (1651-1716), Baron Somers, Lord Chancellor, and by his brother-in-law Sir Joseph Jekyll (1662-1738), lawyer and politician (No. 387 in the sale catalogue of his library, 1759).
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, subscribed by Hannibal Baskervile I think this was Sr Rob. Cotton
Assembled by Hannibal Baskervile, of Sunningwell, Berkshire.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, endorsed
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, the tract dated 1627.
Copy, in a professional predominantly secretary hand, ascribed to Cotton.
Among collections of Roger Dodsworth (1585-1654), antiquary, passed on to Lord Fairfax, who donated them to the Bodleian.
Copy, in a secretary hand, ascribed to Cotton.
Among collections of Anthony Wood (1632-95), Oxford antiquary.
Copy, in a secretary hand, unascribed.
Thomas Thorpe,
Copy of a Contracted
version, as by Robert
Compiled by the Rev. John Rous (1584-1644), incumbent of Santon Downham, Suffolk, and relating, retrospectively, chiefly to public events and to literary texts in circulation in 1625-42.
c.1625-42.Later owned by Dawson Turner (1775-1858), banker, botanist and antiquary. Turner sale, 7 June 1859, lot 253. The second MS purchased at Sotheby's, 15-25 March 1871 (library of the bookseller Joseph Lilly).
The first MS edited in full in
Copy, in a secretary hand, on two foliio leaves, imperfect, lacking the ending.
Volume XXV of collections relating to Ramsey Abbey, Huntingdonshire, and the Williams, alias Cromwell, family.
Copy, in a secretary hand, as by Sr Robert Cotton
Bookplate of Sir John Dolben, second Baronet (1684-1756), of Finedon, Northamptonshire, clergyman. Purchased from Sotheran, 13 June 1893.
Copy, in a probably professional predominantly secretary hand, as by Sr Robt Cotton: feb. 1627
Copy, as described by Sr Robert Cotton
Christie's, 12 June 1881 (Fairfax sale).
Copy, in a secretary hand, headed
Papers of Richard Evelyn (d.1640), of Wootton.
Volume CX of the Evelyn Papers, of John Evelyn (1620-1706), diarist and writer, of Wootton House, Surrey, and his family, also incorporating papers of his father-in-law, Sir Richard Browne, Bt (1605-83), diplomat, and his family. Formerly preserved at Christ Church, Oxford. Purchased March 1995.
Formerly Evelyn MS 291.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, unascribed.
Copy, in the hand of Ralph Starkey, endorsed (f. 178v)
In professional hands, including those of the Feathery Scribe
, Ralph Starkey (c.1569-1628), merchant and antiquary, and John Stow (1524/5-1605), historian.
Later owned, and annotated, by Sir Simonds D'Ewes.
Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Copy, in a professional secretary hand.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, with a lengthy heading in the hand of Sir Simonds D'Ewes
annotated by, Dewes.
Copy, as by Sr Robert Cotton Knight, Ano: D
Copy, docketed in the margin Sr R: Cotton
and dated 10 March 1627.
Inscribed (f. [ir]) Humfry Burton
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, docketed in a later hand By Sr Robert Cotton...Printed 1672...
Copy, in a secretary hand, unascribed.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, subscribed written by Sr Robert Cotton knight and Baronet in January Aoo 1627
In various professional hands, including that of the Feathery Scribe
Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Copy, as by Sr. Robert Cotton
, dated 1627
. c.1630.
Once owned by John Hart and John Ashton.
Copy, in an italic hand, as by Sr Ro: Cotton
. c.1630s.
Copy, in a secretary hand, as By Sr Robt Cotton
. c.1630.
Copy, as by Sr. Robert Cotton
Feathery Scribe, 179 leaves, in modern reversed calf.
Once owned by Ric: Tichbone
, probably Sir Richard Tichborne, second Baronet, MP (c.1578-1652).
Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Copy, unascribed.
Copy, headed Sr Robt Cottons speeche to ye lls: of ye Councell being (as was thought) ye ground & occasion of calling ye pliamt, holden soone after .1628. relating to ye danger wherein ye kingdome standes & ye remedy.
Copy, in a secretary hand, on nine quarto leaves, the work dated 1627.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand.
Copy, in a cursive secretary hand, as written by Sr Robert Cotton
Compiled, at least in part, by Robert Davies (1616-66), of Gwysaney, and his father.
c.1630s.Copy, in an unaccomplished predominantly secretary hand, the tract dated 1628.
Compiled, and written, mostly by William Fulman (1632-88), Oxford antiquary.
Copy, in a closely written secretary hand, the tract ascribed to Cotton and dated 1627, on three folio leaves, docketed by Fulman.
Compiled, and partly written, by William Fulman (1632-88), Oxford antiquary.
Copy, in two cursive secretary hands, subscribed with a note about the tract's presentation to the King on 29 January and Council meeting on 17 March, inscribed in the margin By Sr Robt Cotton
and i Car R 1625
Liber B.
Some of the items copied from manuscripts of Roger Dodsworth (1585-1654), antiquary, and of the Aske family. A list of books at the end, with dates 1642-54, includes references to Robert Cotton, Sir Hugh Cholmley, and Sir Gervase Clifton (who hath ye booke
Owned by the Fairfax family of Yorkshire. Partly compiled by Charles Fairfax (1597-1673) and with annotations by his brother Ferdinando (1584-1648), second Lord Fairfax. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 11138. Sotheby's, 8 June 1898 (Phillipps sale), lot 406, sold to Downing. Bonham's, 18 March 2008, lot 250.
Facsimile of p. 282 in Bonham's sale catalogue, p. 102.
Among papers of the Smyth family of North Nibley, Gloucestershire, and the Cowper family of Lancashire.
Copy of the beginning only, headed The rest of this speech followes in the Printed Copie
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, the first page foliated 53
, incomplete.
A flyleaf inscribed This belongs to Mrs Carewe of Crowcombe, Co. Somerset / T Philli
: i.e.formerly among the Carew MSS at Crowcombe Court, Somerset, and borrowed at some time by Sir Thomas Phillips, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector.
Recorded in HMC, 4th Report (1874), Appendix, p. 373.
Copy, as By Sr Robert Cotton Kt & Baronet
From the Fairfax papers. Phillipps MS 10305. Given to the library by William Appleton Coolidge. the Earl of Bridgewater, in paper wrappers. Early 17th-century.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, as By Sr Robte Cotten Knt and Barronet
, imperfect, lacking the ending.
Copy, in a secretary hand, as Sr Robt Cotten his opinion
. c.1630.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, unascribed, dated 1628.
Partly in the hand of Robert Vaughan (1591/2-1667) of Hengwrt, antiquary.
Copy, the heading superscribed A
Copy, the normal heading superscribed
Signature (on a slip affixed to f. [iir]) of Thomas Martin (1697-1771), of Palgrave, Suffolk, antiquary and collector.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, with alterations in another secretary hand, unascribed.
Among the papers of the Acland Hood family, of Fairfield, Stogursey.
Copy, in a secretary hand, unattributed, on seven pages of four folio leaves.
Donated in 1921 by Dr J. R. Tanner.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, as written by Sr. Robert Cotton
Bequeathed by Sir Jerome Alexander (c.1600-70), Justice of the Irish Common Pleas. Old pressmark E. 1. 10.
Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Copy, in a secretary hand, subscribed in another hand Copia vera
, unascribed.
Inscribed (f. 141r) John: Saunders is the trew owner of this booke
, Captaine Christo: Blounte
, and Valentine LLawless
Owned by John Madden, MD (1649-1703/4), physician and manuscript collector. Old pressmark F. 1. 20.
Copy, closely written in a secretary hand, as layd downe by Mr Cotton
Inscribed (f. 141r) John: Saunders is the trew owner of this booke
, Captaine Christo: Blounte
, and Valentine LLawless
Owned by John Madden, MD (1649-1703/4), physician and manuscript collector. Old pressmark F. 1. 20.
Copy, in a rounded hand, a title-page in another hand, as By Sr Robert Cotton / Printed: 1628: & written 1639
Bequeathed by Sir Jerome Alexander (c.1600-70), Justice of the Irish Common Pleas. Old pressmark G. 4. 8.
Briefly described in Peter Beal,
From the papers of the Isham family, of Lamport Hall, Northamptonshire.
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 253.
Recorded in HMC, 7th Report, Part I (1879), Appendix, p. 467
In a single predominantly secretary hand.
c.1640.From the library of the Harvey family, of Ickwell Bury, Bedfordshire, and Funningley Park, Yorkshire.
Recorded in HMC, 2nd report (1871), Appendix, pp. 90-1.
Scribbling on several pages including the names Mrs Anne WM Quinney
, Oner Ormen
, Ormeson
, and Rumney
The name Thomas Cole inscribed on front pastedown. Later owned by the Rev. Dr Cox Macro (1683-1767), antiquary, and subsequently by Hudson Gurney (1775-1864), antiquary and banker.
A tract beginning by these precedent passages...
. Ascribed to Cotton in MS and apparently unpublished.
Copy, on one page, incomplete.
Bookplate of Charles W.G. Howard, The Gift of the Rt. Hon. Sir David Dundas Knt. of Ochtertyre 1877
. Formerly Chest II, No. 13.
Tract beginning Where difference could not be determined...
Copy in the hand of the Feathery Scribe
Feathery Scribe, 266 leaves. c.1630s.
Once owned by Sir Robert Oxenbridge, MP (1595-1638) of Hurstbourne Priors, Hampshire; later by Thomas Tanner (1674-1735), Bishop of St Asaph, ecclesiastical historian, scholar and book collector. It was once bought from John Jackson of Tottenham High Cross.
Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Among the collections of Browne Willis, MP, FSA (1682-1760), antiquary, of Whaddon Hall, near Winslow, Buckinghamshire.
Copy, in a professional predominantly secretary hand, as written by Sr. Robert Cotton knight...1609
Acquired from Lord R. Montagu, MP, 27 June 1863.
Copy, headed
Bearing notes by Peter Le Neve (1661-1729), Norroy King of Arms and antiquary. Le Neve sale, 1730, bought by Nicholas Hardinge. Volume XXXXLXXI of the papers of the first four Earls of Hardwicke and other members of the Yorke family.
Autograph draft, with deletions and revisions, headed
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, untitled, headed in another hand R. Cotton B. 1609
. 1609.
Copy of the beginning, untitled, subscribed R: Cott: B: 1609
Inscribed (f. 1*r) by Wanley with date of accession into the Harley Library 4 May 1721
. An affixed slip inscribed Ane baryngton
, Robarts
, and The Lady Robarts
, all in the same hand.
Copy, untitled, subscribed R. Cott: B. 1609
Bookplate of Algernon Capell (1654-1710), second Earl of Essex, Privy Councillor, 1701.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, as written by Sr. Robert Cotton Knight
, subscribed Ro: Cotton. B: 1609
In a single predominantly secretary hand.
c.1640.From the library of the Harvey family, of Ickwell Bury, Bedfordshire, and Funningley Park, Yorkshire.
Recorded in HMC, 2nd report (1871), Appendix, pp. 90-1.
A dedicatory epistle beginning Sir, Yor small tyme, I must Ballance, wth as sclendr Aunswere...
followed by a tract beginning Because the Jurisdiction att the Comon Lawe was vncertayne...
Copy, in the hand of the Feathery Scribe
Tableof contents (ff. 2r-5r), and foliation throughout) being the
Feathery Scribe, vi + 211 leaves, in late 17th-century calf. c.1625-30s.
Bookplates of Sir John Dolben, second baronet (1684-1756), of Finedon, Northamptonshire, and of The Rev. H.C. Beeching/Yattendon/1897
. Acquired from Maggs.
Copy, in a professional hand.
Copy in the hand of the Feathery Scribe
Both parts containing antiquarian tracts:
ff. 1r-29v,
ff. 30r-45v, discourses and copies of Latin documents relating to the offices of Lord Steward, Constable, and Earl Marshal of England, with title-page and (incomplete) list of contents, in the hands of professional scribes: ff. 30r-119v, 132r-45v, 150v-61r, 165v to to half-way down f. 205r in the hand of the Feathery Scribe
; the remainder in two other scribal hands. c.1630s.
Once owned by the Isham family, of Lamport Hall, Northamptonshire. Sotheby's, 17 June 1904 (Library of a Gentleman in the Country
), lot 89, to Quaritch. P.J. and A.E. Dobell, sale catalogue No. 80 (1928), item 719.
Described in Peter Beal,
Copy, in a professional hand.
Once owned by Thomas Martin (1697-1771), of Palgrave, antiquary and collector (No. 4556 in the 1773 catalogue of his books). Among the collections of Richard Gough, FSA (1735-1809), antiquary and topographer.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, as written by Ro: Cotton Kt:
Feathery Scribe, iv + 232 leaves, in reversed calf. c.1628-30s.
Once owned by Ric: Tichbone
, probably Sir Richard Tichborne, second Baronet, MP (c.1578-1652). James Tregaskis, sale catalogue No. 1022 (1948), item 29. Bought from Maggs, 4 November 1948, by Annie Winifred Bryher (née Ellerman, d.1983). Afterwards owned by the Ralegh scholar Agnes Latham (1905-96), of Pickering, North Yorkshire.
Briefly described in Beal,
Autograph copy, with a few revisions, of the dedicatory epistle to Northampton, signed Robert Cotton
and dated 25 November 1602.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, as written by Sir Robert Cotton Knight
and subscribed Ro: Cotton
Later owned, and inscribed (f. 1*r) by John Anstis (1669-1744).
Copy of the dedicatory epistle, untitled, subscribed Ro. Cotton
Inscribed (f. 1*r) by Wanley with date of accession into the Harley Library 4 May 1721
. An affixed slip inscribed Ane baryngton
, Robarts
, and The Lady Robarts
, all in the same hand.
Copy of the dedicatory epistle to Northampton, 25 November 1602, headed
Bookplate of Algernon Capell (1654-1710), second Earl of Essex, Privy Councillor, 1701.
A copy of the dedicatory epistle to Northampton [25 November 1602], untitled, subscribed Ro: Cotton
Bookplate of Algernon Capell (1654-1710), second Earl of Essex, Privy Councillor, 1701.
Copy, untitled., subscribed 25 Nouembr: 1602. Yor assured friend: Ro: Cotton
Copy, as written by Sir Robert Cotton Knight
Feathery Scribe, 762 numbered pages (lpp. 148-76 blank, lacking pp. 345-56, plus 28 blanks), in old reversed calf.
From the library of William T. Smedley (1851-1934), Baconian. Acquired c.1924.
Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Owned in 1685 by Francis Negus, presumably the Francis Negus who was Surveyor of the Mews, secretary to the Duke of Norfolk, and father of the soldier and courtier Francis Negus (1670-1732).
Copy of the dedicatory epistle to Northampton and the beginning of the tract, as Written by Sir Robert Cotton Knight
, on two folio leaves paginated 47-9, imperfect, lacking the rest of the tract.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, as written by Sr Robert Cotton Knight at the request of the Lord Howard Earle of Northampton.
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 120. Microfilm in the British Library, M/346 (3rd item).
Copy, complete with letter to Northampton, in a professional secretary hand, as written by Sr Robt Cotton knight
1637, in contemporary calf. c.1637.
Bequeathed by Sir Jerome Alexander (c.1600-70), Justice of the Irish Common Pleas. Old pressmark G. 3. 5.
Copy of a genealogy, docketed
Tract beginning Yff wee curiouslye will looke the Roote of this question...
. Hearne (1771), II, 65-7.
Copy, in the hand of the Feathery Scribe
Tableof contents (ff. 2r-5r), and foliation throughout) being the
Feathery Scribe, vi + 211 leaves, in late 17th-century calf. c.1625-30s.
Bookplates of Sir John Dolben, second baronet (1684-1756), of Finedon, Northamptonshire, and of The Rev. H.C. Beeching/Yattendon/1897
. Acquired from Maggs.
Copy in the hand of the Feathery Scribe
Both parts containing antiquarian tracts:
ff. 1r-29v,
ff. 30r-45v, discourses and copies of Latin documents relating to the offices of Lord Steward, Constable, and Earl Marshal of England, with title-page and (incomplete) list of contents, in the hands of professional scribes: ff. 30r-119v, 132r-45v, 150v-61r, 165v to to half-way down f. 205r in the hand of the Feathery Scribe
; the remainder in two other scribal hands. c.1630s.
Once owned by the Isham family, of Lamport Hall, Northamptonshire. Sotheby's, 17 June 1904 (Library of a Gentleman in the Country
), lot 89, to Quaritch. P.J. and A.E. Dobell, sale catalogue No. 80 (1928), item 719.
Described in Peter Beal,
Copy, in a professional hand, as written by Sr Robert Cotton knt and Barontt
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, as written by Sr Robert Cotton knight & Baro:
Feathery Scribe, iv + 232 leaves, in reversed calf. c.1628-30s.
Once owned by Ric: Tichbone
, probably Sir Richard Tichborne, second Baronet, MP (c.1578-1652). James Tregaskis, sale catalogue No. 1022 (1948), item 29. Bought from Maggs, 4 November 1948, by Annie Winifred Bryher (née Ellerman, d.1983). Afterwards owned by the Ralegh scholar Agnes Latham (1905-96), of Pickering, North Yorkshire.
Briefly described in Beal,
Autograph(?) fair copy, the heading partly cropped, signed RO: Cotton
; the paper delivered on an unspecified date to the Society of Antiquaries.
Copy, in the hand of a professional secretary hand, subscribed Ro: Cotton
Later owned, and inscribed (f. 1*r) by John Anstis (1669-1744).
Copy, untitled, subscribed Robert Cotton
Inscribed (f. 1*r) by Wanley with date of accession into the Harley Library 4 May 1721
. An affixed slip inscribed Ane baryngton
, Robarts
, and The Lady Robarts
, all in the same hand.
Copy, as written by Sr. Robert Cotton Kt. & Bar
Bookplate of Algernon Capell (1654-1710), second Earl of Essex, Privy Councillor, 1701.
Copy, untitled, subscribed Robert Cotton
Bookplate of Algernon Capell (1654-1710), second Earl of Essex, Privy Councillor, 1701.
Copy, as by Ro: Cotton
, followed (ff. 20r-5r) by a collection of details relating to the offices of Constable and Earl Marshal subscribed R: Cott:
and dated 1609
Copy, as written by Sr Robert Cotton knight & Baronett
, subscribed Ro: Cotton
Feathery Scribe, 762 numbered pages (lpp. 148-76 blank, lacking pp. 345-56, plus 28 blanks), in old reversed calf.
From the library of William T. Smedley (1851-1934), Baconian. Acquired c.1924.
Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Owned in 1685 by Francis Negus, presumably the Francis Negus who was Surveyor of the Mews, secretary to the Duke of Norfolk, and father of the soldier and courtier Francis Negus (1670-1732).
Copy, in a secretary hand, as written by Sr Robert Cotton Knight & Barronet
, on three folio leaves paginated 34-7, subscribed Robert Cotton
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, as written by Sr Robert Cotton Knight & Barronett
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 120. Microfilm in the British Library, M/346 (3rd item).
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, as written by Sr Robt Cotton knigh [sic] and Baronett
1637, in contemporary calf. c.1637.
Bequeathed by Sir Jerome Alexander (c.1600-70), Justice of the Irish Common Pleas. Old pressmark G. 3. 5.
Tract beginning For the Clearinge whereof wee will intreate off the name...
. Hearne (1771), II, 1-12.
Copy, in the hand of the Feathery Scribe
Tableof contents (ff. 2r-5r), and foliation throughout) being the
Feathery Scribe, vi + 211 leaves, in late 17th-century calf. c.1625-30s.
Bookplates of Sir John Dolben, second baronet (1684-1756), of Finedon, Northamptonshire, and of The Rev. H.C. Beeching/Yattendon/1897
. Acquired from Maggs.
Copy in the hand of the Feathery Scribe
Both parts containing antiquarian tracts:
ff. 1r-29v,
ff. 30r-45v, discourses and copies of Latin documents relating to the offices of Lord Steward, Constable, and Earl Marshal of England, with title-page and (incomplete) list of contents, in the hands of professional scribes: ff. 30r-119v, 132r-45v, 150v-61r, 165v to to half-way down f. 205r in the hand of the Feathery Scribe
; the remainder in two other scribal hands. c.1630s.
Once owned by the Isham family, of Lamport Hall, Northamptonshire. Sotheby's, 17 June 1904 (Library of a Gentleman in the Country
), lot 89, to Quaritch. P.J. and A.E. Dobell, sale catalogue No. 80 (1928), item 719.
Described in Peter Beal,
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, as written by Sir Robert Cotton knight and Barronett
Feathery Scribe, iv + 232 leaves, in reversed calf. c.1628-30s.
Once owned by Ric: Tichbone
, probably Sir Richard Tichborne, second Baronet, MP (c.1578-1652). James Tregaskis, sale catalogue No. 1022 (1948), item 29. Bought from Maggs, 4 November 1948, by Annie Winifred Bryher (née Ellerman, d.1983). Afterwards owned by the Ralegh scholar Agnes Latham (1905-96), of Pickering, North Yorkshire.
Briefly described in Beal,
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, as written by Sr Robert Cotton, Knight & Baronett
Later owned, and inscribed (f. 1*r) by John Anstis (1669-1744).
Copy, headed Robert Cotten
Inscribed (f. 1*r) by Wanley with date of accession into the Harley Library 4 May 1721
. An affixed slip inscribed Ane baryngton
, Robarts
, and The Lady Robarts
, all in the same hand.
Copy, as by Sr. Robert Cotton Kt. and Baronet
Bookplate of Algernon Capell (1654-1710), second Earl of Essex, Privy Councillor, 1701.
Copy, headed
Bookplate of Algernon Capell (1654-1710), second Earl of Essex, Privy Councillor, 1701.
Copy, headed
Copy, as written by Sir Robert Cotton Knight & Baronnett
, subscribed Ro: Cotton:
Feathery Scribe, 762 numbered pages (lpp. 148-76 blank, lacking pp. 345-56, plus 28 blanks), in old reversed calf.
From the library of William T. Smedley (1851-1934), Baconian. Acquired c.1924.
Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Copy, in a secretary hand, as Written by Sir Robert Cotton knight & Baronett
, on five folio leaves paginated 17-25.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, as written by Sr Robert Cotton knight & Barronett
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 120. Microfilm in the British Library, M/346 (3rd item).
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, as written by Sr Robt Cotton knight and Baronett
1637, in contemporary calf. c.1637.
Bequeathed by Sir Jerome Alexander (c.1600-70), Justice of the Irish Common Pleas. Old pressmark G. 3. 5.
Tract beginning This question maketh in it self aptly three parts...
. First pub in Hearne (1720), pp. 166-73. Hearne (1771), I, 100-5.
Copy, apparently a transcript of
Chiefly compiled by Thomas Smith (1638-1710), Oxford scholar and editor.
Owned on 10 March 1710/11 by Thomas Hearne (1678-1735), antiquary.
Autograph draft, with deletions and revisions, on three pages of two folio leaves, endorsed Mr Cotton
First published, as Collected by Sr. R. Cotton
, in London, 1657. Probably collected rather by William and Robert Bowyer, Keepers of the Records in the Tower, and revised and edited by William Prynne.
Extracts, made by Theophilus Hastings (1650-1701), seventh Earl of Huntingdon.
collected by Sr Robt. Cotton, & publish'd by Will. Prynn), imperfect, lacking the first half, here beginning with the reign of Henry IV, 265 folio leaves (plus blanks), originally foliated 300-572, 574, in old calf (rebacked). Early-mid-17th century.
Old pressmark G. 1. 5.
Tract beginning The Kings of England have supported and repaired their Estates...
. First published, as 200
[i.e. 202].
Mostyn Hall MS 155 (formerly MS 63). Bookplate of Thomas Mostyn 1744. G.H. Last's sale catalogue No. 213 (1936), item 672.
HMC, 4th Report (1874), Appendix, p. 353.
Copy, in a professional hand, untitled.
Copy, in a professional hand.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, imperfect at the end.
Copy, entitled
Purchased from Mrs Simmons, 27 February 1869.
Copy, headed
Copy, in a secretary hand, headed
Collected by Sir Nicholas Lechmere (1613-1701), judge and politician.
Volume DCCXXXIII of the papers of the first four Earls of Hardwicke and other members of the Yorke family.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, with a title-page in a roman handunascribed. c.1620s-30s.
In various hands, including the Feathery Scribe
Yelverton MS 69, among papers of Sir Henry Yelverton (1566-1629), Justice of the Common Pleas, and his family.
Recorded in HMC, 2nd Report (1871), Appendix, p. 43.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, imperfect, lacking the beginning. c.1620s-30s.
Volume CLXXIII of the Trumbull Papers, of the Trumbull family, including chiefly William Trumbull (1576/80?-1635), diplomat and government official. Later belonging to the Marquess of Downshire, of Easthampstead Park. Formerly in Berkshire Record Office, in Trumbull Add 5, 8, 37, 42.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, untitled and unascribed.
Autograph draft, with revisions, written largely with the broadsheet paper turned sideways in oblong format, untitled; docketed by Cotton (f. 99v) Anno 8 Jacobi Regis [i.e. 1610/11] for the Earl of Northampton
; endorsed (f. [101v]) in the hand of Ralph Starkey
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed
M.B.on the front cover.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, with a formal title-page, in italic with partly engrossed lettering,
Copy, headed
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, with a title-page
Later inscribed (f. 141r) CB [or PB]: gen: Med: Tem: 24o: De: No: 1663
and (ff. 142r and 166v) C[or P]Billingsby
, with a list of books in the same hand (f. 141v) dated March 19o. 1672
Headed Extracts Out of the Records, wherein it may be collected by what meanes the kings of England have and may rayse moneys. Written by Sr Robert Cotton, knight and baronett.
Early 17th century.Copy, headed
In the collection of Francis Hargrave (1740/1-1821), legal writer.
Copy, in a professional hand, on fifteen folio leaves (plus blanks).
In various professional hands, including those of the Feathery Scribe
and Ralph Starkey (c.1569-1628).
Bookplate of John Moore (1646-1714), Bishop of Ely.
Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Copy, headed
Copy, in a professional cursive secretary hand, headed
Feathery Scribe), 216 leaves (including some blanks), in modern half-calf.
Bookplate of John Moore (1646-1714), Bishop of Ely.
Described in Peter Beal,
Copy, in an ungainly secretary hand, headed ...written by Sr. Robt. Cotton...
Bookplate of William Constable, FRS, FAS.
Copy, ff. 73r-84v in another professional hand, headed
Largely in the hand of the Feathery Scribe
(ff. [1r-72v, 85r-9r]).
Formerly MS 5035. Acquired from Sweet & Maxwell, 11 April 1949.
Baker, p. 183.
Copy, untitled, on 20 folio leaves.
Bearing a list of contents in the hand of John Egerton, first Earl of Bridgewater (1579-1649).
Extracts, headed
Compiled by Sir William Drake, MP (1606-69), of Shardeloes House, near Amersham, Buckinghamshire.
c.1632-41.Phillips, 18 March 1993, lot 23.
Cited frequently in Kevin Sharpe,
Copy, with a title-page,
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, untitled, unascribed.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed Per Cotton milit et Barronett nuper defunct
Copy, principally in a professional secretary hand, the title-page and ffinis
subscription at the end in another professional hand, entitled
Among collections bequeathed by Sir Mathew Hale (1609-76), Chief Justice of the King's Bench, legal writer.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, unascribed.
Among collections of Sir John Maynard, MP (1604-90), lawyer and politician.
Copy, in three or four secretary hands, one predominating, as By Sr Robt Cotton Ano Dni i6
Among collections of Sir John Maynard, MP (1604-90), lawyer and politician.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed per Cotton mili
added at the side in another hand.
Among collections of Sir John Maynard, MP (1604-90), lawyer and politician.
1l 5s, vii + 77 folio leaves, in a paper wrapper. Mid-17th century.
per Cotton milit et Baronett nup defunct, on twenty folio leaves, in paper wrappers. c.1620s-30s.
Copy, largely in a professional secretary hand, a title added in red ink
Copy of Written by Sr Robert Cotton knight and Baronett
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 120. Microfilm in the British Library, M/346 (3rd item).
Copy, in two professional predominantly secretary hands, as Written by Sir Robert Cotton knight and Baronett Jacobi Regis Annoque Dni 1609
Purchased in December 1806 from Mr Mercier. Old pressmark I. 3. 18.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed
Feathery Scribe, ii + 281 leaves (including blanks), in calf.
In the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), book and manuscript collector: Phillipps MS 10464. Among the collections of Sir Edwin Durning-Lawrence, MP (1837-1914), Baconian scholar and book collector.
Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Copy, headed
William H. Robinson's sale catalogue No. 72 (1940), item 147. Subsequently broken up into separate MSS.
In a single predominantly secretary hand.
c.1640.From the library of the Harvey family, of Ickwell Bury, Bedfordshire, and Funningley Park, Yorkshire.
Recorded in HMC, 2nd report (1871), Appendix, pp. 90-1.
A tract or compilation beginning Hen: the 4. ao. 12. when the revenues and profittes of the Kingdome...
. Unpublished?
Copy, possibly a composite of more than one MS; the first part (ff. 41r-3v) almost entirely in a professional secretary hand, with copious marginal annotations in the hand of Henry Howard, Earl of Northampton; a second professional hand on ff. 44r-5v, and 51r; the first scribe again on ff. 46r-49r; a third secretary hand on ff. 46r-9v, and signed and dated at the end by Cotton himself Ro. Cotton 1612. Sept. 25
. 1612.
Inscribed (f. 1r) A Collection made by Sr Robert Cotton for his Maties Seruice in time of Extremytie
. A list of contents (f. 2v) is in the hand of Sir William Dugdale (1605-86), antiquary and herald.
Tract beginning This word measure is by some defined to be quicquid pondere...
. First published in Hearne (1720), pp. 178-81. Hearne (1771), I, 107-9.
Copy, apparently a transcript of
Chiefly compiled by Thomas Smith (1638-1710), Oxford scholar and editor.
Owned on 10 March 1710/11 by Thomas Hearne (1678-1735), antiquary.
Autograph draft, with deletions and revisions, n both sides of a single folio leaf.
Tract beginning The office, by opinion of Vigener and Tillet is older than the name...
First published, as anonymous, in Hearne (1720), pp. 93-6. Hearne (1771), I, 57-8.
Autograph draft, with deletions and revisions, on one side of a single folio leaf; possibly the paper delivered on an unspecified date to the Society of Antiquaries.
Tract beginning For the first branch of this question, the antiquity of Towns...
First published in Hearne (1720), pp. 174-7. Hearne (1771), I, 105-7.
Copy, apparently a transcript of 23 Junij 42
: i.e. 23 June 1600, when the paper was read at the Society of Antiquaries.
Chiefly compiled by Thomas Smith (1638-1710), Oxford scholar and editor.
Owned on 10 March 1710/11 by Thomas Hearne (1678-1735), antiquary.
Autograph draft, with deletions and revisions, on both sides of a single folio leaf; the paper delivered on 23 June 1600.
Tract beginning If I strait this question, to the common acceptance, my discourse must be...
. First published in Hearne (1720), pp. 182-5. Hearne (1771), I, 110-12.
Copy, apparently a transcript of
Chiefly compiled by Thomas Smith (1638-1710), Oxford scholar and editor.
Owned on 10 March 1710/11 by Thomas Hearne (1678-1735), antiquary.
Autograph fair copy, on one side of a single folio leaf, docketed Cott
Copy, subscribed Robte Cotton
Feathery Scribe), 262 leaves, in contemporary calf.
Inscribed in court hand by one M: Bayley
. Later Phillipps MS 15141. Sold by James Tregaskis, 4 June 1902. Formerly MS 1054.
Described in Peter Beal,
Tract beginning Consent of all authors and pregnant circumstances manifest that Austyn the monk...
. First pub in Hearne (1771), II, 155-60.
Copy, in a professional italic hand, untitled but docketed
A tract beginning Which office because it was neuer hereditary...
. Unpublished?
Copy, in the hand of the Feathery Scribe
Tableof contents (ff. 2r-5r), and foliation throughout) being the
Feathery Scribe, vi + 211 leaves, in late 17th-century calf. c.1625-30s.
Bookplates of Sir John Dolben, second baronet (1684-1756), of Finedon, Northamptonshire, and of The Rev. H.C. Beeching/Yattendon/1897
. Acquired from Maggs.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, subscribed Ra: Cotton
Feathery Scribe, iv + 232 leaves, in reversed calf. c.1628-30s.
Once owned by Ric: Tichbone
, probably Sir Richard Tichborne, second Baronet, MP (c.1578-1652). James Tregaskis, sale catalogue No. 1022 (1948), item 29. Bought from Maggs, 4 November 1948, by Annie Winifred Bryher (née Ellerman, d.1983). Afterwards owned by the Ralegh scholar Agnes Latham (1905-96), of Pickering, North Yorkshire.
Briefly described in Beal,
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, subscribed Ro: Cotton:
Later owned, and inscribed (f. 1*r) by John Anstis (1669-1744).
Copy, as by Sr. Robt. Cotton Kt. & Bart.
Bookplate of Algernon Capell (1654-1710), second Earl of Essex, Privy Councillor, 1701.
Copy, headed Ro: Cotton
Bookplate of Algernon Capell (1654-1710), second Earl of Essex, Privy Councillor, 1701.
Copy, in a secretary hand, on two leaves paginated 27-9. subscribed Robert Cotton
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, subscribed Ro: Cotton
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 120. Microfilm in the British Library, M/346 (3rd item).
An opinion beginning The Speaker in Parliament called to be Sergant hath precedenc to all other of that brotherhood...
Copy, transcribed from Cotton Library, Julius C.IX.22. Fol. 129 The whole in Sir Rob. Cottons own hand
, subscribed Ro: Cotton
, on three pages of two tipped-in conjugate folio leaves, endorsed
Compiled and annotated by Arthur Onslow (1691-1768), Speaker of the House of Commons.
Mid-18th century.A tract beginning That we nowe agreeinge wth the Scottes doe name a Parliament...
. Ascribed to Cotton in MS sources.
Volume V of the papers of John Scudamore (1601-71), first Viscount Scudamore, politician and diplomat.
Early 17th century.Evans (i.e. Sotheby's), 3 December 1821 (Scudamore sale), various lots, to Thomas Thorpe. Phillipps MS 22282. Sotheby's, 16 June 1896 (Phillipps sale). Dobell's sale catalogue No. 238 (1914), item 603. Presented by Wilfred Merton, FSA (1888-1957), book and manuscript collector.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, unascribed. c.1630.
Yelverton MS 111, among papers of Sir Henry Yelverton (1566-1629), Justice of the Common Pleas, and his family.
Copy, with running heading Cotton
Lot 389 in an unidentified sale and two unidentified armorial bookplates. Bought from Davis & Orioli, 10 November 1917.
Unpublished tract beginning I doubt not my honourable lord...
. Ascribed to Cotton in MS.
Copy, as by R. Cotton
, on nine pages.
Formerly belonging to Sir Andrew Fountaine of Narford. Among the manuscripts of the Coke family, Earls of Leicester, including collections of Sir Edward Coke (1552-1634), lawyer and politician.
Recorded in HMC, 9th Report (1883), Appendix, pp. 364-7.
Tract, addressed to George Villiers, first Duke of Buckingham, beginning In humble obedience to your Grace's Command, I am emboldned to present my poor advice...
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, the last page in another hand.
Inscribed (f. 1v) Nar. Luttrell: His Book 1682
[i.e. by Narcissus Luttrell (1657-1732), annalist and book collector], with similar inscriptions throughout the volume with dates ranging from 1678 to 1685.
Acquired from Maggs Brothers, 20 January 2006.
Copy, in a professional hand.
Evans, 16 November 1842 (George Chalmers sale), lot 1647. Afterwards owned by James Orchard Halliwell (from 1872 Halliwell-Phillipps) (1820-89), literary scholar and book collector. J.W. Jarvis & Son, sale catalogue No. 59 (July 1889), item 181.
Copy, in an accomplished professional hand, imperfect, lacking the ending (despite a note at the foot of f. 60v For ye remainder of this see p. 36
Copy, in a professional hand, with a title-page, ascribed to Sr Robert Cotton knight and Barronett. 1629
A flyleaf annotated by William Sancroft.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, as written by Sr Robert Cotton the 27th of Aprill 1624
, imperfect at the end.
Acquired from Lord R. Montagu, MP, 27 June 1863.
Copy, in a professional cursive secretary hand, with a title-page, as written by Sr. Robert Cotton
. c.1624-30s.
Yelverton MS 111, among papers of Sir Henry Yelverton (1566-1629), Justice of the Common Pleas, and his family.
Constituting Volume LV of the Leeds Papers, chiefly collected by Sir Thomas Osborne (1632-1712), Earl of Danby and first Duke of Leeds, politician.
c.1640.Copy, in the hand of Ralph Starkey, as written by Sr Robarte Cotton the 27 of Aprill, 1624
. 1624-8.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, as written by Sr: Robert Cotton the 27th: of Aprill. 1624.
Indexof contents, 247 leaves, in modern half morocco gilt.
In various professional hands, including those of Ralph Starkey (c.1569-1628), antiquary, and the Feathery Scribe
Later owned by Peter Le Neve (1661-1729), herald and antiquary. Then by Robert Harley.
Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, with (f. 211r) a lengthy title-page (written By Sir Robert Cotten
, and dated 27 April 1624.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, with a title-page, as Written by Sr. Robert Cotton Knight & Baronett...the 27th of Aprill 1624
M.B.on the front cover.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, as Written by Sr Robert Cotten the 27th of Aprill 1624
M.B.on the front cover.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, as Written by Sir Robert Cotton the 27th of Aprill Anno 1624
Several items inscribed by Wanley with the same date of accession into the Harley Library 13 August, 1724
Copy, as written by Sr Robert Cotton the 27 of Aprill 1624
Later in the library of Edward Umfreville (1702?-86), collector of legal manuscripts.
Copy, as written by Sir Robt Cotton knight and barronet
, dated 27 April 1624.
Bookplate of Algernon Capell (1654-1710), second Earl of Essex, Privy Councillor, 1701.
In the collection of Francis Hargrave (1740/1-1821), legal writer.
Copy, headed
The first 79 pages in a single mixed hand; pp. 1-19 comprising political tracts; pp. 19-79 devoted to material relating to Milton; pp. 150
-144 and 154 containing a few legal notes in Latin and a list of English Phrases derivd from ye Latine tongue. &c:
in another hand, with other notes chiefly at the reverse end in later hands c.1703.
Owned by, and with later entries in the hand of, Bernard Gardiner (1668-1726), Warden of All Souls College, Oxford. Later owned and inscribed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), book and manuscript collector: Phillipps MS 3993. Sotheby's, 27 June 1919, lot 819, and 1 June 1921, lot 1003.
Cited in doubtfully
by Milton. Iin fact there is no evidence that they have any connection with him unless, perchance, they were among the general state papers to which he had access. The MS also described in
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed
Volume 8 of the papers of Sir John Eliot (1592-1632), politician, and partly in his hand.
Among the papers of the Eliot family, Earls of St Germans, of Port Eliot, Cornwall.
Recorded (as Vol. 1) in HMC, 1st Report (1870), Appendix, p. 42.
Copy, headed
A fragment of the same volume to which
Among the papers of the Eliot family, Earls of St Germans, of Port Eliot, Cornwall.
Written by Sir Robert Cotton: 27 Aprill: 1624 by Express Co, iv + 32 folio leaves, in modern boards. c.1624-30s.m and from the Duke of Buckingham
Recorded in HMC, 6th Report (1877), Appendix, p. 307.
by Sr Robert Cotton knt and Barronett, 8 + ii folio leaves, unbound. c.1624-30s.
Inscribed on the last blank page a A Alice Heyman
. Among family papers of the Earls Cowper, of Cole Green House and Panshanger, Hertfordshire, including those of Sarah Cowper (née Holled, 1644-1720), Lady Cowper, and her husband Sir William Cowper, MP (1639-1706). Received from Lady Ravensdale.
15., disbound.
Numbered by John Egerton, second Earl of Bridgewater.
Copy, in a professional mixed hand, untitled, inscribed later
Copy, as written by Sr Robte Cotton the xxvijth: of Aprill 1624
Entirely in the hand of the Feathery Scribe
Bookplate of James Buckley (1770-1839), of Bryncaerau Castle. From the library of Captain James Buckley (1869-1924), of Castell Gorfod, St Clears, Carmarthenshire, which incorporated books and manuscripts collected by Theophilus Jones (1759-1812), Brecknockshire historian, by William Owen Pughe (1759-1835), antiquary and lexicographer, and by Joseph Joseph, FSA (1890), of Brecon, collector.
Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, with a title-page, as Written by Sir Rob. Cotton the 27th of Aprill 1624
Copy, in a professional secretary hnd, with a title page, as Written by Sr Robert Cotton knight the xxvijth of Aprill. Anno Domini 1624
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 120. Microfilm in the British Library, M/346 (3rd item).
Copy, as Written by Sr Robert Cotton the 27th of Aprill 1614
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, as Written by Sr: Robt Cotton 27th: of Aprill 1624
Old pressmark E. 1. 36.
Copy, in the secretary hand of the Feathery Scribe
, as Wrytten by Sr: Robte Cotton, Knight, and Barronett, xxvijo: Aprill, 1624: By expresse Comaund, ffrom the Duke: of Buckingham
Bequeathed by Sir Jerome Alexander (c.1600-70), Justice of the Irish Common Pleas. Former pressmark G. 4. 9.
Peter Beal,
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, as Written by Sr Ro: Cotten knight vppon command of Georg Duke of Buckingham 27 April (1624
Old pressmark G. 1. 9.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, as written by Sr Robert Cotton the 27 of Aprill 1624
Inscribed (f. 76v) good mr / Mr W / Mr Wally
. Bookplate of James P. R. Lyell (1871-1948), book collector. Afterwards in the library of Charles Kay Ogden (1889-1957), psychologist, linguist, and book collector
Mostyn MS 177: from the library of the Mostyn family, of Mostyn Hall, Flintshire, and Gloddaeth, Denbighshire, whose notable book and manuscript collectors included Sir Thomas Mostyn (1651-1700?) and his grandson Sir Thomas Mostyn, fourth Baronet (1704-58).
Recorded in HMC, 4th Report (1874), Appendix, p. 355.
Copy, in a bold professional secretary hand, as by Sir Robert Cotton 27: Aprill. 1624
Feathery Scribe, ii + 281 leaves (including blanks), in calf.
In the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), book and manuscript collector: Phillipps MS 10464. Among the collections of Sir Edwin Durning-Lawrence, MP (1837-1914), Baconian scholar and book collector.
Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Owned in 1709 by Browne Willis, MP, FSA (1682-1760), of Whaddon Hall, near Winslow, Buckinghamshire, antiquary. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 11936. Bookplate of W.A. Foyle (1885-1963), of Beeleigh Abbey, Essex, bookseller. Christie's, 12-13 July 2000 (W.A. Foyle sale, Part III), lot 317.
Copy, the work dated 27 April 1624.
In a single predominantly secretary hand.
c.1640.From the library of the Harvey family, of Ickwell Bury, Bedfordshire, and Funningley Park, Yorkshire.
Recorded in HMC, 2nd report (1871), Appendix, pp. 90-1.
Tract beginning Most excellent Majesty, Wee your Lords Spirituall and Temporal, and the Commons of your Realm assembled...
Copy, entitled And thus far onlie as Sr Robert Cotton himselfe tolde mee he proceeded, leauing the rest, that concerned the treatie of marriage between Prince Charles & the Infanta...
The volume entitled
Owned, 2 April 1627, and annotated by the diarist and antiquary Sir Simonds D'Ewes (1602-50). Book label with the motto Virtute et Fide
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, as written by Sr Robert Cotton Knight and Baronett
The wrapper f. 11r is inscribed by Wanley with the date of accession to the Harley Library 16 October 1725
Copy, in double columns.
Given by William Moore.
Copy, as written by Sr Robert Cotton Knight and Baronett
In various professional hands (including the Feathery Scribe
), one distinctive secretary hand responsible for ff. 1r-141v, 177r-8v, 206r-11r, 230r-5r.
Owned by Sir Richard Grosvenor (1585-1645); later by the Duke of Westminster, Eaton Hall, Cheshire, with his bookplate (inscribed XXI No. 6
) and a label with No. 4
on the spine. Assembled largely from Liber 9
(= MS 4). Sotheby's, 19 July 1966, lot 486, to Hofmann.
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 212. Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Copy, in a professional secretary hand.
Inscribed (f. 141r) John: Saunders is the trew owner of this booke
, Captaine Christo: Blounte
, and Valentine LLawless
Owned by John Madden, MD (1649-1703/4), physician and manuscript collector. Old pressmark F. 1. 20.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed
In various professional hands, including those of the Feathery Scribe
and Ralph Starkey.
Item 142 in an unidentified sale catalogue.
Peter Beal,
In a single predominantly secretary hand.
c.1640.From the library of the Harvey family, of Ickwell Bury, Bedfordshire, and Funningley Park, Yorkshire.
Recorded in HMC, 2nd report (1871), Appendix, pp. 90-1.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, with autograph additions by Cotton, headed Meeting of the Comittee 9o Maij
Volume 9 of the papers of Sir John Eliot (1592-1632), politician.
Among the papers of the Eliot family, Earls of St Germans, of Port Eliot, Cornwall.
Recorded (as Vol. 9) in HMC, 1st Report (1870), Appendix, p. 42.
Treatise, written c.1614 and Presented to King James
, beginning Wearied with the lingering calamities of Civil Arms...
. First published in London, 1627.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, on 13 quarto leaves.
Copy, in a professional predominantly secretary hand.
In various professional hands, including that of the Feathery Scribe
Once owned by James Brydges (1674-1744), first Fuke of Chandos, politician and music patron, of Cannons, Middlesex (lot 1426 in the house sale there in 1747). Among collections of Richard Rawlinson (1690-1755), nonjuring bishop and topographer.
Described in Peter Beal,
Copy, in a professional secretary hand.
Copy, as By Sr Robert Cotton
Copy, in a probably professional secretary hand, unascribed, with a letter (f. 46v) in the same hand, signed Wal: Jeffes
, sending this tract to Caesar because it is soe well written
Papers of Sir Julius Caesar (1558-1636), Master of the Rolls.
Copy, in a professional mixed hand. c.1640.
Signed (f. 1r) by Elias Ashmole (1617-92), astrologer and antiquary. Purchased at Payne & Foss's sale, 30 April 1857, lot 130.
Copy, in a small secretary hand, with some deletions and alterations in another hand, dated 29 April 1614, probably subscribed with Cotton's name but heavily deleted, endorsed in yet another hand HEN 3 by Sr R. Cotton
. c.1620s.
Owned by the Rev. William Cole, FSA (1714-82), antiquary.
Written by Sr Ro: Cotton, subscribed
Finis: A: D: i622, ii + 16 quarto leaves, in paper wrappers within modern half-morocco.
Volume XII of the Castle Ashby Manuscripts formerly owned by the Earl Compton. Christie's, 8 March 1978, lot 295.
c.1622-30s.Copy, headed
Volume CCCLVII (Series II) of the Dropmore Papers: papers of William Wyndham Grenville, Baron Grenville (1759-1834), Prime Minister, of Dropmore House, Taplow, Buckinghamshire, and associated families.
c.1620s-40s.Inscribed on the rear cover the name of Sir Henry Anderson, Bt (d.1653).
Volume CCXXIX of the Trumbull Papers, of the Trumbull family, including chiefly William Trumbull (1576/80?-1635), diplomat and government official. Later belonging to the Marquess of Downshire, of Easthampstead Park. Formerly Berkshire Record Office Trumbull Add 19/1.
c.1620s-30s.Formerly Berkshire Record Office, Trumbull Add. 19(1).
Copy, headed
Mainly in three hands, with later additions in c.1683-99.
Inscribed names including Anthony, Thomas and John Marshall, Jonas Ramsden, Jenkinson, Thomas Maleverer, and Lawson. Owned c.1670s-90s by the family of Sir Thomas Seyliard, third Baronet (d.1701), of Delawarre, Kent. Later note: Bought this Manuscript at Montague's Book warehouse near Queen Street Lincoln's Inn Fields Tuesday Feb: 12 1739
. Later armorial bookplate apparently of the Appleyard family of either Yorkshire or Norfolk. Phillips, 20 March 1998, lot 467, to Quaritch.
Copy, in three professional secretary hands, headed written by Sr Robarte Cottone in Ano 1614 and presented to kinge James the same yeare
In professional hands, including Ralph Starkey (c.1569-1628), merchant and antiquary, the Feathery Scribe
, and John Stow (1524/5-1605), historian.
Later owned by Sir Simonds D'Ewes, Bt, MP (1602-50), diarist and antiquary.
Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed in the hand of Sir Simonds D'Ewes
annotated by, Dewes.
Copy, in the hand of Ralph Starkey, as written by Sr Robert Cotton Knight & Barronet in ano: 1614
In professional hands, including those of Ralph Starkey (c.1569-1628), merchant and antiquary, and the Feathery Scribe
Once owned by Sir Simonds D'Ewes, Bt, MP (1602-50), diarist and antiquary.
Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Copy, headed 29 April: 1614
, unascribed.
Inscribed (f. [i*r]) by Humfrey Wanley with date of accession into the Harley Library 24 die Martij. A.D. 1723/4
Copy, in a secretary hand, headed
Inscribed (f. [ir]) by Humfrey Wanley with date of accession into the Harley Library 25 Novembris, A.D. 1723
Copy, headed
Copy, in an accomplished secretary hand, subscribed
A two-leaf fragment of a copy of Cotton's tract, bound in at the end of the volume. Early 17th century?
Copy, in a secretary and italic hand, on rectos, with facing notes on versos in another hand or style, headed
Copy, in a secretary hand, headed R. C. B. 29 Aprilis 1614
Inscribed (f. 1v) Elizabeth Caldicott 1665
Copy, as written p Sr Robert Coton Knight & Baronet
Copy, on twelve of 23 long narrow ledger-size leaves.
Compiled by a University of Cambridge man.
Early 17th century.Inscribed at the end Josephus Diggins me possedit
: i.e. by Joseph Diggins, of Clare Hall, Cambridge (matric. 1607, d.1658). Christie's, 5 December 1973, lot 84, to Hofmann & Freeman.
Copy, in a secretary hand, on 36 leaves, described as Written by Sr Robert Cotton, knight Baronnett in anno 1614
The old cover inscribed Geo Davenport 1652
Copy, headed R. C. B. 29 Aprill 1614
Inscription (f. 1r) Samvell Sandys
Bookplates of John Towneley Esqr, and Aldenham Noyse Nares. Purchased from Dawson, 1942. Inscribed on a flyleaf Henry H. Gibbs / St Dunstans 1883
. Formerly C 8515M3 S559 [16--] Bound.
Copy, in two professional secretary hands, headed
Volume 8 of the papers of Sir John Eliot (1592-1632), politician, and partly in his hand.
Among the papers of the Eliot family, Earls of St Germans, of Port Eliot, Cornwall.
Recorded (as Vol. 1) in HMC, 1st Report (1870), Appendix, p. 42.
Copy of a Latin version of the tract, headed This is printed in English, Lond. 1651. in 8vo. under the name of Sir Robert Cotton. The Latine seems to be a Translation
Owned, and partly written, by William Fulman (1632-88), Oxford antiquary.
Copy, in an italic hand, 31 pages, subscribed R.O.B.
Bookplate of Sir Richard Newdigate, 1709. Among papers of the Newdegate family, Viscounts Daventry, of Arbury Hall, Nuneaton.
Warwickshire County Record Office, microfilm M1 351/2, item 12.
Spedding MS 27. Bookplate of W.T. Smedley.
c. 1627.
Copy, headed
Bookplate of Sir Walter Wilson Greg (1875-1959), bibliographer, with his notes dated November 1897 when at Trinity College, Cambridge. Item 288 in an unidentified sale catalogue.
Copy, in a secretary hand, as written by Sr: Robert Cotton knight and Barronnett
Liber B.
Some of the items copied from manuscripts of Roger Dodsworth (1585-1654), antiquary, and of the Aske family. A list of books at the end, with dates 1642-54, includes references to Robert Cotton, Sir Hugh Cholmley, and Sir Gervase Clifton (who hath ye booke
Owned by the Fairfax family of Yorkshire. Partly compiled by Charles Fairfax (1597-1673) and with annotations by his brother Ferdinando (1584-1648), second Lord Fairfax. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 11138. Sotheby's, 8 June 1898 (Phillipps sale), lot 406, sold to Downing. Bonham's, 18 March 2008, lot 250.
Facsimile of p. 283 in Bonham's sale catalogue, p. 102.
by Sr Robert Cotton, in a professional secretary hand, on thirteen folio leaves.
In a volume also containing numerous blanks and a one-page Italian text at the reverse end, in contemporary limp vellum.
c.1620s.Bookplate of Thomas Philip, Earl de Grey, of Wrest Park, Bedfordshire.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed
Feathery Scribe), now bound in two volumes, Vol. I comprising 249 leaves (plus blanks), Vol. II 247 leaves (plus blanks), each in modern half-morocco gilt.
Among the collections of Thomas Tenison (1636-1715), Archbishop of Canterbury.
Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Sr Robert Cotton, on eleven large folio leaves (plus two blanks), frayed and stained, unbound. c.1630s.
Among the muniments of Lord Mexborough, descended from the Savile family formerly of Methley Hall, near Pontefract, West Yorkshire.
Copy, in a secretary hand, headed
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed
Partly in the hand of Robert Vaughan (1591/2-1667) of Hengwrt, antiquary.
From the library of Bertram Ashburnham (1797-1878), fourth Earl of Ashburnham, book collector. Sotheby's, 11 December 1997, lot 81.
Copy, as Written by Sir Robert Cotton
A formal compilation written throughout in a calligraphic hand, in black and red inks with elaborate black and coloured decorations and patterned layouts, associated with one Henry Feilde, with his inscription (p. 1) No 4. Henry Feilde 1642
Bookplates of Joseph Haslewood (1769-1833), bibliographer and antiquary, and of the Rev. Charles Winn (1795-1874), of Nostell Priory, Yorkshire. Christie's, 2 July 1975, lot 229, to H.P. Kraus. Sotheby's, New York, 17 December 1992, lot 95.
Facsimile example in Sotheby's sale catalogue.
Copy, in a small professional predominantly secretary hand, headed By Sr Robert Cotton
Largely (but not entirely) a duplicate of MS 121.
c.1620s-30s.Copy, in a rounded secretary hand, headed
Among the collections of Sir Edwin Durning-Lawrence, MP (1837-1914), Baconian scholar and book collector.
Owned in 1799 by Thomas Crane, Minister of St Olave's, Chester (bookplate and inscription). Bookplate of Robert Offley Ashburton Milnes, afterwards Crewe- Milnes (1858-1945), first Marquess of Crewe. Christie's, 26 November 1997, lot 74.
Among papers of the Troyte-Bullock family, formerly of Zeals House, Mere.
Copy, headed
Once owned by Sir Norton Knatchbull, first Baronet (1602-85). Scribbling on a flyleaf includes the name M Baldacke
Copy, the work dated 1614.
In a single predominantly secretary hand.
c.1640.From the library of the Harvey family, of Ickwell Bury, Bedfordshire, and Funningley Park, Yorkshire.
Recorded in HMC, 2nd report (1871), Appendix, pp. 90-1.
Owned in April 1799 by Thomas Crane, antiquary, of Chester, who on the verso of the title-page incorrectly describes the MS as being in Cotton's own hand. Later owned by Robert Ashburton Milnes, afterwards Crewe-Milnes (1858-1945), first Marquess of Crewe, politician.
Speech, beginning Gold and silver haue a twofoeld estimacon in extrinsicke as they are moneyes...
, relating to Cotton's principal speech on coinage.
Copy, in the hand of Ralph Starkey, headed Sr Robert Cottons Speeche to his matie: on Sonday ye .3. of September at the Councell table aboute the alteracion of the moneys. 1626, follwed (ff. 229r-31r) by the Answer
of the Council.
Copy, in a cursive secretary hand, headed Rob: Cotton
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, with alterations, headed Ro: Cotton
Owned by Sir Robert Cotton, with (f. vr) his engraved plate, his autograph signatures (ff. 50r, 61r, 159r), and his occasional annotations throughout.
Later owned by Thomas Baker (1656-1740), Cambridge antiquary. Acquired in 1751 by Joseph Massie. Including part of a letter about the MS by W. Herne, 30 March 1752. Purchased from Massie in 1761.
Copy, as Sir Robt. Cotton's speech...
, on three pages of a pair of conjugate quarto leaves.
Copy, in the secretary hand of the Feathery Scribe
, headed
In various professional hands, including those of the Feathery Scribe
and Ralph Starkey.
Item 142 in an unidentified sale catalogue.
Peter Beal,
Copy, headed
From the Braye Manuscripts, descending from John Browne (1608-91), Clerk of the Parliaments, whose daughter, Martha, married Sir Roger Cave, Bt, of Stanford Hall, Rugby, seat of successive Lords Braye.
A bound set of photocopies of this volume is in the Parliamentary Archives, BRY/51.
Speech beginning Mr. Speaker, Although the constant Wisdome of this House of Commons...
Copy, in a professional cursive secretary hand, as by Sr R. Cotton Kt and Bart
, and dated 1625.
Owned by, and occasionally annotated in the rugged italic hand of, Francis Russell, MP (1593-1641), fourth Earl of Bedford, politician.
Recorded in HMC, 2nd Report (1871), Appendix, p. 3.
Constituting Volume LV of the Leeds Papers, chiefly collected by Sir Thomas Osborne (1632-1712), Earl of Danby and first Duke of Leeds, politician.
c.1640.1625and as
Written by Sr: Robert Cotton Knight and Barronet, i + nine folio leaves, in paper wrappers. c.1625-30s.
Copy, in a professional rounded predominantly secretary hand, as Written by Sir Robert Cotton Knight and Baronett
, dated Anno d
Purchased in December 1806 from Mr Mercier. Old pressmark I. 3. 18.
Owned in 1709 by Browne Willis, MP, FSA (1682-1760), of Whaddon Hall, near Winslow, Buckinghamshire, antiquary. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 11936. Bookplate of W.A. Foyle (1885-1963), of Beeleigh Abbey, Essex, bookseller. Christie's, 12-13 July 2000 (W.A. Foyle sale, Part III), lot 317.
Copy, the work dated 1625.
In a single predominantly secretary hand.
c.1640.From the library of the Harvey family, of Ickwell Bury, Bedfordshire, and Funningley Park, Yorkshire.
Recorded in HMC, 2nd report (1871), Appendix, pp. 90-1.
Speech beginning My Lords, Since it hath pleased this Honourable Table to command...
Copy of a version, in a professional secretary hand, annotated by the fourth Earl of Bedford, headed answere
of the Committees.
Compiled by, and partly in the rugged italic hand of, Francis Russell, MP (1593-1641), fourth Earl of Bedford, politician.
c.1626-30s.Recorded in HMC, 2nd Report (1871), Appendix, p. 1.
Copy, in a single hand, a title-page added in a different hand
Owned in 1721 by Thomas Hearne (1678-1735), antiquary, who has inscribed f. [ir] Given to me by Richard Graves, of Mickleton near Campden in Gloucestershire, Esq.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand.
Once in the library of James Brydges (1674-1744), first Duke of Chandos, politician and patron of music, of Cannons, Middlesex (lot 280 in the house sale there in 1747).
Copy, in a professional hand.
Copy, in two neat hands, endorsed by Walpole
Volume CCXCVII of the papers of Horatio Walpole, MP (1678-1757), first Baron Walpole of Wolterton, diplomat.
Constituting Volume LV of the Leeds Papers, chiefly collected by Sir Thomas Osborne (1632-1712), Earl of Danby and first Duke of Leeds, politician.
c.1640.Copy, in the hand of Ralph Starkey, headed
Copy, in a cursive secretary hand, headed Rob: Cotton
Copy, with a title-page, followed (ff. 139r-48r) by the answers of the committee, etc.
The principal scribe associated with Henry Feilde.
c.1660s.Copy, headed
Later in the library of Edward Umfreville (1702?-86), collector of legal manuscripts.
Copy, in two professional secretary hands (changing partway down f. 90r), as by Sr Robt Cotton Kt: and Baronett...2o Sept 1626
With a title-page:
Inscribed Mary Arms Edmonds, New York, 1936
Copy, in double columns, the discourse dated 2 September 1626 and described as since by him reduced into writeinge
, followed (pp. 377-9) by the Council's Answers
, in
Given by William Moore.
Copy, followed (on ff. 120r-8v) by the
In various professional hands (including the Feathery Scribe
), one distinctive secretary hand responsible for ff. 1r-141v, 177r-8v, 206r-11r, 230r-5r.
Owned by Sir Richard Grosvenor (1585-1645); later by the Duke of Westminster, Eaton Hall, Cheshire, with his bookplate (inscribed XXI No. 6
) and a label with No. 4
on the spine. Assembled largely from Liber 9
(= MS 4). Sotheby's, 19 July 1966, lot 486, to Hofmann.
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 212. Briefly described in Peter Beal,
In a small mixed hand, headed
Copy, in two professional cursive secretary hands, headed
Bequeathed by Sir Jerome Alexander (c.1600-70), Justice of the Irish Common Pleas. Old pressmark G. 4. 13.
Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Copy, in the secretary hand of the Feathery Scribe
, with some alterations in another hand, headed
Followed, in the same scribe's hand, by related texts: (ff. 119r-21r: see
In various professional hands, including those of the Feathery Scribe
and Ralph Starkey.
Item 142 in an unidentified sale catalogue.
Peter Beal,
Facsimile of f. 117v in Beal,
The tract on ff. 121v-2r is in
Among papers of the Newdegate family, Viscounts Daventer, of Arbury Hall, Nuneaton.
Copy, the work dated 2 September 1626.
In a single predominantly secretary hand.
c.1640.From the library of the Harvey family, of Ickwell Bury, Bedfordshire, and Funningley Park, Yorkshire.
Recorded in HMC, 2nd report (1871), Appendix, pp. 90-1.
Tract beginning To search so high as the Norman Conquest...
. First published, as
Copy, in a professional hand, the title in another hand, incomplete.
Robert Cotton, on 26 quarto leaves (plus a few blanks), in contemporary calf. c.1630.
Copy, in a cursive secretary hand, with autograph corrections and revisions by Cotton and signed by him at the end (Ro: Cotton
Copy, in a professional hand, headed
Copy, a sidenote on f. 486r dated 1629.
Among the collections of Browne Willis, MP, FSA (1682-1760), antiquary, of Whaddon Hall, near Winslow, Buckinghamshire.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, unascribed. c.1620s-30s.
Yelverton MS 110, among papers of Sir Henry Yelverton (1566-1629), Justice of the Common Pleas, and his family.
by Sr. Robt: Cottonadded in another hand, 20 folio leaves, in modern half red morocco.
Later owned by Thomas Sidney Blakeney.
Copy, in a professional mixed hand, as by Sr: Ro: Cotton Kt: & Baronet. made at the begining of the pliamt Ao D
, subscribed Ro: Co: Bt:
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, unascribed.
Indexof contents, 247 leaves, in modern half morocco gilt.
In various professional hands, including those of Ralph Starkey (c.1569-1628), antiquary, and the Feathery Scribe
Later owned by Peter Le Neve (1661-1729), herald and antiquary. Then by Robert Harley.
Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, unascribed.
Feathery Scribe), 456 leaves, in half mottled leather on marbled boards gilt.
Later owned by Edward Stillingfleet (1635-99), Bishop of Worcester. Bought by Robert Harley in 1707.
Briefly described in Peter Beal,
In a single professional secretary hand.
In the collection of Francis Hargrave (1740/1-1821), legal writer and book collector. Also inscribed on f. 2r Tho Manby
Copy, lacking title, imperfect, subscribed Robt. Cotton
. Indexed in the table of contents (f. 336) as The relac
Feathery Scribe, 336 leaves.
In the collection of Francis Hargrave (1740/1-1821), legal writer. Inscribed by him on f. [iv] F. Hargrave A gift made to me this day by my friend George Hardinge Esquire [(1743-1816), judge and writer]. F. H. 16. July 1789.
Described in Peter Beal,
Copy, as by Sr Robert Cotton knt & Baronett
Later in the library of Edward Umfreville (1702?-86), collector of legal manuscripts.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand.
Feathery Scribeand Ralph Starkey (c.1569-1628), 374 leaves (plus blanks), in modern quarter-calf. c.1620s-30s.
Bookplate of John Moore (1646-1714), Bishop of Ely.
Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Copy, in a professional predominantly secretary hand, subscribed Ro: Co: Br.
, on 21 quarto leaves.
Volume 8 of the papers of Sir John Eliot (1592-1632), politician, and partly in his hand.
Among the papers of the Eliot family, Earls of St Germans, of Port Eliot, Cornwall.
Recorded (as Vol. 1) in HMC, 1st Report (1870), Appendix, p. 42.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, subscribed Ro: Co. Br.
Volume 8 of the papers of Sir John Eliot (1592-1632), politician, and partly in his hand.
Among the papers of the Eliot family, Earls of St Germans, of Port Eliot, Cornwall.
Recorded (as Vol. 1) in HMC, 1st Report (1870), Appendix, p. 42.
Copy, subscribed Ro: Co: Br:
A fragment of the same volume to which
Among the papers of the Eliot family, Earls of St Germans, of Port Eliot, Cornwall.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand.
Feathery Scribe), 262 leaves, in contemporary calf.
Inscribed in court hand by one M: Bayley
. Later Phillipps MS 15141. Sold by James Tregaskis, 4 June 1902. Formerly MS 1054.
Described in Peter Beal,
Copy, in a professional predominantly secretary hand, subscribed
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, the title-page beginning Written by Sr Ro
, and undated.
Assembled, at least in part, by John Selden, MP (1584-1654), lawyer and historian. Among collections bequeathed by Sir Mathew Hale (1609-76), Chief Justice of the King's Bench, legal writer.
Robert Cotton, 19 + i leaves, disbound. c.1620s.
Presented by J. Stanley Holmes, July 1948. Formerly House of Commons Library MS 5.
Copy, in a professional italic hand, subscribed Rob: Cotton
, and docketed 8 Febr. 1623
Among the family papers of Rachel Wolriche-Whitemore (1908-96), Lady Labouchere, of Dudmaston Hall.
Copy, the work dated 1621.
In a single predominantly secretary hand.
c.1640.From the library of the Harvey family, of Ickwell Bury, Bedfordshire, and Funningley Park, Yorkshire.
Recorded in HMC, 2nd report (1871), Appendix, pp. 90-1.
Tract beginning Since at these Assemblies few Diaries, or exact Iournall Books are remaining...
. First published as
Copy, in a professional cursive secretary hand, as Written by Sr R. Cotton Kt. and Baronett
Owned by, and occasionally annotated in the rugged italic hand of, Francis Russell, MP (1593-1641), fourth Earl of Bedford, politician.
Recorded in HMC, 2nd Report (1871), Appendix, p. 3.
Copy, in a professional hand.
Bought from E. Williams, 13 October 1917.
Copy, in a professional hand.
Among collections of Sir William Dugdale (1605-86), antiquary and herald. Once owned by Sir Henry Spelman (1564?-1641), historian and antiquary. Later owned by Cox Macro (1683-1767), antiquary. Christie's, February 1820 (Macro sale, Part VI). Then owned by Hudson Gurney (1775-1864), banker and antiquary (Gurney MS XXX, Vol. 2). Sotheby's, 30 March 1936 (Gurney sale), lot 108.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, as by Sir Robert Cotton Knight and Baronett
M.B.on the front cover.
Autograph draft of the first part.
Copy, in a professional cursive secretary hand, with a title-page, as by Ser Robert Cotton Knt, & Baronet
In various professional hands, including that of the Feathery Scribe
Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Copy, as By Sr Robert Cotton
. Mid-17th century.
Bookplate of Algernon Capell, Earl of Essex, 1701.
Copy, in a professional cursive secretary hand, headed A Treatise Written by Sr Robert Cotton knight and Barronett concerning the Soueraignes presence in the great Councells or assemblies of State of the Kingdome by Co
Old pressmark E. 2. 7.
Copy, in the secretary hand of Ralph Starkey (c.1569-1628), antiquary, as written by Sr Robarte Cotton knight & Baronet in Januarie. 1623
, and subscribed Ro: Cotton
In various professional hands, including those of the Feathery Scribe
and Ralph Starkey.
Item 142 in an unidentified sale catalogue.
Peter Beal,
In a single predominantly secretary hand.
c.1640.From the library of the Harvey family, of Ickwell Bury, Bedfordshire, and Funningley Park, Yorkshire.
Recorded in HMC, 2nd report (1871), Appendix, pp. 90-1.
Tract beginning I am not ignorant, that this latter age hath brought forth a swarm of busie heads...
, dated 11 August 1613. First published in two editions, as respectively
Copy, unascribed.
Presented to the Bodleian in 1620 by Sir Peter Manwood (1571-1625), judge and antiquary.
Headed Robertus Cotton
Copy, headed
Copy, in several secretary hands, headed
Thomas Thorpe,
Copy, headed
In a single calligraphic hand, employing various scripts, a scribe identified or associated with one Henry Feilde.
c.1640s.Later owned by the Rev. Philip Bliss (1787-1857), antiquary and book collector. Sotheby's, 21 August 1858 (Bliss sale), lot 140.
This MS discussed in Van Strien.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed
Yelverton MS 110, among papers of Sir Henry Yelverton (1566-1629), Justice of the Common Pleas, and his family.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed
Copy, in the hand of Ralph Starkey. headed
In professional hands, including those of Ralph Starkey (c.1569-1628), merchant and antiquary, and the Feathery Scribe
Once owned by Sir Simonds D'Ewes, Bt, MP (1602-50), diarist and antiquary.
Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed
M.B.on the front cover.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed
Copy, with a title-page:
The principal scribe associated with Henry Feilde.
c.1660s.Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed
Later in the library of John, first Baron Lumley (c.1533-1609), collector.
Copy, in a professional cursive secretary hand, headed
From the library of the Ormsby Gore family, Barons Harlech, of Brogyntyn (or Porkington), Oswestry, Shropshire.
Recorded in HMC 2nd Report (1871), Appendix, p. 86, No. 39.
Anno Do, i + nine folio leaves, unbound. c.1620s.m 1613 Aug: 11. R: C:
Copy, in a small predominantly italic hand, unascribed, with a sidenote ex MS. Bib. Bod. Archive
Copy, in a professional predominantly secretary hand, with a title-page Ano D
, and docketed at the end pelegi. febr. 2. 1673 Jo: Witham
Feathery Scribe, 517 leaves, in reversed calf.
No. 11 inscribed
Collected in 1674 by one John Witham.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed
Bequeathed by Sir Jerome Alexander (c.1600-70), Justice of the Irish Common Pleas. Old pressmark E. 1. 10.
Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed
Old pressmark F. 3. 17.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed
Bequeathed by Sir Jerome Alexander (c.1600-70), Justice of the Irish Common Pleas. Old pressmark G. 4. 8.
Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Copy, in a professional cursive secretary hand, headed
Inscribed (f. 76v) good mr / Mr W / Mr Wally
. Bookplate of James P. R. Lyell (1871-1948), book collector. Afterwards in the library of Charles Kay Ogden (1889-1957), psychologist, linguist, and book collector
Recorded in HMC, 7th Report, part I (1879), Appendix, p. 509.
Copy, the work dated August: 11. Anno Domini 1613
In a single predominantly secretary hand.
c.1640.From the library of the Harvey family, of Ickwell Bury, Bedfordshire, and Funningley Park, Yorkshire.
Recorded in HMC, 2nd report (1871), Appendix, pp. 90-1.
Once owned by Sir Richard Grosvenor (1585-1645). Formerly owned by the Marquis of Westminster, Eaton Hall, Cheshire (Liber 5
= MS 8). Sotheby's, 19 July 1966, lot 485, to Dobell.
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 212. A microfilm of the MS is in the British Library, RP 45.
Notes out of
Extracts from
Inscribed Th. Crewe, pret. 3s 6d
Autograph draft, listing historical cases and precedents up to Henry VII, beginning Odo Byshop of Bayeux and Erl of Kent
, and citing sources, on both sides of a single folio leaf.
Among the collections of Elias Ashmole (1617-92), astrologer and antiquary.
Copy of Cotton's opinion concerning the course to be pursued with respect to the false charges against the Duke of Buckingham made by the Spanish ambassador Inojosa, beginning In humble Obedience of yor Graces Co
; docketed on blank f. 426 bis Apr. or May 1624
and endorsed on f. 532 bisv Sr Rob: Cotton touching Inojosa
Copy of a series of extracts and aphorisms, headed ffaithe & merite ought to be the attractives of Princes affectyones...
, in a secretary hand, imperfect, lacking the remainder after a catchword His
Several autograph or partly autograph papers by Cotton, who signs f. 3r Robertus Cottonus Conningtonensis 1602
, including two autograph pedigrees showing the descent of Conington Manor, Huntingdonshire (f. 2r-v); his apparently autograph preamble to an inspeximus of the will of Edward VI (f. 70r); and a scribal copy of the will of Henry VIII inscribed by Cotton in 1604 Adulterina voluntas
(ff. 70r-7v).
Afterwards owned by Sir Richard St George (1554/5-1635), Clarenceux King of Arms, and possibly by his grandson, Sir Henry St George (1625-1715), Clarenceux and Garter King of Arms. Presented by William Guthrie (1708?-70), historian and political journalist, 24 April 1764.
Autograph or partly autograph drafts, including memoranda on
Inscribed (f. 1r) A Collection made by Sr Robert Cotton for his Maties Seruice in time of Extremytie
. A list of contents (f. 2v) is in the hand of Sir William Dugdale (1605-86), antiquary and herald.
Autograph notes and drafts, including notes on ff. 87r-91v, 94r-100v, 131r-2v; a scribal copy of a letter to James I on f. 78r beginning It was a custome amonge the Romans (Most high most mighty) that such officers...
Autograph drafts, with copious revisions, relating to royal revenues, and money matters, headed A Table Directory how ye Kingkes of England hau supplied ther wants by Parlements: R. St. 1615
(the signature
here doubtfully ascribed underneath to Ralph Starkey).
Autograph drafts, with revisions, headed
Autograph drafts, relating principally to wayes and meanes vsed to fylle the Tresurye by the kinges prerogative
and commissions for men and shipping.
In professional hands, including those of the Feathery Scribe
, Ralph Starkey (c.1569-1628), merchant and antiquary, and John Stow (1524/5-1605), historian.
Later owned, and annotated, by Sir Simonds D'Ewes.
Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Possibly autograph notes.
Possibly autograph draft letter to James I.
Autograph draft.
Autograph letter signed.
Autograph notes.
Autograph notes etc.
Autograph draft concerning the precedency of peers in parliament, subscribed Ro: Cotton
Miscellaneous autograph notes.
A group of miscellaneous drafts of one or more historical narratives by Cotton, including references to Henry III and Thomas Cromwell, chiefly autograph, with copious revisions, and with additions in one or possibly two other hands (including ff. 101r, 102r-3v. and 105r-v), the leaves once folded as letters or a packet.
Several of the leaves (ff. 105r, 112v, 113v) endorsed by Humfrey Wanley (1672-1726), scholar and Harley's librarian, Bought of H. W.
Ro: Cotton: 26: March: 1603.1603.
Ro: Cotton: 26: Mar. 1603.1603.
In this busi[nes]se layed vpon vs by the howse..., on the first two pages of a pair of conjugate folio leaves. Early 17th century.
Copy of the ending, in a professional hand, imperfect, all the beginning excised.
Once owned by Thomas Martin (1697-1771), of Palgrave, antiquary and collector (No. 4556 in the 1773 catalogue of his books). Among the collections of Richard Gough, FSA (1735-1809), antiquary and topographer.
A list of parliamentary speeches during the reigne of Queen Elizabeth, in the hand of Ralph Starkey (c.1569-1628), antiquary, subscribed by Cotton All thes that I haue marked I desier to se and Examin by my book and the shalbe safly retorned you with many thanks / your assured frend / Robert Cotton
Humphrey Wanley's inscription (f. 1r) on his date of accession 26 August 1724
Autograph draft notes, including Mr Speaker from the king about Composition for Purueour and releuing the kings wants
and references to Sir Edwin Sandys.
Humphrey Wanley's inscription (f. 1r) on his date of accession 26 August 1724
Autograph draft, with revisions, for a speech about the naturalisation of foreigners.
Humphrey Wanley's inscription (f. 1r) on his date of accession 26 August 1724